FOTD – Alice in Wonderland Palette (again)

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 27 - 2010

A mostly cool-toned FOTD bar a hint of peach on the lids.

It’s crazy how much of my eye makeup actually disappears when I open my eyes…. which kinda begs the question, “Should I walk around with my eyes shut?”


~ Max Factor Second Skin Foundation in Creamy Ivory (thanks Jen!)
~ Stila Sheer Pressed Powder in Light


~ Urban Decay Drink Me, Eat Me on the lid (from the AiW palette)
~ Urban Decay Vorpal in the crease and outer ‘V’ (from the AiW palette)
~ Stargazer Cake Liner in Brown on the lashline
~ YSL Singulier Mascara in Black


~ ELF Runway Pink with a slick of…
~ …MAC Please Me ontop.

MAC Angel Lipstick / Revlon Pink Pout Matte Lipstick – Dupes?

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 15 - 2009

I was eavesdropping on Twitter (as you do) and overheardread VexintheCity tell Cosmetic-Candy that Revlon Pink Pout was a reasonable dupe for MAC Angel.

“No it isn’t!” thinks I… “They’re completely different!”

So off I rush immediately to test out this theory! (as you do)


Left-Right: Pink Pout, Angel

I’m serving up my humble pie at this point….

They are simillar aren’t they?

So I swatch…


*sigh* I don’t like being wrong…

Dupe Alert!

but then… I apply…


L-R: Pink Pout, Angel

Woah there Nelly!  Pink Pout is… well… pink.  MAC Angel is distinctly beige-toned on my lips.

How on earth?

So there ya go.  Revlon’s Pink Pout is a definite dupe for MAC Angel (albeit a matte one) on everybody in the entire universe…

…except for me.

Now, what I want is a Revlon Pink Pout dupe that isn’t a moisture sucking matte… um… don’t say MAC Angel 😉

EOTD – Winter Berries

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 24 - 2009

This week feels like it’s dragging… and it’s only Tuesday!!  Let’s have a quick Eye of the Day for a few minutes distraction…





Inner Corner: B Never Too Busy… – B Delight
Lid: BarryM – #88 Winter Berry
Crease: E.L.F Mineral Eyeshadow – Royal
Outer V: NYX Ultra Pearl Mania – Charcoal
Mascara: Rimmel Sexy Curves – Black
Eyeliner (1st Layer): MAC Fluidline – Silverstroke
Eyeliner (2nd Layer): eBay Infinity Liner – Black

Don’t know if it’s the ‘right’ thing to do, but I love layering my eyeliner like this.  I’m a total eyeliner fiend and have so many, it’s surely the only way I’ll ever get through them all!

Seriously, it’s a great way to wear a pop of bright colour along the lashline, without commiting yourself to making a statement with it.  I often wear gold and blue eyeliners in this way.

Ok, that distraction worked for about 40seconds… hurry up Hump Day!

What happens in London…

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 12 - 2009

stays in Lon… usually comes home with me in a lovely iconic yellow paper bag 😉

So, I was up in London on Saturday for the wonderful Aussie Project Angel event (more details to come later..) and saw lots of lovely things to add to my stash.


Ok, well I didn’t get *all* these bits in London.. the Stila stuff I ordered a couple of weeks ago and turned up today so thought I’d throw them in.

I went on a bit of a lipstick buying rampage – and had to be physically restrained from buying another Shu one that I had my eye on.



On the left, the unmistakable Lingerie Pink… and on the right, the lovely Shu Rouge Unlimited BG907.

I had no intentions of buying Lingerie Pink until I tried it on out of pure curiousity at the counter.  Instant love.

I first saw the Shu one when I went to the Maybelline Event last month and have lusted after it ever since.


How pretty?! – L-R: Pound Cake, Strawberry Sorbet, Baby Cakes



Kryolan Supra Color Black Greasepaint recommended to me by LondonMUGirl.  First impressions… wonderful to blend eyeshadow over compared to UDPP, but it starts creasing after 3hrs 🙁



L-R: MAC Woodwinked (been on my wishlist a LONG time), Kryolan Matte Highlight (got this by accident after SA put the wrong eyeshadow in my bag… grrr.)

Well, that concludes my first proper “haul” post… hope it wasn’t too dull.  I enjoy reading about everyone else’s newest acquisitions, but everyone is different so apologies if this was a boring read – move along, I’m done now!

Oh, and the Stila can wait ’till the rest of my order turns up 🙂

FOTD Kryolan Shades Palette in Santiago

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 22 - 2009

A couple of weeeks ago whilst killing some time waiting to head off to the Maybelline event… Myself, Sian, Sophie, Lydia & Leanne spent a little time browsing Charles Fox in Covent Garden.

I spied upon this little palette and loved it’s metallic sheen  and wearable Autumnal shades.  Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a Kryolan “Shades” Palette in Santiago.


Pretty no?  I love the inclusion of the dark blue over there on the right… great addition.  And the brush that comes with the palette isn’t completely useless either which is more than refreshing!  I can’t remember the exact price but it was around £15.


Here’s yesterday’s FOTD using the above palette.  Apologies for focusing on the wrong eye & then being too lazy to retake.



Products Used:


~ Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion
~ Kryolan Santiago Shades Palette (palest gold on lid/khaki gold in crease)
~ MAC Fluidline in Sweet Sage on upper lid
~ MAC Fluidline in Waveline on lower lashline
~ Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara


~ Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid Foundation (still giving this some love… review to come soon)
~ Silk Naturals Maybe Baby Blush (Mac Blushbaby Clone)
~ MAC Blush in Honour (swept gently over the top of Maybe Baby)


~ Urban Decay Lip Primer Potion
~ GOSH Darling Lipstick

Do you own any Kryolan goodies?

FOTD – Bronzed Blue

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 9 - 2009




I didn’t realise that it had been so long since my last FOTD back in the middle of August!

You may be able to tell from today’s look that I’m having a hard time saying goodbye to summer.  I was gonna do an Illamasqua FOTD featuring 2 products from the Dystopia Collection, but with this mini indian summer we’re currently enjoying I’m gonna postpone that for another week or so.  Hopefully by that time I’ll have my Phenomena  Liquid Metal too!

Anyway, back to this Blue and Bronze look…

Products Used:


Miss Sporty Light Energy Foundation in Shade 01 (This was an emergency purchase whilst on holiday, beware if you put it on even a tiny bit too heavily the texture is revolting and it goes all flaky.  I mix a little in with my moisturiser for this ultra sheer coverage.)
Body Shop Blush Trio in Cool Dusk (I thought I’d like this when I bought it, but I didn’t realise just how perfect a pop of pink this is for my ultra cool, ultra pale skintone.)


UDPP (of course)
NYX Loose Pearl Eyeshadow in Ocean Blue
Boots 17 Solo Eyeshadow in Mardi Gras lightly applied over the top of the NYX to tone it down a little
Barry M Dazzle Dust in #44 Bronze in crease
MAC Fluidline in Waveline on top lid
L’oreal Voluminous Mascara


Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick in 112 Ambre Rose

FOTD Featuring Shu Uemura Painting Liner in Citrine

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 13 - 2009

No laughing… this has to be the boldest ‘look’ I’ve ever done.  And no, I didn’t leave the house.


This Shu Uemura Painting Liner in Citrine (Part of the Primtribe Fall Collection) is B.E.A.U.TIFUL, but how the hell do I create a toned down look with something so bright?

Is it destined to sit gathering dust?  I love you, beautiful liner… but there aren’t enough Mardi Gras’ in the world for me to wear this look to.

Suggestions most gratefully received!!

BeautyUK Eyeshadow Palette (2)
Boots 17 Solo Eyeshadow (Punky Purple)
Shu Uemura Painting Liner (Citrine)
Rimmel Volume Flash Mousse Mascara
Sleek Ink Pot Eyeliner Gel (Purple Rain)

Everyday Minerals Foundation (Cool-Fair/Medium)
Cory Cosmetics Mineral Blush (Lava)

MAC Lustre Lipstick (Lustering)

FOTD – In The Pink!!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 9 - 2009



I don’t usually wear pinks.. but these shadows from The She Space’s Taurus Astrology Collection were just too cute not to.

Cory Cosmetics Mica Free foundation in Bare Beige
Earthen Glow Minerals Blush in Berries & Cream
MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural & Shimmer in Light/Medium
The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist

Urban Decay Primer Potion
The She Space Mineral Eyeshadow in Little Explosions
The She Space Mineral Eyeshadow in Traditional Taurus
Ruby & Millie I-Writer in Black
Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara
GOSH Velvet Touch Eyeliner in Black Ink

GOSH Pearl Shine Lipstick in Starlet (discontinued)

FOTD – Goldeneye… BarryM Dazzle Dust #44 Bronze

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 4 - 2009

Here’s a simple, summery one colour eye FOTD using BarryM Dazzle Dust in Bronze #44.

I love this shade, and normally use a little on the centre of my eyelid to give a neutral eye a little bit of a pop. When I got up this morning, the weather was beautiful so I decided I was gonna go a little brighter on the eye makeup than usual:




I can’t decide if I look ‘glowy’ or just plain shiny.

BarryM Dazzle Dust #44 (Bronze)
GOSH Velvet Touch Eyeliner in Golden Cadillac
Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara
Sleek Ink Pot Gel Liner in Dominatrix (Black)

Clarins Truly Matte Foundation
Earthen Glow Minerals Blush in Copala Beach (♥)
MAC MSF Natural in Light/Medium

Burts Bees Super Shiny Gloss in Sheer Lemon

And just for shits and giggles, we all know that it’s not easy taking these FOTD photos… arms outstretched, trying to find the right buttons to press (even harder on a DSLR), searching out the best light in the house and all the while trying not to gurn.

So here’s an outtake, “My… what a big nose you have.”  And fan-fuckintastic, I’ve ALWAYS wanted to see what my nose blackheads looked like in full macro, technicolour glory.


You lot just need to thank God for small mercies.  I must have picked my nose at some point before taking this picture or it coulda been a hell of a lot uglier.

Mrs ‘Keepin’ it Real’ Lipglossiping xxxx

(Another) Neutral FOTD – Body Shop Shimmer Cubes

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 30 - 2009

Just another boring neutral FOTD…





Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!)
Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix)
Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara
GOSH Velvet Touch eyeliner (Black)


Gale Hayman Youth Light Foundation (Porcelain) – A Direct Cosmetics cheapy I’ve surprised myself by liking!
Earthen Glow Minerals Matte Blush (Emotions)
MAC MSF in Perfect Topping


GOSH Darling Lipstick

My hooded eyelids make things really tricky for a novice like me… I can hardly ever achieve a decent eyeliner flick, and getting my shadows to appear above the crease without looking plain odd I find really tricky.  Help!


Deal Alert: Free Mavala Nail polish with next month's Elle magazine!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Deal Alert: Cult Beauty D.J.V. Beautenizer Fiberwig LX Mascara GWP

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Avon Winter Skin Tips with Nicky Hambelton-Jones

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MAC Oh, Oh, Oh Lustre Lipstick

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Ciate Starlet NOTD

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

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Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Red Lipped Readers - Part #13

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Inexpensive Beauty Find: Spring/Summer Nails at Tesco!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Paul & Joe Limited Edition Face Colour Shades

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Review: The Basingstoke Country Hotel (and spa)

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Dear Obesity...

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Just another boring neutral FOTD… Eyes: Body Shop Shimmer Cube in Warm (Thanks Tali!) Sleek Ink Pot in Black (Dominatrix) Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara GOSH Velvet …


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