No7 ditches the airbrush to celebrate natural beauty

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 6 - 2013

A couple of months ago, Boots No7 asked me if I’d like to have a sneak peek at the creation of their new Autumn campaign. Different to most other campaigns from the beauty industry, No7 were keen to strengthen their pledge to ban the use of airbrushing and digital retouching in their campaigns.

The campaign is a two-parter… featuring both print and television. From Thursday, you’ll be able to see the finished TV ad on your screens. An ad which features real women, cast straight from the high-street. There are no professional models, no cheesy story-lines, and NO digital trickery. Just good makeup, great lighting, and some natural beauties relishing their Ta-Dah! moment. Trust me, I saw it all go down!


Creating the backdrops for the shoots – YES! They used actual No7 makeup!


Wardrobe department, who knew how hard it was to match your clothes to your makeup?!


Hello my pretties!


Got foundation?


I got the full experience too!


Sneaking a peek at the shots as they came straight off the camera

As you can imagine, when you’re shooting a campaign which celebrates the ability of makeup to enhance natural beauty without any digital intervention, it’s pretty important that your makeup artist is at the top of their game and Boots No7 enlisted the expert eye of Petros Petrohilos to safely steer them through the minefield of mascara smudges, lipstick-on-teeth disasters, and rogue blemishes. I was amazed at his meticulous attitude to creating the perfect red lip, it was quite something to behold!

Nails were looked after by Rock Beauty creative director (and he of Adele’s Louboutin manicure fame) Mike Pocock… while hair was teased into perfection by New Bond Street super-star, Neil Cornelius. Don’t let his destitute demeanour fool you, this man has bonafide magic fingers.

As for the man behind the camera, well… Boots No7 did something rather clever in their selection of who best to represent their idea of beauty. Abandoning the classic choice of a fashion photographer, the team behind the campaign took a braver route… calling up on the skills of eminent portrait photographer James Mollinson to interpret the essence of the women infront of the lens.

James is well-known for his travelling exploits (there’s a wonderful feature on him that you should watch, here), capturing subjects from across the globe and in this role, his aim was to portray each woman’s “Ta-Dah!” moment. That sense of satisfaction we all feel when our efforts at beautifying ourselves have been successful! Whether it’s the boost of confidence, the spring in our step, or just the knowledge that we won’t scare the children, the “ta-dah!” moment is something I think we can all empathise with.

I’ve got an exclusive preview on the print images below… how do you think James did with capturing these beautiful ladies?





Aren’t they stunning? What do you think? Do these shots speak “portrait” more than “beauty shoot” to you? I love how the backdrops tone perfectly with the makeup.

The second part of the campaign involved creating a TV ad. The creative agency called upon director Ian Bonhôte to translate the campaign to the moving image and once again, I was invited along to skulk around in the background, soaking up the atmosphere. The studios in North London were hot. Hotter than hell thanks to last month’s heatwave and although I didn’t arrive until mid-afternoon, the crew had been there since 6am with the day still stretching out well ahead of them.

I sneaked a peek of the storyboard which, as you can see (below), mirrors the print campaign in terms of “model” and backdrop… again, there’s nothing fancy here. Just great makeup on great faces. Continuity was key and with extreme closeups of eyes and lips, the camera had to be operated by remote control… even the tiniest of nudges would have ruined the focus and the entire shot!

Concentration was paramount and from an observer’s point of view, it looked like a well-oiled machine, capturing and arranging shots that would only later make sense once placed into the right sequences. Well-organised chaos would be another term for it!

I haven’t seen the finished advert yet (which will air from tomorrow on Boot’s Facebook page and on TV on Thursday) but I’m excited to see how it all comes together.


Part of the storyboard for the TV ad


On set


The cross-hairs ensure absolute continuity for the next scene


It looked HOT under those lights!


Behind the scenes


I did a lot of peeking over people’s shoulders!


The director checks over the shot

If you want to be one of the first to view the new ad campaign, be sure to check in on the No7 Facebook page later on today where they’ll be previewing it exclusively for fans.

Rose Gold FOTD and my current favourite foundation!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 2 - 2013

I love wearing warm colours on my cool skintone.  They impart a sense of vitality and freshness that I just don’t get from my more traditional cool-toned favourites.  It can be tricky to paint a “cool” face with “warm” colours and unless you’re also blessed with plenty of freckles and red hair, there can be an immediate juxtaposition between face and hair/face and makeup.  I must admit that I generally only go for a warm face when I’m having a good skin day (which I wasn’t!).  The creamier my complexion (read: less ruddy), the more success I have with painting a warmer canvas.

When I first started wearing makeup, I adored all warm-toned eyeshadows… gold being the pinnacle of that adoration.  Infact, I still have so many beautiful gilded shades that just don’t see much love because as I’ve gotten older, the redness in my complexion has increased and I’m less concerned about making my blue/green eyes “pop” against the shadow and more concerned about not looking like I have a drinking problem.

I find that nowadays, if I do go for a wamer look, I tend to stick to soft peaches (never apricot), guavas, and rose-gold.  Anything that has a slightly pink base is a winner… it can be shot through with a ton of golden sparkle just so long as it has that complimentary base.  Orange and brown-toned golds rarely wear well though I love a good champagne-gold (think NARS Albatross/MAC Femme-Fi).

Rose Gold FOTD

I’m completely in love with Boots No7 Stay Perfect Foundation* (I’m shade Calico – link) at the moment.  I’m a late-comer to this one and assumed that it would be too drying on my combo/dry and dehydrated skin… most things that claim any kind of longevity, usually are.  I find that aslong as I’m well-moisturised (which I always am anyway), I can wear this one without exacerbating any flakiness.  I haven’t tried it in the Winter yet… but I’ve been wearing this around 70% of the time since mid-June and it delivers a confidence-boosting super-smooth look if I wear it with a primer underneath. I didn’t wear a primer in the photos below because it was ridiculously hot yesterday and I just wasn’t up for all those layers!

One of the reasons that I’m loving it (and it seems like the faintest of praise) is down to the simple fact that the pump dispenses exactly the perfect amount.  Do not underestimate the power that getting the right amount of coverage can have.  Although I love my lovely Bourjois Healthy Mix, it dispenses far too much and I always have to physically restrain myself from applying the entire pump’s worth.  I’ll try to remember to do a before/after foundation and primer routine with the Stay Perfect soon because it really has been one of those rare “ohhhh SKIN LOOKS GOOOOOOD!” revelations.

Rose Gold FOTD1

Other products included in the FOTD run with the rose-gold theme…

Dainty Doll Cream Blusher 002link (or try NARS Deep Throat or Sleek Rose Gold)
MAC Rubenesque Paint Potlink (or try Laura Mercier Caviar Stick in Rose Gold or Benefit Slippin’ n’ Dippin’)
Laqa & Co Fairyblood Lip Pencil*link (or try MUA Shade 7 or Avon Ultra Colour Rich Lipstick in Sparkling Warm Rose)
Estee Lauder Intense Kajal Eye Crayon* – discontinued (any black liner will do)
No7 Exceptional Definition Mascaralink (any mascara will do)

Rose Gold FOTD2

Also…. only six products, check me out being all minimalist n’ stuff!  Or that other word for it… lazy.

Are you a Rose Gold fan?

* press sample

Tealing kinda blue! Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Cruising

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 21 - 2013

Whenever I get given one of those nifty till spits treating me to X amount off Boots No7, I make a beeline.  Well, two actually… my first port of call are the brushes, I must have a million No7 brushes that I always take with me on holidays.  You know the sort of thing… not so rubbish that they’re unusable, not so amazing/expensive that you’d cry if they got bent out of shape! Makeup bag staples.

My second stop-off is in front of the Boots No7 Stay Perfect nail polishes.  I’m a little bit reluctant to hand over full-price for the range but when you’ve got £3 off… well, things don’t seem quite so expensive after-all!

Especially when they look as pretty as this…



How lovely is that teal?  Next stop, it’s going on my toes!

I generally find the No7 formula to be a two-coater, the brushes have improved recently and now I can generally cover the nail in 3 strokes with an extra one thrown in to tidy up.  Drying time is average but the gloss is usually out of this world.  My biggest bug bear with the formula is that so many of the strong shades stain my skin and require more acetone in removal than I’d usually like to use.

Despite the moniker, Stay Perfect doesn’t actually stay all that perfect.  I usually get significant tip wear within a few days and the odd chip here and there, noteworthy for someone whose nails rarely suffer from chips!

That being said, I’m almost tempted to forgive it for being such a rich, glossy shade that looks as though it’s been poured on rather than painted.  Lush.

Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Cruising is priced at £6 (without a voucher) and available to buy instore and online at

Are you a fan of the No7 Stay Perfect nail range?

* press sample

Boots No7 Beautiful Skin BB Cream (what a lovely tinted moisturiser)

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 22 - 2012

So, staunchly ploughing my way through the UK available BB Creams (but slowly, very slowly)… the next on my radar was the Boots No7 Beautiful Skin BB Cream* which was launched recently.  It comes in a few varieties, depending on your skintype: normal/oily, normal/dry, dry/very dry.  I’ve got a stock image here because I took my photos last month and can’t find them on my computer anymore… I bet I got a bit zealous in my cleaning up process a few weeks ago.

I’m really enjoying what feels like a bonus inclusion for the dry/very dry camp and this delivers well on not exacerbating any symptoms of dry skin.  It doesn’t cling to flakes and it doesn’t highlight any dry patches or look powdery as it settles.  It doesn’t however, provide enough moisturisation for me to wear it without moisutirser underneath.  Nor, at SPF15, does it provide enough sun protection on its own.  This to me, isn’t a BB Cream – it’s simply not an all-in-one solution with the kind of skincare benefits that I’m looking for.

But how does it work as a foundation or base?

Really nicely actually.  It gives more coverage than a regular tinted moisturiser but not quite as much as a light foundation.  It leaves a dewy finish that is a little tacky to the touch before settling and tones down my redness well enough to give me the confidence I need to face the world.  I usually apply this with my fingers, making it a fast 5-minute face option for mornings when I don’t need or particularly want to look made-up.  Quick trips to the shops, school-runs, the general day-to-day stuff that you feel a little happier doing without a completely bare face.

It lasts adequately and doesn’t pack any oxidisation issues throughout the day.

Although the texture is quite thick, it feels blendable once it comes into contact with skin (especially under warm fingers) and has enough slip to allow you to really work it into the face quite well.  There are two shades available in each variety (fair & medium) and fair is a good-enough match for my pale skintone, a little too warm/dark but it’s sheer enough not to cause any problems.

The Boots No7 Beautiful Skin BB Cream in Dry/Very Dry is priced at £12.95 for 40ml, and is available instore and online at

* press sample

New Video: My favourite ‘cheap’ makeup brushes

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 26 - 2012

Please, for the love of all things vanity-driven, excuse the ‘left to dry naturally until it looks like shit’ hair.  Please.

Brushes mentioned:

E.L.F – Bamboo Angled Blush Brush (£5.50)
E.L.F – Studio Blush Brush (£3.50)
E.L.F – Studio Small Precision Brush (£3.50)
E.L.F – Studio Powder Brush (£3.50)

Boots No7 – Concealer Brush (£3.00 with till spit)
Boots No7 – Eyeshadow Brush (£0.75 with till spit)

Crown Brush – C139 Stiff Tapered Crease Brush (£2.95)
Crown Brush – C217 Bent Liner Brush (£2.60)

Stila – #4 Precision Eyeliner Brush (£3.50)

Revlon Vital Radiance – Brow Brush (£1.29)


Do you agree with any of my choices?  What are your favourite cheap makeup brushes?

Springtime in the Sahara FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 22 - 2012

My poor, poor face.  I’m in the middle of a snot fest and I’m now understanding why I was brought up on a diet of haliborange.  Throughout the year I’m not a terribly sickly person (I was as a kid) which is just aswell because I’m the biggest wimp you could meet (probably).  I even have a ‘cold’ voice – you know that weak-sounding, more-than-slightly whiney tone that resonates through the nose more than the throat?  My poor family.  Anyway, this week’s cold has been particularly frustrating because of how beautiful it’s been outside!  The whole family have had it and thus we’ve been mostly quarantined indoors through the weekend.  I decided to make a break for it yesterday and thus needed a face of makeup to disguise my ravaged skin.  It’s so dry and dull, combined with the snot-induced nose flakes and hormonal jaw-line mega zits?  Not pretty.

I massaged my freshly-washed skin with a combination of Liz Earle SuperSkin Concentrate* and Alpha H All For Eve Age Delay Facial Oil* in an attempt to revive some life.  Kinda like a cardiac massage for the face before giving my driest spots (flakey bits) at light cover of Lucas Paw Paw Ointment (this stuff is great for disguising nose flakes).  I went with the spring-like weather and injected some colour onto my face with a bright streak of blue under my lower lashline.  This is my favourite way to wear the shade and I do it quite a lot in the Summer.  Anyway, enough talk.  Here’s my Springtime in the Sahara FOTD:

I think I could have done with a touch of highlighter but I’m otherwise looking fairly perky considering I felt like DEATH.  Like my Tammy Faye Baker eyelashes?  Tough – I do!  I never put that much on my lower lashes normally but now I’m gonna (until I get bored of it).

I’m wearing:

Skinfood Gingko Green BB Cream
Priori Perfecting Mineral Foundation (lightly buffed where I needed more coverage)*
Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer

KIKO Automatic Waterproof Eyeliner
Laura Mercier Luster Eye Colour in Marina under the lower lashline
Benefit They’re Real Mascara*
Illamasqua Eye Brow Cake in Gaze (I found it, I found it!)

Benefit Hervana Blush* (I did promise you a FOTD with this beauty)
Boots No7 Vital Brights Lipstick in Blooming Pink*


What do you think?  Bit too early in the year to pull out these shades?  Hope you’re well and less snotty than me!  At least the pancakes (bacon and maple syrup!) cheered me up!

* press samples

Boots No7 Floral Brights Spring 2012 Collection Swatches and FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 13 - 2012

Can you feel it coming?  The birds are beginning to sing a slightly more cheerful tune, the flowers are peeking their tiny heads out from beneath the frozen ground and the dark evenings are gradually fading into longer twilights.  Sure, it ain’t exactly warming up yet… but I’m optimistic that we’re over the worst of it.  Maybe.

The fact that I took delivery of the Boots No7 Floral Brights Spring 2012 Collection* this morning may have had something to do with the new-found spring in my step (pardon the pun).  Look at that packaging, I love it and I usually quite dislike white cosmetic packaging.  Mind you, I used to hate white gadgets too… *hides all Apple technology*.

The new Lisa Eldridge-created collection consists of: one eye palette, one complexion highlighter, two cream blushers and two lipsticks.  No nail polishes this time.  Boo.

Want a closer look?

This prettily packaged eye palette reminds me of the Avon Marimekko ones from a few years back, does anyone remember those?  Anyway, the No7 Vital Brighetning Eye Palette offers five warm-toned shades with four neutrals and a pop of golden-yellow.  Nothing too dark here, this is all about bringing some light to the face and brightening the eye area.  I tend to prefer cooler tones on my eyes but I do like the satin-finish of these, they’re not too metallic and showy.  Texture is a touch soft but they blend nicely and last very well on primed eyelids.

Next up is the No7 Vital Enlightening Highlighter, a smooth champagne highlighting powder that applies with more sophistication and refinement than I expected.  It imparts a non-metallic glow when used with a light hand and is neutral enough not to look too warm, or too pink on my skintone.  No7 generally do highlighting powders very, very well and if you’re in the market for a new one, this is worth a look.

A real standout in the collection are their two new blushers.  The No7 Vital Brights Cream Blushers in Blooming Pink (fuchsia) and Blossoming Pink (guava) are a cream-to-powder formulation that pack a real punch of vibrancy whilst still being able to blend down to a wearable flush without streaking.  The formula is *so* spot on with these… I own cream blushers that cost twice as much and apply literally, half as well as these do.  Highly recommend checking these out while they’re still available.

My other favourite from the collection are the two new No7 Vital Brights Lipstick shades that allude to the popular lightweight formula the beauty world can’t get enough off, whilst boasting more buildable pigmentation levels than most gel-style lipsticks.  They’re knockout shades too… Blooming Pink is the killer, cool-toned fuchsia which looks great with a slick of black liner and will carry you confidently through to Summer.  Blossoming Pink is a slightly cool-toned nude which will please women who prefer a safer lip-shade.  It’s nude without being too pale, more of a perfecting lip shade than a colour statement.  How this one turns out will really depend on your natural lip colouring.

Without wanting to sound like a major fangirl, there’s not a dud in the collection.  If you twisted my arm, I’d say that you could probably leave the eye palette on the shelf.  It’s a little bit soft and doesn’t tick my must-have requirements in the same way as some of the other pieces.  Do not let this limited edition collection pass you by without going in for a closer look at the lipsticks and blushes though.  That’s an order.

If you can bring yourself to, please excuse the bottom right cam-whoring.  I couldn’t – in all seriousness – where such a horrifically clashing lip shade and not ham it up a bit.  In all photos I’m wearing the eye palette, blossoming pink cream blush and highlighter.  It’s hopefully clear enough in which photos I’m wearing which lipstick.  Does that make sense?

No7 Vital Brighetning Eye Palette – 4g (£13.00)
No7 Vital Enlightening Highlighter – 10g (£13.00)
No7 Vital Brights Cream Blushers in Blooming Pink or Blossoming Pink – 2g (£10.00)
No7 Vital Brights Lipsticks in Blooming Pink or Blossoming Pink – 3.5g (£10.00)

Have you got your eye on any pieces from the new Spring Collection?  Already bought something – let me know!

The No7 Floral Brights Spring 2012 Collection is available exclusively in Boots stores now and online at until the 6th March 2012.  It’s worth pointing out that No7 products are also currently on 3for2.

* press samples

Staying Perfect with Boots No7

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 16 - 2011

Whenever I buy from Boots No7, I feel like I’m taking a bit of a gamble.  Each purchase I make tends to polarise my opinion and I either end up LOVING the product… big LOVE, not just fleeting love (lip liners, exceptional definition mascara, eye mousse) or out and out hating it (most no7 foundations, shower oil).

I just don’t seem to occupy much middle ground where this brand is concerned.  With that in mind, I was curious to see how I’d like the bits I was recently sent from the range.

From left to right – Amazing Eyes Liner in black, Blush tint in 15 Blossom and Stay Perfect lipstick in 45 Tranquil Rose.

Let’s start with the liner…

Not my favourite type of application brush but perfect for thinner lines and precise flicks.  I’m a touch clumsy so generally fare better with felt tip type brushes.  Having said that, the formula is inky black, true and long-lasting.  The brush holds together beautifully to achieve dainty flicks with relative ease.

No7 Amazing Eyes Liquid Eye Liner is priced at £8.75 and available in black or brown online.

Blush sticks are always a temptation for me, they’re so portable and quick to apply.  The No7 Blush Tint in 15 Blossom is no exception, infact… it’s particularly foolproof.  It’s sheer with a non-greasy feel and applies well over both liquid and powder foundation thanks to a non-sticky, powder-finish.  I swipe this across my cheek back and forward about 5 times to build up the intensity before blending the edges with my fingers.

If you struggle with blush I can’t emphasise enough how well I think you’d get on with this product.  I’ve popped this one in my handbag because it gives me a really natural flush that I can touch up without even needing a mirror.  Really delighted with it’s performance.  I’d like to see No7 release this in more shades.

No7 Blush Tint Cream Blush is available online in Rosebud, Blossom and Clove, priced at £10.

Finally, No7 Stay Perfect lipstick in 45 Tranquil Rose.  First impressions are that it isn’t very ‘rose’ like… it’s far more vivid and corally than I’d expect for it’s name.  Second impression was a distinct “Woah!” when I applied and saw how pigmented it was… I ended up reaching for my lip brush to ensure a neat application.  If you go over the lines with this one, you’re gonna notice it!

For a long-lasting lipstick it’s remarkably creamy to apply but it will accentuate signs of lip dryness after a couple of hours.  And how about that wear?  Without eating… I achieved 5 hours of near-perfect wear but with eating… I needed to top up immediately afterward because the colour had still clung so well to the edges, it left a distinct ring!

I’m going to look into the other shades available as I do believe that Cherry might be calling my name!

No7 Stay Perfect Lipstick is available in 16 shades online, priced at £10 each.

Swatches from L-R: Amazing Eyes Liner, Stay Perfect Lipstick in Tranquil Rose and Blush Tint in Blossom.

A quick FOTD featuring the three products reviewed above.  How killer is that lipstick shade?!

Do you have any No7 staples that you return to time and time again?

New No7 Spring Collection launching next week!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 20 - 2011

Due on counter next week (26th January), the new No7 Spring collection includes an array of delicately-hued goodies for the new season.

The collection includes:

Limited Edition Eye Palette – £12.50
Limited Edition Gel Eyeliners, in Navy Blue, Turquoise and Black – £10.50
Limited Edition Lipsticks, in Brigitte (pale pink) and Grace (pale coral) – £10.50
Limited Edition Nail Polish, in Sugar (pale pink) and Spice (pale coral) – £7.50

Lisa Eldridge had this to say about the inspiration behind her latest No7 collection:

“Inspired by St Tropez in the early 1960’s, the birthplace of the glamorous international jet set and Brigitte Bardot, the archetypal sex kitten, this collection focuses attention very much on the eyes – the key items being the three Gel Eyeliners and beautiful Eye Palette. The eye shadow quartet contains the prettiest washes of ‘barely there’ beiges, corals, pinks, shimmering turquoises and sea greens all evocative of the Cote d’Azur. When the strong liners and pretty shadows are combined with the pale pouty lip colours… the look is defnitely more than a little 60’s Riviera starlet.”

I’ll be diving in for a closer look at the Gel Eyeliner in Navy Blue (love a good, deep blue eyeliner!) and lippie in Grace (pale coral).

What will you be making a beeline for?

Boots No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 7 - 2010

Dare I say it?  Oh… I dunno… eek.  Can I whisper it?

Boots No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara is verging ever closer to holy grail!

Did you catch that?  I don’t like declaring stuff like that… I’m not even sure if I believe in ‘holy grail’ products… but my word, do I ever love this mascara.

I only picked it up because I wanted the free eyeshadow palette that came with it.

The brush is well designed, incorporating features from rival brands and merging them seamlessly onto the one wand.  I particularly like the spikey tip that ensures good product distribution into the corner lashes.  The other features on the brush include both long and short spikes which really do allow for a good comb through.

Something else that this mascara manages to avoid courtesy of a well-designed brush is product overload.  My mascara pet peeve is when a brush holds SO much product, it makes my lashes clump from 4 feet away.  I can really comb through my lashes with this over and over if necessary and they just. don’t. clump.  Amazing.

Before obviously on the left, after on the right.

That’s some definition right there isn’t it?  That’s also only one coat.  I do spend a little time combing through with this wand… not because I have to… but the application seems to perfect itself if you take 30 seconds to properly wiggle the wand about and ‘place’ your lashes.

This may look a bit spidery for some… in fairness, my lashes always look a bit spidery when I wear mascara with no eyeliner, I should probably make sure to apply some before the photos, but I quite like being able to show you how effective/rubbish the wand is at getting to the roots of the lashes.

Boots No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara is priced at £12 (but you can get it for £7 when the No7 vouchers are in circulation… I think the current lot expire today?)

Oh my… I nearly forgot one of the most important things I wanted to say about it!  Absolutely no smudges.  None.  Nada.  No flaking either.  It is a bit of a bugger to remove though… proper dedicated eye makeup remover/cleansing oil needed.

Have you tried it?  What’s your current favourite mascara?

Boots No7 Luxurious Foaming Shower Oil Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 1 - 2010

Today will go down in history.

I finally reached the bottom of my seemingly bottomless bottle of Soap & Glory Clean on Me.  Usually, when I get bored of something shower-related I tell Mr. L to use it up for me.  That way, I don’t feel guilty cracking open something new when I’ve still got half a bottle/tube/whatever of something else on the go.  But Mr. L wasn’t playing ball with my S&G – too girly smelling apparently *eye roll*.

I picked the Boots No7 Luxurious Foaming Shower Oil up a couple of months ago and it’s been gathering dust ever-since.  Just as I’d turned the shower on this morning, I realised I was all out and hot-footed it across the landing, dripping water as I went.  Once I’d remembered where I’d stashed it, I dripped my way back into the shower only to realise that I hadn’t taken a photo of it for the blog!

I left the shower again and drip, drip, dripped my way into the bedroom, grabbing my camera as I went. Plonked the box on the windowsill and started snapping away.  3 minutes later, I’d finished snapping and glanced up to see my neighbour’s curtain twitch.

So now, not only does my neighbour know that I have one boob bigger than the other.  He know’s WHICH FREAKIN’ BOOB IT IS.

Dedication.  This review had better be worth it.

Oh yeah… the review…

I didn’t like it.  It barely lathered.  Wimpy, weak lather that didn’t smell of anything much at all.  Very, very lightly scented.

I tried again… and used enough to bathe Geoff Capes twice over and still…. it just gave me a thin surface layer of bubbles.  Didn’t feel much like luxury to me.  Being an oil and all… did it make my skin feel smoother or softer?  Nope.  Nothing more than any other moisturising shower gel.  It didn’t strip me of any moisture…. but let’s face it, this stuff is £8.75 a bottle (cheaper with a No7 till spit) but still… it’s a MEH kinda product.

And that’s my official rating.  At least my neighbour enjoyed it.

Boots No7 – Stay Perfect Eye Mousse

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 25 - 2010

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 counter.  I’m a total sucker for cream eyeshadows and when I swatched these, I knew I had to have them!

They’re a very light mousse formula and although the tubes are teeny tiny, a little goes a very long way.  I keep squeezing out too much!  Easy to apply and blend, I usually use my finger before running a brush over the edges just to make sure that they’re softened.

I bought them without doing any blog research and was concerned that they’d last approximately 5 seconds before creasing on me.  In general, I’m not a HUGE No7 makeup fan… there’s definitely some real stand outs from the line, but it’s not usually a brand I purchase from without doing a bit of research beforehand.

I have to say though, I made a good choice with these!  They last a decent 5/6 hours when used with no base before they begin to travel upwards… combine with a slick of UDPP and I can get about 7/8 hours wear out of them.  I haven’t tried setting them with a light dusting of complementary eyeshadow… but I think that would prolong wear even further.

Not too shabby really.

The colours are beautiful and what attracted me to them in the first place, there’s one more (a bronzey shade) that I like the look of aswell, but I’ll wait ’till the £5 off No7 till spit comes round again before adding it to my collection.

£8.75 each from Boots instore or online.

Have you tried these?


Spring is nearly here!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

BBLL – Saturday 6th March 2010

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

NOTD - Jessica Nails Black Ice

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Postcards from Richmond

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

GOSH Smoky Eyes Palette - Bright n' Black

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Beam me up, Spotty!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Recreating a salon blow dry - the follow up!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Food Friday: Use your (wholemeal) loaf

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

LUSH Tea Tree Water Facial Toner

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Help Clinique celebrate 10 years of the Kiss It Better Appeal

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Hello? Is this thing on?

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Dear Obesity...

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

I was starting to run out of things to spend my £5 No7 vouchers on when I spied these unassuming little tubes on the No7 …


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