What’s happening over at HQHair?

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 17 - 2011

An official statement on the current HQHair situation:

Unfortunately HQ Hair went into administration last week.  However in a bid to save the brand and the site it has been bought by The Hut Group. At the moment there is a holding site so some brands will not appear but the plan is to relaunch in a big way. HQ was a leader in the online beauty world and we want to keep it that way by investing in the technology and introducing exciting new hard-to-find brands as well as supporting those we currently stock. Please keep with us while we make the transition. All customer orders will be honoured and everyone will be looked after as always.

Kind regard
Hilary Andrews

There’s much talk at the moment about what might and might not be happening with regards to the popular beauty site HQHair.  I know that for many European girls, the site was their main source for hard-to-obtain brands such as NARS (a brand that has been removed from the HQHair brand portfolio in the past few days).

I do hope that the company can get back on their feet soon.  in the recent past, I’ve felt at times that the online emporium haven’t been quite as focused as they should have been, though to be fair… the CS issues I have had have been rectified promptly when brought to their attention.

Perhaps this will be the kick needed to relaunch into the beauty leader they want to be.  Until then, my thoughts are with those who have lost their jobs at the brand.

Deal Alert: 20% off all brands at HQHair & Beautystore!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2010

Today only, from 10am until 8pm – you can take advantage of a 20% discount at the HQHair & Beautystore that I posted about last week.

With brands like Paul & Joe, Yonka, Mario Badescu, GHD, Kerastase, Urban Decay, Bare Escentuals, Too Faced and quite frankly… far more than I can list here, you’d be a bit mad not to have a look if you’re in the area.

You can find them at: 2 New Burlington Street, London, W1S 2JE.  Click here for a map.

HQ Hair introduces me to David Scheffen…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 4 - 2010

…and thank GOD!

Last Tuesday, I attended an event at HQ Hair’s very own hair & beauty store in the heart of central London.  It’s an oasis of pampering conveniently located just off Regents Street with the added benefit of a storefront offering your favourite HQ Hair brands.

I was delighted to see so many brands on the shelves!  There’s not too many places you can pick up Mario Badescu, Yonka, Alpha H, Murad, Bare Escentuals, Paul & Joe, Philosophy, Fusion Beauty and much more… all under the same roof!

Because the Salon is located to the rear of the store, it doesn’t feel like you’re walking into a hairdressers.  You don’t feel out of place if you just want to visit for a browse.  Even better, if you’re in there getting a new colour or a trim… you don’t have the general public checking out your ‘no makeup face’ while they’re doing their shopping!  The two areas are zoned well.

I visited the store before when I came for a haircut back in June.  I’m sniggering to myself as I write this next bit because I dragged my husband along with me having just spent a couple of hours doing some serious debit card damage in Selfridges.  Poor Mr L was relieved it was all over.  Little did he know there was another shopping opportunity waiting for me at the salon!

But anyway… let me tell you a little bit about the lovely David Scheffen who came along to meet a group of very cold and slightly bedraggled bloggers on a snowy Tuesday evening.

I should warn you now that I’m actually his #1 fan girl.  It’s genuinely embarrassing.  I giggled and stumbled over my words… I may even have snorted when I laughed.  I’ve since gone as far as to ask Mr. L if I could please have a David Scheffen for Christmas.

Let me explain… I don’t always have a lot of luck with makeup artists.  I’m not great at coherent speech in social situations… what I want, what I’m trying to achieve… well it rarely comes across well in conversation, which results (quite rightly) in me walking away with advice I don’t care about and a look I hate.

Not. This. Time.

“What’s that?” I asked, as he swivelled up one of the NARS Multiples.

“St. Barts” he said (in his endearing French accent).

“I have that!!” I exclaimed, getting all excited… like he was going to give me A* for owning it or something.  “But I can’t make it work for me…” my lips continued to move as I expressed to Francois’ right hand man what a dumbass I was at applying makeup.  Smooth.

David looked surprised and explained that the cool toasted-taupe shimmer should work well on my colouring and I agreed… it’s one of those products that tick all the right boxes.  In theory.

Forty seconds later and the magic has been done, quick fingers transferring product from stick to skin with an effortless grace that I could only dream of emulating.  It looked good.  Really good.

A little on my cheeks, a touch along my browbone and a speck (or two) along the line of my cupids bow.  I didn’t look bronzed, I just looked… healthy.  The trick, he explained “…is to always build up to the level you require”.

“I know that!” I thought to myself… “But I can’t help being heavy handed!” Reading my mind (I told you he was good), David explained that tapping the product onto my skin with my fingers would result in a more controlled application.

Not only does that work 100x better for me but I now can’t stop applying this product to my cupids bow.  It has the desirable effect of making my top lip look instantly fuller and defined.

“And now for my next trick!” announced David, reaching into his top hat (ok, I made that bit up).

I was totally at ease in his company.  He has a light, affable manner with a generous side-serving of wicked humour which resulted in me being brave enough to admit something a little shameful.

“I don’t know where to apply my blusher.”  Then, in the hope that it would make the previous statement seem slightly less retarded… “Does it really make a difference where you apply on different face shapes?”


Placing two finger widths parallel to the side of his nose, David explained that the area covered by his fingers was a no-fly zone.  “Don’t apply blusher too close to your nose… it doesn’t look natural and isn’t flattering for you”.  I thought of all the times I’d grinned at myself in the mirror, applying my blusher EXACTLY where he’d just described whilst thinking I was hitting the ‘apple of the cheek’ bullseye.

He patiently showed me where I should concentrate the colour for my face shape (widest at the cheeks and quite pronounced.  Hamster podge).  I’ve artfully constructed a little diagram.  Don’t laugh.

I’ve found that if I keep my initial application focused right within that small dotted area, I get a natural (and less overdone) flush that detracts attention from the fleshier ‘apples’ and leaves my face looking more contoured.  I can hear angels singing Hallelujah.

Once blended, the area of ‘flush’ is larger than shown above and I tend to blend back toward the hairline and down toward the hollow.  It felt alien to me at first… mostly because of how high I’m applying but it’s definitely a better method for my face shape.  It’s only taken me 29 years to get that one right!

The makeup maestro at work!

He also had a message for you guys…  “Wear more purple eyeshadows.  Women are too intimidated by purple.”

You have to love him for that alone.  But you can’t.  ‘Cos he’s mine.

For more David-related goings on, keep a close eye on the HQ Hair blog as the HQ Girls get to regularly feature his tips, tricks and looks.  I think they keep him locked up in the beauty cupboard.  Lucky things.

HQ Hair & Beauty Salon,
2 New Burlington Street
0871 220 4141 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0871 220 4141      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

HQHair invites you to WIN a NARS makeover!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 10 - 2010

HQHair have teamed up with NARS international makeup artist David Scheffen (2nd in command to Francois – ooh la la!) to offer three lucky winners a fabulous Christmas makeover (not to mention a goody bag full of NARS products to take home with you!).

To qualify for entry all you need to do is tell the HQ Girls who your beauty icon is… and why?

The three lucky winners must be available to attend HQ Hair and Beauty Store in Central London (I’ve been there, it’s fab!) on Tuesday November 30th.

For more information, T&C and to enter… click here!

Wanna win £75 worth of O.P.I courtesy of HQ Hair?

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 8 - 2010

You do?

Well take your lovely selves over to HQ Hair to enter their exclusive competition!

HQ Hair are giving away a stack of goodies to celebrate the launch of the new Burlesque collection which has surely been one of the most well-received O.P.I collections to date?

It’s a simple email entry system… they just wanna know your favourite nail polish colour.

I’ve entered… so actually, sod off – move along, nothing to see here.

Save 15% at HQHair!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 2 - 2010

That’s like… 15% off top brands such as NARS!, Becca, Benefit and many more all at HQHair!

Discount code: HQHAPPY

Expires at midnight on the 4th May, so… good for the Bank Holiday long weekend only.

Tempted by anything?

Deal Alert – 15% off at HQHair

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 26 - 2010

It’s not often you can nab discounts on brands like NARS, Bare Escentuals and Benefit so make the most of it!

Enter code BUNNY15 at checkout for 15% off all orders at HQ Hair this weekend.  Code expires 29/03/2010.

Wah! Wah! *Sirens Flash* Wah! Wah!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 22 - 2009

Looky look!!

HQHair has had a makeover!  And they have a stonking offer!


The first 2000 orders received at HQ Hair from 12 noon tomorrow (23/10/2009) will receive £5 off the total order with no minimum spend!

That’s a free fiver! I’ll race ya!

Code is: NEWHQ

Anything tempting you on the site?

Fat Burner – Energy Lip Balm

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 23 - 2009

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product all at the same time.

Thoughts whizzing through my head include…

“How freakin’ lazy would you need to be….”
“How stupid would you need to be….”

But then, there’s this little gem weaving it’s way around in there too…

“But… what if it works… you know, even just a little bit?”

Ladies and erm Ladies… I introduce you to…



Yeah, it could be a little more discreet about it couldn’t it.

It makes me think of David Mitchell doing his Sky Sports parody voice… BURNER BALM… IT’S FOR FAT PEOPLE!

I first came across this product on the HQHair website back in late July/early August and sniggered to myself about how craptastic the packaging was and how fantastically gimmicky it sounded.  Fast forward a couple of weeks and I saw a tweet from PurePR linking to this article and wondering if it was “too much fuss?”  I responded saying that I didn’t take the product’s claims seriously enough to get all indignant over it.   I got a reply a few minutes later that simply said:  “In that case I must insist you try a sample!”

Consider that gauntlet well and truly thrown down!

I received my Fat Burner Balm a couple of days later and YES it really is as ugly and as inyourface as it looks in the picture.  Smells alright though.  I licked a bit… it doesn’t really taste of anything.  The variety I received was Pomegranate, but being the cave dweller I am, I don’t know how that is supposed to taste.


Let me categorically state that I am not gonna say whether or not I think this had any effect on my appetite or energy levels because honestly? I don’t know whether it did or not.  And if I think it may have done? It could easily be placebo… and if I think it was a load of old rubbish – my GIMMICK! radar may be interfering with my impartiality.

What I will say is that I found the product moisturising on my dry lips and strangely refreshing in a minty (but non tingly way).  I liked the fact that it contains SPF15 (as all good lipbalms should).  I didn’t like the gritty texture.  I found that I kept licking my lips in an attempt to lick the grittiness away… I wonder if the texture is part of the masterplan to get the ingredients into our systems by lip licking?  Either way it encouraged excellent and rather impressive chameleon impressions.

Do you know what I liked most about this product? It’s a fabulous conversation piece!  Whisking it out at the dinner table and everyone is talking about it for the next 10 minutes!  Everyone wants to know if it works, what it tastes of and how many HobNobs I’ve scoffed that day.  They all want a sniff and a read of the ingredients (I would list them, but I can’t be arsed – look on HQHair if you’re interested).

It’s one of those products that will generally polarise opinion.

Or alternatively, like me… you’ll just remain bemused yet curious about it!

Available from HQHair in 4 flavour varieties and priced at £4.95.


The Lipstick League – week of 4.7.11

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Miss Sporty Metal Flip Nail Polish Duochromes

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Sleek Sunset Palette Review & Swatches

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

SUQQU Nail Color R EX05 Shirakoucha NOTD

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Layla Cosmetics Misty Blush NOTD

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Body Shop Baked to Last Bronzers

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Today is a GOOD day.

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

The Lipstick League – Week of 06/02/2012

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Functionalab Beauty Dose – Body Toning

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my Escentual.com top picks!

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Dear Obesity...

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Ok, so um… this appeals to me a bit.  I’m honestly a bit ashamed to admit that.  I mean, I’m disgusted and intrigued by this product …


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