If you go down to the woods today…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 15 - 2012

We’re slowly getting over a rash of rotten colds and chest infections here and after a full week trapped indoors, we were feeling cabin fever to the extreme. Spotting a break in the clouds, we jumped in the car and headed to the New Forest for the afternoon. It was freezing! (all images are clickable)

leila in the new forest mossy trees skeleton leaves history tree made in 1980

We parked up alongside Rhinefield Ornamental Drive which features some of the most impressive trees in the UK — including the tallest Redwood and the heaviest Sequoia! — Leila wasn’t hugely impressed but it doesn’t take much to get me and Paul nodding appreciatively. L hugged a couple of trees, I took a bunch of texture photos and P put up with our moaning about being cold/tired/ill (delete as appropriate).

robin red breast a lone leaf welly boots lots o' leaves douglas fir fronds

On the way there, we stopped off for a cream tea in Brockenhurst courtesy of a Groupon deal — no photos, I was too busy shovelling treacle tart down my face. I also managed to lose a button off my (button-through) dress when I was pulling Leila’s leggings up in the loo, it shot off like a rocket and ricocheted off three walls – someone’s been eating too many mince pies over the festive period.

Ultimately not the most exciting photos in the world but I’m such a sucker for fallen leaves and texture.

bokeh beautiful a breather hitching a shoulder ride robin red breast close up fallen

Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend? Tell me what you’ve been getting up to!


Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2012

It takes dedication, perseverance and often a lot of money to discover a holy grail in your collection, it’s also no mean feat when the market is so saturated with product.  I was having a little think about the (now discontinued) Chanel Dragon the other evening (completely normal behaviour) and after I’d wiped away the tears (also normal), I thought about some of the other products that have left my stash over the years, never to be seen again.  Here are a few things that I’m very sad to no longer be able to lay my hands on…

A concise selection, I think you’ll agree (don’t even get me started on nail polish…)

Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon – Chanel are on my shit list for this.  Big time.

Nivea Oil-Free Moisturising Fluid – Don’t like the new “cream” version, rubbish.  This was really light and perfect for my t-zone in Summer

Chanel Egoiste EdT – OK, so it’s not discontinued as such, it’s just nowhere I’ve looked in the last 7 years.  I bullied my first boyfriend until he bought a bottle back in the 90s… I didn’t keep the boyfriend (ok, he didn’t keep me – gay, it turns out – oh how we laughed), but I did keep the bottle.

DHC for Men After Shave Lotion – Great stuff for cooling irritated post-shave skin says Mr. L – still haven’t found anything to replace it (BOO!)

Quality Street Purple Ones – Yes, I know the tins still have them but they’re IMPOSTERS.  Hazelnuts suck, bring back the brazil nut centres.

And breathe.

I’d also add No7 Luscious Lip Colour in Morello Cherry to the list (but I couldn’t find a picture).  T’was my first grown up lipstick and I’d love to find it again!

Are there any discontinued products you still pine for?

Blog Awards…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2012

…Well, what a can of worms.  If you follow the beauty/fashion blog stuffs on twitter, you’ll know that so much has already been said and I’m not sure what value I really have to add to the debate.  I haven’t got my soapbox out for a year or two but I felt like airing my feelings about being nominated for the Marie Claire blog awards

It’s flattering to be hoicked up there on a little blogging pedestal among the other nominees but recent Twitter events have revealed what everyone knew all along: that bloggers are generally not welcome in established journalist/beauty circles. We’re putting noses out of joint left, right and centre and it’s getting ugly.

Insincerity is my biggest bug bear within the beauty scene, and nothing displays that notion more proudly than when a magazine strikes up a round of blog awards.  To be nominated or awarded for being a blogger by an established print magazine has the shine stripped from the accomplishment somewhat when you’re ultimately realistic about the motivations behind the accolade.

Having said that… do I really have anything against these obvious SEO building exercises?  Not really, links make the internet go round.  My blog would be nothing without people linking to me.  It’s this free flow of information that has allowed blogging to become so mainstream but links are a two-way mutual appreciation thing and any brand, magazine or company that doesn’t acknowledge this simple truth is on a hiding to nothing.

Would I like to win the opportunity to write unpaid for Marie Claire? Well, I’ve got bills to pay like everyone else and writing is my full-time job.  If someone asks me to write for them, nine times out of ten, I want to see some benefit to my bank account as-well as my ego but ultimately, how much of a massive ego would I need to dismiss the opportunity to write a post for Marie Claire’s blog?  Surely it’s a great prize to be featured (even once) under the umbrella of a household name magazine – it seems that in established blogging circles however, it’s heinously uncool to express this opinion.  But this is where it gets contradictory…

The fact is that I’ve had 4x the number of referrals to my site today from this month-old post on Beaut.ie than I have from the freshly published Marie Claire blog award announcement so I wouldn’t consider any potential traffic surges as hugely incentive.  Nothing gets my blood pumping more than discovering one of my blogging peers or a brand I admire has linked to something I’ve written, most bloggers will recognise that feeling of pride, and it feels less hollow than an impersonal email from Marie Claire that essentially says: “Hai, You’ve been longlisted, congrats – here’s a badge to stick on your blog… nag your readers to visit our site will you? You could even tile OUR logo as your Twitter background…”

However, I’d be willing to wager that most of our mothers couldn’t give a shit that our blogs were read by over xxxxxxx amount of people in December but if we told them that we’d written something in X magazine (ok, we wouldn’t tell them it was on their blog), she’d be ringing all her bingo mates with the news faster than you could shout “full house”.  BUT if we hold our own blogs in such high regard… why are we being sniffy about the opportunity to write for theirs?  Maybe because we’re generally HUGELY passionate about blogging and magazines still mostly do the blogging thing like it’s an afterthought to their print publication. Magazines and blogs still feel like such completely different entities to me, which I suppose, goes some way to explaining why I can’t shrug off the old “can’t we all just rub along together nicely?” feeling.

It simply boils down to the uneasy feeling that by participating I’m…

a). being played like a fiddle in a greater SEO plan
b). betraying “my kind” by being flattered at an opportunity to play on the otherside of the fence
c). being occasionally ridiculed (on both sides of the fence) for even momentarily contemplating that my blog is genuinely admired

As a nominee, I should be sitting on the fence but my motivation to write this stems from the growing feeling amongst newer bloggers that established bloggers consider themselves above the whole “blog awards” thing and I just don’t think that’s true. I think many established bloggers feel that they’re damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t.  Despite popular opinion, most of us aren’t about to disappear up our own arses anytime soon but increasingly, we are resisting attempts at mining blogs for linkbacks without any personalised interaction with either us or our readers.  Most of us just want to protect what we’ve worked hard to build over many years and trust me, the longer you do it for – the more protective you feel about what you’ve built.

What do you think about Blog Awards? (as given by magazines etc…)

Happy New Year!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 1 - 2012

Happy fresh new year! 2012… doesn’t that make you feel old? It’s like a year from the future or something – I’m sure that in my head, it’s still 1998 (or maybe that’s just my music collection).

I hope you’re all knuckling down to making good on those New Year Resolutions?  I’m forever making resolutions that I semi-stick-to so I’m not sure that there’s much point in creating a new bunch but suffice to say, I’d really like to shift the remaining podge before the year is out; make Leila the happiest/most well-adjusted child possible; be a better wife and friend; become a millionaire/more comfortable in social situations/outgoing etc. etc.

If I can achieve all that before the year is out, I’ll know I’ve eaten too much cheese before bed time.

Do you have any New Year Resolutions?

Lipglossiping 2011 – A Retrospective (July – December)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 31 - 2011

A look back at some of my personal blog highlights of 2011…

Turning 30  |  Day Trips  |  Louise James Facial  |  Burberry Lipstick

Makloubeh  |  Pretty things from Lancome  |  Cool Beans Awards  |  Enrapture  |  Urban Decay

London Jaunts  |  False Lashes  |  Backstage at LFW  |  Perfume Launches

Leila’s First Nail Polish  |  Gettin’ Featured  |  Kevyn Aucoin  |  Witchy-Poo!

Bonfire Night  |  Boots HQ  |  Lipstick Drawer

Urban Decay Naked 2  |  Christmas  |  Sparkly Nails  |  Afternoon Teas  |  Shell Lip Balms

Thanks for sticking with me through the last year… aside from the highlights – there have been some real bloggy stinkers too!  Like the blog downtime that killed the ill-fated Advent giveaway, the blog-styling update that was welcomed with huge applause (you know you LOVED it really), and the bikini wax that was just supposed to be a… oh, I didn’t blog that one did I?



Lipglossiping 2011 – A Retrospective (January – June)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 30 - 2011

Tea with Bea…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 28 - 2011

Afternoon Tea at Beas of Bloomsbury was a real Christmas highlight.  I’m not in the habit of paying £60 for an afternoon of tea-table frivolity but as a special treat for my Mum, Dad and Leila, it turned out to be money well spent.  We rolled up at two in the afternoon to be told that they were booked solid at their St. Paul’s branch, so I did what any mother would do and prodded Leila in the ribs with a biro until a few fat tears rolled down her Dickensian flushed cheeks.  The lady behind the counter took pity on us Leila and ushered us upstairs to the empty mezzanine which as time would tell, filled with hustle and bustle very quickly indeed.

Ham, brie and tomato, sauteed mushrooms and wild rocket, cupcakes-a-plenty, Bailey’s marshmallows, scones, pistachio meringues and brownies (both dark and white chocolate) filled the tea stand to bursting.  I supped on Chinese Gunpowder while my mother opted for Lemon Verbena.

Leila got her own Gingerbread lady…

What a throughly lovely way to spend a chilly afternoon in central London!  What’s your favourite location for afternoon tea?

* I didn’t really poke Leila with a biro… except for that one time when she slouched.

Well, that went better than expected…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 27 - 2011

Hello!  Are you all NOTD’ed out?  Sorry about that – I was hugely up against it, but in fairness – weren’t those w7 polishes something else?  Anyway, seeing as I was too full of turkey to log on and wish you all a Merry Christmas on the 25th, I’ll give you a little overview of this year’s festivities and wish you a Happy New Year instead!

I don’t think I’ve been satisfied with Christmas since I was about 11 – there’s been a heavy feeling of ‘is this it?’ invading most Christmases (except for the one I got engaged) but 2011 has surely outdone itself. Maybe having a 2 year old makes all the difference. Infact, I know it does. You work so hard to ensure that it’s as down-right magical as possible, that it can’t help but rub off.

From dancing to steelband carols in the middle of Oxford St to visiting Father Christmas in his giant Christmas Tree off Queensway, this last week has been a memorable and festive one.  Leila charmed the pants off a particularly wonderful employee in House of Fraser and toddled out of there with a bag literally crammed with fragrance samples.  A smile so big you never did see, and she still won’t let me dip in to it!

We cream tea’ed at Beas of Bloomsbury, Bagel’ed at Beigel Bake (*cough* more than once), and buffet’ed ’til we needed anti-MSG shots in Chinatown.  I even got my eyebrows threaded in public!  If that can happen, then Father Christmas and a few reindeer is a doddle.

I’m off to Manchester on the 30th for a few nights, don’t laugh – I love the city, it’s where I honeymooned (romantic no?) and if it weren’t for the rain, being a soft Southerner and the fact that Cosmetic Candy lives there, I’d totally move North.

I hope you’ve all had magnificent/awe-inspiring/magical/passable Christmases (delete as appropriate), make the most of the remaining days in 2011, before you know it – we’ll be submerged into the abject misery that is January.

Christmas Catch Up…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 17 - 2011

Christmas is well and truly kicking my arse at the moment.  I’m snowballing out of control with work deadlines, family commitments, self-imposed pre-christmas goals and other random stuff like finding time to sleep.  Get the violin out, infact… better make it a cello.

I’m not the kind of person to follow the above statement up with a quip like “…but it’s good to be busy!!!!”, cos it’s not – it actually f-in sucks to realise that the last time you vegetated infront of YouTube was well over a month ago.  It sucks even more when you look into the near future and can still only see STUFF.  Like a big, blankety blizzard of crap that threatens to engulf and swallow you whole.

Merry Christmas by the way….

So, what this means is that posting may be a bit thin on the ground over the next couple of weeks.  I’m scheduling in posts now and there’s a LOT of nail posts going up.  If you’re a blogger, you may be smiling wryly to yourself right now because as most beauty bloggers know… a NOTD is the post that gets thrown up when you’re too knackered to write an indepth review.  HERE.  LOOK.  PRETTY.  NAILS.

No disrespect to nail bloggers btw, your shit rulez ‘cos you do comparison swatches and all that actual USEFUL stuff, whereas I just go “oooh look nail polish!”

Now, don’t actually feel sorry for me… because I’m going on a Spa break tomorrow with VexintheCity (woohoo!)  Admittedly, we check in at 2pm and will be gone by 10am the following morning, and I have to drive like a billion miles there and a billion miles back.  And then when I get back — ON THE SAME DAY — I have to pack to go away again with the family for 4 days and then get back on Christmas Eve and cook a meal for 7 that evening and a meal for 8 the following day.

Has that cello arrived yet?

Ok, I’m shuttup now.

How are your Christmas(es) shaping up?  Ready to replace the turkey for your own head in the oven yet?

Lipstick Psychology: What does your lipstick say about YOU?

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 6 - 2011

I found this little article over on beautypress.com and it made me smile (and dig out all my lipsticks for a bit of self-analysis).  What does the shape of your lipstick tip say about you?

Honestly, if I was having a peek in someone’s makeup bag… found a lipstick, wound it up and saw a tip like #1… I’d move the hell away from the owner.

Me?  I’m a #4 – I just keep ’em in the shape I buy them! But, I’m nothing like the personality described.  Infact, if you wrote down the opposite of every adjective used to describe a #4-er, you’d get closer to me.  My Nan however, was an absolute #3.  I used to marvel at her perfectly rounded lipsticks… and the description, well it describes her so well it’s a little bit frightening!

What are you – and does the description fit with your personality?


Burberry Body: New Ad featuring Rosie Huntington-Whiteley & The Feeling

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 25 - 2011

Sometimes I get a gut feeling about something and I can’t always pin it down and explain it to myself in a way that helps me unravel and make sense of it. This is one of those times.

The new Burberry Body ad (which premiered the other day on ITV1) features a very beautiful Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and a fitting, delicately-orchestrated track by The Feeling but… it’s leaving me a little conflicted.

Wanna see?

It’s beautiful isn’t it? The back-lighting, the photography, the way the material from the coat moves around her naked form.  But, I don’t actually feel anything other than a bit of a perv after watching it.

I know that sex sells and it sells to both men and women regardless of sexual orientation but this is a strip-tease, with added come-hither eyes to the viewer (that’s me) and whilst I don’t object to the content of the ad – I’m just failing to see the relevance as the camera pans to her nethers.  Infact, the only real connection my mind makes (as the bottle spins around provocatively) is that RHW is contemplating using it for something a bit inappropriate and I’m not entirely sure that this is what Burberry are trying to convey.

Perhaps I’m overthinking things and shouldn’t delve beyond the classic “if I buy your product, I’ll get a body like RHW” hook but in fairness, it’s Burberry’s fault because they’ve taken a bit of subtle “sex sells” and turned it into “if Harrods did Spearmint Rhino”.

What do you think of the new Burberry Body ad?


Toot Toot! (that’s my horn right there)

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 22 - 2011

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards.

The competition is ridiculously tough and once you click through to see it, you’ll be like “sorry Char, her’s is actually better” and I’d probably agree with you but I do have a secret weapon up my sleeve to curry favour.

Having had a look at the awards in closer detail, it appears that if I win, I get to exercise bragging rights and a badge.  However, when you submit a vote for your favourite, you can enter into a draw to win all sorts of wondrous, beauty prizes.  So really… you could say that I’m actually asking you to do this for your own benefit…

…but I won’t, ‘cos otherwise you’d definitely vote for someone else.


p.s.  I’m not a video blogger – have I just disqualified myself?

p.p.s.  The beauty blog category is on the first page.  Lazy.

p.p.p.s.  I like things in threes.  Thank you!



Win a La Femme Blush Palette and 12 Blushes!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

The Lipstick League – week of 13.5.13

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

What's in my bag? The boring edition.

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Food Friday: Brioche Vendéenne

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Liz Earle TV!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

When good hormones go bad. My quest to smell like a man!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

BBLL – Saturday 23rd January 2010

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Deal Alert: Mark Hill Hairdryer LESS than half price at BOOTS!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Free 15ml Elemis Pro Collagen Marine Cream @ John Lewis today & tomorrow!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

The Lipstick League – week of 3.12.12

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Hello? Is this thing on?

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my Escentual.com top picks!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Dear Obesity...

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

By some twilight zone-esque stroke of good fortune, I’m one of the nominated top 6 beauty blogs in the Handbag.com 2011 Beauty Awards. The competition …


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