Bare Minerals Prime Time Brightening Primer

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 5 - 2011

Mineral makeup tends to attract followers of great dedication.  Some people are almost evangelical in their adoration for their swirl, tap, buff methods that they leave my head spinning.  I do count myself as a fan of most mineral foundations, I find them quick and easy whilst leaving behind pretty good skin!

My biggest issue with them would be lasting power (or lack of!)… especially in the Summer and particularly on my nose!

Enter Bare Minerals‘ new Prime Time Brightening Foundation Primer*.  They already have a ‘normal’ primer on the market, this is the new one that promises to deliver an “extraordinarily luminous, healthy-looking glow” to our skins.

It’s a very peachy-looking primer… I was expecting to see the usual, white or cloudy viscose liquid dispense from the pump.  Instead, it’s creamy, sparkly and a little on the orange side!  Eek!

So how does it fare?

Well, the colour blends away into my skintone and doesn’t leave a trace behind… it has a slight silicone slip though not as much as primers like the Smashbox one.

When I buff the foundation into my skin, I can definitely feel a difference in the application… it’s smoother and seems to give a little more glide to the buffing action.  I’d even go so far as to say that I get a better finish than without the primer.

But longevity?  Nuh Uh… I’m not noticing a discernible difference.  Not only that… but the “luminous, healthy-looking glow”?  Well… that’s just a bit of sparkle.  All over mah face.


See the gold flecks?  They sure are pretty!  But they make me wanna break into Saturday Night Fever.  They’re discoball… albeit subtle discoball once spread out over the face.

In any luminizer, I prefer subtle sheen over glittery particles.  It’s not that the effect isn’t pretty… it is.  It’s just too much for daywear, for me at least.

Little primer. we can’t stay together, I’m sorry.  It’s not you… it’s me.

Bare Minerals Prime Time Brightening Primer is available from this month at Bare Escentuals Boutiques, department stores and selected spas/salons nationwide priced at £19.00.

*Press Sample

Bare Minerals High Shine EyeColor

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 28 - 2010

If you’re familiar with pigments, then you’re probably familiar with the concept of foiling them.  If not… it goes something like this…

You wet your brush by spraying it with your toner/water/fixer of choice before dipping it in the loose pigment and patting onto your eyelid.  It gives a high shine, high metallic effect that’s vibrant and striking.

Bare Minerals have introduced a new range of eye colours that they’re calling High Shine EyeColor.  The simple premise of this new line is a high-intensity metallic colour without the need for foiling.  The foiled effect but with dry pigments.

I was sent a few shades from the new line up to put to the test and I have mixed feelings on them.

Undoubtedly beautiful, they’re also incredibly portable in their well-sealed vials.  Packed with metallic goodness, they’re an enticing product.

From left to right, the above image shows the shades: Bronzed (bronze), Frost (silver), Glisten (pale gold) and Patina (khaki gold).

Purdy aren’t they?

But these aren’t just pigments in a jar a la MAC or the regular Bare Minerals offerings because they come with an inbuilt sponge applicator and delivery system.  This is where the product loses points for me.

The sponge applicator is mounted on a spring mechanism which is frankly pretty fierce.  You need to be prepared to work against it to stop it from “springing” up and dumping product in your lap.  It’s not a huge issue aslong as you’re aware of it… but I can imagine it might catch a few people unaware.

Secondly, there’s fall out as you remove the applicator from the neck of the vial.  It’s avoidable only if you’re incredibly careful and precise.  A bit like one of those fairground games that buzz if you touch the metal wire with the hoop!

Part of me feels that this is to be expected and that I’m being a touch harsh.  Afterall, these are loose pigments and no one ever said that working with them wasn’t messy.  However, I feel that if you’re going to go to the trouble of implementing an application system… it needs to do a better job than one could do without it.  I simply don’t feel that this system makes a messy job any easier.

But check out how these babies look…

Swatched on bare skin, they’re quite something.  How perfect are they for the Holiday season?

Back to the application for a minute… as with most loose eyeshadows, you’ll be wanting to do your eyes before attempting foundation.  There’s fall out from the sponge tip onto the uppper cheekbone whenever I apply.  Not a huge amount but enough to irritate and provoke much tsking!

If you can get past the inconveniences of working with loose pigment… this is how they look worn.

Excuse my Burglar Bill t-shirt.  Instead, check out the intensity of that pigment.  Infact, if anything… they’re a touch washed out by the camera flash.  I didn’t wear any primer underneath and the colour lasted amazingly well.  Easily 6/7 hours before fading… I think probably because they are SO intense to begin with.

So there we have it.  I love them but they’re not flawless.  Their intensity is electrifying and wear equally impressive.  They’re just a bit of a pain in the bum to apply.

Bare Minerals High Shine EyeColor is available in 6 shades.  You’ll be able to find them at all Bare Escentuals boutiques, selected department stores and spas and salons nationwide from December.  Priced at £14 each.

Are you happy to sacrifice convenience for the end result?

Bare Escentuals Brush With Genius Brush Set

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 14 - 2010

I won’t be parted from my brushes.  It doesn’t matter if I’m only leaving home for a single night, I can’t make do with powder puffs and spongey applicators now that I’m used to brushes.

Which can be a bit of a problem when I’m travelling to far flung exotic lands (Bournemouth, London, Darlo).

I took one of my MAC 217s away with me the last time I travelled to London and damn near killed the poor thing.  Flapping about in my makeup bag, it returned home looking like Leila had painted the walls with it and it’s so far resisting my best efforts to coax it back into shape.

With this in mind, Bare Escentuals have released a set of brushes that I was sent to try…

A magnetic brush collection with carry case!  Great!  Another cosmetic ‘innovation’… can you see my eyes rolling?

Except… this is actually useful.  But does it work in practice?

I’ll shut up for a minute and let you see the brush collection properly…

Read the rest of this entry »

Bare Minerals Matte Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 8 - 2010

Due to be launched on QVC on the 10th July (that’s just a few days away!), Matte is the latest foundation to be released by mineral foundation pioneers Bare Escentuals.

Available in 15 shades to suit every skintone, I purchased my pot of Bare Escentuals Matte SPF15 (shade: Fair) in a blog sale a little while ago and have been putting it to good use in the warm weather we’ve recently been enjoying.

Just as finely milled as the original version, the foundation feels silky and light to the touch.  I’m starting to realise there’s a bit of a love/hate vibe around mineral foundation.  I will happily swear by the coverage it gives and I rarely get a cakey finish when wearing it.  Infact, I’ve often (ok, twice) been asked what foundation I’m wearing when shopping on beauty counters and both times when I’ve replied with the answer ‘mineral’ – the look of shock from the SA’s has been in “kodak moment” territory.

As with the original Bare Escentuals SPF15 foundation, I’d call this medium coverage.  You *can* build, but that’s when you begin to run the risk of it looking more obvious, especially on dryer skin.  You can purchase fuller and more sheer mineral foundations, it all depends on the ratio of the minerals, but Bare Escentuals in my opinion, offers straight down the line medium coverage.

An irritation with mineral anything, is packaging and portability.  In the past, Bare Escentuals foundations have been fine sitting on your dressing table… but take it anywhere without sellotaping up the holes in the sifter?  BIG MESS!  The new Bare Escentuals Matte foundation offers a very simple solution that quite frankly, should have been implemented years ago…

A little rotating lid like you’d find on your pepper pots covers the holes in the sifter and stops excess product leaking during transportation.  I told you it was simple!

Application is the same for the new Bare Escentuals Matte foundation as it is for the original.  Swirl, Tap, Buff!

Mineral still affords me the quickest and most forgiving of foundation applications.  I have a few great brushes for application: My Body Shop kabuki, my MAC Flat Top 180 or my Bare Escentuals Full Flawless Face Brush.  They all work equally well to provide an even finish, though flat top brushes tend to give a fuller coverage.

I’ve talked about application, packaging and my experiences with mineral foundation in general… let me tell you how I find the new Matte version in comparison to the Bare Escentuals original formula.

On initial application, it is indeed a completely matte finish (thanks to additional oil-absorbing minerals)… it wipes out all traces of shine and oil from my skin, leaving a wonderfully even surface.  The original leaves me with a touch of…. not sparkle, that’s comletely the wrong word.  Natural luminosity?  I would say that if you have more mature skin, you may prefer the more forgiving finish of the original formula.  If your skin is younger and more prone to oil… the Matte formula is something you should definitely try.  Alternatively, something I’ve had success with is wearing my original formula lightly all over before buffing a little Matte into my T-Zone.

I’ll share a little tip that SJ (Bare Escentuals National MUA) told me when I was introduced to the new foundation.  If, in the middle of the day… you think you need a little foundation touch up, grab a brush and simply buff your face with it (no product).  It re-distributes the minerals that are already on your face from the initial application and simply recharges your foundation.  It totally works and is something that I’ve always done with minerals anyway… but it seemed funny to hear a proper MUA confirm something that I do without any thought as to why or how it works.  Silly anecdote, but a tip is a tip!

Here’s a before/after application with the new Matte foundation (no concealer):

Longevity?  Well… that’s my other bugbear with mineral foundations.  It’s a shame that I have to take a brush and buff my face in the middle of the day… but I do.  Bare Escentuals Matte foundation is no different and generally lasts about 5 hours on me before I need a pitstop to the Ladies with my brush in hand to ‘redistribute’ the powder.  Then, I probably get another 3/4 hours out of that before I wanna apply more product.

The nature of the product however, means that it doesn’t matter if I apply a bit more over the top of the rest of my makeup.  It has no ill-effect at all and now that Bare Escentuals has made it portable… well, it’s just not much of an issue for me anymore.  Worth mentioning though.

Overall, it’s not an improvement on the Bare Escentuals Original foundation (bar the new sifter)… but it does sit very nicely alongside, offering an additional choice which may or may not be for you depending on your skin type.

Bare Escentuals Matte SPF15 Foundation will launch on 10th July exclusively on QVC priced at £19.50.

Are you a mineral foundation lover?

Home Shopping Uncovered… Inside QVC…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 4 - 2010

Hmmm… that makes this post sound far more dramatic and exciting than it actually is.

Perhaps if myself and VexintheCity hadn’t been gently chaperoned to the exit when it was time to go home, I’d have had the opportunity to ‘lose myself’ and run around QVC HQ in a style akin to Mission Impossible… camera flailing… whilst being chased by 3 burly security guards and papping Dale, (the ‘Housewive’s Choice’) secretly devouring all the biscuits in the QVC kitchen.

Not that it wasn’t exciting or interesting… It was!  But the one thing that struck me above all else was simply how quiet and relaxed the place was.  Now, I know we arrived after ‘home time’ for most, so the offices were understandably peaceful… but the live studios were also incredibly relaxed, almost serene.

Anyway, let’s have a look around…

The offices… where all the model booking, show planning, product organising and general adminy stuff takes place.

The prep room!  Like a well-oiled machine… all the trolleys get stacked with products relevant to the show they’re destined to appear in.  This is the beauty trolley for that evening’s 10 o’clock airing.  I spy Decleor, Nails Inc, Bare Escentuals and other lovely things.

The prep Kitchen!  They were showcasing utensils and a range of cookware.  Gotta have some food to put in ’em right?  It was HOT in there, but the gorgeous foodie aromas that were wafting down the corridor were immense!

Check me out, I done a panoramamama!  What a geek! (Click the picture to see it LARGE)

This is one of the studios (I forget which number – there’s 6 in total I think).  QVC headquarters and studios will be relocating in the next couple of years to Chiswick.  Their current location was never supposed to be permanent, though they’ve been there 17 yrs now!

The building they’re in wasn’t designed to house studios.  Natural light floods in from the atrium above and needs to be blacked out and checked before they go live each time, which obviously isn’t ideal.

Oh, oh, oh!  We got to stand behind the cameras whilst a show was going out live!  Mobile phones OFF and super quiet creeping about was the order of the day.  At one point, I had to physically restrain VexintheCity who admitted an overwhelming urge to run infront of the camera waving her arms about like some day-release.  I would have TOTALLY pretended not to know her.

As I said earlier, the studios were really quiet…. even the live ones.  Imagine it… big room, two presenters, 1 floor manager (have I made that job title up?) and 1 camera man.  That’s it.  Eerie!  It was pure QVC cheese too… I loved it.  Jilly Halliday was demonstrating some funky *cough* clothing, whilst Dale Franklin was asserting his charm over the nation’s ladies, encouraging us to part with our cash for some of the latest and greatest jewellery on display.  Flippin’ fabulous!

Control Room/Production-y bit…. Like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise!  Lots of buttons…. wanted to dive forward and press a couple.  Accidentally slip and sit on about 20 at once, you know the score.  I behaved myself.

This lady was watching Dale do the jewellery presentation… she was nice.  Are you still with me?  Hello?  Hellooo?

After all that tour excitement, we retired upstairs to where Bare Escentuals had set up a little room to give us a sneak preview of their new (to the UK) matte foundation.  I’d had the pleasure of meeting their national makeup artist SJ previously but it was good to see her work her magic again.

Bare Escentuals Matte is due for release on QVC on the 10th July… we were given a sample, but I’ve already got a pot (in a better colour match) that I scored in a blog sale a month ago.  I promise to review it before it releases over here (tick tock).  It’s a great alternative for those among us who like the idea of mineral makeup but dislike the dewy finish that minerals tend to give.  I predict it’s gonna be a big seller throughout the Summer.

SJ getting to work on the beautiful Keren who’s currently guest blogging for Lindsey at Beauty Mecca.

And the finished result.  Subtle but flawless.


It was a fabulously fun evening and a real change from the norm for me.  I hope you enjoyed a little sneak peek behind the scenes.  Don’t forget, it’s beauty month at QVC… there’s lots of tempting TSVs coming up and check out the Bare Escentuals big Matte launch day on the 10th July.


For more info on what you can expect from QVC’s Beauty Month, watch this video with Alison Young below:

Bare Escentuals Boutique, Covent Garden

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 27 - 2010

Last week, when I was talking about the new Bare Escentuals Boutique on Neal Street I proclaimed: “I wish I had a picture to show you…”

Well this week, I’ve got several!

I couldn’t resist popping back in there on Tuesday!

On the downside…. they still didn’t have Grace in stock…

…But on the upside, I got to swatch to my heart’s content and discovered at least another 4 shades to add to my wishlist!

I was desperate to try one of the make-unders.  They’re specialising in the “Roxie look” at the moment due to their makeup partnership with the West End show Chicago.  But alas, I was too pressed for time and had to continue on my merry way without a sexy smoky eye/red lip combo.

In my experience… the staff in there are super friendly, and once again… I had them all searching for the non-existent Grace eye shadow that is becoming harder to pin down than an eel swathed in grease.  I’ve left my number and they’ve promised me a phone call when it’s back in stock.

All in all, well worth a visit!

Bare Escentuals Boutiue, 40 Neal Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9PS

Are you ready for your first time with Matte?

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 24 - 2010

Kudos, that is a pretty cute video!

Matte (incase you haven’t guessed already) is a new mineral foundation from Bare Escentuals which claims a breakthrough formula designed to minimise pores, absorb excess shine without drying skin and keep your skin looking flawless and matte all day long.

Is it sad that I’m actually most excited about the new Click, Lock, Go™ sifter that promises to make spillages a thing of the past?

Bare Escentuals Matte SPF15 Foundation will be available from August exclusively to Selfridges before being rolled out across other counters and concessions nationwide in September.

Bare Escentuals Eyeshadow – Heart

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2010

Mooching around Covent Garden last week (as you do!) I stumbled across the Bare Escentuals boutique (the only one of it’s kind in the UK) and practically squealed at it’s boutiquey cuteness and revolving tester tables!  I wish I had a picture to show you… but if you ever find yourself at a loose end whilst down Neal Street, check it out… I could have spent many, many hours in there swatching all the pretty shadows.  Truly surrounded by pigment…. a swatchers paradise.

It also helped that the MUAs in there were completely approachable and at one point swatching with me and rediscovering shades they liked and disliked themselves in an attempt to find a potential alernative for an OOS shade I wanted to pick up.

Anyway, I was looking for a more summery lid colour… but as a neutral-loving fiend I wanted to be able to combine it with my boring beloved array of taupes and mauves in my collection.

I discovered this…

Bare Escentuals Heart is a wonderfully blended concoction or rose/mauve/pink/bronze… it’s dusky without being flat and colourful whilst still remaining neutral.

Being a ‘glimmer’ it’s pretty darn sparkly but despite this, still works surprisingly well as a crease colour.  I do love these minerals for their blendability and this is no exception.  At £13 for a small pot, they’re not cheap… but a little really goes a very long way.  I barely have to touch my brush to the sifter to pick up enough colour for both eyes.

I also fell in love with two other shades whilst browsing… Queen Phyllis makes the most beautiful highlight and Grace is simply one of the most beautfiful minerals I’ve ever swatched… I was proper “woahhhh… that’s purdy” whilst playing with the testers… so I was gutted to discover that Grace was out of stock when I tried to buy it!

Have you checked out the Bare Escentuals boutique?  What are your favourite BE shades?

Guest Review – bareMinerals SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 26 - 2010

I received this at a press day in the Medium shade which was too dark for me, but a willing guest reviewer came to my rescue!  She’s tried it… and here’s what she has to say about it!


I’d like to thank Charlotte for allowing me to be her first guest reviewer!  I hope the experience doesn’t scar her for life, and I hope some of you will find this review helpful.

This is my first experience with the Bare Escentuals bareMinerals range.  They have an excellent track record judging by other reviews, so I was excited to get my hands on this product and try it for myself.

What it claims

The literature that accompanies the product states that the natural mineral sunscreen provides the ultimate sun protection without the heavy, greasy finish.  The micronised Titanium Dioxide mineral instantly shields against UVA/AVB rays to help prevent premature skin ageing and sun damage, is weightless, breathable, non-greasy and won’t clog pores.  It contains vitamins, Aloe Vera extract and antioxidants to promote healthier-looking skin.  It increases sun protection when used under or over your bareMinerals SPF15 foundation.


The bottom of the bottle is clear to indicate the colour of the product, and in this case I am using the medium skin tones.  There is 4g/0.14 oz of product.

The ingredients list (for those who can make sense of it!): Mica, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Ascorbyl Palmitate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate, Aloe Barbedensis Leaf Extract, Lycium Chinensis (Lycii Berry) Extract, Ranunculus Ficaria Root Extract, Silica.  Iron oxides, Ultramarines, Bismuth Oxychloride.

The orange and white bottle has a pop-off lid which exposes the brush in the top of the bottle.  The bottom of the bottle is turned to extend the brush, and clicks locked ready for use.  To start the flow of the product, invert the bottle and tap downwards onto your skin until the powder appears.  Then, in a circular motion, you buff the product lightly into your skin.  To close, you turn the bottom of the bottle, the brush retreats back into the bottle and it clicks locked.

So what do I think of it?

I must point out at this stage that my skin is in no flush of early youth.  I will be hitting the big four-oh this year and I am dreading it.  My skin has been well used and has what I like to describe as having all the signs of enjoying a full and happy life.  Having lived in South Africa for 20 years and perhaps not being as religious as I should have been with sunscreen in my teens, I have pigmentation marks that I now regret not preventing and am now kicking myself about. My skin tone is an NC25/30 depending on how much sun exposure I’ve had.

I have a combination skin type, very oily T zone and parchment dry cheek areas.  I’ve had various expeditions into the mineral foundation world, some a lot more successful than others.  My main complaint is that some mineral foundations oxidise on my T zone, leaving an appealing orangey caked effect, whilst my poor cheeks are left looking like powdered parchment, regardless of how much moisturiser I applied beforehand.

The brush extending and retracting back into the bottle is a good idea as the bristles are kept neat and are less likely to splay.  The brush is very soft and kind on the skin, not scratchy at all which is a definite requirement if it’s going anywhere near the sensitive eye area.  It’s a good size too, I thought it would be a lot smaller.  The product didn’t need a lot of encouragement to start the flow, but certainly didn’t flood all over the place either.

The powder itself is pleasantly soft and silky, very finely milled and not at all chalky.  I applied it to my cleansed, toned and moisturised face (after allowing enough time for the moisturiser to soak in completely), using a circular buffing motion.

I felt that my pigmentation marks were a lot less noticeable, and that my skin tone was evened out and looked smoother without being chalky.  I asked Dear Husband what his thoughts were, and he said my skin certainly looked a lot softer and smoother compared to without any product.  The powder didn’t settle into the industrial strength concealer I need to cover my dark under eye circles, and my cheeks didn’t look powdery either.  A good result so far.

I applied my usual mineral foundation on top  to see how it would cope and whether I would look like an explosion in a powder factory, but I only needed to apply a light dusting as the bareMinerals had already done quite a good job by itself.  I would be quite happy to use it on its own to be honest.

As your neck and upper chest area has as much exposure to sun damage as your face, this product can be used all over these areas to offer the same level of protection.

During the day, my T zone had started reminding me that it was indeed my cross to bear in life, but I wasn’t left with any orangey slippage.  Touching up during the day was an easy process because the brush and product were all in one and didn’t take up too much space in my make-up bag.

I think this is an ideal holiday product as it is essentially a foundation and SPF30 all in one.  When I go on holiday, I don’t take a liquid foundation as I want something light which lets my skin breathe,  but I do worry that my mineral foundation might not be enough to protect my skin.  Many facial sunscreens are greasy and cause breakouts around my chin, but as this is a powder product I felt for me it was the ideal solution.

At the price (£25) it would be quite a layout for me and would be considerably more than I would usually pay, but is probably worthwhile as your skin has to last you a lifetime and is worth the expense.


Thanks so much to Ali for guest reviewing for me!  I think she did a fab job (and I’m hugely jealous of her flippin’ perfect teeth and smile!) – More opportunities for guest reviews coming up soon.

Bare Escentuals Blushers

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 22 - 2010

I talked this morning (briefly) about Guava shades… I love ’em and there ain’t enough of them about.  It’s a fabulous shade for a whole variety of skintones and is about as close to coral as I can get before I hit ORANGE!

It reminded me that I hadn’t shown you 2 of my favourite blushers for Summer yet!

These are Bare Escentuals mineral blushes in shades: Promise (guava pink) and Giddy Pink (um pink, pink).

10 points for correctly guessing my nail colour by the way…

Check out the ingredients… hooray for minerals, Boo for Bismuth Oxychloride (replace the damn component with something less irritating to sensitive skins already…)

Both blushes are fairly sheer and build up beautifully.  I tend to use duo fibre brushes to apply most blushers because it just means I never screw it up and walk out the door looking like Bozo.  It takes about 3 sweeps to build up to a natural looking colour with these products.

Promise… see?  Guava.

This is a gorgeous, gorgeous blush.  It’s a matte colour base which has then been liberally sprinkled with golden sparkles, the shade stops short of coral and is simply a stunner for summer.  I had a hard time pinning this shade down… I think it’s discontinued now, but I found it on eBay (at a great price too!).

Giddy Pink is in the current line up of Bare Escentuals products and one that I received at a press day.  It’s a shimmery pink which gives that wonderful glowy illusion that catches the light when you turn your cheek.  It’s pink without being dolly pink… a natural flush.

The problem with all minerals like this?  They suck to travel with.  I can’t be arsed taping over the holes before going anywhere so always end up with about 95% of the product in the sifter by the time I’ve reached my destination.

Hmm… I wonder if they’re pressable… anyone ever tried?  I’m not sure I’m willing to be guinea pig, I love these too much to risk ruining them!

Promise looks matte in my swatch… there is sparkle in there, just no shimmer.  Both are swatched heavily to build up a true impression of the colour.

They last well on my skin and I’m positively addicted to them.  At least until the next addiction comes along right?’s first ever guest reviewer…

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 11 - 2010



Thanks for offering your self up in the name of beauty!

Please email me your address details and I’ll pop the sample in the post.  Can’t wait to hear your experiences with it!

Guest Reviewer Please!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 7 - 2010

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me?

I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me.

This is the bareMinerals SPF30 Natural Sunscreen.

They say:

Our breakthrough head-to-toe sun protection will change the way you feel about sunscreen forever.  This 100% natural, micronized Titanium Dioxide mineral creates a physical barrier on your skin, providing UVA/UVB protection and defending against premature skin ageing and sun damage.  It’s weightless, breathable, non-greasy and won’t clog pores or cause breakouts.  Available in Light, Medium and Tan.

Available from April 2010. RRP £25.00

I’m looking for someone with a medium skintone (NC/NW 25 – 35) please. UK only.  Oh, and it lists Bismuth Oxychloride in the ingredients, so don’t apply if you’re sensitive to that ingredient – don’t wanna be responsible for scabby, itchy faces now do I?

If you’re interested in being my guest reviewer, leave me a comment below and I’ll choose someone on Wednesday.

Thank You!


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Hello? Is this thing on?

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

Dear Obesity...

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Anyone up for doing a guest review for me? I have been given a sample for review consideration but it’s too dark for me. This …


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