Maybelline – The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 5 - 2009

UPDATE: It seems only fair to admit that a month after writing this review, and I’m finding myself reaching for this one daily… perhaps it’s just the colour of the tube rendering me blind to all others in the drawer, or maybe it’s just a bit more awesome than I initially gave it credit for.

Regardless, I thought I’d better revisit this to let any new visitors know that I think I underestimated it a little in my initial review.  It’s a good’un and definitely up there with my other favs!

So, I’d been meaning to try “The Ugly” one for ages, but having 4000 mascaras languishing in my make up collection meant that I had to at least try to be a good girl and not keep buying them until I’d used up a few tubes.

However, I got one of these in my Maybelline goody bag and of course I couldn’t resist trying it out to add to my mascara series.


U.G.L.Y You ain’t go no alibi…

Alright, it’s not THAT bad – but come on, Maybelline do seem to employ an army of Jekyll and Hydes in their packaging design department do they not?

Case in point…




It’s interesting to note that the well packaged products are the newer ones, so perhaps things are looking up!

Back to The Colossally ugly one for now…


They Say:

Creates 9X the volume, instantly.

  • Patented MegaBrush + Collagen Formula plump lashes one by one
  • Dramatic Volume with no clumps
  • Washable

So basically, it’s got a big brush and it’s volumising… oh and um “washable” whatever that’s supposed to mean?


It’s not bad.  I’m using the Glam Black (00) version and the formula is nice and dark, I agree that it doesn’t clump on my lashes but it’s just not THAT volumising.  It creates decent definition and if anything is more lengthening thanks to that nice deep-coloured formula.


It’s a really nice day-to-day mascara… But I want MORE, MORE VOLUMISING, MORE LASHES!!

This is another solid release from Maybelline, and a great choice for those who like big-boned brushed mascaras – just don’t expect anything too COLOSSAL from it.

Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara is available from Boots, Superdrug et al, priced at around £6.84

L’oreal Lash Architect Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 2 - 2009

Continuing with my mascara series (check out the others by clicking here)…

I actually don’t know too much about L’oreal Lash Architect Mascara… I bought blind, not being aware of the general consensus on this one.


Lovely, sleek black packaging with a nice tapered wand handle.  Sounds silly to place such emphasis on packaging… but it really does have nice ‘curb appeal’.

This is the ‘Carbon Gloss’ variety, which is deemed to be L’oreals ‘glossiest blackest mascara yet’.


It’s a standard bristle brush, with a relatively small head when compared to the big boys (Bad Gal et al.)  To my eye, the brush narrows slightly in the middle, but I’m not sure if this is a design feature (a la sexy curves) or just a flaw in the manufacturing process.  Anyone else have one to compare?

The formula is nice and non-gloopy on the wand which is an absolute must for me.  There’s nothing worse than trying to battle huge globs of mascara off the wand and back into the tube.  Yes, I know some people just wipe the wands with tissue… what you think I have money to burn?  You should see me trying to shoehorn the excess back down that narrow tube… Just call me ‘Arkwright’ (please don’t all be too young to know Open All Hours)


It applies evenly and builds up nicely with no clumping at all (which I find can be a problem with L’oreal mascaras).

This is after 2 coats.  Some nice length and some volumising.  I honestly don’t think that this formula is THAT black, I have others in my arsenal far darker than this one.  Surprising considering this is the USP of this particular mascara.  I think that it’s clear that the real strength in this mascara lies within it’s defining properties a.k.a The False Lash Effect.  My lashes are really separated and each one is individually emphasised.  I really like this mascara, the look is fairly natural which makes for a great day time product.  For the evenings, I’d love something which provides this much definition with a little more va va voom!

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L’oreal Voluminous Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 18 - 2009

L’oreal’s Voluminous Mascara in good ol’ black.  It’s one of those purported ‘oldies but goodies’ thought of in the same way as Max Factor’s 2000 Calorie.


An unassuming rather plain tube greets you, indeed much like Max Factor’s 2000 Calorie.  Don’t let that put you off… as they say, appearances can be deceptive.


The wand is your standard bristle affair and rather large (although not as large as Bad Gal’s which seems to be the benchmark for chunky wand heads).  It’s a little longer than standard which can make for tricky application on the outer lashes, but it’s not a major problem on my longer lashes.  One thing I really like about this wand is the density of the bristles.  They’re really packed in there which makes for some great separation.


And here’s your comparison shot.  No mascara on the left, L’oreal Voluminous on the right.  It’s a nice deep black which offers some great volumising (as the name would suggest).  I would say that there are better lengthening mascaras out there, but I could imagine that this would work great paired with one of them.  I experience no flaking or smudging with this and it lasts all day long.

My only gripe with this mascara is that the neck doesn’t fit too snugly around the wand, which creates two potential problems.  Sometimes when I pull the wand out, there is a little too much product on the head and I also find that this mascara dries out a little quicker than my others.  Not sure if this is down to the tube design or the formula itself, but it’s something to be aware of.

Overall, it’s a nice solid mascara.  I prefer 2000 Calorie over this (as long as I pinch my nose whilst applying the Max Factor) but Voluminous is very buildable thanks to a formula that isn’t too gloopy or clumping – if you haven’t already, check it out!

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Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 10 - 2009

I’ve had this unopened tube of Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara sitting in my drawer since January and I’ve been using up so many others that it’s only now that I’ve had a chance to road test it!

I particularly like the packaging of this one, everything from the sleeky purple exterior to the cute little monogrammed crown on the top.


This is my first time using a mascara wand with rubber ‘bristles’ and I really love the separation and definition that this type of wand gives.


I believe that the 3 bumps in the wand are supposed to help add a bit of curl to your lashes.  My eyelashes are naturally quite curly so I don’t bother with eyelash curlers.  I have to say that I didn’t notice any additional curl after using this mascara, but I could see that the formula feels light enough not to drag down any curls.  The formula is really nice, very black and not too thick.


You’re going to have to excuse the no make up and eyebrows – I have no idea what to do with the stupid, overly long, irritatingly wavy unruly things.

Back to the mascara, I don’t think I need to say which eye has the mascara on do I?  I see some nice length and a little volume.  I always struggle to work the mascara into the base of the outer lashes without covering my face in mascara and hoped that perhaps this wand might aid in that, it doesn’t.

I didn’t find a problem with smudging or flaking and the formula came off effortlessly with my oil cleansing rountine at the end of the day.

Rimmel Sexy Curves gets a thumbs up from me.  Nothing particularly wows me, but it’s a solid mascara which delivers lovely definition, separation, a little bit of length and a deep black colour.

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Win one of 4000 New Rimmel Sexy Curves Waterproof Mascaras

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 19 - 2009

Love these generous Rimmel promotions, I discovered the original Sexy Curves formula through winning one from their last promotion.


To celebrate the launch of Rimmel London’s NEW SEXY CURVES WATERPROOF MASCARA they’re giving us the chance to try a FULL SIZE sample worth £7.82.

There’s 4000 to give away so we’re in with a shot!

Click the image to be taken to the promotion.

Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Look Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 29 - 2009

So, I’ve been wearing Max Factor’s old volumising favourite 2000 Calorie mascara for a few days now, and I’m really rather impressed.

Firstly, I hate, HATE the smell of the stuff.  It’s quite pungent and chemically, a horrible whiff as the wand passes my nose on it’s way to my lashes.  It also sports a chunky brush not unlike Benefit’s Bad Gal.

Not sure if it’s just mine but the formula is quite dry aswell which I’m actually really liking.   My initial reaction was irritation that I had picked up one that was drying out… but it really doesn’t seem to be – it just seems to collect the perfect amount on the wand every dip without any big splodges (gotta love my technical expressions)…

Anyway, here’s a before/after:


My left lashes (right on the image) always clump a little more than the right.  It’s a bit tricky to get to the very outer lashes with this chunky wand, but not impossible.  Can’t see too much lengthening or extra curl going on here, but there’s definitely some decent volumising and the pigmentation is a really nice solid black.

For the price, I am really impressed.  It’s very forgiving to apply – often if I go in for more than one coat, my lashes start to clump whilst I simultaneously begin to curse.  I didn’t have a problem at all with this mascara doing that.

Overall… I will absolutely buy this again especially when you can often pick this up for less than a fiver from the online discount cosmetic websites (although not before I’ve tried the new 2000 calorie extreme lash plumper with the apparent MEGA wand!)

As a direct comparison to Benefit’s Bad Gal (click link for my review), I really can’t say that Bad Gal is worth spending the extra money on.  Bad Gal is slightly blacker, thinner in consistency and feels a little more conditioning to your lashes – but I’m not sure those 3 differences justify spending double the amount of money over this drugstore cheapy.  It’s a tough one.

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Pedestal Products

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 9 - 2009

…Why is it when I finally earn enough Pigsback points to get myself a lovely £10 discount on Nars Orgasm (which I’ve never tried and have been lemming like forever) HQ Hair don’t have it in stock.


One day my pretty…

As you may have noticed, I have an eclectic range of cosmetic tastes.  I couldn’t really be much further from a makeup snob if I tried – mainly because my budget simply wouldn’t allow it.  I’m as happy as a pig in shit to trawl both Space NK and Superdrug looking for new products (although I’m always a little happier at the till in Superdrug!)

I quite like it this way, it means that I have to work that little bit harder to find good quality products at great prices, it also means that I have accumulated more crap than the average beauty junkie, but there’s always a friend or relative nearby who is happy to play with my cast offs and vice versa!!  It really works for me.

I’d love to hear about your tastes – the high street/drugstore brands that work so well for you, you haven’t found better value for the money.  Tell me about those higher end products that you’ve been craving for so long that they’re now firmly ensconced on that pedestal and the thought of purchasing them fills you with fear that they’ll never live up to your now exagerrated expectations.

Anyway, to cheer myself up after being so close yet still so far from my pedestal product, I went and bought a Max Factor 2000 Calorie mascara to keep me going whilst I wait for HQ Hair to pull their fingers out!


You’ll have to do for now!

Benefit Bad Gal Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 8 - 2009

Yes, I’m behind the times… by about 7 years.

Let me start by saying that my name is Charlotte and I am a total mascara whore.  I love it and I have a real problem staying faithful to any particular brand.  There’s just too many to choose from and companies come out with shiny new ones all the time to tempt me.  If there’s one product that I can’t leave the house without.  This is it.

Anyway, back to Benefit Bad Gal…

I got accosted this time last year by a pink clad MUA from Benefit whilst browsing The Vitality Show at London’s Olympia (which I really recommend for a fantastic day out!).  The MUA proceeded to cover me in You Rebel (nice but too dark for me), You’re Bluffing (meh), and Bad Gal Lash Mascara (which wowed me).  I couldn’t stop fluttering my eyelashes at everyone.

Roll forward nearly a year and I still hadn’t picked myself up a tube.  I dunno why, well actually I do.  I bought Benefit Dandelion after having it dusted over my cheeks by an over-enthusiastic MUA in Boots and it was a super huge disappointment.  I just couldn’t get it to show up on my skin, despite my uber paleness and I was worried Bad Gal was gonna disappoint in the same way.

Anyway, last week I finally succumbed and spent some of my hoard of Boots points on a lovely shiny tube of the black stuff.



I know some people think it’s over-rated.  I think that it’s probably suited to a specific type of eyelash (of which I’m lucky enough to include myself).  If you’ve got small eyes and short stubby lashes, this isn’t gonna do anything for you.  The brush is too large and unwieldy and you’re bound to make a mess.  I’ve got naturally long and curly lashes – they just need some serious darkening and beefing up which is exactly what this mascara does for them – and it does it well!


I love the density of the brush that really allows me to ‘brush’ my lashes from root to tip and create some proper separation to enhance the volumising effect.  My lashes tend to clump (especially on a 2nd coat), so the even distribution provided by the brush is particularly welcomed!  This mascara also leaves my lashes super soft and flexible and not at all crunchy, not a big deal for me – not bothered by stiff lashes, but I know some are – so thought I’d mention it!


All other mascaras in my stash are currently being ignored (apart from a Blinc tester that I’m slowly falling in love with – see, I told you… fickle!).

However, my one and only problem with Bad Gal is the price.  I know it’s not exactly break the bank expensive at £14.50… but, there’s so many other lovely mascaras out there begging me to buy them (don’t cry Diorshow I haven’t forgotten you – despite your eye watering price, nor you Lash Blast you lovely drugstore temptress you)… and with new ones appearing on the market quicker than I can apply a second coat of this one.  What’s a girl to do?

Are you a faithful Felicity? or a shamefully promiscuous Pandora like me when it comes to Mascara?

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Deal Alert – 20% off @ BlincUK

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 5 - 2009


Enter discount code at checkout (not sure how long this is good for):


to receive a 20% discount off your order.  Famed for their water resistant mascara that tubes your lashes rather than painting them, I can happily recommend it (review coming soon) and I’m very tempted to try the liquid eyeliner next.

Click to check out BlincUK.

Happy Tuesday!


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