Aussie Competition – The Candidates…

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2009

I introduce to you… 6 fabulous ladies & 6 fabulous entries!

I have looked long and hard at these.  I deliberated, umm-ed, ahh-ed and threw some hmmm-ing in there for a bit of added drama.  Mr L was useless, he agreed to have a look whilst stuffing his face with Coco Pops at about 2am last night.

“What am I supposed to do?” says he… “Help me judge the competition.” says I…

“You just pick whichever one you like and I’ll agree”.  I’m sure I heard him mutter “like we usually do” at the end there, but he looked all innocent with milk dribbling down his chin when I spun around to throw my death-ray glare.

Onto Plan B then… (not that I had one until a lightbulb moment half an hour later)

But before that, let me show you the fab candidates…













Six wonderful entries I’m sure you’ll agree!

So anyway where was I?

Oh yes, being the super cool networker that I am, I worked my magic on Twitter (all Social Media stylee) and persuaded an ultra-hip Make Up Artist from Las Vegas to judge your entries…

Oh ok… so I asked my mate @PinkySpanish to have a look.  But she is a bona fide MUA (some say she’s ultra-hip too) anddddddd she is from Las Vegas… which sounds terribly exotic and edgey to me sat in my front room in Hampshire.


So there we have it!

She’s been looking over your entries and has chosen a winner!

But um, I can’t tell you who it is yet.

I know, I know!! I’ve just made you read this huge post before leaving you sitting there on the edges of your seats.  It’s like I’ve run away with the biscuit tin after filling it with all-butter shortbread right?

The thing is… I don’t know what the prize is.  I was hoping Aussie would let me know today, what with it being THE END OF THE COMPETITION AND ALL but no… so you’ll have to cool your heels for one more night (as will I) and I promise all will be revealed as soon as I hear from them!

Aussie Competition – CLOSED.

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 21 - 2009

My competition is now closed, thanks (all 6 of you) for taking part. *sticks 2 fingers up at the lazy buggers*

I will get my makeup expert (Mr. L) onto helping me pick the winner in the morning.  He doesn’t know it yet, but I wanna hear *exactly* why he’s chosen his favourite.  And I’m sure you do too!

Read more about it here

Aussie Hair Sponsored Competition!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 20 - 2009

Aussie sent me Tim Tams, I’m eating them as I type… I would ask you to please excuse any crumbs I may leave behind… but to be honest, these are Tim Tams we’re talking about and crumbs aren’t really a problem when I’m hoovering up chocolate coated biscuits.


Now, why did Aussie send me Tim Tams? Well… they wanted to let me (and you) know about an awesome competition they have in store for us.

Lauren from 1000heads explained to me…

We have set you a challenge based on your passion for beauty and makeup. We want to see you get creative and come up with a look that sums up, for you, what Aussie is all about.  Post your entry to your blog and we’ll give the best contenders pride of place on Uncover Aussie, with the best one from each category bagging the winner an awesome prize.

We’d love to see your community getting involved too, so invite them to post their own entries and then you choose the best one. Whoever you choose will also receive a fantastic prize!

So get cracking! The competition ends Monday 30th November, and we’ll announce the winners after that. Good luck – we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

So, who wants to win a fantastic prize courtesy of Aussie Hair?

I’m also allowing nail art entries too, so if you’re better with polish than you are with powders, consider yourself included!


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie (oi, oi, oi)… what does the brand mean to you?

Does it conjure up images of The Country? The Outback? Showgirls? Purple & White? Kangaroos? Koalas? Gum Trees? Sunsets over Great Big Rocks? Deadly Spiders? Mardi Gras?


Perhaps you’re a purer being and think only of hair… volume and softness with a little bit of shinyness thrown in for good measure?  Flowing locks? Smooth waves and tamed curls?

Here’s the Aussie Story to help inspire!

I’m still working on my entry but will make sure I post it on this here blog before the closing date of 30th November!

To enter my Aussie sponsored competition…

1.Get creative and come up with a makeup or nail look that sums up what Aussie Hair means to you.  If Aussie were a makeup or nail artist… what look would *she* create?

2. Submit your entry(s) in photo form to me via email.  My email address can be found at the top of the sidebar.

3. Non “followers” and “lurkers” are welcome to join in – the more, the merrier!

4.  Closing date is 30th November.

5. I will be picking one winner.  Aussie have confirmed to me that if my winner is an international reader, they will adjust the prize so that it can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere!

I would love if you got involved… come on ladies, make a grumpy old Lipglossiping very happy and bag yourself an awesome prize whilst you’re at it!

Any questions?

Bodyform Inspired Giveaway!

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 30 - 2009

Afternoon my lovelies,

As promised, I have a Bodyform inspired giveaway for you.

Leave me a comment letting me know: What items would you include in your personal PSK (period survival kit) – axes, machetes.. that kind of thing 😉

The best comment will win themselves a little prize of girlie treats! – say WOOOO!


There is a little twist to my giveaway.  I won’t be choosing the winner… No siree, not me.

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate person to deliberate and cogitate on your answers than a lady who has seen yours truly through many a bad “time of the month”.  She’s been there with hot water bottles, chocolate and even the odd cup of milky coffee.

The lady herself…


My Mum.

Yeah, I know… doesn’t really look the most approachable sort in the world with that GREAT BIG KNIFE in her hand… and the expression is slightly “Heeeerrrrrrree’ssssssssss Mummy!”… but don’t let that put you off, she’s a good sort really.

~ Contest is open to UK residents only (sorry my lovely international friends)

~ Contest closes Monday 12th October at 1 minute past midnight. (so get your entries in Sunday night at the latest!)



Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 27 - 2009

…and the winner is?


Entrant #16 – KajalCouture

Congrats! You should have an email from me 🙂

Thanks everyone for taking some time out to be my personal shoppers, I loved looking through all your suggestions.

Incase you’re interested, (which you probably aren’t now you know you haven’t won) I REALLY liked these 4 suggestions:

Antique Floral Cup Tunic –

Birdcage on Pearl Necklace –

Owl Ankle Socks –

Knitted Cowl Neck Jumper –

However, Sophie kindly informed me that I could also spend the voucher at Dorothy Perkins and Evans… so um, you all wasted your time. Sorry. Please still love me.

Thanks for entering ladies!

Giveaway! – CLOSED

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 20 - 2009

Right, that’s it. I can’t be arsed to wait for my 100th follower – lagging behind like the LAZY mare she is.

So here’s my 99 followers giveaway extravaganza.

Please note…

 ~ You DON’T need to be a ‘follower’ to enter.  I love lurkers too, and anyway… If you’re gonna follow, It would make me happier to know it’s ‘cos you quite like my blog.

~ You WON’T get any extra entries by posting this on your blog.  You can if you want to, although personally I’d keep it to myself – more chance of winning that way 😉

This little giveaway (and it is little I’m afraid) is just my way of saying thanks for taking the time to read my rambling, incoherent and often self-indulgent nonsense.  This blog would be here with or without you, but it’s much more fun with you!

Onto the goodies!


One lucky winner will receive:

~ Maybelline XXL Curl Power Mascara in Power Black
~ PURE Lip Gloss in Peggy (What would my first giveaway be without a lipgloss eh?)
~ GOSH Nail Polish in Carmine (better pic here, your one is of course new and unopened – I’ve been scouring eBay for one for my giveaway ever since posting the original NOTD)
~ Body Shop  Home Fragrance Oil in Almond (I’m addicted to buying these things)
~ RUSK Hair Toggle thingy (gorgeous for Xmas, I actually bought this for myself.. and then cut my hair short a week later)

Hope it’s not too measley… I did consider giving away my new Helena Rubenstein Mascara set too… but came to my senses just in time.

Giveaway is OPEN internationally, and I will be closing it in 1 weeks time! 00:01 Sunday 27th September (GMT).

To enter, you need to make yourself useful… read on…

I have a £25 Topshop voucher burning a hole in my purse.  Great huh?  Only problem is, I’ve been OVER a size 16 for aslong as I can remember sooooo I dunno what to spend it on?

Leave a link showing what you’d buy IF you were me (no size 6 leopard print bikinis please or I’ll poke you in the eye. with a pencil.)  It can be upto £35, £40 if it’s REALLY nice.

1 entry per person and if you don’t have a blog… please leave your email address too.

It’s a win-win situation! Good luck!


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