Models Own – Red Alert NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 18 - 2010

Application was smooth enough on this 4-coater, but the formula was a little thinner than I’d have liked.  It has an almost semi-jelly finish with a undoubtedly glossy sheen.  Red Alert is an orange-based red that somehow manages to look ok on my skintone.  It reminds me of a 1950s pin-up red and I’m a definite fan of the shade.

I have an issue with longevity, suffering a chip within 24hrs of application is not a way to win me over, but strangely enough tip wear was non-existent even after a full 48hrs.  If you’re looking for a hot red with retro leanings for your tips or toes, definitely consider Red Alert by Models Own.  But maybe employ a good top coat.

Available from the Models Own website, priced at £5

China Glaze – Who’s Wearing What NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 14 - 2010

Who’s Wearing What is a discontinued China Glaze shade that I picked up on eBay.  I do like my greyed out purples and this fit the bill perfectly:

It reminds me of a more muted version of OPI’s ever popular Done out in Deco.  I love my durgy colours and this one fits nicely into my ever-growing collection.

It’s a 3-coater to look it’s best and unfortunately it’s a slow-drier, definitely needing a coat of Seche Vite to finish off.  The creme finish is gorgeous, very glossy and smooth.  I’m pleased to have picked up this shade while it’s still available!

It’s stronger and less pastelly than Orly’s Bon Bon, so may suit you well if you’re darker toned too!

NARS Purple Rain NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2010

If you like your purples, get ready to put a padlock on your purse.

NARS Purple Rain is such a beautiful, beautiful colour.  A warm-toned purple that has that ethereal ‘lit from within’ quality with it’s blackened edges and glowing centres.  Packed full of grown up shimmer (I can see red and blue in there).  2 coats for full opacity with no formula issues at all.  I’m deducting one point for the handle.  I had to do some major q-tip clean up because I found that huge chunky square handle a nightmare to wield with any accuracy.

Longevity is great so far… 3 days with barely any tip wear and not a chip in sight.  I guess I should be going for some lighter more spring-like shades now…. too bad I still have loads of dark polishes I haven’t played with yet!

Butter London – Knees Up NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 8 - 2010

So, Tsunimee and I were bitching on twitter that we didn’t really like metallic finishes to our polishes, and of course… that same day one of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL metallic nail polishes EVER showed up in my little ASOS haul.

It has that Quality Street wrapper quality doesn’t it?

Of course I had to apply it immediately…

I love it. And this photo… does not do it justice.  In real life, it looks like someone has foiled my nails with this glorious jeweled ruby red.  It’s perfect.  It looks like there are brush strokes in the image… which is hugely unfair, because I’m squinting at my fingertips now and I just can’t see any.

You pop off the clunky square ‘lid’ with a sharp tug and it reveals an altogether easier to manipulate round handle for application purposes.  Unfortunately, the brush is a STUPID thin thing, like in my Orly polishes… but other than meaning it needed about 5 strokes to cover the nail bed, it didn’t cause me any issues.

Application was *nearly* spot on.  Opaque in the first coat, I needed to go back in for a second just to tidy it up…. however, I did experience a couple of bubbles on 2 nails, which sucked especially as I know I wasn’t applying it too thickly.  Still, it’s so beautiful I don’t really care.  Plus, when the polish had dried (very quickly I might add) I could barely see these two bubbles… but I needed to mention it as bubbling isn’t something I usually experience with polishes.  Longevity is amazing for a metallic, I’m on my 3rd day (with no top coat) and it looks as good as new.

This was my first Butter London and I’m smitten.  They’re not cheap at around £10 each, but I want more…

What are your Butter London favs?

Mavala Black Velvet from the Mystic Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 5 - 2010

This is another from Mavala’s recently released Mystic Collection that I was sent last month.

Mavala Black Velvet is a dark purple-black with a very subtle shimmer which unfortunately is more apparent in the bottle than on the nail.

There is a great swatch of it over at HeijastusPinta

I’m in two minds about this collection.  So far, I like how they look individually… but now my nails are getting a bit longer, I think they’re a touch vampy for me.  If you have short, well-groomed nails, this would be a great collection for you.

I have two more to show you and I’m gonna hurry them the hell up, because Spring is nearly upon us… and if you give a fig about staying on trend, you might not want to see them ’till next Winter!

You can buy Black Velvet online at Mistrys Pharmacy – £3.95 a bottle.

Glitterbomb NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 4 - 2010

A few of you eagle-eyed ladies spotted the manicure I was sporting in my NARS post!  *Looks at Kim, Danielle, Rae and Dee*

It’s the bomb! The Glitterbomb!  I originally had an Orly taupe shade on my nails that was looking a little tired… so I played at “How much glitter can I put on my nails in one go”.

The Miners Extreme Nail Colour is now discontinued I’m afraid, but it’s surely easily dupable?  I paid 99p for it a few months ago from their website. I think they may be sold at Claire’s (or at least they used to be).

I applied 2 coats of the Miners over my gnarly taupe polish and then finished off with a “top coat” of Inglot’s flakes.  A cheaper and more accessible version of the flakes would be GOSH Rainbow. (I can’t find it in my local Superdrug).


I don’t even bother with cotton pads for removal of these glitter-fests.  I just fill the lid of my nail polish remover with the solution and dip for about 3/4 mins per nail.  That dissolves enough polish for one firm swipe of a cotton pad to do the job.

Have you been indulging your inner 4yr old lately?  Is glitter even remotely on-trend?  Do we even care?

NOTD – Orly – Bon Bon

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2010

A lovely greyed-out lavender.  It’s one of them dirty colours… I love me a bit of grunge.

This is my first Orly polish and I’m torn.  I found the formula easy to work with… a little thin, but I don’t mind thin polishes as long as they dry quickly and evenly, which this did.  The above shows 4 coats… 1 more than I would have preferred… but it’s ok.

However, I dislike the brush intensly.  It’s super thin and bendy.  Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the OPI Wide Brush that covers a nail in 3 clean strokes… this took about 6/7.  I think I can live with it, but only because of the thin formula.  Painting thicker polish with a brush that weedy would be a nightmare.  Are most Orly polishes fairly thin?

Longevity has been fine… medium amount if tip wear, but no chips.

What do you think of the shade? Are you a fan of grungey colours?

NOTD OPI – Absolutely Alice

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 22 - 2010

It is love.

I was hugely excited to find OPI – Absolutely Alice in my latest parcel of goodies, although I can’t pretend I’d forgotten I’d ordered it… I have been pacing like an expectant father ever since handing over my Visa deets!

Absolutely Alice is amazing, a true blue and the sparkles? Oh my… the sparkles are breathtaking.  I couldn’t stop twirling the bottle in the light, watching the glitter dance and flash blue and silver.  Fantastic.

Photographed in daylight..

Photographed in artificial light.

Photography doesn’t really capture the sparkle that emanates from this polish, but the hue is true to life and you can see how great the coverage is from 3 coats.  The glitter is suspended in a sheer jelly base, so I’m pleasantly surprised at the opacity I was able to achieve.

Dear god, I’m not looking forward to removal.

Do you like it? I’m trying to stop myself from buying OPI – Mad as a Hatter, but  I know I’m gonna cave when I see you UK girls start swatching it…

Screw it, I’ve just ordered it.  Man I’m a good enabler!

EDIT: Rhamnousia reminded me, I forgot to say… This definitely needs a couple of coats of top coat to make it bearable to touch!  Gritty glitter!

EDIT EDIT(!): You can purchase this online in the UK from Lena White

EDIT EDIT EDIT(!!): How many edits can I get on a post?

Ok… shouldn’t really add this but before you think I’ve gone completely mad.  Let me explain something about focus.

You focus to achieve optimum sharpness within an image.  That is a given right?  If your focal plane is off, you will achieve blurriness, but a pleasant side effect of blurriness is a little something called ‘bokeh’.  Bokeh is the technical term for the out of focus areas in a photograph and a very pleasing aspect of Bokeh are the discs of light that appear at the source of any highlights in an image…. it could be true light sources or reflections that cause this kind of bokeh.

Are you with me?

See the discs?  Every reflect from the sparkle on my nails are causing those… so you can see that from tip to base it’s sparkle-rama *admires nails*

But yanowot?  I don’t feel like a child in this polish.  And we all know that I suffer ‘hand-hiding’ syndrome if I feel at all silly in a polish.  But this shade and sparkle makes me feel amazing.  High praise indeed, but I realised it was true this afternoon, before this edit.  I simply couldn’t shop showing off my fingers when I was in the supermarket.  I was rocking it!

HJ Manicure NOTD – Blonde

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 19 - 2010

I was pissed at the snow and the miserable post-Christmas aura surrounding January.

In a two fingered salute, I daubed the most obnoxious summery colour I could find on my tips.  I said tips.

HJ Manicure in Blonde.

I was worried I’d look like I smoked 60-a-day or at the very least had a kinky penchant for bananas, but thankfully this shade just misses looking horrendous.  It’s not the most suitable shade for my skintone, but remember… I’m being aesthetically antagonistic in my shade selection.  And as a bonus, it makes the inlaws wonder what their son ever saw in me.

I even received a few compliments wearing this.  To be fair, one was from the checkout girl in Wilkinsons who didn’t look a day over 11 and a half and the other was from the lady who served me a sausage roll in Greggs, but let’s be honest, a compliment is a compliment.

Again, I’m loving HJ Manicure’s formula.  Yellows are the problem children of the nail polish world and one of the reasons I chose this shade was to put the brand to the test on their formula.  It coped admirably.  My only complaint was with opacity.  This was 4 coats, and you could still faintly make out the tips… If it’d had been fully opaque in 4 coats, I would have been satisified.  As it is, it’s a slight issue for me.  Thankfully, each coat was a smooth quick-drier.

Most yellows appear to be cremes, this is a shimmer… it has a slight sparkle to it that would make it such a great choice for the summer.  Longevity is fabulous, no chipping and minimal tip wear despite not adding a top coat.

Are you a fan of the brights?

HJ Manicure shades can be bought online from their website in 5ml (£3.50) and 15ml (£8.50) sizes with free P&P on every order.

NOTD – OPI Shim-Merry Chic

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2010

Released as part of the Holiday Wishes 2009 collection (like SO last year sweetie!) I’m still rocking this one on my nails, clinging onto the last vestiges of Christmas before the total bleakness of pre-Spring sets in.  Wow, that was cheerful.

This is a beautiful bronzed shade flecked through with multi-coloured chunks of glitter of irregular sizes.

Application was Lipglossiping-friendly and it has so far lasted 6 days without a top coat.  Tip wear is moderate and it hasn’t chipped at all.  Removal? Don’t ask… I’m too scared to do it.  Perhaps I’ll just leave it on ’till next Christmas!

Did you buy any of the Holiday Wishes Collection shades? I really wanted Merry Midnight and Holiday Glow aswell but they were out of stock by the time I got round to buying 🙁

NOTD – HJ Manicure in Blizzard

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 5 - 2010

Introducing Blizzard.  This is such a fab shade… it’s not a grey, it’s not a black.  It’s a pewter.  A true metallic pewter, and I love it.

It has just a hint of subtle sparkle to lift it and is almost futuristic looking on my nails.  I don’t own a shade quite like it.

Application was fine with no major issues to speak of, perhaps a touch uneven on the first coat.. but it needed more than one anyway.

Blizzard is one of HJ Manicure’s winter shades aka, The Snow Collection.  If you haven’t already, head to the website to check them out, you won’t regret it!

I have the cutest little swatch chart here that HJ Manicure provided along with the polish (for potential review) and I’ll see if I can capture it in an image for you to see.

There are so many shades on there that I’m now lemming like a demon incuding the most ah-mazing looking sparkly yellow.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ‘sparkly’ yellow for another nail polish company, have you?  Oh, and if you like your pinks (like me) Bauble from the Festive Collection also looks divine, as does Champagne and Cracker… oh and Daylight, a fab looking Grurple – (that’s grey/purple incase you were wondering).  Aqua looks like a potential Spring diamond too….

Can you tell I’m getting excited looking at my swatch chart?  I need to get it online for you guys to drool over too!

I’ve just ordered 2 shades from the website in those cute little 5ml bottles that I wish ALL companies would employ!  Watch this space for some more HJ Manicure reviews!

NOTD – George @ Asda Golden Sands Nail Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 2 - 2010


A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does.

I haven’t come across an Asda doozie since that pale blue, but then I’ve mostly stayed away from those pastelly shades since.

I’m pleased to report that my nails are growing slowly but steadily since stumpgate… but spare a thought for Jo at beautyliciouslove who recently lost a nail (practically the whole thing down to the cuticle – ouch).

I’m gonna try and get the winners post up in the next couple of days from my advent giveaway – so be sure to check back!


Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 7

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Dupe Alert! Stargazer #155 vs. OPI I'm Not Really A Waitress

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection: The Evening FOTD

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Pink Week at Lipglossiping - Clinique Long Last Glosswear Pink Ribbon Key Chain

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Something Haute this way comes!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

NOTD: Butter London Artful Dodger

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Smoothie does it!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

China Glaze Summer Neons collection: Hang Ten Toes NOTD

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette – Evening Look FOTD

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

By Terry Cover-Expert Perfecting Fluid Foundation Ultra-Correcting Coverage Review

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Dear Obesity...

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Wowzah! A lovely metallic gold, this is 3 coats and I was pleased enough with the application.  Another shade that shouldn’t suit, but kinda does. …


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