Fake Bake launch new range at New Look

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 18 - 2010

Fake Bake have introduced a new range instore at New Look designed to appeal to High Street bargainistas!

Four paraben-free products to fulfill your self-tan needs, the new high street range incorporates:

Pasty to Tasty wash off instant-tan £6
Rough to Buff perfectly smooth body polish £5
Dull to Delicious oil free moisturiser £5
Bland to Tanned sun-kissed self-tan £10

The packaging is not a hit with me it has to be said.  I might be partial to the odd high street bargain, but I’m not 7 – which incidentally is probably the last time I dotted my I’s with hearts.

Will you be giving this a try?

New Limited Edition Eyeko Rain Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 11 - 2010

A new limited edition polish release from Eyeko

Rain Polish is a rather delicate smoky blue/grey amalgamation.  It’s instantly clear that a lot of thought has been put into the colour selection by the addition of a subtle amount of shimmer that really lifts the shade and stops it falling into the familiar pale blue trap of looking flat and chalky.

Application was a touch tricky, the formula felt fine…. nicely balanced, but on application it dragged a bit unless I was super quick.  The best way I found to prevent this was by applying thicker coats than I would normally… which then has the knock on effect of taking longer to dry, so I probably wouldn’t wear this without the addition of a quick dry top coat.

It reminds me of Essie’s Sag Harbor from last year’s North Fork collection but with less shimmer.

Do you like it?

Looking on the Eyeko website, I’m only seeing it available as part of a set of 3 (priced at £8.50).  Hopefully they’ll make it available as an invidual shade ‘cos it’s a fairly unique one.

Boots 17 Cosmetics Matte Top Coat Nail Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 10 - 2010

Last year, they were everywhere and they divided opinion.  Some loved ’em, some hated ’em.

What am I talking about?  Matte Nails of course!

17 Nails Xtras Matte Top Coat Polish 8ml (£3.99) from Boots is due to be released in September and I’ve got a sneaky peek for you!

Well… finally!  A really, thoroughly decent matte top coat with great availability and a price tag to match!

It may a little late to the mass market to be considered the height of fashion, but this budget matte top coat from 17 Cosmetics is gonna be a hugely popular seller in my humble opinion.

It applies a true matte finish, none of this satin semi-matte nonsense.  So far, I haven’t noticed it accentuating any ridges or imperfections in the polish application underneath and it dries fully in minutes.  Actually, that’s my one caveat… you need to apply the top coat quickly as it will dry rapidly.  Once you realise this, it’s not a problem as the polish glides on smoothly anyway.

After wearing for a couple of days, the matte finish does get slightly shinier… more satiny.  But I haven’t noticed an increase in chipping or tip wear as a result of topping up my standard manicure with this little gem.

£3.99?  You’ll want to get this!  Hurry up September!

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Ponds Light Day Cream

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 7 - 2010

If it’s good enough for Kylie

You never have to travel far before you come across someone who will happily swear by these iconic pots of cream.  Whether it’s the original Cold Cream or some of their more uptodate incarnations, someone somewhere will happily tell you how Ponds is the only moisturiser their Nan/Mother/Sister (delete as appropriate) has been using since 1935 and that she doesn’t look a day over 23.

I’ve been using Pond’s Light Day Cream (£3.99) on and off for a while now and it is indeed (mostly) the bees knees.

Ignore for a moment the parabens, perfume and mineral oil contained within (I know, it’s hard)… these are pretty old school inexpensive ingredients designed to a) make the product stay fresh longer, b) smell nice and c) form a barrier between your skin and the drying effects of the environment.  Are there better ingredients that do the same job?  You bet.  Are there better ingredients that do the same job for the same price?  Not so much.

If you’re not sensitive to these ingredients (and I don’t seem to be) then I’m happy to use them.  Many people aren’t afforded that luxury, with artificial perfumes being among one of the biggest culprits for skin sensitivity.

But anyway, I’m going off on a tangent slightly… back to the review…

Attractively packaged in a heavyweight frosted glass jar, the cream has a thick but slippy texture.  It’s much easier to spread than that refrigerated Nutella texture that is Nivea Creme. It’s also as light and non-greasy as it claims, as long as I’m not too heavy handed.  I find that the cream sinks in beautifully and leaves my skin feeling softer and more supple than before.  If I get a bit carried away with it, it leaves my skin slightly tacky for about 10 minutes before subsiding.

It’s strong scent loses it a point (or 4)… I know it’s iconic… but I can still smell it 3 hours later!  Also, SPF 6… is that it?  It’s barely worth bothering is it?  I won’t leave the house without a minimum of SPF15 and it’s a shame that this doesn’t supply that extra protection.

There’s one thing I must mention though, it’s the one reason in particular that I will be repurchasing.  It’s compatible.

Shall I explain?

I often like to mix things into my moisturiser.  Luminizers mostly… but often I’ll add foundations to sheer them out a touch.  Things like the new LUSH Colour Supplement blend wonderfully into this cream and apply flawlessly.  Oh and another thing?  Powder products wear with absolutely no problems over the Pond’s Light Day Cream.  I can slap a bit of this on my face first thing and less than 5 minutes later, I’m swirl, tap, buffing my way to a flawless complexion quite happily.  Nothing ‘balls’ up under my fingers… it’s just a very laid back, inexpensive and light day cream for the summer.

Top marks! (nearly).

George Asda Matte Finish Polish in Twister NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 3 - 2010

Beautiful shade, great looking finish, 2 easy-to-apply coats and truly, truly inexpensive at £1.50 a bottle.

Which is why the terrible wear breaks my heart.

This is how it looked at the beginning of the 2nd day.  It didn’t look much better halfway through the first day either (I just didn’t have my camera with me).

*sigh* what an unadulterated shame.

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Elastoplast Invisible Protection

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 29 - 2010

When I was in London last Friday… I was travelling up the escalator at Oxford Circus tube station *tsking* at the impatient healthy types that were overtaking me on the left when I noticed the woman in front of me.  Or more accurately, I noticed her non-existent skirt.

For a moment I wasn’t quite sure where to look… I mean, seriously… you could see the (baggy) gusset of her tights.  I was half tempted to make her aware of this fact but decided to keep schtum for two reasons…

1).  She might have been a total exhibitionist and telling her would only have made her day.

2).  I didn’t fancy a smack in the gob.

So instead of looking ahead, I kept my eyes down and concentrated on her ankles.  I had to give a wry smile when I saw a pair of beige plasters covering the backs of her heels where her shoes had obviously been rubbing.

Priorities ladies… if you’re gonna cover the backs of your ankles you can go one step further and cover up your minges too.  I don’t care if it’s sunny… have some class.

Now… what I should have done, was tapped her on the shoulder and told her about these:

Elastoplast Invisible Protection is a new plaster on the market.  An innovation in plaster technology if you will… I’m so excited, I might just pee myself.

Ok, let’s face it.  It’s not exactly the height of glamour is it?  But I go through plasters like nobody’s business (clumsy oaf that I am) and have been known to remove and discard a plaster after half an hour if it’s in a conspicuous position and I’m feeling self-conscious about it’s placement.  Don’t try and tell me you haven’t done that too…

Elastoplast Invisible Protection simply promises to be the most invisible a plaster can be.  It’s always the simple ideas that work the best no?

Not only that… but Elastoplast are offering you a free sample so you can put their claims to the test yourself.

Click here to register for your free sample.

Elastoplast Invisible Protection plasters are priced at £2.99 and available from all major erm… plaster retailers.  What are you waiting for?  Go stick I mean stock up!

Stargazer Eyeshadows

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2010

I liked all the products that I was sent from Stargazer thus far… infact, more than liked.  They’ve impressed me.  Factor in the price for them, and I’m singing their praises from the blogosphere rooftops.

Sadly, the eyeshadows that I was sent fall into the category “More what I expected from a budget brand”.  They’re not terrible, but they’re nothing that I’m gonna get excited about.

I was sent two shades:

Very metallic looking in the pan, the texture instantly reminded me of Superdrug’s MUA… they have that slightly greasy feel to them.  Nothing wrong with that, but it does scream CHEAP!

Decently pigmented, the Arctic Blue shade took a little more building than Copper Fire, both are metallic.

They wear for a few hours before fading… combined with an eye primer, I just about got 7/8 hours from them before creasing. I’m being a little harsh, they’re performing like most budget eyeshadows… and they are budget eyeshadows at £3 each… but I was so impressed by the other products I tried, I think I was hoping for something more exciting from these aswell.

What I will say for them though is that the range is immense!  Over 50 shades of every colour imaginable in single pan form.  You can purchase Stargazer online from their website.

Bargain of the Week…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 17 - 2010

No, really…

Unboxed Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks in Nectar and Rose for £16 each with free postage?

I’ll take both thanks.



Let me know if you indulge, who needs boxes anyway?

LUSH Tea Tree Water Facial Toner

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 17 - 2010

LUSH Tea Tree Water Popular Toner

No, no, no… not that kind of popular…

Main Entry: pop·u·lar
Pronunciation: \ˈpä-pyə-lər\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin popularis, from populus the people, a people

1 : of or relating to the general public
2 : suitable to the majority: as a : adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority b : suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive
3 : frequently encountered or widely accepted
4 : commonly liked or approved

This is my second bottle, I have a toner addiction.  It sits nicely alongside my million other addictions, I’m allowed though… I gave up smoking 2 years ago, these pale into insignificance by comparison.  I’d quite like to give up my food addiction though… am I going off on a tangent again?

Where was I?  (About 150 words in, without having said anything useful)

Ok…. LUSH Tea Tree Water… the popular toner…

I find this one particularly refreshing on warm days, the tea tree water is a beautifully cooling astringent that isn’t too harsh for my skin.  I’m not THAT oily, so don’t really have much call for astringent and was initially concerned that this could be a little drying… it isn’t.  It’s just refreshing.

Last summer, I kept one of these in my glove compartment in the car and whipped it out often on long journeys for a quick spritz.  That’s it really, it’s not mega-exciting… but it’s something that I’ve seen fit to repurchase, a summer essential if you like.

I do appreciate a short ingredient list… would appreciate it even more without the Methylparaben, but I don’t really know enough about the paraben controversy done to hold any kind of educated opinion.

I paid £3.25 for a 100g bottle.

What have you picked up from LUSH recently?

The Highlighter Series #7 – Cashmere Stockings

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 16 - 2010

It’s subtle… can you see it?

It’s one of my favourites! I think I’d probably prefer to call this a luminizer than a highlighter, because with a fairly light hand this is perfect for wearing allover the face.  Yes, really.

Quite an unappetising shade in the pot, Cashmere Stockings is a mineral powder that I like to use as a finisher on days when I’m not wearing much colour on my face.  It lifts my complexion without making it sparkly or even shimmery.  To be fair to the product, it deserves a post of it’s own… not just lumped in under the ‘highlight’ category… it’s a little marvel.

Having said that, let’s not get carried away… Cashmere Stockings won’t do anything to cover blemishes, or even out your skintone (unless you’re blessed with already incredible skin) but for me… it softens my pores and adds a satin sheen.  I guess that’s it… maybe it’s no miracle afterall.  Just a good dose of silica and mica in a perfectly mixed ratio.  But it works beautifully for me over a good foundation base.

The physically small container it comes in is a pain in the arse… no chance of fitting a decent sized powder brush or kabuki in there, so I have to tap the product into another lid before picking it up on my brush.  A minor irritation, but an annoyance nonetheless.

I own a 10g pot and when/if I ever get to the bottom of it, will happily repurchase a 20g version ($18).  Anyone up to and including a NW/NC 25 would fare quite happily with level one as a shade choice as it’s fairly (but not completely) translucent.

Cashmere Stockings is available to buy online from Heatheresque (formally The She Space).

Inexpensive Beauty Find – Tesco Derma Intensive…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 13 - 2010

…Eye Revival Roll On (£5.40).

Bearing more than just a passing similarity to Garnier’s Eye Roll On, Tesco’s Derma Intensive Eye Revival is enriched with many of the same ingredients as it’s pricier alternative.

  • Caffeine Extract – Helps to improve the skins elasticity under the eye.
  • Horse Chestnut Extract – Encourages the skin to stimulate the blood microcirculation under and around the eye.
  • Hyaluronic acid – Is a wonderful moisturiser that helps the skin to rehydrate, essential for mature skin.

Great for keeping in the fridge during the Summer!  Yeah… I have a bit of a ‘thing’ about keeping my products in the fridge *blush*.  And even more amazing… I’ve just checked on the Tesco website… and it’s only flippin’ half price at the moment!

£2.76? – Bargain!

DIY Gurus, I need your help!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 9 - 2010

Put down the hammer, I don’t need any shelves straightening…. it’s these things I need help with:

Twenty neat little eye sheet masks (£1.50) that I picked up from Muji the other week!

Tell me, what can I soak ’em in to make me look 10 years younger?  I also have some of the face size ones too… all suggestions welcome!

The only thing I can think of is boiling up some green tea and letting it cool… there must be some other great DIY concoctions for sheet masks and the like?  I’ve done a quick Google, but I’m mostly finding thicker, gloopier type mask recipes.

Any of you wizards got any cool ideas?


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