O.P.I Texas Spring/Summer 2011 Collection rides into town!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 25 - 2010

…geddit? rides? as in horses… as in cowboys? as in Tex… oh forget it.

Due for UK release in February, OPI will be introducing 12 new shades for their Spring/Summer collection which takes it’s inspiration from the U.S’ 2nd largest state.

Talking of O.P.I (which, I quite clearly will until I get bored)… does anyone know what O.P.I stands for?

No googling… no cheating… I DO actually know (‘cos I cheated) but that’s not the point.  Let’s pretend it could stand for ANYTHING!  In your mental little world, tell me what O.P.I would stand for?

For me and my bank account, it would have to be something like… Overall Purse Invaders.  I read one on Google that proferred “Ohmygod Pooh Inside” – I chuckled, though being over the age of 4… I probably shouldn’t have.

Um.  Where was I?  Oh yeah…  Texas Collection!

San Tan-tonio – The Perfect Honey Tan
Y’all Come Back Ya Hear? – Texan Tangerine
Guy Meets Gal-veston – “Engaging” Coral
Big Hair… Big Nails – Rosy Blush

I Vant To Be A-Lone Star – Starry Silver-Blue
It’s Totally Fort Worth It – Shimmering Lavender Grey
Austin-tatious Turquoise – Bodacious Blue Green
Don’t Mess With OPI – Lean, mean kick-grass Green

Too Hot Pink to Hold ‘Em – A hot pink winning hand
Do You Think I’m Tex-y – A ‘berry’ sexy shade
Houston We Have A Purple – Galactic violet
Suzi Loves Cowboys
– Rich campfire chocolate

I couldn’t make the preview but have already picked a personal favourite (or two) after having looked at Helen’s shots from the event.

Her swatch shot:

image used with kind permission from JustNiceThings

Are there any shades in particular standing out amongst this little lot for you guys?

After seeing the swatch shot over at Just Nice Things – I’m lusting after It’s Totally Fort Worth It, but do have my reservations on how many coats I might need to apply to get the look I want from this jelly finish.

Other than that?  I’m not sure… nothing is filling me with overwhelming excitement, however… O.P.I (more than any other brand) have the ability to create slow burners for me.  I’m actually still indulging in the odd Swiss Collection bottle that I’ve now decided over a month after release that I simply cannot live without.

The O.P.I Texas Spring/Summer 2011 Nail Collection will be released in the UK in February, priced at £9.95 a bottle and avilable from LenaWhite.

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum Trial – Results

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 17 - 2010

You might remember this post from August… I talked about a new serum from Origins that I had been sent for review consideration.  It  contained (amongst other things) mushrooms!  It promised to relieve sensitive, red and reactive skin and I’ve been putting it to the test on those claims.

I won’t go into too much detail on the background and theory behind the product because that’s already been covered in my earlier post.  Today, I want to talk about how it was to use and more importantly, the results.

The pump dispenses a decent sized blob of serum which is light and cooling when applied to the skin.  It has a slight earthy smell but nothing unpleasant.  However, when I had a sniff of the Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum on counter I thought it smelled foul.  Proper, unbearably horrible.  Like rotting compost.  I’m not sure what was wrong with the tester… but it’s something to perhaps be aware of and don’t be too put off if you encounter the same because mine still smells perfectly fine after 2 months use!

It’s quite a ‘wet’ feeling serum and a small amount spreads a long way.  It doesn’t take too much effort before my skin absorbs it and it leaves no residue behind.  I would always apply a moisturiser over this night and morning if you’re prone to dry skin like me.

So how did the trial go?

Well, I didn’t notice instant results.  It’s taken nearly 2 months and it’s only now that I feel my redness has subsided a little.  As I expected, I haven’t seen any results on the broken capillaries around and on my nose… but to my eye, there’s definitely less contrast between my red areas and the areas where I’d consider my skintone to be ‘normal’.

It’s always quite difficult to judge these things and even harder to ensure that a before/after photograph taken 2 months apart retains simillar lighting/poses etc.  I’ve done my best and I’m pleasantly surprised by the difference, it basically confirms what I thought I was seeing in the mirror.  Can you see it too?

Incase the last one didn’t give you nightmares (you can even click to enlarge)…

So overall, my experiences with Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum have been positive.  Perhaps not mindblowing, but for me…. enough to warrant a repurchase in the hope that I will continue to see improvement.

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum for Redness is available to buy from your local Origins counter or online from their website.  Priced at £50 for 50ml.

OPI – Swiss Collection, Glitzerland NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 17 - 2010

Originally, I only wanted Diva of Geneva.. but I kept seeing tantalising swatches of Glitzerland that made me think what a wonderful Christmas polish this would be… and that just perhaps, it wouldn’t be too warm toned for my skin.

I was right!

The formula is good, not too thick nor too thin and 2 coats are fine for a quick polish.  I did three for a perfect finish.

Super sparkly, Glitzerland is a proper ‘hey look at my nails’ shade.  I kept admiring and angling them against the light to view the individual sparkles that combine to create a lovely foiled finish.

Cool-toned ladies… this is a gold you can wear.  Very pale and as subtle as gold can be!


Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum for Redness

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

Skin redness and hyper-sensitivity is a cause for concern in many women’s lives.  Whenever I announce something dramatic like that… it always makes me think of my Dad who would gently tell me that in the grand scheme of things, there’s far worse things that can affect one’s life.

But, as someone who suffers from diffused redness and visible capillaries, let me tell you.  It’s not much fun looking like a lush.

Origins have developed a serum designed to give instant relief for the appearance of redness, sensitiviy and reactivity and I’ve got a sample to put to the test.

My problem areas are the common ones… nose and cheeks.  My nose especially (hence the lush comment), but it’s something that I can generally cover up quite well with a bit of concealer.

Erm, obviously the above photo shows my skin NOT covered up well!

Read the rest of this entry »

O.P.I Swiss Collection – Diva of Geneva NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2010

I freaking LOVE the name… who the hell doesn’t want to be the Diva of Geneva?

This is the only one from the Swiss Collection that really shouted to me… my “maybes” list is longer, but I’ve mostly plumped for China Glaze Vintage Vixen shades for this coming season.

Diva of Geneva is a beautiful red based purple…. it almost looks pink in some lights.  A perfect shimmer finish that really complements my skintone, I’m gonna get a lot of wear from this shade.

3 coats for a perfect finish, 2 if you’re more heavy handed.  Drying time was fine and it was a joy to remind myself of the OPI brush… lovely application.

I picked this up from one of my favourite U.S. eBay sellers: BeautyZone2007 who is one of the best for combined shipping charges.

What are you lemming from the O.P.I Swiss Collection?

Sneak Peek – OPI Holiday 2010 Burlesque Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 4 - 2010

I went to one of those Christmas in July press days yesterday.  Plenty of well-dressed ladies, canapes and nonchalant expressions.

Being neither well-dressed nor seemingly able to contain my excitement when surrounded by makeup THAT’S NOT EVEN OUT YET!  I felt a little out of place.  I wasn’t even carrying a designer handbag.

I may also have let out a little uncontrolled squeal when I saw the OPI Holiday 2010 Burlesque Collection due out at the end of November.

‘Ave a look!

Rising Star – Lustrous glimmering gold.

Ali’s Big Break – Glowing Red Shimmer

The Show Must Go On – Deep Pink Shimmer

Teasey Does It! – Burgundy Shimmer

Drool! Check out the duochrome shimmery goodness of Teasey Does It! and The Show Must Go On.

Extra-Va-Vaganza – Orange Glitter

Glow Up Already! – Green Glitter

Simmer and Shimmer – Blue Glitter

Bring on the Bling – Golden Glitter

Glitter-ama!  These bear more than just a passing resemblance to the Alice in Wonderland glitters… I’m thinking OPI know a good thing when they see one.

Sparkle-iscious – Multi Coloured Glitter

Show it and Glow It – Purple/Fuchsia Glitter

Let Me Entertain You! – Fuchsia Glimmer

Take The Stage – Warm Orange Shimmer

How perfect are these for Christmas?

I KNOW it’s only August, and you’re a bit over the Xmas posts already.  But how could I not show you these?

I only wish I’d had the balls to swatch them all.  But I think that perhaps sitting cross-legged on the floor painting each nail a different spangly colour would have been a step too far.  Don’t think I wasn’t tempted though.

You’ll be able to purchase the collection from LookFantastic.com – I’ve already earmarked a couple!

Any of them calling your name?

Dupe Alert! Stargazer #155 vs. OPI I’m Not Really A Waitress

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2010

I suspected it from the moment I twirled the bottle between my fingers…

Stargazer #155 (£2) is a very nice match for the cult O.P.I shade I’m Not Really A Waitress (£9.95)

INRAW was the first OPI I bought back in the day and is probably the only bottle of polish I’m even close to finishing.

If I look *really* closely, I’d say that Stargazer #155 is the teeniest bit more cherry toned than INRAW, but there’s barely anything in it.

#155 is opaque in two coats and applies smoothly with a decent brush… not too thin and no straggly long bits.  Quick drying but affording just enough time to work the polish to the edges of the nail bed.  It benefits from a glossy top coat to bring out the sparkle within the polish.

And a comparison with the OPI…

I prefer the Stargazer.  I’ve always had an issue with tip wear with this particular OPI (see my review from last May) and the Stargazer is outperforming INRAW in this instance by a huge amount.  No tip wear at all until the 3rd day.

Did I find a good dupe?  I’m usually pretty crappy at dupe hunting, so I’m kinda chuffed with myself!  Simple things and all that…

Orly Country Club Khaki Nail Polish – NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 17 - 2010

A very beautiful pale greige that I was sent a while ago by the lovely Liloo.

Shown here is 2 coats, and I think it probably needs 3… looked fine indoors but a touch patchy in direct sunlight.  Country Club Khaki is a gorgeously sophisticate creamy greige and definitely in my top 5.  If you’re into the trend, you need this polish in your life!

I find Orly’s brushes a touch on the narrow side, but the formula was completely forgiving and I didn’t have any issues to speak of.

Are you a fan of the trend? I personally love it.  There’s a great looking new Nails Inc shade aswell that I need to tell you about soon!

£6.99 from Beauty4Nails-Body.

OCC Lip Tars now stocked in the UK

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 24 - 2010

Incase you’ve been asleep for the past month…

OCC Lip Tars are now in stock and can be purchased from The Makeup Artist Boutique priced at £8.99 each.

Nice to see that the prices haven’t been jacked up to some kinda ridiculous, the new shades are also available!  I’m currently trying to fight off the temptation to pick up NSFW (I hardly even wear red!), Katricia (it’s purple baby!) and Plum.  I’m definitely going to be picking up a backup of Feathered, my most used lip tar by far!

If you’re on Twitter, give Kath and Emma from The Makeup Artist Boutique a little follow here to keep up with the latest news.  Personally, I’m ridiculously excited that another company are bringing Canadian brand Face Atelier to the UK.  Faster, faster!

NOTD – Orly – Bon Bon

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2010

A lovely greyed-out lavender.  It’s one of them dirty colours… I love me a bit of grunge.

This is my first Orly polish and I’m torn.  I found the formula easy to work with… a little thin, but I don’t mind thin polishes as long as they dry quickly and evenly, which this did.  The above shows 4 coats… 1 more than I would have preferred… but it’s ok.

However, I dislike the brush intensly.  It’s super thin and bendy.  Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the OPI Wide Brush that covers a nail in 3 clean strokes… this took about 6/7.  I think I can live with it, but only because of the thin formula.  Painting thicker polish with a brush that weedy would be a nightmare.  Are most Orly polishes fairly thin?

Longevity has been fine… medium amount if tip wear, but no chips.

What do you think of the shade? Are you a fan of grungey colours?

NOTD OPI – Absolutely Alice

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 22 - 2010

It is love.

I was hugely excited to find OPI – Absolutely Alice in my latest parcel of goodies, although I can’t pretend I’d forgotten I’d ordered it… I have been pacing like an expectant father ever since handing over my Visa deets!

Absolutely Alice is amazing, a true blue and the sparkles? Oh my… the sparkles are breathtaking.  I couldn’t stop twirling the bottle in the light, watching the glitter dance and flash blue and silver.  Fantastic.

Photographed in daylight..

Photographed in artificial light.

Photography doesn’t really capture the sparkle that emanates from this polish, but the hue is true to life and you can see how great the coverage is from 3 coats.  The glitter is suspended in a sheer jelly base, so I’m pleasantly surprised at the opacity I was able to achieve.

Dear god, I’m not looking forward to removal.

Do you like it? I’m trying to stop myself from buying OPI – Mad as a Hatter, but  I know I’m gonna cave when I see you UK girls start swatching it…

Screw it, I’ve just ordered it.  Man I’m a good enabler!

EDIT: Rhamnousia reminded me, I forgot to say… This definitely needs a couple of coats of top coat to make it bearable to touch!  Gritty glitter!

EDIT EDIT(!): You can purchase this online in the UK from Lena White

EDIT EDIT EDIT(!!): How many edits can I get on a post?

Ok… shouldn’t really add this but before you think I’ve gone completely mad.  Let me explain something about focus.

You focus to achieve optimum sharpness within an image.  That is a given right?  If your focal plane is off, you will achieve blurriness, but a pleasant side effect of blurriness is a little something called ‘bokeh’.  Bokeh is the technical term for the out of focus areas in a photograph and a very pleasing aspect of Bokeh are the discs of light that appear at the source of any highlights in an image…. it could be true light sources or reflections that cause this kind of bokeh.

Are you with me?

See the discs?  Every reflect from the sparkle on my nails are causing those… so you can see that from tip to base it’s sparkle-rama *admires nails*

But yanowot?  I don’t feel like a child in this polish.  And we all know that I suffer ‘hand-hiding’ syndrome if I feel at all silly in a polish.  But this shade and sparkle makes me feel amazing.  High praise indeed, but I realised it was true this afternoon, before this edit.  I simply couldn’t shop showing off my fingers when I was in the supermarket.  I was rocking it!

OPI – Alice In Wonderland Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2010

I’ve just ordered OPI’s ‘Absolutely Alice’ from the upcoming Alice in Wonderland collection (already available in the US – I think us UK folks get it at the end of Jan).  I love my blues, and this glitter bomb of a shade caught my eye last month.

I was tempted by Mad as a Hatter aswell but I wanted to get my hands on some Orly shades so cooled my heels for now incase I’m like SO OVER glitter in a few weeks time.

I’ll put my hands up and say that on the whole, I’m kinda disappointed by this collection.  The Alice in Wonderland theme surely opened up an amazing prospect for some off the wall shades and this feels a little like an opportunity missed you know?  I mean.. 4 colours, and 2 of them are reds.

Any of these caught your eye?


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