Butter London – The Full Monty NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 3 - 2010

Silver yesterday… so what can I wear today?

Of course!!  GOLD!

Butter London’s The Full Monty is a neutral gold (if that makes sense) it’s neither too warm, nor too green which makes it a suitable gold for most skintones.

Like Diamond Geezer, it’s also a foil…. my favourite type of metallic.  The above photo shows two coats, I could have done one more but am planning on adding glitter v. soon!

Do you wear metallics like these throughout the year or restrict them to the holiday season?

The Full Monty is priced at £9.75 and available to buy online from PowderRooms who are currently offering free delivery on all orders until the 5th December.

Boots iPulse Smooth Skin IPL – Q&A

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

As I explained in my previous video, I’m slowly coming to terms with the simple truth that one course of laser hair removal won’t guarantee “permanent removal”.  The wording that’s generally used is “permanent reduction” and there’s a difference.  It’s comparatively far more permanent than other hair removal methods but will never be truly permanent without occasional treatment ‘top ups’.

What I’ve also realised (with the help of hindsight) is that this doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing because you don’t have the funds to cover constant salon visits or an expensive at home device.  The fact is that when (relatively) small amounts of hair do grow back, they’re often finer, more manageable and far less offensive(!) than their original growth patterns and this is precisely the ‘reduction’ that companies refer to.

I will happily confess that I have always placed a preference on having my unwanted hair zapped at a salon.  It’s far more expensive in the long run but there’s something to be said for placing yourself in the hands of a professional in circumstances where the eventual outcome is potentially life-changing.  It’s a confidence thing.

However, now that I understand and appreciate the need for these ‘top ups’, the thought of having an IPL device that I can use in the comfort of my own home is more tempting.  Despite this, there are considerations that should be addressed before you decide what’s right for you.  For everyone, these will be different.  For me, they go something like this.

1).  Will I be disciplined enough when using an at home device?  I wouldn’t miss a salon appt for fear of being penalty charged… it’s much easier to be lax with the treatments at home.
2).  Am I confident enough in my own abilities to use an at home device competently?
3).  Are at home devices as effective as salon treatments?
4).  Do I want to use an at home device from day 1 or invest in one for maintenance purposes once my salon treatment is finished?

The wonderful thing about technology is that it’s forever evolving and improving.  Hair removal is on the front line… it’s a highly sought after process and still incredibly expensive for the average consumer.  Companies are investing millions in developing the best machines possible for both home and salon use.

I recently attended an event where we had the opportunity to put questions to the people behind the Boots iPulse Smooth Skin, you can watch the highlights of this event in the video below:

iPulse currently hold the enviable title of being Boots biggest seller.  They’ve sold approximately 35,000 units through the high street retailer and the device has generated an average 4 star rating from consumers on the Boots website.  Many are treating general areas such as legs and underarms, whilst others focus on hormonal hair (face, neck, chin etc.)

I wanted to follow up and put some additional questions to the people behind the iPulse, focusing on issues related to treating hormonal hair.

1). Most “at home” IPL hair removal systems aren’t recommended for use on women with PCOS, am I right in thinking that you’ve updated your literature to specifically include considerations for PCOS sufferers who want to use the device?

We are aware that hormonal imbalances and in particuar PCOS, are extremely distressing conditions when the side effect can produce unwanted facial hair.  Boots Smooth Skin is suitable for use on the face and our research and clinical trials indicated a substantial reduction in facial hair and also our customers advised us that they were delighted with the results they have achieved in using the device on this sensitive area.

2). What are the main considerations that women with PCOS need to be aware of when using the iPulse?

The main considerations for customers with PCOS is that the hair growth cycle becomes irregular and therefore it may be necessary to give the area more treatments than other areas of the body.  Stimulation of hair growth to the facial area can be considerable when there are hormonal imbalances and it is good to be able to treat the area  as and when necessary.

3). What are the benefits of choosing the iPulse over going to my local salon for a course of IPL treatments?

Convenience and cost are the two main  benefits however, there are many more.  For some people privacy is important and this enables the treatment in comfort of your own home at a gtime convenient to you.  Another benefit is time.  Using Boots Smooth Skin will take approximately 6 – 12 weeks due to the regulated energy output enabling a weekly or fortnightly treatment.  With salon treatments you will have a four to six week waiting period between each treatment – probably needing 6 – 10 treatments to achieve the same results and then there is the cost and inconvenience of traveling to the salon when it suits them!

4). iPulse offer an “IPL system”, the treatment I underwent at the SK:N clinic was on a “laser system”.  What are the differences between the two treatments and is one more effective for reducing hormonal hair growth?

A laser is the first generation of hair removal systems using one beam of light to treat individual hairs – IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is the next generation of light based therapy systems using multiple wavelengths and a larger spot size which enables the treatment of many hairs at any one time.   Offering the same results – permanent hair reduction – it is generally thought that treatment is faster and pain free with IPL systems.

5). Would you say that the iPulse is a particularly suitable option for women like me who have already undergone laser treatment and are looking for a cost-effective way to maintain their results?

Most definitely, this is a great way to keep previously treated areas hair free without the necessity of returning to the salon for further expensive treatments. A convenient way to ensure the initial results achieved are maintained.


A big thank you to iPulse for taking the time to answer my questions.  I hope that you’ve found them useful too!

Butter London – Diamond Geezer NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

With the weather being so incredibly festive, there was really only one mani I could post…

Butter London’s Diamond Geezer is an icy display of pure silver.  Stark and glistening, it couldn’t be more current!

It has a foil finish and is a three coater for solid opacity though you could get away with two if you don’t mind a slight VNL.  Longevity was good and tip wear not particularly noticeable thanks to the forgiving shade.

Butter London Diamond Geezer is priced at £9.75 and available to buy online from PowderRooms

An Avon Christmas Party Look with Jackie Tyson

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2010

Avon bring us one of the easiest to recreate Christmas party looks I’ve seen so far, I’m loving the heavy eyeliner and pink lips.

I’ve blogged about that sparkly blue Avon Glimmerstick Diamonds and the Avon Lace Hues Palette before, so check those posts for swatches.

I’m getting tons of wear from my black Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliner… and I’m going to start putting my silver one to good use too now that Christmas is getting ever-closer!

Have you got any Christmas parties to attend this year?  Started scouring the net for makeup inspiration?

Accessorize Nail Polish Bronze #41 – NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 28 - 2010

Blimey do I ever love these Accessorize duochromes.

If wealthy Elizabethan women wore nail polishes, they’d look something like this.  I think I need a sumptuous velvet gown to go with it no?  There’s something so rich and luxurious about this polish.  It’s smooth and almost creamy.

It flashes between pink, bronze, gold, amber, green.  Spell-binding.

Application was three coats but each dried fairly quickly so didn’t cause much annoyance.  The whole mani was done in half an hour from base coat to top coat (INM Out The Door).

The last Accessorize polish I picked up from the new range is called Pink Spice and I think I’m gonna save that one for Christmas Day.  Here’s a link to my other Accessorize polish, Aztec.

Am I missing any from the range that I absolutely must have?

Priced at £4 each for 10ml… Accessorize Nail Polishes are available instore (though I can only ever find a couple – usually by the tills), online (full selection) and in Superdrug.

Bare Minerals High Shine EyeColor

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 28 - 2010

If you’re familiar with pigments, then you’re probably familiar with the concept of foiling them.  If not… it goes something like this…

You wet your brush by spraying it with your toner/water/fixer of choice before dipping it in the loose pigment and patting onto your eyelid.  It gives a high shine, high metallic effect that’s vibrant and striking.

Bare Minerals have introduced a new range of eye colours that they’re calling High Shine EyeColor.  The simple premise of this new line is a high-intensity metallic colour without the need for foiling.  The foiled effect but with dry pigments.

I was sent a few shades from the new line up to put to the test and I have mixed feelings on them.

Undoubtedly beautiful, they’re also incredibly portable in their well-sealed vials.  Packed with metallic goodness, they’re an enticing product.

From left to right, the above image shows the shades: Bronzed (bronze), Frost (silver), Glisten (pale gold) and Patina (khaki gold).

Purdy aren’t they?

But these aren’t just pigments in a jar a la MAC or the regular Bare Minerals offerings because they come with an inbuilt sponge applicator and delivery system.  This is where the product loses points for me.

The sponge applicator is mounted on a spring mechanism which is frankly pretty fierce.  You need to be prepared to work against it to stop it from “springing” up and dumping product in your lap.  It’s not a huge issue aslong as you’re aware of it… but I can imagine it might catch a few people unaware.

Secondly, there’s fall out as you remove the applicator from the neck of the vial.  It’s avoidable only if you’re incredibly careful and precise.  A bit like one of those fairground games that buzz if you touch the metal wire with the hoop!

Part of me feels that this is to be expected and that I’m being a touch harsh.  Afterall, these are loose pigments and no one ever said that working with them wasn’t messy.  However, I feel that if you’re going to go to the trouble of implementing an application system… it needs to do a better job than one could do without it.  I simply don’t feel that this system makes a messy job any easier.

But check out how these babies look…

Swatched on bare skin, they’re quite something.  How perfect are they for the Holiday season?

Back to the application for a minute… as with most loose eyeshadows, you’ll be wanting to do your eyes before attempting foundation.  There’s fall out from the sponge tip onto the uppper cheekbone whenever I apply.  Not a huge amount but enough to irritate and provoke much tsking!

If you can get past the inconveniences of working with loose pigment… this is how they look worn.

Excuse my Burglar Bill t-shirt.  Instead, check out the intensity of that pigment.  Infact, if anything… they’re a touch washed out by the camera flash.  I didn’t wear any primer underneath and the colour lasted amazingly well.  Easily 6/7 hours before fading… I think probably because they are SO intense to begin with.

So there we have it.  I love them but they’re not flawless.  Their intensity is electrifying and wear equally impressive.  They’re just a bit of a pain in the bum to apply.

Bare Minerals High Shine EyeColor is available in 6 shades.  You’ll be able to find them at all Bare Escentuals boutiques, selected department stores and spas and salons nationwide from December.  Priced at £14 each.

Are you happy to sacrifice convenience for the end result?

Chanel Christmas/Holiday 2010 Tentation Cuivree Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 27 - 2010

This Christmas, it’s the Chanel collection that caught my eye more than any other.  Those beautiful pinks and coppers that contain the perfect amount of shimmer/glitter for the holiday season without being gaudy.

I will always be drawn to palettes that promise to create a wonderful smoky eye and this was no exception.  The only thing that could possibly dampen my enthusiasm would be pigmentation.  I wasn’t sure how much power this quad would pack.  I needn’t have fretted.

Come to Mama….

I know I usually take blog photos before I start sticking my sausage fingers in my shadows but I think I had this one opened and swatched before I’d even left the shop.  Excuse the shadow dust!

And the swatches (swatched over eye primer)…

To say that I love this palette would be an understatement.  The coppery tones in the two darkest shades really accentuate the green in my eyes and the paler, more ethereal hues brighten my eyes beautifully.

I don’t kno if you’re interested in lazy girl’s makeup application… but mine goes something like this:  The darkest copper shade… I apply all over the mobile lid, right up to the socket line.  Then I take the pink (on the far right) and use this to blend the harsh edges.  I pat the glittery shade (on the far left) ontop of the copper and finally, use the ivory to highlight the inner corner and brow bone.

All that takes me less than 2 minutes because I don’t do anything intricate in the socket line, nor do any fancy stuff in the outer corner.  This palette gives me a gorgeous smoky look in minutes.  And that’s why I love it.

For me, it’s more than worth the £35 I paid for it.  Can you tell I love this palette?

Clinique’s new iPhone app…

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 27 - 2010

… is titled “3 things to do before you’re 30“.

At the age of 29, that resonates.  Tick, tock, tick, tock… boom.  Why have I gotta do things before I’m 30?  Surely I’ve got time to do it AFTER I’m 30… *small voice* haven’t I?

Mannnn… Clinique, you just made me feel old.  But it’s free… so, I downloaded it anyway.

When you load it up, it’s caaaa-ute!  Lots of little squares that invite you to give it a shake… so I did!

Wheeee, they all fly around the screen… it’s very satisfying.  Then they settle… and give you a list of 3 things to do before you’re 30.

The first one I got told me to learn the trapeze.

So I turned it off and uninstalled it.  Stupid app.

Butter London – Rosie Lee NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 26 - 2010

Today’s NOTD is dedicated to the lovely Jen from NailPolishUK simply because I know that this is one of her favourite polishes.

How outrageously girly is that?  The thing about this polish is that it’s more than just pink glitter.  Well, it’s not… it IS just pink glitter… but it’s not stereotypical.  It has an edge to it that steers it away from being Barbie.  I think it’s the hint of rose gold.

I love it.  I hate removing it.  But… God, I love it.

It wears like Teflon too… I can keep this on my tips for a week solid.  Which is just aswell really ‘cos it takes that long to remove the bugger.

Butter London Rosie Lee is available to buy online from PowderRooms priced at £9.75 – A Christmas Cracker if ever I saw one!

ETA: I forgot to say! It’s pretty simillar to the infinitely more affordable Eyeko Chi Chi… differences: Rosie Lee is more opaque, the finish is smoother and it’s more sparkly.  But they’re both beautiful Rose/Pink Gold glitters!

Avon Winter Skin Tips with Nicky Hambelton-Jones

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 23 - 2010

NHJ, wearer of mega specs and gatekeeper of the secrets to looking at least 10 years younger shares some winter skin tips in conjunction with Avon.

Created to promote the Avon ANEW Clinical range, I’ve only ever tried the Avon ANEW Clinical Eye Lift which I liked but didn’t love enough to repurchase.  The cream part I loved, but I found the gel to be thoroughly ineffective.  I do have a friend who adores the derma-full serum (in the funny bottle) and swears that it works wonders on her visible pores.

I’d love to hear what you guys think of the range?

FOTD – Les 4 Ombres Chanel Tentation Cuivree Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 23 - 2010

I’m still unsure about whether or not to go for Chanel’s Holiday/Christmas lipstick in Magnolia…. it’s a lovely medium pink but I think it might just be a little too shimmery… frosty-looking even.

Either way, I couldn’t be more in love with the Chanel Tentation Cuivree palette that I picked up last week.

I’ll do a proper post with close up and swatches but here’s a very quick FOTD to be getting on with.


Prori Coffeeberry Perfecting Foundation #1
Eve Pearl Blush Trio – Sweet Cheeks


Les 4 Ombres Chanel Tentation Cuivree Palette (2 darkest shades)
Boots No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara
Illamasqua Eye Brow Cake in Gaze


L’oreal Color Riche Serum Lipstick in Beamy Plum

As usual I’m doing my ‘use the least amount of products I can get away with’ trick.  Only out of necessity rather than choice.  I’m also currently trialling Priori Coffeeberry Perfecting Mineral Foundation which I’ll be reviewing as soon as I can get a well lit before/after shot.

Have a great Tuesday beauty addicts x

D&G Rose The One Shimmer Powder

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 22 - 2010

When I was making a birthday purchase for a dear friend, I couldn’t resist keeping the GWP for myself.  I know that’s naughty… but don’t act like you wouldn’t.  You wouldn’t?  Ok… now you’ve made me feel *really* bad.

Dolce & Gabbana Rose The One has been a hit on counters since it was launched last year.  It’s a very soft, feminine floral that updates the traditional rose scent and reintroduces it to a younger generation.

Of course, as with most fragrance successes comes the spin offs… the body lotions, shower gels and in this case… the body shimmer powder.

I received a ‘mini’ 6g size free with my fragrance order and have been thoroughly loving it.

As an objet d’art, it’s a really pretty thing to have sat on my dressing table.

As soon as you remove the lid you become aware of the delicate scent of roses and grapefruit.  It smells like a really clean floral… immensely feminine and quite suited as a body product.

The shimmer that this product imparts is beautiful.  Delicate, rose coloured with gold accents… it’s shimmer for grown ups.  I tap a little into the lid and use my powder brush to dust along my collarbone.  I’ve tried to catch how it looks in the photo below but not sure I’ve done it much justice.

I would definitely repurchase this in a larger size if/when I run out.  The scent it leaves on my skin is just the right amount and I would imagine that when layered with the complimenting EDP is a force to be reckoned with.

Don’t you just love a good GWP?

D&G Rose The One Shimmer Powder (in the huge 26g size) is available to buy online from John Lewis, priced at £34.


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