Benefit Hervana Blush Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2012

There’s always a bit of excitement in the air when Benefit release a new boxed blusher because a). they’re generally pretty damn good and b). they’re kinda cute.  Well, the latest addition to the blusher lineup doesn’t disappoint on either of those scores and nicely fills a little gap in the Benefit blusher market for a netral-toned rose.

Despite having a total of four different shades in the same pan, Hervana is designed to be swirled together to create a single shade – infact, you’d physically struggle to load a brush with a single shade.  The packaging, despite being the usual Benefit cardboard offering, seems as though it would be substantial enough to see it through its lifetime and the brush makes for a decent application if you don’t posess a blusher brush you’re already happy to use.

My pink skin-tone pulls Hervana toward the cool side of the spectrum, obviously making the most of that fuchsia-pink shade in the pan.  This makes Hervana offer something very different to some of my other Benefit blushes which lean a lot warmer in tone.  Because of the peach shades within the Hervana spectrum, you may find that your skintone pulls the blush in a different shade direction to mine, something to be wary of when swatching for yourself.  I really love the ultra-fine satin finish which adds a little luminosity and lift to the complexion without exagerrating pore size or fine lines.

Overall, Hervana is definitely one that I’m happy to recommend.  Providing the shade works for you, I can’t see you experiencing any application problems with this one – it blends smoothly and evenly and lasts well throughout the day.

Benefit Hervana is currently out of stock on the Benefit website but is available to buy on counter or online at ASOS, priced at £23.50

* press sample

The Lipstick League – Week of 23.01.12

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2012

Pink Sith – combines Six Sigma and Eyeshadow? See how she works in the business management strategy when she tells you all about Rouge Bunny Rouge Solstice Halcyon Eyeshadow.

Prime Beauty – revisits her high school crush and discovers Buxom’s new True Hue Blush simultaneously.

Phyrra – shows you a lovely purple look with L’Oreal Perpetual Purple and Fyrinnae Cuddlefish.

Vampy Varnish – Checks out the bright fun new spring collection from China Glaze called Electropop!

we heart this – Brush hoarders, we’ve discovered a high quality yet inexpensive line for your collection – bdellium tools.

Beauty Junkies Unite – I never would have thought to put OPI’s Suzi in the same room with Nicki Minaj, but it really happened! Check out Nicki’s new collection of polishes for OPI.

Clumps of Mascara – I’m so obsessed with blogging that I love inspiring others to start a blog. Think you’re ready? Check out 10 Tips for Aspiring Beauty Bloggers.

Gouldylox Reviews – Too Faced is all about a natural look this season. I’m in love with all three of these palettes. What about you?

Lipglossiping – simply asks “So you wanna be a beauty blogger…?”

Nouveau Cheap – There’s been lots of buzz about the new Maybelline Eye Tattoo shadows. So did the shade Tough as Taupe work for me? Come find out!

The John Lewis Blogger Nail Art Challenge

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 30 - 2012

I don’t do nail art very often, or even… ever, you just need to look back through my ‘nail of the day’ archives to see that.  It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, I look longingly on tumblr at all the cool kids and their striping brushes but the problem is that I’ve got an essential familial tremor.  It’s genetic – you can hear my Dad carrying a tea tray from the other side of town.  Because I’m still (fairly) young, you’d be hard pushed to notice it in everyday tasks but when it comes to something that takes skill, precision and a delicate touch… I get the shakey jakes and the more I concentrate, the worse it gets.

Which is why, I’m pretty damn impressed with my attempt at some Valentine’s themed nail art.  It’s not massively complicated and thank God for being able to play dot-to-dot with a dotting tool BUT, it took me about 3 hours to finish (stop laughing), and I feel like ronseal-ing it to my nail beds to last for all eternity.

So why on Earth am I spending frankly ridiculous amounts of time drawing not very symmetrical hearts on my nails?  Well, because John Lewis sent an email out to some bloggers, challenging them to create some eye-catching nail art using a selection of shades that they would send out for this purpose.  Here are the shades they sent me:

YSL La Laque in Sparkling Garnet | Nails Inc. Magnetic Polish in Trafalgar Square | NARS Space Odyssey | YSL La Laque in Copyright Red

Dudes, I even tried to magnetize the hearts.  Dedication.  Not that it worked very well.

I’m not sure who else is taking part in the challenge (Sophy Robson’s blogging twin knowing my luck) but the participants stand a chance at winning a £150 John Lewis voucher so I am totally trying to bring my a-game!

Good luck to my fellow nail art(istes) taking part and cheers to John Lewis (and the makeup and beauty team) for the polishes and the opportunity to play along.

Do you ‘do’ nail art?  Who are your biggest sources of inspiration?

My Three Favourite Neutral Palettes

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 29 - 2012

Palettes are a busy girl’s best friend.  They require no effort when it comes to colour-matching, you just pull it out and get applying, safe in the knowledge that you’re not gonna look hideously “wrong” afterward.

I thought I’d quickly share my current three favourite neutral palettes.  Well, seeing as I mostly just wear neutrals, they’re probably my three favourite palettes full stop.

1.  Clarins Ombre Minerale 4 Couleurs Eye Quartet in Rosewood – review and swatches here

2.  Elizabeth Arden Color Intrigue Eyeshadow Quad in Velvet Plumtones – review and swatches here

3.  Wet n’ Wild Color Icon Trio Eyeshadows in Silent Treatment – review and swatches here

Told you it was a quick one!  Do you have a current favourite neutral palette or are you more of a singles girl?

Gilding the Lily – My First Polish Franken!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 28 - 2012

I always remember my Mum accusing me of ‘gilding the lily’ – taking something that was already lovely and needlessly attempting to improve it.  I can’t remember what the context would have been, I’ve never been a crafty/arty person so I’m assuming it was probably something silly like decorating biscuits.  No doubt, I was pouring sprinkles ontop of silver balls on top of pink icing.

Anyway, that phrase came to mind when I had to physically restrain myself from adding MOAR pigments/polishes/sparkles to my first polish Franken – and so the name has stuck.

For my first, I used some stuffs that I didn’t mind wasting.  An old ASOS by Ciate paint called Pixie… a jade creme that is infinitely dupable.  A Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in Night Lights that looks amazing in the bottle (holo) but is watery and pretty crappy on the nails.  Then I decided I wanted to give the green a warm, golden edge and dug out a pair of pigments that I hoped would do just that.

The result works.  Almost.  The BellaPierre pigment in Celebration (the copper one) isn’t as finely-milled as I would have hoped and gives the polish a lumpy feel which is a shame.  The other, golden-olive pigment which I believe was from a now-defunct indie brand worked beautifully in the polish and gave it a mossy, golden sheen.

The above shows two coats and a layer of top coat.  The scattered holo is really understated and gives more of a multi-dimensional, multi-coloured sparkle than any holo ‘effect’.  Now, I need to do some more!  I want some Spectraflair pigment!  Oh God, not another addiction!

What do you think?  Be kind, it’s my first!

Rimmel London NEW Wake Me Up Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 27 - 2012

This month sees a new foundation release from Rimmel London which promises to instalntly re-awaken skin with a healthy, radiant looking glow.  Otherwise known as Wake Me Up Foundation.  We could all do with a bit of that no?

The formula contains tiny ‘radiance pearls‘ to help illuminate the complexion… but I can’t see them, so they really must be erm, tiny.  It’s not one of those sparkly foundations that luminize by turning your face into a disco-ball, put it that way.  It’s medium/full coverage and conceals an uneven skintone brilliantly… I can also feel some significant silicone going on with a primer-y slip that effectively conceals larger pores better than many foundations I’ve tried.  And I’ve tried a lot.

I’m using the lightest shade (Ivory), which as you can see above – is a hair too dark and a hair too warm for me.  This isn’t groundbreaking stuff… when you only have six shades in your range, you’re not going to have a shade for everyone.  Something to bear in mind if you’re on the pale end of NW15 (I’d class myself somewhere inbetween NW15/NW20).

It claims to last 10hrs, I’d say it gets close to that for me, a little bit of slip down the bridge of my nose but it wasn’t sliding off my face by lunchtime.

Infact, I think this is pretty darn amazing for an £8.99 price tag.  Except for one thing.  It hates dry skin… if you have any flakes, no matter how invisible they may be when you’re bare-faced – once you’ve applied this, you’ll be scratching at them in an attempt to dislodge.  I can’t comment on how this would work for oily skin types, I think you may experience a little too much slip as I didn’t feel this was particularly mattifying.

On my cheeks, where my skin is ‘normal’ – this foundation worked flawlessly, better than flawlessly thanks to it’s pore-busting properties but over my problem (dry) areas, it struggled.  In other words… I’m coming back to this when I get my dry skin under control and I may not stray for a while.

Rimmel London’s NEW Wake Me Up Foundation is available instore now from Boots, Superdrug, etc. Priced at £8.99 for 30ml.

* press sample

New Year Honours List 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2012

In a list devoid of MPs, philanthropists, and celebrities – I bring you 12 products that have impressed me beyond my expectations over the past 12 months. This wasn’t easy to compile. Infact, it was so hard that it’s now nearly February and I’ve only just published it.

Some were a given from the moment I used them (Avon Mega Impact Eye Liner), some were growers (Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil), but all of them have left a real impression for achieving what their claims suggest and let’s face it, that’s what out beauty-loving hearts desire most.

Optrex Itchy/Allergy Eye Drops  |  Lanolips 101 Ointment  |  St. Tropez Perfect Legs Spray  |  Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Colors

Optrex make eye drops for seemingly every occassion and their Optrex Itchy Eye Drops have saved my poor peepers numerous times throughout the year.  I actually prefer their Optrex Allergy Eyes formula for the Summer months when my eyes are really suffering but I find them quite hard to get hold of (it’s over the counter stuff) and so pharmacists always offer me the Optrex Itchy Eye Drops instead.  To be fair, they both work but nothing soothes the feeling of wanting to wash your eyeballs under a running tap (and swill your eye sockets out while you’re at it) faster or more effectively than the Optrex Allergy Eyes formula.

Another product that goes beyond the pretty to simply make my life more comfortable is Lanolips 101 Ointment.  This nourishing, thick balm is as much a part of my nightly routine as washing my face or repeatedly checking Twitter on my phone after turning off my computer.  It’s simple existence means that my lips never peel or crack, as used to be the case throughout the winter months and if I like a new lipstick, I buy it based on how much I like the shade without caring about how drying the formula may prove to be.

My milk-bottle legs are anticipating the return of the warmer weather with a renewed vigour thanks to St. Tropez Perfect Legs Spray.  I’m surprising myself by including a tanning product in my honours list – I really don’t care much about being tanned… but, this product surpassed all expectations of turning my blue-tinged pins into something that I wouldn’t mind showing off when the sun finally peeks out from behind the UK’s perpetual blanket of cloud cover.

As much as the U.S. brand have released some stonking palettes this year, it’s these Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Colors that have been ticking all the right boxes for me this year.  They pack a supreme punch of colour, offer maximum convenience and last well throughout the day.  The shades I own are all searingly bright and obnoxious, just the way I’ve been liking my lip shades this year.  These are real beauties and I can’t wait to see if Urban Decay add to the lineup in 2012.

Benefit They’re Real Mascara  |  Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil  |  Dr. Hauschka Neem Hair Oil  |  Avon Mega Impact Eye Liner

An everyday staple achieves its status by being dependable, consistent, and easy to use.  Benefit’s They’re Real Mascara has been my go-to mascara since its release last August.  It extends and volumises my lashes with an inky formula and doesn’t let me down by smudging or flaking throughout the day.  Once it’s time for bed – it doesn’t give my cleansing oil any arguments and I’m still enjoying the same, usable formula from the original tube that I was given all those months ago.  It’s a solid but impressive addition to my makeup bag.

2011 has been a year of weight loss (and gain, and loss again) for me.  I knew from the start that I’d be putting my skin through the mill on my quest for a less flabby existence and I’ve been using various body oils with my cellulite massager in an attempt to keep my skin elastic, supple and unblemished.  While they all did a good job at moisturising, I wasn’t sure that they were achieving much more than this until I began to use Elemis Cellutox Active Body Oil toward the end of last year.  Aside from it smelling as delicious as you’d expect from the British brand, I’ve noticed a marked improvement in skin-tone, texture and dare I say it… cellulite.

Another major concern over the past year has been the constant flare-ups that have turned my scalp into an itching, flaking mess.  I would start a new shampoo, only to be forced into discontinuing its use a month later.  I tried SLS-free which seemed to improve things for a while, though still didn’t eradicate the problem completely.  I’ve been using Dr. Hauschka’s Neem Hair Oil (non-stinky) for a few months now and have so far, touch wood, not had a flare-up that’s been severe enough to cause any real misery.  I also find the oil effective at soothing any persistent itches alongside a welcome side-effect of improving the condition of my dry hair.

If I could only choose one, my product of the year would go to Avon’s Mega Impact Eye Liner for being outrageously awesome at such a reasonable price.  The blacker-than-black formula applies as smoothly as a gel with no tugging along the delicate waterline.  Give it a few moments to set and you’ll be treated to a full day of hard-wearing, sultry lashlines that resist smudging and transfer like real troopers.  They have a new metallic shade coming out for Spring, look out for it!

Suti Rejuvenate Organic Facial Oil  |  Lumos High Speed Top Coat (try eBay if you’re not a pro)  |  Missha M Perfect Cover B.B Cream  |  NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

I’ve always loved facial oils but have only recently discovered the true extent of their capabilities.  Suti’s Rejuvenate Organic Facial Oil is a wondrous concoction that seamlessly melts into my skin to give an instant glow on those days when my complexion is feeling particularly dull and drained by the cold weather.  Perhaps even more enlightening is the oil’s ability to turn a dud foundation into a keeper.  I’ve been adding a few drops (during application) to foundations that I consider dry-skin unfriendly and have been amazed at Suti’s ability to make the formula more compatible to my winter skin.  Lots of money saved thanks to this one!

So good do I consider the Lumos High Speed Top Coat, that I’ve bought the entire family!  From salon-sized down to purse-friendly bottles, they speed-dry my nail polish without causing shrinkage or becoming a thick, unusable mess in the bottle before I’ve reached the halfway mark.  The Lumos System also encourages you to use the High Impact Bottom Coat to achieve maximum results and longevity from your manicures but as someone who doesn’t generally suffer from polish chips, I’m happy to report that for me, it works as well with or without.

2011 was the year that B.B Creams hit the Western world with a vengeance and some bandwagon-jumping efforts from the major cosmetic players have left consumers wondering if there’s any difference between B.B Creams and Tinted Moisturisers with added SPF.  If you want to try a true B.B. Cream without the big-budget advertising hype – I can’t recommend the Missha M Perfect Cover B.B Cream highly enough.  It evens my skin-tone, gives serious sun protection, and calms my redness-prone skin in an instant.

I get annoyed with the NYX Cosmetics incarnation in the UK but if there’s one thing worth picking up, it’s the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams that come in a variety of shades and offer easy application, good coverage, and long-lasting colour without causing unbearable dryness or discomfort.  Remembering that these are (to be fair) matte formulas, it’s a great option for those who wince at the thought of dragging a hard-textured matte lipstick across their lips.  There are some awesome lip-popping shades to choose from too!


So there we have my New Year Honours List – a little late, but what’s half a month between friends?  Do you agree with any of my choices?  What would you have included in yours?

* the selection includes a mixture of press samples, repurchases from what were originally press samples and my own discoveries/purchases.

Fusion@London: 25th & 26th February 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 25 - 2012

Back in the depths of December, a group of bloggers were treated to a fashion show from Fusion@London – an organisation which aims to unite students from across the capital whilst raising funds to support Cancer Research UK.

image credit: Fusion@London ( Giovanni Barsanti

Next month, on the 25th and 26th of February Fusion@London will launch their first gala, which promises to be an inspiring combination of fashion, music and dance to be held at the Troxy, Limehouse.  The show has been designed by a creative committee who work alongside professional and student choreographers and designers to bring the show to life.

There is a real buzz and passion around the event, as evidenced by our sneak peek at the fashion show last month.

image credit: Fusion@London ( Giovanni Barsanti

The dresses were flowing, the laughter was infectious and the glamour a-plenty thanks to some surprisingly edgy looks from mineral makeup gurus Sheer Cover.  All in all, the main event promises to be a spectacular occassion and all for a good cause!

Tickets are available online now from the Fusion@London website.

So you wanna be a beauty blogger (dot dot dot)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 25 - 2012

Every week, the same two questions show up in my inbox without fail.

“Hai, what camera do you use?”

“I want to start a beauty blog, do you have any tips?”

In answer to the first question… I own the greatest camera on earth.  I press a button and it makes all my photos look amaze.  I don’t even need to look through the viewfinder ‘cos it auto-poses, auto-focuses, auto-corrects and auto-applies my makeup for me.  It costs £548993 and is available to purchase 1 day a year.  On leap years.  When there’s a full moon.  Not really.

How about the second question?

I’ve been blogging for longer than I’d like to admit with varying degrees of ‘success’.  And by ‘success’ I mean ‘audience’ seeing as that seems to be an acceptable standard by which one should grade themselves as a blogger.

Of course that’s not how it works in reality… I’ve written blogs that have had next to NO readers and adored the bones of the templates they sit in.  My last blog was a photography blog that fizzled out in late 2008.  I didn’t lose my love for photography… nor my love for blogging.  I just lost my love for blogging ABOUT photography.

I’ve never professed to be a beauty expert or insider.  When blogs get bashed in the media for being written by unknowing, uneducated bedroom dwellers, I’m often the first to nod my head in agreement.  I muddle through a world of brands, PR, bloggers and beauty writers in the best way I know how… full of naivety as to how things work, faux pas aplenty and a good healthy dose of “shit, I probably shouldn’t have said that”.

I may not know my subject as well as an industry expert but I do know blogging and I know that blog readers love blogs for a variety of different reasons.  One being precisely because many bloggers aren’t experts, we’re a community who simply devour any beauty info we can lay our hands on for the sheer pleasure of it.  And as quaint as it may sound… we’re kinda in it together.

I turn up to press events hoping that I look the part of the nonchalant attendee, like I’ve just finished sipping cocktails with Natasha Fosterly-Smith on the roof terrace of Hotel d’Swankyville, when in reality I’m hiding a Big Mac wrapper in the side pocket of my H&M handbag.  Why do I feel the need to act in a certain way?  To establish credibility in a world that considers my world a very un-credible place of course!

But talking of credibility, don’t get hung up on it.  With all these industry blog awards flying about (duck, here comes another one…), it’s really easy to get caught up in the excitement and ‘glamour’ of it all.  There is no glamour, be equally flattered by the compliments awarded by your blogging peers and readers.

Here are my tips on better blogging… now, if only I took my own advice…

1). To write about what you love with any kind of sustainability, I firmly believe that you shouldn’t change who you are to please people around you.  You may be entering new worlds and dealing with new and wonderful people who can help bring content and exciting times to your blog… but ultimately (in the blogging world at least), one needs to find their voice and stay true to it.


2). You need to dedicate time to it.  A lot of time.  It’s kinda true what they say about bedroom bloggers/cave dwellers… when my daughter goes to bed, I dedicate anything from 60-90% of my spare time to blogging.  Whether that be writing, replying to emails, reading other blogs or just thinking about what I want to write next… I go to sleep thinking about blogging and often wake up doing the same.


3). You don’t need to publish multiple posts a day.  Some of my favourite bloggers post a few times a week and the anticipation of their next installment is tantalizing!  You do need to be consistent though.


4). All bloggers experience burn out.  From posting too much, thinking too much, analysing whether their posts are any good or not.  There’s only one thing you can do in this situation.  Take a step back.  This gives you time to re-evaluate, re-position the importance of blogging in your life and hopefully re-discover your love for blogging.


5). Do you have to be a great writer to be a great blogger?  NO!  That’s one of the things I love most about the medium.  You can simply post photos, create FOTDs, forecast trends, get scoops on the latest and greatest.  There is room for everybody in the world of blogging.  Always has been and always will be but it’s good to recognise our differences and embrace them.  Do what you’re good at but don’t let yourself be lumped in the same box as everyone else for ultimately, what is probably someone else’s convenience.


6). Please don’t send your beauty shopping lists to brands and PR.  It makes us all look fucking ridiculous.

7). It’s easy for me to say “blog for yourself!” – I hear that little gem often enough.  But it’s BS… I totally blog for anyone who stumbles upon – sure, I love blogging for myself but from cradle to grave, we all need that affirmation, that pat on the back that says “you’re doing an alright job, keep going!”

But how do you get it?

You just hope that it comes.  There is no magic formula… A + B doesn’t = 5495545 blog followers.  MAC + GIVEAWAY does but you probably won’t feel quite so proud about it when all is said and done.  If it doesn’t come, then take a look at your blog with an honest appraisal and see where you’re going wrong.


8). Establish guidelines for yourself and your blog but be flexible.  Do you want to monetize your blog?  How much time do you want to dedicate to this hobby?

I’m not very flexible… I started my blog with rigid guidelines in place that I now find myself bumping up against all the time.

Circumstances change.  I pay a considerable amount of money each month to keep the site running.  My husband is the most patient, supportive man in the world but he recognises how the ratio of blog –> work has shifted and do I stop doing something I love because it’s not fair on my family or do I look for ways to make the ‘something I love’ bring home the bacon too?

I’m always looking at ways to monetize without ‘selling out’… and it’s truly not easy.  Sponsored post opportunities are often sorry excuses for content.  I accept them very occassionally and do so on the high-tech basis of whether I can read the pitch without cringing my way through it in embarrassment.

Of course, there are other ways to make money from blogging.  I have the pleasure of being able to blog for other websites but I’ve never been much good at ‘selling’ myself, I’m working on it!


9). No one can represent you better than yourself.  I’ve always been fiercely protective of my ‘voice’ on the internet, perhaps too much and I’m inherently suspicious of any network that wants to represent me to brands and advertisers.  If you prefer to be part of a blogging collective, make sure that they represent your blogging ideals on all levels and remember that they exist to make money for themselves first and foremost.


10). When in times of trouble, keep your head down and blog on.  Bloggers often dwell in tight-knit communities that court and feed on drama.  The best thing to do in such situations is to keep out of it, no matter how tempting because it rarely ends well.  Of course, you will get involved… and like me, you’ll probably wish you hadn’t – diplomacy and keeping your lip buttoned is a sign of a wise blogger and it’s no coincidence that some of the bloggers I have the hugest amount of respect for never get involved in twitter fights or comment wars.


11). Without trust, you have nothing.  Please be transparent with your readers and allow them to absorb your posts, reviews, and rambles with their eyes wide open.  Disclose affiliate links clearly, mention when a product is a press sample and tell your readers if you were paid to write a post.  Doing so doesn’t damage your credibility, it enhances it.


Well there you go, I don’t know who died and made me blog-god, infact I hate it when bloggers get all prescriptive about blogging on Twitter so I shall now go and punish myself severely by letting Leila play with my Chanel.  Take all of the above with a pinch of salt and make of it what you will – it’s only one opinion and not necessarily the correct one, though of course, I totally think so! 😉

Quick PSA: Win a prize a day with The Organic Pharmacy

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 24 - 2012

Just a quick note for those of you who love a good competition!

To celebrate their 10th anniversary, The Organic Pharmacy are offering their fans the chance to win a prize, every day throughout February.

To enter, simply submit your name in-store OR Like/Share The Organic Pharmacy on Facebook – remember, the competition doesn’t get underway until the 1st of February, so this is one for Google Calendar to remind you about!

FOTD: Pale Pink (by Leila)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 24 - 2012

Now that Leila’s older (if two and a half can ever be considered old), she’s showing a certain amount of interest in my beauty bits.  It’s only to be expected and I embrace it, I see it as something we can bond over and I always feel like I’d be a horrible hypocrite to exclude her from something that makes up a sizeable chunk of my life.  Sure, I hold my breath when she goes near my most precious compacts but she loves to see the colours of everything and we have little swatch sessions.

I let her pick out some of my colours most days, and she does a great job.  We had a ‘pink’ day last week and this is what she chose.

Foundation:  Make Up For Ever Face & Body Liquid Makeup in #38   |   Cory Cosmetics Mica Free Mineral Foundation in Bare Beige
Blush: Illamasqua Cream Blush in Laid
Lipstick: Maybelline ColourSensational in 112 Ambre Rose
Eyeliner: Chanel La Ligne de Chanel in #10 Noir Lame
Mascara: Benefit They’re Real

To her, we’re doing the best painting EVER and she loves making Mummy look more ‘colourful’ (I try not to use the word ‘pretty’ or ‘beautiful’ in assoc. with makeup).  She’s never asked to put any on herself – though she does nag me to do her nails (she always chooses red) and I always let her choose a perfume to spritz on her wrist.

 Would you let a two year old choose your makeup?!  Would you/Do you let your children share your fascination for makeup?

Spring into Pink with Nicki Minaj for OPI’s Pink Friday

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 23 - 2012

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head with last year’s MAC partnership.  It’s not pepto-bright but the chalky pink will stand out against most skintones – it’s not one for shrinking violets.

The formula was thick and you’ll need a little patience to ensure a smooth finish unless you’re willing to go the 3-coat option which will obscure any streakiness from the first two coats.  I’m sure the shade isn’t massively unique but I don’t actually own any dupes and infact, only two others that are remotely similar – I don’t usually go in for these finger-popping pale shades but I do like how this one looks once applied.

Pink Friday (and the rest of the Nicki Minaj collection) is available to buy online priced at £10.50 from official stockists, Lena White.

While I was comparing pinks, I thought I’d paint up a nail wheel showing some of my favourite pinks…

1. ByTerry Terrybly Nail Laque – #2
2. Nails Inc. – China Town
3. Spa Ritual – Knowledge Is Power
4. Orly – Flirty
5. Butter London – Primrose Hill Picnic
6. George at Asda – Groove
7. Mavala – Sweety
8. Nails Inc. – Pelham Crescent
9. Barry M – Fuchsia
10. Eyeko – Punk Polish
11. Mavala – Graphic
12. H&M – Sinful Senorita (holo)
13. Ciate – Plastic Fantastic
14. Butter London – Twee (layering polish)
15. Ciate – Main Stage
16. Accessorize – Pink Spice
17. China Glaze – Ahoy!
18. OPI – Pink Friday
19. Mavala – Miami
20. Ciate – Fun Fair

What are your favourite pink nail picks for Spring?

* press sample


The GREAT BIG facial hair removal update

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Perricone MD – Cold Plasma

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

The Lipstick League - week of 17.10.11

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Professional Beauty Show at London Excel

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Mavala City Grey Collection

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Leila got her nails did!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

FOTD: Pale Pink (by Leila)

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

SK-II Facial Treatment Cleansing Oil

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Life's a peach!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Humane testing, just not that important?

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Hello? Is this thing on?

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Dear Obesity...

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

As part of Nicki Minaj’s collaboration with OPI this month, her collection features the infamous pale, bubblegum-esque Pink Friday* shade that first reared its head …


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