Finding a good hairdresser. Never give up.

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 20 - 2012

I think I’ve cracked it.  It’s only taken me 30 years but I’m absolutely, definitely, completely (most-likely) going to return to the hairdresser I visited yesterday for a trim.  I was doing some shopping in town whilst Leila was on her first-ever play date *bites knuckles* and I dared myself to walk into the first hair salon I saw for a cut (I do shit like this to myself all the time – I think it’s a touch of OCD).

I did have some exceptions to that rule: no salons with the word “cuts” and “super” in the name, no salons with more children than adults in the chairs, and no salons which filled their windows with the products they would be blatantly hard-selling me thirty minutes later.

The first salon to cross my path was Trevor Mitchell on East Street.  From the outside, I wasn’t convinced, it was like the 1970s had met with a 1990s revival and gotten lost on the way to the nought-ies.  The inside wasn’t a whole lot better and I don’t like the name Trevor.  Still, I can’t deny that I wasn’t tempted by the offer of a £25.50 haircut on the price list.  I mean, I didn’t want anything too drastic… just a (good) trim and a fringe-reshape.  I shuddered at the thought of all the different ways the fringe-reshape could go horribly wrong.  I stepped inside anyway.

There isn’t much in the way of luxury going on at Trev’s place.  There are no cups of tea on offer and the dayglo gowns felt and looked like something I’d put on Leila to protect her from a Play-Doh attack.  Does anyone else get anxious about which way round you’re going to be asked to wear the gown?  Posh salons have ones that you put on like a coat and the rest make you wear them like a straight jacket right?

I’m not a big talker when someone is holding a pair of scissors centimetres from my ear, mostly because I’m fairly socially-retarded and tend to giggle inappropriately.  Thankfully, my stylist Kylie wasn’t much of a talker either – except for where it mattered.  I gave her free reign to chop off what she needed to restore health, tame the over-processing and neaten everything up.  Before she started cutting, she showed me the various lengths of my old layers and reassured me that she would leave it well-beyond the annoying ‘growing out’ length.

Admittedly, a basic trim isn’t the easiest thing in the world to mess up… but the scary bit was still to come.  The fringe.

Long story short, she cut it perfectly and not only that but she had my hair foibles sussed within seconds of looking at me.  Dodgy lick on one side of fringe = don’t touch it until it’s dried.  I went to one hairdresser in January who literally snipped in a straight line across my wet fringe… I had a puffy sticky up bit for weeks.  Traumatic.  She suggested that the outer edges needed more blending and by this time, I trusted her.  She also thinned the hair at the edges and boy, that’s made a huge difference as to how it sits against my forehead!  Before I left, she gave me some tips on fading old colour and apparently Vosene works better than Head & Shoulders for lifting dark dye!

I hadn’t had a good, full haircut since I first got my fringe cut in last year and had only found one salon in Soho (Studio12) who had trimmed my fringe to my liking.  A bit of shine spray and £25.50 (+ tip) later and I’m walking somewhat taller with my noo doo.

Cheers Trev!  Oh and just for giggles, Trevor Mitchell (the man behind the local salon chain) introduced Kevin Keegan to his infamous perm in the 80s!  I think I had a lucky escape!

Have you had a happy haircut recently?

The night I thought I’d Trumped myself.

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 13 - 2012

I bought a hair-dye from TK Maxx last week (it sounds like a bad idea already) and decided that the recent crop of ever-increasing greys needed a severe talking to.  That night, I checked out the packet… L’Oreal Recital Preference Hair Color Ultra Lightening in 6.3, Golden Brown.  I knew I was taking a risk… a). I’ve never tried the L’Oreal Recital Preference range before and b). Golden Brown?  Do I look like Beyonce?  I can’t remember the last time my hair was golden anything.

I calculated my options in my head and decided that I’d spent the whole year being a very careful home hair-dyer.  I’ve been touching up only the roots for a very long time now and felt that the ends had gradually faded in colour.  There was still a lot of build-up but nothing like it had been a year previously.  I deserved to take a chance.

I’ve been wanting to go lighter for a long time, I’m working on the assumption that if my hair is lighter it will make the regrowth a little bit less obvious leading to less-frequent dying and ultimately, healthier hair.  It’s all good right?

Except that I’d do well to remember that I haven’t seen myself anything other than a dark, dark brown for many years.  To put it bluntly, I nearly shat myself when I took the towel off my head.  My grey roots were a delightful shade of Donald Trump, glowing furiously under the hallway light.  Fuck.  I took to Twitter and said as much.  Fuck, said I.

Long story short, a wash or two later and a little bit of time to get used to it?  I’m loving it.  Sure… the roots are lighter than the ends but I’m gonna head to the hair-dressers next week and get it all cropped back to just below my shoulders again which should go some way toward helping the situation.

My problem is that I have no idea where to go from here.  I’m tempted to try and go a touch lighter again… but when and how?  I don’t want to overload my hair or damage it seeing as I’ve been trying to be so good for so long!  I’m giving my hair regular coconut oil treatments and treating it to some proper TLC while I weigh up my next move.  I’m thinking that colour remover thing next… (but not for a few weeks yet!)

Anyone else wanting to go lighter for the Summer?  Are you DIYing it too?

A new blog to follow and a LFW montage from ghd!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 14 - 2012

I don’t talk enough about hair on here, mostly because I’m pretty rubbish at taming my locks.  Not only rubbish but also a little bit intimidated by hair looks, styles, accessories… the whole kit and kaboodle.  Anyone else feel like this?

Anyway, I wanted to share with you my new favourite blog; Hair Romance, because if anyone can inspire me to reach for my kirby grips, Sydneysider Christina can.

And on another hair-related note, I thought you might be interested in seeing some of the hair-madness that goes on backstage during London Fashion Week.  I already experienced first-hand just how crazy it gets behind the scenes… but throw in a bunch of styling tools and I bet it gets even hotter in the hair corner!

You can see some more Fashion Week videos from ghd including some great how-tos from their creative director Kenna on the ghd youtube channel.

Did you have a bad hair day today?

A hairy dilemma – your assistance please, dear readers!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 8 - 2012

I’m not a “hair” person.  Hairy, yes.  Hair. No.

However, I have been a good girl for the last 6 months and have stopped over-processing my poor locks to within an inch of their life.  To battle the greys, I make sure to dye only the roots and am starting to see a slight colour lift as the regrowth gets longer.  My poor, sorry ends are still very dark and I’m not sure that anything can be done to save them apart from a pair of scissors.

my hair always looks this glossy – honest.

Condition-wise, well it’s not too bad.  A little dry – but nothing serious.

Where am I going with all this? Well…

I want to go lighter but I have no idea how.  Not massively lighter, just enough so that I look less pasty/ill as the days hopefully begin to warm up.  Please share what you know about lifting your colour DIY style.  I’m not in any rush, I know that things like this need to be done sloooowly and with care.

Have you gone lighter?  How many shades and was it a success?

Michel Mercier Detangling Hairbrush vs. Tangle Teezer

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 28 - 2011

My hair is prone to breakage, and thanks to my PCOS – there isn’t as much of it as I would like which means that I have to be very careful when detangling my hair not to end up with more on the brush than on my head.  I currently use my Tangle Teezer on wet hair and my Mason Pearson on dry hair.

I attended the launch of a new product from internationally acclaimed hairdresser Michel Mercier, a new detangling hair brush available in three varieties, each suited to a different hair type.  To choose the right brush for your hair, you simply need to check which colour you’re picking up:  Pink = Fine Hair, Green = Normal Hair, Blue = Thick or Afro Hair.  The difference between the three varieties lies in the flexibility of the bristles used.  The coarser the hair type, the more rigid the bristles need to be in order to combat the tangles.

The brush is made up of a patented system which involves placing 428 bristles (who wants to count ’em?) positioned at different heights across the surface with a unique geometric distribution which helps to disperse the pressure placed on hair during brushing.

But does it work, and is it better than the Tangle Teezer?

Michel Mercier Detangling Brush*

I found that it works very well for detangling my hair, especially when my hair was dry but the efficiency came at a cost.  The Mercier Brush gave me more discomfort during use than the Tangle Teezer.  However, it really couldn’t be faulted for it’s rapid detangling properties… I often find that the Tangle Teezer misses tangles on the underside of my hair thanks to its very flexible bristles – the Mercier’s bristles are stronger, I think this will prove very popular for those with thick hair.

Sadly, I experienced more breakage with this one than my Tangle Teezer, probably just because it was more effective and gave me more discomfort but I’d rather have to section my hair to detangle than lose it on the brush.

Tangle Teezer

I was also hoping for better things from the Michel Mercier design.  The Tangle Teezer is notorious for flying out of unsuspecting hands thanks to the rubbish grip it offers.  At first glance, you’d think that the Michel Mercier solves this with the inclusion of a chunky handle but sadly, the handle has quite a strong taper which means that it doesn’t feel as secure as I would have liked.

Overall it’s a real mixed bag.  If my hair were stronger and thicker, I’d probably prefer it to my Tangle Teezer but as things stand, it’s back to my Tangle Teezer/Mason Pearson combination for the time being.

The Michel Mercier Detangling Brush is priced at £14.95, and available from and selected salons

* press sample


A new fragrance for Batiste designed to bring out your WILD side (rawr)

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 16 - 2011

I’m a total sucker for a bit of leopard print, much to my mother’s amusement.  Or is it disgust… sometimes it’s hard to tell.

Batiste have introduced a new scent to their legendary lineup… we all know that some of the Batiste ‘fragrances’ pong more than others *cough* Blush *cough* but I’m intrigued to try this new one described as: A feminine and daring Oriental aroma with top notes of cocoa, a floral heart and sensual vanilla, musk and wood base notes.

Batiste has become a bit of a staple in my haircare routine since the beginning of the Summer.  I seem to have developed a sorry case of the greasies (thanks hormones) and this stuff stops me from having to wash my hair every morning.  Does that make me a bit of a grot?  Whatever, bet you do it too.  Do you have a favourite Batiste scent?

Batiste Dry Shampoo in WILD is exclusive to Boots and priced at £2.99 for 200ml


Pantene, simplified.

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 14 - 2011

As a global brand marketed to the masses, Pantene have never been known to rest on their laurels.  To remain competitive, uber-brands such as Pantene who dominate their markets in this way simply have to stay ontop of the latest technologies and even more than that, often be the first to implement them.

The downside to this, from a consumer point of view is that TOO MUCH CHOICE can be a bad thing.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood in-front of the haircare shelves in my local supermarket, taking far too long to decide which shampoo to buy and I know that most of us (unless you’re majorly brand loyal) face this same dilemma each time we shop.  I mean, ok… it’s one of those 1st world ‘problems’ that isn’t really a problem but in such a competitive market-place, these little things can make a big difference to consumers.

Pantene have relaunched, re-branded…. all that “re” stuff that doesn’t really matter too much to us unless we’re interested by the marketing side of things.  What they’ve actually done, in terms that I can get my head around is have a little re-jig.  And it looks something like this…

Still looks a bit excessive right?  It’s not!

Here are three choices, you can only pick one.  Is your hair?

Normal to Thick
Coloured/Highlighted (if your hair is coloured, choose this option regardless of the texture)

OK, got one?  Well, that’s all you need to know to shop the entire range easily and with confidence because Pantene have divided all of their products into these three categories which should in theory, make choosing the right product for your hair type, simple.

Gone should be the days of working out that “volumising” shampoos should be used for fine hair, “protecting” for coloured and “smoothing” for thicker hair types.  The industry loves a good buzz word and the above examples are some of the less “out-there” descriptions of what a hair product is supposed to achieve.  With the relaunch, stick to that initial question and you’ll be sure to choose a product designed with your hair type in mind.

As part of the relaunch, the brand are also introducing new formulas and ingredients, one of which involves a breakthrough ingredient for dry, frizzy hair-types called AM Triquat-76.  This patented whatsit (insert scientific word there) aids silicones to deposit themselves evenly across the hair shaft, thus smoothing the cuticle more effectively with less weigh-down than before and offering better protection from styling.

So, there you have it – the new look Pantene and the reasons behind all these changes.  To read more about the relaunch and what it means for your favourite products, click through to the Pantene site.

 Which hair type are you?


Tried & Tested: Clairol Root Touch Up Hair Dye

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 13 - 2011

I’ve talked before about over-processing my hair to within an inch of its life and the difficulties I’ve encountered trying to find a happy compromise between routinely covering my greys and keeping my hair in a healthy condition.

Well, I’ve found the answer.  Almost.  It’s not completely perfect… but it’s close enough for now.

Clairol Nice n’ Easy Root Touch Up.  There’s something about paying the same amount of money for LESS product that kills me everytime I approach the counter to pay for this box.  The dye is intended only for use on your roots (you don’t say…), hence you get less in the pack than you would normal hair dye.  It’s not that it’s phenomenally expensive, infact, it’s really good value but compared to my Superdrug own brand Choc Brown that I’ve enjoyed using previously, it is a small step up in price.

However, it’s a little box of awesome.

I pick up shade #4 which claims to blend with all manner of dark browns and I will absolutely back those claims.  It’s never looked at all out of place alongside my older dye jobs and really does blend quite seamlessly.

I part my hair in its usual parting and apply the dye all along any visible roots, not forgetting the hairline.  Once I’ve saturated these parts, I usually part my hair a little further over in both directions and re-apply to allow room for error.  I usually still have some more dye left over and cover my centre parting too (just in case!)

It only takes 10 minutes before I jump in the shower and rinse.  The entire process is completed in under 20 minutes and because it doesn’t go anywhere near the ends of my hair, is a lot less messy than usual!

My only caveat is that I’ve seen a couple of photos of myself recently (where I’m trying to take snaps of my curls etc..) and I can see a bit of grey peeking through the roots toward the back of my head.  It’s probably been about 4 months since they’ve last been dyed and I either need to grab a normal box dye (which I don’t want to do) or get Mr. L to tackle the harder to reach areas with an extra pack of this stuff.  Better solution I think.

Either way, my ends are getting some MUCH needed respite and my overall hair colour is looking beautifully natural and non-blocky.


Clairol Root Touch Up is priced at around £4 a pack and available at all the usual outlets (Boots, Superdrug, Supermarkets…)

Tried & Tested: Enrapture Amplify Jumbo Waver

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 11 - 2011

The second of the three new hair styling tools from Enrapture due to be released on the 15th August is the Enrapture Amplify Jumbo Waver*.  An odd-looking device with a trio of barrels that promise to coax your hair into a series of smooth “S” shapes, a.k.a “beachy” waves.

In theory, we’ve been here before.  I recently tried the Babyliss Wave Envy which although thoroughly impressive in design, abilities and price, left me with more of a ‘crimp’ than a ‘wave’.

These bad boys boast an impressive 25mm barrel (hence the Jumbo!) which means that they should ensure less crimping and more waving!

They’re heavy but not ‘too’ heavy to hold comfortably.  I found them a little unwieldy around the back of my head but I do have fairly short arms and a distinct lack of co-ordination.  The ‘flipper’ which controls the open/close mechanism on the waver is well engineered, with a light almost springy reaction.  This makes sure you don’t get thumb ache when ‘waving’!

The barrels are made from titanium which promises to give a smooth and snag free styling experience and I can’t argue with that as I experienced no issues with dragging or catching on my hair as I moved the styler through various sections.

It has an adjustable heat setting which I would have preferred to see digitised with actual temperature detailing so I could judge exactly how hot the tool was getting.  On the flipside, the controls are ridiculously simple.  An on/off switch and a heat dial.  Thassit.

So how did I get on with the styler?

Well… pretty well actually.  Similarly to the Babyliss, it’s ridiculously easy to use from a technical point of view.  I’m sure you’re ‘supposed’ to section your hair into accurate little pieces but I just fed handfuls of it willy-nilly into the jaws of the styler, clamped, moved down the hair shaft, clamped again… repeat until you run out of hair.

And that’s all I did.  I’m one of those ‘stylers’ who often start with the best of intentions.  All my little clips, brush, heat protection sprays surrounding me.  After about 7 minutes I’m just shoving my hair AT the styling tool and hoping for the best.

I was done in 10 minutes which goes against the brand’s ethos of “When everyday hair just isn’t enough” because I’d politely suggest that this is perfect everyday hair.  Everyday ‘tousled’ hair.

Wanna see what I managed to get from the Enrapture Amplify Jumbo Waver?

I had it on the ‘non-commital’ halfway heat setting as shown in the above photo and held the clamp shut for around 10 seconds.  That’s probably too long or something but my hair doesn’t seem to be complaining… I’ll try turning the temperature up and clamping for less time next attempt.

I’m really digging this styler, it solves the crimping problems I found with the Babyliss (albeit at a heftier price tag).

The Enrapture Amplify Jumbo Waver is set to launch this month into all major retailers (Boots, Argos, Debenhams etc.) with an RRP of £74.95 – for more information, check out or talk to the hair gurus on Facebook or Twitter

* press sample

Tried & Tested: Enrapture Encode Totem Styler

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 2 - 2011


verb /enˈrapCHər/

Give intense pleasure or joy to

Three new styling tools designed to give a variety of curls, waves and va-va-voom to your locks.  The new Enrapture range isn’t about the everyday, roll out of bed and make yourself look presentable.  The tools have been designed for when “everyday hair just isn’t enough”.

But what does that marketing guff actually mean?  Well, it means that this trio of hair styling tools has been created for those times when you want extra-special hair, going-out hair, sex-kitten hair (ok, I made that last one up) – you see what I’m getting at?  I wouldn’t use these on my hair before heading down to Lidl on a Friday morning because a).  By the time I’d mastered my ‘do’ the shop would be shut and b).  I might get chatted up by ‘Art’ the fruit n’ veg guy.

The tools in the range include:

Encode Totem Styler – A curling wand with a teeny flipper and independent heat zones to customize your curl.

Amplify Jumbo Waver – A waver with bigger-than-normal barrels to create beachy hair.

Extremity Heated Rollers – Heated rollers with the ability to heat hair from BOTH sides of the curl.

I’ll be reviewing all three tools but initially I want to show you the Encode Totem Styler* which at first glance looks rather complicated.

It’s basically a curling wand with the addition of a flipper (which you can choose to use or ignore) and three individually heated zones on the barrel that will heat to a temperature of your choosing.  The point of this is to give you the option to customise your curl.  Do you want a looser wave near the scalp getting tighter toward the end?  You need to dial in a 1-2-3 (1 being the lowest heat setting).

The styler incorporates a 25mm, titanium-plated barrel that ensures a fast heat-up and snag-free styling.  I did find the ‘cool-tip’ to be a little uncomfortably warm after around 10 minutes of styling, so that’s something I’d like to see improved in future versions but I can’t say I had any other ‘technical’ problems relating to the tool’s build quality.

The styler is light enough to hold comfortably for long periods of time and once you become accustomed to the way the coding system works, it’s all rather intuitive.

I can see a Facebook group in the company’s future, asking their fans to unlock their ‘codes’ and share their hair results with other users.  “Hey, check out my hair – I’m a 2-2-3!” etc. etc. – It’s a neat idea and whilst it could be a little gimmicky if it didn’t actually work, the whole independent heat zones provides tangible results so I’m not complaining.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the styler came with 2 extra pairs of hands?

Well, I tried to recreate the Katie Melua-esque (in my dreams) curls that I was given at the launch event in the (dis)comfort of my own bedroom and for a novice,  I didn’t do too badly!  Sure, I may have given myself a minor scorching on the wrist but I’m not used to these wand things!

I’m looking forward to trying out some more coding combinations for different effects (the above was 1-2-3, loose-med-tight), I wanna know what a 2-3-2 would turn out like… it sounds weird in theory!

The Enrapture Encode Totem Styler is set to launch this month into all major retailers (Boots, Argos, Debenhams etc.) with an RRP of £74.99 (ouch) – for more information, check out or talk to the hair gurus on Facebook or Twitter

It’s all about big hair this year isn’t it?!  Do you curl your hair for special occasions?

* press sample

The Cutting Room Floor #2

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 20 - 2011

It’s true, we don’t have much need (where did I put my umbrella?) for protecting our locks against sun damage on these drizzly shores at the moment but if you’re planning a Summer holiday to warmer climes don’t forget to pack more protection than just your SPF30!

Our hair can suffer the effects of the sun just as much as our skin and if you’re constantly dipping in and out of the sea or chlorinated pools whilst on your hols, your barnet will return home drier than a sun-dried twiglet.

Welcome to the second installment of The Cutting Room Floor, the segment devoted to Summer hair bits and bobs that have caught my eye over recent weeks!

1.  Aveda Sun Care 2011 (from £14.00)

Aveda Sun Care 2011 lineup comprises of a three-step defence and recovery system:

Aveda Cun Care Protective Hair Veil (£17.50):  A lightweight, water-resistant UV defense mist that forms an invisible screen to help protect hair from sun exposure for up to 16 hours, to minimise colour fading, damage and dryness.

After Sun Hair & Body Cleanser (£14.00):  Aveda Sun Care Hair & Body Cleanser features a colour-safe formula with corn-derived chelator that gently removes chlorine, salt and product residue.

Aveda Sun Care After-Sun Hair Treatment Masque (£16.50):  An intensive cream masque that replenishes hair’s protein balance, moisturises and defends against free radicals and the damaging effects of sunlight.

2.  Dr. Hauschka Neem Hair Oil (£22.95) *

Described as a ‘hero product’ for the Dr. Hauschka line, the Neem Hair Oil contains a rich, replenishing formula that promises to soften and restore hair that has been damaged by treatments, hair tools and the strains of holiday living!

It also lays claim to being able calm itchy, flaky conditions, encourage hair growth and even normalise sebaceous activity on hair that is prone to greasiness!  Best used as a weekly pre-shampoo treatment on most hair types but also recommended as a styling product for those with extra-dry, frazzled locks.  I have a sample here that I’m ITCHING (no pun intended) to put to good use… watch this space!

3.  Vidal Sassoon Contemporary Collection (from £17.99)

From August, Vidal Sassoon is getting a new look.  Clearly fed up with us lot buying up the high street stores in an attempt to reinvent our Summer wardrobe, the iconic hair brand is upping their game to join us!

The purple accents and redesigned packaging give a nod to the hairdresser’s love of geometric lines and asymmetric styling.  The new budget-friendly range in its eye-catching new packaging will be on shelf from August.

4.  Gielly Green Summer GWP offer (£19.50)

If you’re more concerned about the weight of your luggage than anything else this Summer (well not *anything* else, need a life much?), you might be interested in the current offer available at Gielly Green.

My love for their Argan Oil is well documented on here and until the end of August, when you purchase a bottle, you’ll receive complimentary travel-sized Lemon & Muguet Body Wash and Lotions with every order.  Perfect for sticking two fingers up at RyanAir’s baggage restrictions and indulging in a bit of pampering at the same time!

5.  Sachajuan SPF Range (from £18.00) *

Sweden’s hottest hair stylists have hit the UK with a new range expected to delight the socks off beach lovers everywhere.  The SPF line up includes three products designed to offer maximum protection against environmental damage without adding additional weight or build-up to fine hair.

A shampoo, conditioner and UV-busting mousse ensures that your style is protected with long-lasting effects without skimping on nourishment thanks to its very own Ocean Silk Technology formula containing valuable proteins and minerals derived from sea algae.

Sachajuan is available instore at Liberty and online at MichaelJohn Boutique


Do you have any practical Summer hair tips for holidays?

* press sample

Smooth Operator: Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 13 - 2011

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does what it says on the tin.  THE END.

Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek Range (minus the intensive treatment!)

OK, not really the end… that would be a speed review and a half.  There’s a teeny bit more to this new hair release than meets the eye.

Pantene asked one of the top UK Spas (Stoke Park Spa by SPC) if they were willing to embark on a little experiment with them.  It involved a blind test… you know the deal, get in some guinea pigs – give ’em the posh cat food hair treatment and then give ’em the high street alternative.  Well, the punters couldn’t tell the difference between the Pantene range and the £60 spa treament and neither could the expert stylists.

Stoke Park Spa by SPC, when I die… I’d like Heaven to look a bit like this.

But what does this have to do with the Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter?  Well, the range that was put to the test was indeed the Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek line up which now comprises of 4 ‘spa-endorsed’ products.

Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek Shampoo 250ml – £2.19
Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek Conditioner 200ml – £2.19
Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek Intensive Treatment (wash out treatment) 200ml – £3.99
Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter 150ml – £3.99

The Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter feels more like a leave in conditioner in texture when compared to something like John Frieda’s iconic Frizz-Ease serum.  I’m a fan of both but I like the lighter texture of the Pantene for my fine hair.  I have to be very careful with the Frizz-Ease not to overload and the Pantene certainly seems to be far more forgiving.

9/10 cats couldn’t tell the difference between the salon at Stoke Park Spa by SPC and my bathroom.

And the results?  Well they’re GOOD!  Whether I leave to dry naturally or blast with a hairdryer (whilst trying to flatten the hair cuticles of course) I achieve smoother locks.  I still have the odd flyaway near the roots but running my fingers through the ends of my hair confirms that the entire shaft is smoother, not as rough which as you can imagine results in an overall sleeker do!

Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24hr Frizz Fighter is available at Boots and the other usual outlets!

* press sample


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Lidl makeup. Would you? Have you?

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Brenda Anvari Persian Rose Body Scrub

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Anti-Ageing Muffins... For Reals.

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Hello? Is this thing on?

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Dear Obesity...

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

This new treatment from Pantene Pro-V promises to tame the frizz for up to 24 hours with a non-sticky formula.  Well, it pretty much does …


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