Urban Decay Lush Lash – The Results!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 6 - 2011

I know a few of you have been keen to hear about how I fared with my trial of Urban Decay’s Lush Lash System*.  I started the trial back in February and finished up the tube a few weeks ago.

The system promises lashes that are…

– 25% longer and thicker in 2 weeks
– 40% longer in 4 weeks
– 63% longer in 6 weeks

Sadly, I didn’t experience anything as impressive as those results.  Infact, I’m not really sure I experienced anything much at all.  See what you think (the top image shows the BEFORE, the bottom image is AFTER using the system for 8 weeks).

I think I see more fullness to my lashline… but no increase in length.  Or at least, nothing worth shouting about.  (On a side note, damn… I think I’m in love with my eye cream LOL!)

As a peptide-based lash growth system, it works on the premise of protecting the lashes you already have and strengthening new ones coming through, thereby increasing their life cycle.  This is probably why I’m seeing a slight increase in volume as the lashes that would have normally fallen out are still clinging on thanks to the fortification.

At £28 it’s an affordable alternative to the more expensive systems out there which include the likes of M2Beauté, LiLash and Revitalash but I can’t help but wonder if sometimes, you really do get what you pay for.


Urban Decay Lush Lash is priced at £28 and available to buy online from BeautyBay, LookFantastic and HQHair

* PR Sample

Urban Decay Lush Lash – The trial…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 17 - 2011

I’m a bit dubious about lash lengthening products that rely on conditioning agents and peptides rather than…yano… proper ‘drugs’ to promote growth.

Ok, so on the plus side, you’ve got no risks of iris darkening or other unsavoury side-effects, but on the negative side… will it really have any effect?

Urban Decay have released Lush Lash (£28.00), a double-ended system that boasts two products enriched with peptides that work to lengthen, thicken and fortify your lashes.

O Rly.

Let’s see shall we?

It’s flippin’ tricky to get dead on accurate before/afters for this type of trial but I’ll do my best and have memorized how I was holding the camera (and where I was looking) to try and achieve the same pose in 6 weeks time.

So what can I expect according to Urban Decay’s clinical results?

  • Up to 25% longer, thicker lashes in 2 weeks.
  • Up to 40% longer, thicker lashes in 4 weeks.
  • Up to 63% longer, thicker lashes in 6 weeks.
  • Sounds good to me…

    I used Latisse last year so know the kind of results I achieved from a prostaglandin-based product and will be hugely interested to see if you can achieve the same kind of results from a trusted, high street name without the side-effect risk AND at a greatly reduced price.

    Wish me luck!

    Urban Decay Lush Lash System is priced at £28 and available online from BeautyBay, Debenhams and LookFantastic.

    Pink Week at Lipglossiping – Revitalash Eyelash Conditioner

    Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 3 - 2010

    Next up doing their bit for Breast Cancer Awareness Month is…

    What is it?
    RevitaLash® Eyelash Conditioner was developed by an ophthalmologist who was motivated to create a safe cosmetic product to enhance the beauty and attractiveness of women’s natural eyelashes after his wife’s eyelashes were devastated by chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer.

    £95.00 for 4.1ml and £66.00 for 2.4ml

    Unspecified portion of all proceeds to benefit breast cancer research initiatives throughout the year, every year.

    Please phone 020 8997 8541 or visit www.skinbrands.co.uk for stockist details.

    Paraguay vs. New Zealand (non makeup related)

    Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2010

    I like food, I like photos… I like making you hungry.

    Gourmet Burger Kitchen… or Burger World as my very good friend calls it.

    I like early evening nonsense.  I’m hungry.  What’s for dinner at your house tonight?

    If you’re all indignant and annoyed that you clicked and didn’t see makeup… here, have a peek at tomorrow’s mascara series post.

    My lashes always look so puny in the before pictures, I think I have their mousey brown colouring to thank for that.

    Have a lovely evening ladies!

    Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer – 8 weeks in…

    Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

    My lovely cousin A. is 8 weeks in to her Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer challenge!

    Let me refer you lovely people to this post for the background info.

    I’m a week early on the photo because she’s on holiday this week… but I thought it was worth taking anyway and my next update will be at the 12 week stage, by which time… results should be fully apparent according to the blurb with the product.

    Anyway, enough gassing… have some pics:

    Two months in means that she’s halfway through the £89 tube.  It’s on a par price-wise with other lash-enhancing products on the market, but backed by the reputable name of Trish McEvoy.

    A. (who hasn’t seen these photos) believes that she’s experienced a change in the volume of her lashes… to her, they feel thicker and more luxurious.  She doesn’t believe that her lashes have grown in length though.

    Giddyup lashes!  Week 12 awaits!

    What do you ladies reckon judging by the photos?

    Trish McEvoy – Lash Enhancer, the challenge

    Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 11 - 2010

    Straight ones, short ones, long ones, curly ones.  Pubes Eyelashes, they’re the business.

    They’re the shields that protect our precious eyes from debris every second of the day, they’re sensitive enough to let us know when that mascara wand is getting perilously close to our eyeballs and trigger the reflex that clamps our eyes shut just before we stupidly poke ourselves with it.

    The problem with eyelashes though?  They’re just not long enough.

    Horses have fab eyelashes, have you ever noticed?  Straight as a poker… you’d need to put the Shu Uemura’s to work… but still, mega lashes.

    I was contacted by the PR for Trish McEvoy who are going to love the fact that my feature about their lash enhancer has already managed to mention pubes and horses when we’re barely 100 words in… but nevermind…

    Where was I?

    Oh yes, nice PR lady said “Hello!” and “Would you like to try our new Lash Enhancer?”.

    “Hmmm” said I… “I’m already using some lash enhancing stuff that I bought, but if you don’t mind a potential guest reviewer I have just the person!”

    Meet my cousin… A.

    I don’t like this before picture… she’s not as good at taking photos as me.  She says she has some more, so if and when she emails me them… I shall add them.  But this will do for now.

    She’s desperate for longer lashes and infact… this photo is the first time I’ve seen her for ages where she isn’t sporting either extensions or a pair of falsies.

    We’re gonna give it a couple of months and see how she gets on with the Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer.

    This stuff isn’t cheap by the way… around £89 for 4 months supply.  I hope she doesn’t drop it down the loo or something stupid like that.

    Let me give you the rest of the blurb:

    Lashes lose fullness due to day-to-day wear-and-tear, makeup removal, eyerubbing, and the aging process. Using highly potent SymPeptides™ and an abundance of powerful proteins, vitamins, and moisturizing ingredients, Lash Enhancer helps condition, hydrate, strengthen, and nourish lashes to help them withstand the mechanical, natural and environmental aggressors as well as aging process that may shorten their life.

    A single nightly application of Lash Enhancer Nighttime Conditioning Treatment will promote the stronger, fuller, healthier lashes of your dreams. In just 2 weeks of daily use can you experience as much as a 25% increase in volume. A few quick seconds each night will put you on the road to fuller lashes.

    So… fundamentally this stuff is different from the more pharmaceutical lash enhancing treatments.  Most importantly, you can apply this stuff without fear of your eyes changing colour or growing a second head.  Which is always reassuring.

    The packaging is sleek, sexy and heavyweight…

    A nice precision applicator so you don’t waste too much product during application and deliver the good stuff right to where it’s needed.

    I’m excited!  I like these kind of trials… I like tangible results!

    Fingers crossed for A that Trish McEvoy’s Lash Enhancer can turn those puny lashes into floor sweepers!  Stay tuned!

    Get Lashed Lashes at Nails Inc.

    Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 17 - 2009

    I woke up to an email this morning announcing the arrival of Get Lashed lashes for sale on the Nails Inc. website (like that website isn’t tempting enough already right?)


    Choose from 8 available styles:

    nailsinccutelash nailsincnaturallash

    L-R: Get Cute, Get Natural

    nailsincgorgeouslash nailsinckissablelash

    L-R: Get Gorgeous, Get Kissable

    nailsincglamlash nailsincflirtylash

    L-R: Get Glam, Get Flirty

    nailsincfunkylash nailsincplayfullash

    L-R: Get Funky, Get Playful

    Prices vary from £7 up to £13 depending on style.  Personally, I’m loving the look of Get Kissable!

    Which of these styles would be perfect for your Christmas parties this season?

    Benefit Bad Gal Mascara – Review

    Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 8 - 2009

    Yes, I’m behind the times… by about 7 years.

    Let me start by saying that my name is Charlotte and I am a total mascara whore.  I love it and I have a real problem staying faithful to any particular brand.  There’s just too many to choose from and companies come out with shiny new ones all the time to tempt me.  If there’s one product that I can’t leave the house without.  This is it.

    Anyway, back to Benefit Bad Gal…

    I got accosted this time last year by a pink clad MUA from Benefit whilst browsing The Vitality Show at London’s Olympia (which I really recommend for a fantastic day out!).  The MUA proceeded to cover me in You Rebel (nice but too dark for me), You’re Bluffing (meh), and Bad Gal Lash Mascara (which wowed me).  I couldn’t stop fluttering my eyelashes at everyone.

    Roll forward nearly a year and I still hadn’t picked myself up a tube.  I dunno why, well actually I do.  I bought Benefit Dandelion after having it dusted over my cheeks by an over-enthusiastic MUA in Boots and it was a super huge disappointment.  I just couldn’t get it to show up on my skin, despite my uber paleness and I was worried Bad Gal was gonna disappoint in the same way.

    Anyway, last week I finally succumbed and spent some of my hoard of Boots points on a lovely shiny tube of the black stuff.



    I know some people think it’s over-rated.  I think that it’s probably suited to a specific type of eyelash (of which I’m lucky enough to include myself).  If you’ve got small eyes and short stubby lashes, this isn’t gonna do anything for you.  The brush is too large and unwieldy and you’re bound to make a mess.  I’ve got naturally long and curly lashes – they just need some serious darkening and beefing up which is exactly what this mascara does for them – and it does it well!


    I love the density of the brush that really allows me to ‘brush’ my lashes from root to tip and create some proper separation to enhance the volumising effect.  My lashes tend to clump (especially on a 2nd coat), so the even distribution provided by the brush is particularly welcomed!  This mascara also leaves my lashes super soft and flexible and not at all crunchy, not a big deal for me – not bothered by stiff lashes, but I know some are – so thought I’d mention it!


    All other mascaras in my stash are currently being ignored (apart from a Blinc tester that I’m slowly falling in love with – see, I told you… fickle!).

    However, my one and only problem with Bad Gal is the price.  I know it’s not exactly break the bank expensive at £14.50… but, there’s so many other lovely mascaras out there begging me to buy them (don’t cry Diorshow I haven’t forgotten you – despite your eye watering price, nor you Lash Blast you lovely drugstore temptress you)… and with new ones appearing on the market quicker than I can apply a second coat of this one.  What’s a girl to do?

    Are you a faithful Felicity? or a shamefully promiscuous Pandora like me when it comes to Mascara?

    [starreview tpl=14]


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