Mii Cosmetics Illuminating Face Base SPF15

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 13 - 2011

I mentioned this new Mii Cosmetics base last week as something a li’l special.  I’ve been wearing it solidly since then in an effort to pin down exactly what it is that makes it stand out for me…

I mean look at it…

It’s a bit too dark and a bit too peachy.  It comes in a big plunge pot and heaven knows, I hate getting product under my finger nails.

This is the lightest of 5 shades, 01 Gentle Glow and you get 25g of product for your pennies.  If you’re paler than a NW15 – I would be hesitant to recommend it at all.  Yes, it’s sheer and has the potential to blend without too much bother but really… the colour may well limit your enjoyment of this product.  And that’s a shame, because this is an awesome base.

Mii Cosmetics Illuminating Face Base (£25.20) is for drier skin types and in my humble opinion, you won’t appreciate this product if you’re oily… it’s incredibly luminizing without sheen or glitter, imparting moisture and dewiness as if by magic.

I suffer the kind of dryness that concentrates itself in tiny flakes around my nose and eyebrows, I occasionally get scaly patches under my eyes and when things are out of control in the winter, a general dullness to the overall appearance of my skin.  I don’t have anything as bad as that at the moment… but I know how it feels on my skin in comparison to other products I’ve used and I’m going to love this when the weather turns cooler.

It’s sheer… more like a tinted moisturizer, don’t expect blemish coverage but it will dampen mild redness and uneven skintones nicely.  It’s very creamy and my preferred method of application is with my fingers because I can literally feel the product melting and gliding more smoothly as it heats up from the warmth.  Once on, I bounce my (dry) beauty blender over my skin to remove any excess (something I do with most foundations that I use my fingers to apply) and set with a finishing powder.

For extra coverage, I wait a few minutes (it feels quite ‘wet’ when you first apply) before going back in with a light dusting of mineral foundation.

Want to see a direct before/after comparison?  I didn’t finish off with any additional powder because I thought you might like to see the coverage…

I would love, LOVE Mii to create something with the same formula but with slightly heavier coverage and in a tube.  I would literally sell Leila’s Granny (sorry Mum) for that product.  As it stands… I’m still hugely enamoured.  It’s dewy, fairly long-lasting (about 8hrs with a little slip on my nose) and doesn’t grumble when I slap other face products over it to get better coverage.

Here’s a shot showing the base combined with finishing powder (MAC Magically Cool <3)…

If you already have awesome normal or normal/dry skin and you’re looking for sheer, summer coverage… do see if you can discover Mii Cosmetics Illuminating Face Base.  I really don’t think you’d be disappointed.

Mii Cosmetics are sold exclusively in Spas/Salons, call 0845 217 1360 to find your nearest.

* PR sample

Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 22 - 2011

Phew, you don’t wanna be trying to remember the name of this foundation after a few sakes.  But for the record, Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10 *cough* is definitely worth remembering.

I first heard of this foundation after Kathi at LotusPalace blogged about it… anything that Kathi calls HG frankly has me running for my debit card, foaming at the mouth.  So I ran for my debit card. I’m not admitting to anything else.

I paid around £15 for this on eBay from AlphaBeautyUK and it arrived within 9 days of ordering.

You get 25g of product in a small glass jar… it’s not particularly fancy, it’s just… functional.

My skin is still recovering from the Winter, dry at the best of times.  I’m still needing to consider foundations that won’t be attracted to dry patches of skin and although creams are usually cited as being the ones to go for, I can’t say that I’ve noticed them being particularly more moisturising in the past.

Perhaps I’ve just been going for the wrong ones!

The most compelling thing about this foundation for me is the almost perfect shade match… it’s possibly a hint lighter than my skintone but once it’s had time to fit (oxidise?), it’s pretty damn spot on.

Although clearly pink-based, I think it has enough peach in it to stop it from turning ruddy… if colour matching to a so-called English Rose complexion is an issue for you, I really recommend giving this a try.

So, how about that moisture then?  Seeing as this is called “moist”… well it’s not bad.  It’s not as moisturising as something like Chanel Vitalumiere but to be honest, I find that too tacky on my skin and a little uncomfortable to wear.  I’d class this as somewhere between that and a normal, satin finish foundation.

I’ve read this described as a medium-coverage foundation but for me at least, this is pretty full-on.  I don’t own many foundations that give a fuller coverage than this.  I’ll probably find this far too heavy for the Summer but I’m fine with it while the seasons are still changing.  Here’s a before/after – prepare yourself, it’s shots like this that remind me why I like makeup and NEED eyeliner.

After is on the right, I’ve applied the Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist with my fingers over a moisturised face.  No concealer.  God I have big ears.  And please excuse the bloodshot eye.  And the lip spot.  And…oh, bugger it.

What do you think?  I think it tones down redness nicely, covers most imperfections adequately and doesn’t accentuate my dry bits.  I think it’s a bit full-on for the Summer and wish I’d discovered it a couple of months ago.  Mostly though, I love the shade which is pretty damn awesome.

Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10 is available to buy online from eBay (and possibly many other places that I’m not clever enough to translate).

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation goes under the microscope!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 24 - 2010

When I heard about Paul & Joe’s new Creamy Matte Foundation, my first thought was to get all indignant about a brand releasing a winter formula that ticks all the right boxes, only to ruin it by making it matte and unsuitable for dry skins that need the cream formula most of all!

Like most, my skin is at it’s most parched in the Winter and although it’s only October, I’ve already written “Dr. Hauschka Rose Day cream” in my iPhone’s shopping list to remember to repurchase this winter skin saviour when I’m next in London.

Beautifully presented as always, the Paul & Joe Creamy Matte Foundation boasts SPF20 PA++ and a range of 8 shades to suit a variety of skintones.  £28 will provide you with a standard 30ml of product that claims…

…this light and air whipped‐formula leaves skin looking completely flawless with a dreamy matte finish for absolute perfection.  With a unique balance of semi‐matte and shimmer this unique moisturizing foundation available in an array of eight shades, promises a divine lustrous glow, sure to steam up your winter!

High up in the list of active ingredients are a bunch of silicones which give the foundation a velvety feel on the skin whilst preventing oil from breaking through the surface of the product for as long as possible.  There’s also a few fruit oils thrown in for good measure and the product does have a pleasing slightly fruity scent… but that may be more to do with the parfum than the natural ingredients.  Either way, I’ve experienced no sensitivity problems with this product I’m pleased to report.

Have I told you how much I adore P&J’s presentation?  Oh I have?  Oh… ok then…

But seriously, who doesn’t love a product that blatantly looks this adorable?  The heavyweight frosted glass jar comes with a little spatula to help you remove product hygienically.  However, I can’t say it’s the most travel-friendly object!

I opted for shade #20 (Fresh) which promised to be: A light pink that gives a radiant complexion. To my eye, it’s not that light.  It is the palest cool-toned shade in the range and I have to blend this carefully down my jawline.  I would suggest that any pale types opt for either 00 Alabaster or 10 Ivory, or even better… use it as an excuse to have a mooch around Fenwicks on a lunchtime and get matched!

Thankfully, it is a dream to blend… I mostly just warm it on the back of my hand with my fingers and apply with the tools I was born with (fingers, not toes).  The amount of coverage simply amazed me.

Here’s a before/after:

Look at that! Skin PERFECTION! (well, very nearly!)

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is a beautiful new contender for the winter foundation market.  It looks great, stays on my normal/dry skin for most of the day with just a minor powder touch up needed on my nose at lunchtime and it gives a full-on flawless finish.

As for it’s “moisturising properties”?  I’m yet to discover any.  I don’t find it as drying as most matte or long-lasting foundations and it doesn’t seem to cling to any dry patches at all… but I wouldn’t describe it as moisturising.

The other thing about it?  It’s not mask-like.  I love my Illamasqua Rich Liquid foundation for the evening… but would never venture out in the day wearing it.  It’s just too opaque.  This somehow lets my natural skin and tone remain clear whilst hiding a multitude of other sins!

Overall, I would particularly recommend Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation for those of you with normal/combination oily skin.  If you suffer from an oily t-zone but dry cheeks, be sure to moisturise any dry areas before applying and you should get great skin all day long with this foundation.

Paul & Joe have really been impressing me recently, I can’t wait to see what they have for Spring!

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is priced at £28 for 30ml and available instore at Fenwicks & Harrods or alternatively online at BeautyBay.

Stargazer Pro Paint Stick Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 3 - 2010

I found this amongst my other Star Gazer goodies that I was sent last week and immediately my eyes went into a bit of a roll.

I can be a bit of a foundation snob.  Eyeshadows… I’ll buy and happily use from all price points… but foundation is the base of everything right?  If your base ain’t right… you ain’t coming in.

I have to say though, this Star Gazer Pro Paint Stick is pretty brilliant!  Don’t get wrong… there’s plenty of stuff about it that I don’t like.  For one, it kinda pongs… it smells chemically and cheap.  That’s probably because it is.

For two, the ingredient list is massive… there’s lots of unpronounceables in there.

And for three, well… it’s Star Gazer and not Chanel.  I’m gonna have to hide the packaging. SORRY!  But it’s true, this won’t be taking pride of place on my dressing table.

But snobbery aside; Stargazer Pro Paint Stick is a truly effective full coverage, creamy foundation.  In a stick.

It glides on without drag, #1 Light Flesh (sexy) is a great neutral colour match for me (don’t get this one if you’re darker than a NW/NC15 though) and blends seamlessly with the warmth from my fingers.

I’ve been working out the best way to use it, and for me… I’m loving it as a giant concealer stick.

I swipe the tube over the tops of my cheeks and down the bridge of my nose and blend.  It evens out my skintone beautifully and once set with some translucent powder, doesn’t want to budge.  It means that I can happily coat the rest of my face in tinted moisturiser and be all “la la la I’m wearing tinted moisturiser, isn’t my complexion LOVELY!”

I’ve worn it all over too, but I tend to be a little heavy handed and I get that full-cover slightly sticky mask thing going on.  Here’s a before/after shot.  You should be able to see how well the redness and uneveness is covered?

Priced at £4 each and available from Stargazer online, though the online colour swatches look a bit rubbish.

Quick Yaby Haul & Roundup!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 9 - 2010

So, last week… or was it the week before?  I’m getting old… they’re all starting to blur.

Anyway… I hit up The Makeup Artist Boutique mid sale and treated myself to a couple of Yaby bits that I’d had my beady eye on.  I’ve heard lots of (mostly positive) things about the makeupartist-designed brand and wanted to check it out for myself.

Here’s what I bought.

for swatches and some quick first impressions… read on…

Read the rest of this entry »


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