No more tangles, no more tears? The Wet Brush…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 7 - 2014

Between my daughter and I, we own almost 3ft of hair.  Not including the stuff on my top lip, which would take us into double figures… just the hair on our heads.  Mine is grey dark and fine in texture with a tendency toward dryness and some breakage at the ends.  Hers is blonde with an average texture that is neither especially fine, nor magnificently thick.  Her hair sheds like a mo’fo though and she seems to replace it twice as quickly.

Every morning when I brush her hair for school, we have a little chat about the “Tangle Fairy“.  A mischievous sprite who visits her nightly to play havoc and dance a jig in her locks.  To be fair to Leila, she’s a tough cookie and not a total squinny when it’s time to get the brush out… but just like every kid, she has her moments during a detangling session.

The worst of these is after a hair wash, I don’t condition her hair in the bath because regular conditioners weigh her hair down too much, instead we use the Boots Coconut & Almond Leave In Conditioner because we both love the smell and it saves the palava of an extra rinse at bath-time.  As much as it leaves her hair soft and deliciously-scented, it doesn’t do much in the way of detangling.  Usually, I can get away with it if I’ve remembered to brush her hair before the hair wash… but when I forget to detangle, I have a fight on my hands!

Enter, The Wet Brush.

The Wet Brush

Taking the world by storm, this is a hairbrush that has been designed with detangling in mind.

I’m no stranger to detangling brushes… infact, I’ve done a vs. comparison of the Tangle Teezer and the Michel Mercier on my blog before, where neither proved to be total solutions to the detangling problem.

So how does The Wet Brush fare?

The Wet Brush 2

Really well actually.

The rubber-coated body and well-designed handle ensures that, unlike the other leading detangler on the market, this one won’t fly out of your hands mid-brush.  It’s built like a “proper” brush, feeling more substantial and to be honest, as though it’s been finished to a higher standard.

The flexible plastic bristles reach through the hair to the root while the ball-tips on the end are a little gentler on the scalp.  It’s lightweight but feels substantial in the hand, a good combination that ensures that a). I don’t break a toe if I do drop it in the shower and b). Leila can use it on herself with confidence, without getting arm-ache.

Basically, if you’ve read my comparison review that I linked to earlier, you’ll see that The Wet Brush combines all the things I liked about both the Tangle Teezer and the Michel Mercier.  Into one brush.

The Wet Brush 3

I’m struggling to fault it… and although it doesn’t completely eliminate all tugging during a detangling session, it makes the experience far less traumatic.  You’ll also be pleased to discover that it’s less costly than the other detanglers on the market.

Don’t just take my word for it though, here’s a quick Instagram video of me trying out the brush on Leila for the first time.

So is it perfect?  Well… it’s definitely more than halfway there… the only thing I would say is that you have to be mindful of storage.  I chucked this into Leila’s “hair box” along with all her other bits and bobs and the next day, some of the bristles were bent because a can of dry shampoo had been pressed into the side of the brush.  To be fair though, they went back into shape with a little coaxing and I’ve just been more careful since.

Perhaps this isn’t one for throwing into your handbag… but then again, it wasn’t meant to be!

The Wet Brush is available in two different styles and a variety of colours, priced from £11.99 and available to buy online at

* press sample

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Josh Wood Blending Wand in Dark Brown

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 1 - 2014

When trying a beauty product for the first time, I try to remain open-minded.  When a product has been hyped by the beauty community, it’s easy to have certain far-reaching expectations the first time you try it.

However, in the case of the new Josh Wood Blending Wand*, my expectations were lower than low.

Reviews for this product, which is sold exclusively at Marks & Spencer are generally pretty dire on the M&S website, frighteningly so to be honest.  I try to avoid reviews before approaching a product that I’m going to blog about but I was frankly unsure about the best methods for applying the goop inside the wand (the instructions aren’t in plain sight), and so I found myself Googling in advance.


Before I get down to the nitty-gritty, let me explain what – in my opinion – this product from acclaimed colourist Josh Wood is, and perhaps more importantly… isn’t.

The Josh Wood Blending Wand is a temporary solution to a common problem.  The problem being visible roots between hair colouring.  Perhaps you go to a salon for a professional experience every couple of months, or perhaps you box-dye it at home.  Either way, you’ll be familliar with the annoying inbetween stage… inbetween salon appointments, or inbetween finding time to redo your roots at home.

What it isn’t however, is a replacement for a regular hair-dye.  This also isn’t a replacement for a permanent root touch-up kit.  In my novice experience, it takes less than 15-minutes from start to finish to turn the unsightly into the respectable when it comes to your hairline.


The somewhat limited instructions are located under the label on the back of the wand.  It makes the application process sound a little less involved than it actually is.  First things first, I absolutely recommend that you don’t try to use the Blending Wand without a little mixing bowl to hand.  The “goop” inside literally drips out when you prime the product and you risk making a mess unless you dispense into a bowl first.



I applied the Josh Wood Blending Wand directly onto dry hair.  Let’s be honest… if I wanted to faff around with wetting my hair first, I’d just go down the root touch-up kit.  I wanted something that I could use during those emergency moments of god-awful clarity when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror whilst getting ready to go out.  If it couldn’t fulfil that role… I wasn’t particularly interested.

To use, I pumped the button on the side of the wand a couple of times to prime it.  This allows the product to dispense into the brush… or more conveniently, into the bowl you’ve sourced.  Load the brush with the colour and gently apply the product to your roots.

For me, the key to achieving a good finish without making my hair sticky, or staining my scalp is to use a light hand.  You don’t need half a gallon of product on the brush for it to be effective.  Use a little at a time and don’t be afraid to work the brush across the “grain” of your hair aswell as in the root-to-tip direction.  Doing this with an almost-dry brush and working it through the strands cross-ways works well for me.

At this point, your roots should be damp but not saturated.  If you use too much product, you’re going to be left with a sticky-residue once you’ve blow-dried.  The product will not magically disappear into the ether just because you’ve blasted it with a hairdryer.  Use a light hand and apply more if needed.  I also recommend using your fingers to lightly distribute the product across your roots whilst drying, in a similar way to rubbing in dry shampoo.  Remember to wash your hands immediately afterward to avoid stained fingertips.


Because of my preconceptions after reading the reviews, I can’t quite put into words how impressed (relieved?) I was when I saw the results.  The colour blended well with my own and I only had a tiny bit of scalp staining where I’d been too heavy-handed at the temple.  My hair did feel heavier after application, especially around the fringe but it wasn’t sticky and didn’t need immediate washing, though I did wash it before bed that night as I was worried about staining my pillowcase.  The results have lasted well after two hair-washes, I don’t expect it to last much more than three or four at a push.

All in all, as a quick-fix solution for disguising roots in under 15-minutes, I can’t fault it.  If you try it and don’t get the results you were hoping for, take a look at your application method because you might need to adjust the quantity of product you’re using.  Considering just how bad my roots were, I really didn’t need to use a lot of product to get my finished result.  I should get many, many more uses from this magic little Blending Wand.

The Josh Wood Blending Wand, priced at £12.50, comes in 4 shades and is available exclusively instore and online from Marks and Spencer.

* press sample

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Thin hair? Cheat your way to a luxuriously thick hair bun!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 6 - 2014

Unlike most in the fashion and beauty world, the messy bun and top-knot trends are here to stay.  The truth is that for women with plenty of hair, it’s the perfect solution for sweeping your mane away from your face with the least amount of fuss and bother.  For those of us who are less-than-blessed in the plentiful hair department, it serves as a stark reminder of “shit we can’t do”.

Perhaps you can get away with using a hair doughnut to add a little volume to your bun, or perhaps like me, you find that without meticulous strand-placement, you still don’t have quite enough hair to cover the bulky doughnut without creating a healthy dose of can-you-see-my-doughnut paranoia?  If this is you, I may have found a solution that still manages to keep things just as simple.


The Messy Hair Bun from Foxy Hair Extensions delivers a clip-on solution that works surprisingly well.  All you need to do is scrape your own hair back into some semblance of a pitifully small bun, secured with a hair band.  The single benefit of having such fine hair is the fact that I can keep my baby-bun secure all day with just two bands, one for the initial ponytail and one for the wrapped-around-my-finger bun.

After doing this, all you need to do is place the faux-bun over the top of your own and secure it with the provided clips (and bobby pins if needed).  No faffing about looking for your own methods of securing the extension, just align and clip into place.

For my hair colouring, the shade Dark Chocolate was a good match, perhaps just a hint too dark, but as soon as I redo my roots, it’ll be perfect.  Although the Messy Hair Bun is synthetic, it doesn’t look overly shiny or false, the only thing I’m not sure about is that for me, it’s a little too sleek… a little too… ballerina?  I’d prefer it to be a touch messier without such an obvious, neat “swirl” at the back.  Having said that, it shows promise of looking more naturally untidy with each use… any little tugs and pulls will only serve to create a messier better-looking bun.

You can wear the bun-extension as high or as low as you like, attach it off-centre for an oh-so-fashionable side bun or keep things simple as I did.

The Messy Hair Bun is priced at £14.95 and is available online from in a range of 12-shades from the lightest platinum blonde through to the darkest black.

* press sample

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The Body Shop Hair Chalks new for Spring 2014

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2014

Launching in February are a duo of bright hair chalks from The Body Shop…. perhaps not the usual release you’d expect from the British brand but an interesting one nonetheless!  The chalks promise to provide bright, temporary colour and wash out easily with a spot of shampoo.  The two shades available, Tickle Me Pink and Falling For Blue look brilliantly bright in their pots but need do take a little effort to transfer this brilliance onto the hair.

The Body Shop recommend that blondes use the pink, whilst brunettes might like to opt for the blue… but where’s the fun in that?  Colour for all I say!  Blondes shouldn’t have any problems rocking both shades and Leila loved the blue… especially when I did her a hidden streak that she could wear to school this week.  On darker hair, you may find it beneficial to dampen the strand before applying, this will ramp up the intensity of the colour.

The Body Shop Hair Chalks_4

The Body Shop Hair Chalks_3

You do need to get your fingers dirty during application as the best method is to place a finger or thumb over the hair to trap it in place on-top of the chalk before sliding the pot down the strand.  You can also twist the piece of hair before applying to create a brighter effect.  Once you’ve finished, spritz a little hairspray on the coloured strands to lock the shading in place.

The Body Shop Hair Chalks_2

The Body Shop Hair Chalks_1

The Body Shop Hair Chalks will retail at £5.00 each and will be available instore and online at

* press sample

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Why I’m gonna need Rehab if LUSH ever discontinue this shampoo…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 14 - 2014

I don’t get excited about hair products.  They’re not my forte, my cup of tea… they‘re just not my bag (baby).  I view them in the same way that I do many bathroomy-type toiletries, something to be chucked in the trolley while doing my weekly shop.  The truth is, you’ll rarely find me scouring online beauty emporiums for styling products and high-end shampoos.  I’d rather spend my money on lipstick.

Which is why LUSH have surprised me with this bottle of shampoo.

LUSH Rehab Shampoo_01

LUSH Rehab shampoo describes itself as a “restorative and repairing” shampoo with extracts of pineapple, papaya, and olive oil to moisturise and “take your hair back to its healthiest, glossiest state”.  You wouldn’t know any of this without reading up on it because frankly, it doesn’t feel or smell like a traditional “SOS-type” shampoo.

My hair is dry but not brittle and to be fair, is in better condition since swapping my permanent hair colours for semi-permanent almost a year ago… but still, it could never be described as soft or silky.  Introduce my hair to a hairdryer and I’m finished within three-minutes, whereas on the rare occasion that I style Leila’s… I get killer arm ache long before her hair shows any signs of drying.

I also suffer from an itchy scalp.  It comes and it goes, focusing upon the change of seasons but it lurks nonetheless, waiting to flare up in great crusts of scalp-soreness.

LUSH Rehab Shampoo_02

I’ve been using the LUSH Rehab Shampoo for around two months now, washing my hair every other day and I’ve been impressed with the noticeable improvement in both scalp-sensitivity and the general condition of my hair which feels more balanced: less oily at the roots and more nourished at the ends.  The improvement has creeped up on me, I wouldn’t say that it was an overnight miracle but more a realisation that my hair and scalp simply hasn’t been this good for a long time.

My only caveat against this glowing review are those pesky pregnancy hormones that may well be skewing the results, but in all honesty, my skin is a hot mess at the moment, so I’d imagine my scalp to react in the same way.

The strong lavender-scent may be off-putting to some… it’s certainly not my favourite and wasn’t what I was expecting.  It can be a little too bracing in the mornings but I’ll happily take the aroma hit while it’s still working its magic on my locks.  The shampoo lathers really well with only a very small amount (the texture is thin and runny) so although it’s marked up at a price-point I can only just about stomach, I appreciate that a 250g bottle will actually last me a minimum of three-months before it needs replacing (I’ve got at least 1/3 left in the above bottle after two-months use).

LUSH Rehab Shampoo is priced from £5.25 for 100g and is available to buy in store and online at

Share your hair confessions and support a good cause! [SP]

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 28 - 2013

Your crowning glory… barnet fair, whatever you call it, there’s no denying the condition of your locks can have a big impact on your self-confidence.  My biggest mental struggle over the years with my PCOS diagnosis revolved around the related hair problems… the fact that whilst my chin had no problems sprouting a carpet, my scalp recoiled in horror at the thought of supporting the weight of a full head of hair.

Viviscal, the leading experts in hair loss treatments have recently launched a worldwide hair census for females to uncover the true meaning of a good hair day.  None of this annoying flyaways or flat hair stuff… the aim is to find out more about the psychological effects of hair on confidence and self-esteem.


Everyone who takes a moment to complete the short survey will be entered into a competition for the chance to jet off to Los Angeles for Oscar Weekend 2014 and the lucky winner will also be treated to a hair makeover from a celebrity stylist to ensure that your locks really are your crowning glory on the red carpet!

As if that wasn’t incentive enough to spare a few minutes, for every UK resident who completes the survey, Viviscal will also donate a rather generous £1 to cancer-support charity Look Good Feel Better who work to help women manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.

Go on, share your hair confessions and get involved with global conversation!

* This is a sponsored post “[SP]” for which I have received payment, written by me on behalf of Viviscal

My new wig and the browniest FOTD you ever did see!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 13 - 2013

You may or may not remember that a few months ago, I bought a couple of wigs.  Infact, you probably shouldn’t remember this, I only mentioned it in passing and if you do happen to have some kind of superhuman power of recall, then quite frankly, I’d be a bit concerned about you.

Anyway, when my wigs arrived, I tried one on and didn’t really like it.  I mean, I loved the wig… the colour was so intensely rich and chocolatey brown with a hint of caramel, just delicious.  But on me?  It looked exceptionally daft.  It was curly and needed to be longer in order to not look immensely wiggy on my fat head.  I was immediately disheartened by it and so, when the other wig arrived… I didn’t actually get round to trying it on (a fool and her money etc. etc.).

Well you know what’s coming don’t you?

Boredom has struck this week in the most tedious of ways and so I did what I used to love doing in this situation, I went and had a play in my beauty cupboard.  Instead of dragging out the coloured eye liners, my hands happened upon the untried wig, cue some excitement and grappling for a bunch of kirby grips.


What do you think?  It’s not too bad is it?  I reckon that on bad fringe days it could see me right?!

It’s synthetic but doesn’t have too much shine to it… nothing that a bit of dry shampoo won’t tame.  Best of all, it was ridiculously cheap, much cheaper than the other one I bought and didn’t like.  Here’s a link to the one I purchased (although I bought from a different seller months ago), the picture in the auction makes it look far more highlighted and caramelly than it is in real life but dudes, it’s like £7.00 – for a play around with a new hairdo, it’s brilliant.

Can you tell how much weight I’ve put on?  You don’t need to be (too) kind… since I found out I was pregnant almost 4-months ago, I’ve used it as carte blanche to just eat all. the. things.  I had secretly hoped that having such revolting morning (afternoon, and evening) sickness would have kept the balance somewhat more fairly but no… that would be too much to ask for wouldn’t it?

Talking of babies, which I promise not to do too often, Leila’s latest name suggestions for her little brother/sister include: Marmalade, Margaret, Humphrey, and Zod.  No, I don’t think we’ll be entrusting her with the job either.

Back to the FOTD…

I was thinking about some of the “safe” colours that are always the first to sell out when a new collection appears.  When I was in my teens, it was always the “browns” that would be in short supply, except, that I’ve never really had much of a love affair with brown browns, generally favouring greys and taupes when it comes to getting my neutral fix.



To this end, I decided to embrace the season and go all out BROWN for a FOTD.  As always, I didn’t use 438 products… I’m just too lazy for that kind of dedication to the cause.  For colour, I grabbed at my Laura Mercier Bonne Mine palette which I knew would sort me out for eyes and cheeks, my Estee Lauder Blackened Cocoa* eye pencil, an almost-dried-out Estee Lauder Sumptuous Color mascara in, and my trusty Urban Decay Naked 24/7 Glide On Lip Pencil in Naked.


Thanks to the brush-free application, the look took only a few minutes to complete and gives a good amount of warmth and definition without looking massively made up, especially once the lips begin to fade a little.  The nature of the cream products mean that as the day goes on, the makeup wears gently and softens further, I’m no longer afraid of a little bit of creasing!

Brown still isn’t one of my favourite shades to wear, but I do love how it looks much less “try hard” than when I do a full face of makeup with a palette of greys.  There’s something much more informal about smudging earthy colours across the canvas, and there’s a lot to be said for that.


What colours are you favouring at the moment and are there any popular shades that you just don’t reach for?

* press sample

Five reasons why your hairdresser hates your guts

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 21 - 2013

1. You say you want it short.  You moan about being bored with the same style.  They cut it, you cry.

2. You bring in a picture of Monica Belluci and actually expect them to make you look like that.

3. You pretend that you didn’t attempt your last fringe trim yourself, with a pair of Ikea scissors.  THEY KNOW YOU KNOW!

4. You tip in shrapnel.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

5. You don’t tell your hairdresser that you’re not happy with the cut, you just tell everyone else.

C’mon, be honest… how many of these are you guilty of?!

New Launch: Hair Chalks from Fudge Urban

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 3 - 2013

Hair chalks have been steadily gaining in popularity for over a year now… these little sticks o’ colour offer the kind of hair eccentricity that many of us lust after without any of the regrets a trip to the hairdresser might bring!

If you’re new to the idea, the premise for creating some temporary colour effects is pretty simple…

1. Take your freshly styled hair and ready yourself with the colours you want to use.

2. Grab a towel and wrap it around your shoulders to protect your clothes from any fall-out.

3. If your hair is blonde, you may be able to use the chalks on dry hair… if you’re a brunette or red-head, you may need to wet your hair prior to applying.  This will increase the intensity of the colour but may also cause it to temporarily stain the hair shaft.

4. Starting at the tips and working toward the root, massage the chalk into your hair with your fingers.  Some advocate twisting the strands of hair as this increases the texture and grippiness for the chalk to adhere properly.

5. If you want an ombre effect, gradually apply less chalk as you work your way up the hair strand.

6. Seal the colour in (for around 24hrs) with a shot of hair spray.


In the UK, outside of Groupon and the like, this is the first time I’ve seen them go mainstream and the brand bringing them to the table (helpfully in pots rather than messy stick form!) are Fudge Urban.  The hair chalks will be going live (after having been road-tested last weekend at Glastonbury!) with five colours later this week: Festival Pink, Electrik Blue, Pumped-Up Purple, Red Hot Pepper and Iced White.

Still not sure?  Here’s a great video demonstration of how to apply hair chalks (note: these aren’t the Fudge Urban ones in use and skip to about 3mins 50secs to see the demonstration!)

Priced at £5.99 each, they’ll be available instore and online from… do get in touch with @fudgeurban on Twitter if you have any questions.

I foresee a lot more colour on the high-street next week… will you be trying them?

Getting wiggy with it!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2013

What did one aspiring wig say to the other aspiring wig?
I wanna get a head!

Wigs.  The bane of many-a-joke.  Historically… and in my life time, wigs have been the preserve of fancy dress parties and old guys with combovers to disguise.  Let’s be honest, the wig itself is a valid reason for not wanting to ever wield a gavel in a courtroom, an otherwise totally aspirational profession.

But as Bob Dylan once said, the times they are-a-changin’ and wigs are now one of the most fashionable accessories you can add to your shopping basket in advance of a night out!

My only experiences with wigs have been less frivolous, during times of cancer care… but seeing the profound difference that this fairly uncomplicated piece of headwear can make to a person’s confidence ensures that you’ll never underestimate the power of a full head of hair again.

When it comes to wearing wigs for fun, the only rule to abide by is a simple “does it look good?” assessment.  I haven’t taken the plunge yet when it comes to “for fun” wig-wearing but I do have my eyes locked on a few…


01: Tannah // £49 //
02: Two tone short & spiky wig // £17.99 //
03: Joanna (not in that colour!) // £129 //
04: Elle // £26.99 //
05: Tess (my favourite) // £24.99 //

The sky is the limit when it comes to style, colour, and in many cases, price but it’s a good idea to know your basics before commiting to a purchase and the most obvious decision you’ll need to make when considering a style is whether you want to opt for a synthetic or human hair wig.

You would be forgiven for assuming that human hair will always beat the synthetic option but this simply isn’t true.  On the whole, synthetic wigs take less maintenance than human hair and can hold their initial style better.  Of course, you must never approach them with any heated styling tools and durability is unlikely to be as good as the human hair variety, but improvements in their realistic texture and an attractive lower price-point mean that synthetic styles are a good choice for casual wearers.

What about you… do you wear wigs?  What have been your experiences with them and do you have any tips to share?

Would you like to buy a wig but don’t know where to start?  Let me know if you’ve seen any lust-worthy hairpieces recently and feel free to link me in the comments, I’m always up for a bit of virtual wig shopping!

* I’m so sorry for the unsubscription-worthy title, once you get something like that stuck in your head… it’s damn near impossible to extract it.

My French Pharmacy/Supermarket Haul (skincare and more!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 2 - 2013

I spent every Summer in France as a teenager, so it was lovely to be able to rediscover some of my old haunts, particularly down the aisles of the nearest Super U.  My first stop wasn’t for skincare, but haircare.  My obsession with Dop shampoos has been a long-lasting inexpensive love affair which my poor Mother has to tend to every-time she returns to France in the Summer with a shopping list longer than her own!

French Buys_01

This time around I decided to treat my dry hair to some of their more moisturising shampoos in the shape of their Argan-oil and Shea Butter-enriched formulas.  Ignore the 2-in-1 labels, I never actually use these without a separate conditioner.  The bottle on the left is their original formula, I find that all of these shampoos are less stripping than many of their UK counterparts, plus the 400ml bottles last forever!  I paid around £1.40 per bottle.

French Buys_02

For conditioning, I picked up two Le Petit Marseillais products, one enriched with Shea and Argan, and one with Shea and Honey.  Both have been made for dry, frizzy hair-types and cost around £2 / £3.50 respectively.  All of the above I bought at Super U, our local French supermarket.

French Buys_03

Next, I moved on to the pharmacies.  Outside of Paris, there’s less choice in the brands available and they tend to vary from pharmacy to pharmacy.  Our local supermarket has it’s own rather wonderful para-pharmacy attached so I didn’t have to venture too far but I still couldn’t get my hands on any Embryolisse (I wasn’t surprised, I’ve never been able to in the past outside of major cities), or more disappointingly, Avibon – of which I was told they are currently experiencing a nationwide shortage!

I did, however, manage to pick up a tube of Homeplasmine which Mr. L uses on his lips when they’re cracked.  It’s a great alternative for anyone who dislikes the feeling of balms as it doesn’t feel remotely claggy or heavy with more of a matte texture.  It’s also great for sore, post-sniffles noses, and cuts and bruises and is priced at around £3.75 for a small tube.  My final pharmaceutical purchase was for Leila and is something I always get Mum to pick up for me in lieu of Calpol!  Doliprane is France’s generic kid’s paracetamol and dosage is measured by the child’s weight rather than their age, making it far more effective (in my opinion) at bringing down fevers.  It costs around £2 a bottle.

French Buys_04

I bullied myself into trying some new skincare products, desperate though I was to stock up on the old faithfuls.  I’m quite proud of myself that I didn’t come back with more than this!  My skin is still pretty dry and the change of water/travelling has made it quite finickity.  You may notice a bit of a Zinc theme running through my choices, blame my Dad… he’s a bit of a skincare tart (thanks to his eczema not vanity!) and led me in the direction of these tantalising treats.  What a great Dad I have!

I opted for a full set of skincare from makeup removal to cleansing, toning and moisturising.  I’m currently undergoing another round of IPL for facial hair removal, so tailoring my choices for irritated skin seemed like a good idea.

I went for: Uriage Anti Irritation Cleansing Gel (approx. £7.50), Bioderma Atoderm PO Zinc Ultra Soothing Creme (just under £10.00), a supermarket cheapie micellaire for eye-makeup removal in the shape of Mixa Eau Nettoyante Apaisante (£3.00), and La Roche Posay’s Serozinc which I’m hoping will provide additional cooling/calming after my lasering (£5.00).

French Buys_05

As if I could forget the chocolate (or the wine, but that’s a whole other post!)

The French seem to have a greater appreciation for salty caramel chocolate than we do in the UK.  Crunchy, smooth, chewy, silky… all textures are catered for… I reined myself in a little but could have returned with far more than what you see above!

What do you think of my buys?  Anything you’d like to try for yourself?

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 19 - 2013

I’m a simple girl. I don’t want much from life: flawless skin, lashes that touch my eyebrows, a bigger bum/smaller belly, and hair that doesn’t look like it’s been backcombed, when it hasn’t.

When I was growing up, I didn’t associate “frizzy hair” with my hair-type.  I thought that “the frizzies” was something only women with thick, curly hair were afflicted with.  You remember the old adverts on the telly where some super-serum would turn a mass of unruly curls into poker-straight silken locks yes? Well, that’s not me.

My hair is pretty straight to begin with but full of flyaways and random sticky-out bits that won’t lie flat?  And let’s not forget the flat-at-the-roots, major poofy stuff going on at the ends which results in my number-one nemesis, triangle hair.

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

It took me far too long to realise that half my problem was being caused by my hair dryer.  I can emerge from the salon with the hair of my dreams and most of the time, there’s very little “product” in it because the stylist always tells me that… “your hair is fine, you don’t want to weigh it down.”  OK.  Then what VOODOO are they doing to my hair that I can’t do at home?

“It’s all in the blow dry!” they say (as smug as you like), wriggling their fingers at me like they’ve been possessed with the powers of the late, great Alexandre de Paris himself.

“Shut up.”  says me.  OK, I don’t… but I bloody want to.

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

The Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer* is a supposed solution for taming the frizz on a daily basis.  It’s far bulkier than my current hair dryer and boasts three heat and two speed settings with a cool-shot button which is great for “setting” curls if you’re using rollers.  Despite its bulk, it’s really lightweight… infact, it feels pretty “cheap” to be blunt.

I guess there’s always a payoff between designing something like this so that your arms don’t ache after 30-seconds of use, and wanting the product to actually “feel” good in the hand.  This doesn’t feel good in the hand… but then, it doesn’t make my arms drop off either.

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

The 2000-watt motor delivers enough power to dry my hair within around four-minutes.  This is particularly interesting because my old hair-dryer (also rated at 2000-watts) takes around seven-minutes to get my hair dry enough so I can leave the house.  That’s a pretty good time-saver, and I’m assuming that I have the ionic and tourmaline technology to thank for this difference.

Or maybe it’s VOODOO!  Either way, it gives me more time to enjoy my cup of tea that I usually have to leave half-finished… and for that, I’m thankful.

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

The Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy Hair Dryer is also pretty quiet.  I live in a flat and have washed and dried my hair later than 9pm with ALL OF THE GUILT.  I try to do it as quickly as I can… with all the doors shut and sometimes, if I’ll just do my fringe (absolute essential!) because I’m a considerate neighbour… but this hairdryer is pretty quiet.

I must admit, I didn’t notice it at first and it was my husband who pointed out the difference.  You can imagine the fun I had annoying him by comparing the two hairdryers for noise levels.  Don’t worry, I made sure I did it during daylight hours!

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

This dryer comes with some freebies, they’re pretty lame.  An unbranded, generic comb and a couple of sectioning clips.  I kinda wish it came with one of those BIG HAIR diffusers as well as the nozzle style for when I’m rocking the curly-haired look but I guess we’re not in the 80s anymore Toto.  Perhaps more impressively, it comes with a loop so you can hang it up if you want.  Ok, it’s only me that’s impressed by that addition.

There’s one final thing that I don’t like about this hair dryer, the cord isn’t quite long enough for me.  I mean, cords have been getting longer and longer haven’t they?  I need a longggggg cord to stretch into the hall so I can use the big mirror sometimes, and this doesn’t reach.

It’s not shamefully short (don’t make me go and measure it) but if you need a hair-dryer with a “long” cord, don’t get this one.

Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer

And finally, what about the frizz?  Am I now sporting super-sleek locks?  Well, I sort-of am actually.

Ok, it’s no salon blow-dry, it’s not a miracle but, BUT… there is definite improvement.  No longer am I sporting an equilateral triangle on my head, it’s now more…. Isoceles.  And that’s a good thing people.

The Nicky Clarke Hair Therapy 2000-watt Hair Dryer is priced from (a ridiculously reasonable) £18.00 and available to buy online from

* press sample


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