Can’t. stop. buying. these. lipsticks.
Seriously, at under £2 a pop you can afford to experiment, and although the Cherry Culture swatches are pretty naff… Google is your friend.
I bought 3 more with my last haul. Actually, I think I bought 5… but 2 were Ronald McDonald reds so I gave them to someone who would look less like a serial killer in them.
These are the 3 I kept:
And here’s what they look like swatched “ON MAH FACE!”:
NYX Paris is my favourite, it’s a perfect pink for me… not too warm, not too cool. Love it! It’s glossy and smooth and doesn’t highlight my sore bits.
NYX B52 is a touch warm for me, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t look much like I expected it to, it’s a little darker on my skintone than I thought it would be. Texture is great though.
I don’t understand this pout… is it even a pout? What AM I doing? Anyway… ignoring the stupid expression, NYX Power is akin to Revlon’s Pink Pout but without the dryness. It’s not a total dupe, but it’s the nearest I’ve found for my skintone (yes, I know MAC Angel is a well-known dupe, but not on me).