Perricone MD – Cold Plasma

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 16 - 2010

When I read on the Perricone MD website that Cold Plasma was “A New Paradigm in Scientific Skincare” – I succumbed to the realisation that I didn’t have a clue what paradigm meant.  I suspected that I might need a degree in something better than Media and Cultural Studies to be able to use that word in company without much sniggering.

I went to Wikipedia to try and make sense of it, but came away even more confused.  Something about exemplars apparently…. so then I got out my dictionary to look up exemplars (whilst wondering how long all this was going to take and couldn’t they have just used the word “breakthrough” instead).  And then I struck gold, the penny dropped, the lightbulb flicked on and I ‘got it’.  It just means something that’s so brilliant, someone else is bound to half-inch the idea soon.

If you all knew exactly what it meant anyway… congrats, you just wasted about a minute of your life reading this.

So anyway, on with the product!

Perricone MD are well-known for their ultra-pricey, ultra-scientific skincare.  They’re like the Hell-Fire club of skincare but without the sex, whips and debauchery.  A pot of Cold Plasma will set you back 120 of your British pounds… that’s a lot of money for 30mls of something that smells like the inside of a fishbowl.

Which is why it was given to me earlier in the year at a PR event… I don’t have the kind of money to drop £120 on a cream that I’ve never sampled before in the hope that it will turn me into Bieber’s younger and more fresh-faced sister.

But that’s also why I was determined to see the pot through to the bitter end and not take this review too lightly.  People out there WILL spend that kind of money because they like to have the best of the best and sometimes, the best don’t come cheap.

I started using Perricone MD’s Cold Plasma around April/May.  The gel texture is cooling, refreshing and beautifully light.  It sinks in leaving me with velvet-soft skin and an almost instantly smoother complexion.  Sadly, this effect never lasted till morning or else I’d be commanding you all to go buy, buy, BUY!  The scent (which has been commented on many times before) is fishy.  Not fish and chips fishy, or harbour-side fishy but aquarium fishy.  There’s a difference…   Have you ever walked into a pet shop?  It doesn’t smell of cats and dogs does it?  It just smells… like a pet shop.  Well, this smells to me like a fish tank, are we clear on this completely unimportant distinction?!

Everytime I used it… I was like “ooooh, there goes £1”, which is quite off-putting when I kept losing about 20p worth under my nails.  Have I mentioned how much I dislike my products packaged in jars?  Squeezy tubes all the way please!

But anyway… I did it!  I reached the bottom of the jar at the beginning of August, which actually means that although I can’t describe this with a straight face as being “value for money” – this stuff did last me a hella long time!  I think because it spread so well over my skin, I really only needed to use a v. small amount each time.  I should downsize that £1 theory.

So, would I actually go and spend £120 on this to repurchase?

Um… no.

Despite it being a thoroughly lovely treat, I just didn’t see enough overall difference in my skin to warrant that kind of purchase.

I mean… Cold Plasma is promoted as helping to combat the 10 signs of aging, which include:

  • Firmness
  • Elasticity
  • Clarity
  • Radiance
  • Smoothness
  • Texture
  • Redness
  • Blotchiness
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dryness
  • .
    And I just can’t say that I experienced long-lasting differences to these areas.  Yes, for a few hours my skin felt: smoother, softer and I also think it made my pores appear smaller.  But that effect would only last me through to lunch-time and I’m not even 100% positive that I wasn’t looking EXTREMELY hard to notice these things.

    I am skeptical about all things claiming to work miracles but goodness me would I have sung the praises of this concoction from the rooves of the blogosphere if it had delivered.  For me, it delivered around £40 worth of good skin.  And that’s the most I’d give you for it.

    Paul & Joe Limited Edition Face Colour Shades

    Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 9 - 2010

    If cat-shaped lipsticks aren’t really your thing, Paul & Joe have also released three new (and rather lovely) limited edition face colour shades for Autumn/Winter and as always… P&J know exactly how to do the pretty.

    They Say:

    Blended with several varieties of champagne gold frost, each face colour has an individual overtone and translucent sparkle creating a  truly sublime radiant glow.

    How perfect does the champagne frost sound for the upcoming party season?

    Paul & Joe Face Colours are priced at £15 each and available instore from Fenwicks and Harrods.  Alternatively you can buy online from Zuneta and HQHair.

    Paul & Joe Christmas 2010 Nail Polishes!

    Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 12 - 2010

    Paul & Joe will be releasing a veritable treasure trove of nail polishes this Christmas!  Wonderful news for all us nail fanatics, we’re really being spoiled for choice at the moment!

    I spy sparkles!

    I’m particularly loving the red and black shades… knowing P&J, the pink and white will be sheers (and therefore not for me!).  The gold is a sparkly addition and surely a staple for every Christmas collection, but most importantly they’ve out-cuted the competition once again with those pretty little bottles.

    For a sneak peek at the rest of the collection, head over to BritishBeautyBlogger who has the low-down.

    Paul and Joe Nail Polish in 03 Lampshade – NOTD

    Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 6 - 2010

    I will continue to coo over how pretty these bottles are… Paul & Joe just ‘get it’ don’t they?

    I picked up this P&J polish a few weeks ago from the clearance section somewhere in central London, I’ve forgotten which store.  This is by no means indicative of how much I spent or how many stores I visited.  No it isn’t.

    Lampshade is an opalescent warm nude that gave me a few problems.  It needed 4 coats for full opacity.  This, I can handle so long as it’s a fast drier.  Lapshade is not a fast drier.

    Can you see how it’s kinda lumpy on a my ring finger?  That happened 5 hours after I’d finished painting (and seche viteing!).  I slid my hand under my thigh whilst watching TV and the nail got pressed into the sofa and emerged 20 seconds later looking like someone had taken a blow torch to it.  I wasn’t amused.  Especially not after 4 coats.

    Otherwise, it’s a pretty polish… very girly, very feminine and soft.

    Paul & Joe nail polishes retail for around £9 each.

    Cat Deeley announced as new face of Pantene Pro-V

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 28 - 2010

    The new face of Pantene Pro-V has been announced as presenter and former model Cat Deeley.

    Why Cat? A spokesperson from Pantene said; “Cat Deeley is the ultimate Pantene Pro-V girl, she has natural beauty, and healthy looking, gorgeous hair. Her genuine likeability and infectious charisma have led to her being adored in the UK and now also the US. For us she was the obvious choice to lead the Make A Swisssh movement behind this campaign.”

    Excited about her new role Cat said:Has your hair ever felt so good you can’t help but swish it? – you know  that elusive ‘swish’, when hair moves perfectly. It’s that beautiful, healthy looking, enviable hair that we all want – that’s what you get with new Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light.” Cat Deeley

    Her work with the brand will kick off with Cat as the face and hair of the new Aqua Light Make a Swisssh campaign launching on the 1st August.

    I know loads of you have been using the new Aqualight range for a little while now, still enjoying it?

    I’ve been absolutely loving the shampoo this week.  My mother in law’s shower is genuinely the worst in Britain.  It doesn’t shower me… it dribbles on me.  I normally have to stand under this dribble for around 10 minutes until I’m left with no residue.  The new Pantene Aqua Light shampoo is rinsing away effortlessly in about 30 seconds!

    Simple things please simple minds.

    Paul Mitchell celebrates 30 years!

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 25 - 2010

    Celebrate with the brand for a chance to win a trip to Hollywood!

    Established in 1980, Paul Mitchell, the professional hair care line is celebrating the big 3-0 and would like to give you the chance to take a friend to Hollywood.

    Visit their special anniversary site to learn more about the brand’s history, how they’re commited to ‘giving back’ and of course, the chance to bag yourself an amazing prize!  Just remember to take me if you win!

    Priori Gentle Facial Cleanser Review

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 16 - 2010

    After my rubbish experience trying to snaffle a bargain but effective gentle cleanser, generously stepped up to the plate and offered to send me something that they claimed was a personal hero product.

    How could I resist?

    Priori is a brand that’s new to me but I was interested to discover that the CEO behind the brand is more than just an expert in the field.  He actually developed and launched the world’s first glycolic acid (AHA) product in 1983 – frankly, that’s good enough for me.

    Do we know what AHA’s are?  They’re generally considered as the slightly harsher big sister to Fruit Enzymes but essentially they’re doing the same job.  Exfoliation.  Obviously, I didn’t wanna use anything harsh on my skin that’s undergoing laser treatment… but at the same time, I’ve fallen for this method of exfoliation in a big way.

    So that was my main concern when I was first reading into and looking at the Priori Gentle Facial Cleanser.  The clue however, is in the name.  Gentle.

    I’ve been using this creamy cleanser nightly for over a month now and I’m pleased with it.  No tingling, no irritation, no hint that I’m being exfoliated other than that my skin that is remaining soft, supple and fresh day after day.

    The formula is great, one pump dispenses the perfect amount of product with no waste and the cleansing cream glides over my skin without foaming.  It also rinses away instantly leaving no residue behind.  I’m not a huge fan of the scent which is practically impossible to describe (trust me, I’ve been sat here trying for the last 10 minutes).  It’s quite a clinical smell that stops short of being chemical if that makes any sense?  I think I might prefer my products to be a little more girly-scented, how tragic!

    I’m finding the Priori Gentle Facial Cleanser non-drying (though I still always follow up with a moisturiser) and most essentially it hasn’t aggravated my skin or any areas of redness.  This really does appear to be as gentle as it promises.

    This kind of exfoliation can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun so as with any product containing AHAs or Enzymes, I’m being careful to ensure that I’m using a facial sunblock of at least SPF30 every day.

    Priori Advanced AHA Gentle Facial Cleanser 180ml is priced at £21 and available from

    The “Swish” Factor? Pantene Pro-V NEW Aqualight Range

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 15 - 2010

    With my fine hair, I’ll happily admit that I don’t always use conditioner.  I love how conditioner makes my hair feel smoother and softer, but I simply feel that with each extra product I use on my hair, the heavier my hair feels once dried.  With my current hairstyle (a bob) – it’s important to get a bit of root lift to stop my hair looking lank.

    Pantene Pro-V’s new Aqualight Range is designed with one thing in mind.  Weightlessness.  It achieves this with some clever technology which I’ll try to summarise as well as I can.

    1. Slimmed-Down Silicone. The Aqualight Range has re-evaluated the amount of silicone needed in products for those with finer hair.  Simple no?

    2. Clean-Rinse Technology. Making the products as water-soluble as possible means that not only will the product rinse away faster, it will also leave less residue on the hair.

    There were other sciencey things that involved molecules and the way in which they break apart, but I’m not gonna pretend to you that I understood it enough to explain it in layman’s terms!

    There are 4 products in the range:

    Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Shampoo – New Clean-Rinse Technology allows the products to be rinsed fast meaning hair feels cleaner and lighter. RRP £2.19 (250ml), £3.69 (500ml)

    Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Conditioner – New “Liquid Conditioning” ingredients which stay liquid at room temperature and provide optimum conditioning levels without excess deposits.  RRP £2.19 (200ml), £3.69 (400ml)

    Pantene Pro-C Aqua Light Spray Rinse-Off Treatment – A clever, ultra-light intensive hair treatment for extra nourishment without weighing hair down. RRP £3.99

    Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light Leave-In Treatment Spray – A lightweight nourishing spray to style and refresh your hair between washes.  The clever “dual phase” formulation contains nourishing ingredients at the top and detangling refreshing ingredients at the bottom. RRP £3.99

    First impressions from my samples are good.  Better than good!  After washing and conditioning, my hair feels gently nourished yet light.  But where I really notice it making a difference, is after styling.

    I shampoo, condition and then style with a root lifting product and the lift seems to last far longer than normal.  My idea of ‘styling’ is the rather lame “pointing the hairdryer at my roots and hoping for the best” trick, but I’m delighted with the results all the same.

    I’m in love with the Aqua Light Rinse-Off Treatment too which is seemingly doing wonders for my dry ends.  Ok, they’re still splitting (need a haircut STAT!)… but they feel smoother and less rough when I roll them between my fingers.  Completely unscientific testing going on here!  I’m a bit unsure about the Aqua Light Leave-In Treatment Spray though.  The whole range smells beautiful and this is no exception.. but I just can’t get it to ‘refresh’ my hair.  It gives it a touch of gloss… but at the moment, I’m not noticing much more than that.

    Honestly, I’m always seduced by new hair products that work fabulously well for a couple of months before they simply stop working, so I’ll be sure to come back and update this post if anything changes as I work my way through the products.

    I think the Aqua Light range has been out in parts of Europe for a little while but I’ve spotted the shampoo and conditioner online at Tesco last weekend, so I look forward to hearing what you guys think about the range too!

    Before you go, I’m curious!  Would you lovely ladies mind letting me know if I’m alone in shunning conditioner in preference for more ‘swishable’ hair?

    Do you use conditioner every time you wash your hair?

    • Yes (78%, 126 Votes)
    • No (22%, 36 Votes)

    Total Voters: 162

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    Inexpensive Beauty Find: Ponds Light Day Cream

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 7 - 2010

    If it’s good enough for Kylie

    You never have to travel far before you come across someone who will happily swear by these iconic pots of cream.  Whether it’s the original Cold Cream or some of their more uptodate incarnations, someone somewhere will happily tell you how Ponds is the only moisturiser their Nan/Mother/Sister (delete as appropriate) has been using since 1935 and that she doesn’t look a day over 23.

    I’ve been using Pond’s Light Day Cream (£3.99) on and off for a while now and it is indeed (mostly) the bees knees.

    Ignore for a moment the parabens, perfume and mineral oil contained within (I know, it’s hard)… these are pretty old school inexpensive ingredients designed to a) make the product stay fresh longer, b) smell nice and c) form a barrier between your skin and the drying effects of the environment.  Are there better ingredients that do the same job?  You bet.  Are there better ingredients that do the same job for the same price?  Not so much.

    If you’re not sensitive to these ingredients (and I don’t seem to be) then I’m happy to use them.  Many people aren’t afforded that luxury, with artificial perfumes being among one of the biggest culprits for skin sensitivity.

    But anyway, I’m going off on a tangent slightly… back to the review…

    Attractively packaged in a heavyweight frosted glass jar, the cream has a thick but slippy texture.  It’s much easier to spread than that refrigerated Nutella texture that is Nivea Creme. It’s also as light and non-greasy as it claims, as long as I’m not too heavy handed.  I find that the cream sinks in beautifully and leaves my skin feeling softer and more supple than before.  If I get a bit carried away with it, it leaves my skin slightly tacky for about 10 minutes before subsiding.

    It’s strong scent loses it a point (or 4)… I know it’s iconic… but I can still smell it 3 hours later!  Also, SPF 6… is that it?  It’s barely worth bothering is it?  I won’t leave the house without a minimum of SPF15 and it’s a shame that this doesn’t supply that extra protection.

    There’s one thing I must mention though, it’s the one reason in particular that I will be repurchasing.  It’s compatible.

    Shall I explain?

    I often like to mix things into my moisturiser.  Luminizers mostly… but often I’ll add foundations to sheer them out a touch.  Things like the new LUSH Colour Supplement blend wonderfully into this cream and apply flawlessly.  Oh and another thing?  Powder products wear with absolutely no problems over the Pond’s Light Day Cream.  I can slap a bit of this on my face first thing and less than 5 minutes later, I’m swirl, tap, buffing my way to a flawless complexion quite happily.  Nothing ‘balls’ up under my fingers… it’s just a very laid back, inexpensive and light day cream for the summer.

    Top marks! (nearly).

    Paul & Joe Soleil (30) Nail Polish – NOTD

    Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 6 - 2010

    Soleil indeed…

    Paul & Joe‘s Soleil is a juicy tangerine shade from Spring 2009 (though still available online).  It’s a shimmery jelly shade with a few golden sparkles thrown in for good measure.  Oh… and let’s not forget the typically beautiful Paul & Joe packaging *swoon*

    I was on the hunt for a juicy but non-neon orange and this fits the bill perfectly.  The above shows 4 coats with a topper of Seche Vite.  I think it could probably do with a few more bits of sparkle, as you can see it’s only really my middle finger that managed to attract any gold specks.

    Is orange a shade that you’re into at the moment?  It’s not a favourite on my skin tone, but nothing screams Summer quite like it!

    The Clothes Show London 2010

    Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

    I was invited along to The Clothes Show London courtesy of Pantene Pro-V on Friday and my God was I ‘glowing’ by the time I arrived.  How hot was it?  I was with Rowena from Cosmetic-Candy who looked far more ‘together’ and composed than me.

    Flared nostrils, crazy-eyed “too many sweaty people near me” expression, melting eyeliner and foundation that had pooled somewhere around my ankles meant that the ladies behind the press desk had a genuinely hard time accepting me as a bonafide member of society let alone someone they should let in without a chaperone.

    However, once safely inside Earls Court, we were led to the Pantene Pro-V stand for a wash and blow dry.  I was positively foaming at the mouth over the thought of getting a hair wash (that’s how hot I was) and if they’d retracted their offer at that point, they would have found me moments later with my arse wedged in the sink hosing my sweaty head down anyway.

    After the most beautifully refreshing hair wash with some brand new products due for release this Summer, (more on those when I get the info next week) I got to experience a proper blow dry thanks to session stylist Lara Zee.  It was very different to my home attempts which generally involve me flipping my head upside down till all the blood rushes to my nose.  This actually achieved some incredible volume.  Gotta love a professional!

    The blow dry was followed up by a fabulous makeup refresher from MUA Laurey Simmons who shared some of her current favs with me (Max Factor Lash Extension Effect & Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser – or was it False Lash Effect… bollocks, now I can’t remember!).  The woman is a psychic… opening up her Shu Uemura palette, I watched her reach for (what looked to me like) the beautiful ME 850.  I walked away a rejuvenated, regenerated and slightly less sweaty version of my former self.  Fabulous.

    Time for shopping!

    Bar some black tops from ASOS, I actually can’t remember the last time I bought something for myself that wasn’t in powder, liquid or creme form.

    Eagle-eyed Rowena spotted this on a stand and practically challenged me to walk away without it.  I couldn’t.

    Say Cheese!

    Mr. L is unimpressed.  It’s apparently screwed up his plan for my Birthday present as he had his eye on this.  I reckon I should have both AND something else now too seeing as he gave away his surprise by telling me about it DUH!

    The Clothes Show itself was a bit disappointing… the discounts were mostly underwhelming… £7 for O.P.I polishes (or 3 for £20), Make Up Store offered some products at 2 for £15 but things like the eyeliners were set at their standard instore price and they didn’t bring the High Light creme things to the show either.

    OMG Marketing had a tough time accepting ‘no’ or even “do you have a website?” for an answer which put me off the Art Deco konad-a-like’s more than I thought possible.

    However, in fairness… this isn’t IMATS and I ain’t no fashion blogger (or fashion anything really).

    The Style Stage attracted a lot of positive attention with Caryn Franklin (I grew up watching her!) putting in an appearance and Pantene encouraging the audience to ‘swish’ their hair in order to win a goodie bag, those in attendance seemed to be thoroughly enjoying all the onstage antics!

    And look what I saw!

    I spent a wee while hovering at the Eclectic Eccentricity stand which hands down had the prettiest jewellery on display at the show.  All the pieces were so tactile and kinda interactive… I’m surprised I didn’t drive the owner a little bit mad ooh-ing and poking at things *blush*.  If I hadn’t been a little bit naughty in Harrods Beauty Hall earlier in the day, I would have definitely walked away with one of these and one of these too!

    All in all, a lovely afternoon made even better by reading this little snippet of news the night before attending.  Ahhhh.

    Have you ever been to The Clothes Show?

    Paul & Joe Summer 2010 Sahara Sparkles Collection

    Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 28 - 2010

    Paul & Joe‘s Summer collection is due out today!  Well…. the rest of it anyway.  Two of the lip products have been available since the 7th May, so let’s start with those shall we?

    Read the rest of this entry »


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