Subliminal Massages…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2011

I first fell in love with Tisserand’s Muscle Ease Bath Oil nearly two years ago and it’s been a continual repurchase ever since.

As far as I’m concerned, the Muscle Ease Bath Oil is the ultimate for the price.  In the past, I’ve paid nearly 4x that for half the quantity and although not disappointed with my purchase, it wasn’t 4x as gorgeous… a simple example of not being able to ignore the economics.

I knew they’d be nothing to dislike about the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil… I mean, a). it’s an oil and b). it’s in one of my favourite spicy scents ever… what’s not to like?  I was right and it is indeed awesome.

Energy Revive is also amazingly potent but I’m not a fan of the scent blend which I find a little too ‘kitchen fresh’ if that makes sense… I like citrus but this doesn’t hit the right notes for my taste.

Also, I’ve not been using these as massage oils… which is a bit naughty because I was sent these to review and if I don’t use them as massage oils, how can I review them as such?  Well… I can’t.  Because Mr. L attempted a massage on me and I wanted to divorce him before 5 minutes had passed.  Irritating, diggy knuckles, wouldn’tstoptalking.

No body product (even when it’s gratis) is worth 7 years of marriage, 11 years of dating and a heartbroken 2 year old, sorry Tisserand.

I have however been using these as body oils both before and after showering.  I slather on some of the Muscle Ease one before jumping in the shower and get a blast of intoxicating ginger, lemongrass and other lovely stuff as the room fills with steam.  Once the taps are off, I spread a little more onto my wet skin to lock in the moisture and spend the rest of the day wanting to lick myself.

So there we have it, a ginormous thumbs up for the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil, a Jif lemon thrown at the Energy Revive one and a kick up the bum for Mr. L for being a crap masseur.

Tisserand Body Massage Oils are priced at £8.10 each and are available to purchase from some of those funny independent pharmacies, Whole Foods or online at

* pr sample

Tisserand Aromatherapy Bath Oil – Muscle Ease

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 8 - 2009

There are two types of people in this world.. no, not those weird MacDonald’s gherkin haters always looking repulsed at the infinitely more sensible pickle lovers, (c’mon, it’s one your 5-a-day.  In a burger!).  I’m talking about Bath vs. Shower people.  I have always fallen into the latter category, simply never having enough time for a leisurely soak.

But, since having Leila – any period of time that involves me being locked in a room on my own is a GOOD thing and what better excuse is there than “I’m just gonna have a bath, k?”

I’m considering moving most of my belongings into the bathroom, that’s how much time I’m spending in there… my husband and daughter occasionally catch glimpses of me running from the bedroom to the bathroom, towel flapping behind me – “just gonna have a quick bath mmm…k?!” *door shuts. door locks. Mum double checks that door cannot be opened*  Don’t worry, there are photos of me dotted around the house so Leila knows what Mummy looks like.

Jeez… I’m rambling.

Anyway, you can clearly imagine my delight when I was sent a new bath oil to try out!  Can I get a woop WOOP!?


Muscle Ease?  Oh, yes please! – It’s hard work being an all-round yummy mummy, incredible wife and beauty blogger – my poor aching muscles… oh and look! Ginger! One of my favourite smells in the whole wide world!

So far, so good…

I turned on the taps and unscrewed the lid. Oh. My. God… I know I have a tendency towards over the over-dramatic, but this is the scent to beat all scents.  It’s warm, spicy, autumnal and citrusy without being sharp.  Absolutely incredible with real depth that makes you want to keep that ‘in’ breath going until the scent envelopes you and carries you away wrapped in a cashmere blanket.

Sorry, but I did warn you about the drama.

Once poured into the bath, (just a capful, a little goes a long way!) the oil emulsifies, turning the water milky and luxurious.  The scent is still lingering in the air, it’s enthusiasm to tickle your nostrils not even remotely dampened by the gallons of steamy water now diluting it.

I’ll let you into a little secret… I don’t REALLY have weary muscles (although I am a yummy mummy and incredible wife… get lost, I so AM) heck, the only muscles I exercise are the ones needed to eat and talk – do they do a mouthwash?  This unfortunately means that I can’t comment on it’s ability to ease tired muscles.  But… after experiencing TOTAL relaxation despite grizzly child noises echoing in the background, I wouldn’t be surprised if this stuff could make me tea and toast, let alone relieve a few aches and pains.

I will absolutely be purchasing this when my bottle runs out.  I will also be purchasing the Detox variety (Lemon and Black Pepper anyone? *yes please!*)

Tisserand Bath Oils are currently available in 4 varieties: Muscle Ease, Energy Revive, Detox and De-Stress.

They are priced at £7.50 each and available to buy online from (You can also get them with Free Delivery from Beauty Flash)

I would mention that Tisserand Bath Oils are also free from Synthetic Fragrances, SLES and Parabens but I’m too busy sniffing the bottle to care.  Oh, but I do care enough to let you know that they don’t test on bunnies either.

Looky, my first 5 out of 5… I just can’t find fault.

[starreview tpl=14]


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