A little Boots haul…

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 2 - 2011

I do love reading about the things that people pick up in their lunch breaks, so hope mine is somewhat interesting too!  This wasn’t a lunch break… more of a ‘coffee’ break with the lovely Ally.

Since getting my Clarisonic, I’ve turned into a bit of a cleansing freak and there’s nothing I like more now than experimenting with all manner of different cleansers in conjunction with the gadget!  Honestly?  I don’t know how I didn’t get the crap beaten out of me at school.

Not only that, but despite having found a total JOY in the new Elemis Melting Cleanser, I *still* can’t resist picking up these ‘just incase’.  This is my problem though… by the time I’ve finished experimenting to see if I can find a cheaper alternative, I will have spent what it costs to go and by the Elemis twice over!  Please tell me I’m not alone in that kind of nonsense!

So after that rambling… what did I get?

Well, there’s currently a rather tempting 3for2 across skincare lines in Boots at the moment so that’s where I indulged!  I picked up the Boots Botanics Organic Cleansing Balm (£6.63) after reading the on-site reviews.

I also grabbed a nifty looking Boots Botanics Organic Nourishing Eye Makeup Remover (£3.99) (US link – I can’t find it on the UK site!) and the much revered Vichy Dermablend Corrective Foundation in Opal (£14.30) which I’m hoping to use as a redness concealer.

One last stop near the haircare and I grabbed the new Batiste dry shampoo for brown hair.  I’m not sure if this is reformulated or just repackaged from this one.  I’m secretly hoping this can will get me through those days where it takes you longer than it should to realise that you seriously should go buy some more hair dye.  Like now.

I’m in London today and I’ll be doing my best to avoid ‘popping’ into Boots for another look before the offer ends.  Honest!

What have you been hauling recently?

Hallo stuff! I’m really loving you! – Sunday 27th February

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 27 - 2011

I never get round to doing “products of the month” posts because there’s inevitably something else that I wanna blog about when the ‘critical’ time is approaching.

I do love reading other people’s picks though so instead of giving up on these type of posts completely I think I’ll just throw random ones out there when the mood takes me instead.  Who needs time restraints anyway?

1.  Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil (£19.50)

This has given my dry, overprocessed hair such a lift these last few weeks.  I don’t know how it compares to the likes of Moroccan Oil which I haven’t tried yet but the Gielly Green Argan Rescue add shine, softness and smooth ends without being too heavy on my fine (but lots of it!) hair.

You can buy the Gielly Green Argan Rescue Oil here.

2.  Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel (£19.40)

I received a sample size of this tucked into my last Debenhams order and “uh oh”, ‘cos it’s on the repurchase list!

I’ve been trying to work out a morning skincare routine that suits my combo/dry skin and this has become my morning cleanser of choice.  Normally, I use a ‘cleansing gel’ to remove my makeup but this one is so light that a pea-sized amount cleanses my bare face beautifully.

It has a delicious ‘wake me up’ grapefruit scent and is the only cleansing gel/oil/balm type product I’ve used that makes me feel clean without doing a double cleanse.  Add to that the fact that it’s one of the least drying cleansers I’ve discovered and I’m delighted to start the day with this gem!

Now, I’ve said that… watch me hate it once I purchase the full size.  It’s always the way right?

You can buy the Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel here.

3.  Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml (£34.00) *

Now available in a travel-friendly 20ml bottle, Balenciaga Paris is simply exquisite.  I’m not sure how it manages to capture so much in one small bottle.

It opens with a crisp, floral freshness that announces itself with all the fervour that BIG openings bring before mellowing into something quite creamy yet grown-up.

It seems to capture both a lightness and a depth that feels more sensual, darker… naughtier!

My only gripe is that it needs a top-up every 3 hours or so as the fragrance sadly doesn’t last the day… but I guess that’s the benefit of a 20ml bottle!

You can buy Balenciaga Paris Eau de Parfum 20ml here.

4.  Bliss Blood Orange & White Pepper Hand Cream (part of a duo set that cost £8.00)

Beautifully citrusy with a hint of spice, this hand cream is light, fast-absorbing and nourishing.  The scent lingers for a short while and will keep you sniffing your hands until it fades!  It’s a great daytime moisturiser that sadly only comes in a 30ml tube.  I think it may be limited edition too…

Oh well, as much as I love it – I guess I’ll have to find something else to replace it.

You can buy Bliss Blood Orange and White Pepper Hand Cream here. (on offer!)

5.  Vicks First Defence (£7.14)

I know this is a bit of a weird one… but I’ve used it twice now at the onset of a cold.  As soon as I get that “drowning feeling” in the back of my throat, I pull this out and use as often as the directions allow me.  Whilst it hasn’t killed or cured the ensuing snuffles, it’s made a real difference to it’s severity.

The last two times I’ve used it, my cold hasn’t progressed into full-blown face ache/streaming nose type horrors as it normally would.  I’ve been able to get on with day-to-day life with a couple of paracetamol and this nasal spray nearby quite happily!

You can buy Vicks First Defence here.

6.  Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist (£12.95) *

Since my run in with the Prai o2 Infusion I reviewed yesterday, my skin has been in dire need of TLC and the Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist has provided this well.  Once made up in the mornings, I obviously can’t moisturise with normal creams and this refreshing spray gives my skin a hydration boost with a couple of squirts throughout the day.

It’s alcohol-free and at 60ml is handbag-friendly.

You can buy Sheer Cover Refreshing Face Mist here. (Guthy Renker sells products through a ‘membership’ scheme and you may need to cancel your membership if you don’t want automatic product topups every 90 days)

7.  Melvita Eye Contour Gel (£18.00) *

Organic brand Melvita failed to impress me first time round… I tried a particularly stinky oil that I just couldn’t bring myself to use because of it’s… um… aroma.  However, the Melvita Eye Contour Gel is a delight!

Incredibly lightweight and fast-absorbing, I’ve finally found an eye cream that I’m happy to wear under my makeup.  I’ve noticed a decrease in puffiness since incorporating this into my routine… not sure it does much for fine lines or dark circles but it feels wonderfully refreshing and lifting for bleary morning peepers!

You can buy Melvita Eye Contour Gel here.


What are you currently using and loving?

* press sample

The Braun Oral B Triumph 5000 Electric Toothbrush

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 24 - 2011

If Inspector Gadget owned an electric toothbrush, the Braun Oral B 5000 Triumph would surely be his weapon of choice.

The Inspector Gadget of toothbrushes

I make my living surrounded my motherboards, CAT 5e cables and heat sinks, I’m not one to be turned off by a little gadgetry but this device had me scratching my head for a wee while at all the modes, options, brushes and monitoring solutions.

Say what?

It basically consists of two units.  A toothbrush (that comes with a ‘docking station’ for charging) and a ‘SmartGuide’ which sits somewhere near the toothbrush unit.

When I initially unboxed the product, I read the instructions for the ‘SmartGuide’ and got so bogged down by them, I decided that I’d simply ignore that part of the system and concentrate on using the toothbrush.  After a few weeks had passed, curiosity got the better of me and I unpacked the ‘SmartGuide’ and installed it alongside the toothbrush.

The SmartGuide, doing what it does best… flashing at me.

Having never owned an electric toothbrush before, the actual brush itself has been a revelation from day one .  My previous experience (of trying my mother’s!) had been brush heads that were WAY too big and clunky to reach the back of my mouth which left my teeth feeling thoroughly uncleansed.

The brush heads that click onto the Braun Oral B Triumph systems fit each tooth perfectly but are still small enough to reach right back to those pesky wisdom teeth without putting your jaw into spasm.

It comes with a variety of brushes for all your brushing/polishing needs.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve no real use for half the brushes that you can purchase to integrate into this system… after three months, I’ve decided that for my requirements, the Oral-B Precision Clean Brush Heads do everything I need although it’s nice to have the option to incorporate special polishing cups and floss-action heads into your routine if you require.

On the subject of flossing and despite owning brush heads that claim to offer this action, having an electric toothbrush with all these bells and whistles hasn’t replaced the manual action of a piece of flossing thread successfully.

I visited my dentist after having used the Braun system for 3 months and interestingly, the only area that hadn’t shown any signs of improvement were the gaps between my teeth.  It’s a breeding ground for bacteria and picking up one of these all singing/all dancing electric toothbrushes doesn’t replace the need for daily flossing.

Well designed and nicely weighted handle with display

But hold on there for a moment… because did you notice what I said?  The “only” area not to have shown improvement!

I’ve been visiting my dentist for about 12 years now and she always makes my visits sweeter by making me feel better about my mouth being the plaque attractor that it is.  “Some people just have more ridges on their teeth to attract it!” she says whilst I sit there worrying that she must think I never brush my teeth at all.

When I visited the dentist last week, I asked her specifically to tell me if there were any noticeable improvements to my last visit.  She consulted the computer and worked her way around my mouth, noting various numbers to her auxiliary who plugged them in to the system (lots of 2’s and one 3 incase that means anything to you!)

Apparently, my gums had improved in most areas except for that one number 3 which I could feel was slightly inflamed just with my tongue.  She noted that there was an overall significant improvement on last time (5 months previously) and that she had been a little concerned at their deterioration following the birth of my daughter.  Apparently, we’re back on track!

Not only that but she also made a little joke that the scale and polish was going to take her half the time it usually does as the ‘flat surfaces’ were looking really clear of plaque compared to normal.  To be honest, I could have told her that!

OK, so the Braun Oral B Triumph 5000 has passed the dentist test with flying colours as far as I’m concerned.  It’s obviously brushing my teeth more effectively than a manual toothbrush ever did though as I said earlier, it doesn’t replace a good old-fashioned floss which is just as important as tooth brushing!

The system all set up!

But back to this SmartGuide for a minute… afterall, this is one of the Braun’s USPs.  We’re talking about a toothbrush that costs £160+ when it isn’t on special offer.  It’s USP needs to make it worth that doesn’t it?

Sweeping aside all the special modes for deep cleaning, sensitive cleaning, polishing, tea-making and everything else it offers… the SmartGuide gives me one major advantage…

It makes me brush my teeth for a full 2 minutes night and morning.  It’s like a nag.  I switch on the toothbrush… and 10 seconds later I’m ready to move on to the next section of my mouth.

“NO!” says the SmartGuide.  Well, it doesn’t actually *say* ‘no’ – that would be REALLY clever!  What it does, is flash at me.  It shows me the quadrant of my mouth that this brush needs to stay in for the next x-amount of seconds.  I look back down at the sink… surely it’s time nowwwwwwwww…

“NO!” (flashes the SmartGuide)…

The simple truth is that without the SmartGuide, I’d be finished with my teeth brushing approximately a full minute earlier than with it.  And that ain’t good news for my teeth.

The Braun Oral B Triumph 5000 Electric Toothbrush (with naggy SmartGuide) is available online at Boots priced at £163.39… but wait!

You can get it from Amazon for £79.99.  And that my friends, is what I would be happy to call a bargain.

Boots to withdraw British beauty brand Ruby & Millie from stores

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 24 - 2011

I was quite sad to read this piece of news yesterday afternoon!

After 13 years as a mainstay on the British high street Boots UK is today announcing the phased withdrawal of the Ruby & Millie brand from its stores.  Ruby & Millie led the way for pioneering fashionable cosmetic brands to break into the mass market driving the trend for the fusion of mass and premium cosmetics .

Ruby & Millie were one of the brands I cut my beauty teeth on.  Not quite ‘high street’ (though they are!) but not ‘high end’ either.  To be fair, I wasn’t in love with many R&M products, especially in recent times… but the ones that I did fall for, I still use frequently today!

Where am I going to get my i-writers from now huh?!

The press release went on to say (I’m C&P-ing because I can’t say it any more concisely!)

Ruby Hammer and Millie Kendall stepped down from the brand in 2008 and have since focused on new and innovative brands such as Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique, Scarlett & Crimson and Alex Byrne Beauty. 2011 will also see the launch of Ruby Hammer’s eponymous new range.

I still haven’t tried anything from the Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique…  I need to get into a bigger Superdrug to check the range out after seeing Helen’s nails blinged up to the max with the Trio Colour Layering System!

But it’s not all doom and gloom for the Ruby & Millie brand because…

The duo will also look to reinvest their energy into the Ruby & Millie brand bringing back a classic representation of their iconic products and initial concept of affordable luxury to the global market.

I’m pleased that the duo will be looking at ways to bring the brand back to former glory, it’s one of those brands that seems to have lost its way a little in recent times.  Also looking forward to finding out more about this new range from Ruby Hammer – every cloud has a silver lining eh?

Will you be sorry to see the Ruby & Millie brand disappear from Boots?

Self-Combusting Cosmetics – Becca Pressed Shimmer Powders

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 19 - 2011

Australian brand Becca is one of my favourite cosmetic lines, I love almost everything about the brand.  The shades, the packaging, the beautiful campaign imagery that sets my pulse racing not to mention the products that deliver polished and understated results time after time….

But there’s one thing I don’t like about the brand, infact… it’s such an issue for me that I’m on the verge of throwing my toys out of the pram and boycotting.

My Pressed Shimmer Powders keep disintegrating.

Now, I don’t carry my makeup around with me.  I don’t need to… I work from home and if I’m out and about, I’m usually too laden down with either L’s things or my camera – a makeup bag is not an essential in my life.  These powders are treated with kid gloves and they sit in a drawer on my desk.

So why the hell is this the SECOND time one of my Becca Pressed Shimmer Powders has started to lift from the pan in this way?

You might think that I’m one helluva unlucky madam… I must admit, I was contemplating resigning my online account with Lotto too until I googled the issue and realised that I’m not the only one experiencing this quality concern.

Let’s do some maths here… I’ve owned a total of 5 Becca powder products and 2 have disintegrated – those stats aren’t good.

On the Becca website, I see that the Pressed Shimmer Powders are in the ‘last chance’ section so it looks as though they’re going to be discontinued.  I’m not sure whether to whoop or sob.

As for my beautiful, broken Nefertiti Pressed Shimmer Powder that I got for Christmas?  Well… I just shed a little tear.  And at £30, it was an expensive one.

Have you experienced any crumbling issues with Becca powder products?

Get a beautiful body with Body America!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 17 - 2011

New York Cheesecake with an Edge, Vermont Va Va Voom, Toast to the Coast and Southern Belle promise scintilating flavours that leave me unsure whether I should be slathering them on my body or on my crumpets in the morning!

I’m gonna go with ‘body’… but only ‘cos I’m on a diet.

The Body America range of products has been notoriously hard to track down until House of Fraser scooped them up as part of their new Apothecary setup.  The range claims 72% organics which are enriched with Aloe Vera juice to soothe and soften the skin.

That’s all great in theory… but how does the range really perform?

Vermont Va Va Voom Foaming Bath & Shower Wash (£7.00)

Green Apple, Maple and Blueberry… but particularly heavy on the apple.  Thankfully, although heady in combination, the scent that’s left behind on the skin is quite light and pleasantly fresh.

I’m not usually a fan of products that foam before I get them close to my body as I find I have to use a ton to get the same kind of luxurious lather as with normal soapy formulas.  This one gets a thumbs up for managing to go the distance before losing it’s fluff!

I should also note that I didn’t find this drying on my skin.

Toast to the Coast Lip Butter 8.5gms (£4.00)

All style and no substance.  It smells delicious (Ocean and Grapeseed), tastes incredible but does nothing to moisturise my lips.  It’s thin and spreads lightly which makes it a nice butter to apply under a drying lipstick but that’s about as far as my praise for this one can stretch.

New York Cheesecake Body & Face Scrub 100gms (£7.00)

My pick of the bunch and I will definitely be picking this up in the Toast to the Coast flavour.  It’s a milky thin fluid that spreads for miles and contains minute particles of ‘scrub’.  Touted as a light exfoliation, I’d say that on my skin it felt pretty full on and in my opinion, too harsh for the face.  But it’s perfect for bodycare and leaves a positively edible scent behind!


I haven’t tried any of the body butters but they’re reportedly made by the people behind The Body Shop body butters and only £7/£8 each.  All products are available instore and online.

Have you tried the Body America range yet?

Benefit Powder Time Lover!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 16 - 2011

I picked this trio of blushes up in Debenhams when it was on sale a couple of weeks ago and I could barely wait until I was home to have a play!

Dandelion was my first Benefit purchase many, many, MANY moons ago and it nearly broke my makeup-loving heart.  I just couldn’t make it show up on me… and back then, I’d spent a considerable amount of my weekly student budget on the damn thing.  Thankfully, things started to look up when I discovered Benefit Creaseless Creams and now I’m back to give the powder blushes another go.

I know that loads of people hate the blush box-packaging, but it’s never bothered me… aslong as it’s sturdy, I’m ok with it.  I don’t generally carry my blush around with me on a day-to-day basis anyway.

You get three 3g blushes in the set.  Clockwise from top left: Coralista, Dandelion, Dallas.

And again…

I think this is such a great way to purchase your Benefit blushes.  At £578579 or whatever it costs nowadays to buy a single Benefit blush, it’s expensive.  Benefit keep releasing these blush boxsets though… and then discontinuing them.  I recommend POUNCING on the sets when you see them or if you can hold your nerve, wait until they go in the sale though you risk missing out alltogether.

Dandelion still barely registers on me but the other two are delightful.  I’m especially pleased with Dallas which I thought would be the ‘bum note’ of the set but I can see myself using this blush-cum-bronzing shade with a light hand.

The texture of all three shades is delightful, lasting power.. impressive and blendability… spot-on.

If you see one of these, pick it up and RUN to the till before it’s gone for good.

Staying Perfect with Boots No7

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 16 - 2011

Whenever I buy from Boots No7, I feel like I’m taking a bit of a gamble.  Each purchase I make tends to polarise my opinion and I either end up LOVING the product… big LOVE, not just fleeting love (lip liners, exceptional definition mascara, eye mousse) or out and out hating it (most no7 foundations, shower oil).

I just don’t seem to occupy much middle ground where this brand is concerned.  With that in mind, I was curious to see how I’d like the bits I was recently sent from the range.

From left to right – Amazing Eyes Liner in black, Blush tint in 15 Blossom and Stay Perfect lipstick in 45 Tranquil Rose.

Let’s start with the liner…

Not my favourite type of application brush but perfect for thinner lines and precise flicks.  I’m a touch clumsy so generally fare better with felt tip type brushes.  Having said that, the formula is inky black, true and long-lasting.  The brush holds together beautifully to achieve dainty flicks with relative ease.

No7 Amazing Eyes Liquid Eye Liner is priced at £8.75 and available in black or brown online.

Blush sticks are always a temptation for me, they’re so portable and quick to apply.  The No7 Blush Tint in 15 Blossom is no exception, infact… it’s particularly foolproof.  It’s sheer with a non-greasy feel and applies well over both liquid and powder foundation thanks to a non-sticky, powder-finish.  I swipe this across my cheek back and forward about 5 times to build up the intensity before blending the edges with my fingers.

If you struggle with blush I can’t emphasise enough how well I think you’d get on with this product.  I’ve popped this one in my handbag because it gives me a really natural flush that I can touch up without even needing a mirror.  Really delighted with it’s performance.  I’d like to see No7 release this in more shades.

No7 Blush Tint Cream Blush is available online in Rosebud, Blossom and Clove, priced at £10.

Finally, No7 Stay Perfect lipstick in 45 Tranquil Rose.  First impressions are that it isn’t very ‘rose’ like… it’s far more vivid and corally than I’d expect for it’s name.  Second impression was a distinct “Woah!” when I applied and saw how pigmented it was… I ended up reaching for my lip brush to ensure a neat application.  If you go over the lines with this one, you’re gonna notice it!

For a long-lasting lipstick it’s remarkably creamy to apply but it will accentuate signs of lip dryness after a couple of hours.  And how about that wear?  Without eating… I achieved 5 hours of near-perfect wear but with eating… I needed to top up immediately afterward because the colour had still clung so well to the edges, it left a distinct ring!

I’m going to look into the other shades available as I do believe that Cherry might be calling my name!

No7 Stay Perfect Lipstick is available in 16 shades online, priced at £10 each.

Swatches from L-R: Amazing Eyes Liner, Stay Perfect Lipstick in Tranquil Rose and Blush Tint in Blossom.

A quick FOTD featuring the three products reviewed above.  How killer is that lipstick shade?!

Do you have any No7 staples that you return to time and time again?

China Glaze Pelican Gray Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 15 - 2011

This has become my go-to ‘quick mani’ as it doesn’t seem to matter how shoddily I slap it on, it always comes up looking pretty neat and polished!

The above shows three coats but it’s the kind of polish that you can wear sheerly to good effect.  It has a slight ethereal quality in the sunlight thanks to the pale hue and subtle silver shimmer.  It’s a very pretty polish with good wear and one I’m pleased to have in my collection.

Pelican Gray is from the China Glaze Spring 2011 Anchors Away collection.

Do you like grey polish for Spring?

Foaming an opinion on hair dye… *groan*

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2011

The thought of dying my hair is genuinely one of the dreariest prospects I encounter every couple of months but for me and my grey hairs, it’s a necessary evil.  It smells, it stains and it’s a downright chore.

When I first heard about the new foam hair dyes entering the market late last year, I thought “oh hai new gimmick, I’m still going to hate using you”.  I was right.  Just not entirely…

The first one I tried was the John Frieda Precision Foam Colour* which retails at around £9.99.

It’s more money than I normally pay for a home colourant but I’m sure it’s one of those that will eternally be on special offer somewhere.  Having said that, it’s freakin’ fantastic.  It dispenses a rich, creamy foam from start to finish with crystal clear instructions, great packaging (and awesome gloves that fit properly!)

You can tell when thought and careful planning has gone into the details… and here, the quality is apparent even down to the fact that the dye wipes off skin beautifully without compromising on potency!


The available shades for brunettes suck.  They’re all fairly warm-toned and if you’re a pink-faced girl with a penchant for ashy tones, this isn’t good news.  Would I buy it again?  Only if I want gingery grey bits when the dye fades.  So, um… probably not.


The second one I tried (and I’m sat here with freshly dyed hair now) is the Clairol Nice n’ Easy Colour Blend Foam* which normally retails at a more palatable £6.99.

Props to Clairol for a stonking range of shade availability.  Everything from cool to warm tones, darkest to lightest… However, I got beef with this brand.

The instructions included in the box are terrible and led me to over-mix the formula thus producing crappy foam.  The instructions state: “Shake bottle until completely mixed”.

Watch this…

Now, to my mind… “Shake bottle until completely mixed” is a truly rubbish way to communicate to your customers “give it three firm shakes and then leave it alone for 30 seconds”.  No?

I followed the pack instructions, held the bottle, closed my eyes and shook vigorously for about 10 seconds until I was convinced that the products would be nicely mixed.

The result was a runny foam that applied nothing like the creamy John Frieda formula.

This stuff also stains like a four year old running around with a plate of spaghetti.  As a home hair-dye veteran, I’m used to wiping the backs of my ears, that pesky patch where a strand inevitably drops onto your shoulder and the annoying bits on the temples where you want to cover the baby greys but not the skin.  I usually do a grand job of it too.

Unfortunately, I’m sat here now with pretty bad skin staining on my temples.  Do I risk applying a barrier cream and not getting the coverage I need on those greys?  I don’t know… All in all, it’s a disappointing performance from the Clairol.

I’m genuinely upset about this because the colour selection is fabulous, the end result is good (though not as glossy as the John Frieda) and in theory, I love the foam formula which makes it almost impossible to ‘miss’ bits.  I don’t have to faff about parting my hair to get into the roots… I just treat it like I’m shampooing with a creamy lather and the formula does all the hard work for me.  Foam hair dyes have truly been a revelation.

Not only that, but in both instances, the dye has rinsed down the plughole like a dream with the water running clear after only a minute or two at the most.


Which should you buy then?

If you’re looking for red tones, buy the John Frieda and do it now, while it’s on offer.

If you’re wanting a cooler-toned shade… go for the Clairol but beware the misleading pack instructions and be sure to use a barrier cream such as vaseline on your hairline.

The future’s bright and it’s rather foamy.

*press samples

Finger Bands courtesy of Butter London

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 11 - 2011

How much do we hate it when we look down at our fresh manicures to realise that yet again, we’ve managed to daub more polish on our fingers than we got on our nails?

Well, worry no more ‘cos Butter London set the scene at Vena Cava yesterday for a forward-thinking, fabulous faux pas that’s achievable for anyone with a nail brush (and an unsteady hand!)

image stolen borrowed from Nonie Creme’s twitstream here

Check out the finger bands painted by Nonie with some of the bestselling Butter London shades!  Such a fun touch, much cheaper than hunting down the latest high-street jewellery and at around 24hours, probably longer-lasting too 😉

Wanna see my late-night take on the trend?

Shades used: Marrow, Scoundrel and Come to Bed Red!

If you give it a go, make sure you play safe and only use Big 3 Free polishes in the creation of your finger art masterpieces.

I love anything in beauty and fashion that doesn’t take itself too seriously and this daftness reminds me of being at school and tippexing the crap out of myself in an ‘artful’ manner…  and anything that reminds me of those playful days is a win in my book.

What do you think of Butter London’s Vena Cava Finger Bands?

Remove all traces with Clinique’s Take The Day Off cleansing balm

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 10 - 2011

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  Take The Day Off*… really does take the day off.  And the night before that if you’ve been a lazy sink-dodging mare.

With dry hands, scoop out a 10p piece sized blog and massage over dry skin to remove all traces of makeup.  The solid balm transforms into a silky oil that glides over skin with ease.

I’m a long-standing cleansing oil fan and my face simply doesn’t feel clean to me until I’ve double cleansed.  Cleansing balms are something I’ve bought in the past but I generally prefer to use a pump bottle of oil than scoop product from a jar.

Last time I returned from holiday and opened my suitcase to find oil-soaked clothes put pay to that little preference.

I’m also finding balms to be more compatible with my Clarisonic.  The slip feels a little dryer than with my usual oils (though still perfectly workable) and I use my delicate brush head in conjunction with a low speed setting before washing off.

It leaves my skin feeling smooth and squeaky clean.  Drier skins may find this a little drying but oilier types should appreciate the product’s ability to cleanse thoroughly without too much stripping of the skin’s natural oils.

Finally?  It leaves not a scrap of residue behind.  It emulsifies fully with water into a creamy, milky fluid that washes away with ease.

It’s unscented which will please many (though I wouldn’t have minded a touch of fragrance tbh), gives me absolutely NO eye irritation (despite massaging it into my lashes!) and contains no mineral oils.  Win.

Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm is priced at £19.50 for 125ml.

Do you use cleansing balms?  What are some of your favourites?

*press sample


BBLL – Sunday 6th June 2010

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Deal Alert - Batiste Dry Shampoo for 99p?! Yes please!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Tampons! um... direct to your door?

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Win It! China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You Nail Polish

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

5 Lip Plumpers for sexy Autumn lips!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Deal Alert: Elemis get ready for April Showers with a 2for1 offer!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Max Factor Lash Extension Effect Mascara

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

GOSH Danielle Nail Polish NOTD

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Is Estee Lauder DayWear Sheer Tint Release...

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

The Lipstick League – Week of 18.07.11

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Hello? Is this thing on?

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my Escentual.com top picks!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Dear Obesity...

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  …


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