To fringe or not to fringe?

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 8 - 2011

Whilst this may not be the most important question we’ll ever ponder, for me… it was all I could think about a fortnight ago as I sat in the hair salon umm-ing and ahh-ing over this very dilemma.

In the end, I did what I always do in situations like this, I semi-commited.  I let the stylist cut me a hint of a fringe, a slight side sweep.  A fringe for wimps really.

I don’t like it. It’s bitty and it’s annoying… it says “Here stands a woman who has no faith in her own judgement!”

What I should have done, is bought one of these before visiting the salon.

The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe in Darkest Brown.  A clip-in fringe for commitment-phobes!

It’s the easiest thing in the world to attach, simply align wherever you want the end of your fringe to reach and press on the two clips that come attached.  Voila!

Instant fringe!

Now, whilst I am actually in love with my new fringe, it doesn’t come without issues.

1. It’s synthetic and therefore shiny.  If only my real hair were this shiny!  Now, don’t get me wrong… we’re not in doll’s hair territory, it’s not a horrible synthetic shine but it does contrast to my own hair and I need to fix this before I’d wear it out.  I’ve heard that some dry shampoo should do the trick.

2. If you have fine hair like mine, you need to play around with the back of the fringe (where it meets your hair) to ensure that the join is as well-hidden as possible.  Those with thicker locks will probably find this a doddle, I need a bit of careful placement and backcombing.

3.  Beware of relationships with partners, family and friends.  Mr. L and I are no longer on speaking terms since he called me Duane Dibley.

On the plus side, it provides instant gratification for a striking new look on nights out or when I want to confuse my 2 year old.  It’s well cut and heavy enough without being comedy-heavy and perhaps best of all, it covers my grey roots like a dream!

You can purchase The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe* online at HotHair, priced at £24.

* Press Sample

Foaming an opinion on hair dye… *groan*

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2011

The thought of dying my hair is genuinely one of the dreariest prospects I encounter every couple of months but for me and my grey hairs, it’s a necessary evil.  It smells, it stains and it’s a downright chore.

When I first heard about the new foam hair dyes entering the market late last year, I thought “oh hai new gimmick, I’m still going to hate using you”.  I was right.  Just not entirely…

The first one I tried was the John Frieda Precision Foam Colour* which retails at around £9.99.

It’s more money than I normally pay for a home colourant but I’m sure it’s one of those that will eternally be on special offer somewhere.  Having said that, it’s freakin’ fantastic.  It dispenses a rich, creamy foam from start to finish with crystal clear instructions, great packaging (and awesome gloves that fit properly!)

You can tell when thought and careful planning has gone into the details… and here, the quality is apparent even down to the fact that the dye wipes off skin beautifully without compromising on potency!


The available shades for brunettes suck.  They’re all fairly warm-toned and if you’re a pink-faced girl with a penchant for ashy tones, this isn’t good news.  Would I buy it again?  Only if I want gingery grey bits when the dye fades.  So, um… probably not.


The second one I tried (and I’m sat here with freshly dyed hair now) is the Clairol Nice n’ Easy Colour Blend Foam* which normally retails at a more palatable £6.99.

Props to Clairol for a stonking range of shade availability.  Everything from cool to warm tones, darkest to lightest… However, I got beef with this brand.

The instructions included in the box are terrible and led me to over-mix the formula thus producing crappy foam.  The instructions state: “Shake bottle until completely mixed”.

Watch this…

Now, to my mind… “Shake bottle until completely mixed” is a truly rubbish way to communicate to your customers “give it three firm shakes and then leave it alone for 30 seconds”.  No?

I followed the pack instructions, held the bottle, closed my eyes and shook vigorously for about 10 seconds until I was convinced that the products would be nicely mixed.

The result was a runny foam that applied nothing like the creamy John Frieda formula.

This stuff also stains like a four year old running around with a plate of spaghetti.  As a home hair-dye veteran, I’m used to wiping the backs of my ears, that pesky patch where a strand inevitably drops onto your shoulder and the annoying bits on the temples where you want to cover the baby greys but not the skin.  I usually do a grand job of it too.

Unfortunately, I’m sat here now with pretty bad skin staining on my temples.  Do I risk applying a barrier cream and not getting the coverage I need on those greys?  I don’t know… All in all, it’s a disappointing performance from the Clairol.

I’m genuinely upset about this because the colour selection is fabulous, the end result is good (though not as glossy as the John Frieda) and in theory, I love the foam formula which makes it almost impossible to ‘miss’ bits.  I don’t have to faff about parting my hair to get into the roots… I just treat it like I’m shampooing with a creamy lather and the formula does all the hard work for me.  Foam hair dyes have truly been a revelation.

Not only that, but in both instances, the dye has rinsed down the plughole like a dream with the water running clear after only a minute or two at the most.


Which should you buy then?

If you’re looking for red tones, buy the John Frieda and do it now, while it’s on offer.

If you’re wanting a cooler-toned shade… go for the Clairol but beware the misleading pack instructions and be sure to use a barrier cream such as vaseline on your hairline.

The future’s bright and it’s rather foamy.

*press samples

Pantene Pro-V Colour Seal Concentrate: A Hair Miracle

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2011

I’m not going to wrap this up in my usual 4348390 words incase I somehow lose the point of this post.  Let me simply tell you that I experienced a miracle this morning (yesterday morning by the time you’re reading this!).

I worked a blob of the new Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate through my hair last night after doing the usual shampoo/conditioner routine, left it on for 2/3 minutes and rinsed it out.  I went to bed with wet hair, fully expecting to regret my laziness the next morning and instead woke up to the softest, smoothest hair I can remember having.

The coarseness had completely disappeared and I was able to gather my hair into a smooth ponytail with ends so sleek that I couldn’t stop stroking them.

It’s now 13 hours later and my hair is sadly starting to feel a little more like it’s usual rough self so I’m not sold on Pantene’s claims of long-term effectiveness… still, even a full day of glossy locks has brightened my mood.  Yes, I’m as shallow as that last statment makes me appear.  I don’t care how it works (probably silicones, smoke and mirrors), I just care that it makes my hair (temporarily) very happy.

Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate should be available in your usual Pantene stockists now as part of the Pro-V Colour Protect range, it’s priced at £3.99 and I really recommend that you stop whatever it is you’re doing to go and buy some.

Recreating a salon blow dry – the follow up!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 12 - 2010

Earlier in the week, I whined about my inability to recreate a salon blowdry in the comfort of my own home and many of you shared my woes.

We all agreed that this seemingly simple styling step made a HUGE difference to how our hair looks and feels and a couple of you were kind enough to share some ah-mazing tips that I’ll be sure to follow up in my own retarded way.

I wanted to share with you the highlights from our blow dry discussion but if you haven’t read it… I urge you to go check out the full post.  Some of those tips are fabulous and I can’t do them justice here.  Go on, you might learn something!

You lot are brilliant.  Have a great weekend! xx

Liz Earle offers Botanically Beautiful Hair…

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 2 - 2010

…and she really, really does.

I rarely get really excited about haircare – it’s happened 3 times so far this year.  First, with Pantene’s new Aqualight which I’d still be using now if my sensitive scalp hadn’t kicked up a fuss about it.  Secondly with my mysterious high street deep conditioner (don’t get too excited, it’s only mysterious ‘cos I haven’t written the review yet) and thirdly, with this fabulous offering from Liz Earle.

If you’re a regular beauty blog reader, I know that you will have read at least 10 other reviews on these products seeing as they’ve done the ‘blog rounds’ in recent months and I wish I could bring something new and exciting to the table.  But really, all I can do is offer up another rave on how lovely these products are.

Whilst I may not be sold on the powers of the original Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish (I prefer my Cleansing Oil routines), I have always been impressed with the philosophy behind it of finding a gentle but effective product to suit all skintones.  The same philosophy has been applied to the Liz Earle Botanical Shine Shampoo (only for hairtypes) and for mine?  It works like a dream.

On a completely superficial level, I adore the scent.  I think it’s easy to underestimate just how big an influence scent plays in our bathing products.  In my bathroom, it’s right up there with performance… my haircare needs to smell divine, or I’m just not interested.  This smells… divine.  It’s understated, fruity and most importantly… clean-smelling and non-artificial.  It leaves my locks delicately scented without being overpowering.

The texture of the shampoo is almost slightly gel-like and the quantity shown above is about the amount I use to wash my hair.  Adding just a small amount of water, I lather the mixture up between my hands before applying to the roots of my hair.  Considering this is a SLS/SLES shampoo, I’m impressed with the amount of lather I can achieve.  My hair rinses clean in under a minute and actually feels clean (though not squeaky).  I only need one wash… none of that rinse and repeat stuff.  It cleanses my hair effectively and leaves my scalp happy and calm.

I was also sent the conditioner for dry or damaged hair (one of the three varieties available) and it’s a very thick, almost masque-like opaque cream.  Rich with shea butter and yangu oil (known for it’s inherent uv protection), the conditioner offers a deeply moisturising experience.  I tend to keep this away from my roots and concentrate instead on the ends and main hair shaft.  It lacks the tell-tale silicone slip that if I’m honest… I still miss but does prevent my hair from taking on a straw-like appearance once dry.

The scent of the conditioner is heavier than the shampoo and to my nose, I smell licorice which I’m putting down to the Rose-Scented Geranium essential oil… a scent that has always reminded me more of anise and licorice than roses!  Love it.

Both shampoo and conditioner come in two sizes (50ml and 200ml) and are priced at £4/£7.50 respectively.  Despite a full month’s use… I’ve only used half a bottle of the shampoo and will absolutely be repurchasing.  The conditioner tube is nearly empty and I’m not quite in love with it enough to repurchase.

Liz Earle’s new haircare ranges can be purchased online.  I’m not sure if they’re available from John Lewis, which would be my preferred source (I know the candles/bath oils aren’t) – I’ll check and get back to you on that one.

The grass is always greener…

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 15 - 2010

When my hair was long, I craved for hair that could carry off a distinct style… a sharp bob or an angled, chiseled look that would accentuate my non-existent facial bone structure.

Or maybe a pixie cut… channel my inner Jean Seberg, coax her out from inside me kicking and screaming…

Once I opted for a basic razored bob, I was in heaven.  For about 3 weeks.

And then it started to grow out and I never really fell in love with it again.

A year and many, many trims later… I’m at that awkward teenage hair stage.  It’s almost on my shoulders.  It’s unruly and it’s disobedient.

I’m completely jonesing these:

I want waves… soft, fluffy bedhead hair.  It’s getting cold and I want hair that keeps the back of my neck toasty warm.

What haircuts are you ladies desiring?  Link me up to some pics – I wanna be inspired!

Eleven Hair – more than just good hair

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 21 - 2010

When I was invited along for a complimentary cut and blow dry at Eleven Hair in central London –  I’ll be honest, I was totally expecting to leave with good hair.  Let’s be clear… You don’t generally occupy prime real estate in Mayfair with a naff hair and beauty salon.

I wasn’t disappointed.  I left with great hair.

But great hair was only the beginning.

My stylist Russell had me sussed in less than 30 seconds.  A few cleverly directed questions meant that I was at ease in his capable hands in less time than it took for a drink to appear in front of me.

I told him that I didn’t get much time to dedicate to styling my hair in the mornings and he asked me what length I thought my hair would be in a year’s time.  I told him that I wanted to grow it longer again and that I’d only chopped it short because sticky baby fingers kept slime-ing me.  He took a short while to assess the condition of my hair… I didn’t even realise he was doing it at first.  His subtle but direct approach was appreciated.

He suggested to me that next time I get my hair dyed… I should ensure that I only have the regrowth taken care of and he delicately held the ends of my hair against my roots, showing me they were now about 5 shades darker thanks to being over-processed.

I was shocked.  How had I not noticed?  Thinking back, I’m sure I should have felt embarrassed at this… but I didn’t feel judged.  I just felt that I wanted to learn more about how to get my hair back to it’s former good condition and this was the man that had all the answers.

We chatted about my hatred for the dreaded ‘triangle hair‘ and how I loved walking out of the hairdresser’s with razored ends and he explained to me that it was precisely this constant “thinning out” that was giving me a fluffier hairdo several weeks down the line.  I felt as if my eyes were being opened and things were dropping into place, especially the reasons behind why I had felt the condition of my hair had been (quite unfairly!) deteriorating over the last six months.

I could go on, telling you about all the simple little tricks he showed me to get the most out of styling my hair but I’d be here all day.  They were personal to me and felt completely tailored to my hair issues.  I was shown how to easily and quickly achieve a little more volume to my flat bob (one of the tips was as simple as flipping my parting to the other side… it worked amazingly well!)

If you want more than just a good haircut, I can recommend Russell Stevens at Eleven Hair.  Straight talking and no flannel but thoughtful to his client’s feelings and most importantly, intuitive.

Look how chuffed I am with my new (slightly windswept) hair!

I left Eleven Hair feeling lighter in my step, doing the whole swish thing and checking out every shop window I walked past.  Not for clothes you understand… just my reflection.

You can find Eleven Hair…

Eleven Hair
11 Blenheim Street,
London W1S 1LL

Tel: 0207 4912390


The “Swish” Factor? Pantene Pro-V NEW Aqualight Range

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 15 - 2010

With my fine hair, I’ll happily admit that I don’t always use conditioner.  I love how conditioner makes my hair feel smoother and softer, but I simply feel that with each extra product I use on my hair, the heavier my hair feels once dried.  With my current hairstyle (a bob) – it’s important to get a bit of root lift to stop my hair looking lank.

Pantene Pro-V’s new Aqualight Range is designed with one thing in mind.  Weightlessness.  It achieves this with some clever technology which I’ll try to summarise as well as I can.

1. Slimmed-Down Silicone. The Aqualight Range has re-evaluated the amount of silicone needed in products for those with finer hair.  Simple no?

2. Clean-Rinse Technology. Making the products as water-soluble as possible means that not only will the product rinse away faster, it will also leave less residue on the hair.

There were other sciencey things that involved molecules and the way in which they break apart, but I’m not gonna pretend to you that I understood it enough to explain it in layman’s terms!

There are 4 products in the range:

Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Shampoo – New Clean-Rinse Technology allows the products to be rinsed fast meaning hair feels cleaner and lighter. RRP £2.19 (250ml), £3.69 (500ml)

Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Conditioner – New “Liquid Conditioning” ingredients which stay liquid at room temperature and provide optimum conditioning levels without excess deposits.  RRP £2.19 (200ml), £3.69 (400ml)

Pantene Pro-C Aqua Light Spray Rinse-Off Treatment – A clever, ultra-light intensive hair treatment for extra nourishment without weighing hair down. RRP £3.99

Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Leave-In Treatment Spray – A lightweight nourishing spray to style and refresh your hair between washes.  The clever “dual phase” formulation contains nourishing ingredients at the top and detangling refreshing ingredients at the bottom. RRP £3.99

First impressions from my samples are good.  Better than good!  After washing and conditioning, my hair feels gently nourished yet light.  But where I really notice it making a difference, is after styling.

I shampoo, condition and then style with a root lifting product and the lift seems to last far longer than normal.  My idea of ‘styling’ is the rather lame “pointing the hairdryer at my roots and hoping for the best” trick, but I’m delighted with the results all the same.

I’m in love with the Aqua Light Rinse-Off Treatment too which is seemingly doing wonders for my dry ends.  Ok, they’re still splitting (need a haircut STAT!)… but they feel smoother and less rough when I roll them between my fingers.  Completely unscientific testing going on here!  I’m a bit unsure about the Aqua Light Leave-In Treatment Spray though.  The whole range smells beautiful and this is no exception.. but I just can’t get it to ‘refresh’ my hair.  It gives it a touch of gloss… but at the moment, I’m not noticing much more than that.

Honestly, I’m always seduced by new hair products that work fabulously well for a couple of months before they simply stop working, so I’ll be sure to come back and update this post if anything changes as I work my way through the products.

I think the Aqua Light range has been out in parts of Europe for a little while but I’ve spotted the shampoo and conditioner online at Tesco last weekend, so I look forward to hearing what you guys think about the range too!

Before you go, I’m curious!  Would you lovely ladies mind letting me know if I’m alone in shunning conditioner in preference for more ‘swishable’ hair?

Do you use conditioner every time you wash your hair?

  • Yes (78%, 126 Votes)
  • No (22%, 36 Votes)

Total Voters: 162

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It’s not all glamour…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 6 - 2010

Soooooooooo The Boots Smooth Skin by iPulse IPL System…

Armpit or Leg…

Arm. Pit. or. Leg.

I tossed a coin.  You get to see my hairy legs.  Or, leg even.  Just below the knee… to the right of the 2nd thread vein from the left.

I dunno why I watermarked it, it’s not like I wanna claim it as mine.

Random Internet User:  “Hey, lady… is this your photo of your pasty white leg with dry skin and multiple hairs protruding from one follicle (you freak)”.

Me: “Um, nope… no, doesn’t look like one of mine”.

Random Internet User:  “But it says here…”

Me: “…”

On the positive side… we’re kinda meant to have hairy legs.  I feel normal posting this in comparison to the hairy chin pics.

Until I can put the The Boots Smooth Skin to work on maintaining my facial in-clinic laser hair removal, I thought I’d best put it to good use on some other hirsute part of my anatomy.  Stop making gagging noises and be bloody grateful you were spared the bikini line bitches.

So this is the benchmark, here we are. Day One.  Well, not day one… this photo shows about 4 days worth of growth actually.  I’ve done my test patch and I’m good to go…. raring even.

I’m a little bit sad that I can’t fake tan my legs whilst I’m zapping but in the grand scheme of things, I’d rather be white than hairy.

Wish me luck, I’m going in!

Boots Smooth Skin by iPulse IPL System

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 10 - 2010

They say that tattoos are addictive… I don’t have any of those but I’m here to tell you that you can add hair-removal and Foxes Coconut Crinkles to the list of things that “Lipglossiping got herself addicted to” in 2010.

The question is, will I have a single hair left on my body come Christmas?  Will I get carried away with it’s fabulosity and start chasing the neighbour’s Persian moggy round the block once I’m done with Mr. L’s hairy back?

The Boots Smooth Skin by iPulse IPL System arrived last week for me to try and report back on, and being the hairy Mary that I am… I honestly couldn’t think of a better candidate.

Until I read this:

I was all of an “OHMYGOD, I CAN’T USE IT!”  I may even have squeezed out a couple of tears…  and then a few more for the benefit of Mr. L (who missed them the first time round) after he looked up from Micro Mart to determine whether the wailing was coming from me or the baby.

After some email to-ing and fro-ing with the people behind the device, I learned that they’re actually in the process RIGHT NOW of updating the UK manual for the machine.  Infact, here it is in black and white from the rep:

…I have managed to get you the most up to date info on the suitability of Boots Smooth Skin for PCOS sufferers.

As you know, in the UK manual, it states that Boots Smooth Skin is not suitable for PCOS sufferers.

We are in the process of updating the UK manual with Boots to give a better explanation of the considerations when using Smooth Skin with PCOS.  We know many PCOS sufferers have found good results with Smooth Skin and some have posted their positive reviews on

As you will know, in essence, PCOS is related to a hormonal imbalance.  Hormone changes may cause dormant hair stem cells to grow into new hair follicles.  So it is likely to take longer to be hair-free and require you to top up.

But we also know and understand what a huge comfort it is to PCOS sufferers not to have the extra hair that the condition causes to be so visible…

…We want to do the right thing by our consumers, and while we go through the final rounds of approvals with Boots we would love to give you the chance to get ahead of the UK change.

So there you go.  You heard it here first (maybe).

In all honesty as a PCOS lady, this device wouldn’t be my first stop for hair removal.  Not for my face anyway, which is precisely why I don’t already own one.

I’ve looked at this particular device many times in the past (it’s one of the few that claim PERMANENT results) and I’ve never been confident enough in it’s claims to go to Boots and lay my debit card down on the counter.   I think it’s important that you know this, and that I tell you why.

Regardless of whether there’s any substance to my opinion, as someone with a “proper” problem with excess hair, I knew that I was always going to opt for something that I perceive to be stronger.  I want FULL ON peeow peeow laser beams blasting my face yano?  I want someone with a clipboard to be operating a machine that takes up at least 10sq foot of floor space and puts a minor dent in the national grid everytime it’s fired up.

I won’t be using this on my face or my chest.  I don’t want it to interfere with the results that I may or may not get from the SK:N treatment that I’m currently undergoing.

Instead, you get to see my gorgeous hairy pins.  You lucked out.  Don’t worry though… I’m not showing them today, your appetite is safe for now.

Check out this instead:

It’s all very neat and compact… slotting into it’s own little vanity case that has been discretely designed without the words LASER HAIR REMOVAL emblazoned all over it.  In other words, you can totally leave the IPL stuff behind and take the case on a dirty weekend filled with furry handcuffs and the like.  Or if you’re me, Minstrels.

So, the plan is to do one leg.  Just the one.  Don’t worry, I’m still gonna shave the other one… but I think that doing it this way will leave me under no illusions by the end of 12 weeks whether I’m actually seeing concrete results from the Boots Smooth Skin.  I’m also going to pin down Mr. L (he really does have a hairy back and this is the only home IPL system suitable for men) – he’s gonna. love. it.

Much, much later on… god knows if you’ll still be here with me or even care, but I’ll put phase two of the hair-blasting attack into action.  I’ll use the Boots Smooth Skin on my face to maintain whatever results I achieve from my SK:N treatment once it’s finished.

For the purposes of the trial and for you ladies with PCOS, I wish I could do that bit NOW – but bad timing forces my hand and I simply can’t.  It’s pretty common for hirsute women with a hormonal imbalance to need extra professional laser sessions.  Sometimes as many as a couple of times a year to maintain completely smooth skin.  I’ve made peace with that, but for me… that would mean £220 for each topup session.  The Boots Smooth Skin currently retails at £274.99.  It makes economical sense for me to purchase one of these for maintenance and I would (despite my cautious attitude towards it’s claims) be confident enough in the device’s abilities to lay down my cash in an effort to maintain an area that’s already been treated.

Anyway, I’ll introduce you to the more technical aspects of the machine next week when I’m confident that my tan has completely faded (you can’t use the device on fake-tanned skin).

*glances up* Jesus, I can’t half go on.

An invitation for you

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 30 - 2010

I’ve been chatting to some of the people behind the “We Can Face It” campaign and I’d like to invite any interested parties to attend the launch event for the campaign.

So I’m sure you’re wondering what the “We Can Face It” campaign is…

The campaign aims to raise awareness of unwanted facial hair, show sufferers that they are not alone and encourage them to find the treatment regime that works for them.  It’s the first of its kind for the country and hopes to make important steps forward in raising awareness and understanding of a common but under-recognised and isolating condition.

The campaign is being headed up by TV personalities Dr Dawn Harper (Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies), Mica Paris (soul singer and TV presenter) and Jason Gardiner (style guru from ITV’s This Morning) and will include the launch of a newly published report highlighting the results of a survey into the impact of the condition on 1,000 women from across the UK.

Please click the image above to view the PDF file containing further campain and launch event details.

Event Details:

ON: Wednesday 2nd June 2010
AT: 6.30pm
IN: Sunbeam Studios, Ladbroke Hall, 79 Barlby Road, London, W10 6AZ

To register for this free event, please email us at stating your name, phone number and email address. You will then receive an email confirmation.


Obviously, this event will only appeal to a small number of my readers… but it’s an issue close to my heart and judging from the correspondence I’ve had with some of you since my hair removal exploits…. close to yours too.

Philip Kingsley = RELIEF!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 9 - 2010


I hate it when the seasons change!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I have fleas!

I don’t really have fleas… but twice a year (Spring>Summer & Autumn>Winter) my scalp goes to crap and I’d love to know if this is some weird personal freakishness or something that other people experience too?

Anyway, I mentioned it to a PR lady ‘cos I was explaining why I wasn’t suitable to review some other hair products at the moment and she mentioned this Philip Kingsley range to me…

Flaky/Itchy scalps…. sexy.

The fact is though… I don’t care if it’s a bit taboo… a lot of people suffer!  I can’t wear black tops for at least 2 months of the year whilst I’m going through these flare ups and trust me, nothing makes you more HUGELY self-conscious than feeling your husband gently brushing the flakes off your shoulder whilst you’re standing in a checkout queue.

The Philip Kingsley Scalp Mask is basically an exfoliator for your scalp.  It’s a tricky product to apply and if my hair were longer and thicker I’d have struggled to use it.  I got instant relief from it though and I was able to use it despite my scalp being quite sore.  It gives a lovely cooling sensation and simply eased the itch and temporarily cleared the dry skin that was clinging around my hairline.

I was also surprised at how reasonably priced it is, £3.85 and available with free shipping from FeelUnique!

The other product I was sent was the Philip Kingsley Shampoo for itchy/flaky scalps which I have been using in conjunction with the mask.

Sadly, not quite so affordable.  A 250ml bottle will set you back £16.15 delivered from Feel Unique.

But it’s worth every penny.

3 shampoos in and I’m clear of the scabby bits (gosh, how attractive)… I’m still a touch flaky along the hairline, but it’s really easing off and at this rate I’m gonna be completely clear in a few more days.  I’m going to continue to use it for maintenance twice a week and if I only have to purchase it twice a year, it’s really worth it for me.

In addition to the fact that this stuff simply works, it’s also gentle… I colour my hair regularly and anti-dandruff type products are notorious for stripping and dulling coloured hair.  This isn’t having any effect on my dye-job!

I’m not gonna ask if you ladies are in need of a product like this, but I’d love to know privately if you’ve noticed any correlation between the changing seasons and the condition of your scalp?


FOTD with Illamasqua Halcyon Illuminator

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

IMATS London 2011 - The Damage.

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

The Lipstick League - Week of 6.6.11

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Pure - Bright Blue NOTD

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

New No7 Spring Collection launching next week!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Color in Big Bang

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Wordless Wednesday

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

HQ Hair introduces me to David Scheffen…

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Chanel Illusion d'Ombre #83 Illusoire

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

PSA: Urban Decay Fans - Free worldwide delivery on the Naked2 Palette

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Hello? Is this thing on?

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Dear Obesity...

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

ARGH! I hate it when the seasons change! Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I …


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