Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: I’m Getting Sunburned

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 30 - 2011

In honour of the hottest day of the year which we ‘enjoyed’ on Monday… I wore the Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow aptly called “I’m Getting Sunburned”.

I wasn’t sure WHAT THE HELL I was gonna do with a frosty pink browbone shade… infact, so far I’ve only worn the suggested browbone shades on the browbone once.  I only ever really wanna wear skintone shades in that area… it’s not Mardi Gras yano?

I ended up packing a little on in the inner corner… it doesn’t work badly.  This is a really nice combo for green eyes.

The crease colour in particular is stunning, it reminds me of MAC’s Teddy Kohl but in powder form… a rich, chocolate brown with copper flecks.  I’ll be wearing this as a liner for sure.

Sorry the photos aren’t so clear on the colours here… I couldn’t take standing around snapping pics in the window for too long, my smile was looking more forced by the second thanks to the greenhouse effect!

Do you like this one?  Next one up has a hawt pink in it – god knows what I’m gonna do with that!

* lipstick is MAC Creme Cup while I remember!

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: Silent Treatment

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2011

Continuing with my Wet n’ Wild palettes, today’s show is Silent Treatment.  I knew I’d like this one but well, this is just silly beautiful.

The browbone shade is gonna see a lot of use… it’s a lovely match for me to blend out harsh edges.  I applied the crease shade higher than I would normally and left my outer v lighter.

I think I like the effect… I’m not brilliant at applying eyeshadow but this seemed to open my eyes a little more though the overall effect was more dramatic than I’d usually wear during daylight hours!

Weird angles… but it shows the eyeshadow FAR better than my usual attempts!

These palettes are a little dusty with a degree of fall out but boy, am I loving them nonetheless.  We’re missing out on a trick here UK ladies.

George at Asda: Buttercup Shine NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2011

Everytime I head into town I can’t move for a sea of yellow nails (exaggerating? me?) and it’s a trend that I was happy to watch pass me by until I saw George at Asda getting in on the act.  C’mon, it was a quid, I know you understand!

Four coats and still a little patchy in places… it’s not a bad formula for a notoriously tricky shade to get right but I’m not in a hurry to repeat the experience.  It’s a little more custard than I’d like but I admire its outright boldness.  I think I’m just gonna pop it in the back of this drawer though… *slam*

Have you embrace the yellows this Summer yet?

Shiro Cosmetics: Intertubes Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2011

I only picked up three of the Shiro Cosmetics Intertube samples but now I know that I’m ok with the formula… I’ll be going back for more!

Leeroy Jenkins: Pale pinky-lavender with subtle blue interference and gold sparks

3 Wolf Moon: Dark, bold red

Sad Keanu: The type of purple that frightens little kids

And lip swatches… I’m not sure any of them suit me – will stick to the pinks next time!

You can see that each provides good coverage on the lips and can be worn more sheerly than I have above.  A couple of them were a touch gritty but this melted with the heat of my lips as I applied.

Shiro Cosmetics Intertubes are available to buy online from shirocosmetics.com

Shiro Cosmetics: Eye Shadow Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 26 - 2011

I do all my best online shopping late at night… when no-one else is around.  Those two facts may or may not be connected.

I made a long-overdue Shiro Cosmetics order a few weeks ago and frankly, couldn’t be happier with my choices!  I don’t know about you but when it comes to posts like these… I just wanna see the swatches, so without further ado – here’s what I bought with official descriptions included.  These have all been applied with a damp brush.

Team Rocket: Shimmery red-toned purple (I get more of a muted greyed purple with a red undertone)

There Will be Cake: Shimmery chocolate brown with cherry sparks

S.S. Anne: Universally flattering, shimmery, subtle-yet-rich champagne with a peachy-copper tinge

Rattata: Vivid opaque bright purple with shimmery blue undertones

Party Escort: Shimmery blackened silver with lots of red sparks

Master Sword: Super-glittery pale taupe – a blend of silver and gold, with bright silver sparks

Veran: Super-dark blue-black loaded with aqua and purple sparks

Because We Can: Super-bright shimmery hot pink with flashes of silver

Mewtwo: Sheer, shimmery, medium purple with blue tones

Unsatisfactory Mark: Pure bold crimson with light shimmer

Golem: Rich, opaque brown with strong silver-gray shimmer

Still Alive: Cool, bright shimmery green with a subtle green-to-pink duochrome shift and lime glitter

Everything Is Bears: Rich, dark brown packed with gold glitter and red sparks

Beta: Shimmery blackened emerald

Your Best Friend: Shimmery grey-pink with strong pink glitter

Ganondorf: Velvety black with strong dark red shimmer

Weepinbell: Shimmery chartreuse with subtle green duochrome

Midna: Shimmery medium gray packed with bold aqua sparks

Oshus: Dark ocean blue, with boatloads of gold glitter

Test Subject: Bold, shimmery burnt orange

Epona: Soft velvety brown with a misty cream overlay

Outright Fabrication: Soft shimmery white with bold flecks of red and brown

It’s nice to be back playing amongst my piggies… I haven’t made a big order like this since the She Space had their closing down sale!

Do you have any favourite Shiro Cosmetics shades?

Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadow: I Got Good Jeans

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2011

My lovely friend Allyson sent me a selection of Wet n’ Wild palettes from across the pond and I’m working my way through them slowly.  Some of the colour combinations are frightening for a neutral-loving lady like me but they’re all pretty damn fantastic nonetheless and I’m enjoying breaking my safe boundaries!

Considering we can’t get these in the UK, I thought I’d work my way through the palettes and torture you a little with some photos of their goodness.

how hot is that blue?

Poor blue, I haven’t done it justice AT ALL!

Do you own any of these Wet n’ Wild Color Icon palettes?

You guessed it! Cover Your Gray for Women root touch-up!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2011

…and for those of you who guessed it was a mini vibrator, shame on you!  The day I start blogging sex toys is the day I realise it’s all gone a bit too far.

This slightly dubious looking item is infact… a root cover-up!  I know, I know… not as interesting as the alternatives but far more blog-worthy!  I saw this when I was last at PAM Makeup Provisions and couldn’t resist popping it into my basket in case of emergency.

I say “emergency”, it’s more like… once every couple of months.  Like a ‘routine’ emergency… one that doesn’t really sound much like an emergency at all.  Just a lazy bitch who can’t be organised enough to ensure she’s got a pack of hair dye to hand.

So, in theory… you’re just supposed to crayon over your roots with this hard waxy stick and walk around like you’re not premature ageing at all!  It actually works better than I thought it would… but it’s not without issue.

It does leave my hair feeling kinda… well, waxy to be honest.  It’s not greasy and it doesn’t *look* greasy… but I can feel the difference and it annoys me.  I’m not sure that I wouldn’t just achieve the same cover-up with one of Leila’s dark brown crayolas… perhaps I should try.  It would be the most uninteresting dupe alert the blogging world has known.

On the positive side, it doesn’t clump and once I’ve painted it over my roots, it allows me to work it in with my fingers to ensure it’s blended nicely.  Overall, it’s something I am pleased to have incase of emergencies/laziness *delete as appropriate.

Cover Your Gray for Women is available in various shades online from afrodesire.com and even with £2.99 delivery, it’s less than I paid for mine at PAM.

Who says beauty blogging ain’t glamourous?

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Wilkinsons Exfoliating Gloves

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 21 - 2011

Following your awesome replies about the Moroccan Black Soap, I realised that I was short of an exfoliating tool to do it proper justice.  I rifled through my beauty cupboard and pulled out these dubious-looking pair of gloves*.

If you can for a moment, look past the luridness that screeches “I cost £1.00” they’re actually rather effective which makes me very happy that they only cost £1.00 afterall.

They’re rough without being unbearably scratchy and although I’m sure they won’t last longer than a few weeks, it would be hygenic to replace them once a month anyway.  I’m many things… but a dirt-bag, I’m not.  Mostly.

I tend to blitz my body in bursts of faux spa-related activity so these make a great pick-up for when I suddenly decide that tonight’s the night I’m gonna turn casa Lipglossiping into spa sanctuary Lipglossiping and take my rough bits in hand!

I also recommend the similarly ugly and polka-dotted shower cap, it holds in heat very well making it great for hair treatments.  Can’t remember how much I paid for the shower cap though, sorry!

Wilkinsons “Bath Time” Exfoliating Gloves are priced at £1.00 and available to pick up in store.

What are your favourite tools for recreating that in-home spa experience?

* pr sample

Subliminal Massages…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2011

I first fell in love with Tisserand’s Muscle Ease Bath Oil nearly two years ago and it’s been a continual repurchase ever since.

As far as I’m concerned, the Muscle Ease Bath Oil is the ultimate for the price.  In the past, I’ve paid nearly 4x that for half the quantity and although not disappointed with my purchase, it wasn’t 4x as gorgeous… a simple example of not being able to ignore the economics.

I knew they’d be nothing to dislike about the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil… I mean, a). it’s an oil and b). it’s in one of my favourite spicy scents ever… what’s not to like?  I was right and it is indeed awesome.

Energy Revive is also amazingly potent but I’m not a fan of the scent blend which I find a little too ‘kitchen fresh’ if that makes sense… I like citrus but this doesn’t hit the right notes for my taste.

Also, I’ve not been using these as massage oils… which is a bit naughty because I was sent these to review and if I don’t use them as massage oils, how can I review them as such?  Well… I can’t.  Because Mr. L attempted a massage on me and I wanted to divorce him before 5 minutes had passed.  Irritating, diggy knuckles, wouldn’tstoptalking.

No body product (even when it’s gratis) is worth 7 years of marriage, 11 years of dating and a heartbroken 2 year old, sorry Tisserand.

I have however been using these as body oils both before and after showering.  I slather on some of the Muscle Ease one before jumping in the shower and get a blast of intoxicating ginger, lemongrass and other lovely stuff as the room fills with steam.  Once the taps are off, I spread a little more onto my wet skin to lock in the moisture and spend the rest of the day wanting to lick myself.

So there we have it, a ginormous thumbs up for the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil, a Jif lemon thrown at the Energy Revive one and a kick up the bum for Mr. L for being a crap masseur.

Tisserand Body Massage Oils are priced at £8.10 each and are available to purchase from some of those funny independent pharmacies, Whole Foods or online at Tisserand.com

* pr sample

Impulse team up with BarryM for a Summer bargain!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 26 - 2011

There’s not long left if you wanted to stock up on this Impulse/BarryM offer…

Don’t know what I’m talking about?

For a limited period, Impulse have joined forces with BarryM to combine three of their best-selling scents with three lipgloss shades!  Touted as a handbag essential, the body fragrance/lipgloss duos are selling for the quite remarkable price of £3.00 each.

Your choices are…

Very Pink which comes complete with a sumptuous strawberry scented and flavoured pale pink lip gloss.

Into Glamour which comes with a velvety vanilla clear lip gloss.

Tease completes the collection with a nude lip gloss in a delicious caramel flavour.

Now, it’s been a while since I’ve been the target audience for Impulse but I can recommend the nude BarryM lipgloss which is one of my favourites for toning down a bright lip (and that’s coming from a lipgloss hater!).

Available from Superdrug and Tesco until the 6th June, priced at £3.00 per duo.


Have you picked up a set yet?  Great for storing up as stocking fillers!

Colorsport 30 Day Mascara – Home Brow/Lash Tinting!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 26 - 2011

I’m not a tutorial blogger, I don’t have the skills to teach anyone much about anything but I thought a few photos and a quick rundown of my experience with the Colorsport 30 Day Mascara might be useful to any scaredy-cats out there who are nervous about home tinting!

The kit contains enough product for ‘upto’ 16 applications but I found that I had lots left over when I used the amount suggested by the instructions.  Your mileage may vary!

I think this would make a great Summer holiday purchase to darken those lashes before you hit the pool.  No running mascara worries, how cool would that be?!

Here’s a shot of the products I assembled before attempting to dye my eyebrows with the kit.  I was feeling a little apprehensive and wanted to have everything to hand incase I panicked and wanted to wipe everything off halfway through!

Cotton Buds for application on my eyebrows.

Lanolips to protect the skin around my eyebrows from being dyed too!  You could replace the Lanolips with something less expensive like Vaseline or a heavy moisturiser (I would next time but had neither of those to hand!)

Oil Free Makeup Remover, I used my Bioderma Crealine.

Mascara Spoolie or an old mascara wand to run through my brows midway through the tint process.

Now it’s time to mix-up the solution…

stop sniggering…

The final mix should look something like the above.  Creamy and non-drippy!

I wiped my brows over with a wash of the non-oily makeup remover, smeared the Lanolips over the surrounding area and then painted the dye over my brow with a cotton bud (q-tip).

2 minutes later and a quick wipe-off with a dampened cotton pad… here’s a before and after shot.  Only the eyebrow on your right has been tinted.

The Results…

Well, it’s subtler than I expected… which I guess is a good thing really.  I’m not keen on the fact that it appears to have warmed up my naturally ashy brows.  The skin underneath the hair that has caught some of the dye and I expect will fade in a couple of days, it’s not hugely noticeable but I will gently exfoliate the skin tomorrow to speed up the fade.

They also have a version in black which I was concerned might be too harsh for me but now I think it could work well with less developing time until I’m more confident in the results.

Other things to note…

The application/mixing wand provided with the kit isn’t up to the job.  It’s not unusable but you will probably end up reaching for something else to use instead.

I experienced no irritation or sensitivity with this product and was careful to conduct a skin sensitivity test 48hrs before use.


I’m really enthused by how easy and quick the process was compared to how I imagined it.  Neither was it messy or particularly fiddly… it was quite good fun!

I think it would most benefit people with fair brows and lashes.  On me, the difference wasn’t huge on either my lashes or my brows.  I would recommend the Colorsport 30 Day Mascara Eyelash & Brow Dye Kit but with a caveat about the dark brown being quite warming.

Colorsport 30 day Mascara Eyelash & Brow Dye Kit is available to purchase instore or online from Boots where it is 1/3 off at only £5.44 a pack.  (usual price £8.16)


Do you tint your eyebrows or lashes at home?

* this is a review of a PR sample

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse Hair Dye Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 24 - 2011

Hair dyes are taking the proverbial at the minute and I’m *this* far away from being brand loyal for once and going back to Superdrug for my essentials.

The reason I haven’t done so already is because I’m loving the (newish) mousse formula for a mess-free application.  I have previously reviewed the two other main contenders on the market if you’re interested in comparing.  Individually, I found them lacking… they had their strengths but also displayed weaknesses that I wouldn’t be able to overcome when it was time for a repurchase.

Which meant I was pretty excited to see a new mousse formula on the shelves when I trotted back to the chemist for a replacement.

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse in #40 Pure Dark Brown caught my attention in an instant.  I was practically clapping like a seal as my eyes drifted over the wonderfully ashy-looking shades in the range.  Ashy suits me well, red tones make my face look even pinker and as Summer approaches, I can do without the permanent flushed look.

Application was good, though I was a little disappointed to see the usual (too big) plastic gloves included.  I’ve been spoilt by the proper latex ones John Frieda’s product provided!  The instructions were precise and clear and didn’t incorrectly tell me to ‘shake the bottle’ as I experienced with the Clairol either…. so far, so good.

30 minutes of developing time later, at least it covers the greys….

Let’s just say… I’ve been using anti-dandruff shampoo daily in an attempt to fade it.

Not only that but the colour is leaching as a semi-permanent might.  How do I know this?  My white 500 thread count Egyptian Cotton pillowcase tells me so.  Yeah, I’m ecstatic about that one.

L’Oreal Sublime Mousse Hair Colour is available to buy from most usual stockists inc. Boots priced at around £6.99


What are your preferred hair colourants at the moment?


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