Trish McEvoy – Lash Enhancer, the challenge

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 11 - 2010

Straight ones, short ones, long ones, curly ones.  Pubes Eyelashes, they’re the business.

They’re the shields that protect our precious eyes from debris every second of the day, they’re sensitive enough to let us know when that mascara wand is getting perilously close to our eyeballs and trigger the reflex that clamps our eyes shut just before we stupidly poke ourselves with it.

The problem with eyelashes though?  They’re just not long enough.

Horses have fab eyelashes, have you ever noticed?  Straight as a poker… you’d need to put the Shu Uemura’s to work… but still, mega lashes.

I was contacted by the PR for Trish McEvoy who are going to love the fact that my feature about their lash enhancer has already managed to mention pubes and horses when we’re barely 100 words in… but nevermind…

Where was I?

Oh yes, nice PR lady said “Hello!” and “Would you like to try our new Lash Enhancer?”.

“Hmmm” said I… “I’m already using some lash enhancing stuff that I bought, but if you don’t mind a potential guest reviewer I have just the person!”

Meet my cousin… A.

I don’t like this before picture… she’s not as good at taking photos as me.  She says she has some more, so if and when she emails me them… I shall add them.  But this will do for now.

She’s desperate for longer lashes and infact… this photo is the first time I’ve seen her for ages where she isn’t sporting either extensions or a pair of falsies.

We’re gonna give it a couple of months and see how she gets on with the Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer.

This stuff isn’t cheap by the way… around £89 for 4 months supply.  I hope she doesn’t drop it down the loo or something stupid like that.

Let me give you the rest of the blurb:

Lashes lose fullness due to day-to-day wear-and-tear, makeup removal, eyerubbing, and the aging process. Using highly potent SymPeptides™ and an abundance of powerful proteins, vitamins, and moisturizing ingredients, Lash Enhancer helps condition, hydrate, strengthen, and nourish lashes to help them withstand the mechanical, natural and environmental aggressors as well as aging process that may shorten their life.

A single nightly application of Lash Enhancer Nighttime Conditioning Treatment will promote the stronger, fuller, healthier lashes of your dreams. In just 2 weeks of daily use can you experience as much as a 25% increase in volume. A few quick seconds each night will put you on the road to fuller lashes.

So… fundamentally this stuff is different from the more pharmaceutical lash enhancing treatments.  Most importantly, you can apply this stuff without fear of your eyes changing colour or growing a second head.  Which is always reassuring.

The packaging is sleek, sexy and heavyweight…

A nice precision applicator so you don’t waste too much product during application and deliver the good stuff right to where it’s needed.

I’m excited!  I like these kind of trials… I like tangible results!

Fingers crossed for A that Trish McEvoy’s Lash Enhancer can turn those puny lashes into floor sweepers!  Stay tuned!

Underrated Stuff #1 – BodyShop Eye Shadows

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 29 - 2010

Why don’t these Body Shop Eye Shadows get more love?  I’ve collected a beautiful array of neutral shades over the last few years (yes, years… hygiene freaks – bite me).

I don’t think I’ve ever paid full price (£8) for one though…. I usually pick them up off eBay or when they’re in the sale on the Body Shop website, which… btw…. has some of the best sales and discount codes of any beauty website.

You get 1.4g of product for your money and the shadows come in either matte or shimmer finish.  The shimmer ones are just beautiful…. they remind me of the MAC Veluxe Pearl finish, heavily pigmented and smooth like butter.

Next time you’re passing your local Body Shop, go check out #07 and come back and tell me it’s not gorgeous!

What underrated products would you happily sing the praises of?

The Body Shop – Sweet Lemon Bath & Body Range

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 26 - 2010

A good citrusy scent is unbeatable for those mornings when you just can’t seem to muster the energy to lift your sleepy head from the pillow.  It’s an energising, invigorating and fresh smell and if combined with a hint of spice then it’s in my shopping basket quicker than a New York minute.

However, I’ve come to the conclusion that citrus is a tricky scent to capture… I’ve sniffed many ‘lemon’ products that quite frankly would be better kept under my kitchen sink than by the side of my bath.

The Body Shop have just launched their Sweet Lemon range, I was given two products from the range at their recent presentation and as a veritable grumpy connoisseur of all things lemon-y… they’re up against a tough nose.

Sweet Lemon Shower Gel – £6

A soap-free, non-drying cleansing gel with luscious lemon seed oil. Lathers to leave your skin feeling cleansed, refreshed, soft and subtly scented.

The Sweet Lemon Shower Gel is nice, it definitely isn’t too synthetic smelling – it’s sharp rather than sweet and lathers up nicely.  I’d like it to leave a little more scent on my skin, but for an “in shower experience” it does the job well.  I think it comes at quite a price though… between me and Mr. L we’d get through 2 bottles of this a month easily, and I wish I could justify £12 a month on Shower Gel, but I can’t.  If your skin isn’t sensitive to soap, I’d suggest trying out a bar of the Sweet Lemon Soap at a much more affordable £2 a pop.

Sweet Lemon Whip Body Lotion – £8

Light and fluffy, this quick-absorbing, non-greasy whipped cream lotion, with rich and velvety natural ingredients, smoothes easily over the skin, leaving it feeling well moisturised, soft and supple. Provides moisturisation that lasts up to 12 hours. Leaves skin scented with an uplifting and fresh lemon fragrance.

The scent of the Sweet Lemon Whip Body Lotion (which again is sharp rather than sweet) lingers beautifully without being overpowering.  The formula feels light and fluffy, sinking nicely into my skin without leaving any greasiness.  I’m not sure how much stock I’d put into their 12hr moisturisation claims for this product as I personally need something heavier to keep my skin supple for that length of time.  I’d give the scent of the range a 7/10 but it really appeals to Mr. L’s nose, and he never gives a crap about stuff like this… so it’s definitely a product I’ll be shopping for when my current one runs out.  As it spreads so smoothly, I don’t think I’d need to repurchase too often either… well, not unless I catch Mr. L at my bottle again *side eye*.

Have you tried the new Sweet Lemon range from the Body Shop?  What are your favourite smells to get you going in the mornings?  Bacon doesn’t count.

Pressing a BarryM Dazzle Dust (and other pigments)

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 25 - 2010

As promised, my pigment pressing method…

It’s a mammoth tutorial and rather picture heavy, so please click ‘read more’ to continue on the pigment pressing adventure!

The cast of characters:

I’ve provided links of where you might purchase supplies, feel free to shop around – the links are there as a convenience only!

1. Minimum 70% Rubbing Alcohol (also known as surgical spirit or iso-propyl alcohol)

2. 5ml Syringe

3. Biosilk Silk Therapy (the link I provided is a VERY good price for Biosilk, I paid more than this)

4. Orange Stick or any suitable mixing tool you have to hand

5. Empty Palette or Pans (Those 26mm pans will fit in an ELF empty palette although may not be magnetized – easily fixed with a self-adhesive magnetic sheet though)

6. BarryM Dazzle Dust or pigment of your choice (Not MAC)

7. Suitable mixing container

8. 10 pence piece (I think the US size equivalent is a quarter?)

9. Textured material/kitchen roll

Read the rest of this entry »

My first D.I.Y Eye Shadow Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 20 - 2010

Check out my first homemade palette!

Ignore the 3 on the right, I totally cheated and shoved 3 MAC pans in there for the photo whilst my last 3 pigments were drying.

The palette is mostly made up from The She Space pigments, I find that one full size pigment fills a pan fairly nicely.  I’ve also sneaked in a BarryM Dazzle Dust and a few Elemental Beauty shadows too!

What ya reckon?  Any of you ladies press your own loose eye shadows?  Any interest in a pictorial on my pigment pressing methods?

The Body Shop – Celebrating 22 years of Community Trade

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 5 - 2010

In March 1976, the late Dame Anita Roddick founded The Body Shop in Littlehampton – a small seaside town on the South coast of England.  Fast forward 34 years to the present day and The Body Shop now boasts the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world.

I went along to The Westbury Hotel in Mayfair last week to hear a presentation on behalf of The Body Shop who are currently celebrating 22 years of community trade across the globe.  From India to Namibia, Guatemala to Samoa the world is their garden and as a company, they want us to know that they’re taking measures to protect it and the lives it supports.

It’s currently Fairtrade Fortnight (22nd Feb – 7th Mar) and The Body Shop were keen to highlight and explain exactly what Community Trade (CT) means and what it involves.

4 of the 6000 women that make up the Eudafano Women’s Cooperative (EWC) in Namibia.  The EWC supplies  The Body Shop wih Marula Oil (used in nearly all their cosmetics).

Community Trade works along the same principles as Fair Trade, but was established back in 1987 before the Fair Trade mark was available or had indeed become fashionable.  From what I understood, the main difference is that the foundations of fair trade are laid much deeper in the CT program and work to support the producer’s whole community, not just the producers themselves.  The Body Shop also made it clear that they never enter CT relationships for the short term and only commit to sustainable trading relationships that help affect real social change.

Click play on the video below to learn more about The Body Shop’s involvement with Community Trade:

Two of The Body Shop’s major CT suppliers were in attendance and it was a rare and interesting opportunity to hear how their involvement with The Body Shop affects the communities and co-operatives they represent.  It became clear very quickly that the democratic relationship between the ‘industries’ was a precious one to both parties.

Whilst I was sitting there, the antagonist in me kept thinking “What do The Body Shop get out of these CT arrangements when it means they have to pay more for their ingredients?”.  Thankfully, Christina from The Body Shop didn’t shy away from that subject and explained that it is simply expected of them to uphold the core values that, as a company, they’ve always claimed to represent.  Community Trade allows them to continue their commitments to trading with a conscience whilst benefiting from the (often ancient) knowledge of real experts and assured quality products.

I’m willing to admit that in the past, I’ve accused The Body Shop products of being overpriced and in comparison to products I can buy in other high street stores, they are.  I still may only be able to afford to treat myself to my Olive Glossing Shampoo & Conditioner when I’m feeling flush, but I will now hand over my money with a degree of contentment.  It’s good to know that every purchase made contributes to making a real and sustained difference to communities.  Communities that without the CT backing by The Body Shop would be powerless to break into global markets or risk plundering by unethical industry.

Transformulas Lip Volume – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 23 - 2010

Transformulas tagline reads: Beauty without Surgery.

It’s an ethos that stands out.  It packs a punch… but it better make sure it can deliver the results.

I was sent a couple of Transformula’s products to try and the one that piqued my curiosity the most was their Lip Volume.

I’ve tried many lip-plumping products before, and I used to favour Pout’s Lip Plump before they selfishly went out of business.   These products are mostly based on the same concept.  The Tingle.

The Tingle is an odd thing, some women can’t abide it… other’s kinda like it (kinky).  I actually quite like it… the only one I couldn’t stand was a Boots Time Delay one which had me wiping tears from my eyes and begging Mr. L to point his desk fan at my face.

As fellow beauty addicts, I know you won’t look at me with a mixture of concern and bewilderment when I tell you that my lips have been pissing me off all winter.  You’ll know what I mean.  For you, it may be your skin, your oily eyelids, that blackhead that won’t shift from the end of your nose… Regardless, most women have something on their face that’s troubling them.  For me, this winter… it’s been my lips.  The furrows that map their contours ensure that all lipsticks look like crap on me.  I’ve been resigned to using only the glossiest lippies I have in my collection.  Mattes? Only if I want to look like I’ve been smoking 60-a-day for the past 45 years.

Would Transformulas Lip Volume come to my rescue?

Hmmm… Increase your lip size without needles…

To be fair, my bottom lip is the size of China… it’s hereditary.  My top lip doesn’t match for which I am actually fairly thankful, for if it did I’d surely be able to wipe out whole continents with a lip smack.  So increasing size is not something I’m really looking for… what I want is less fine lines, a smoother palette for lipstick.  That’s not a huge amount to ask when some people really do want the product to deliver trout pouts is it?

Now, the thing I need to make clear about Transformulas Lip Volume is that it claims not be a simple lip plumper.  It promises to deliver cosmeceutical results… semi-permanent results.  It boldly claims to stimulate natural collagen to increase the lip shape within 30 days.

Opening the product, I felt excited!  It reminded me of that scene in “Death Becomes Her” when they’re unveiling that vial containing the secrets to immortality…

You get 10ml of product, which by their reckoning should last you about 6 weeks of daily use.  As I said, I don’t want bigger lips, so apologies if you feel short-changed by my review but I’m not really testing for the claims of increased lip size.  I wanna use this as a lip plumper… but what I am hoping, is that after using it 3 times a day for a prolonged period, I will notice an effect that works beyond that of much cheaper alternatives.  Make sense?

The applicator is a standard doe-foot affair and seems to grab onto just the right amount of product per application.  The product is really nice, it’s non-sticky… smooth to apply, it literally glides on and doesn’t make your lips feel as if they’ve been coated with gunk.

Then comes The Tingle.  It’s niiiiiice, just right.  Not too strong but it’s enough to let you know “Oh hai! I’m here to irritate your lips with a peppermint blast”.  I’m assuming that the peppermint oil it contains is what creates the initial effect of plumping, but that the other (more sciencey ingredients) are what helps to achieve a more semi-permanent result.

As a temporary plumper, I’m liking it a lot… It has the balance just right.  I also appreciate the texture qualities that I mentioned before and the fact that I can still feel it working when I wear it ontop of lipstick.  Oh, I also like the sheen it gives my lips and the fact that it doesn’t appear to dry them out.  If I had noticed any dryness, it would have been in the bin in a flash.

Does it have any more lasting effects after using it for the last 3 weeks?  Well…  I’m pleased to report that my lips seem to be smoother.  The canvas for lipsticks is more velvety and it feels as though I don’t have to ‘drag’ my lipsticks over my lips quite so much.

I know I said that I wasn’t testing for increased lip-size, and that I’ve only used it for 3 weeks so far… but I have to say, I haven’t noticed any increase in my lip size… but perhaps it needs longer testing?

Anyway, would I buy this again?  I would.  But only if I felt that my lips were in trouble yano?  I’d buy it as a treatment rather than an ongoing concern.  It’s not cheap.  10ml of product will set you back £25.50 on their website.  Although, you’d be a fool to pay that.  Half Price Perfumes has it in stock for £7.99 if you wanted to give it a go yourself.

Save UPTO 30% at The Body Shop…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 8 - 2009

…with Pass The Christmas Parcel from The Body Shop!

TBS Image bigger

Click the image above to be taken to the site where you can claim your voucher.

After you’ve saved yourself some money, make yourself uber popular by sending the link on to your friends!

You can redeem online or in store, I got a 20% off voucher and Mr. L nabbed himself a 15% off voucher.  That 30% voucher eludes us this time, can you do better?  Find out now.

The She Space Mineral Pigment Haul

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 23 - 2009

Heather over at The She Space/About Face Cosmetics had a blowout sale in honour of turning the big 4-0! (Happy Birthday!)

How could I not take advantage with full size eyeshadow pigments reduced down to $2.50 each?

I went for mainly wintery shades that work well on my cool skin:


Aren’t they beautiful?

Stand out shades are: Female Soldiers…, Inspired Meltdown, Anybody Seen Erin, Touched By Truth.

Those 4 blow me away by how achingly beautiful and unique they are.

Driven by Instinct was described as a “smoky purple shimmer” but unfortunately, it just looks blue on my skin.  A lovely shade nonetheless, but blues don’t really suit me.

Shipping time from The She Space is *always* slowwww.  I ordered on 20th October and it took very nearly a full month to arrive.

Are you into your pigments?  I’m hoping to press these when my pans arrive from Hong Kong – I don’t know how they’ll turn out, but I’ll share my method and results!

The She Space Holiday sale has now kicked in and full size pigments are reduced to $3.50 each from $4.50.

Have a great Monday xx

Too Faced Smoky Eye Kit

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 7 - 2009

Halloween’s a-coming… and I’ve got my beady eye on the Too Faced Smoky Eye Kit.


I am such a sucker for ‘tutorial’ kits like these, but aside from the ‘novelty’ I think I would get a lot of wear from this throughout the year.

If you ignore the whole ‘smoky’ angle… this is a palette of wearable colours suitable for both day and evening.  However, I wonder if the inclusion of that drawer makes the whole thing a little chunkier than it needs to be – especially with travel and portability in mind.

Are you a fan of Too Faced? I have a couple of the old Quickie Chronicles that I enjoy using, they’re fab for taking on weekends away, talk about space-saving!  I know a lot of people dislike the cardboard packaging so often used by the ‘funkier’ brands.. but I don’t have any concerns as I’ve always found it to stand up well to daily use and carting about.

Too Faced Smoky Eye Kit is available from Boots or online at HQHair and is priced at £22

What’s on your wishlist for Halloween?

FOTD – Bronzed Blue

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 9 - 2009




I didn’t realise that it had been so long since my last FOTD back in the middle of August!

You may be able to tell from today’s look that I’m having a hard time saying goodbye to summer.  I was gonna do an Illamasqua FOTD featuring 2 products from the Dystopia Collection, but with this mini indian summer we’re currently enjoying I’m gonna postpone that for another week or so.  Hopefully by that time I’ll have my Phenomena  Liquid Metal too!

Anyway, back to this Blue and Bronze look…

Products Used:


Miss Sporty Light Energy Foundation in Shade 01 (This was an emergency purchase whilst on holiday, beware if you put it on even a tiny bit too heavily the texture is revolting and it goes all flaky.  I mix a little in with my moisturiser for this ultra sheer coverage.)
Body Shop Blush Trio in Cool Dusk (I thought I’d like this when I bought it, but I didn’t realise just how perfect a pop of pink this is for my ultra cool, ultra pale skintone.)


UDPP (of course)
NYX Loose Pearl Eyeshadow in Ocean Blue
Boots 17 Solo Eyeshadow in Mardi Gras lightly applied over the top of the NYX to tone it down a little
Barry M Dazzle Dust in #44 Bronze in crease
MAC Fluidline in Waveline on top lid
L’oreal Voluminous Mascara


Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick in 112 Ambre Rose

Tisserand Aromatherapy Bath Oil – Muscle Ease

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 8 - 2009

There are two types of people in this world.. no, not those weird MacDonald’s gherkin haters always looking repulsed at the infinitely more sensible pickle lovers, (c’mon, it’s one your 5-a-day.  In a burger!).  I’m talking about Bath vs. Shower people.  I have always fallen into the latter category, simply never having enough time for a leisurely soak.

But, since having Leila – any period of time that involves me being locked in a room on my own is a GOOD thing and what better excuse is there than “I’m just gonna have a bath, k?”

I’m considering moving most of my belongings into the bathroom, that’s how much time I’m spending in there… my husband and daughter occasionally catch glimpses of me running from the bedroom to the bathroom, towel flapping behind me – “just gonna have a quick bath mmm…k?!” *door shuts. door locks. Mum double checks that door cannot be opened*  Don’t worry, there are photos of me dotted around the house so Leila knows what Mummy looks like.

Jeez… I’m rambling.

Anyway, you can clearly imagine my delight when I was sent a new bath oil to try out!  Can I get a woop WOOP!?


Muscle Ease?  Oh, yes please! – It’s hard work being an all-round yummy mummy, incredible wife and beauty blogger – my poor aching muscles… oh and look! Ginger! One of my favourite smells in the whole wide world!

So far, so good…

I turned on the taps and unscrewed the lid. Oh. My. God… I know I have a tendency towards over the over-dramatic, but this is the scent to beat all scents.  It’s warm, spicy, autumnal and citrusy without being sharp.  Absolutely incredible with real depth that makes you want to keep that ‘in’ breath going until the scent envelopes you and carries you away wrapped in a cashmere blanket.

Sorry, but I did warn you about the drama.

Once poured into the bath, (just a capful, a little goes a long way!) the oil emulsifies, turning the water milky and luxurious.  The scent is still lingering in the air, it’s enthusiasm to tickle your nostrils not even remotely dampened by the gallons of steamy water now diluting it.

I’ll let you into a little secret… I don’t REALLY have weary muscles (although I am a yummy mummy and incredible wife… get lost, I so AM) heck, the only muscles I exercise are the ones needed to eat and talk – do they do a mouthwash?  This unfortunately means that I can’t comment on it’s ability to ease tired muscles.  But… after experiencing TOTAL relaxation despite grizzly child noises echoing in the background, I wouldn’t be surprised if this stuff could make me tea and toast, let alone relieve a few aches and pains.

I will absolutely be purchasing this when my bottle runs out.  I will also be purchasing the Detox variety (Lemon and Black Pepper anyone? *yes please!*)

Tisserand Bath Oils are currently available in 4 varieties: Muscle Ease, Energy Revive, Detox and De-Stress.

They are priced at £7.50 each and available to buy online from (You can also get them with Free Delivery from Beauty Flash)

I would mention that Tisserand Bath Oils are also free from Synthetic Fragrances, SLES and Parabens but I’m too busy sniffing the bottle to care.  Oh, but I do care enough to let you know that they don’t test on bunnies either.

Looky, my first 5 out of 5… I just can’t find fault.

[starreview tpl=14]


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