Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: Spoiled Brat

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 7 - 2011

The final Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio palette!  Don’t forget, I’ll be giving you an opportunity to win all of the ones featured.  For a quick reminder of the other palettes, read on…

I’m Feeling Retro
I Got Good Jeans
Silent Treatment
I’m Getting Sunburned

But today is the turn of a proper party-looking palette, Spoiled Brat.  I may have ‘eeked’ a bit when I saw this.  Silver, black and hot pink…

…really not a combination of colours I’d normally attempt.  Some of you ladies are like ‘pfff, what’s the big deal?’.  And quite rightly… I’m just an unimaginative wimp to be fair.

But what I lack in imagination, I try to make up for in ‘not afraid to put myself out there for guidance’.  So let me have it and give it to me straight.  Just don’t tell me you hate my site layout again.  We’re talking about the makeups today right? 😉

I think I would have preferred the flash of pink on my lids… just a peek when I looked down.  I fear I’ve gone a bit retro-futuristic weird with this one.  Still, truth be told, I’m not sure my application skills are up to the job of keeping a vibrant pop on my lid without muddying the crap out of it.

So… Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow in Spoiled Brat… another win?  (not on me… just in general!)

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: I’m Feeling Retro

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 4 - 2011

I feel like a big fat cam whore with these FOTDs… I don’t think I’ve done as many FOTDs this entire year as I have this/last week.  I’m nearly through with all the trios now, I think there’s one more after this one… and then I’ve only got a bloomin’ awesome GIVEAWAY of all the ones I’ve featured so far.  Get in!

So today’s is the Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow palette in I’m Feeling Retro.  On paper, it’s my least favourite… at least half of you will agree when you see the shades and the swatches.  Check it out.

Knowing that it was slightly sheerer than the rest, I did the usual thing of packing it on… if I’d had a trowel to hand, I would have happily used it.  The pink/purple needed more persuasion than the blue which went on surprising pigmented.  The highlight is very sheer and adds more of a luminescence than anything else.

Here’s the FOTD alongside Accessorize Merged Blush in Starlet and Lanolips Lip Ointment in Dark Honey.

For something that I was honestly expecting to hate… I, well…. don’t hate it!  Yeah, it’s a bit out of my comfort zone but it’s less clashy, clashy than I anticipated and certainly not too fancy dress.  At least, I hope not seeing as I did leave the house looking like this.  Application is a bit rubbish because I really thought I’d be scrubbing it from my face once I’d applied it!

So, come on… did you hate it then like it?  Like it and then hate it once you saw it on me?  Hate/Hate?  Like/Like?  I neeeeed to overanalyse the makeups!

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: I’m Getting Sunburned

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 30 - 2011

In honour of the hottest day of the year which we ‘enjoyed’ on Monday… I wore the Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow aptly called “I’m Getting Sunburned”.

I wasn’t sure WHAT THE HELL I was gonna do with a frosty pink browbone shade… infact, so far I’ve only worn the suggested browbone shades on the browbone once.  I only ever really wanna wear skintone shades in that area… it’s not Mardi Gras yano?

I ended up packing a little on in the inner corner… it doesn’t work badly.  This is a really nice combo for green eyes.

The crease colour in particular is stunning, it reminds me of MAC’s Teddy Kohl but in powder form… a rich, chocolate brown with copper flecks.  I’ll be wearing this as a liner for sure.

Sorry the photos aren’t so clear on the colours here… I couldn’t take standing around snapping pics in the window for too long, my smile was looking more forced by the second thanks to the greenhouse effect!

Do you like this one?  Next one up has a hawt pink in it – god knows what I’m gonna do with that!

* lipstick is MAC Creme Cup while I remember!

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: Silent Treatment

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2011

Continuing with my Wet n’ Wild palettes, today’s show is Silent Treatment.  I knew I’d like this one but well, this is just silly beautiful.

The browbone shade is gonna see a lot of use… it’s a lovely match for me to blend out harsh edges.  I applied the crease shade higher than I would normally and left my outer v lighter.

I think I like the effect… I’m not brilliant at applying eyeshadow but this seemed to open my eyes a little more though the overall effect was more dramatic than I’d usually wear during daylight hours!

Weird angles… but it shows the eyeshadow FAR better than my usual attempts!

These palettes are a little dusty with a degree of fall out but boy, am I loving them nonetheless.  We’re missing out on a trick here UK ladies.

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: I Got Good Jeans

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2011

My lovely friend Allyson sent me a selection of Wet n’ Wild palettes from across the pond and I’m working my way through them slowly.  Some of the colour combinations are frightening for a neutral-loving lady like me but they’re all pretty damn fantastic nonetheless and I’m enjoying breaking my safe boundaries!

Considering we can’t get these in the UK, I thought I’d work my way through the palettes and torture you a little with some photos of their goodness.

how hot is that blue?

Poor blue, I haven’t done it justice AT ALL!

Do you own any of these Wet n’ Wild Color Icon palettes?

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2011

You may recall my bitter moans last week about how when presented with a rare opportunity to spend an indecent amount of time playing with makeup, I came up with something that looked no different from my everyday makeup.

So this weekend, I grabbed myself by the balls (cough) and reached for my brightest, scariest palette.

NARS Mediteranee.

Innit gorgeous?  And I’m sure it shouldn’t really work against my skintone… perhaps it doesn’t, but hell… I really love it anyway.

Don’t laugh… this is WAY out of my comfort zone nowadays.

I know I look super-snooty in the ‘looking down’ pics but you can’t see the ORANGE otherwise ‘cos of my hooded lids!

I think I scared Leila a bit. (OMG the CLOWNZ are coming!)

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

FOTD: Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Intense #3 Purpura

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 3 - 2011

I had a few requests to see how the Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Intense #3 Purpura looked when worn, so I applied it as an all-over wash yesterday and snapped some photos.

I love it because it’s such an easy-to-wear shade, it applies and blends excellently with just my finger, is dark enough to give some great definition and a hint of smokiness yet light enough to be suitable for Summer.  Having said that, longevity (on me) isn’t all that much better than the L’oreal clones I tried a couple of months ago.  It doesn’t disappear from my lids completely but after around 4hrs, 70% of it resides in my socket line.  Still, it’s beautiful while it lasts… I’ll definitely pair it with a primer next time.

please excuse the pores!


Shills Super Magic BB Cream SPF50 PA+++
Guerlain Meteorites Teint Rose 01
Bare Minerals Blush in Promise


Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Intense #3 Purpura
Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner in Black
L’oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara in Black
Suqqu Brow Powder in 04


MAC Cremesheen Lipstick in Speed Dial

An uber lazy bank-holiday kinda face…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 30 - 2011

If anyone took the time to analyse my blog, there would be a few words that showed up regularly. Like, really regularly.

Cake, Leila, Lipstick and Lazy.

Infact, (given an extra 7 hours in the day) I could write a blog about lazy.  Though such dedication to detailing my idleness would defeat the purpose of the exercise somewhat.

So, instead… I’ll show you my lazy bank-holiday FOTD.

All you can really see is the mascara right?  Well… I’d like to tell you that I carefully engineered it to look that way.  Yano, the not-natural, natural look?

Infact, I really didn’t…  This was my FOTD for my Mum’s 70th Birthday on Sunday.  A special occasion.  This… my ‘special occasion’ face.  My makeup is weeping from my loss of mojo and complete lack of inspiration.

Here’s my list of products…


Shills Super Magic BB Cream

Guerlain Meteorites in Mythic

Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzer in Maui (as a blush)


Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner in Black (tightlined on the upper lid)

Max Factor Lash Extension Effect (2 coats)

Joe Blasco Ultra Base in Ultra Fair to conceal


Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in #76 Ming

Lovely products but look… 7 products for a ‘special’ FOTD?  That’s lazy.  I’ve confused ‘whee, this a great opportunity to PLAY with your face!’ with ‘make yourself look presentable but ultimately dull’.

I think that I’m just not used to having the time to do things like that and so when I do get the opportunity… I don’t know what the hell to do with it!

Would you be kind enough to inspire me with some of your favourite bloggy peeps who do awesome makeup please?  This boring old cow needs some cosmetically-charged awesomeness to get her through the week.

FOTD – Revlon Strawberry Suede Lipstick

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 10 - 2011

I don’t generally get enough time in the mornings to do much in the way of eyeshadow so I often rely on a slick of liner and a bold lipstick and to be honest, that suits me fine!  Seeing LondonMakeupGirl rock a gorgeous flick the other day inspired me to make the effort and extend my liner past the ‘comfort zone’!

I was also keen to wear my new Revlon Strawberry Suede lipstick that I picked up from eBay after hearing Lisa Eldridge extol its virtues… shame Revlon discontinued it, it’s pretty fabulous!

Products Used:

Lancome Teint Miracle in 010
Inglot Cream Concealer in 32
NARS Multiple Tint in Beverly Hills

NARS Ondine
Stargazer Liquid Eyeliner in Black
Rimmel Volume Flash x10
Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake in Gaze

Revlon Strawberry Suede Matte Lipstick


What are you wearing today?

Gym Makeup!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 13 - 2011

Yes, really.  As a total gym bunny (I’ve been once) and because I’m possibly as horribly superficial as my blog would suggest, I think that one should really consider appropriate gym makeup so as not to frighten other attendees.

Or, to be more truthful, if like me… you’re all too aware that you’re not yet an equal member of the hard-bodied, tight-bummed gym community, you may just spend a little longer on your face in a fit of what is known as ‘over-compensation’.

And so it was that I found myself applying makeup on a day that I knew I had nothing to do other than work from home and visit the gym.  If you ever happen to find yourself in a similar situation, or perhaps just want makeup that makes you look a bit perkier without looking like you’re wearing an inappropriate amount of makeup… read on!

Face: Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation • Bare Escentuals Blush in Promise (in love with this… again) • Rouge Bunny Rouge Glide Concealer in Thalia

Eyes: Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow in Sugar Biscuit (adore this for brightening) • Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliner Pencil in Black (under the top lashes to darken) • Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara (would probably use waterproof next time) • Suqqu Brow Powder in Nibiiro

Lips: Lanolips Lip Ointment in Rhubarb

Super quick and easy and left me feeling far more confident about huffing and puffing on the treadmill than without.  Having said that, most of that confidence fled when I broke into a jog and felt my arse begin to bounce along.  Next time, I’m picking the equipment that keeps my back to the wall!

Do you bother with makeup at the gym?

FOTD – Lilac n’ Blue (an ode to Spring)

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 26 - 2011

I haven’t done a “just because” FOTD for ages!  I wanted an excuse to try out some new false eyelashes and decided to have a go at doing something a little spring like.

Anyway, here’s the look!

I’m not sure I should have combined warm lips with cool eyes though :/

Love these fluttery lashes, will do a post soon (they were a bargain!)

Awkward tilty head angle in an attempt to make the lid colour show!

Think I made it a bit too smokey for a “Spring” look really but nevermind…

Products Used

EYES – MUFE Aqua Cream #18 (lilac on lid) ♦ NARS Blue Angel Duo (matte blue in crease) ♦ Dior Flash Black (to deepen and add sparkle) ♦ Rimmel Volume Flash x10 Mascara ♦ Suqqu Brow Powder in 04 ♦ Paese Black Liquid Eyeliner ♦ Elise False Eyelashes in 079

FACE – Max Factor Xperience in Light Ivory ♦ Illamasqua Cream Blusher in Laid ♦ GA Luminous Silk Powder in #2

LIPS – Le Metier de Beaute Lip Liner in Nudite ♦ Boots 17 Mirror Shine lipstick in Beehive

Blimey, if there’s one thing I can tell from this FOTD, it’s that I have an eclectic taste in brands.

Do you make any attempts to alude to the seasons when thinking about your makeup?  I don’t normally but it was fun to play with colours that I don’t ordinarily reach for!

NARS Spring 2011: The Eyeshadow Duos – Bateau Ivre & Nouveau Monde

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 7 - 2011

If you had told me 5 years ago that I’d get excited over the thought of a blue eyeshadow duo, I’d have pointed you in the direction of this photo and told you not to be so stupid.  So it surprises me to recognise that Bateau Ivre was the duo that captured my imagination when I first saw promo images from the NARS Spring 2011 collection last month.

They say: The Spring 2011 Collection is the epitome of minimalism, reaching a sensual peak with fresh, forward color. Jeweled earth tones for eyes and nails are infused with a metallic finish that lends a subtly sleek finish. Cool compliments of sheer and sparkling lips pair with unexpected accents of parrot green and vivid blue.  It all adds up to a look that’s indisputably modern.

Let’s take a look at those eyeshadow duos:  Bateau Ivre & Nouveau Monde*

Read the rest of this entry »


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