Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2012

It takes dedication, perseverance and often a lot of money to discover a holy grail in your collection, it’s also no mean feat when the market is so saturated with product.  I was having a little think about the (now discontinued) Chanel Dragon the other evening (completely normal behaviour) and after I’d wiped away the tears (also normal), I thought about some of the other products that have left my stash over the years, never to be seen again.  Here are a few things that I’m very sad to no longer be able to lay my hands on…

A concise selection, I think you’ll agree (don’t even get me started on nail polish…)

Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon – Chanel are on my shit list for this.  Big time.

Nivea Oil-Free Moisturising Fluid – Don’t like the new “cream” version, rubbish.  This was really light and perfect for my t-zone in Summer

Chanel Egoiste EdT – OK, so it’s not discontinued as such, it’s just nowhere I’ve looked in the last 7 years.  I bullied my first boyfriend until he bought a bottle back in the 90s… I didn’t keep the boyfriend (ok, he didn’t keep me – gay, it turns out – oh how we laughed), but I did keep the bottle.

DHC for Men After Shave Lotion – Great stuff for cooling irritated post-shave skin says Mr. L – still haven’t found anything to replace it (BOO!)

Quality Street Purple Ones – Yes, I know the tins still have them but they’re IMPOSTERS.  Hazelnuts suck, bring back the brazil nut centres.

And breathe.

I’d also add No7 Luscious Lip Colour in Morello Cherry to the list (but I couldn’t find a picture).  T’was my first grown up lipstick and I’d love to find it again!

Are there any discontinued products you still pine for?

Freebie Alert: STILA Lip Glaze in Kitten – It’s a lipgloss amnesty!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2012

To celebrate Stila’s new beauty counter in Harvey Nichols London, the brand are giving away one of their iconic Lip Glazes to every beauty lover who visits the new counter from 10am on the 19th January (one day only) to trade in a tired, old lipgloss.  It’s a lipgloss amnesty people!

It’s a Stila Steal that’s worth £15 – so rummage through your handbag, ‘cos it’s time to retire that old gloopster in favour of something altogether more sophisticated.

Also, Manchester ladies – keep an eye out on the HN Manchester’s What’s On page as this lip-smacking deal will be heading your way soon (along with your new Stila counter!)

Will you be doing an after-work dash to throw your lipgloss (and yourself) at the new Stila counter in Harvey Nichols next Thursday?

London IMATS 2012: it’s-a-coming…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2012

In just over three weeks, IMATS 2012 will touch down at London’s Alexandra Palace.  This will be the third year in a row that I’ve attended the International Make Up Artist Trade Show and I can’t wait to revisit the brands that I don’t usually get the chance to see all up close and personal.  It’s a fabulous weeked of artistry, shopping and education and this year promises to be better than ever with the news that the event has moved into Ally Pally’s Great Hall – a much larger venue adjacent to the event’s previous setting.  One of my complaints about the previous shows has been the sheer volume of people crowding into the exhibition area, making it really tricky to get close to the stalls.  The new venue offers literally over double the floorspace, so I’m hoping for a more relaxed shopping experience than previously encountered.

A list of currently confirmed exhibitors for 2012 can be found on the IMATS website.

Primarily and most importantly… IMATS is a trade show for trade professionals, though (with the exception of Friday 2-7pm) it is open to the general makeup-loving public.  If you’re thinking of going and expecting to see all the brands you’re familliar with in Boots, don’t.  It’s not Selfridges beauty hall.

My tips for making the best of the day…

1. Contact exhibitors in advance to find out if they’ll be stocking the ‘must have’ thing that you’re after.  Don’t contact too early though, many won’t have decided what stock they’ll take/discounts they’ll offer until a few days before.

2. Set a budget, it’s easy to go overboard on the spends!

3. Wear comfortable shoes and lots of layers – I was freezing to begin with but roasting by the end of the day!

4. Arrive early to listen to the keynote speakers.

5. Get your shopping done first before taking the time to relax by checking out the demonstrations and chatting to the exhibitors.

6. Sharpen your elbows… the exhibit floor gets BUSY (but hopefully not as busy any more!)

As for the keynote speakers, I’m really looking forward to hearing from Kevin James Bennett who will be discussing “Prep for Success” in assoc. with Embryolisse on the Saturday morning.

You can buy tickets online or on the day (unless they sell-out in advance).

Will you be heading to IMATS London on the 4th/5th February?  Maybe I’ll see you there!

NOTD: Mavala Platinum Marble Nail Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2012

This pretty caught my eye during that mind-numbing lull between Christmas and New Year.  I was browsing through the beauty stuffs in my local John Lewis, knuckles dragging the ground ‘cos I couldn’t find anything I really wanted, when all of a sudden an angel appeared beside me and thrust this tiny bottle into my hand*.

* this may not have actually happened

Anyway, here’s Mavala Platinum Marble, it’s quite nice no?

I’d describe it as a silvered taupe with a pearl-shimmer finish – it’s heading in the direction of frosty but minus the brushstrokes.  It’s a very pretty work appropriate shade that took three coats to achieve full opacity on my nails.

Currently priced at a bargainous £2.99 over on BeautyBay (I paid £4.10 for this one instore).

What are you wearing on your nails today?

Blog Awards…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2012

…Well, what a can of worms.  If you follow the beauty/fashion blog stuffs on twitter, you’ll know that so much has already been said and I’m not sure what value I really have to add to the debate.  I haven’t got my soapbox out for a year or two but I felt like airing my feelings about being nominated for the Marie Claire blog awards

It’s flattering to be hoicked up there on a little blogging pedestal among the other nominees but recent Twitter events have revealed what everyone knew all along: that bloggers are generally not welcome in established journalist/beauty circles. We’re putting noses out of joint left, right and centre and it’s getting ugly.

Insincerity is my biggest bug bear within the beauty scene, and nothing displays that notion more proudly than when a magazine strikes up a round of blog awards.  To be nominated or awarded for being a blogger by an established print magazine has the shine stripped from the accomplishment somewhat when you’re ultimately realistic about the motivations behind the accolade.

Having said that… do I really have anything against these obvious SEO building exercises?  Not really, links make the internet go round.  My blog would be nothing without people linking to me.  It’s this free flow of information that has allowed blogging to become so mainstream but links are a two-way mutual appreciation thing and any brand, magazine or company that doesn’t acknowledge this simple truth is on a hiding to nothing.

Would I like to win the opportunity to write unpaid for Marie Claire? Well, I’ve got bills to pay like everyone else and writing is my full-time job.  If someone asks me to write for them, nine times out of ten, I want to see some benefit to my bank account as-well as my ego but ultimately, how much of a massive ego would I need to dismiss the opportunity to write a post for Marie Claire’s blog?  Surely it’s a great prize to be featured (even once) under the umbrella of a household name magazine – it seems that in established blogging circles however, it’s heinously uncool to express this opinion.  But this is where it gets contradictory…

The fact is that I’ve had 4x the number of referrals to my site today from this month-old post on than I have from the freshly published Marie Claire blog award announcement so I wouldn’t consider any potential traffic surges as hugely incentive.  Nothing gets my blood pumping more than discovering one of my blogging peers or a brand I admire has linked to something I’ve written, most bloggers will recognise that feeling of pride, and it feels less hollow than an impersonal email from Marie Claire that essentially says: “Hai, You’ve been longlisted, congrats – here’s a badge to stick on your blog… nag your readers to visit our site will you? You could even tile OUR logo as your Twitter background…”

However, I’d be willing to wager that most of our mothers couldn’t give a shit that our blogs were read by over xxxxxxx amount of people in December but if we told them that we’d written something in X magazine (ok, we wouldn’t tell them it was on their blog), she’d be ringing all her bingo mates with the news faster than you could shout “full house”.  BUT if we hold our own blogs in such high regard… why are we being sniffy about the opportunity to write for theirs?  Maybe because we’re generally HUGELY passionate about blogging and magazines still mostly do the blogging thing like it’s an afterthought to their print publication. Magazines and blogs still feel like such completely different entities to me, which I suppose, goes some way to explaining why I can’t shrug off the old “can’t we all just rub along together nicely?” feeling.

It simply boils down to the uneasy feeling that by participating I’m…

a). being played like a fiddle in a greater SEO plan
b). betraying “my kind” by being flattered at an opportunity to play on the otherside of the fence
c). being occasionally ridiculed (on both sides of the fence) for even momentarily contemplating that my blog is genuinely admired

As a nominee, I should be sitting on the fence but my motivation to write this stems from the growing feeling amongst newer bloggers that established bloggers consider themselves above the whole “blog awards” thing and I just don’t think that’s true. I think many established bloggers feel that they’re damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t.  Despite popular opinion, most of us aren’t about to disappear up our own arses anytime soon but increasingly, we are resisting attempts at mining blogs for linkbacks without any personalised interaction with either us or our readers.  Most of us just want to protect what we’ve worked hard to build over many years and trust me, the longer you do it for – the more protective you feel about what you’ve built.

What do you think about Blog Awards? (as given by magazines etc…)


Fifty years ago, there was very little we could do about most cosmetic imperfections.  Children wore port-wine stains and birthmarks on their skin their entire lives and men and women alike have always suffered from cosmetic abnormalities that range from the mildly irritating to the full-blown debilitating.  Nowadays, of course, things are very different and the one technology that has made the biggest difference to non-invasive treatments is the not-so-humble laser.

You don’t need to read far back through this blog to discover the impact that cosmetic lasers have made to my life, I have a greater sense of self-worth now that I’ve achieved and am maintaining a worthwhile reduction in hair growth, perhaps a shallow sentiment but it’s easy to underestimate the devastating effects that cosmetic flaws can have on our self-esteem and confidence.

I headed back to my local Sk:n Clinic one morning in November to see what could be done about a skin imperfection that I’d noticed had gotten worse since giving birth to my daughter in 2009.  It’s a ‘condition’ that affects many women (and men) around the world and is particularly prominent among those of us with a classic Celtic complexion.  I’m talking about thread veins.

Thread veins, spider veins, broken veins — whatever you want to call them — come under many guises but these delicate blood vessels are generally harmless little blighters that may be clearly visible across the thinner areas of skin.  In my case, it was the tip of my nose that suffered a permanent red (purple in cold weather) flush.  Making me look not unlike a total lush.  The photo below shows my skin on the day of my consultation, it’s freshly washed and moisturised so a little more ‘stimulated’ (read: irritated) than it would be later in the day.

The majority of my thread veins are minor and conceal well with a good application of a medium-coverage foundation.  The one on the tip of my nose however, has slowly become more resistant to concealer.  I’m prone to redness and see it as part and parcel of who I am but when faced with the opportunity to correct the imperfections genetics has dumped on us, why not?

My consultation was enlightening, I discovered more about the causes behind these little red road maps that traverse my face just under the surface of my skin.  I couldn’t resist asking if squeezing spots too recklessly as a teen (ok, older) may have contributed to their irritation.  The nurse at Sk:n said that whilst it may have been a contributing factor (as with any physical skin damage), the biggest likelihood pointed at simple genetic inheritance.  Thanks Mum!

The procedure itself was painless.  Not ‘uncomfortable’ just completely painless.  For some reason, I assumed that due to the particularly bony location I might have felt a reasonable amount of discomfort.  Nothing, nada.  Does not even compare to laser hair removal (which I find pretty ‘uncomfortable’).

The biggest caveat the nurse at Sk:n warned me about was the likelihood of bruising.  And er… I’m glad she did, as the photos will demonstrate.

Nice.  I don’t look *at all* stupid.

No, ok I really do look stupid.  There is no concealer in the world…

Scabby McScaberson.  DON’T PICK THE SCABS!


Halle-frickin-llujah, it fell off. Followed by: “Is this dent ever going to go away?”

“Oh, thank God for that”.  OOOOOooooohhhh where’s it gone?!

16 days people.  From start to finish.

A couple of laser bolts (not the technical term) fired at the tip of my nose, lots of giggles and comments about not needing “Rudolph” this Christmas and a fortnight later and cheerio biggest thread vein conurbation.  I’m really pleased to be able to show you something so tangible, often with all this beauty stuff results can be subjective and OK, it’s not the most groundbreaking cosmetic procedure in the world but it makes all the difference when a red nose isn’t the first flaw your critical mind picks up on when you look in the mirror. (I’ve moved on to something else, of course!)

The cost of this procedure? £99 for a single, very minor treatment.  That’s all it took to shift mine and over a month later, it hasn’t returned.

I hope this helps to give an accurate timeline and a little background information into what you can expect if you decide to go for laser thread vein removal.

In the words of The Fast Show’s Mancunian teenage, “Aren’t lasers BRILLIANT!?!”


You can read more about the facial thread vein removal services offered by Sk:n Clinic by clicking through to their website.

* complimentary treatment courtesy of Sk:n Clinic

Swatch Saturday: Victorian Disco Cosmetics – a sample eye shadow haul

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2012

I first heard about this new indie brand via Sirvinya’s blog and immediately fell in love with a couple of the eyeshadows featured in her swatches.  I hot-footed it over to the Victorian Disco Etsy page and ordered a batch of sample baggies to have a closer look myself.

Despite the Christmas rush, I received my order (from the U.S.) after only a week – not that I’m saying it’s unusual to receive products promptly from an indie retailer, but… well… you know…

The shadows are finely-milled and well mixed, they apply smoothly and blend beautifully when applied with a dry brush.  With mineral eye shadows, I tend to pat the lid colour on with a wet brush and apply the crease colour with a dry, blending brush to soften the edges and (usually) smoke out.  I haven’t experienced any application issues so far with my usual method.

On with the swatches! (…and official colour descriptions) – these have been swatched with a damp brush on dry, bare skin.

Archduchess: Medium dusty purple with violet, gold and blue sheen
Baroque: Light brown with gold flecks and sheen
Ewok Pajama Party!: Straight black with gold and violet sparkles, slight purple sheen
Lightsaber: Medium blue with a violet sheen
Luna: Deep strong black with a very prominent gold sheen and sparkles
Millenium Falcon: Deep silver with red, purple and 3D sparkles

Pannier: Deep brownish taupe with violet and gold flecks
Powder Wig: Bright metallic white with purple flecks
Revolutionary Ball: Black with a deep blue sheen
Sailor Mars: Rusty red with a pink sheen
The Fett: Deep purple with a light violet red sheen
Tuxedo Mask: Deep reddish black with purple and gold sheen

Pannier bleeds a green tinge around the edges of the swatch and I’d say that some of the colour descriptions are a little off but the shadows are really very, very beautiful.

My top picks are Revolutionary Ball, Sailor Mars, Tuxedo Mask, Ewok Pajama Party!, Archduchess, and Luna.  So, err most of them really.

Here’s a quick FOTD – I’m wearing Millenium Falcon (wet) on the lid with Tuxedo Mask (dry) blended softly into the crease and under the eye.

Also wearing: Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer  |  MAC Angel Lipstick  |  Illamasqua Sob Cream Blusher  |  Clinique High Impact Mascara

Any of those swatches show a shade with your name on it?

Your Skin, Your Rules and a little treat from Nivea*

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 6 - 2012

If I can dodge doing the weekly shop for just a little while longer, I’ll be going to the gym this lunchtime which means that without a full face of makeup, I can give my parched skin a richer dose of moisture.  Tomorrow, I’m out and about all day, so I’ll need to concentrate on preventing my lips from chapping and priming my skin to grip my makeup from dawn to dusk.  Skincare is a variable we all struggle to set in stone, making it both a nightmare to ‘get right’ and a joy to ‘solve’.

Nivea have launched a new web tool called Your Skin, Your Rules which celebrates the diversity in our daily routines and dances on the grave of the traditional three-step “cleanse, tone, moisturise” routine.  Like the capsule wardrobe from which you pick and choose those classic pieces to create the perfect outfit for any occasion, Nivea believe you can mix-and-match a few essential products to customise your skincare routine to suit your ever-changing needs.  And let’s face it, some of our needs are more glamourous than others…

This week, my idea of glamour has involved trying on sale dresses that I’d like to wear to all the parties that I’m too grumpy to attend, but if you’re craving something a little more exciting than this, the Your Skin, Your Rules web tool has a treat hidden up it’s sequined party sleeve.

Purchase a Nivea Daily Essentials product and get ready to glamourise your daily routine by logging on to  Input the barcode or take a webcam picture of your Nivea Daily Essentials product to claim either a free online yoga class, dance lesson or makeover and photo shoot – simply tell Nivea about your skincare routine and receive your instant reward!

As it’s January and we’re squarely in central-heating mode – my skin is demanding a completely different routine to the one I created for it in the Summer and I’m still playing catch-up as I work to establish a new set of rules to maintain the balance.  What is your routine currently dictating and are you being affected by the weather conditions too?  Also, just for fun – which treat would you choose: yoga, dance or makeover and photo shoot?  Are you a salsa kinda girl?!  I’ll be honest, I like salsa… but only on my nachos.

Don’t forget to log on to to check out the available treats!

* sponsored content

W7 Metallic Neptune NOTD Nail Polish

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 5 - 2012

The last of my W7 Metallic nail polish purchases from last month (promise!).  Metallic Neptune is a delightful teal/purple duochrome and another succesful 2-coater.

This one is still in stock (at the time of writing) at priced at £1.95.

Which has been your favourite of the metallics I swatched and did you buy any yourself?

Red Lipped Readers – Part Eight!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 4 - 2012

Ahhh, I’ve missed you soooo much my red-lipped lovelies!  It’s gloomy enough out there for a little injection of my favourite lip shade – c’mon ladies, party season may be over but you do not need an excuse to go bold.

1. Kirsty is a vision of Winter loveliness in MAC’s legendary Ruby Woo

2. Maria looks resplendent in another MAC classic, Lady Danger

3. The beautiful Dora shows us how to rock Maybelline’s Pleasure Me Red

4. Gabrielle is positively smouldering in L’Oreal’s Colour Riche Penelope’s Red

5. Candida from looks gorgeous in the classic Revlon Fire & Ice


.If you want to join in with the fun and submit your red lip look, email me a photo of your lovely selves with the following info:

Your name:
Lip shade name:
Link to blog (if relevant):

I’ve still been wearing my beloved red lip shades throughout December, though not blogging them as well as I would have liked.  I have so many beautiful new acquisitions I’d really love to show you before the weather gets warm again, someone please give me a kick up the butt to get the reds (both yours and mine) setting the blog on fire again!

I sneaked 5 minutes for a quick photo-take in the back garden yesterday afternoon (the light is so poor indoors), this is my latest red purchase, and with it must go mega-credit (and a big thank you) to Frooti Beauty for swatching the Urban Decay Supersaturated High Gloss Lip Colour range for me!  I already own Big Bang and Crush, so knew in advance that I would be a fan of the formula but wasn’t sure on whether F-Bomb was the kind of true, clean red that I tend to favour.

I’d say that it leans ever so slightly warm but not enough to go all fire-engine on my face… the formula is long-wearing and lasts happily through a few drinks.  I really hope that Urban Decay consider bringing out some more shades in this lineup – I love a chunky lip pencil, especially one that gives as much shine as this!

Urban Decay Supersaturated High Gloss Lip Colour in F-Bomb is priced at £14 and available instore at the usual Urban Decay concessions and online at

W7 Metallic Mercury NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 2 - 2012

You thought you’d seen the last of these right? Wrong.

A thoroughly decent 2-coater, the duochrome effect is more apparent on this one in the bottle than it is on the nails but the lovely, almost flakie-effect makes up for any shortcomings.

It irks me that W7 are clearly capable of such lovely polishes… most of their shades are completely blah.  How awesome would it be if they stepped up their game in the shade stakes!

The site I bought mine from now appears to be out of stock on most of the shades, but W7 Metallic Mercury is still available to purchase from FragranceMad (albeit at inflated prices).  Make the most of the 3for2 and Free Delivery to soften the grumbles.


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