China Glaze Crackle Glitters. Swatched.

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 11 - 2012

I’m crackled out.  I’ve been crackled out for about a year.  I’m bored of crackle.  No more crackle.  Boo to crackle.

China Glaze have released FOUR new crackle glitter polishes, because they think that I OBVIOUSLY haven’t seen enough crackle yet.  The new China Glaze Crackle Glitters* landed on my doormat yesterday and I thought I’d swatch them up for all those 3 people out there who aren’t bored of crackle polishes yet.

If I’m serious for a moment, they’re actually pretty cool (in a really boring crackly way).  The four shades are Summer brights and each dries to a matte finish.  I haven’t applied a top coat in the swatches because all the swatches I’ve seen so far DO include a top coat and I also wanted to gauge their drying time and how much they might/might no pull apart the lower layers of my maniucre as they dried.

Turns out, they didn’t fare too badly at all, each finger was touch dry in about 10 minutes and fully dry within half an hour.  That’s without top coat remember.

The four shades from left to right:

Luminous Lavender (luscious light purple)
Glam-More (bold fuchsia)
Jade-d (radiant bright green)
Gleam Me Up (bright sky blue)

Jade-d is a beaut, it’s a golden green that really pops against a black nail. Glam-more and Gleam Me Up are equally punchy and Luminous Lavender is left languishing as my least favourite.  It’s simply sheerer than the rest and lacks the spark and contrast apparent in the other shades.

Ultimately, whilst I’m massively over the crackle trend, the formula on these is great and I’ll begrudgingly admit that there’s nothing better for patching up a tired manicure in minutes.  Got tip wear?  Slick a coat of one of these over the top and you’re sorted.  It’s a lazy girl’s secret weapon in her nail arsenal (am I giving away my secrets?)

If you’re on a budget, it’s worth pointing out that MUA do some crackle glitters for around half the price of these, though I haven’t tried them so can’t comment on their quality.

China Glaze Crackle Glitters should be available to buy in the UK instore from Sallys.  I can’t see them up on radiant-babe-beauty or beauty4nails-body yet, but I’m sure it won’t be long.

Are these reigniting a spark of fondness for just one more dip into the trend?

* press sample

Speckled foil easter egg nails!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 5 - 2012

Maybe I’ve been eyeing up too many chocolate eggs but this is just making me think of a Cadbury’s egg with a good dose of speckling!

Today’s NOTD is courtesy of Butter London’s HRH with a coat of the lovely L.A Colors in Jewel Tone ontop.  Although the glitter in Jewel Tone is fairly dense, the base is far too translucent to work as anything other than a layering polish.  Nevermind, it’s only 99p from BeautyBase afterall (£1.29 online) and works beautifully with a whole range of purples, blues and pinks!

Check out Rhamnousia’s great comparison with the much-loved Models Own Disco Mix.

Have you got your Easter Egg sorted for the weekend?  Whatchu got?

Beauty UK: The Gemstone Nail Polish Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 27 - 2012
Halloween-mad Liloo is passionate about makeup and its effectiveness at allowing people to feel more confident.  The following article is a guest submission, you can read more of Liloo’s writing at Le Petit Jardin de Liloo.


To complement the recent release of their Foils Collection, BeautyUK have launched The Gemstone Collection*, a stunning selection of six pastel polish shades with a difference: a smooth and glittery finish.

If you’re new to the brand, Beauty UK is a British brand of affordable makeup, mainly sold in Superdrug but usually shoved at the back of the shop.  Why is this so?  I really don’t know.  A crying shame for the brand in my opinion, as their nail polishes offer impressive coverage in a minimal amount of coats and are a doddle to apply.  The new Gemstone polishes are no exception to the rule.  In honour of the semi-precious stones where BeautyUK took their inspiration, the Gemstone Posh Polishes are donning a fancy cap for the occasion, reminiscent of Nails Inc. polishes but at a much more budget friendly price of £3.49 each.

They say: Inspired by precious gemstones, these metallized pastels combine subtle hues with a light shimmer and superb coverage to bring a touch of class to any look.  Treat yourself to a bit of posh in any of the six shades – Amethyst (lilac), Sunstone (blush), Topaz (taupe), Silmaril (gold), Elfstone (green) and Moonstone (blue).

The brunette in me had to try the amethyst shade first as I like to think that purple shades really make my brown eyes stand out.

Application for the gemstone polishes was even easier than normal thanks to their forgiving pastel nature. I was able to apply my polish even more sloppily than normal without feeling too self conscious.  All my photos show two coats but I could have gotten away with one.  Drying time was a little slower than usual, but nothing as slow as Boots No.7 Sultry Sands and Golden Palms which have to be the slowest-to-dry polishes known to mankind.

These are Moonstone and Elfstone:

At first glance, the golden shades Silmaril, Topaz and Sandstone will look very similar in their bottles. Wear them all on one hand on a bright sunny day and you’ll be able to marvel at their subtle nuances.

Don’t ask me to choose a favourite. At the beginning, my heart was set amethyst, but looking at the photos again, I just want to wear topaz and sunstone as the same time, in a muted ‘ombre’ kind of manicure.

If you’re fussy about your polishes and want something ultra wearable, subtle but eye catching simultaneously, shimmery/glittery but without the removal nightmare of traditional glitter polishes, pastel shades evocative of the Spring season, *and* inexpensive, the gemstone collection might just well be for you.

*Disclosure: Polishes were sent for review purposes

If you would like to submit a non-commercial post to be considered for inclusion on, please email for more details.

LA Colors Desert Dune NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 26 - 2012

I love a good rusty orange, and before you jump on the it’s too Autumnal thing (I saw you making me feel completely off-trend with Minger!), I’m sticking two fingers up at trends.  Well, that and the fact that I bought this last Autumn.  Busted.

I see brushstrokes, does that make this a frost?  Does anyone else struggle a little bit telling the difference between all the various finishes?  I’m gonna call this a frost.  Go on, you can correct me if I’m wrong – I’m wearing my big girl’s pants.  I’m always wearing big girl’s pants 🙁

Desert Dune is a great shade for Autumn Spring, it’s rich… velvety and a looks non too shabby on a pale skintone.  Application with this one was trouble-free, with a few coats covering the nail bed to a good opacity.

LA Colours is available to buy in BeautyBase in both of London’s Westfields.  I picked this up from Whiteleys Shopping Centre on Queensway last time I was in London.  I think it was 99p?  I might have made that up.

What is your favourite LA Colors shade?

Deborah Lippmann Today was a Fairytale NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 23 - 2012

Not the first time I’ve featured this polish but I gave it another airing recently and fell in love all over again…

Haha, look at my chunky placement – crapiologist alert.  These DL glitters are so good for disguising a tired manicure…. with just a single coat you can totally move the attention away from raggedy cuticles and tip wear and onto the sparklez!

Deborah Lippmann Today was a Fairytale* is available to buy online and instore at House of Fraser, priced at *gulp* £18.00

What’s your favourite Deborah Lippmann glitter?

* press sample

Butter London Minger NOTD (it’s not for mingers)

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 22 - 2012

I was a little bit traumatised at the sight of this shade when I pulled it out of the bag.  I mean, it’s orange.  A proper pumpkin-esque shade that I would imagine to work best on olive skintones.  Boy, was I wrong.  This is pretty much the only orange in the world that I can wear without looking like a try-hard.

It still has the vibrancy that you might want from this kind of shade but it has a subdued edge and a beautiful autumnal vibe that complements rather than screams at pink-toned skin.  A certain dusty quality that I’ve always loved in my purple shades, translating terrifically to something I’d least expect.  Opaque in a couple of coats, creamy and warm.  Lovely.

The bad news is?  It’s being discontinued so don’t expect to be able to find it once Autumn rolls around again.

Butter London Minger is priced at £11.95 and available to buy online from PowderRooms

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Barbara Daly Pirate NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 21 - 2012

This little polish spoke to me a couple of weeks ago when I was in my local Tesco (ok, not local – I especially went the extra 3 miles so I could visit one with a beauty aisle) picking up some baby wipes.  It’s a slightly odd colour no?  A bizarre mish-mash of khaki, nude and gold with a delicate multi-coloured shimmer.

It spoke to me.  It said, “Buy me.  You know that you shouldn’t because you already have a billion sitting unswatched, but you know you want to.  Put down the Harissa Paste (what do you need that for anyway) and buy me instead.”

Coincidentally, the Harissa Paste was £2.99 (what do I need that for anyway?) and this little polish from Barbara Daly was £3.00 – fair swapsies.

As much as I like it, it’s a four-coater – which sucks when the bottle is only 7ml but I think it’s still worth the punt.  Swap it for something less tasty though, like Domestos.

Barbara Daly Nail Polish is available instore at Tesco, priced at £3 a bottle.  I think it’s currently on a 3for2 aswell.

Zoya Spring 2012: Lotus NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 19 - 2012

I pounced on the Zoya spring collection, probably my favourite of all the spring offerings this year – it’s subdued, with its muted softy pastels and delicate shimmer.  I could have bought so many more but stopped myself at two, here is the first that made it into my basket, Lotus.

Of the two purples in the spring collection, this is the one that had the dustier edge.  And I’m all about dusty edges… both when it comes to nail polish, and bookshelves.  Lotus has a soft pink shimmer that catches the light but sadly failed to pick up very well in my swatch photo – you can see it in the bottle though yes?  It’s not a glaringly obvious shimmer but gives the shade more depth and prevents it from sitting flat on the nailbed.

Formula was fine, the above photo shows three coats but you could get away with two… I applied my second coat with too much impatience and caused a bit of drag, hence the need for the third.  My fault, not the polish’s.

Zoya Lotus is priced at £7.99 and available online from beauty4nails-body.

Butter London Macbeth NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 15 - 2012

Or… sweety nails as I like to call them.  What is it about these punchy corals that make me want to bite off my fingertips in the hope of a sugar high?  They’re just edible.

I think I should start a tag: nail polishes that make me want to self-cannibalise.  This one also does it to me.  As does this one.

As much as I love Macbeth on my nails, the fact that the above photo shows a single coat means that I may, MAY have to save this one for my tootsies.  I hate painting my toenails but it has to be done in the Summer and a one-coater coral with a beautiful formula is pretty much holy grail for ladies with short arms, big boobs and a belly.  You know what I’m talking about.

Buy this one, buy it now – it’s a fabulous shade for Spring with a brilliant formula to boot (even if it’s not the most original shade in the world).

Butter London Macbeth is priced at £11.95 and available to buy online at PowderRooms.

Max Factor Fantasy Fire Nail Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 14 - 2012

You wouldn’t haven’t seen this beautiful polish from Max Factor.  I did a quick search and couldn’t find any other bloggers talking about it, so I thought I should put that right immediately.

I know right?  I think I’m on to something with this scoop.

The lovely Liloo picked this up for me and sent it halfway across the country because my local Boots seems to stock every Max Factor Max Effect Mini Nail Polish shade except this one.  I’m not actually going to bother talking about it, I was about to write “this is a pretty good dupe for…” (finish that sentence) and I just couldn’t be bothered because even Leila knows what this is a dupe for.  If you’re the one person left in the world who doesn’t know?  Hai Google.

So, instead… just enjoy a little bit moar Fantasy Fire nail p0rn.  Swatched here over Estee Lauder Teal Topaz because on its own, it’s kinda shit.


Max Factor Fantasy Fire is priced at £3.99 and available (probably) to buy instore at Boots or Superdrug.  Also online.

Teal, teal, teal!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 13 - 2012

From pale to dark, teal is the perfect blue/green combination and it’s everywhere this season.  I thought I’d swatch the cream teal nail polishes in my collection to give you some alternatives to Estee Lauder’s Teal Topaz spring sell-out polish.

From left to right: Estee Lauder – Teal Topaz  |  Misa – Dirty, Sexy, Money|  Barielle Shades – A Bouquet For Ava  |  American Apparel – Peacock  |  Ciate – Superficial

If shimmers are more your cup of tea, don’t forget that March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Lena White are donating £1 to Ovacome – the ovarian cancer support network – for every sale of OPI’s Teal the Cows Come Home.

Are any of these shades catching your eye?  What’s your favourite teal?

Skin Food Nail Vita VI407 Puppy Purple NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 12 - 2012

My lovely friend Rowena from Cosmetic-Candy sent me a couple of Skin Food Nail Vita polishes last year and after falling in love with both of them (and not having swatched them yet, naughty!), I popped on eBay and picked up another that had caught my eye over on Witoxcity’s fabulous blog.

Puppy Purple is a beautiful, vampy shimmer – perhaps a little too vampy for March but I’m happy to break the rulez for this one.  It’s a little thick, though completely controllable and opaque in a single coat, although I did use two in the above photograph for the neatness value!  The shimmers in the creme base are striking and apparent on the nail, catching the light beautifully.  It’s not the most unique polish in the world but it’s one that I’m delighted to have in my collection and wouldn’t give up!

Perhaps the best thing about this polish?  I paid £3.49 for it, including shipping from South Korea.

You can buy Skin Food Nail Vita in Puppy Purple online from rubyruby76 on eBay.  Shipping was a little slow, but no major grumbles.


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