Monday Poll – 16th August 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 16 - 2010

As ever, and due to timezone differences… I’m shamelessly stealing last week’s poll from the lovely Karen!

1. Mood:

Tired… it’s 1.36am and Leila is unsettled.  I’ve been in to her 3 times in the last 20 minutes.  We may be in for a long night.

2. Do you ever fall asleep on public transportation?

No, but I dearly wish I could!  Ok, maybe not on the bus or tube, but the 1.5hr train ride into London (and back) always drags.  I’d love to be able to sleep through it.  I’m such a paranoid Annie though… I’d be terrified someone would rifle through my handbag whilst I was away with the fairies.  Or worse, a fellow passenger might twitpic a photo of me with my mouth wide open… dribbling.

3. If you could wave a magic wand and instantly change one thing about your hair this morning, what would it be?

I’d stop my scalp from being so sore and flakey.  I’m working on a solution… time to go SLS free perhaps?

4. Fragrance?

Estee Lauder – Beautiful

5. One of your favorite childhood toys?

The family’s ZX Spectrum was very well used, but I was a touch too young to fully appreciate it.  So I’d have to say the Sega Megadrive that I bought secondhand out of the local paper and took to France every year for the long summer holidays.  It kept me and my friends well occupied on rainy days.  Ahhh, now I wanna game of Desert Strike!

6. Last thing that made you really, REALLY happy?

Going geocaching in the woods with Leila yesterday.  She got out of the pushchair and was able to properly explore a new environment for the first time under her own steam.  She was all brave and kept getting ahead of herself.  Watching how excited she got when she saw her Daddy coming back from the car damn near MELTED me.

7. Do you wear a watch?

No, never.  I’m the annoying one that always asks for the time.

8. I’m loving…

Um, honestly?  Iceland ready meals.  Oh god – what an admission.  I know they’re unhealthy, but I can’t believe how much free time I’m clawing back not preparing stuff from scratch!  I’m also loving my new storage from Wilkinsons (thanks Yinka!)

9. Outfit:

So dull you really wouldn’t be interested.

10. Weekly goals:

Ready for a list as long as your arm?

Do the mountain(s) of washing that are piling up in the bathroom, blitz the house, fill previously mentioned storage drawers, keep on top of replying to my lovely blog comments, become an overnight millionaire, not buy any makeup (I need a week’s frugality), be nicer to my parents, chase up some broken promises and start looking for local nurseries for L.  EEK!

Ohhh crap, I’m supposed to be starting the Cambridge Diet this week too… I’m not sure I’m ready to give up food just yet *shuffles feet*.

Tuesday Poll

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 27 - 2010

From the lovely Karen’s Makeup and Beauty Blog!  Should *really* have been done on a Monday, but I’m rubbish.

1. Mood:

A little defeated, a little homesick, a little flat and a little under siege but ultimately optimistic.

2. Finish this sentence: Without makeup I would…

Have a lot more space and money. (but a lot less fun!)

3. What are some staple pieces in your wardrobe?

1). My ASOS Curve black cropped sleeve tops.  I bought 5 of them when they were in the sale at £3 each and they’re soooo soft and stretchy, true staples!

2). My indigo kickflare jeans…. I’m still in 2002, and I’ll probably die wearing my indigo kickflares.

3). BONDS underwear…. they’re an Aussie brand and not so easy to get hold of over here but I love them!

4. Three things you’d (probably) never guess about me:

I have Dermatographic Urticaria (painless), I’ve had one of my photographs displayed in the Tate Modern and I’m a freakishly strong believer in karma (but not organised religion).

5. What would you like to get done today?

Find 30 mins to change my nail polish, buy some makeup (I’m having withdrawal symptoms) and bite my tongue.

6. What were your favorite TV shows when you were a kid?

Knightmare, Willo The Whisp, The Trap Door and Round The Twist!

7. Can you skateboard?

I can stand still on one?

8. I really want…

A cup of tea and a ginger snap.

9. Do you like horror movies?

No, I hate ’em.  I get too affected by gory stuff… my imagination is vivid enough thank you!  I guess I like suspense type horror… but I can’t remember the last time I watched a great horror film built more on suspense than shock.

10. Weekly goals:

Travel home safely, build Leila’s confidence in taking her first steps and make the most of the rest of my holiday.

. &

Would love to hear your answers to 1 or 2 of the questions (esp. #2 & #4).  Have a great week ladies xxx

Monday Poll

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 12 - 2010

Shamelessly pinched from one of Karen’s old polls

1. Mood

Submerged.  I’ve pencilled in today as tax return day.  Dread, dread… dread it.  I hate being surrounded by paper, receipts, invoices.  Frazzles my mind very rapidly.

2. Highlight of Last Weekend

Spending time with my niece Mildred.  She’s 6 and is 100x more fun than me.

3. What are three staple makeup items you usually have in your makeup bag?

One of those smudgy Kajal cone liners, they’re so easy to run along the waterline and never need sharpening!
Illamasqua Eye Brow Cake in Gaze, the perfect dark ashy colour for my brows.
Urban Decay Primer Potion – doesn’t need justification!

4. If you could raid one person’s closet, whose would it be?

Oh, this is hard… I’m just not a fashionable chick.  Hmmm…. America Ferrera ALWAYS looks really well turned out on the red carpet. So, I’ll go with her.

5. Your life described in a song?

If only my life were worth writing a song about!  Dunno, Mr. L always says Stone Roses – Waterfall reminds him of me, but I’m gonna say Roxy Music – More Than This seeing as I spend half my life trying to remind myself to live in the moment!

6. How would you describe your ideal Friday night?

Dinner by the harbour with Mr. L, a quiet stroll through empty streets and a goodnight kiss from Leila.

7. Breakfast?

Never remember to have it until lunchtime :/

8. Worst movie you’ve seen this year so far?

Haven’t seen any!

9. Outfit?

Sundress and bare feet

10. Weekly goals?

Finish and submit my taxes, get the fam up to London midweek and keep all my appointments!  I’d like to enjoy my birthday on Saturday too!   I’ve been known to be a bit of a birthday grump.

How is your week shaping up so far?

Monday Poll… on a Tuesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 22 - 2009

Things are hugely hectic at Casa de Lipglossing.  Leila appears to be coming down with a sickness and diarrhea bug just as we’re supposed to be packing up for a 325 mile trip to Mr. L’s parents for Christmas.  I’d love to have more time to update the blog, but time seems to be the one thing I have precious little of.

To keep things ticking over, I present you with a Monday Poll, on a Tuesday!  I used to love doing these and haven’t done one for aaaaages!!

1. Mood:

Fretful and anxious

2. Left or Right-handed:

I’m a lefty, I turn the paper sideways to write on it.  Apparently I’m not gonna live as long as you righties.  Something to look forward to.

3. Where do you consider home:

Hmmm… I feel at home here in Hampshire on the South Coast of England, but I feel equally at home in South Sydney, Australia.  I think I’m quite adaptable.

4. Three things you’re grateful for:

My husband and baby daughter, my health and my iPhone, dinner, makeup, nice nails, camera, stuff.

5. Eyes/Lips/Cheeks:

Eyes: Yesterday’s mascara *rubs*

Lips: Nothing

Cheeks: Nothing

Boring, I know… today I have been mostly doing the laundry.

6. Have you ever studied abroad?


7. Do you collect anything?

Yes! Makeup, Nail Polishes, Avengers Memorabilia, Dust…

8. Last text you sent…

I don’t do texting… I’m the slowest texter on the planet.  I’d much rather make a quick phonecall.

9. Outfit

Jogging Bottoms and a semi-shapeless t-shirt.  Laundry day remember?

10. Weekly Goals

Get the family up to the North East of England without too much drama, eat as much as possible without putting on a single pound in weight and help my family enjoy Christmas despite us all being a bit under the weather.

I’d love to hear your version of the above, let me know your answers in the comments!

Get your monday poll from Makeup & Beauty Blog

Monday Poll

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 28 - 2009

1. Mood: Optimistic! Getting over a cold that caught the whole family by surprise.

2. I’m lovin’ it (makeup related): Estee Lauder Shadow Cremes in Vintage Violet and Antique Gold, Cutex Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover & Illamasqua Brow Powder in Gazed

3. I’m lovin’ it (non-makeup related): Halls Soothers in Cherry, I’ll miss them when my cold is gone.

4. Reading for the week: Your Baby Week by Week (sad, I know)

5. Hair: Over-straightened and under-nourished at the moment.

6. Something you’d never guess about me: I’m a huge Ghosthunters fan, but don’t get me started on Most Haunted – grrr…

7. Next on my to-do list: Transfer all my crap over to my new PC

8. Last person I laughed with: My lovely husband Paul

9. Purse: Dunno, some brown leather messenger bag my sister gave my Mum and I promptly stole.

10. Weekly goals: Sell some of Leila’s newborn bits on eBay and shake off the lurgy!

If you want to join in with the weekly (when I remember) Monday Poll shenanigans you can find the poll here

Monday Poll

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2009

Mood: Treading water… badly.

First words out of my mouth this morning: I’ll get the bottle.

What I’m looking forward to this week: Seeing my family on Friday.

What are some words you try to live by? Don’t blow out other people’s candles to make your own burn brighter.

Eyes/lips/cheeks: The She Space Deafening Silence Eyeshadow, Cory Cosmetics Lava Blush, Revlon Super Lustrous Gloss in Get Ready

One thing I’d like to improve about myself: only one? ok then *yawn* lose weight

On my makeup lust list: Revlon Matte Lipstick – Pink Pout, Mac Gentle Blush, Rimmel Volume Booster Lipstick – Foxy, Zoya Pasha Nail Polish, Barry M Oyster Grey Dazzle Dust

What I ate: Lidl’s el-cheapo Fruit n’ Fibre with Semi Skimmed Milk

What’s your current favorite fragrance? This week? Dior – Hypnotic Poison

Weekly goals: Laugh a bit more than last week and tackle my google reader before I submerge!


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