My Jobis makeup bag a.k.a My new favourite thing!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 7 - 2012

Having my weekly mooch around T.K. Maxx (I can never remember how many bloody x’s to use) today proved to me two things.  One… I really don’t need any more nail polish and two… I should replace my polish obsession with a makeup bag fetish.  And so I did.

Check out this beauty from Jobis (no, I haven’t heard of them either) that I picked up for the princely sum of £9.99

I’m a massive sucker for a flash of leopard print and heard my name being screamed loudly by this not-so-little accessory from across the store.  At first, the inner print stole my heart… but then, when I opened the second zip to reveal a brush holder compartment?!  Well, I couldn’t get my purse out of my handbag quick enough.

I insisted that Mr. L and Leila immediately stop what they were doing and come back home with me so that I could spend the next 40 minutes lovingly fluffing my brushes (not a euphemism) and fill my lovely new Jobis with the perfect configuration of makeup stuffs.

Look!  It holds my long-handled brushes beautifully, you can fit a whole face-worth’s in there!

I know that stock varies from store to store but my local had a few of these with all the purses and I didn’t see them in there last time – so if you’re in the market for a new makeup bag, may I suggest that you run to your nearest T.K. Maxx and nab one of these beauties before some other makeup-loving cowbag beats you to it.

Do you like it or is leopard print your style nemesis?

New Video: My favourite ‘cheap’ makeup brushes

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 26 - 2012

Please, for the love of all things vanity-driven, excuse the ‘left to dry naturally until it looks like shit’ hair.  Please.

Brushes mentioned:

E.L.F – Bamboo Angled Blush Brush (£5.50)
E.L.F – Studio Blush Brush (£3.50)
E.L.F – Studio Small Precision Brush (£3.50)
E.L.F – Studio Powder Brush (£3.50)

Boots No7 – Concealer Brush (£3.00 with till spit)
Boots No7 – Eyeshadow Brush (£0.75 with till spit)

Crown Brush – C139 Stiff Tapered Crease Brush (£2.95)
Crown Brush – C217 Bent Liner Brush (£2.60)

Stila – #4 Precision Eyeliner Brush (£3.50)

Revlon Vital Radiance – Brow Brush (£1.29)


Do you agree with any of my choices?  What are your favourite cheap makeup brushes?

Can you guess what it is yet?

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 21 - 2011

This, THIS is why I love being married.  Well, not just *this* but, mostly… this.  Can you guess what my lovely husband is making me?

Ooooooooh!!  It’s coming together!!

It looks a bit fiddly doesn’t it?  Glad I’m not the one making it.

Come back tomorrow to see it in all its glory!


Inexpensive Beauty Find: Superdrug PRO Make Up Brushes

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 15 - 2011

Superdrug have been raising the beauty stakes lately.  First with their new beauty card, some great new brand exclusives and now a new range of affordable makeup brushes designed for the more makeup-savvy among us.

The Superdrug PRO Make Up Brush range contains eight new brushes in total.  Each brush is hand-crafted with 100% natural hair and as you’ve come to expect from Superdrug, all are BUAV approved (bunny friendly).

I have a few of the brushes from the new range and have been putting them to the test over the past week or so.  My feelings on each brush vary, so I thought I’d do a quick speed-review of each one.  Let’s get started…

PRO: 02 POWDER BRUSH is a fluffy, domed brush with a softness that belies its price tag.  I would have liked to see a little more weight to it and there is a tiny hint of scratchiness but nothing that would particularly bother me.  It grabs product well and disperses evenly across the face.  The fibres are dense but fairly loosely packed ensuring a light but buildable application.  I didn’t experience much shedding either or on my face, or when washing.  Good stuff.   £9.99

PRO: 11 EYE SHADOW BRUSH – WIDE is a nice tool for applying a wash of colour over the lids.  Again, it’s not the most densely packed brush which means that you’ll be able to build pigmentation with this effectively but it may end up frustrating you if you like to pack colour on quickly.  It also works well to blend harsh lines in a pinch, easily soft enough not to irritate the delicate skin around the eye area.  I have quite small lids and did end up wishing that it were a touch smaller.  £7.99

PRO: 13 EYE SHADOW BRUSH – ROUND isn’t one of my preferred brushes.  It’s nicely shaped with an excellent taper that really allows for some precision work but I just found this one a little too scratchy to use comfortably.  A real shame  because it has some nice resistance to the fibres that will allow you to get right into the corner of the eye and underneath the lashline with confidence that the head won’t splay.  £6.99

PRO: 14 SLANTED EYE LINER BRUSH makes for the 2nd disappointment in the set.  I simply find it too large and soft to give enough precision to line my eyes.  As I draw the brush across my eyelids, it tries to find its own path of least resistance, buckling under the weight of the drag.  Not great.  £5.99


Overall, I think the range is a useful but not outstanding addition to the store.  It’s always nice to have more choices where budget brushes are concerned but none of the ones I’ve tried above hold a candle to my favourite ELF Studio brushes.

If you want to check these out for yourselves, you’ll be interested to learn that Superdrug are offering the entire collection at a special introductory price until 22nd November with prices starting from only £3.99 (concealer, lip) and ranging up to £8.49 for the most expensive (foundation, powder).

Have you tried the new Superdrug PRO Make Up Brushes yet?

* press sample


Posing so hard, bitch needs a wind machine… (oh and some lashes)

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 10 - 2011

…is precisely what I thought when I downloaded these images.  Truth be told, I was trying some different angles because I knew the usual above eye-level (wobbly chin minimizing) camera angle would completely obliterate the lashes that I worked so hard to apply.

So then I did some shots with the camera pointing up at the lashes, but they were no good ‘cos you could see right up my nose and I’m neither denying nor confirming reports that we had a bogey situation.

So, for the love of God, please don’t think this is an actual pose.

But what I wanted to say was, wheee Red Cherry Lashes!

If you don’t know about Red Cherry lashes, you’re missing out.  It’s more likely that some of my lovely UK readers won’t have heard of them purely because availability isn’t quite so good here in the UK.  I bought these (Red Cherry #600) last week from and they arrived a few days later.  I do own some other pairs but being the non false lash wearer that I am, I haven’t gotten around to trying them on yet.

Let’s take a closer look at the lashes.

100% Human Hair.  I’m sure this is supposed to be a good thing, they do feel very fluttery and naturalistic but is it just me who wonders exactly where this human hair comes from?  I know you’re thinking India or the Far East but I don’t mean that.  What I’m really thinking about, is the possibility that I’m wearing someone’s bum hair on my face.

Looks good though doesn’t it?

The bands on these Red Cherry #600s are beautifully pliable and thin enough to work with comfortably.  I applied the lashes above with the help of my new Japonesque tool which I bought after Liloo said we all needed one.  It does make a difference, but I’ll blog about that later.

Red Cherry 600s are priced at £3.10 from, or I have used this eBay seller before for Red Cherry lashes.

So, there we have it.  Bum hair, ridiculously thick eyeliner (that thing where you make it thicker to go over a booboo) and a picture that makes me look like I’m about to make love to myself.

Have a lovely weekend special people.

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Baci False Eyelashes

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2011 got in touch with me a little while ago to tell me about one of their newest brands, Baci.  Known more traditionally for their lingerie(!), Baci also offer a range of very inexpensive eyelashes starting from only £2.00 a pair.

I wore a set in yesterday’s FOTD and a few of you picked up on them so I thought I’d strike while the iron was hot and pop a post up today talking about them in a little more detail.

The ones I wore in yesterday’s post were #660 – they’re the ones in the foreground of the picture above.  They’re pretty substantial and have a thick band that definitely needs loosening up before application.  I’m STILL pretty rubbish at applying false eyelashes and tend to favour midi-lashes just to add some flutter to the outer lashes.

I didn’t use the glue that these come with because it seemed pretty wimpy to be honest but the lashes themselves are very good for £2.00 a pair.  Sure, they’re quite synthetic, a little heavy on the eyes and they certainly wouldn’t be my ‘good’ lashes but these Bacis have a great curl, nice definition and just fine for the odd night out.

These particular ones also seem pretty indestructible (something I wasn’t expecting), I would definitely be able to get a couple of wears from the #660s!

Baci Lashes are priced from £2.00 and available to buy online from in a variety of styles.

* press sample

Travalo, making perfume portable and a GIVEAWAY!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 5 - 2011

When a product gets over 200 5* reviews on Amazon, I can’t help but take notice.  Which is how I ended up buying one of these Travalo perfume atomisers last Christmas to put in a care parcel for my sister in Oz.  I haven’t actually *sent* this parcel yet, infact… I’m looking at it with overwhelming guilt as I type this. Note to self: send the damn parcel already, it has creme eggs and a packet of twiglets with her name on ’em!

I’m tangenting…

Anyway, I was contacted by Travalo’s PR last month who wondered if I’d heard of the atomiser… “Yes!” says I, irrelevantly explaining what a completely awful sister I was.  Once I’d stopped rambling, they deduced that I hadn’t actually tried it for myself and kindly offered to send me one.

Behold.  The Travalo.  (and a nearly empty bottle of Hypnotic Poison).

The premise is simple.  We don’t want to carry big bottles of breakable perfumes around with us in our handbags and we *definitely* don’t want to pack them in our suitcases to take on hols but we still want to smell incredible right?

Old fashioned perfume atomisers involved fiddly things like funnels and swearing under your breath as you poured half your bottle of EDT over yourself, the kitchen counter and the cat before managing to eke maybe half a drop into the atomiser vessel.

Travalo uses a pump action to draw the juice from the original bottle into the atomiser chamber without a single drop going to waste.  Or that’s how it works in theory at least… look…

You just pop the nozzle off your favourite perfume and press the base of the Travalo onto the exposed, erm, errr, stump?  I’m sure that’s not the technical word.

It totally reminds me of watching my mum refill her BIC lighters in the 80s.  But again, with less swearing.

There’s something incredibly satisfying about pumping the Travalo up and down on the stump of the perfume bottle.  And it doesn’t even remotely make me think of sex either.

You get about 50 spritzes from a full Travalo which should be plenty for a week in the Sun.  I like that the atomiser has a decent nozzle too… it doesn’t dribble fragrance pathetically or force me to make do with my most hated of dispensers… the roller ball.

It’s a bit “form follows function” in its design and styling but it serves its purpose well without any major faults.  I’ve lumped it about with me in my handbag, given it to L to play with in the back of the car and even let Mr. L have a go at filling it after his curiosity got the better of him.  It has suffered a fair few scratches where the Travalo has bumped up against my car keys so I’d like to see the product come with one of those little drawstring pouches to keep it better protected.

When all is said and done though, it’s solidly achieved what it promises without fuss or palava, providing an affordable solution to a common fragrance dilemma!

Travalo Rapid Pump Fill Perfume Atomiser Bottle is available to buy online from CheapSmells and Amazon, priced from £7.10 with free delivery.


Now, for the giveaway… I have one of these Travalo Atomisers (in PINK!) to give away to a lovely Facebook follower!  If you don’t already following on the book of faces, why not? Oh, you hate facebook?  In that case drop me an email and I’ll enter you anyway.

If you ARE on Facebook, it’d be much easier to go here and click LIKE.  Or alternatively click the ‘like’ button over there on the right somewhere —>

1. Entry open to worldwide participants by liking the Facebook page.
2. Alternative entry available for Facebook haters by email.
3. One winner will be picked at random from all participants.
4. is the sole promoter of this giveaway.
5. Competition closes on Friday 13th May 2011 at 23.59.
6. Winner will be notified through Facebook or email within 5 days of the close of the competition.
7. No email addresses will be stored once the competition has closed and will only be used to contact the winner.


Elise False Lashes (affordable AND good!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 2 - 2011

I was born with feet for hands.  Not literally you understand, I mean I don’t actually have toes for fingers… but dexterity wise?  May as well have.

Because of this, I don’t wear false lashes very often but I’m always left wanting to buy some whenever I visit my local CCO.  There’s this SA in there who’s simply stunning (total girl crush) and she always wears perfect false lashes, full and flirty with no hint of Katie Price… they darken her lashline and open her eyes.

Anyway, after my last CCO jaunt, I came home and got straight on the net to satisfy my urge for lashes that I’ll probably never wear out of the house and I came across these:

I favour flirty, natural-looking lashes over the thicker types which I really struggle with and these looked perfect!  I bought two pairs from eBay and they cost around £2.50/£3.00 each once shipping had been added.  Bargain!

Have some piccies…

The boxes aren’t numbered which is a bit of a silly oversight, so I had to do some detective work.  These are #461 – they’re very curly and the band is super-fine and flexible.  The lashes feel soft… really nice for a natural look.  The band is quite long though, I had to cut about 4 knots in to achieve the right length for my lashline.

These are demi (half) lashes, #079 – the band is thicker and slightly stiffer but softens up well with a bit of manipulation.  I’m in total love with these because they really extend my eye outwards and give an almost cat-eye effect…. slinky!  I’m buying a couple more pairs of these this weekend to make sure I have some for wedding season!

Because they’re only half length, I also find them easier to apply… less band, less chance of sticking them to my eyebrow right?!

Excuse the messy brows, I’ve nearly managed to grow them out (whoop!) – I’m booking myself in for a mahoosive threading session next week.

Anyway, back to the lashes, these are the 1st pair (#461), you can see that the curl is strong and the lashes, fine and a touch feathery.

All in all, I’m really pleased with my bargain discoveries from Elise!  You should note that they don’t come with any glue and unlike simillarly-priced Red Cherry lashes, aren’t human hair.

What are some of your favourite false lashes and how often do you wear them?

E.L.F launch new bamboo range of Mineral Brushes

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 19 - 2011

With bamboo handles, 100% animal-free, antibacterial taklon bristles and priced at only £5.50 each… the new E.L.F range of mineral brushes are sure to be an interesting addition to the brand’s budget line-up in the UK.

From Left to Right: Powder Brush, Complexion Brush, Foundation Brush, Angled Blush Brush, Concealer Brush & Lip Brush.

From Left to Right: Liner and Brow Comb, Flat Eyeliner Brush, Smudge Brush, Contour Brush, All-over Eyeshadow Brush and Blending Eye Brush.

As well as individual brushes, you’re can also purchase two brush sets (£15 and £20 respectively):

The 4 piece set contains: Complexion Brush, Concealer Brush. Blending Eye Brush, Mini Kabuki Brush, Brush Bag

The 5 piece set contains: Complexion Brush, Eyeliner Brush, Concealer Brush, All-Over Eyeshadow Brush, Lash & Brow Comb, Brush Bag

It seems strange to me that they’ve doubled up the complexion and concealer brushes in both sets… it makes it far less appealing to purchase both sets.  Infact, you just wouldn’t would you?

I’ll be receiving a few samples from the new range shortly and will be keen to discover if these brushes are worth a punt.  I’ve learnt since first falling in love with makeup, that the one thing often worth spending a bit more on to get great quality… are brushes.

Will the new E.L.F bamboo range hold their own in terms of quality and usability?

Have you tried the new range yet?

Some new beauty books!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2011

Like every other woman on the planet, I spent at least some of Christmas Day on the internet.  Before the Queen’s speech had even begun I was frankly bored of my family and wanted to spend some of that glorious Christmas money on some new goodies instead.

I picked up these two books off Amazon after reading a couple of the on-site reviews.

A whole book devoted to eyebrows? *swoon!*

Beautiful Brows by Nancy Parker basically tells you everything you ever needed to know about eyebrows, ever.  You wouldn’t think that there would be *that* much to say yet Ms. Parker manages to fill 128 pages on the subject without too much repetition.

The book covers everything from choosing the right shape for your face, the best tools for the job, how to tweeze like a pro and even advice on selecting the right shades for filling in your perfected brow.  All images are in B&W and look a little dated.  However, good brow shapes tend to be classics and can stand the test of time.

Most of the advice seems pretty solid, though the emphasis is placed on tweezing as the preferred removal method with a slight deviation to cover waxing.  As I cut my teeth on (over) tweezing, this is fine by me though it would have been nice to read a little more detail about other hair removal methods aswell.

Currently priced at £3.87 on Amazon, it’s a good book to have at your disposal and will have you glancing in the mirror to check how your brows adhere to the “beautiful brows” formula!


Saving the best till last, my second purchase was the well-received Makeup: The Ultimate Guide by Aussie makeup artist Rae Morris.  The book is beautifully illustrated with crisp, striking and realistic photography.  Morris has stated that the step by step images in her book have been left alone by the retoucher’s hand which makes for a refreshing change.  Even in the larger, retouched portfolio images pores are still visible on the model’s skin and fine lines haven’t been obliterated into non-existence.  It serves to give the book an achievable, down to earth feel.

The looks showcased in the book are thankfully all modern and uptodate.  They bridge the gap between editorial and wearable with great skill.  Rae isn’t afraid to demonstrate her love for colour but takes a no-nonsense approach to more classic neutral variations too.

There are whole sections devoted to contouring, foundation, makeup kits, quick looks and probably my favourite; Over 40s.  I love how Rae doesn’t signal the death knell of shimmer and glitter eyeshadows for women over the age of 30.  Instead, she explains how best to incorporate all that fun stuff for a flattering but grown up look.

It’s great to find a resource that can still offer an old makeup bore like me some new tips and tricks to try (Rae swears by mixing Cetaphil and bicarb of soda for an unbeatable exfoliator!) and it’s frankly unusual to find a book that inspires me to try new looks based on the tutorials found within.  I’m completely smitten with the image on page 241, it’s cosmetic perfection, I’d love to show you it… but my camera wasn’t doing it any justice so you’ll have to check it out for yourself in your local bookshop!

Makeup: The Ultimate Guide is currently priced at £10.01 on Amazon and in my opinion, is worth every penny.

Have you read either of these?  What are your favourite beauty books?

Leighton Denny Crystal Nail File – A beauty must-have!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 20 - 2010

I was given this by PR a few months ago and from first use, I wanted to jump on here and exclaim my love for it… but I didn’t.  I’ve spent good money on glass nail files before, fallen in love with them and then watched them become ineffective after a month or so.

Leighton Denny’s Crystal Nail File is different.  It’s made from lead crystal that’s been treated to create a filing surface that is literally guaranteed to last a lifetime (the guarantee is in the box!).

This is the 135mm ‘model’ that comes in an aluminium case and I really recommend getting one that comes protected like this.  Whilst the filing surface should last indefinitely, they’re still delicate tools and prone to breakage if dropped or carried around in handbags.

I finally felt the push to bite the bullet and upload this review for one particular reason…

I developed a horizontal split in my thumbnail after dropping something very heavy on it a month ago… it reaches very nearly halfway across the nail bed and I’ve been nursing it in the hope that I can keep the nail intact until it grows out.  With a fragile nail like this, I didn’t think I would be able to go near it with a nail file… but I was wrong.  The Leighton Denny Crystal Nail File is so gentle that I can carry on like nothing has happened.

The file glides, it never catches… it turns the nail to dust right before my eyes and I’d liken it to a hot knife slicing through butter.  It’s like kryptonite to the ragged edges of my nails.

At £12, it’s one of those purchases that you wouldn’t appreciate until you started using it.  I wouldn’t be without mine and when Leila got hold of it a couple of days ago, I panicked… turning into a jump negotiator as she waved the crystal wand around in her chubby little hands (perilously close to the table edge).

“Come to Mama lovely… want a chocolate?  No… don’t swing your arms baby… one more step… *grab*”

I’m completely in love with this Crystal Nail File and would happily rate it as a beauty must-have.

Leighton Denny’s Small Crystal Nail File is available online and instore at Boots (priced at an even more bargainous £11!)

What do you use to file your nails?

Inexpensive Beauty Find: eBay False Lashes!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2010

If you’re looking for beautifully silky, thin banded, flexible lashes…. you should close this page.

If you’re looking for robust, striking, shockingly cheap lashes that you can use to fine tune and hone your lash applying skillz, read on!

What? I told you they were cheap…

I decided about a month ago that I wanted to learn how to apply false lashes (as you do) and so I started buying up pairs of Ardells that I found in T.K. Maxx.  Lovely lashes they are indeed but at £2.99 a pop – not the best for a n00b who doesn’t know how to apply OR (more importantly in terms of lash preservation) remove the damn things without destroying them.

I went through 6 pairs before I decided that what I needed was the eyelash equivalent of a WWII Nazi Panzer tank.  Something that would withstand my ham-fisted attempts at elongating my own lashline.

Enter these false eyelashes from eBay seller GlamLabel.  The seller, based in HongKong dispatched immediately… but unfortunately the post is painfully slow from the far east at the moment, so they took over a month to arrive.  Not the seller’s fault… but something to be aware of if you thought you’d be able to buy them in time for the New Year.

You get 20 pairs in two sets of 10 pairs each.  One is a more natural “day” lash, whilst the other is more dramatic and appropriate for going out.  The lashes feel plasticky… they’re quite coarse and need softening up before wear.  To do this, I spend five minutes flexing them which works well to loosen up the band and make them easier to apply.

Application was actually a bit of a doddle… I genuinely believe that this is down to the fact that they aren’t as soft, fluffy or good quality as more premium brands.  They didn’t flop about as I was trying to apply the glue and they didn’t buckle under the pressure of my sausage fingers trying to smoosh them about on my eyelid to get them in the right place.

See that crappy dangly end?  Yeah… chop that.  Infact, because the band is thicker and the lashes heavier than good quality ones, I chopped them about 3 lashes from the outer edge to make the band a good bit shorter.  I didn’t want them stabbing me in the outer corner of my eye.

What d’ya think?  As always with false lash photos, they’re far more obvious looking in the photo than they are in real life.

I can feel them while I’m wearing them though not enough to be irritating and to be fair, I could feel the Ardells too…

Ignore the funky brows… at the time of taking this photo they were still a “work in progress”.

This set of 20 lashes cost me the same as one pair of reduced Ardell lashes… until I’m a false lash maestro, I know where I’ll be spending my money!

Do you buy cheap false lashes or do you only invest in quality?


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