Illuminum Tahitian Yuzu

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 29 - 2012

Has it really been a year since the Royal Wedding?  Amazing.  And to think that before then, no-one gave a shit about Pippa’s bum.  Oh, you you still don’t?  Me either.  As weddings go, it was quite a nice one… there weren’t any post-nuptial punch-ups outside the palace and no-one sicked on the bride’s train.

One of the wedding’s most enduring legacies (other than the arse du jour) is the brand that Kate chose to scent herself with on the big day, Illuminum.  Launched by creator Michael Boadi in March 2011, and elevated to cult status by the Duchess of Cambridge merely a month later, there isn’t a better welcome to the world than receiving an (unofficial) seal of approval by a real-life princess!

The Duchess of Cambridge chose White Gardenia Petals for her grand occasion, I chose Tahitian Yuzu simply because I had money burning a hole in my back pocket and I wanted. one. dammit. – you can see the similarities.

Tahitian Yuzu reminds me a little bit of L’Artisan’s Mûre et Musc, which also kicks off with a forest-fruit vibe.  In the case of Mûre et Musc, it’s blackberries… and in Tahitian Yuzu?  Blackcurrant.  But this is where the comparability ends.  Tahitian Yuzu blasts some major tropical notes with a sparkling cocktail of pineapple which gives real effervescence and youthfulness to the fragrance.  Mûre et Musc has a gentler, more home-grown berry feel.

Like an excitable hula-girl (yeah, they have those in Tahiti), the scent calms down as the night falls and the headier, more sensual notes of jasmine come to the surface.  Here lies the real heart of the perfume… I can still detect some lingering fruitiness but it becomes fully tempered by the softer night flowers which bring warmth and a little bit of sexiness to the fragrance.  The deeper, base notes of musk never fully surface on my skin, which is unusual because my chemistry normally carries them to the fore but I’m assuming that this is what grounds the accord and prevents it from projecting too light-heartedly.

Sillage is fairly weak which suits my interpretation of this as more of a skin-scent.  Step into a cloud of this as you step out of a shower and carry a little bit of the Southern Seas around with you for at least part of the day as alas, with my dry skin, I get low/medium longevity from this one, about 4 hours at the most.  Tahitian Yuzu is going to work beautifully on warm nights (if we get any) and I can’t wait to expose a bit more skin to the sun and see just how capable it is at transporting me to a tropical paradise!

Illuminum Tahitian Yuzu is available to buy instore at the Illuminum’s Perfume Lounge in Mayfair (I recommend a visit!), or directly from their website.  Priced at £70 for 50ml

Shu Uemura IR Brown 850 Eyeshadow

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 29 - 2012

I’ve wanted Shu Uemura’s IR Brown 850 for quite a while… I think it was ever since I read it likened to MAC’s discontinued Smoke & Diamonds which I craved and couldn’t get hold of before it had sold out.

Shu Uemura IR Brown 850 is a very pretty silvery taupe. It’s perfectly neutral, leaning neither too warm nor too cool and as we have come to expect from Shu Uemura shadows, applies with a beautifully smooth texture.

By the way, incase you’re wondering where you can get it from… I’m taking a leaf out of PinkSith’s book.  Sorry.  Nice though, innit?

Deal Alert: Cult Beauty D.J.V. Beautenizer Fiberwig LX Mascara GWP

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 28 - 2012

Starting tomorrow morning and lasting for 48hrs only, receive a free D.J.V. Beautenizer Fiberwig LX Mascara (worth £18) with any CultBeauty order over £40.  Perhaps now’s the time to plump for the Face Atelier Ultra Foundation I talked about the other week?  Or… how about this 3 Custom Color Century in Red Lip Palette that has a permanent place on the Lipglossiping wishlist (alter-ego, can’t blame myself for these wishlists).

Whatever you choose, the D.J.V. Beautenizer Fiberwig LX Mascara has a cult following and even got me rightly told off by die-hard fans when I reviewed it without reading the instructions properly!

The offer ends at midnight on Monday, so be quick!

Ciate Silhouette NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 28 - 2012

Here’s one from the archives.  And by archives, I mean that I found it in an old photo folder, not that I’m re-posting stuff from a couple of years back.  I may be nearly 2200 posts down but I’ve still got plenty to show you thankyouverymuch!

I’m not a massive fan of Ciate… I don’t generally get excited about their releases if I’m honest.  The bows (once you get past the cute factor) are a complete pain in the arse to re-tie and the bottle is a really awkward shape to hold for photos (SO not a valid excuse).

Ciate Silhouette is pretty though, it has a delicate shimmer running through the burgundy base and a nice amount of depth that gives a lovely velvety, plush look to the nails.  It’s unremarkable in drying time and wear, I have no complaints at all.  Definitely one of my preferred Ciate shades, you should also check out Starlet and Velvet Tuxedo if you want some other lovely Ciate polishes.

Ciate Silhouette is priced at £9.00 and available to buy online from PowderRooms

Red Lip Series: Revlon Cherries in the Snow

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2012

I don’t know how I feel about including this lipstick in my red lip series. I mean, it’s totally like the lipstick angels came down from heaven and stole all of the cherries to make it, but…

This isn’t a red lipstick and I’m sick of hearing it described as a blue-based red.  It’s pink.  Pink like Nicki Minaj can only f*cking dream of.  Although having said that, I’m gonna propagate the “this is a blue-based red lipstick” ’cause it’ll probably work better for my SEO.  Don’t tell me you haven’t been warned though.  It’s f*cking pink.

Colour dramas aside (the ones in my head), Revlon Cherries in the Snow is totally worthy of all the praise bestowed upon it, feeling more like a £20 lipstick than a £7.49 one.  It’s rich, luxurious, deeply-pigmented and long-lasting.  You can work it into the lips like a stain or wear it in all it’s full-bodied glory.  If you apply, blot, apply, blot (and I mean really blot) – it doesn’t transfer all over your glass and stays put for most of the day.

Frankly, every woman should own this – aslong as you like pink.  I found it really hard to get hold of, it was never in Boots and I’ve been looking casually for the best part of 4 years (seriously).  In the end I picked it up on eBay for way cheaper than the RRP anyway.  Go buy it.  Like now.

Do you own Cherries in the Snow?  Pink innit?

Deal Alert: This Works Perfect Skin Defense SPF30 GWP (worth £30!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2012

If you spend £35 or more on skincare from This Works, (not The Works – that would be rubbish skincare), you’ll receive a free full-size Perfect Skin Defense SPF30 worth £30 just by itself!  The promotion lasts until the 15th May (unless stocks run out sooner) and is available online and in selected Boots and department stores.

The Perfect Skin Defense SPF30 is one of those all-in-one Summer solutions which combines broad-spectrum sun protection, a good smattering of anti-oxidants and a subtle tint for those who favour the natural look when the weather warms up.  It sounds like the perfect product to pack for holidays!

Do you have a favourite all-in-one skin solution?

Food Friday: Sheenie’s (magnificent) Butter Chicken

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2012

Sheenie is one half of blogging superduo Just Nice Things and the lady can’t half cook up a storm in the kitchen.  She’s just started a food blog over at Cook with Sheenie and as soon as I clapped eyes on her recipe for Butter Chicken, I knew my waistline was doomed. DOOMED I SAY!

Don’t believe me?  LOOK AT THE BUTTER.

Stop drooling, it’s unladylike.  The rest of you, stop tutting, we can’t help it.

I’m not going to include the recipe on here, for that you’ll have to point your little mice (mouses) in this direction and find out the method and quantities needed to make this culinary masterpiece.  If you try it, do let Sheenie know what you think!  This has replaced my usual “show-off” meal, you know that singular recipe that people think you can only eat nicely in restaurants?  This Butter Chicken kicks my Chicken Laksa to the KERB.

Here. have some photos to give you some idea of just how om-nom this dish is…

You want it don’t you?  I know I do…

* I did the WW points counting on this and you can have a quarter of Sheenie’s Butter Chicken (as made per her instructions) for 10 Pro Points.  That’s not bad really is it?  I added some Chapattis (5 Pro Points for two) and have been eating nothing but dust for the rest of the week.

Currently reading: Passport to Beauty by Shalini Vadhera

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 26 - 2012

I received an email after my post about geography and beauty to recommend a book which is basically all about… geography and beauty.  It’s called Passport to Beauty and is written by Shalini Vadhera.  It’s worth keeping in mind that Shalini sells her own products off the back of the “global beauty secrets” that she talks about in the book, but nevertheless, it’s a fairly interesting read that I’ve been dipping in and out of over the past few weeks.

It’s basically a light-hearted voyage around the world, combining beauty tips, DIY face-mask/hair mask recipes and a heap of anecdotes which got a little tiring after a while.  I will probably try some of the hair masks though, simply because I’m on a mission to keep my hair in good condition.  The best laid plans and all that…

Many of the “recipes” are simple enoguh to implement with commonly found ingredients and do give a (very small) amount of insight into the cultures that supposedly make use of them.  Don’t be expecting anything too deep from this book… it’s all about the fluff.

Passport to Beauty by Shalini Vadhera is available to buy online on Amazon, I bought mine second-hand on eBay for a couple of quid, it was worth that but not a whole lot more.

What’s your favourite DIY beauty recipe?

New Clinique Chubby Stick shades out next month

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 26 - 2012

If you’re a fan of sheer formulas that give a hint of colour without the commitment of something too bold, you’ll probably already be aware of the Clinique Chubby Stick formula which achieves just this.  I like my lip colour to be a little more in your face, Stace! but I can appreciate that those of you wusses who still rely on stabilizers will probably come over all unecessary over the new shades.  I’ve got one here called Oversized Orange (sounds like me after I’ve fake tanned) and it’s actually a pretty nice way to wear a shade that I usually run away from.

It glides on smoothly and despite my attempts at laying it on an inch thick to build colour (old habits die hard), it builds pigmentation only moderately but impressively doesn’t go all claggy or yukky on the lips.  It feels moisturising enough and isn’t remotely sticky.

It doesn’t look like it’s made much difference at all in the lip swatch (which is why I always advocate full face shots when it comes to lipsticks!)… because, it actually packs enough colour to finish and polish a look.  At least, on my fairly unpigmented lips.  Please excuse the fringe, I struggled badly at flattening my cow-lick today!

Clinique Chubby Sticks are available to buy on counter and online, priced at £16 each.  The eight new shades (including Oversized Orange will be available from June).

Do you own any Clinique Chubby Sticks?  Like a sheerer, more balmy lipstick?

A little thank you.

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 25 - 2012

Three years ago today, I started blogging about beauty and although I’ve had some kind of blog since 2001, today marks the longest single stretch yet.  The medium has never been more mainstream or validated than it is today, something which makes me both delighted and horrified in equal measure.  I’ve tried from the very beginning to keep true to what I set out to do, which is absolutely nothing other than use this as a platform to be a bit of a gob-shite about something that interests me and captures my imagination.

Over the past three years I’ve forged some friendships of the like that I’ve never had before and have experienced things that were it not for the blog, I’d never have enjoyed.  I’ve given up my day job to write full-time, it’s scary and I’m very bad at putting myself forward for anything but it beats installing motherboards.

Just as it was three years ago, I’d have approximately nothing without you dodging your work/studies/childcare to have a nosy at what I’ve bought/sampled/discovered or (more recently) cooked!  You tell me in no uncertain terms when what I’m blogging is rubbish/brilliant and I still rub my hands together in maniacal glee when I’ve planted the seed of a lemming in your psyche.  Not so much when you do that to me though bitches, you think I don’t have enough shit?

Ultimately, I just want to say thank you for continuing to have faith in me and what I write, it means more than I can express.

Now, let’s all have some cake this lunchtime ok?  If anyone asks, I’ll shoulder this one.

Because I need another taupe like a hole in the head…

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2012

Browsing my local Debenhams last week, I came across this Color Intrigue Eyeshadow from Elizabeth Arden in shade, Smoke. Ohhh, the familiar beauty of a cool-toned taupe sucks me in almost immediately.

It was reduced down to £7-something, and as I hadn’t been able to find the jumper that I was in there to buy, I consoled myself with an eyeshadow instead.  You can imagine my tutting when I got home and found it for sale on DirectCosmetics for £3.49. Tut.

But nevertheless, I’m happy with my purchase – I adore the Elizabeth Arden eyeshadow formula which is so terribly underrated in the blogging world.  Smooth and creamy powder formulas with long-lasting wear and good pigmentation.

I’ll do a giant swatch comparison of all my taupey shades soon (if I remember), you’ll probably find that most of them look pretty much exactly like the one above.  For my shame.

What colour eyeshadow do you over-buy?

Low Fat Mango Frozen Yoghurt (without an ice-cream maker)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2012

First of all, I want to apologise for another foodie post.  I realise that Lipglossiping isn’t a food blog and that I may be alienating many of you by posting recipes and such but after three years of daily blogging, you have to blog about what is making you passionate or else you’ll burn out.  Currently, I’m rediscovering a love (as opposed to obsession!) for food and trying to hone it into a love for food that won’t put me in an early grave.  Thinking about it, planning it, shopping for it and actually cooking it is taking up a lot of my real world time, so it’s only representative to blog about it too.  So please indulge me, if I keep feeling the desire to do foodie posts, I’ll probably include a separate section on the blog, specifically for this but for now, I’m far too disorganised to sort any of that out.

So, who’s for some Low Fat Mango Frozen Yoghurt?  You with me?

I was treated to some delicious fresh mangoes after moaning on Twitter that I hadn’t had a decent mango since I was last in Australia in 2003.  That’s a long time to go without a good mango.  But the thing is, I don’t really know anything about mangoes – I didn’t even realise that there were so many different varieties and that the stuff we got in UK supermarkets are basically impossible-to-ripen, bland things.  What I should have done is ignore Tesco et al and headed straight to my nearest Asian supermarket/convenience store where some of the best mangoes in the world are currently in season.  There’s a really great article here on why UK supermarket mangoes are pretty sub-standard and detailed information on all the mango varieties in the world (which is an astounding number!)

I made this batch of frozen yoghurt with Kesar mangoes, and the taste is incredible.  To be honest, we actually got through about 5 mangoes just with our hands and a knife before I’d gotten as far as bringing the other ingredients down from the cupboard.

So why frozen yoghurt?  Well, I’ve pretty much done a U-turn on my stance on frozen yoghurt.  I used to think that it was a trendy pud that simply didn’t live up to the greatness of ice-cream.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that I am an ice-cream fiend.  I live for the stuff.  When you hear the ice cream van in the distance, it’s not Leila doing a jig with excitement.  Having said that, ice-cream is rarely good for the waistline – full of sugar and fats, frozen yoghurt is an excellent alternative.  But be aware, there is a great frozen yoghurt swizz, often marketed under an umbrella ‘healthy alternative’ to ice cream stance, a lot of it really isn’t much different in terms of calories, fat and all that other good bad stuff.

So make this instead.

Low Fat, Low Sugar Mango Frozen Yoghurt – 24 Weight Watchers Pro Points for the entire tub (around 2 points a 100g serving)

6 Mangoes (get a good variety!)
200ml Low Fat Coconut Milk
1000g 0% Fat Plain Yoghurt (Greek has the lovely tang – two large pots)
1/2 cup of Splenda (you don’t need much because of the sweetness from the mango)
2tsp Vanilla extract
3tbsp Malibu (vodka works as a tasteless alternative – you use the alcohol to get a softer freeze)

1. Prepare 5 of the mangoes and scoop the flesh into a food processor.

2. Add the remaining ingredients and blitz until smoothly pureed.  You may need to do this in two batches if your food processor is a small one.  Simply divide the ingredients between the two batches, it will all come together at the end anyway!


Once blitzed, I don’t mind admitting that I stuck a teaspoon in there to have a taste and check that everything was sweet enough/mango-ey enough for me.  Your mileage may vary… if it does, adjust the recipe to suit your taste-buds at this point.

3. Pour the yoghurt mixture into a freezable carton.  You could use an old ice cream tub or a tupperware container.  I like to use a wide, shallow container which allows me to drag my ice cream scoop over a larger surface area as this will freeze quite hard (I’m going to experiment with adding some glycerin to my next batch in order to get a softer freeze).

4. Pop the container into the freezer and bring it back out every hour or so to stir and break up the ice crystals.  This part is a little tedious and essentially, here you’re doing the job of an ice-cream maker which continually churns the mixture as it freezes.  My timings for getting it out of the freezer usually go: 1.5 hours, 1 hour, 1 hour, 1 hour (leave to freeze solid).  When you’re mixing the partially frozen yoghurt, use a large metal spoon and scrape down the sides, breaking up any chunks and incorporating them back into the mixture.  After the second or third freeze, add chopped up pieces of the remaining mango… if you add them too early, they’ll sink to the bottom!

5. When it’s fully frozen, you’ll need to allow it around 15/20 minutes to defrost enough so that you can serve.  I generally put mine in the microwave (on the fruit defrost setting) for around 10 minutes – if you do this, please keep an eye on it, you’re not trying to cook it!  When you serve, it should still be very hard – but soft enough that you can actually scrape the scoop across the surface!

Guilt-free frozen yoghurt with a beautifully tropical taste.  If you’re on the Weight Watchers plan you can scoff a 100g bowl of this for around 2 points (the shop bought alternatives are around 4/5 points for less!).  Calorie-wise, I worked it out to be around 90kcal for 100g (the majority of the calories come from the fruit), but I’m not a nutritional expert, don’t hold me to it!

Do you like frozen yoghurt?  Ever make it?


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