Got great legs?

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 8 - 2010

The Aussie hair removal experts Nads are hosting their first ever “sexiest legs” contest and are looking for both male and female entrants!

You must be over 18 and a resident of either the UK, USA, Australia or New Zealand to enter.

Fancy the chance to bag a prize consisting of an American Express gift card containing $150 (£94) as well as a gift basket full of Nad’s goodies?

Head on over to Nads facebook page and upload a photo of your pins before 24th August 2010.


I’ll enter the second round of the competition… yano, the one for those of us with stumpy, short and hairy legs 😉

Inexpensive Beauty Find – Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 20 - 2010

When better to put a so-called ‘cooling gel’ to the test than on some of the hottest days of the year so far?  Arnicare… you’re up against it!

I’m a big believer in the herbal remedy Arnica… but only recently.

I had umpteen women telling me to make sure I packed some Arnica-related products in my hospital bag when I was preparing to give birth to L.  They all said that it would help ease bruising…. “down there”.

I didn’t listen.  I couldn’t even bear the thought of bruising “down there”…. la la la la, “Can’t hear you!”.  Was convinced baby L would emerge into this world a little bit like this (infact, it was my mantra in the last few weeks):


Clearly, I’m a moron… but not spending my precious Boots points on tubes of Arnica was probably for the best.  There ended up being no ‘pushing’ involved and Mr. L struggled under the weight of my damn hospital bag anyway.

However, after some recent surgery and tremendous abdominal bruising, I remembered this ‘Arnica’ stuff and shuffled down to my local Boots to pick myself up a tube of Nelsons Arnica Cream.  I only applied it to the major bruise, which was roughly 6x worse than the other incidental bruises…. would you believe it?  The major one ended up fading more rapidly than the rest!  That’s me sold on the power of the herb.

I’m rambling really badly….

I was invited to sample Nelson’s Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel.  I’ll let them tell you why we’d need it shall I?:

Nelsons Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel combines the benefits of arnica with the refreshing sensation of natural grapefruit oil and menthol to cool and soothe the skin. Ideal for rubbing into aching muscles following physical exertion or to revive tired, heavy legs after being on your feet all day

On last Saturday, the hottest day of my LIFE (melodramatic pause) I pulled out the Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel and applied.  Lots.

It didn’t cool me down AT ALL!

Gutted.  Maybe there isn’t enough of the whole ‘cooling’ properties to make a difference in this kind of heat.  I wanted it to feel like an Arctic breeze fluttering around my calves.  It didn’t.

So I only did one leg… remember, I was really hot.  I could barely be bothered to breathe let alone bend over and massage ineffectual cooling gel into my legs.

Fast forward 9 hours… it’s 11.30pm and I’m sat there blogging.  Under my desk, one of my legs feels bizarrely fresh… fresh like I’ve just woken up.  I only noticed it ‘cos my other leg felt like it needed amputating after a day spent running around after a 14 month old.  What a strange feeling!

Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel?  I think I like you.  You might not give me instant cooling relief, but I reckon if I’d massaged you into both legs I’d at least have been able to walk myself to bed.  As it was, Mr. L had to roll me.

I’m keeping this in the fridge from now on though.

Arnicare Arnica Cooling Gel is priced at £4.65 and available from pharmacies and health food stores nationwide.

Deep Skincare – Splendid Smooth Legs

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 15 - 2010

Deep Skincare are a fairly new Dutch brand that I hadn’t heard of until they contacted me in December to ask if I’d like some products for review consideration.  Taking a look at their ‘about’ page… they seem quite hippy in a love each other, love yourself kinda way.  Which is nice!  Not enough people love me and I could do with some more harmony in my life.

Anyway, enough of all that!  Looky looky leg balm!

Splendid Smooth Legs.  What a rubbish name.  It’s like one of those bad Japanese translations isn’t it?  I think they should have added a “silky” in their somewhere to really tip it over the edge.

Housed in a heavy dark glass jar with a fairly plain label, the product has a nice simple look.  Understated.  I like it.

The first thing you notice when you unscrew the lid is the smell.  Immediately recognisable…  Taking a look at the ingredients confirms the source of the scent: Camphor and Menthol.  Vaporub anyone?  I love the smell of Vicks, but I know some people hate it, so beware!  Once on the skin, it takes about 15 minutes for the scent to fade completely.

The cream is thick but lightweight, a beautiful texture, it feels instantly cooling as it makes contact with the skin, fantastic for weary legs.

Looking more closely at the ingredients, the cream contains Arnica which is widely believed to help reduce inflammation, bruising and encourage the dilation of blood vessels and capillaries under the skin.  Witch Hazel also puts in an appearance on the ingredient list, a natural astringent often put to use as a treatment for varicose veins.

Exactly the ingredients I want to revive and massage into my legs after a full day on my feet.

They say:

Deep: Splendid Smooth Legs sports an invigorating and active formula. A delicious treat to pamper weary or swollen legs. Due to the purely natural ingredients, this balm has a very wholesome effect.

Rather than every-day use as suggested on the jar, I’ve been using this a few times a week.  A small amount goes a long way and leaves my legs feeling refreshed, cooled and less ‘heavy’ than before.  In the Summer, I do a lot of walking and I can’t wait to put it to good daily use as part of a post-bath routine!

While I remember, I also applied this in the middle of the night a few days ago after waking up with cramp in my calf, it really relaxed the tightness in the muscle and for once I didn’t get that limping you get the next morning when you don’t catch cramp in time.  I’d really recommend this as a hugely useful gift for mamas-to-be.  I suffered horrendous leg cramps in my 3rd trimester and would have loved a pot of this.

Do you neglect your legs? I’m ashamed to admit that mine don’t generally get much attention other than a nice shaving gel.  I don’t know why I’m so lax, varicose veins ain’t pretty!

You can purchase Deep Skincare online from their website. Splendid Smooth Legs is priced at £14.21 for 250ml.

If you want to learn more about taking good care of your pins, check out The Leg Room.  What Kate doesn’t know about legs, isn’t worth knowing.


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