Getting Beachy with Babyliss Wave Envy!

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 11 - 2011

Just as the waves tumble onto the shore, I want my waves to tumble onto my shoulders.  Defined, smooth and shiny.  I want beach-beautiful locks (minus the sand).  A bit of sunshine would be nice too!

Babyliss Wave Envy promises just this, well… not the sunshine but beachy waves that last!  Never you mind what the shipping forecast says, I wanna look like I’ve just stepped from the Atlantic dunes at La Tranche Sur Mer.

The Babyliss Wave Envy is designed to clamp your hair between the barrels for a few seconds before releasing into a perfectly formed wave.  You then move the entire unit down to the end of that formed wave and clamp again… repeating until you reach the tips of your hair.  It actually works very well and my fairly fine hair was fully (if not expertly) ‘waved’ within 15 minutes.

The Babyliss Wave Envy features:

~ A top temperature of 200°c
~ Three heat settings for different hair types
~ Ultra-fast heat up
~ Ceramic plate and barrels
~ 2.5m salon style swivel cord
~ Cool tip for safety and ease of use
~ Heat protection mat
~ 3 Year Guarantee

It is indeed very easy to use, I’m someone that has never been able to curl their hair very succesfully with straighteners but this makes it a doddle albeit in a very different style.  On my hair, it doesn’t really look that beachy… I’d describe it more like a bohemian, almost hippy-like wave.  I think I should go get some big flowers to stick in it.

The unit is light to hold, easy to wield despite its cumbersome appearance and didn’t make my arms ache during use.  I was able to wave all sections without swearing and didn’t burn my fingers/ears/head once.

My personal preference is to ‘wave’ my hair with this tool and then wear it up in a loose bun with various bits falling and looking all tousled.  In honesty, I would prefer to see slightly larger barrels than are present on the Babyliss Wave Envy… a personal preference for my tastes would be for a looser, less crimped-looking wave.  But I’m sure there are just as many who will love this more boho-chic look.

It is perfect for summer and it also holds amazingly well on my hair which usually repels all curl.  The photos above were taken around 4 hours after waving with just a v. small amount of hairspray and no pre-styling products used.

The BaByliss Wave Envy retails at £50 and is available from Boots, Argos, Tesco Direct and Amazon.

* press sample

You guessed it! Cover Your Gray for Women root touch-up!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2011

…and for those of you who guessed it was a mini vibrator, shame on you!  The day I start blogging sex toys is the day I realise it’s all gone a bit too far.

This slightly dubious looking item is infact… a root cover-up!  I know, I know… not as interesting as the alternatives but far more blog-worthy!  I saw this when I was last at PAM Makeup Provisions and couldn’t resist popping it into my basket in case of emergency.

I say “emergency”, it’s more like… once every couple of months.  Like a ‘routine’ emergency… one that doesn’t really sound much like an emergency at all.  Just a lazy bitch who can’t be organised enough to ensure she’s got a pack of hair dye to hand.

So, in theory… you’re just supposed to crayon over your roots with this hard waxy stick and walk around like you’re not premature ageing at all!  It actually works better than I thought it would… but it’s not without issue.

It does leave my hair feeling kinda… well, waxy to be honest.  It’s not greasy and it doesn’t *look* greasy… but I can feel the difference and it annoys me.  I’m not sure that I wouldn’t just achieve the same cover-up with one of Leila’s dark brown crayolas… perhaps I should try.  It would be the most uninteresting dupe alert the blogging world has known.

On the positive side, it doesn’t clump and once I’ve painted it over my roots, it allows me to work it in with my fingers to ensure it’s blended nicely.  Overall, it’s something I am pleased to have incase of emergencies/laziness *delete as appropriate.

Cover Your Gray for Women is available in various shades online from and even with £2.99 delivery, it’s less than I paid for mine at PAM.

Who says beauty blogging ain’t glamourous?

Gina Conway Aveda Salon in Chelsea

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 16 - 2011

A few weeks ago, I braved thunder, lightning and a healthy dose of hail to head down the Kings Road and snap some pictures of the new Gina Conway Aveda Salon in Chelsea.  By the time I arrived (sans umbrella), I closely resembled something that had been pulled out of a plughole.

To the team’s credit and my utmost appreciation, they sat me down and gave me an impromptu blow-dry to warm me up before I slunk away hiding behind my camera pretending to be a serious photographer.

Gina Conway Salons work in partnership with Aveda and currently operate out of four locations (Notting Hill, Wimbledon and Fulham) with Chelsea’s opening heralding the newest addition to the group.

Her Salons and Spas are unique in their focus on Eco-Awareness, even employing a dedicated “Eco-Angel” whose job it is to ensure that all salons are consistently upholding their promises to resource conservation, recycling and water management in their day to day activities!

The Salons and Spas offer a complete range of holistic hair and beauty services including specialist colour work, hair design, makeup and ayurvedic treatments with prices starting from a reasonable £36 for an Indian Head Massage.

The ground level is dedicated to the Salon side of things with the Beauty and Spa treatments taking place on the lower level, well away from the hustle and bustle of the hair-dryers and chatter of a busy salon.  Downstairs is tranquil and softly lit, a real haven of peace to offset the buzz of the Kings Road just outside the front door.

It was lovely to have the chance to talk to Gina herself about her empire, though the conversation rapidly turned to toddlers and babies – Gina has two more than me, and quite frankly, I don’t know how she manages to leave the house every morning let alone run four successful businesses across London!

Visit for more information on the Gina Conway Aveda Salon and Spas, book your next appointment or learn more about the group’s eco-commitments and links with Aveda.

Tantalizing tresses courtesy of Gielly Green

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 12 - 2011

Whilst in London last week, I trotted along to Gielly Green, a boutique hair and beauty salon located just off Baker Street hopeful that Shai Greenburg, co-founder and creative director would be the man to inject some life into my tired hair.

I’m finally past that awful ‘growing out’ stage and to get it there, I’d been dodging regular haircuts left, right and centre since Christmas.  I know you’re not supposed to but we all know how tempting it is to eschew the snip in favour of growing length more quickly!

It also doesn’t help that in general, I’m not the biggest fan of going to hair salons.  I’m not massively precious about my locks but I detest (in order of distaste):

1. Salon small-talk (going anywhere nice this Summer?)

2. Being made to feel like a reprobate for colouring my hair at home.

3. Having to coax recommendations out of nervous stylists about what they think I should do re: styling.  I’m paying them for their expertise right?  If a full fringe will make me look like a git, I want them to tell me!

Better tell you about Gielly Green then…

The salon is a chilled-out space with brown and cream accents, seating you could drift off in and one of the most comfortable hair-washing experiences (electric chairs sweetie!) I’ve ever had.

Prior to washing, Shai asked me to take my hair down from the bun I’d scraped it in and I momentarily panicked that he would admonish me for failing to remember to brush my hair that morning.  Passing no judgement (at least none that I could see), Shai felt my hair’s texture before recommending which products should be used for the wash.  It was a good example of the personalisation I felt was key to the salon experience.

Once seated at the workstation, I explained to Shai that I didn’t want to lose too much length because I like to wear my hair up but that my two main objectives were to restore health and incorporate some ‘kind’ of style without going too heavy on the layers.

Then came the dreaded moment as he lifted my slightly pathetic 4-stranded side fringe between his fingers.  I braced myself for the question that I still didn’t have the answer to…

“This fringe, it’s not really doing anything…” he said before continuing…

“Shall we make it a little thicker, more substantial?  I don’t want to go too thick, your hair is quite fine… but a little more depth would suit your face shape.”

“err yes, ok” I nodded.  OMG, that was easy – he *actually* considered what would suit both my hair AND face shape.  I heard birds singing and harps playing in the distance.

It made me bold… I pushed him a little on the thick fringe question.  Here stood a man, a professional who had just proven he had the cajones to TELL me, the customer what he would recommend.  I couldn’t resist…

“I do like the look of a heavy, straight fringe though…”

He smiled a little wryly but not unkindly, like he knew I was being mischievous and gently motioned how far back he felt he’d have to cut the hair for the thickness of fringe I desired, explaining that I would lose a lot of volume in the process but was happy to do so if I wanted.  I quickly dispelled the thick fringe idea and settled back into the chair like a good girl, finally confident that I had a considered answer to a question that had plagued me for months.

Shai is quick, his scissors moved over my hair in a blur… he doesn’t talk much, if at all when he’s working.  It was momentarily awkward as I wondered whether I should initiate a conversation before giving in to the silence and simply enjoying watching him work.

30 minutes later and we were done, I had beautifully feminine, soft, flippy hair that looked healthy and shiny!

The layers are perfect, I can still scrape my hair back into a ponytail without the need for hairgrips.  The ends feel lighter, less weighty and my fringe… although still not that Zooey Deschanel dream, is definitely serving more purpose than its first non-commital attempt with my last stylist.  A good, uplifting experience… and best of all, he didn’t mention my dodgy home-colouring once!

Prices start from £45 for a cut and finish with a junior stylist.  You can visit the Gielly Green website for more information, services and even book your appointment online.

* I was invited for a complimentary cut and finish as a guest of the salon

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse Hair Dye Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 24 - 2011

Hair dyes are taking the proverbial at the minute and I’m *this* far away from being brand loyal for once and going back to Superdrug for my essentials.

The reason I haven’t done so already is because I’m loving the (newish) mousse formula for a mess-free application.  I have previously reviewed the two other main contenders on the market if you’re interested in comparing.  Individually, I found them lacking… they had their strengths but also displayed weaknesses that I wouldn’t be able to overcome when it was time for a repurchase.

Which meant I was pretty excited to see a new mousse formula on the shelves when I trotted back to the chemist for a replacement.

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse in #40 Pure Dark Brown caught my attention in an instant.  I was practically clapping like a seal as my eyes drifted over the wonderfully ashy-looking shades in the range.  Ashy suits me well, red tones make my face look even pinker and as Summer approaches, I can do without the permanent flushed look.

Application was good, though I was a little disappointed to see the usual (too big) plastic gloves included.  I’ve been spoilt by the proper latex ones John Frieda’s product provided!  The instructions were precise and clear and didn’t incorrectly tell me to ‘shake the bottle’ as I experienced with the Clairol either…. so far, so good.

30 minutes of developing time later, at least it covers the greys….

Let’s just say… I’ve been using anti-dandruff shampoo daily in an attempt to fade it.

Not only that but the colour is leaching as a semi-permanent might.  How do I know this?  My white 500 thread count Egyptian Cotton pillowcase tells me so.  Yeah, I’m ecstatic about that one.

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse Hair Colour is available to buy from most usual stockists inc. Boots priced at around £6.99


What are your preferred hair colourants at the moment?

Batiste goes BIG (and other stuff)

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 21 - 2011

It’s all go over at Batiste towers this week…


They’ve listened to the fans and SUPERSIZED three of the most popular fragrances.

Original, Blush and Tropical scents can now be purchased in 400ml cans… that’s double the size of the standard versions and promises to deliver around 20 applications.

The new size cans will retail at £4.99 each which I’m assured, represents a saving of almost 17% if you opt for the larger size over the 200ml version.


Even the original sizes are getting a makeover.  The 150ml cans will be increasing to 200ml as standard which does mean a slight price hike, but from my quick maths this is fairly in line with the increase in volume rather than a sneaky way to squeeze more pennies from us.  Cynical? Moi?

If you’re unsure what to look out for next time you go shopping… here’s a visual of the new packaging changes.  Can you spot your usual fragrance?



Batiste have introduced another new product to the ever-expanding range…

XXL Volume promises to “provide a volumising makeover to help transform dull or limp hair into big and bouncy locks“.  I achieve a fair volume boost from the original range but will be interested to see how this aids in wrangling my flat locks into big, pouffy hair styles!

Batiste XXL Volume retails at £3.99 for 200ml and will be available from Superdrug, Boots, Sainsbury’s and Independent Pharmacies from June.

Phew! I think they need a nice cup of tea and a lie down!

The Cutting Room Floor #1

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 12 - 2011

I’m introducing a new segment to the blog called The Cutting Room Floor which will include various hair-related releases, snippets and bits and bobs that have caught my eye.

I’m definitely no hair expert and am forever throwing various products at my barnet in an attempt to undo the damage that regular colouring wreaks upon it but like most, I dream of soft, silky locks that reflect mirror shine *wistful sigh*.

This month I’ve been thinking about…

1. The John Frieda Live Hair Academy is the brand’s first online ‘show’ and will be streamed on May 27th at 1pm.  The hour long segment will be showing you how to achieve the hottest summer hair styles, how to best use the John Frieda products and sharing the techniques you need to know so you can achieve salon results at home.

They’re looking for participants including models and contributors who have specific hair-related questions they can answer live on the show! Want to get involved? All the details are on the John Frieda facebook page.

2. Stone Bridge Hair Accessories have caught my eye with this beautiful handmade Poppies Silk Scarf Headband.  The bold print screams Summer and I love the idea of “cheating” the silk scarf look with an easy-to-wear headband alternative.  A quick browse around their site leaves me wanting to play with a hundred different updos!

3. The eye-catching Macadamia Natural Oil range contains a blend of sought-after Argan and Macadamia Oils and is available in a ‘healing’ treatment, shampoo, conditioner and repair masque.  My dry hair loves treatment oils and visibly improves with regular use so I’m tempted to give this natural range a whirl.  Have you tried it yet?

4. Brocato’s CurlInterrupted Keratin Smoothing System is the the first non-toxic hair smoothing system, completely free from Formaldehyde, Thio and Sodium Hydroxide and with the added benefit of only a 24hr wait before you can wash and style your hair as normal (compared to the usual 72hrs).

I was put off keratin straightening treatments last year when reports of health concerns surrounding the possible release of unsafe levels of formaldehyde went into overload but it’s good to see there are healthier options available!  For further details call 08705 561 929.


How’s your hair today?  Mine is in desperate need of a bucket hat!

To fringe or not to fringe?

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 8 - 2011

Whilst this may not be the most important question we’ll ever ponder, for me… it was all I could think about a fortnight ago as I sat in the hair salon umm-ing and ahh-ing over this very dilemma.

In the end, I did what I always do in situations like this, I semi-commited.  I let the stylist cut me a hint of a fringe, a slight side sweep.  A fringe for wimps really.

I don’t like it. It’s bitty and it’s annoying… it says “Here stands a woman who has no faith in her own judgement!”

What I should have done, is bought one of these before visiting the salon.

The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe in Darkest Brown.  A clip-in fringe for commitment-phobes!

It’s the easiest thing in the world to attach, simply align wherever you want the end of your fringe to reach and press on the two clips that come attached.  Voila!

Instant fringe!

Now, whilst I am actually in love with my new fringe, it doesn’t come without issues.

1. It’s synthetic and therefore shiny.  If only my real hair were this shiny!  Now, don’t get me wrong… we’re not in doll’s hair territory, it’s not a horrible synthetic shine but it does contrast to my own hair and I need to fix this before I’d wear it out.  I’ve heard that some dry shampoo should do the trick.

2. If you have fine hair like mine, you need to play around with the back of the fringe (where it meets your hair) to ensure that the join is as well-hidden as possible.  Those with thicker locks will probably find this a doddle, I need a bit of careful placement and backcombing.

3.  Beware of relationships with partners, family and friends.  Mr. L and I are no longer on speaking terms since he called me Duane Dibley.

On the plus side, it provides instant gratification for a striking new look on nights out or when I want to confuse my 2 year old.  It’s well cut and heavy enough without being comedy-heavy and perhaps best of all, it covers my grey roots like a dream!

You can purchase The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe* online at HotHair, priced at £24.

* Press Sample

Hallo stuff! I’m really loving you! – Sunday 27th February

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 27 - 2011

I never get round to doing “products of the month” posts because there’s inevitably something else that I wanna blog about when the ‘critical’ time is approaching.

I do love reading other people’s picks though so instead of giving up on these type of posts completely I think I’ll just throw random ones out there when the mood takes me instead.  Who needs time restraints anyway?

1.  Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil (£19.50)

This has given my dry, overprocessed hair such a lift these last few weeks.  I don’t know how it compares to the likes of Moroccan Oil which I haven’t tried yet but the Gielly Green Argan Rescue add shine, softness and smooth ends without being too heavy on my fine (but lots of it!) hair.

You can buy the Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil here.

2.  Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel (£19.40)

I received a sample size of this tucked into my last Debenhams order and “uh oh”, ‘cos it’s on the repurchase list!

I’ve been trying to work out a morning skincare routine that suits my combo/dry skin and this has become my morning cleanser of choice.  Normally, I use a ‘cleansing gel’ to remove my makeup but this one is so light that a pea-sized amount cleanses my bare face beautifully.

It has a delicious ‘wake me up’ grapefruit scent and is the only cleansing gel/oil/balm type product I’ve used that makes me feel clean without doing a double cleanse.  Add to that the fact that it’s one of the least drying cleansers I’ve discovered and I’m delighted to start the day with this gem!

Now, I’ve said that… watch me hate it once I purchase the full size.  It’s always the way right?

You can buy the Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel here.

3.  Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml (£34.00) *

Now available in a travel-friendly 20ml bottle, Balenciaga Paris is simply exquisite.  I’m not sure how it manages to capture so much in one small bottle.

It opens with a crisp, floral freshness that announces itself with all the fervour that BIG openings bring before mellowing into something quite creamy yet grown-up.

It seems to capture both a lightness and a depth that feels more sensual, darker… naughtier!

My only gripe is that it needs a top-up every 3 hours or so as the fragrance sadly doesn’t last the day… but I guess that’s the benefit of a 20ml bottle!

You can buy Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml here.

4.  Bliss Blood Orange & White Pepper Hand Cream (part of a duo set that cost £8.00)

Beautifully citrusy with a hint of spice, this hand cream is light, fast-absorbing and nourishing.  The scent lingers for a short while and will keep you sniffing your hands until it fades!  It’s a great daytime moisturiser that sadly only comes in a 30ml tube.  I think it may be limited edition too…

Oh well, as much as I love it – I guess I’ll have to find something else to replace it.

You can buy Bliss Blood Orange and White Pepper Hand Cream here. (on offer!)

5.  Vicks First Defence (£7.14)

I know this is a bit of a weird one… but I’ve used it twice now at the onset of a cold.  As soon as I get that “drowning feeling” in the back of my throat, I pull this out and use as often as the directions allow me.  Whilst it hasn’t killed or cured the ensuing snuffles, it’s made a real difference to it’s severity.

The last two times I’ve used it, my cold hasn’t progressed into full-blown face ache/streaming nose type horrors as it normally would.  I’ve been able to get on with day-to-day life with a couple of paracetamol and this nasal spray nearby quite happily!

You can buy Vicks First Defence here.

6.  Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist (£12.95) *

Since my run in with the Prai o2 Infusion I reviewed yesterday, my skin has been in dire need of TLC and the Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist has provided this well.  Once made up in the mornings, I obviously can’t moisturise with normal creams and this refreshing spray gives my skin a hydration boost with a couple of squirts throughout the day.

It’s alcohol-free and at 60ml is handbag-friendly.

You can buy Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist here. (Guthy Renker sells products through a ‘membership’ scheme and you may need to cancel your membership if you don’t want automatic product topups every 90 days)

7.  Melvita Eye Contour Gel (£18.00) *

Organic brand Melvita failed to impress me first time round… I tried a particularly stinky oil that I just couldn’t bring myself to use because of it’s… um… aroma.  However, the Melvita Eye Contour Gel is a delight!

Incredibly lightweight and fast-absorbing, I’ve finally found an eye cream that I’m happy to wear under my makeup.  I’ve noticed a decrease in puffiness since incorporating this into my routine… not sure it does much for fine lines or dark circles but it feels wonderfully refreshing and lifting for bleary morning peepers!

You can buy Melvita Eye Contour Gel here.


What are you currently using and loving?

* press sample

Tangle Teezer: It’s for wimps with hair…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 25 - 2011

…or hairy wimps, we can be passive or active about this… I don’t care whose voice we use.

I was bullied into this purchase by the good folks on Twitter who told me that if I didn’t buy one, my first born would hate me forever.

Always open to a bit of parenting guilt, I went for the black.  If in doubt, always buy something in black I say!

It arrived a few days later, looking all sleek and shiny and I couldn’t wait to put it to the test.

Now, to be fair… I don’t have particularly tangly hair.  Nowadays it’s a lot finer that it used to be and I don’t have to do that whole “clench it at the roots” thing to reduce pulling and pain.

My first impressions of the Tangle Teezer are that it’s a lot lighter than I anticipated and to be blunt, it’s a lot ‘cheaper’ feeling too.

I’m used to paying out for a Mason Pearson and was hoping that this would be the brush that would help extend the last bit of life left in mine.  In other words, I wanted the Tangle Teezer to be my workhorse… and the Mason Pearson to be my finisher!

The Tangle Teezer feels quite rough around the edges… construction is fully plastic and it is literally quite ‘rough around the edges’ with bits of plastic that catch on your skin.

On a more positive note, Mr. L has told me in no uncertain terms that if I can’t find it, it’s because he’s stolen it to scratch his head with which means that my MP is off the hook.  Anyone who owns a Tangle Teezer will understand what I mean when I say that the plastic bristles (I know that’s an oxymoron) really reach through your hair and give your scalp a great ‘brush’.

Another problem I have with the Tangle Teezer is it’s tendency to fly out of my hand mid brush… this thing needs rubber grips on the handle like I need an Apple Martini… i.e. now.

I would imagine that if your hair is thicker, this would be even more of an issue because of the additional pressure one would have to apply to draw the brush through the hair.

It fits nicely in the palm, even in my small hands though it would be far too cumbersome for a child to hold.  I believe they have a flowerpot designed Tangle Teezer especially for small hands!

So… overall… I’m torn.

It does exactly what it’s supposed to, I can’t fault it on it’s detangling abilities on my fine hair.  The teeth work through my hair like a hot knife through butter.

But having said this, I still think it’s over-rated and overpriced.  It feels cheap (but isn’t) and it’s quite poorly designed.  I can’t even carry it around in my bag because the prongs look like they would bend out of shape if I blew on them too hard… but perhaps their flexibility is part of the reason it detangles so painlessly?

Would I purchase it again?  No… but that doesn’t mean I regret my purchase either.

The Tangle Teezer is priced at around £10 and available online and instore at Boots.

Halo Hair Extensions – The view from n00bville

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 14 - 2011

Although ‘officially’ past that awkward inbetween length, my hair still feels very much like it’s making me endure the teenage years.  Up until 18 months ago, I’d had long hair my entire adult life… but along came a baby and with her; dribble, snot, vomit and spitup – most of which used to end up coating my locks.

I’d like to say that I’ve loved having short hair, I know that in theory… a neat, slightly-angled bob has always suited my round face better than heavy curtains that hang down either side of my hamster cheeks… but theory is called theory because it’s the opposite of practice.

I simply haven’t had the patience, inclination or time to style my short hair and stop it from looking untamed.  I’ve spent the last 18 months with what amounts to a bad hair day.  My feelings on this were hugely reinforced on Saturday when I attached the human hair extensions that I was sent by Halo Hair Extensions.

I’m a total hair extension n00b and have never considered myself a hair extension kinda girl.  I opened the package… looked blankly at the strands of hair infront of me and quite honestly thought “what the hell did I go and agree to give my feedback on these for?”  Curiosity would be the honest answer to that question.

First things first, did they even match my hair?  I held them up alongside my mane and Mr. L answered in the affirmative.  Obviously, you don’t trust a man’s opinion on such important matters so I hot-footed it to the bathroom and checked for myself.   I was sent this set in darkest brown and it’s a damn decent match to the ends of my hair… no ombre here (apart from the overprocessing I’ve done to my self).

I spread the 8 piece set out on the bed infront of me, marvelling at how the softness put my own to shame and wondering if the coarseness of my rough locks would look odd in comparison to the pieces I was about to “install”.

The set I received contained: 2 pieces of hair which are 8” wide (with 3 clips), 2 pieces which are 6” wide (with 2 clips) and 4 pieces which are 2” wide (with 1 clip).

I started with the widest pieces at the back, parting my hair horizontally with a rat-tailed comb and clipping them to my own hair.  I’m rubbish at describing things like this, if you’re as clueless as I was, I suggest that you go and watch one of the how-to videos on their website for more insight and tips into how they actually attach.

Once in, they felt secure and I was able to brush through gently with my hairbrush to blend my hair with the extensions.  It frankly felt amazing to have such thick, luxurious feeling hair… what a confidence boost.  I admittedly spent the entire day asking my husband if he could see the clips (he didn’t once say yes) but perhaps that kind of confidence in wear will come with time.

Wanna see how they look?  Bear in mind that this was my very first attempt at putting them in and they literally took me 5 minutes from start to finish.  I’m so impressed with how ‘usable’ they are, I really thought I’d struggle and turn the air blue trying to get them in but I didn’t enconter a single problem.

Things I’d do differently next time…

I can see a ‘shelf’ at the back and I appreciate now that I should have included the other 3-clip piece that I left on the bed thinking that I ‘didn’t need it’.

I’d contemplate trimming them just a touch to get rid of any wispiness from the ends.

This is a real glowing review, I’m struggling to find fault with the product (and I always like to find at least a little fault!)… so I will have to be pernickity and state that I did have to spend a good 10 minutes ‘picking’ bits of fluff/tacky glue out of some of the wefts.

But that’s my only negative experience with these clip-in hair extensions from Halo Hair.  Even the £39 price tag is reasonable… you could pay that easily for a decent haircut round my way.  I wish I’d tried them sooner, I just didn’t realise how easy they would be to put in.

Do you wear hair extensions?  Any tricks or tips to share?

Foaming an opinion on hair dye… *groan*

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2011

The thought of dying my hair is genuinely one of the dreariest prospects I encounter every couple of months but for me and my grey hairs, it’s a necessary evil.  It smells, it stains and it’s a downright chore.

When I first heard about the new foam hair dyes entering the market late last year, I thought “oh hai new gimmick, I’m still going to hate using you”.  I was right.  Just not entirely…

The first one I tried was the John Frieda Precision Foam Colour* which retails at around £9.99.

It’s more money than I normally pay for a home colourant but I’m sure it’s one of those that will eternally be on special offer somewhere.  Having said that, it’s freakin’ fantastic.  It dispenses a rich, creamy foam from start to finish with crystal clear instructions, great packaging (and awesome gloves that fit properly!)

You can tell when thought and careful planning has gone into the details… and here, the quality is apparent even down to the fact that the dye wipes off skin beautifully without compromising on potency!


The available shades for brunettes suck.  They’re all fairly warm-toned and if you’re a pink-faced girl with a penchant for ashy tones, this isn’t good news.  Would I buy it again?  Only if I want gingery grey bits when the dye fades.  So, um… probably not.


The second one I tried (and I’m sat here with freshly dyed hair now) is the Clairol Nice n’ Easy Colour Blend Foam* which normally retails at a more palatable £6.99.

Props to Clairol for a stonking range of shade availability.  Everything from cool to warm tones, darkest to lightest… However, I got beef with this brand.

The instructions included in the box are terrible and led me to over-mix the formula thus producing crappy foam.  The instructions state: “Shake bottle until completely mixed”.

Watch this…

Now, to my mind… “Shake bottle until completely mixed” is a truly rubbish way to communicate to your customers “give it three firm shakes and then leave it alone for 30 seconds”.  No?

I followed the pack instructions, held the bottle, closed my eyes and shook vigorously for about 10 seconds until I was convinced that the products would be nicely mixed.

The result was a runny foam that applied nothing like the creamy John Frieda formula.

This stuff also stains like a four year old running around with a plate of spaghetti.  As a home hair-dye veteran, I’m used to wiping the backs of my ears, that pesky patch where a strand inevitably drops onto your shoulder and the annoying bits on the temples where you want to cover the baby greys but not the skin.  I usually do a grand job of it too.

Unfortunately, I’m sat here now with pretty bad skin staining on my temples.  Do I risk applying a barrier cream and not getting the coverage I need on those greys?  I don’t know… All in all, it’s a disappointing performance from the Clairol.

I’m genuinely upset about this because the colour selection is fabulous, the end result is good (though not as glossy as the John Frieda) and in theory, I love the foam formula which makes it almost impossible to ‘miss’ bits.  I don’t have to faff about parting my hair to get into the roots… I just treat it like I’m shampooing with a creamy lather and the formula does all the hard work for me.  Foam hair dyes have truly been a revelation.

Not only that, but in both instances, the dye has rinsed down the plughole like a dream with the water running clear after only a minute or two at the most.


Which should you buy then?

If you’re looking for red tones, buy the John Frieda and do it now, while it’s on offer.

If you’re wanting a cooler-toned shade… go for the Clairol but beware the misleading pack instructions and be sure to use a barrier cream such as vaseline on your hairline.

The future’s bright and it’s rather foamy.

*press samples


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