Paese Cosmetics #105 Nail Polish – NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 16 - 2011

Ahhh, that catchy #105…

O.P.I-esque shade naming this ain’t!  But the sample they sent me is a raspberry fire cracker regardless!

The above ladies… is one coat.  Swoon, go on… I’ll catch you.

Intensely pigmented and glossy enough to do without a top coat… consider me impressed.

For some reason, #105 is listed on the website under “glitter polishes” which as you can see, this isn’t.  I’m wondering if perhaps the webmaster still has some re-jigging to do.  If you’re thinking of ordering, keep this in mind and perhaps email them for confirmation about that ‘glitter’ category.

Wear has been consistent with the majority of polishes I use… nothing major to report, although in all honesty I often wonder if it’s even worth me commenting on longevity because I just don’t seem to suffer the same chipping problems that lots of you do – sorry about that!

This would make a cracking pedicure shade… infact, I think it’ll be gracing my toes before the week is out!

Paese Cosmetics Nail Polishes retail at a bargainous £3.37 each.  I’ve already got my eye on #110 and #120 aswell as some of the treatments that seem to cover every nail problem known to man!

Paese Cosmetics – An introduction and primer/foundation review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2011

Paese Cosmetics is a Polish cosmetics brand new to the UK market.  Currently only available online from, the brand encompasses a wide selection of products from primers through to nail polishes and most things inbetween.

Paese Cosmetics’ price point aligns it with the drugstore market, infact… slightly cheaper.  A foundation will set you back just under £10.

I was sent some samples to put to the test, read on for images and my thoughts on the base products I received.

Read the rest of this entry »

When Lipglossiping met Pantene’s ambassador Cat Deeley!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2010

Last week, I was invited to the Savoy hotel in London to meet Pantene ambassador Cat Deeley and to learn a little more about the new Pantene range for coloured hair.

Before heading up to London, I was asked if I had any questions I wanted to put to Cat.  Without hesitation I wanted to ask who her ‘Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be….” would be?  Then I remembered that I write a beauty blog, not a StarsInYourEyes fan blog.  So more on what I actually did ask her later…

I’ve talked before about the new Pantene Colour Protect range and you can read this post for further details on the products that are currently available in the UK… but tonight, we focused on meeting the brand’s ambassador and seeing the differences between virgin hair (uncoloured), coloured hair and coloured hair once treated with the new Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate (not released yet).

The results were surprisingly tangible.  We watched a demonstration of hair porosity…. and as someone who has (many times) in the past coloured her hair without giving any thought as to what long term affects this might have, perhaps a little sobering aswell.

The hair in the bowl on the left is virgin (uncoloured) hair, whilst the bowl nearest to the camera contains a sample of coloured hair.  Can you see how the virgin hair retains it’s waterproofing abilities that allows it to float whilst the coloured hair has literally swelled with the water and is no longer resting on the surface?

Well who cares right?  Well, me… because hair porosity is important to how hair looks and feels.  Frequent colouring can encourage the hair cuticle layers to stay raised… allowing more moisture in and ultimately letting more out, which leaves your hair feeling dry, brittle and pretty rubbish.  The rougher the cuticle, the less shiny your hair will appear and if you want silky, smooth locks?  Forget it.  You’re only getting those with a nice smooth hair cuticle.

The new Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate creates an artificial protective layer over our hair’s natural cuticle that mimics how our hair should be if we didn’t mistreat it.  I felt the difference between untreated and treated coloured hair and one was considerably smoother in texture.  The other good thing about the Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate is that you only need to use this about once a week as it’s effects will last a few washes before you need to reapply.

I haven’t tried this on my own hair as it’s not released until next month but I’m all for quick fixes and this seems like it could be just the ticket.  If it’s good enough for Cat Deeley (who happened to let slip that from the entire range, it was the Colour Seal Concentrate that was her favourite – shh), it’s good enough for me.

Once Cat had said her hellos and kicked off her beautiful (but killer) Louboutins, she got straight to answering some questions that we’d posed.  Here’s a few highlights from the Q&A:

Cat Deeley Answers our Questions!

~ She ALWAYS removes her makeup before going to sleep… without fail.  No surrender and all that.

~ She prefers to own products that multi-task rather than owning a full range (she wouldn’t like my bathroom then!)

~ She’s dyed her hair many times in the past and both brown and red hair looked terrible on her.  She also said that short hair didn’t suit either.

~ Her top tip for staying healthy is drinking plenty of water.  Cat says that a reduced water intake has so many effects on her health, skin and body – so it’s something that she’s become quite conscious of improving.

~ She believes that it’s easier to keep healthy in L.A. than it is here in the U.K.  Whenever she’s in the U.K. (especially this time of year!) she wants to chow down on stodgy, comforting food.  No salads please!

Finally, Cat answered my question “Who has more fun, blondes or brunettes?”

Her eyes twinkled as she took in the words, and she grinned… aware that she could potentially offend half the room in one fell swoop!  Her answer was clear though… “Blondes!”  Cat followed up by explaining that you can only have fun when you feel comfortable in your own skin (or hair colour!) and that for her, that was her tried and tested honey blonde.  Nice save!

I spent a few minutes appreciating the newly refurbished Royal Suite at the Savoy… check out the view from pretty much every room.

I wouldn’t grumble about having to clean those windows.  Well… actually, I probably still would.

After this, I headed straight for hair stylist, James McMahon to pump him for extra tips on the perfect blow dry that we’re all so desperate to recreate.  James was straight to the point, reiterating how hard it was to achieve by yourself simply because the angles are all wrong!  I was happy to let him demonstrate on me what a perfect blow dry should look like.  I know, I’m too good to you… SELF-LESS.

Look at me, taking one for the team… I hope you’re grateful.

So, with my blow-dry questions exhausted, James talked a little about coloured hair.  I asked him if he felt it was really necessary to use specialist shampoos and conditioners for coloured hair?  He told me that nothing damages your hair more than the thing that you do ‘most’ to it.  In the majority of cases… that would be washing our hair and that if our hair is already fragile from over-processing then we should ensure that we’re using a shampoo and conditioner designed to care for our coloured hair.

I then asked James if you could pick and choose from a set range.  I explained that my scalp is ridiculously sensitive and that I generally prefer to stick to tried and tested shampoos that I know won’t aggravate my picky scalp.  He said that there would be nothing wrong with just choosing to use the treatments from a range or intensive conditioners if you didn’t want to change over your entire haircare regime.

With those wise words ringing in my ears, I’m swapping out my usual conditioner for Pantene’s 2 Minute Damage Rescue Treatment and after feeling the difference between the hair samples demonstrated earlier in the evening… I’m impatient for the Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate to become available too!

I’mma gonna get those bloody hair cuticles flat if it kills me!  I want Cat hair!  That’s it.  The gloves are off… only I’m fighting in the brunette corner.

‘Cos brunettes have more fun.  Innit! ;)

Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2010

A new foundation always fills me with hope.  The promise of flawless skin is a tempting one, something we all aspire to.  I’m a firm believer that getting your base right is half the battle to looking good.  For some of us, it’s frankly more of a war than a skirmish.

I don’t generally wear concealer.  I haven’t perfected my application technique and therefore rely on my foundation to do the work of both, I’m a hard task master!  I know this isn’t ideal… and means that I don’t usually expect a flawless, porcelain finish.  But I do want enough coverage to look polished and non-blotchy!

I’m a fan of mineral foundations, I find them quick to apply without the need for expert blending or shade matching.  Overall, except on the very driest of skintypes – they’re a pretty forgiving formulation.

I dug out Priori’s CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation from a press pack that I received some time ago.  I usually reach for cream foundations in the winter but was curious to see how the Priori would perform on slightly dehydrated skin.

I’ve heard that the CoffeeBerry (an antioxidant) formula is particularly suited to troubled skin types.  One of the foundation’s claims is that the CoffeeBerry extracts actually help to improve photodamage, rosacea and dryness which leaves me wondering whether this is skincare, foundation or a bit of both?

While the claims sound good, I can’t accurately verify them with any confidence other than by wearing this single foundation throughout the Winter and Spring and I’m simply too in love with all my other products to push them to the back of my cupboard.  So let’s just focus on the foundation aspects shall we?

I received shade #1.  The lightest shade of the 6 available and to my eye, it’s not that light and it’s quite warm toned.  I’d call it light medium, a NW/NC20 in terms of depth.

However, as I mentioned earlier… mineral foundations are generally quite forgiving when it comes to shade selection and the Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation is no different.  I can wear this shade quite comfortably on my NW15 skintone.

My favourite thing about this product is the packaging… minerals are a notoriously difficult formula to use without fuss but Priori have implemented a really great packaging system.  The pot is wide and squat with a large bowl-like lid.  This lid makes a perfect vessel to swirl your brush around and enables you to pick the product up evenly.

When I opened this, I didn’t peel off the protective sticker which covers the sifter holes.  Instead, I grabbed a biro and punched through the sticker, exposing only about half of the openings.  That way, I can ensure that I don’t flood the pot with product whenever I turn it upside down.

Enough of the packaging, talk about getting caught up in the details!  How does it look?

I really like the finish it provides.  It’s glowy and natural compared to other mineral formulas.  I described it on Twitter last week as ‘soft focus’.  It doesn’t disguise my fine lines but seems to somehow soften them.  Coverage is light/medium in my opinion… it evens out my skintone without concealing.  Tones down my redness but doesn’t disguise it completely.

If you have acne scarring or prefer something with more serious coverage, I don’t think this product will be for you.  I think that the Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation (what a mouthful) is particularly suited to mature skin types.

Despite being a powder, it doesn’t gather or clump on my dry bits and the soft focus, luminous finish would work well on duller skintones.  The foundation contains a perfectly respectable SPF25 rating and is priced at around £32.00 for a large 14g pot.

PRIORI® CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals are available from salons and clinics nationwide, stockists 0845 555 2121 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0845 555 2121      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Philosophy Christmas 2010 Gifts

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 24 - 2010

Philosophy have some rather adorable Christmas gift sets out this year though I’ll confess they’re not a brand that I can claim to be hugely familiar with.

Occasionally I’ll go on a TK Maxx Philosophy spree and I’ve been pleased with the things I’ve picked up.  In particular, their Purity facial cleanser which I’ve currently got stashed away in my overnight bag.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings… here’s what they’ve got on the shelves for Christmas 2010.

Peppermint Bark (£14.75) – Mint Chocolate Candy Shampoo, Shower Gel and Bubble Bath 8oz and High-gloss, high-flavour lip shine 0.5oz.

Share the joy of delicious mint chocolate candy with this peppermint bark gift set. this giftable tin includes mint chocolate candy shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath 8 oz. and high-gloss, high-flavor lip shine .5 oz. these moisturizing formulas are designed to give you clean, soft skin and irresistibly kissable lips, as you indulge in the joyful combination of rich chocolate and peppermint candy scents.

The Gingerbread Girl (£13) – Foaming Bubble Bath and Shower Gel 16oz.

Our gingerbread girl is sparkle, spice and everything nice. this foaming bubble bath & shower gel features a refreshing, ginger spice scent and gold sparkles to light up your holiday season with joy. this moisturizing formula gently cleanses and conditions, leaving skin and hair feeling ultra soft.

The Gingerbread Man (£13) – Foaming Bubble Bath and Shower Gel 16oz.

He cleans, he soothes, he’s back and ready to draw you a relaxing bath. the gingerbread man foaming bubble bath & shower gel pampers you with a refreshing, ginger spice scent and an ultra-rich, moisturizing lather that gently cleanses and conditions skin, leaving it feeling super soft.

Holiday Greetings (£18) – Brown Butter Cookie Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath 4oz; Coconut Macaroon Body Butter 2oz; and Pink Frosted Cookie High-Gloss, High-Flavour Lip Shine 0.5oz

Exclusive to John Lewis.

Holiday Hostess (£16.50) – Sugary Cinnamon Icing Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath and Body Lotion 8oz.

Glow and Behold (£13) –  Celestial Citrus Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath 16oz

Rekindle your childhood glow as you lather with this miraculous shower gel. glow and behold is our celestial citrus shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath created to lift your holiday spirit to joyful new heights. behold a sense of wonder as the sparkling, moisturizing formula gently cleanses and conditions skin and hair.

Candy Cane (£17) – Foaming Bubble Bath and Shower Gel 16oz and High-Gloss, High-Flavour Lip Shine 0.5oz.

Experience pure joy during your shower or bath with candy cane foaming bubble bath and shower gel. invigorate your senses with a crisp peppermint scent as you enjoy a rich, foaming lather from head to toe that leaves skin feeling ultra clean, hydrated and soft.

Exclusive to QVC UK (lip product not pictured above)

Warm & Toasty (£20.50) – Double Rich Hot Cocoa, Hot Buttered Rum and Hazlenut Espresso Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath 6oz

May you feel warm and toasty with this holiday hot toddy inspired shower gel set. this gift includes double rich hot cocoa, hot buttered rum and hazelnut espresso shampoo, shower gel & bubble baths 6 oz. these moisturizing formulas gently cleanse and condition skin and hair, as the delicious scents inspire the warm, cozy feeling of sipping hot toddies by a toasty fire.

Under The Mistletoe (£16.50) – Peppermint Bark, Candy Cane, Pink Frosted Cookie and Have A Cherry Christmas High-Gloss, High-Flavour Lip Shines 0.5oz

Kisses under the mistletoe will seem sweeter than ever with these tasty lip treats. under the mistletoe includes peppermint bark, candy cane, pink frosted cookie and cherry christmas high-gloss, high-flavor lip shines. lips will be irresistibly sweet with a smooth, sheer shine.


One thing’s for certain… they all look adorable.  Do you find Philosophy products live up to expectations?  I’m really tempted to pick up the big Have A Cherry Christmas Bubble Bath next time I’m in Selfridges.  Anything you particularly recommend?  Anything I should steer clear of?

New! Pantene Colour Protect Range

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 7 - 2010

Pantene are introducing a new range to the UK market next week called Pantene Colour Protect.  It will come in two variants:  Pantene Colour Protect & Smooth and Pantene Colour Protect & Volume.

Designed to protect coloured hair from premature fading, it claims to achieve this by reducing hair porosity which over time can facilitate faster colour fade.  Coloured hair (by it’s very nature) is particularly vulnerable to damage from environmental factors and anyone who colours their hair should be looking to provide it with some extra protection from the rigours of styling.

Pantene Colour Protect & Smooth (priced from £2.19) is designed for coloured hair that is prone to frizzing… great for thicker hair types that want to protect their colour without compromising on the ability to perfect a sleek style.

Pantene Colour Protect & Volume (priced from £2.19) is designed for coloured hair that lacks volume.  That would be me (although, show me a rain cloud and I can frizz up with the best of them too!), ideal for finer hair that needs a lightweight formulation that will rinse quickly and cleanly.

The shampoo ingredients can be seen below (I know you savvy lot love to see a list!):

And the conditioner:

Alongside the shampoo/conditioners, Pantene will also be introducing 3 treatment products to the range:

~ Pantene Pro-V Colour Protect Colour Seal Concentrate (£3.99/58ml)
~ Pantene Pro-V Colour Protect 2 Minute Damage Rescue Treatment (£3.99/200ml)
~ Pantene Pro-V Colour Protect Instant Nourishing Shine Spray (£3.99/150ml)

I’m most interested by the Colour Seal Concentrate and Shine Spray… I love the idea of treatments that offer a boost to complement my current routine (which rather unglamourously is designed to protect my flakey scalp more than my colour).  Being able to mix and match in this way is like having the best of both worlds!

If you want the opportunity to get your hands on the new range before anyone else, be sure to follow PanteneUK on Twitter as they’ll be giving away 10 sets of the new range on Tuesday.

Precision Nails R03 – VIP Very Important Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 4 - 2010

Looking for something vampy, glossy and with just a hint of purple?

Precision Nails in shade R03 VIP Very Important Polish might be what you’ve been looking for…

Another great Winter shade and a winner for lovers of dark, vampy nails… VIP is a 3 coater that makes my fingernails look like black cherries!

Consistent with the other shades in the range, I’m really appreciating these dark polishes now that I’ve chopped my nails a little shorter.

Precision is available to buy online from their website or Venus Nail & Beauty with bottles priced at an extremely affordable £5.99 (ish) each.

Precision Nails R04 – The After After Party NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 2 - 2010

Another polish  from the Precision Nails Glam Rock Collection, this time a little number called The After After Party (R04).

It’s a sophisticated midnight blue with shimmer that looks very clean and elegant against a cool, pale skintone.

I was concerned that the inky blue might stain my nails, so I doubled up on the base coat… but I’m pleased to report that it didn’t even so much as stain my cuticles.  Good job!

As with the other shimmers in the range, I wish that it had just a touch more sparkle.  In the bottle, the multi-coloured shimmer is very special and that doesn’t translate to the nail.  Having said that, it’s still a very beautiful midnight blue with just enough shimmer to keep it interesting.

Another three coater, it’s one of those polishes that need that last coat to really shine.  Application was good and wear has been fine.

Precision is available to buy online from their website or Venus Nail & Beauty with bottles priced at an extremely affordable £5.99 (ish) each.

Precision Nails R01 Glam Metal NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 29 - 2010

I mentioned last week a nail polish that had instantly hit all the right notes and soared into my top Winter favourites list.  Here it is:

Glam Metal by Precision Nails is a beautiful gunmetal polish with an array of multicoloured sparkle.  The sparkle is subtle, perhaps just a touch too subtle.  I would have been doing cartwheels had it been just a little more apparent.  As it stands, this is a stunning shade for a Winter manicure.  The finish makes the polish look almost chrome-like (in that slightly grungey way I love).  I’m not sure if you can make out from the swatch above… but the gunmetal isn’t an out-and-out grey.. it has the teeniest hint of purple/taupe to it.  You can see why I’m loving this can’t you?

Application was good, thinner rather than thicker and the above shows three coats.  Drying time is average and wear has been good with no chips to report.

Precision is available to buy online from their website or Venus Nail & Beauty with bottles priced at around £5.99 each.

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation goes under the microscope!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 24 - 2010

When I heard about Paul & Joe’s new Creamy Matte Foundation, my first thought was to get all indignant about a brand releasing a winter formula that ticks all the right boxes, only to ruin it by making it matte and unsuitable for dry skins that need the cream formula most of all!

Like most, my skin is at it’s most parched in the Winter and although it’s only October, I’ve already written “Dr. Hauschka Rose Day cream” in my iPhone’s shopping list to remember to repurchase this winter skin saviour when I’m next in London.

Beautifully presented as always, the Paul & Joe Creamy Matte Foundation boasts SPF20 PA++ and a range of 8 shades to suit a variety of skintones.  £28 will provide you with a standard 30ml of product that claims…

…this light and air whipped‐formula leaves skin looking completely flawless with a dreamy matte finish for absolute perfection.  With a unique balance of semi‐matte and shimmer this unique moisturizing foundation available in an array of eight shades, promises a divine lustrous glow, sure to steam up your winter!

High up in the list of active ingredients are a bunch of silicones which give the foundation a velvety feel on the skin whilst preventing oil from breaking through the surface of the product for as long as possible.  There’s also a few fruit oils thrown in for good measure and the product does have a pleasing slightly fruity scent… but that may be more to do with the parfum than the natural ingredients.  Either way, I’ve experienced no sensitivity problems with this product I’m pleased to report.

Have I told you how much I adore P&J’s presentation?  Oh I have?  Oh… ok then…

But seriously, who doesn’t love a product that blatantly looks this adorable?  The heavyweight frosted glass jar comes with a little spatula to help you remove product hygienically.  However, I can’t say it’s the most travel-friendly object!

I opted for shade #20 (Fresh) which promised to be: A light pink that gives a radiant complexion. To my eye, it’s not that light.  It is the palest cool-toned shade in the range and I have to blend this carefully down my jawline.  I would suggest that any pale types opt for either 00 Alabaster or 10 Ivory, or even better… use it as an excuse to have a mooch around Fenwicks on a lunchtime and get matched!

Thankfully, it is a dream to blend… I mostly just warm it on the back of my hand with my fingers and apply with the tools I was born with (fingers, not toes).  The amount of coverage simply amazed me.

Here’s a before/after:

Look at that! Skin PERFECTION! (well, very nearly!)

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is a beautiful new contender for the winter foundation market.  It looks great, stays on my normal/dry skin for most of the day with just a minor powder touch up needed on my nose at lunchtime and it gives a full-on flawless finish.

As for it’s “moisturising properties”?  I’m yet to discover any.  I don’t find it as drying as most matte or long-lasting foundations and it doesn’t seem to cling to any dry patches at all… but I wouldn’t describe it as moisturising.

The other thing about it?  It’s not mask-like.  I love my Illamasqua Rich Liquid foundation for the evening… but would never venture out in the day wearing it.  It’s just too opaque.  This somehow lets my natural skin and tone remain clear whilst hiding a multitude of other sins!

Overall, I would particularly recommend Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation for those of you with normal/combination oily skin.  If you suffer from an oily t-zone but dry cheeks, be sure to moisturise any dry areas before applying and you should get great skin all day long with this foundation.

Paul & Joe have really been impressing me recently, I can’t wait to see what they have for Spring!

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is priced at £28 for 30ml and available instore at Fenwicks & Harrods or alternatively online at BeautyBay.

Paul & Joe Creamy Cheek Powder 01 – Marionette

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 19 - 2010

I couldn’t resist picking up the Paul & Joe Creamy Cheek Powder in 01 – Marionette last week in the ASOS sale… it was down from £18 to £11 – steal!

This post is a bit picture heavy… simply because it’s so pretty and I got my new camera and I couldn’t stop snapping.

Read the rest of this entry »

Precision Nails Glam Rock Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 18 - 2010

I was recently introduced to Salon nail brand Precision during a press event and although not a brand I’d encountered before, my eye was immediately drawn to their new collection entitled Glam Rock.

The overall look of the products is sleek with their OPI-esque packaging, heavyweight bottles and even contoured handles!

The Glam Rock collection comprises of 6 darker, slighty industrial shades which all fit in well with the concept.

R01: Glam Metal – warm charcoal base with multi coloured shimmer
R02: U Rock & I Roll – Industrial dark grey creme
R03: VIP Very Important Polish – Berry purple with multi coloured shimmer
R04: The After After Party – Navy with multi coloured shimmer
R05: Rebel Red in You – Black with Red Glitter
R06 : Party Like a Rockstar – Gold with multi coloured shimmer

I’m really late in swatching these… I’ve been looking at them longingly for about a month, but having been without camera means that I’ve got a hell of a lot of catching up to do now!

I’ll leave you with one swatch shot.  Here’s R05: Rebel Red in You

The red glitter suspended in a black base is not an original concept.  I’m thinking China Glaze Lubu Heels, Eyeko Vampira, Color Club Red Velvet etc.. etc… but it’s a good idea well executed here by Precision.  I have no complaints about quality, infact the bottle and brush are simply divine.

It did require three thin coats to achieve the above finish… but if you’re a little more heavy handed than me, you would be done in two.

What I will say for this collection is that so far I’ve worn two from the six shades I was given and one of them has just easily jumped into my top 20 Winter polishes of all time.  It’s THAT gorgeous.  I’ll get it posted up later in the week.

Precision is available to buy online from their website or Venus Nail & Beauty with bottles priced at around £5.99 each.


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