January Essentials – Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 18 - 2010

Love it or hate it, Rose-scented products tend to polarise opinion… I’m in the love-it camp, I find it a comforting smell in a Granny kinda way.

I’m talking Granny in a cool Lily of the Valley sense.  NOT Granny in a mint imperials wrapped in tissue discovered in the bottom of a musty-smelling handbag sense.  I hope we’re clear on that?

Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil promises to protect skin from free-radicals whilst moisturising and promoting inner balance and harmony.

Inner balance? Harmony? Please excuse my whilst I attempt to mainline about 5 litres of the stuff directly into my veins… I’m on the final day of my inlaws visit.  I love them really… but… well, yano…

Oils are my thang, I’m a lazy git when it comes to body moisturising… and oils just seem easier to me than creams.  I apply them after turning off the shower taps whilst my skin is still damp.

Doing it this way, means I can be quick and messy and get the chore over with.  I also like to screw with Mr. L and leave an oily residue in the bath.  It’s like banana skins x700 billion.  *claps hands with glee*

I also find them to be great value for money.  Body Oils are generally more expensive than creams and lotions, but a little goes a very long way and a single bottle will easily last me 6 months of daily use.

I especially like the sound of this one ‘cos you can slather it on your face too… god I’m such a sloth.  I’m sussing myself out as I type this…  I want an all-over oil that I can apply in about 5 secs flat from top to toe without moving from the warmth of the bathroom don’t I?  Well.. step forward Weleda!

And this… ladies and um ladies, is why I’m announcing Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil a bonafide January Essential (for lazy flakey-skinned bitches).

Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil is available from LoveLula.com and priced at £18.95 for 100ml

Are you a body oil fan?

Surya Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 16 - 2009

I’m my own worst enemy.. I suffer from dry skin, particularly in the winter and one of the worst places for this are my hands.

Despite this, I hate hand creams.  I avoid them like the plague.  I am yet to find one that doesn’t leave a greasy, sticky or at best slightly clammy feeling (and I’ve tried a lot!).

The only thing for it, is to minimise anything that dries my hands out.  This was never a problem for me before I had Leila, but now she’s 6 months old and I’m dreading this winter.  My hands are constantly in contact with baby wipes, which seem to suck all moisture from them (yet they’re fine for her bottom – go figure?).

I was offered a Surya Hand Sanitizer to trial and I was pleased to do so as it’s a product I use often when out and about with the babs in tow.


The Surya Hand Sanitizer carries a little tagline which I didn’t notice in the press release and only discovered after a couple of days use: Moisturizing (yes, spelt the American way).

Surely that’s an oxymoron?  Since when are hand sanitizers (mostly composed of alcohol) anything other than incredibly unmoisturising?

Well… I actually do find this to be pretty good compared to my usual brand of sanitizer (Carex if you’re interested).

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it moisturising, but my hands don’t seem to dry out so much after use and I don’t get a tingling sensation like I do with other brands.

The scent is a little overpowering – an odd combination of mint and lavender, both seem to vye for my attention in an altogether slightly too heady manner, but thankfully the scent it leaves on my hands is a lot more understated than on initial use.

Perhaps most importantly, it dries quickly without leaving any kind of residue.  If you’re in the kind of profession where you need to use these products often – I’d really recommend this as a gentler alternative to many other brands on the market.

Surya Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer is available in two sizes: a 60ml handbag size (£7.00) ideal for busy (who am I kidding?) Mums like me, and a 200ml (£10.00) “desktop” size.

Available to buy from Liberty and online from their website.

Jemma Kidd Lip Gloss FREE with Bodyform

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 29 - 2009

Now, despite fears that I may sound like your Mum… I HAVE to talk to you about sanitary wear, are you sitting comfortably?  Not fidgeting?  Good.  Now listen up.

Exciting news!

Bodyform are launching a new “Campaign for Confidence” and are very understanding of the fact that when us ladies look good, we feel good.  In light of that, they’re treating us to the latest lip gloss in two gorgeous, autumn shades.

Yes, you read that right!

From the 12th October you can snap up a Limited Edition Jemma Kidd Lip Gloss absolutely free with special packs of Bodyform!


The lip glosses come in 2 shades (Orchid & Rose) and are worth £10 each from the Jemma Kidd Makeup School range.

The limited edition packs will be available from the 12th October in all good supermarkets and pharmacies and will no doubt be in high demand so make sure you don’t delay!


Also featuring on these LE packs is some useful information on symptom awareness from The Eve Appeal, a charity working hard to raise funds into research for gynaecological cancers.  Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in women in the UK, so greater awareness of all gynaecological cancers should be of interest to every woman.

As if that wasn’t enough… I have a little “bodyform inspired” giveaway coming up, further details of that in the next few days!  Too exciting!

Bounce with me xx

Tisserand Aromatherapy Bath Oil – Muscle Ease

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 8 - 2009

There are two types of people in this world.. no, not those weird MacDonald’s gherkin haters always looking repulsed at the infinitely more sensible pickle lovers, (c’mon, it’s one your 5-a-day.  In a burger!).  I’m talking about Bath vs. Shower people.  I have always fallen into the latter category, simply never having enough time for a leisurely soak.

But, since having Leila – any period of time that involves me being locked in a room on my own is a GOOD thing and what better excuse is there than “I’m just gonna have a bath, k?”

I’m considering moving most of my belongings into the bathroom, that’s how much time I’m spending in there… my husband and daughter occasionally catch glimpses of me running from the bedroom to the bathroom, towel flapping behind me – “just gonna have a quick bath mmm…k?!” *door shuts. door locks. Mum double checks that door cannot be opened*  Don’t worry, there are photos of me dotted around the house so Leila knows what Mummy looks like.

Jeez… I’m rambling.

Anyway, you can clearly imagine my delight when I was sent a new bath oil to try out!  Can I get a woop WOOP!?


Muscle Ease?  Oh, yes please! – It’s hard work being an all-round yummy mummy, incredible wife and beauty blogger – my poor aching muscles… oh and look! Ginger! One of my favourite smells in the whole wide world!

So far, so good…

I turned on the taps and unscrewed the lid. Oh. My. God… I know I have a tendency towards over the over-dramatic, but this is the scent to beat all scents.  It’s warm, spicy, autumnal and citrusy without being sharp.  Absolutely incredible with real depth that makes you want to keep that ‘in’ breath going until the scent envelopes you and carries you away wrapped in a cashmere blanket.

Sorry, but I did warn you about the drama.

Once poured into the bath, (just a capful, a little goes a long way!) the oil emulsifies, turning the water milky and luxurious.  The scent is still lingering in the air, it’s enthusiasm to tickle your nostrils not even remotely dampened by the gallons of steamy water now diluting it.

I’ll let you into a little secret… I don’t REALLY have weary muscles (although I am a yummy mummy and incredible wife… get lost, I so AM) heck, the only muscles I exercise are the ones needed to eat and talk – do they do a mouthwash?  This unfortunately means that I can’t comment on it’s ability to ease tired muscles.  But… after experiencing TOTAL relaxation despite grizzly child noises echoing in the background, I wouldn’t be surprised if this stuff could make me tea and toast, let alone relieve a few aches and pains.

I will absolutely be purchasing this when my bottle runs out.  I will also be purchasing the Detox variety (Lemon and Black Pepper anyone? *yes please!*)

Tisserand Bath Oils are currently available in 4 varieties: Muscle Ease, Energy Revive, Detox and De-Stress.

They are priced at £7.50 each and available to buy online from Tisserand.com (You can also get them with Free Delivery from Beauty Flash)

I would mention that Tisserand Bath Oils are also free from Synthetic Fragrances, SLES and Parabens but I’m too busy sniffing the bottle to care.  Oh, but I do care enough to let you know that they don’t test on bunnies either.

Looky, my first 5 out of 5… I just can’t find fault.

[starreview tpl=14]

Body Shop Haul

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 31 - 2009

My enjoyment at admiring my latest Body Shop haul was short lived when…


…to my horror, I opened up my Oui, Oui, Oui lip butter only to discover that the lip butter goblin had swiped the lot.

The greedy little bastard had even somehow managed to get the plastic wrap back on the pot ensuring it was hygenically resealed (just to mess with my mind some more you understand).

Um, do you think The Body Shop will believe me?  Or will they think I’m some kind of sick desperado who goes around buying Oui, Oui, Oui lip butters… painstakingly scraping out the contents, washing up the pots and returning them for a new one?

I wouldn’t mind SO much, but sods law dictates that I didn’t haul from my local Body Shop… oh no, I had to get this from the store 15 miles away didn’t I.

Anyway, onto the rest of my haul…

Olive Glossing Shampoo & Conditioner: Have heard such good things about this.  My scalp is a mess at the minute, I always suffer from soreness this time of year so I’m hoping something a little more natural than my usual products will help.

Mandarin Orchid Shower Gel: Love my bathing products to smell fruity or tropical and citrusy scents are at the top of my list!

Vitamin E Face Mist: Replacing my last bottle which I find essential for giving my mineral foundation a more dewy appearance.

Rich Plum handwash: This was in the sale, and now that I’m a full time nappy changer – I’m always washing my hands, so thought I’d indulge in something a little more luxurious than Carex!

Almond Home Fragrance Oil: I already own this one (I collect them), but it’s one of my favs so grabbed another bottle while I saw it.

Chamomile Essential Oil: My super bargain of the day, I usually drip a little of this into some milk and add to the bath, it’s normally over £11 a bottle, this was reduced to £1.75 – very happy!

Simply Purify Rejuvenating Bath Soak: Another sale item, contains wasabi extract… love wasabi!

Was sorely tempted by the Coconut Body Scrub too, but I’ve still got a Nirvana Spa one I bought at The Vitality Show to use up.

What are your Body Shop favs?


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