Dry Skin? Putting a cold weather skincare plan into action…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 24 - 2013

My skin has been coping with winter far better these last few months than it has in previous years… that is, right up until about 5 days ago when the mercury plumetted and the heavens started to rain that ‘orrible/lovely (delete as appropriate) white stuff down upon us.  Since then I’ve been battling dry patches that make the Sahara look like Centerparcs.

Not one to take this sort of nonsense lying down (unless it comes with a cup of tea and two chocolate digestives), I’ve raided my bathroom cabinet for some products that I hope, when combined, will prove to be my winter saviours.

dry skin, cold weather, skincare

I’ve always suspected that I may overdo things a little when it comes to cleansing, I’m certainly no skincare guru (you need Mrs. Hirons for that) but cleansing is a proper little joy in my daily routine.  So much so that I’m not averse to the double-cleanse method, once to remove my makeup and then again, to clean my bare skin.  Of course, there may be nothing wrong with this and I know that many of you enjoy a similar ritual without issue… but perhaps, when my skin is at it’s driest, it might be wise to cut back on the cleansing.  Just a little.

To this end, I’ve enlisted the help of Lancome’s Galatée Confort Comforting Cleansing Milk, especially formulated for dry skin.  I used this when I first went waterless with my cleansing last year… something that I seemed to have great success with.  I’m not going completely waterless again but I will be using as dry-a-cloth as I can get away with to remove my cleanser.  And then leaving it at that.  I know my fingers will itch to dunk my face in the sink but I’ll just have to strengthen my resolve.  The Lancome cleansing milk has a wonderfully creamy formula that defeats my makeup admirably without leaving any residue, a definited repurchase later in the year.  £21, lancome.co.uk

I’ll be putting aside my serums for a few weeks as I reach for something a little richer, Bare Minerals Purely Nourishing Moisturizer for Normal to Dry skin*.  Free from parabens, synthetic fragrances, and artificial oils, this moisturiser ticks all my boxes for a lightweight (it’s very lightweight) yet hydrating moisturiser that’s perfect for use in the daytime.  It doesn’t contain SPF which seems like a bit of an oversight but I generally wear a separate sun protection lotion anyway.  £27, bareminerals.co.uk

I’m still as much in love with toners now as I was back when I wrote a post for Carmine (remember them?) on how I use and wear toner.  It’s a daily essential for me, although I know that many find them superfluous.  Balance Me is a great brand who seem to be going from strength-to-strength at the moment.  I recently received a sample of their Skin Bright Hydrating Face Mist* with hyaluronic acid, suitable for all skin types, and it’s a gem.  It smells incredible, dries to a non-tacky finish and delivers an instant surge of hydration to my skin.  £20, balanceme.co.uk

Daytime taken care of, it’s in the evening that I’ll be focusing some extra attention on slathering my skin (though probably not my t-zone) in something a little more heavy duty.  I still use my Elemis Exotic Cream Moisturising Mask once a week (which I mentioned in my favourite products of 2012 post) but I’ll be swapping out my regular night-time moisturiser for a new product from a brand that hasn’t let me down so far.  A new introduction to the brand’s lineup is La Roche Posay Nutritic Intense Rich*, a cream which I believe succeeds their original Nutritic Intense and promises to intensely reconstitute superior layers of the epidermis. Oh rly?  I know I could do with some intense reconstitution.  Or some intense anything to be fair.  Also available in the original formula in a convenient 50ml tube.  £13.15, escentual.com

When it comes to intense nourishment from a moisturiser-type product, I’m still firmly in the yay Selexir camp, you may remember my review from a little while ago… it’s ah-mazing.  There’s one problem with it though… I made true on my word and gave my press sample to my father.  He loves it.  But he hoards it like a mutha, as soon as I told him how much it cost to buy/repurchase, I watched the blood drain out of his face and I swear the man now only uses enough product to cover half a flea.  Frustrating.

dry skin, cold weather, skincare

Seeing as I’m turning over a new skincare leaf, I thought that I might aswell indulge my over-processed hair with a little bit of pampering.  Touché By Flavien* is an intensive hair treatment containing: goji berry extract, olive fruit oil, hydrolyzed silk protein, rosemary oil, and shea butter and is designed to be used in place of conditioner.  This suits me well… because no matter how great my intentions, I always forget that I’m supposed to be treatment-masking my hair until the moment that I step into the shower and get it wet, at which point… well, it’s a bit bloody late isn’t it.  I have utmost respect for you ladies that sleep in hair oils, I call that being organised.  £17, urbanretreat.co.uk

dry skin, cold weather, skincare

My lips are infact, the only real part of me that isn’t suffering from this cold snap.  There’ll be no surprises when I tell you that this down to a nightly dose of the lovely Lanolips 101 Ointment, there’s no more to say… it’s still a holy grail product and possibly the only one that gives me mini palpitations as I near the end of a tube!  £11.22, boots.com

My last cold-weather “resolution” (if you will) is to regularly indulge in one of those moisturising face sheet masks, partially because I’m just a bit curious about them, and partially because I’ll have fun freaking my daughter out with them.  I’ve pulled this Wei White Lotus Hydrating Face Treatment Pad out of my things that came free with shit that I bought drawer, and it’ll do for starters.  If anyone has any favourite sheet masks that they use, do let me know!  £??, thinkitsdiscontinued.com


How is your skin holding up since the snow put in an appearance?  Hope you’re all keeping warm out there!

* press sample

Hints and Tips for Winter Lips!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 30 - 2012

When it comes to skincare, it can occasionally feel like I’m chasing my tail, fixing one problem only to be faced with another… but if there’s one aspect of looking after my face that I seem to have gotten the hang of, it’s caring for my lips.  This time of year reminds me of the miserable winters I used to spend with constantly sore and painful lips.  If I wasn’t licking at them like a dog attempting to heal its wounds, I was picking… or even worse, peeling.

Lip condition can deteriorate rapidly, we put the central heating on on Sunday for the first time (we didn’t make it to November!) and last night, lying in bed, I could feel that tell-tale tingle around the edges of my lipline.  It’s time to up my game and put my winter plan of action into… well… action!  Without further ado, here are my hints and tips for winter lips!

Hints and Tips for Winter Lips

I shower in the evenings, and the first step in my annual plan for luscious winter lips involves the most basic of cosmetic tools, the washcloth (£3 for 10).  Whilst I’m waiting for my hair conditioner to turn my locks into mermaid-hair, I grab my hot flannel and gently rub back and forth across my lips.  Be gentle mind, you’re not trying to remove a wine-stain!  Doing this every day will soften any flakes that are ready to come away whilst encouraging blood flow and regeneration.

Once I’ve left the shower, my first port of call is to reach for my moisturisers and my lips don’t get left out here.  My night-time ritual (and I do this everyday) is to apply a layer of Lanolips 101 (£11) before bed – this rich, lanolin-based balm provides the best barrier for locking in moisture through the night.  When I wake up in the morning, it’s still there and my lips are plumpity soft underneath – this stuff has been a lifesaver for me over the last couple of years.

During the day, I opt for something a little lighter in texture, which brings me on to Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm (£7.25).  Whilst not as nourishing as the Lanolips, the formula is more comfortable to wear during the day and the added SPF is a bonus.  It’s a compromise that I’m really happy with for now – plus the flavours are lush!  I reapply this over the top of my lipstick whenever I feel that my lips need it.

Talking of lipstick, it can be tricky to provide your favourite shades with a great base and The Body Shop’s Lipscuff (£8) is a cult classic for priming your pout in preparation for every shade.  Swipe the bullet over your lips in the morning, massage in the formula with your fingertip and wipe the excess away with a tissue (or the back of your hand if you’re a bit of a grot like me).  The Lipscuff leaves just enough coconut oil behind to provide moisture without slip and the exfoliating granules ensure that your lipstick won’t emphasise any dry bits.

Lips shrivelled up in the cold?  I’m just joking… we’ll leave the shrivelling up thing for men to deal with.  But if you do need a little extra plumping – particularly lovely for when you’re rocking a nude lip – I still swear by the original (and the best), Du Wop Lip Venom (£11.85) – it’s delightfully tingly (IT’S BURNING, IT’S BURNING!) and leaves my top lip almost matching the stature of my bottom lip, almost.  Thanks for the genetic un-eveness parents…

Finally, you literally shouldn’t leave the house without a little bit of lip highlighting.  Don’t know where to do it?  I stick to the cupids bow, using a subtle highlighter like YSL’s Touche Eclat (£25) which makes for quick and easy blendability.  If you’re wanting to go for a full-on pout, you can also add a highlight along the centre edge of the lower lip line to give the illusion of fuller, more lifted lips.  The Touche Eclat is subtle enough for daytime but if you’re wanting to highlight for a “going out” look, choose a highlighter with a little more shimmer for added wow-factor.

What are your favourite products for keeping your lips soft and full in the colder weather?

Lanolips Herbal Treatment Body Oil? Oil have some of that fnarr fnarr!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 17 - 2012

Having spent the afternoon skirting around the possibility of knuckling down and doing some actual work, I was indulging in one of my favourite evening procrastination activities (online shopping), when looksee what I spotted!

Lanolips Herbal Treatment Body Oil.  Holy mother of all things oily and lanoliny.

If like me, you’re a fan of body oils  – you’ll be delighted to hear that this one is completely free from mineral oil.  It’s a super-concentrate of Ultra Pure Grade Lanolin Oil with extracts of Pine and Eucalyptus thus needing no petro-chemical fillers, note the 60ml sizing which I’m guessing means that a little is destined to go a very long way.  There’s just one thing… where’s Lady Lamb gone?!

Ok, now I’ve got that off my chest, back to the oil…

I personally apply my body oils whilst still in the shower over skin that has been wiped with a flannel (not dried) to lock in the maximum amount of moisture.  It’s the quickest, least messy way I know of giving my skin a suppleness boost in this icy weather.

Lanolips Herbal Treatment Body Oil is priced at £9.99 and available online now from Victoria Health (who may or may not be harbouring one lady lamb)

Do you use body oils or creams?  Miss Lady Lamb too?

New Year Honours List 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2012

In a list devoid of MPs, philanthropists, and celebrities – I bring you 12 products that have impressed me beyond my expectations over the past 12 months. This wasn’t easy to compile. Infact, it was so hard that it’s now nearly February and I’ve only just published it.

Some were a given from the moment I used them (Avon Mega Impact Eye Liner), some were growers (Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil), but all of them have left a real impression for achieving what their claims suggest and let’s face it, that’s what out beauty-loving hearts desire most.

Optrex Itchy/Allergy Eye Drops  |  Lanolips 101 Ointment  |  St. Tropez Perfect Legs Spray  |  Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Colors

Optrex make eye drops for seemingly every occassion and their Optrex Itchy Eye Drops have saved my poor peepers numerous times throughout the year.  I actually prefer their Optrex Allergy Eyes formula for the Summer months when my eyes are really suffering but I find them quite hard to get hold of (it’s over the counter stuff) and so pharmacists always offer me the Optrex Itchy Eye Drops instead.  To be fair, they both work but nothing soothes the feeling of wanting to wash your eyeballs under a running tap (and swill your eye sockets out while you’re at it) faster or more effectively than the Optrex Allergy Eyes formula.

Another product that goes beyond the pretty to simply make my life more comfortable is Lanolips 101 Ointment.  This nourishing, thick balm is as much a part of my nightly routine as washing my face or repeatedly checking Twitter on my phone after turning off my computer.  It’s simple existence means that my lips never peel or crack, as used to be the case throughout the winter months and if I like a new lipstick, I buy it based on how much I like the shade without caring about how drying the formula may prove to be.

My milk-bottle legs are anticipating the return of the warmer weather with a renewed vigour thanks to St. Tropez Perfect Legs Spray.  I’m surprising myself by including a tanning product in my honours list – I really don’t care much about being tanned… but, this product surpassed all expectations of turning my blue-tinged pins into something that I wouldn’t mind showing off when the sun finally peeks out from behind the UK’s perpetual blanket of cloud cover.

As much as the U.S. brand have released some stonking palettes this year, it’s these Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Colors that have been ticking all the right boxes for me this year.  They pack a supreme punch of colour, offer maximum convenience and last well throughout the day.  The shades I own are all searingly bright and obnoxious, just the way I’ve been liking my lip shades this year.  These are real beauties and I can’t wait to see if Urban Decay add to the lineup in 2012.

Benefit They’re Real Mascara  |  Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil  |  Dr. Hauschka Neem Hair Oil  |  Avon Mega Impact Eye Liner

An everyday staple achieves its status by being dependable, consistent, and easy to use.  Benefit’s They’re Real Mascara has been my go-to mascara since its release last August.  It extends and volumises my lashes with an inky formula and doesn’t let me down by smudging or flaking throughout the day.  Once it’s time for bed – it doesn’t give my cleansing oil any arguments and I’m still enjoying the same, usable formula from the original tube that I was given all those months ago.  It’s a solid but impressive addition to my makeup bag.

2011 has been a year of weight loss (and gain, and loss again) for me.  I knew from the start that I’d be putting my skin through the mill on my quest for a less flabby existence and I’ve been using various body oils with my cellulite massager in an attempt to keep my skin elastic, supple and unblemished.  While they all did a good job at moisturising, I wasn’t sure that they were achieving much more than this until I began to use Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil toward the end of last year.  Aside from it smelling as delicious as you’d expect from the British brand, I’ve noticed a marked improvement in skin-tone, texture and dare I say it… cellulite.

Another major concern over the past year has been the constant flare-ups that have turned my scalp into an itching, flaking mess.  I would start a new shampoo, only to be forced into discontinuing its use a month later.  I tried SLS-free which seemed to improve things for a while, though still didn’t eradicate the problem completely.  I’ve been using Dr. Hauschka’s Neem Hair Oil (non-stinky) for a few months now and have so far, touch wood, not had a flare-up that’s been severe enough to cause any real misery.  I also find the oil effective at soothing any persistent itches alongside a welcome side-effect of improving the condition of my dry hair.

If I could only choose one, my product of the year would go to Avon’s Mega Impact Eye Liner for being outrageously awesome at such a reasonable price.  The blacker-than-black formula applies as smoothly as a gel with no tugging along the delicate waterline.  Give it a few moments to set and you’ll be treated to a full day of hard-wearing, sultry lashlines that resist smudging and transfer like real troopers.  They have a new metallic shade coming out for Spring, look out for it!

Suti Rejuvenate Organic Facial Oil  |  Lumos High Speed Top Coat (try eBay if you’re not a pro)  |  Missha M Perfect Cover B.B Cream  |  NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

I’ve always loved facial oils but have only recently discovered the true extent of their capabilities.  Suti’s Rejuvenate Organic Facial Oil is a wondrous concoction that seamlessly melts into my skin to give an instant glow on those days when my complexion is feeling particularly dull and drained by the cold weather.  Perhaps even more enlightening is the oil’s ability to turn a dud foundation into a keeper.  I’ve been adding a few drops (during application) to foundations that I consider dry-skin unfriendly and have been amazed at Suti’s ability to make the formula more compatible to my winter skin.  Lots of money saved thanks to this one!

So good do I consider the Lumos High Speed Top Coat, that I’ve bought the entire family!  From salon-sized down to purse-friendly bottles, they speed-dry my nail polish without causing shrinkage or becoming a thick, unusable mess in the bottle before I’ve reached the halfway mark.  The Lumos System also encourages you to use the High Impact Bottom Coat to achieve maximum results and longevity from your manicures but as someone who doesn’t generally suffer from polish chips, I’m happy to report that for me, it works as well with or without.

2011 was the year that B.B Creams hit the Western world with a vengeance and some bandwagon-jumping efforts from the major cosmetic players have left consumers wondering if there’s any difference between B.B Creams and Tinted Moisturisers with added SPF.  If you want to try a true B.B. Cream without the big-budget advertising hype – I can’t recommend the Missha M Perfect Cover B.B Cream highly enough.  It evens my skin-tone, gives serious sun protection, and calms my redness-prone skin in an instant.

I get annoyed with the NYX Cosmetics incarnation in the UK but if there’s one thing worth picking up, it’s the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams that come in a variety of shades and offer easy application, good coverage, and long-lasting colour without causing unbearable dryness or discomfort.  Remembering that these are (to be fair) matte formulas, it’s a great option for those who wince at the thought of dragging a hard-textured matte lipstick across their lips.  There are some awesome lip-popping shades to choose from too!


So there we have my New Year Honours List – a little late, but what’s half a month between friends?  Do you agree with any of my choices?  What would you have included in yours?

* the selection includes a mixture of press samples, repurchases from what were originally press samples and my own discoveries/purchases.

Coming Soon: Lanolips Golden Ointment

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 28 - 2011

I’m excited to share this with you… because over the past few months, I’ve been hiding a pot of gold.  A little lab sample of Lady Lamb’s latest launch (try saying that drunk).

Lanolips Golden Ointment is a deeply rich, nourishing balm for ultra-dry skin.  The kind of skin that tears at your clothes and makes your tights feel like sandpaper against your shins… the skin we dread each Winter.  If you’re in need of deep moisturisation and instant relief, this could be what you’ve been looking for – provided in the form of some of the most natural, pure and most-overlooked ingredients in the world.

Smelling like warm, buttered-honey, Golden Ointment has a creamy consistency to match.  The ointment is enriched with Ultra Pure Medical Grade Lanolin, Manuka Honey & Vitamin E, and contains no artificial colours or fragrance (of course).

Simplicity always was the recipe for success.

Lanolips Golden Ointment will launch mid-November EXCLUSIVELY at Victoria Health (waiting list available), priced at £17.99 before rolling out across Boots stores nationwide from February.


Monday Musings: Do YOU have the potential to be a fangirl?

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 28 - 2011

Brand loyalty is a funny old thing.  Personally, I don’t think I’m brand loyal so much as product-loyal but I can definitely name a couple of brands that seem to attract super-fans.

Liz Earle is the one that always initially springs to mind.  Their supporters go crazy for the brand, the products, the shows… infact, both the brands that I had in mind when considering this post present on QVC.  Coincidence?

When I went to the Isle of Wight last year to attend Liz Earle’s 15th Anniversary Event… it opened my eyes.  I didn’t realise that us women could be so passionate about a brand.  Beauty in general?  Yes.  But a single brand?  A company?  A business?  I was left bemused by the (literally hordes of) women doing their utmost to maintain a sense of middle-class decorum while simultaneously clambering to get close to ANYONE at the event who looked like they were representing the brand.  It was the politest scrum I’ve ever been in!

Of course, it helps that at the head of this company… is Liz Earle.  Instantly likable on screen, she always appears effortlessly chic, calm and collected.  When she opens her mouth, she’s eloquent, charismatic… engaging and most of all, appears interested in what others have to say.  Yes, I’ll admit – I’m under her spell too.  Infact, I won’t name names… but I was in the company of a perfectly intelligent blogger (kinda) who’s words as we left the room in which we’d been introduced to Liz went something along the lines of… “OMG… I want a mummy Liz.  Do you think I can get her to adopt me?”  Of course, it was said in jest… and incited a riotous giggle amongst a group of women who are old enough to know better but it showed the Liz effect in full force!

I suppose that the phenomena could be attributed directly to the products.  If you find the solution to a skincare problem that’s plagued you for years within your Cleanse & Polish, your interest in everything the brand releases is going to be piqued.  And in all honesty, as superficial as we’re told all this beauty nonsense is… it runs deep for many of us.

Infact, as I write that last paragraph, I’m beginning to feel a little shame-faced and hypocritical.  I may not be evangelical about Cleanse & Polish (I don’t get the hype) but there is a certain product that I will forever hold in the highest regard and as such, it’s had a knock-on effect to the rest of this particular Antipodean brand.  My fangirl self even gets annoyed when I hear of other people not loving their products as much as I do!  Common sense?  Where did you disappear to?!

In analysing my own feelings for this brand, I can stem my cheerleading from the moment one of their products worked wonders on an issue that was troubling me in a way that did go deeper than the superficial.  In solving the physical issue it also removed a weight from my shoulders.

Oh dear… I’ve just thought of another brand that encourages my inner rah-rah girl.  Sigh, there goes my delusions of being even just a tiny bit cool.

Perhaps, before scoffing at what I perceive as other people’s foibles… I should remind myself that we all have a fangirl inside of us just waiting for that miracle product to bring her out, pom-poms flailing.


Which brands do you think attract super-fans?  Do YOU have the potential to be a fangirl?

It’s a rhubarb revival!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 27 - 2011

Weekends were made for slovenliness – the respite before the manic new week ahead.  I use the time to treat my skin to a bit of makeup-free pampering, I also like to spoil the family with a treat or two…

Yesterday was all about the rhubarb!

Seeing as I’m still on my diet (but getting there slowly!), I had to gaze at the crumble from a distance.  Check out the whipped cream/crumble ratio… that’s how we roll around these here parts.

Not *quite* as delicious but tasty nonetheless is Lanolips Rhubarb Lip Ointment… a sheer, moisturising balm with a hint of colour and sparkle.

The more I’m getting into wearing strong lip colours, the less use I have for these sheer coloured tubes.  I apply my Lanolips 101 before bed at night anyway so don’t need the daytime moisturisation these provide.  But if you’re more of a natural lip girl, these are definitely worth checking out.

My favourites from the coloured range are: Rhubarb, Apples and Dark Honey but definitely check out Sunshine too if you like warmer colours.

[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”And for the crumble?” ccolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”b0c4de” bgcolor=”e6e6fa” cbgcolor=”b0c4de”]

♦ 1 large tin of rhubarb (unless fresh is in season!)
Brown Sugar to taste depending on how tart you like it! (I use about 2 tbsp sprinkled over the rhubarb and 1 over the top of the crumble before baking)
♦ Ready made crumble topping (what? it *is* the weekend!)
♦ 1 tsp of ground cinammon
♦ 1 1/2 tsp of mixed spice

That’s it!

Drain the rhubarb and lay in an ovenproof dish ♦ Add a sprinkle of brown sugar and the spices ♦ Cover with the crumble topping and press down to compact with your fingers (or back of a spoon if you’re a hygiene freak!) ♦ Sprinkle the remaining brown sugar ontop and lightly scratch the surface with a fork to ‘rough’ it up a bit!

Put it in a pre-heated oven (200°c) for 40-45 minutes and pray to the Gods of crispiness that yours comes out with a crunchy top!

Serve with cream or custard… I nearly always use whipping cream just ‘cos that’s how my Nan done did it!



Lanolips Lip Ointment in Rhubarb with SPF15 is priced at £7.99 and available online from Victoria Health or instore at Boots.

Despite her tender age, Leila is becoming quite the discerning shopper.  Not that she has access to my debit cards or Paypal account you understand… but she does have access to the three bottom drawers of my Ikea Helmer (when I’m not looking).

It was here that she discovered my Lanolips Rose Balm Intense a very short while after I’d opened it…

…and now she won’t give it back.

It’s the sheep you see… Lady Lamb has captured her imagination and her heart, everytime I try to steal a squeeze… my attempts are met with tears.

I’ve been using the Lanolips 101 ointment on L since she was a tiny one to dampen the eczema on her face and because she was always swaddled at night as a babe, the thick lanolin used to work wonders at taking the edge off the itch.  Perhaps something in her subconscious recognises this lanolin-based counterpart, the only other beauty product to have awoken her magpie tendencies was a Beauty Blender – and I don’t really blame her for that one.

Still, at such a tender age (and with no offers to do the washing up on the table) she has no need for my Rose Balm Intense, which afterall.. is for very *dry* hands.  Not very *little* hands.

…nor very little teeth.  Grrr.

For the five consecutive nights that I was able to apply the handcream… I formed the opinion that it was certainly softening on my rough bits but not a product that I’d want to use during the day.  It’s heavy and sits on the skin in the way I love my Lanolips 101 to do… but I just don’t love the same feeling on my hands.

It’s strongly rose-scented and you only need the smallest amount to get good coverage.  After 4 days, it was beginning to heal my sore cuticles before it was rudely snatched from my routine.  I’d recommend it for when your usual cream isn’t cutting it.  Combined with a pair of cotton moisture gloves, I think it would make for an intense and quick-fix overnight treatment.

Or yano, a great addition to your toddler’s handbag.

Lanolips Rose Balm Intense is priced at £8.99 for 50ml and available online or instore in Boots.

Did you miss the Lanolips memo?

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 3 - 2010

Surely not… I’ve been harping on about it often enough but I just had to mention that the brand is finally available to buy in Boots.  Unfortunately, it’s only online for the moment… but all that will change in January, when it launches instore too.

Not sure where to start with the Aussie range? My pick has to be the 101 ointment.  Literally, 101 uses for this little tube of lip-loving moisture.

So good, it’s got a waiting list…

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 26 - 2010

Am I talking about the new Chanel must-have?  Perhaps a little something-something from La Prairie?


It’s none ofther than Lady Lamb herself, FINALLY making that long journey from Down Under (check out those lips and lashes!)

Basically… what I’m saying is… the time has come!

You can now pre-order your Lanolips online from VictoriaHealth!

If you don’t know what the hell I’m getting so excited about (where have you been?), I first mentioned the brand back in the beginning of March.  If you wanna have a read of my thoughts, click here.

You can also follow Lanolips on Twitter and Facebook.

Lanolips are coming to the UK!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

My love for these Aussie tubes of lip-loving lanolin have been well documented on this here blog and I’m excited to announce that from September we need go no further than the high street to get our hands on them!

Lanolips will be launching in the top 22 Boots stores starting in September before (hopefully) being rolled out to other stores nationwide later in the year.

The original non-coloured 101 ointment (my fav!) will be priced at £10.99 with the sheer coloured lip-ointments retailing for slightly less.

I’m over the Summer now… come on September!

Lanolips Lip Ointment

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 3 - 2010

After suffering for the past 4 months with flaky, dry lips… I’ve finally found my cure.  Let me tell you a bit about it…

Lanolips is an Australian brand that proudly produces one of the most natural cosmetic products on earth.

The Lanolips lineup currently includes 2 core products:

~ Lanolips Lip Ointment with Colour 12.5ml  (AUD13.95/£8.40)

~ Lanolips 101 Ointment 17.5ml (AUD17.95/£11)

I was sent the range for review consideration over a month ago now and I tell you now without a scrap of embarrassment despite the risk of sounding like I’m gushing…. this stuff has made a big difference to my life.

I could tell you all about how pure and natural the ointments are, I could share the anecdotes about how it’s so safe it can be used on the mouths of new-born babies… but to be honest, you can find all that out by visiting their website.  I wanna tell you why from this day forward, I’m never going to be without a tube of this in my handbag.

But let me first concentrate on the Lanolips Ointment with Colour.

These are fabulous lip gloss alternatives.  They’re sheer, but the colour is build-able.  Thanks to a completely non-sticky formula, you can also apply without fear of errant breezes gluing your hairdo to your face.

The shades:

Rose is a milky-toned soft pink, perfect for paler skin-tones and also works fabulously to tone down bright lipsticks a touch.  I feel it may be a little too pale for darker skintones and WOC unless you apply with a light hand or like the super pale look.

Dark Honey is a true dark nude shade, I would imagine this is flattering to all skin-tones – very easy to wear.  It’s a “your lips but better” shade for me.

Sunshine is a warm, summery coral.  It’s beautiful.. and on paper, is probably my favourite.  But unfortunately, it doesn’t flatter my cool skin-tone quite as well as the others.

Apples is described byLanolips as “the colour of babies lips” and I totally get that decription, it’s a rosebud red.  I’m afraid it looks a touch warmer in my swatch than in real life though, sorry about that!

There’s also another, newly released shade called Rhubarb which has been described as a deep, vibrant pink, but I don’t have that one to show you.

Scent-less and taste-less, I’ll be using these daily in the Summer when I want something a little lighter, a little more natural and glowy.

The main point to remember with the entire Lanolips range is the core ingredient, the fundamental base upon which all this colour frivolity has been added – the ultra-moisturising Lanolin.  It keeps my lips supple and so far is improving tone and texture unlike anything else I’ve tried.

Having sad that, there are still a couple of things that I’d change.

I’d personally prefer a slanted plastic applicator so that I could use the tube to applythe product instead of my finger.  I’d also like to see the packaging include the word ‘tint’ somewhere for clarification.  The colours look SO bright in the tube, I’d be surprised if there weren’t at least a few consumers who were expecting more colour payoff upon application.

That aside, onto my favourite product!

Lanolips 101 Ointment is the DADDY.  It’s the no-nonsense “what you see is what you get” multi-purpose cure-all.

The stand-alone tube, slightly bigger than the rest at 17.5ml, contains nothing but pure ultra medical-grade lanolin.  To be (un)fair, it’s kinda boring… it’s unscented, unflavoured, uncoloured, un…inspiring… yeah, it’s a whole lot of ‘uns’.

But it’s this little marvel that I’m marking up as my lip saviour today.

I’m not new to lanolin.  I was a big fan of Lansinoh throughout the months I breastfed my baby.  Lansinoh saved my poor nips (tmi?) on many occasions whilst me and the babs were still both figuring out what the hell we were supposed to be doing.  I’ve even tried to use Lansinoh on my lips before… but it’s too damn sticky.  I used to be able to bear it for about 15 minutes before having to grab a tissue and wipe it off.  I’ve been told by Lansinoh PR that it’s not as sticky as it used to be, but I only have the experience of my year-old tube to compare to.

Lanolips advise you to use the Lanolips 101 Ointment generously but I haven’t found that I’ve needed to apply it very thickly at all.  Which is just aswell, ‘cos I hate that feeling where you’ve got about 8″ of product built up on your lips.

I use the Lanolips 101 Ointment in a number of ways:

1. On my lips before bed as a moisturiser
2. A thin layer underneath lipstick to moisturise and stop matte lipsticks looking like crap
3. A thin layer above lipstick to add shine
4. On Leila’s eczema
5. On my cuticles at night as an intensive moisturiser.

I think out of all those uses, the one that stands out to me… the one reason that I’ll be repurchasing this product for as long as I can get my grubby little hands on it is #2.

Is that shallow?  Surely I should choose the fact that it’s a fabulous lip conditioner?  Or um… wait, maybe I should have chosen the fact that it diminishes my daughter’s eczema patches… but um… I can wear my OCC Lip Tars without looking like I’ve been mummified!

I can wear my Revlon and MAC mattes lipsticks again – the joy!  I’ve spent months trying different lip balms underneath with no success.  On the rare occasion that a lip balm has succeeded at keeping my lips smooth, the lippie has inevitably slid off my face after 20 minutes.  If anything, as long as I keep my layer of Lanolips nice and thin, it’s almost as if it gives my lipstick something to adhere to!

The cheapest online stockist I can find offering international delivery is MakeUWell who charge 10AUD (about £6) for postage.

Lanolips 101 Ointment *is* my solution.  Now I just need someone to come along and stock it in the UK so I don’t have to pay international postage charges.  Is that really too much to ask?


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