One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 27 - 2014

You know the mosquito in Bugs Life?  The one who should know better and despite his mate’s warnings, flies toward the deadly bug zapper with those immortal (final) words: “I can’t help it, it’s so beautiful!”

That’s me that is.

You see, I didn’t get on with the Lime Crime Velvetines that I bought.  I appreciated their pigment, their glorious matteness, and the lovely packaging but the wear.  Oh. God, the hideously ugly wear that left me with the kind of ring of death that sends a shiver down the spines of XBox owners everywhere.

Well, I saw the pretty matte lip lacquers from MUA and flew toward them anyway.

One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

My Superdrug was pretty low on stock and the only one I fancied (they didn’t have the red) was this hot pink, called Funk.  To all intents and purposes, these are decent dupes in terms of pigmentation and texture for the Lime Crime Velvetine ones I own… I really can’t see any reason to pay the extra monies for the Lime Crime ones.

With that revelation outta the way, I still don’t like how they wear on me.  They’re fine for about 35-40 minutes but then it all gets rather ugly.

One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

During application, you still have to be careful not to slap your lips together until the lacquer has been given a moment to dry and I’d also recommend to apply lightly, going back for another coat if necessary.  While the lip lacquer remains in situ, I’d agree with the smudge-proof statement which makes it a great choice for a high-impact, albeit high-maintenance night out.

One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

I’ll leave you with a (currently rather rare) FOTD of me wearing it, you can see how the matte texture looks on my lips.  It’s not too unflattering but bear in mind that my lips are back in good condition after a Lanolip repurchase!

Ultimately, I won’t be purchasing any of the other shades available despite the short-lived temptation, if you see me edging towards the MUA counter, someone please slap me with some bug spray.  I just can’t deal with the effort required to keep these looking good for longer than 10-minutes.

One. Hot. Pink. MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk

MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer in Funk is priced at £3.00 and available to buy instore at Superdrug and online from

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HQ Hair introduces me to David Scheffen…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 4 - 2010

…and thank GOD!

Last Tuesday, I attended an event at HQ Hair’s very own hair & beauty store in the heart of central London.  It’s an oasis of pampering conveniently located just off Regents Street with the added benefit of a storefront offering your favourite HQ Hair brands.

I was delighted to see so many brands on the shelves!  There’s not too many places you can pick up Mario Badescu, Yonka, Alpha H, Murad, Bare Escentuals, Paul & Joe, Philosophy, Fusion Beauty and much more… all under the same roof!

Because the Salon is located to the rear of the store, it doesn’t feel like you’re walking into a hairdressers.  You don’t feel out of place if you just want to visit for a browse.  Even better, if you’re in there getting a new colour or a trim… you don’t have the general public checking out your ‘no makeup face’ while they’re doing their shopping!  The two areas are zoned well.

I visited the store before when I came for a haircut back in June.  I’m sniggering to myself as I write this next bit because I dragged my husband along with me having just spent a couple of hours doing some serious debit card damage in Selfridges.  Poor Mr L was relieved it was all over.  Little did he know there was another shopping opportunity waiting for me at the salon!

But anyway… let me tell you a little bit about the lovely David Scheffen who came along to meet a group of very cold and slightly bedraggled bloggers on a snowy Tuesday evening.

I should warn you now that I’m actually his #1 fan girl.  It’s genuinely embarrassing.  I giggled and stumbled over my words… I may even have snorted when I laughed.  I’ve since gone as far as to ask Mr. L if I could please have a David Scheffen for Christmas.

Let me explain… I don’t always have a lot of luck with makeup artists.  I’m not great at coherent speech in social situations… what I want, what I’m trying to achieve… well it rarely comes across well in conversation, which results (quite rightly) in me walking away with advice I don’t care about and a look I hate.

Not. This. Time.

“What’s that?” I asked, as he swivelled up one of the NARS Multiples.

“St. Barts” he said (in his endearing French accent).

“I have that!!” I exclaimed, getting all excited… like he was going to give me A* for owning it or something.  “But I can’t make it work for me…” my lips continued to move as I expressed to Francois’ right hand man what a dumbass I was at applying makeup.  Smooth.

David looked surprised and explained that the cool toasted-taupe shimmer should work well on my colouring and I agreed… it’s one of those products that tick all the right boxes.  In theory.

Forty seconds later and the magic has been done, quick fingers transferring product from stick to skin with an effortless grace that I could only dream of emulating.  It looked good.  Really good.

A little on my cheeks, a touch along my browbone and a speck (or two) along the line of my cupids bow.  I didn’t look bronzed, I just looked… healthy.  The trick, he explained “…is to always build up to the level you require”.

“I know that!” I thought to myself… “But I can’t help being heavy handed!” Reading my mind (I told you he was good), David explained that tapping the product onto my skin with my fingers would result in a more controlled application.

Not only does that work 100x better for me but I now can’t stop applying this product to my cupids bow.  It has the desirable effect of making my top lip look instantly fuller and defined.

“And now for my next trick!” announced David, reaching into his top hat (ok, I made that bit up).

I was totally at ease in his company.  He has a light, affable manner with a generous side-serving of wicked humour which resulted in me being brave enough to admit something a little shameful.

“I don’t know where to apply my blusher.”  Then, in the hope that it would make the previous statement seem slightly less retarded… “Does it really make a difference where you apply on different face shapes?”


Placing two finger widths parallel to the side of his nose, David explained that the area covered by his fingers was a no-fly zone.  “Don’t apply blusher too close to your nose… it doesn’t look natural and isn’t flattering for you”.  I thought of all the times I’d grinned at myself in the mirror, applying my blusher EXACTLY where he’d just described whilst thinking I was hitting the ‘apple of the cheek’ bullseye.

He patiently showed me where I should concentrate the colour for my face shape (widest at the cheeks and quite pronounced.  Hamster podge).  I’ve artfully constructed a little diagram.  Don’t laugh.

I’ve found that if I keep my initial application focused right within that small dotted area, I get a natural (and less overdone) flush that detracts attention from the fleshier ‘apples’ and leaves my face looking more contoured.  I can hear angels singing Hallelujah.

Once blended, the area of ‘flush’ is larger than shown above and I tend to blend back toward the hairline and down toward the hollow.  It felt alien to me at first… mostly because of how high I’m applying but it’s definitely a better method for my face shape.  It’s only taken me 29 years to get that one right!

The makeup maestro at work!

He also had a message for you guys…  “Wear more purple eyeshadows.  Women are too intimidated by purple.”

You have to love him for that alone.  But you can’t.  ‘Cos he’s mine.

For more David-related goings on, keep a close eye on the HQ Hair blog as the HQ Girls get to regularly feature his tips, tricks and looks.  I think they keep him locked up in the beauty cupboard.  Lucky things.

HQ Hair & Beauty Salon,
2 New Burlington Street
0871 220 4141 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0871 220 4141      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

An Avon Christmas Party Look with Jackie Tyson

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2010

Avon bring us one of the easiest to recreate Christmas party looks I’ve seen so far, I’m loving the heavy eyeliner and pink lips.

I’ve blogged about that sparkly blue Avon Glimmerstick Diamonds and the Avon Lace Hues Palette before, so check those posts for swatches.

I’m getting tons of wear from my black Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliner… and I’m going to start putting my silver one to good use too now that Christmas is getting ever-closer!

Have you got any Christmas parties to attend this year?  Started scouring the net for makeup inspiration?

MUA Makeup Academy FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2010

Just a few of the products so you can see how they look applied (badly as always!)


~ MUA Blusher – Shade 3
~ MUA Pressed Powder (used as contour) – Shade 4


~ MUA Eyeshadow Shade 9 (on the lid and under the lower lashline)
~ MUA Eyeshadow Shade 4 (blended into and sligtly above the crease)


~ MUA Lipstick Shade 5

Do you think you’ll be picking anything up?  Or if you already have, what did you buy?

MUA Makeup Academy Superdrug Range – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2010

So the new MUA £1 range has been out in stores for almost a week and I’ve been playing with a couple of items that I was sent.  It’s quite hard to review such bargainous products… it’s difficult to decide whether I cut them a break on the quality front because afterall.. they’re a £1 each… or do I just review them based on whether or not I’d use them again?  I vote in favour of the second option… hard luck MUA.

I’ll start with some of the face products…

The MUA bronzer (I have shade 1) is a sparkle fest, and as a result… quite gritty in texture.  It’s definitely more bronze toned than golden and if shade 1 is the lightest I can’t see it suiting pale tones too well.  I have tried it lightly brushed across my cheeks, but the glitter fall out has left me cold and I won’t be reaching for this again.

A staple for any cosmetic line up is a pressed powder.  I have shade 4, which on my skintone… actually makes a fairly decent matte contour shade.  It’s quite silky to the touch in an old-fashioned Cornsilk kinda way.  It’s also highly scented… powdery, like an old pharmacy.  When I brush over the surface…. a lot of the product is kicked up and sits ontop of the pan which means you need to give your brush a bit of a shake before lifting it to your face to avoid fall out.  It blends quite smoothly though, I’ll certainly be putting this aside for another play next time I can be bothered to contour.

Ahhhh blusher… such a great product for a quick skin pick-me-up.  The best way to describe this is… draw a line between the bronzer and the pressed powder… the blusher lies halfway.  It has the sparkle and the silkiness.  Unfortunately this stuff really flakes when you brush at the surface… I had more product sitting ontop of the pan than ever I did on the brush.  It also suffers a bit when blending, it has a tendency to blend away to nothing if you’re not careful.  The 4 available shades are really rather pretty though.

It’s worth noting that none of the face products contain mirrors in the packaging, I’m sure for obvious cost cutting reasons.  No applicators are included either, which I totally welcome with the eye shadows, but you’d be hard pressd (no pun intended) to achieve much with a pressed powder on the go without a little puff or mirror.

Talking of eyeshadows…

I was sent two of the pearl eyeshadow shades.  One a duochrome purple/blue and the other a pink/lavender shade.  You get a generous 2g of product for your money and these two shades look particularly stunning in the pan.

They’re soft, smooth and well pigmented.  The packaging is cute (prefer these to the face products packaging) and in my opinion a must have if you’re thinking of checking out the range.  I’ve already used the darker shade a few times this week and it’s lovely blended along the lower lashline for a pop of colour.  Thankfully, these don’t appear to be fragranced either.

See that duochrome effect in Shade 9?  Lovely!  I will say that I find these shadows don’t pick up too well with a natural haired brush… so I’ve been using my Aurifere or E.L.F synthetic concealer brushes to apply!

The lipstick packaging remind me a little of the NYX Round Lipsticks with it’s transparent bases… unfortunately, that’s kinda where the similarities end.  These feel greasier and just not as comfortable on the lips.  Shade 1 is a stonking confident creme shade but it wears very unevenly so a lip liner as a base is a must.  Shade 5 is promising in the tube, but delivers very little on the lips.  It’s frosty, but also contains glitter particles… I guess it might work quite nicely as a layering product to take a nude lip from daytime to night time.  Other than that, these are a pass for me.

Ok, what next…

Eyeliner… a beautiful, vibrant blue, almost metallic in appearance.  The applicator is too stiff and scratchy with very little flexibility.  This means that as you’re drawing the line, the product is only really applying at the edges of the applicator… multiple passes are necessary to achieve full opacity.

Once dry, a gentle swipe of my finger lifts great flakes of product from my skin and if that weren’t bad enough… underneath the line?  I’m left with stained skin.  This is a poor product and such a shame because that colour is so pretty and summery.  Let me know if you make this work for you but I’m sure there are much better alternatives on the high street for not much more money.

After those damning comments, I’ll finish with my favourite…

The Eye Dust.  I have Shade 5, which I’ve artfully typo-ed.  First things first, these aren’t going to last longer than 46 seconds on your eyelids without a base of some sort, and you better make it a good one.

But look, how beautiful is this shade?

Combine this with a slick of UDPP or a coloured cream shadow base and you’re gonna get great payoff and a beautifully shimmering neutral shade.  Packaging is irritating, but I’m not gonna let that overshadow what is a lovely eye dust for the money.

Overall, the new MUA range is a bit of a mixed bag… pretty much what I expected it to be.  My tip though?  Go and check out the eyeshadows and eye dusts, I’m delighted with them!

Superdrug MUA Nail Polish NOTD – Shade 1

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 23 - 2010

Shade 1…. catchy…

Naming them must have ran the risk of breaking the budget for this new £1 line of makeup from Superdrug

Ok, enough sarcasm…

Shade 1 is a blackened blue.  The best way to describe it is opalescent… a darker-than-navy base with royal blue glitter particles.  The glitter isn’t chunky and a top coat isn’t necessary to smooth the finish.  I had to go and stand in direct sunlight to capture the sparkles for the photo which is why you can see my conservatory roof reflected in my tips!

For a £1 polish it’s a good looking finish.  Formula isn’t the best… it dragged at the cuticles and if I look carefully there’s still a couple of streaks visible after two coats.  However, it’s not horribly gloopy or difficult to actually paint with which is an irritation I often experience with high street polishes.  Yes, I’m a nail polish snob I know (bar Asda!) *hangs head*

Ohh that’s a good comparison actually…. I’ve tried two from the MUA line so far and quality isn’t as good as the George formula.  The MUA polishes that I’ve tried have a denser, thicker formula, but they are fairly quick-drying.

Tip wear is a little worse than average, not by too much though and I haven’t experienced any chipping after 2 days, so I’m very pleased with that.

I think I’ve covered most things… for a £1, you know you’re not gonna get OPI quality… but I think this is a stonking shade and if you like your blues, definitely check it out next time you’re passing Superdrug!  Alternatively, the entire range is now available to purchase from the website.

Do you like it?


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