China Glaze Summer Neons Collection – Under The Boardwalk NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 11 - 2012

Some polishes make you gasp with their sheer beauty, others turn down your lips with an overriding “meh”.  China Glaze’s Under the Boardwalk has me scratching my head in total bewilderment.  How can a polish look so different in the bottle compared to how it applies on the nail?

Please excuse the mistreated cuticles (I need some marigolds), but what kind of messed-up voodoo is at play here?!  Is it purple or is it pink?  I even did an extra two coats (4 shown in the photo above) to make sure that the colour was fully fully opaque.

And then it got weirder when I read this about it on The PolishAholic.  Anyone else got a freaky one?

China Glaze Under the Boardwalk, you tricky, shape-shifting polish you.  I wouldn’t mind, but you’re not even a particularly fashincating colour!  Get over yourself.

China Glaze Under The Boardwalk is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at, priced from £6.95

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Splish Splash NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 5 - 2012

Sink or swim?  I’m definitely sinking this week but I’m not going down without a fight!  Splish Splash feels rather apt and this beautiful cerulean blue is a dreamy shade.  Again, I had issues with thickness and pooling at the edges of the nail bed… thin coats are a must, but the polish redeems itself with a no-nonsense coverage that’s done in two coats.

All of the shades in this Summer Neons collection have benefited from a top coat to bring back the shine that these neon formulas often lack upon dry-down.  The shimmer gives this sea-blue a real kick and sparkle that does it complete justice in the sun.

China Glaze Splish Splash is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at, priced from £6.95

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Hang Ten Toes NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 2 - 2012

I’m not really down with surfing jargon but I have totally watched Point Break as many times as the next girl, perhaps even more… sometimes in slow-motion too.

hang ten (verb American) – to ride a surfboard (at near-optimum speed or full stretch) with the toes of both feet hooked over the front. From the jargon of American surfers since the early 1960s. The phrase is sometimes used figuratively to mean something like ‘go full-tilt on a risky course.

China Glaze’s Hang Ten Toes might not make me think of Keanu Reeves or Patrick Swayze (rip) but it does make me think of long Summer days and sand between my toes.

Hang Ten Toes* is a superbly vibrant, hot pink with a silvery shimmer that gives the polish some blue flashes in the right light.  It’s a more wearable neon pink than some, though still impressively bright.  The formula was good, a little thick – as with the whole collection so far, it needs a small amount of care and attention to prevent pooling at the cuticles.  That’s the price CG have decided we should pay for impressive opacity in only two coats this time around.

China Glaze Hang Ten Toes is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at, priced from £6.95

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Orange You Hot NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2012

Orange You Hot? Well, you are indeed warmer than a slice of Kingsmill, toasted on the defrost setting.  I’m not really damning this polish with faint praise… it’s pretty bright, but to be honest… it’s still totally wearable for everyone.  I realise this is probably a good thing… but I do like my neons to just occassionally, set my retinas alight.

Orange You Hot is an orange, nay tangerine shimmer.  The shimmer adds a dose of brightness that can’t help but inject a bit of wotsit (cheetos)-flavoured sunshine into the proceedings.  Mr. L hates it… which means that I, of course, have to love it more than I really do just to piss him off.

China Glaze Orange You Hot is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at RadiantBabe-Beauty, priced from £6.75

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Ride The Waves

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 26 - 2012

I love blue nails, yet rarely wear them myself.  I don’t know why that is… perhaps the fear of smurf fingers after removal (though I’m frequently advised that a smear of vaseline over your fingertips avoids the problem), or is it simply the primitive-ness of the hue? Perhaps I’m just scared it might make me look like Michael Howard’s lovechild (afterall, there is “something of the night” about me).

China Glaze Ride The Waves doesn’t really conjour up images of riding any kind of waves, it feels more traditionally maritime blue in a Royal Navy kinda way than all surfy n’ stuff.  Although most definitely a primary blue, the finish is all squishy and jelly-like to give some oomph to its character.  Unlike some of the other brights in the Summer Neons Collection, this one isn’t actually all that bright – though it does create an impact.  Application was fine but worth bearing in mind that it will prove to be a little sheer because of the jelly finish (the above photo shows three coats).

China Glaze Ride the Waves is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at RadiantBabe-Beauty, priced from £6.75

* press sample

Clarins Kohl Kajal for Summer 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2012

I’ve been wearing a lot of kohl lately, reaching over my usual liquid liners in favour of a smudgier, more deconstructed look than normal.  This Summer, Clarins have released one of the most-beautiful-to-hold kohl liners that I’ve ever used.  The Clarins Kohl Kajal promises a soft, creamy texture that’s both deeply-pigmented and delivers a long-lasting formula.

I know that there are many different methods of applying kohl kajal and I tend to hold the larger-than-normal nib horizontally, running it along the lower waterline back and forth to build pigmentation before squeezing my eyes shut and hoping for a good amount of transfer to the top lashline!  I’ve never really been able to simultaneously run the nib along both upper and lower lashlines.  At least, not without my eyes watering.

The beauty of kohl is that its softness really delivers product into the base of the lashes, making them appear thicker and giving your eyes greater definition.  The Clarin’s version allows great manouverability with the application thanks to the cleverly designed packaging, you can tell I’m digging the packaging right?

It’s not all good stuff though as this doesn’t deliver enough pigmentation to make me delirious with joy.  Although quickly buildable, if you do the transfer method of application like me, you’ll be squinting like nobody’s business in an attempt to increase the depth of colour.  This does make it more suitable for work-appropriate looks but I do like a bit of inky blackness from my kohls!

The formula smudges easily (in a good way) but resists migration down my face admirably despite the warmer weekend weather.  I wouldn’t say that it ever fully “set” on my eyes (I was able to go back in and blend out further an hour later) but it remained on my waterline for a good few hours and between my lashes for the entire day.  It’s perhaps the perfect solution if you’re looking for a subtler version of the Indian kohl pencils.

Clarins Kohl Kajal is available to buy on counter and online at, priced at £15.00

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Pink Plumeria

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2012

I thought I’d start swatching the China Glaze Summer Neons collection with my favourite (at least from just looking at the bottles): Pink Plumeria*.  It’s a bright coral which definitely leans more towards the pink side of the spectrum, making it an excellent choice for those of us who might usually struggle with the warmth in traditional coral shades.  Pink Plumeria, to my eye at least, carries a really subtle duochrome – I’m not sure if this is intended, or is simply a result of the golden shimmer packed within.

You can see on the nail tips, there’s definitely more golden tones than toward the base of the nail bed.  The formula on this one was ok… a bit prone to pooling, so definitely paint this one on in thinner strokes.  This is going to be such a lovely pedicure shade too, I’m feeling the love for this one!

China Glaze Pink Plumeria is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at RadiantBabe-Beauty, priced from £6.75

* press sample

New for June! Orly Electronica Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 12 - 2012

Four new shades from Orly that echo Electronica’s past.  The campaign ad is a distinctly 80s affair with a touch of post-apocolyptic punk thrown in for good measure.  The shades seem to span the seasons from a summery hot pink shimmer to the more wintry slate grey.

Shades are as listed below:

Decoded: Slate grey creme
Preamp: Girly pink with gold shimmer
Shockwave: Royal blue creme
Synchro: Duochrome pink/gold (but all the swatches I’ve seen show a rose-toned polish with blue reflects – go figure!)

All shades are available to purchase online now from BeautyBay, where they’re currently priced at £7.50 each.

Are any of these on your Summer wishlist?

Chanel Summer 2012 and the Boots points conundrum!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 23 - 2012

It’s not my blogging style to post new collections but I’m making a “sort-of” exception in this case. You see, I have a good amount of Boots points burning a hole in my purse and I wanted to gauge some opinion on whether any of these pieces are setting your makeup-loving hearts alight as they are mine?

I usually buy a few Chanel or Dior pieces from the holiday collections, helped along with those handy points but last year, I only bought Chanel Féérie (not even using my points!) and I’ve barely used it. I’ve lost my splurging confidence after being totally won over by the pretty rather than the usable – do you do that?

The above picture shows a few of the pretties from the Chanel Summer 2012 Collection and I’m lusting after one of the bronzers (Sable Beige 907 – the one without the pink) and that eye duo (Sable-Émouvant) – I can’t go far wrong with those right?  I think I’m leaning more toward picking up the Sable-Émouvant eye duo and the Summer blusher (Sheer Summer Glow) from Burberry, have you seen that one?  If you’re as pale as me – I think you should take a look!

The Chanel Summer 2012 Collection will be available nationwide from Friday.

Have you got any high-end beauties on your Summer radar?

Butter London Disco Biscuit NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 21 - 2012

Continuing on the Spring/Summer Butter London parade is Disco Biscuit – a hot pink jelly with iridescent blue flashes courtesy of a sprinkling of micro-glitter.  This jelly finish is my favourite kind, soft and squishy without being too sheer – four coats gives enough coverage to please this opaque-loving polish fan.

Application wasn’t too taxing, a streaky first coat soon smoothed out with subsequent layers.  I really didn’t think I’d like this before applying it, some of the swatches I’d seen made me think I was going to have to put up with that slightly messy-looking finish that semi-sheer shades deliver but this builds beautifully to achieve just the look you want from super-sheer to fully opaque.  It would also make a beautiful layering shade if you’re keen for a little experimentation.

Butter London Disco Biscuit is available to buy online from PowderRooms, priced at £11.95

Butter London Slapper NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 18 - 2012

Butter London’s Slapper, a.k.a the hardest nail polish to photograph in the world, ever.  It’s a super-bright teal which definitely leans more green than blue.  It’s more vibrant and a bit deeper than my photograph shows.  I was getting massively frustrated trying to capture the shade until I google image’d it and it turns out that I’m not the only one who suffered!

Unlike the others that I’ve tried from the Spring/Summer collection, Slapper went on like a textbook nail polish dream, the above photo shows two coats of perfection – the shade gave me no issues at all.  This season’s brights from the brand have all been edgier than the traditional summer neons though practically as bright and eye-catching.  The subtle nuances and retro-leanings have ensured that they stand out from the other releases, though so far, the formula has been a little unpredictable.

Butter London Slapper is available to buy online from PowderRooms, priced at £11.95.

Butter London Trout Pout NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2012

Hello Trout Pout, 1983 called – they want their nail polish back.  This is one seriously retro shade that deserves pride of place in Wham’s Club Tropicana video.  It’s neon-leaning with enough pink to keep it looking acceptable on cool skintones.  My picture below sadly makes this look a little less bright than it is in real-life but the shading is accurate.

This is a beautiful shade for sandal-ready toes this summer and applies in two coats, though I did experience the same weird runny-yet-thick texture that I found with Bossy Boots so just be aware of this to prevent any cuticle pooling or bubbles… thin coats required!

Butter London Trout Pout is available to buy online from PowderRooms, priced at £11.95


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