The witching hour come’th!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 12 - 2011

Leila is massively excited for Hallowe’en this year… so much so that I’ve been debating breaking my own anti-halloween stance and dressing her up as a pumpkin whilst parading her up and down the street.  However, Mr. L is really grumpy about this and he NEVER puts his foot down on anything, so I’m thinking I might let him win with this battle.

Where he ain’t gonna win is on the face-painting front.  I’ve already told Leila we’re gonna have a day of face-painting fun and she’s buzzing at the prospect.  Every morning she finds me to tell me what she wants to be transformed into, yesterday it was a dinosaur and this morning, she’s graduated to a strawberry.  If you have any recommendations for good face-painting kits, I’m all ears.  No, she’s not using my makeup.

Anyway, for the bigger kids among us, here’s some lovely things to get you in the mood for a bit of ghost-hunting!

 hover over the corresponding number for more info and to click through to purchase

I’m not really anti-Halloween, I’m just a bit anti trick-or-treating but in my defence, that’s mostly because our average trick or treater can barely raise an adolescent grunt before holding their hand out to mug me for my Haribo.

Do you partake in any Halloween-y frolics?

Benefit She Laq (£19.50) Lush Calacas Shower Jelly (£2.95) Precision Nails Call Me Pumpkin (£5.99) The Body Shop Spiced Pumpkin Bath & Shower Gel (£4) Eyeko Vampira Nail Polish (£5) Philosophy Trick or Treat Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath Duo (£18) Lolita Lempicka Midnight Couture Black Eau de Minuit (£60) Twilight Venom Blush (£15)

Product Love: 25th July 2011

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 25 - 2011

I’m not letting the end of the month sneak up on me again like usual.  Infact, I’m gonna do my “product love” post right now in a rebellious “up yours” to the Gregorian calendar.  Screw you end of month!


Veet Hair Minimising Body Moisturiser*(£4.99) – The difference in hair growth since I’ve been using this has been minimal BUT I’ve just repurchased a bottle regardless because it smells amazing and has become my go-to body moisturiser this month.  Light, easily absorbed and keeps my skin soft and supple during the warmer weather.  If it is slowing down my hair re-growth, good… but I’m not completely convinced on this (though do keep in mind that I has weird hair issues!)

Goody Tortoiseshell Slide Combs (under £2 a pack) – I get annoyed with Goody because they seem to discontinue my favourite hair accessories at such a rate of knots that it sometimes feels like a conspiracy *looks around*.  I’m not sure if these have been discontinued but I haven’t been able to find a backup pack when I looked this month.  These side combs are brilliant because they grip my fine hair like no other.  Brilliantly well made and discreet enough to make it look like you’re creating awesome hair styles with the help of magic pixies.

Kings & Queens Sultan of Grenada Lemon Flower Roll-On Deodorant (£3.50) – My best friend at Uni came from Grenada so this always reminds me of her.  I’m not sure she’d be keen to know that our friendship lives on in my bottle of roll-on mind you.  Without compromising on efficacy, this is simply a lovely (and slightly different) choice for deodorant scenting.  If you haven’t tried Kings & Queens yet, you should.  Keep your eyes peeled in T.K. Maxx too because I’ve seen some mini sets in there recently.

ASDA Little Angels Liquid Talc (£1.47) – If you’re well-endowed in the chest department, you may be familliar with the overuse of talc on particularly warm days.  This liquid talc is Leila’s but I stole it this month and plan to steal it again.  Talcum powder that applies like a lotion?  Clever!  No more mess, no risk of talc on dark clothing but with the same effectiveness as the powder alternative.  For less than £1.50… gerroff Leila, it’s Mummy’s now.

Neals Yard Power Berry Daily Moisture (£22.50) – This was in a try-me kit that I bought a couple of months ago and I’ve been using it on and off since then.  Whenever my skin feels like it’s ‘playing up’ I return to this… it’s like the nurturing, inoffensive aunty of the skincare world that safeguards your delicate state until you feel ready to take on the big boys again.  Make sense?  Well… it did in my head.  It also has anti-inflammatory properties, something I lurve to find in my skincare.  Big thumbs up!

Bare Minerals Purifying Facial Cleanser* (£15.00) – This has been a staple on my bathroom sink since I was given it a few months ago (and it’s still got a 1/4 left!) – I use this after oil cleansing as my second cleanser and it cleanses away any residues and leftover grime without leaving my face feeling stripped.  To be fair, that’s all it does… but it does it just as well as Cetaphil but with less product.  Basically, it’s my Cetaphil replacement.  I take issue at the product’s claims to remove eye makeup (it doesn’t) but I’m going to forgive it just because everything else is spot on.  Definite repurchase when it eventually runs out.

Trevor Sorbie Beautiful Curl Beach Hair (£5.10) – Currently a massive bargain at Boots because of a 2for£6 offer across the range, this salt spray gives my natural waves some good definition without the crunch you’d get from mousse!  I spray this on to almost dry hair and comb through with my fingers.  If I’m near the hairdryer, I give it a blast to finish.  It’s a quick fix for lazy hair days!  Also very excited that Trevor Sorbie have brought their original curl cream back recently, it was discontinued for a while, hoorah for consumer pressure!

Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl EDC (£9.00) – Still only £9.00 makes for an incredible bargain Summer fragrance.  I won’t go on about it because you can read my review here but more than one of you have fallen under its spell at ASDA’s bargain price since I mentioned it last.  I’ve been reaching for this one more than any other this month.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant* (£27.99) – This has become my morning cleanser/exfoliator in one… non-stripping and effective at ridding my complexion of dead skin it’s hugely convenient when I’m time-pressed.  I love the exfoliating action which makes use of Papain and Salicylic Acid to help dissolve excess surface cells in a more gentle way.  Who doesn’t like results-driven skincare?  Mr. L has also discovered its delights, something I’m not so keen on, it won’t be cheap to replace!

Floris London Florissa EDT (£22.50) – Another one that’s already been mentioned recently but deserves another shout out as my 2nd favourite fragrance of the month.  I’m particularly appreciating the complexity in this one which is (to me) a real outdoorsy, traditional scent and one that I’ve been complimented on more than once this month!


Phew!  That’s quite a few products… what have you been loving this month?

* press sample

I have been loving…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 9 - 2011

It’s the lists… I can’t escape them.  Once you start, it’s very nearly impossible not to drown yourself in post-it notes.

1.  NARS Super Orgasm Blush. I feel like a leper loving this.  I’m sure there’s some unwritten rule somewhere that if you love makeup, you’re not allowed to like NARS Super Orgasm or Urban Decay MCRA.  I’m with you on the second… but I love the glitter in this!

I do give it a gentle tap against my arm to knock the bulk of the glitter away before applying but I like to see a couple of flecks of gold as I turn my cheek.  Go on, cast me from the blogging community.  Sniff.

2.  Lord & Berry Inkwell Liquid Liner in Slate. Everyone should own a good charcoal eyeliner… sometimes, you need something a little softer than harsh black and grey is your friend.  This one has got me wanting to investigate the Lord & Berry line in greater detail, it’s a wonderful liquid liner with a good, firm tip.  Formula is long-wearing and well-pigmented.

3.  Face Atelier Ultra Foundation in #2 Ivory.  After the recent disappointment of Illamasqua’s Skin Base… this, I’m swooning over.  I didn’t think I’d like it… infact, with all the silicones I thought it might be similar to the Illamasqua one but this applies like a second (perfect) skin on my face.  I won’t review any deeper because I’ll do a proper post on it soon.  But seriously, this is lovely, lovely, lovely.

4.  Trish McEvoy Brush 5 Powder Brush. Is one I haven’t talked about before but is the cream of the crop when it comes to my brush collection.  Beautifully shaped, soft enough to tickle but dense enough to mean business, there’s not a powder brush like it in the world.

5.  Paula Dorf Sheer Crease Brush.  You can pretty much repeat the things I said about my Trish McEvoy brush, only substitute the word powder for eye.  It fits my socket perfectly, retains its shape as I blend and never scratches.  Lovely!

6Pixi Fairy Light Solo in #2 Champagne Glow*. This is a shimmering champagne that works beautifully over my entire lid area to brighten.  It reminds me quite a lot of my beloved Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow in Sugar Biscuit in terms of use.  A proper all-rounder, only this one leans more pink than the Lauder.

7.  Burberry Lipstick in Cameo #2. A pretty peachy nude that’s not too peach against my pink skin tone.  Wonderfully creamy and super glossy without a hint of frost, this is a splendiforously luxe feeling lippie in an elegantly wearable shade to see you through every season.

Yeah… I been liking ALL this stuff this week!

* press sample

Hallo stuff! I’m really loving you! – Sunday 27th February

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 27 - 2011

I never get round to doing “products of the month” posts because there’s inevitably something else that I wanna blog about when the ‘critical’ time is approaching.

I do love reading other people’s picks though so instead of giving up on these type of posts completely I think I’ll just throw random ones out there when the mood takes me instead.  Who needs time restraints anyway?

1.  Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil (£19.50)

This has given my dry, overprocessed hair such a lift these last few weeks.  I don’t know how it compares to the likes of Moroccan Oil which I haven’t tried yet but the Gielly Green Argan Rescue add shine, softness and smooth ends without being too heavy on my fine (but lots of it!) hair.

You can buy the Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil here.

2.  Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel (£19.40)

I received a sample size of this tucked into my last Debenhams order and “uh oh”, ‘cos it’s on the repurchase list!

I’ve been trying to work out a morning skincare routine that suits my combo/dry skin and this has become my morning cleanser of choice.  Normally, I use a ‘cleansing gel’ to remove my makeup but this one is so light that a pea-sized amount cleanses my bare face beautifully.

It has a delicious ‘wake me up’ grapefruit scent and is the only cleansing gel/oil/balm type product I’ve used that makes me feel clean without doing a double cleanse.  Add to that the fact that it’s one of the least drying cleansers I’ve discovered and I’m delighted to start the day with this gem!

Now, I’ve said that… watch me hate it once I purchase the full size.  It’s always the way right?

You can buy the Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel here.

3.  Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml (£34.00) *

Now available in a travel-friendly 20ml bottle, Balenciaga Paris is simply exquisite.  I’m not sure how it manages to capture so much in one small bottle.

It opens with a crisp, floral freshness that announces itself with all the fervour that BIG openings bring before mellowing into something quite creamy yet grown-up.

It seems to capture both a lightness and a depth that feels more sensual, darker… naughtier!

My only gripe is that it needs a top-up every 3 hours or so as the fragrance sadly doesn’t last the day… but I guess that’s the benefit of a 20ml bottle!

You can buy Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml here.

4.  Bliss Blood Orange & White Pepper Hand Cream (part of a duo set that cost £8.00)

Beautifully citrusy with a hint of spice, this hand cream is light, fast-absorbing and nourishing.  The scent lingers for a short while and will keep you sniffing your hands until it fades!  It’s a great daytime moisturiser that sadly only comes in a 30ml tube.  I think it may be limited edition too…

Oh well, as much as I love it – I guess I’ll have to find something else to replace it.

You can buy Bliss Blood Orange and White Pepper Hand Cream here. (on offer!)

5.  Vicks First Defence (£7.14)

I know this is a bit of a weird one… but I’ve used it twice now at the onset of a cold.  As soon as I get that “drowning feeling” in the back of my throat, I pull this out and use as often as the directions allow me.  Whilst it hasn’t killed or cured the ensuing snuffles, it’s made a real difference to it’s severity.

The last two times I’ve used it, my cold hasn’t progressed into full-blown face ache/streaming nose type horrors as it normally would.  I’ve been able to get on with day-to-day life with a couple of paracetamol and this nasal spray nearby quite happily!

You can buy Vicks First Defence here.

6.  Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist (£12.95) *

Since my run in with the Prai o2 Infusion I reviewed yesterday, my skin has been in dire need of TLC and the Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist has provided this well.  Once made up in the mornings, I obviously can’t moisturise with normal creams and this refreshing spray gives my skin a hydration boost with a couple of squirts throughout the day.

It’s alcohol-free and at 60ml is handbag-friendly.

You can buy Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist here. (Guthy Renker sells products through a ‘membership’ scheme and you may need to cancel your membership if you don’t want automatic product topups every 90 days)

7.  Melvita Eye Contour Gel (£18.00) *

Organic brand Melvita failed to impress me first time round… I tried a particularly stinky oil that I just couldn’t bring myself to use because of it’s… um… aroma.  However, the Melvita Eye Contour Gel is a delight!

Incredibly lightweight and fast-absorbing, I’ve finally found an eye cream that I’m happy to wear under my makeup.  I’ve noticed a decrease in puffiness since incorporating this into my routine… not sure it does much for fine lines or dark circles but it feels wonderfully refreshing and lifting for bleary morning peepers!

You can buy Melvita Eye Contour Gel here.


What are you currently using and loving?

* press sample

Things wot I did like last week.

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 13 - 2010

There’s only three.

Do you like my artistry?  You better hope I get a new camera soon, I’m starting to get into it…

There were more things that I liked, but actually… I couldn’t be arsed to draw them.

1. Liz Earle Superskin Concentrate (£37)

I’ve avoided using this sample all Summer, thinking that it would be too rich for my skin in the warm weather.  Curiosity (and impatience) got the better of me and I’ve been using it for the last 3 weeks.  Since then?  My skin has COMPLETELY evened out in terms of texture.  The dry patches around my hairline and eyebrows where foundation used to cling are gone.   Spread thinly and evenly over my face, the Superskin Concentrate hasn’t made my oily bits any more oily either!

Application is a joy, it feels like a proper treatment.  One pump, warmed between my fingers and then I pretend I know what I’m doing with that whole facial massage thing.  Lots of sweeping, exaggerated gestures and wrist flicks.  At £37 for 28ml, it’s not cheap… but judging by my usage so far… I’m thinking a bottle will last me nearly 3 months, which puts things into perspective a little.

Also, I should mention the smell…. the overpowering aroma of rosehip won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.  I don’t mind it… it serves to remind me how herbal-ly and botanic it all is.  I’m gonna have to say it… this has overtaken the Instant Boost Skin Tonic/Superskin Moisturiser… Liz Earle’s Superskin Concentrate is now my favourite product from the brand.

You can purchase Liz Earle’s Superskin Concentrate online or instore.

2. Illamasqua Loose Powder in LP005 (£19)

LondonMakeupGirl can take the blame for this one.  I’m not sure if that’s justified but I think I got the recommendation from her.  Whatever, she can shoulder it.

I bought this with some trepidation.  It’s pink.  Bright pink.

I thought it might make me look like a candyfloss or Barabara Cartland’s impossibly younger sister.  In reality it’s a wonderfully subtle powder that practically melts into my skin.  It gives a soft-focus effect and by some strange witchcraft, brightens my complexion.

I *wish* I could pin down exactly what it is that this powder is doing to make me look healthier.  That’s the best way to describe it… it’s not illuminating, it doesn’t give me any kind of ‘glow’.  It just makes me look brighter and fresher.  Definite repurchase.

Be aware though, I wouldn’t describe this as mattifying… it doesn’t do a whole lot to keep oilies at bay, though obviously on initial application, it dispenses with any shine.

Illamasqua’s Loose Powder in LP005 can be purchased online, in their brand spanking new store (open today!) or from various concession stands.  Ooh also on BeautyBay, ASOS… cor, the list goes on!

3. E.L.F. Studio Single Eyeshadow in Raspberry Truffle (£3.50)

Bargain, bargain, bargain.  Seriously, E.L.F. has to be one of the few bargain brands with the capacity to get me all snooty about liking their stuff.

I feel funny about putting their products in the same drawer as my high end stuff (yeah, stupid I know) but the simple fact is that my love for some of their products FAR outweighs this snootiness.  So in it goes.

Raspberry Truffle is an intense chocolate brown with lashings of fiery copper sparkle.  Not chunky sparkle either… just smooth, velvety, light-catching goodness.  I adore this shade, it couldn’t be more perfect for an Autumnal smoky eye.

It definitely needs a bit of help to last longer than 20 minutes without disappearing on your eyelid, but that’s where our primers come in to their own isn’t it?

It’s hard to write about this without showing a swatch… but well… I’m not THAT talented.  You’ll have to take my word for it.  At £3.50… you NEED this in your life.

E.L.F. Studio Single Eyeshadow in Raspberry Truffle is available to buy online.

Products I’m loving – July 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 30 - 2010

~ Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V’s new Aqua Light Shampoo FOR THE WIN!  I’m so impressed at a product that simply does what it claims to do.
~ Conditioner: Pantene Pro-V’s new Aqua Light Conditioner – I know, I’m sounding like a broken record… sorry!
~ Styling products: OSiS Mess Up Matt Gum is giving my hair some sweet texture atm without making it look like it’s got a ton of product in it
~ Shower Gel: TAO Rituals T’ai Chi Shower Foam… smells good, and it’s bubbly!
~ Night Cream: PerriconeMD Cold Plasma has been working nicely for me as a night cream during this hot, sticky month.  It’s light and moisturising… but I wouldn’t pay £120 for it… review coming soon!
~ Day Cream: Ponds Light Day Cream
~ Cleanser: NUDE Cleansing Oil followed up with Priori Advanced AHA – Gentle Facial Cleanser
~ Exfoliator: Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask
~ Primer: Shu Uemuera UV Underbase SPF 30
~ Foundation brush: Pout Airbrush
~ Concealer: MUFE HD Concealer
~ Powder: MAC MSF Natural in Medium
~ Blusher: Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzer in Maui
~ Highlighter: None, it’s been too hot and I’ve been too glowy for that malarky!
~ Eyeshadow base: UDPP (as always)
~ Eyeshadows: Shu Uemura IR Beige 800 allover the lid for a brighter, more awake look!
~ Eyeliner: Sleek Kajal in Black
~ Mascara: Boots 17 Wild Curls
~ Lipstick: Guerlain Rouge G in Gabrielle
~ Lipgloss: None


Have you noticed any stand outs this month?

9 things on this week’s fabulosity list…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 1 - 2010

…totally random, unorganised and perhaps just a touch lame.

But I’m having a good makeup week.  Does anyone else go through periods of delight in discovering and more importantly re-discovering fabulous products?

Here’s my fabulous products of the week:

1. Smashbox Muse Palette – just the prettiest selection of soft, wearable shades housed in a (sturdy) cardboard casing.  I’ll do a proper review on the palette next week ‘cos I’ve spotted it on sale and a few swatches may be useful.

2. Max Factor Second Skin Foundation – Wonderful if you’ve got skin that doesn’t need too much concealing.  This foundation seems to give me an overall more even appearance without blanking out my natural skin texture.  It feels light and fluid for the summer, but lasts a really decent length of time for a high street foundation.  Big thumbs up this week!

3. NARS Crazed – I can’t believe I had this in my blog sale the other week.  Let me just say, it won’t ever be going in another.  I’ve FINALLY worked out how to apply it with a light enough hand to stop short of looking like Aunt Sally.  It’s taken me a year, but I’ve done it!  A lovely rosey flush is now mine.

4. Max Factor Lash Extension Effect – I’ve already reviewed this in the last few days, so I won’t go into detail… but this is making it into daily use for me.

5. Une Cosmetics Multipurpose Brush – I’ve said it before… it’s scratchy… but it’s made me fall in love with my NARS Crazed blush, and for that… I’ll be forever grateful.  I simply touch the flat surface to the blush pan… that’s it, no tricks nothing… it just picks up the perfect amount of colour.

6. Clinique Up-Lighting Liquid Illuminator in Natural – It looks scary orange in the tube, but blends away to a lovely nude shimmer.  I’ve been wearing this all over my face under my foundation and it gives me a nice glow.  To be honest, in this weather… I don’t really need any kind of glow product.  But regardless, I’ve rediscovered it in my stash and it’s staying in the fabulosity list!

7. MAC Fun & Games – From the discontinued Hello Kitty collection, MAC Fun & Games is a beautiful peach blush that’s sheer enough for my cool-toned skin to wear.  Shimmery without being too glittery, it’s a nuder alternative to rosey pink cheeks.

8. Bourjois Khol & Contour Eye Pencil in Brun Design – Soft and deeply pigmented, I’ve been blending this along my lower lashline to give my lashes some extra definition.  Lasting power is great (though kinda crummy on the waterline) it’s real strength lies in it’s soft smudginess.  Hate a pencil that drags, don’t you?

9. Liz Earle Superskin Concentrate – Last but not least, I’ve been switching out my evening moisturiser a couple of times a week for this lovely oil and I’m noticing that my dry patches are softening up nicely.  I hate nothing more than dry flakies that foundation just loves to hunt down and accentuate.  Not 100% sure if this is the reason or if the humidity is playing a part… either way, I’m loving the smell and appreciating the feeling that a little facial massage brings during application.

MAC MSF Natural… let me count the ways…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

Love, love, love.

“Repurchase” isn’t a word you’ll find used too often on this blog.  I try to save it for products that really make it into daily use.  When you own and enjoy using makeup as much as I do, there’s tons of products that you love with all your heart.  But a repurchase?  When there’s so many gorgeous new things to try?  Gotta be reserved for something genuinely useful.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural (£18) is one of my most used products.

I usually use light medium, but was colour-matched to medium last time I was instore at MAC.  On the way home I was all “Oh noes, why did I let him persuade me to get medium… gonna look muddy and orange”.

Yanowot?  It works really well.  I couldn’t go darker than this, but when I apply Light Medium now (I still have a scrap left in the bottom of an old pan) it simply isn’t as flattering as Medium which warms me up a teeny bit without a hint of orange.

Love. It.

Also, now it’s Summer… I’m making more use of my MSF Natural than ever before.  It offers more coverage than many pressed powders and when worn over a sheer tinted moisturiser gives me the coverage I’m looking for but with a light texture.

Did I mention I love it?

MAC MSF Natural is available instore at MAC or online.  My tip for this product?  Next time you’re instore, ask the MUA to apply a shade darker than you would normally go for…

Products I’m loving – May 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 4 - 2010

~ Shampoo: None!  I’m having a hair product crisis this month, ever since the Philip Kingsley thankfully sorted my sore scalp out at the beginning of the month… I haven’t really enjoyed using anything.
~ Conditioner: None!   I’m hating on all my conditioners, my hair seems to be getting drier – HALP!
~ Styling products: Honestly can’t be bothered, I’ve scraped my hair into a ponytail practically every day.
~ Shower Gel: I used up the last of my Body Shop Sweet Lemon which was pretty lovely, so I bought some more while it was cheap!
~ Night Cream: Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser – I’ve just finished it! BOO!
~ Day Cream: Ponds Light Day Cream (if it’s good enough for Kylie…)
~ Cleanser: Muji Cleansing Oil followed up with Priori Advanced AHA – Gentle Facial Cleanser
~ Exfoliator: None, ‘cos I’m using the AHA facial cleanser daily
~ Primer: Shu Uemuera UV Underbase SPF 30
~ Foundation brush: Fingers mostly!
~ Concealer: Stargazer Pro Paint Stick
~ Powder: MAC MSF Natural in Medium
~ Blusher: Bare Escentuals Blusher in Giddy Pink
~ Highlighter: Make Up Store High Tech Lighter in Orion
~ Eyeshadow base: UDPP in Sin
~ Eyeshadows: my NYX single shadows have been getting a lot of love this month!
~ Eyeliner: Sleek Kajal in Black
~ Mascara: Lancome L’Extreme & Avon Super Shock
~ Lipstick: Revlon Colour Burst in Soft Nude
~ Lipgloss: NYX Whipped

C’mon, I really need some inspiration on the ‘Poo and Conditioner front, tell me what is fabulous at the minute?

Stuff wot is catching my eye this week…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 2 - 2010

…catchy title I know.  Don’t steal it.

Anyway, here’s some stuffs that have been turning the head of this hardened beauty addict recently.  Are they any good?  Dunno, but I’m gonna make it my business to find out!

“No you’re not.” <– (Mr. Lipglossiping woz ‘ere)

1). Trish McEvoy Correct and brighten Loose Mineral Powder SPF 15 – £28

Seeing as I’m having lasery type treatment at the moment, I couldn’t fail but have my curiosity piqued by a product whose/who’s (help me grammar nazis!) description begins:

Originally designed to soothe and neutralize redness post laser treatments at the Dr. Ronald Sherman/Trish McEvoy Skin Care Centre, devotees begged to take home Trish’s wonder powder because of how remarkably bright and even-toned it rendered the overall look of their skin…. Blah, blah, blah whatever… you had me at even-toned.

2). Elemis Bath and Shower Treats – £27

Not only are Elemis super-sizing their Pro Collagen Marine Cream this month, but I found this mega multi-use pairing on the website.  A total 600ml of product would see me through to Christmas!

3). BI MAT CAY Holistic Balms – £24

Inspired by ancient Vietnamese beauty recipes, but made in France and new at Space NK, this little set of beautifully-packaged balms promise to fulfill life’s needs for on-the-go calming and healing.  The set includes: Miracle Balm, Skin Balm, Hand Balm and Lip Balm.

I like the idea of the set presented in a little coffret… it would make a lovely gift without breaking the bank.

4.). Laura Mercier Luster Eye Colour in Marina – £18

From the new Sun Drenched collection, this beautiful blue is my pick of the bunch.  I swatched it the other day and it’s the perfect mid-toned summery shade that would work beautifully as an accent to a neutral eye.  Lemming.

5). Elysambre Long Lash Natural Mascara – £12.99 + £4.99 for the case

I’ll be honest, it’s the case that’s pulling me in rather than the mascara.  The copper casing can be refilled with the mascara units which are sold seperately at a cost of £12.99 each.  What a fabulous idea no?

6).  The Body Shop Banana Shampoo – £2.79 (on offer)

What is it with The Body Shop atm?  I can’t go on the website without buying something, anything!  They’re spoiling us with discounts and I’m struggling to resist stocking up on essentials (and luxuries!) each time I log on.  The Banana Shampoo from yesteryear is the only one from the “bring it back” range I’ve yet to try… better fix that sharpish!


What’s on your radar this week?

This week I am mostly lusting after…

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 2 - 2010


But I can’t have it all…. so here’s a few key things that are currently making me go a bit weak at the knees:

Chanel Rouge Coco in Mademoiselle

It’s gonna make me look *just* like Vanessa Paradis. I know it. 😉

Figs & Rouge Rambling Rose Shower Wash

I am such a sucker for a prettily packaged product!

MUFE HD Blush in #5 Warm Pink.

Sephora needs to come back to the UK, right NOW!

Sephora Professionnel Mineral Powder Brush #45

Sephora, bloody Sephora – day trip to France anyone?

Beaute Weightless Lip Creme in Trace

I know, “baaahhhh” right? Don’t judge me!

Weleda Wild Rose Facial Toner

I’m really into my toners at the moment, find a good non-drying toner and it’s a fabulous partner to a cleansing oil routine.  I dunno if this is a good non-drying one… but I like Weleda and I like rose… so it’s on the list.


What are you lusting after this week?

The 5 Minute Face

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 21 - 2010

Like most ladies, I don’t get a huge amount of time to dedicate to my makeup in the mornings.  I get to spend 10-15 minutes max before I need to get fixed on the day ahead.

I thought I’d share with you my 5 minute face for the mornings when I’m even more pressed for time.  These are the products I reach for time and time again to help me get the most polished look in the shortest time possible.

1. MAC 180 Flat Top Buffer Brush, I think this is a discontinued brush now but I saw it in my local CCO not that long ago.  I use this brush for a full coverage application of mineral foundation, it is densely packed and always gives a beautiful even finish.

2. Bare Minerals Mineral Foundation in Fairly Light.  I’m not hugely brand loyal when it comes to mineral foundation.  I like Bare Escentuals, Elemental Beauty and Cory Cosmetics for a full coverage finish in the least amount of time.  I find all 3 brands offer a well milled product that looks natural whilst still covering well.  I reach for minerals when I’m in a rush because it literally takes me less than 30 seconds to apply a full face of foundation using them.

3. Once my foundation is on I’ll add a touch of liquid highlighter.  I rotate what I’m using, some days I’ll use the NARS Orgasm Illuminator or my Illamasqua Halcyon, at the moment I’m using up my Shu Uemura Base Control in Silver.  I just apply with my fingers and blend.

4. Bourjois Lilas D’or is a blush I reach for when I’m in a hurry because it’s impossible to screw up.  It gives a beautiful pink/peach flush with gold shimmer.  I always keep an old toothbrush with my makeup brushes to give the top a quick sweep as it tends to harden unless in continuous use.

5. Aurifere Blush Brush #150.  This is a new acquisition, but I can already tell I’m gonna reach for this above any of my other blush brushes.  I love the taper and it’s pretty darn soft for goat hair.  A beautiful densely packed brush that places a perfect amount of product just where I want it.  A full review of my recent order should be up tomorrow.

6. Benefit Creaseless Cream in R.S.V.P.  This is a peachy shimmery shade that I sweep over the entire eyelid, right up to and just beyond the socket line.  Again, it’s just a foolproof product that negates the need for eye primer.  Lasts all day and just gives a polished look.

7. Sonia Kashuk Large Eyeshadow Brush.  I bought this before Space NK dropped the SK brushes from their inventory.  I reach for it when I want to sweep colour or blend without the need for too much precision.  It’s a great brush for time-pressed gals.

8. The Body Shop Eye Colour #37 Pink Champagne.  This is a beautiful shimmery shade that’s half pink/half taupe and works well blended through the socket line for subtle shading without looking like an obvious ‘crease colour’.  I reach for this shade often.

9. This is a Paula’s Choice Precision Shadow Brush that I picked up from eBay US a couple of years ago.  It’s a densely packed small crease brush that I use to place shadows precisely but quickly into the socket line before using a fluffier brush to blend the colour out.

10. PURE Kajal Eyeliner in Unforgetable Black.  When PURE started to desert the shelves of Boots, I rushed down to my local to buy a backup.  Whilst I’ll always reach for my GOSH Velvet Touch Eyeliners when I need unwavering longevity, I grab these super-soft kajals for a quick sweep across the upper waterline when I’m in a hurry.  I then press my eyes closed for a couple of seconds to transfer the line to my lower lashline.

11. YSL Singulier Mascara in Black.  It gives me beautiful dark lashes with one coat, and that’s all I’ve got time for!

12. INGLOT Slim Gel Lipstick in #61.  A well pigmented pink/mauve that goes on smoothly and needs no lip liner faffery. (I hereby declare “faffery” a real word).

13. Lanolips Lip Ointment in Rose.  A small amount of this slicked over the centre of my bottom lip and ‘smooshed’  up to the top lip is all I use in the way of gloss at the moment.  It’s non-sticky and beautifully moisturising.  Goes lovely with my INGLOT Slim Gel too!

Have just realised that my number idiocy has struck again…. I’ve labelled #5 twice in the first photo *eye roll*.  Can’t be bothered to change it – so let me quickly mention #5 (the other one).

5. Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist.  I never wear mineral foundation without a quick spritz of this on top.  It eliminates any hint of powdery dryness that minerals can sometimes leave behind.

This was taken at the end of the day with a quick re-application of my lip products for the photo.  Please excuse the frizz and weary look!

What are some of your foolproof 5 minute face products?


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