Happy New Year!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 1 - 2012

Happy fresh new year! 2012… doesn’t that make you feel old? It’s like a year from the future or something – I’m sure that in my head, it’s still 1998 (or maybe that’s just my music collection).

I hope you’re all knuckling down to making good on those New Year Resolutions?  I’m forever making resolutions that I semi-stick-to so I’m not sure that there’s much point in creating a new bunch but suffice to say, I’d really like to shift the remaining podge before the year is out; make Leila the happiest/most well-adjusted child possible; be a better wife and friend; become a millionaire/more comfortable in social situations/outgoing etc. etc.

If I can achieve all that before the year is out, I’ll know I’ve eaten too much cheese before bed time.

Do you have any New Year Resolutions?

Lipglossiping 2011 – A Retrospective (July – December)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 31 - 2011

A look back at some of my personal blog highlights of 2011…

Turning 30  |  Day Trips  |  Louise James Facial  |  Burberry Lipstick

Makloubeh  |  Pretty things from Lancome  |  Cool Beans Awards  |  Enrapture  |  Urban Decay

London Jaunts  |  False Lashes  |  Backstage at LFW  |  Perfume Launches

Leila’s First Nail Polish  |  Gettin’ Featured  |  Kevyn Aucoin  |  Witchy-Poo!

Bonfire Night  |  Boots HQ  |  Lipstick Drawer

Urban Decay Naked 2  |  Christmas  |  Sparkly Nails  |  Afternoon Teas  |  Shell Lip Balms

Thanks for sticking with me through the last year… aside from the highlights – there have been some real bloggy stinkers too!  Like the blog downtime that killed the ill-fated Advent giveaway, the blog-styling update that was welcomed with huge applause (you know you LOVED it really), and the bikini wax that was just supposed to be a… oh, I didn’t blog that one did I?



Lipglossiping 2011 – A Retrospective (January – June)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 30 - 2011

Estee Lauder Pure Color Cyber Eyes: Swatches & FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 29 - 2011

Following on from the Summer success that was Estee Lauder’s Illuminating Powder Gelee with it’s “tribrid” Prisma Shine™ technology, the brand have created a collection of six new eye-shadows that make use of this all-in-one liquid, powder and gel texture.

“A lot of drama on the eyes creates sensuality, a sexiness. Smokey eyes are sexy and playful and I wanted to give women different ways to wear the look, anytime.”  Tom Pecheux, Creative Makeup Director, Estée Lauder

The unusual formula strives to create an eyeshadow that applies as smoothly as a cream, gives a molten metal-esque gel shine whilst wearing like a powder.  Having played with the collection over Christmas, I don’t feel the creaminess in the formula quite as I did in the Illuminating Powder Gelee but the bounce and soft texture are equal to the brand’s previous creation.

The six shades available in the limited edition Pure Color Gelée Powder EyeShadow (£19) range are:

Cyber Copper; Cyber Pink; Cyber Lilac; Cyber Silver; Cyber Green; and Cyber Teal (not shown).

Designed to be applied with both a dry and a wet brush, I’ve swatched them all on bare skin to show the difference between the two types of application.  With some shades, the difference is extremely noticeable as the metallic shine amps up to extraordinary proportions!

A few points to note about the shades…

Cyber Copper is the “brown” in the set, a great crease colour that is unlikely to let you down.  Should work particularly well with blue/green eyes thanks to the underlying warm, copper tones.

Cyber Pink is best used as a highlight shade, on my pale skin it blends out a crease colour nicely without adding too much glitz when used dry.  Also works beautifully tapped beside the tear ducts with a wet brush for some super sparkle.

Cyber Lilac is one of the most versatile shades in the collection.  Used dry, it is beautiful swiped over a standard taupey-brown crease colour, adding a real 3rd dimension to the proceedings.  Wet, well… it’s simply a stunning metallic purple.

Cyber Green is, in my opinion, the must-have in the collection, though hardly ‘green’ — this is a black with antique-gold sparkles that positively shine when applied with a damp brush.

Cyber Silver is a more wearable alternative to standard silver being less glitzy or obviously metallic than other silver eyeshadows in my collection.  I like to wear this dry, layered over another shade to give greater dimension.

All shades blend smoothly, particularly when applied dry.  My favourite method of application is to apply the shadow dry with a brush before wetting the foam applicator and reapplying in areas I’d like to build greater intensity.  Despite the all-singing, all-dancing formula, I’m not sure that colour-wise they really offer anything hugely new BUT (and this is a big but), I haven’t achieved such longevity from an eyeshadow ever.  These babies wear like nothing else, all day long with no fading or creasing.  For reals.

Cyber Lilac and Cyber Green are my top picks.

Also included in the collection are six new Pure Color Intense Kajal Eye Liners (£16) in shades:

Blackened Black (01); Blackened Cocoa (02); Blackened Plum (03); Blackened Sapphire (04); Blackened Olive (05); and Electric Teal (not shown).

Described as containing 70% pure pigments that can be used on the inner or outer rim, I’ve found them to share the same long-lasting qualities as the eye shadows.  Wear is particularly impressive on the inner rim where the colour fades but doesn’t run or disappear completely.

From the shades shown above, only 05 (Blackened Olive) is a limited edition shade, the rest will make their way to the permanent line.  I found 04 (Blackened Sapphire) to be much harder in texture than the rest and was the only one to need warming-up prior to application.  You can see from the swatch that there is a bit of skipping in the application and from the set, it would be the one I wouldn’t recommend.

05 (Blackened Olive) and 02 (Blackened Cocoa) are my top picks.

For a ‘mini’ collection, it’s not particularly compact and as a huge fan of Estee Lauder’s Sumptuous Colour mascaras, I am delighted to see the inclusion of three new Sumptuous Extreme Lash Multiplying Volume Mascaras (£22) in shades:

Extreme Teal; Extreme Violet; and Extreme Copper (not shown).

All of the coloured mascaras in the Cyber Eyes Collection are sadly limited edition and if you’ve never tried a coloured mascara before, I recommend that this is the place you start.  Estee Lauder’s coloured mascaras never make sacrifices on quality of product for the sake of injecting some fancy colour into the formula and the new shades that I have infront of me are both beautiful.

You walk a fine line with coloured mascaras, it’s easy to over-egg the effect with high street options and look like you’ve stepped off the set of Dynasty.  These are understated but have enough welly behind them to make people take a second glance!  Such a fun way to complete a look.

I put together a FOTD with some of the products.  The light was fading quickly so you’ll have to excuse the graininess in some of the pictures.

I’ll list the products used at the end.

Cyber Lilac on the lids (used dry, then reapplied wet on the lid (with sponge) once the crease colour was in place)
Cyber Green in the crease (dry)
Cyber Lilac under the eyes (wet, with a precision brush)
Cyber Pink in the inner corner to highlight (wet, with a precision brush)

Blackened Olive to line the inner rims (both top and bottom).

For the purposes of a useful FOTD, I applied a single coat of both shades of mascara, you can see in the closeup photo which eye shows which mascara!

The NEW Pure Color Cyber Eyes Collection* is available at Estée Lauder counters nationwide and online at www.esteelauder.co.uk

Are you lemming anything from this collection?  Already made your purchases?!

* press sample

Tea with Bea…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 28 - 2011

Afternoon Tea at Beas of Bloomsbury was a real Christmas highlight.  I’m not in the habit of paying £60 for an afternoon of tea-table frivolity but as a special treat for my Mum, Dad and Leila, it turned out to be money well spent.  We rolled up at two in the afternoon to be told that they were booked solid at their St. Paul’s branch, so I did what any mother would do and prodded Leila in the ribs with a biro until a few fat tears rolled down her Dickensian flushed cheeks.  The lady behind the counter took pity on us Leila and ushered us upstairs to the empty mezzanine which as time would tell, filled with hustle and bustle very quickly indeed.

Ham, brie and tomato, sauteed mushrooms and wild rocket, cupcakes-a-plenty, Bailey’s marshmallows, scones, pistachio meringues and brownies (both dark and white chocolate) filled the tea stand to bursting.  I supped on Chinese Gunpowder while my mother opted for Lemon Verbena.

Leila got her own Gingerbread lady…

What a throughly lovely way to spend a chilly afternoon in central London!  What’s your favourite location for afternoon tea?

* I didn’t really poke Leila with a biro… except for that one time when she slouched.

Well, that went better than expected…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 27 - 2011

Hello!  Are you all NOTD’ed out?  Sorry about that – I was hugely up against it, but in fairness – weren’t those w7 polishes something else?  Anyway, seeing as I was too full of turkey to log on and wish you all a Merry Christmas on the 25th, I’ll give you a little overview of this year’s festivities and wish you a Happy New Year instead!

I don’t think I’ve been satisfied with Christmas since I was about 11 – there’s been a heavy feeling of ‘is this it?’ invading most Christmases (except for the one I got engaged) but 2011 has surely outdone itself. Maybe having a 2 year old makes all the difference. Infact, I know it does. You work so hard to ensure that it’s as down-right magical as possible, that it can’t help but rub off.

From dancing to steelband carols in the middle of Oxford St to visiting Father Christmas in his giant Christmas Tree off Queensway, this last week has been a memorable and festive one.  Leila charmed the pants off a particularly wonderful employee in House of Fraser and toddled out of there with a bag literally crammed with fragrance samples.  A smile so big you never did see, and she still won’t let me dip in to it!

We cream tea’ed at Beas of Bloomsbury, Bagel’ed at Beigel Bake (*cough* more than once), and buffet’ed ’til we needed anti-MSG shots in Chinatown.  I even got my eyebrows threaded in public!  If that can happen, then Father Christmas and a few reindeer is a doddle.

I’m off to Manchester on the 30th for a few nights, don’t laugh – I love the city, it’s where I honeymooned (romantic no?) and if it weren’t for the rain, being a soft Southerner and the fact that Cosmetic Candy lives there, I’d totally move North.

I hope you’ve all had magnificent/awe-inspiring/magical/passable Christmases (delete as appropriate), make the most of the remaining days in 2011, before you know it – we’ll be submerged into the abject misery that is January.

W7 Metallic Jupiter Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 24 - 2011

Are you ready? No, really… are you? I thought I’d save a particularly special one for Christmas Eve because in some ways, Christmas Eve is better than the big day right? All that anticipation… *shivers*


Ain’t she gorgeous? W7’s Metallic Jupiter is a delight… a true delight and brings me proper, proper joy when I look down at my fingernails.  It shifts from purple to blue in a whirlwind of psychedelic glory.

God damn do I ever love a good duochrome. If I had one wish for Christmas (aside from world peace, eternal happiness for Leila and an everlasting can of diet coke) it would be for more duochrome nail polishes in 2012.

I purchased W7 Metallic Jupiter online from www.nailpolishdirect.co.uk, priced at £1.95 – I believe that it’s a discontinued shade so don’t hang around if you fancy adding it to your collection!

What’s your Christmas wish? Both frivolous and meaningful..

Smashbox Bionic Mascara Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 23 - 2011

Smashbox is a brand that just isn’t that easy for me to lay may hands on – sure, it’s in Debenhams but my local Debenhams is situated a 10 minute walk from the main shopping area, making it a bit of a black hole as a far as I’m concerned.

Smashbox Bionic Mascara in Jet Black is currently available at CheapSmells.com — who knows for how long, they have a pretty rapid stock turnover — and they sent me a sample to put to the test.

The mascara has a “wet” formula, something which I noticed immediately because I can never help but worry when buying from online cosmetic ‘discounters’ that I might be getting very old stock… and in the case of mascaras, old stock = dry mascara.

I needn’t have been concerned as the Smashbox Bionic Mascara I received is most definitely wet, any wetter and it would have been an instant fail, like the Bourjois 1001 which I hated until it began to dry out.

You can see from the before/after that the Smashbox Bionic Mascara (on the right!) offers decent lengthening if not much volumising.  I like the inky black shade and the fact that it left my lashes feeling soft and flexible.

It’s not the showstopping mascara I’d have liked to see from Smashbox but it’s a better-than-natural daily mascara (I hate ‘natural’ mascaras) which won’t dry out any time soon and offers genuine single-sweep lash boosting.  Maybe not for nights out on the tiles but a really, very good daily choice for work.

Smashbox Bionic Mascara in Jet Black is priced at £12.95 (a £16.50 value, 22% discount) and available from CheapSmells.com

What’s your favourite ‘daily’ mascara?

* press sample

Nails Inc. Magnetic Polish in Whitehall NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 23 - 2011

Have magnetic polishes become the new crackle top coats yet? Are we bored of them? Nails Inc. hope not because they’ve just released their newest shade: Whitehall.

Whitehall is a teal green/blue that offers complete coverage in a single coat. Not, almost complete – fully complete. This was one of the quickest manicures I’ve done in ages, quick drying too – it literally took me around 10 minutes tops from start to finish.

I’m not sure if you can make out from the above photo but this one dried to a fairly matte finish compared to some of the other magnetic polishes I’ve tried in the past.  It’s a striking combination on the nails and I didn’t encounter any magnet mishaps – the results were pretty consistent from nail to nail.

Ultimately, this is one of the better magnetic polishes I’ve tried – I’m not sure if this shade is available cheaper from the other brands (17, FashionistA etc) but I haven’t got any moans about the Nails Inc. version!

Nails Inc. Magnetic Polish in Whitehall is available to buy online from Nails Inc. priced at £13.00 (ouch).

* press sample

W7 Metallic Saturn Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 22 - 2011

I’m back with another W7 cheapie for you!

Today’s is Metallic Saturn, one of those green/gold combos that come out all mossy/gold and beautifully patina’ed on the nail.

You’ll be pleased to hear that this one is a glorious 2-coater with smooth application and heaps of shine.  I haven’t used a top coat in the above photo, it just didn’t really need it!  I’m finding these W7 polishes quick-drying but very solvent-y and recommend ensuring you’re in a well-ventilated room when using them!

I purchased W7 Metallic Mars online from www.nailpolishdirect.co.uk, priced at £1.95 – I believe that it’s a discontinued shade so don’t hang around if you fancy adding it to your collection!

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 21 - 2011

This is an old one of my girl… but it just makes me think…



Orly Rock It Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 21 - 2011

Orly Rock It is a sparkling sherry from the Mineral FX Collection that appeared earlier this year. It’s an impressive concoction that is packed full of dimension and light-play as the flecks dance on your fingertips.

In some ways, Orly Rock It reminds me of a flakie with it’s subtle golden duochrome and packed shimmer but without actually containing flakes… I know that makes better sense in my head than it does on the blog but hopefully the picture demonstrates a little of what I’m talking about.

You should also know that the picture makes it look less dimensional than it really is because of the flash lighting.  It’s December, sigh… it’s the best I can do when it gets dark so early!

Orly Rock It is available to buy online from BeautyBay.com, priced at £7.50

* press sample


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