Released as part of the Holiday Wishes 2009 collection (like SO last year sweetie!) I’m still rocking this one on my nails, clinging onto the last vestiges of Christmas before the total bleakness of pre-Spring sets in. Wow, that was cheerful.
This is a beautiful bronzed shade flecked through with multi-coloured chunks of glitter of irregular sizes.
Application was Lipglossiping-friendly and it has so far lasted 6 days without a top coat. Tip wear is moderate and it hasn’t chipped at all. Removal? Don’t ask… I’m too scared to do it. Perhaps I’ll just leave it on ’till next Christmas!
Did you buy any of the Holiday Wishes Collection shades? I really wanted Merry Midnight and Holiday Glow aswell but they were out of stock by the time I got round to buying 🙁