Purses at the ready…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 11 - 2010

…Bargain hunters may not want to miss this quick public service announcement!

In celebration of the 15th anniversary of Liz Earle’s cult Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser and for one day only you can purchase Cleanse & Polish for the original launch price of £9.50, saving over 25% off today’s retail price of £13!

“Quick, tell me how!” I hear you ask…

You can purchase it at this special price online through the Liz Earle website on Tuesday 15th June.  Set your alarms!

The Liz Earle Skincare Tutorial

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 31 - 2010

Last week while I was up in London, I was invited along to the Liz Earle store just off Sloane Square to experience one of their Skincare Tutorials.

Despite being completely addicted to all things beauty, I was genuinely surprised when I found myself struggling to answer the first question that Jo (the Treatments Manager) posed me.

“What do you like least about your skin?”

It’s not that I don’t have problems with my skin… it’s just that after 28 years, I’ve made peace with them.  Or so I thought…

She waited patiently as I desperately scoured the confines of my psyche searching for a string of nouns and adjectives that I could string together in a suitable response.  When suddenly, something shifted and before I knew it, I couldn’t stop myself as issue after issue spilled from my lips and damn near flooded the treatment room.

“Redness!  Uneveness!  Dry Bits!  Oily Bits!  Dullness!”

Woah there Nelly!  Jo looked slightly bemused but remained completely composed as I leaned in to show off the redness across my cheeks and nose.

“Ilooklikeadrunk, isitrosacea? OMGamIgonnagetrosacea?” I gasped, suddenly panicked at the thought of replacing all my lovely creamy concealers with industrial tattoo coverup.

By this point, I was probably flaring at the nostrils like some over-tried, sweaty race horse.  To her credit, Jo remained ever-relaxed and soothing as she examined my skin closely.

I was ‘diagnosed’ with ‘diffused redness’ and was assured that this was NOT the same as Rosacea and nor was it necessarily a sign that I was gonna develop the common skin problem, especially as I have no family history of the condition.  It did, however, mean that my skin is in a state of sensitivity, irritation and inflammation.

“OMGLIKE… WHATCANIDO?” I wanted to exclaim… though I think I retained a teeny bit more street cred that that would imply.

Jo gave me a 1 month action plan to kickstart some serious healing… and I was all ears:

1) Drink plenty of water and Green Tea (anti-oxidants)

2). Include some anti-inflammatory foods in my diet (Salmon, Turmeric, Papaya, Brocolli, Sweet Potato) and perhaps even supplement with something like garlic tablets (a well known anti-inflammatory).

3). Aim to use skincare that contains vitamin E, which she described as the best anti-oxidant available.

4). Make sure the water I use isn’t too warm, be gentle and use as little water as possible in my cleansing routine.

Ok, I need to interject here….  Ahem.  A proposition nightmares are made of for me!

5). Be GENTLE with my skin when cleansing and don’t over stimulate the areas affected by redness

I’m gonna give her advice a go and see if I can get my skin happy with me again.

She also highlighted a few Liz Earle products that she believes will be beneficial to my particular concerns and demonstrated exactly how best to make them work for me.  There was no hard sell, and infact… Jo focused upon my lifestyle choices that may be triggering my skin sensitivity more than anything else.

I really enjoyed the skincare tutorial, a personal service that allowed me to discuss my concerns was a truly welcome experience.  It’s priced at £45 for 45 minutes and I think it would make a fantastic birthday gift for a sister, daughter or other close relative.  Infact, how much would I have loved this as a teenager?

I still have the Nokia 5110 that my parent’s gave me for my birthday back in 1998.  I wonder if they’d mind exchanging it for another session with Jo… I could have chatted for hours!  You can read some of Jo’s skincare tips here.

Liz Earle’s Young Skin Try-Me Kit will be reviewed by…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 5 - 2010

… Rachel! (QueenofTurquoise)

Thanks for offering your self up in the name of beauty Rachel!

I’m sorry I don’t have more things available for you lovely guys to review, it’s wonderful to get some alternative opinions on Lipglossiping!  Stick around, I’ll hopefully have something else for you guys soon.

Rachel, please email me your address details and I’ll pop the kit in the post.  Can’t wait to hear your experiences with it!

Guest Reviewer Please!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 28 - 2010

Following on from the roaring success of Ali’s guest review, I’d really like to do it again…

I have a rather lovely Liz Earle Young Skin Try-Me-Kit here that I’m dying to break into myself but know that at 28 years old my skin doesn’t really qualify as “young” anymore.  I hope you can hear me sobbing at the back!

I’m looking for a guest reviewer aged between 17-25 to test this kit out for me*

If you’re interested please leave your name below and remember to put your email address in the bit where it asks for it so I can contact you!

I’d ideally like you to give it a full 3/4 week test period before letting us know your thoughts on the kit…. so if you can commit to a new skincare routine for that period and are happy to share your thoughts with my readers then let me know in the comments below!  I’ll chose a reviewer on Wednesday 5th.

*UK only, sorry chaps I gotta think of the postage!

Liz Earle Instant Skin Boost Tonic – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 7 - 2010

Of all the samples I was sent from Liz Earle… this is the one (and only) product that I would happily repurchase without any hesitations.

It’s also the one I thought I would like the least.  The one I thought I’d like the most… didn’t do it for me (review coming soon!) and although I love, love the Superskin Moisturiser… that £32.50 price tag puts me off.

Liz Earle Instant Skin Boost Tonic is a toner, something I never use.  It seems like one of those superfluous steps to a routine that I barely have time to squeeze in to my day anyway.  Not only that, but it also contains Aloe Vera… an ingredient I always avoid because I hate that slightly tacky feeling I find Aloe extracts leaves on my skin.

Now… when I think of ‘toner’, I think of ‘cleansing lotions’… which I hate.  I’m a washer (we’ve had this discussion before), I dislike faffing about with bits of cotton wool when all I want to do is go dribble on my pillow for 8 4 hours.  The thing is though, this feels like a treat, an indulgence if you will.  I like indulgences.

I find the Instant Boost Skin Tonic entirely refreshing and after using my cleansing oil, it ensures that every last scrap of oily residue is removed.  The slight tackiness lasts no longer than a minute or two before fading and although I can’t pinpoint any specific skin benefits, I am noticing slightly odd things like my moisturiser absorbing more effectively.

I’ve decanted some of my bottle into a spritzer and I’m also using it to set my makeup or to simply refresh my skin mid-afternoon.  It has a beautiful floral scent that practically screams “countryside!” (minus the cow pats) and which I find quite calming in an admittedly pappy arometherapeutic (is that a word?) kinda way.  It doesn’t leave any unpleasant tingly sensations behind, the slightly-thicker-than-water texture just soothes and cools.  I’m excited to use this in the Summer, I think it’s gonna be amazing after an afternoon in the sun (if we have any).

I should point out that I am actually a die-hard fan of The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist for all the same makeup setting/face spritzing reasons above, but I’ve never liked it much as an after-cleansing experience because unlike the Liz Earle, my Body Shop face mist dries me out if I apply with cotton wool.  I think it’s the alcohol, which the Liz Earle Instant Skin Boost Tonic doesn’t contain.

Ml for ml, the Liz Earle works out cheaper than The Body Shop’s Vitamin E Face Mist too.  Bet you didn’t see that one coming did you?  I didn’t!  200mls of The Body Shop’s alcohol and paraben-filled (5 of the 14 listed ingredients are parabens) face mist will set you back £14.  The equivalent volume of alcohol/paraben free Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic?  £11.50.  Awesomesauce.

I don’t actually like to be proven wrong.  I didn’t think I’d like this, I’ve extolled the virtues of The Body Shop Face Mist to you all for a long time.  But from now on… my money’s going to Liz Earle.

Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 31 - 2010

Like many in the beauty blogging community, I’ve been trialling a few Liz Earle products over the last month or so and I’d like to offer my thoughts on how they’ve been working for me.

I’m gonna start with the Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser.

Before I had been contacted by the PR for Liz Earle, I’d had a couple of ‘beauty’ friends on twitter comment to me that I should be trying this moisturiser for my combination/dry skin.  Now I can see why.

Superskin Moisturiser is a deceptively light-feeling cream that packs one hell of a moisturising punch.  Brimming with natural ingredients such as Borage Oil, Cranberry Seed Oil, Glycerin, Pomegranate Extract, Rosehip Oil, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, it’s marketed towards a more mature consumer with dry to very dry skin.  I have combination/dry skin with a slightly oily nose and I didn’t find Superskin moisturiser to be too heavy for my oily areas in the slightest.

It absorbs quickly, leaving my skin feeling supple and replenished.  I haven’t noticed it having any particular softening effects like some moisturisers I’ve tried, but I can happily attest to the fact that my skin no longer feels tight or dehydrated since I replaced my usual moisuriser with this a month ago.

There’s a slight scent that I would class as herbal, it’s not entirely to my liking… but it’s not unpleasant at all, it’s just one of those ‘natural’ smells.  I apply Superskin Moisturiser at night only, prefering a day cream with SPF in the mornings.  The packaging is darling, from the outer cardboard design to the heavy acrylic jar inside.

Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser doesn’t come cheap at £32.50 for a 50ml jar… in all honesty, I balk a little at that price considering it has no specific anti-aging claims… but now I know how well the cream is suiting me, I think I’m probably forever ensnared into the cult of Liz.

I think this would particularly suit you if you would like a lighter, more easily absorbed product that gives the same level of moisturisation as a thicker, heavier and more uncomfortable cream.

Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser is available from the Liz Earle website priced from £12.00


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