Deal Alert – Edward Bess Ultra Luminous Eye Shadow in Storm £6.99

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2014

I don’t know if this is an unusual blogger trait, I’m willing to bet that it isn’t.  But I have a confessionary secret stash and it’s not of makeup.

Oh no, it’s far sadder than that… it’s a secret stash of photographs of makeup.  You see, the thing about us hard-boiled bloggers is that we often struggle to physically open and use makeup before we’ve documented it for prosperity.  I’ve bought some true beauties in the past that have sat for months, untouched… pristine… my fingers aching to prise open the casing and daub the contents over my face.  But I’ve resisted.  All because I haven’t gotten around to photographing it for the blog.

And so today, I’m delving into my stash of photographs for an oldie-but-goodie.  The other problem with hoarding makeup (and photographs of makeup) is that by the time you get around to blogging about them, they’re often discontinued.

But in today’s case… this may be no bad thing, because it also means…

BARGAIN.  When was the last time you saw an Edward Bess eyeshadow for £6.99 inc. postage?  Let me tell you, as happy as I am for your bank account… I’m crying for mine.

Edward Bess Storm Taupe Eyeshadow

Edward Bess Storm Taupe Eyeshadow (2)

Edward Bess Storm Taupe Eyeshadow (3)

Edward Bess Storm Taupe Eyeshadow Swatch

Edward Bess Ultra Luminous Eye Shadow in Storm is a silvery taupe.  I like to call them “ghostly” taupes and they’re my favourite kind!

A pretty neutral with a shot of ethereal silver flashing through its veins.  It applies as smoothly as you’d expect from the premium U.S. brand and works beautifully as an allover one-shade choice for fraught Monday mornings.

Where did I spot this bargain of bargains?  Well, on the ‘bay of course!  Don’t feel too sorry for me paying full whack, I’ve spotted that the same seller also has another EB shadow that I’ve got my eye on, I may yet make it up to myself!

Are you happy to buy discontinued products from eBay (with a bit of homework) or are you too scared of fakes and fungal infections from out of date cosmetics?

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I’ve blogged about Jo Malone’s wonderful gardens before, their charity initiative that encourages marginalised communities to build and maintain beautiful, scented gardens.  The brand collaborate with dedicated charities to harness the power of gardening in an effort to improve the lives of those living in vulnerable situations; normally due to the isolation that comes with mental ill health, addiction, poverty or disability.

The initiative also encourages brand involvement with volunteers from Jo Malone themselves, be it head office staff or boutique stylists, many of whom who are more than happy to swap skills and lend a hand to get the gardens up to scratch!

Following on from the successes of the original Old English Garden in London and the Gil Hodges Community Garden in New York, the brand are due to open two more green spaces in Liverpool and Edinburgh on the 1st July and a further garden in Bristol next year.


To help support this initiative, all proceeds from the new Limited Edition Silk Blossom Home Candle – a fragrance described as Apricot-fresh with a touch of spice – will go to supporting the charity gardens nationwide.

If you needed an excuse to indulge in some home-scenting, the new Jo Malone London Limited Edition Silk Blossom Candle (and Cologne) is available to buy online now, priced at £42.00

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The great big (practically elephantine) pregnancy post!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 23 - 2014

When I started this blog back in 2009 (it’s Lipglossiping’s 5th anniversary on Friday!), I was already 8-months pregnant with Leila, which didn’t leave a lot of time for pregnancy thoughts and updates.  When I discovered I was expecting again last September, I thought that this time around I might fill the pages with tales of untreated haemorrhoids, killer constipation, and colourful stretch marks but when push came to shove, I’ve actually spent most of these past 9-months feeling too lackluster to blog much at all.

Which means two things.

One.  You’ve actually been spared.

And two…  You’re overdue a post (or seven-hundred).

Let’s start with a pregnancy/beauty/health one shall we?  I’ve only got two weeks of this chapter in my life left, so I’d better crack on!

baby bump

Sickness & Nausea

There’s been a lot of it this time around.  I didn’t realise how lucky I was when I was carrying Leila, my early pregnancy symptoms revolved around sore boobs and that was mostly it.  This time, I was dealt the whole deck – from night-time nausea to daily ritualistic sacrifices to Ralph, the porcelain god.  Nipples that were convinced my bras had turned into julienne peelers overnight, and the kind of exhaustion that had me tucked up in bed by 7pm every evening.

My only advice is to remember that it will pass.  Unless you’re really, really, unlucky.  In which case, sorry about that.  I tried sickness bands, preggo pops, scent therapy… truly, the only things that really worked for me in the early days were to make sure that I slept as much as I was able (waving goodbye to my late nights of blogging) and to eat toast/crackers/anything I could get my hands on before I’d even sat up in bed in the morning.


Back in 2008/2009, I glowed from day one.  Five years on… not so much.  It’s a pretty frustrating turn of events for someone who invests so much bloody effort in their appearance nowadays!  As soon as the mercury plummeted and Winter approached, my skin turned to pure shit.  The dryness, all over my body was unbearable at times.  Foundation was a no-go, a practical impossibility, so I resigned myself to it and spent the mornings slathering on increasingly rich moisturising products in an attempt to keep the flakies to a minimum.

I’d love to tell you that I found a magical combination of moisturising products to solve my issues.  But I didn’t.  It didn’t matter how heavy the lotions were, how much the serums pulled water from thin air, or how many moisturising masks I applied, I can’t say that I ever restored the balance through changing my moisturising routine.  The only thing that has provided relief is upping regular exfoliation from once a week to four(!) times a week.  I’ll admit, I was worried that I was over-exfoliating my sensitive skin… but I really believe that my skin, right now… needs it more than anything else.


I’m alternating between using LUSH Let The Good Times Roll Cleanser (£6.35)* three times a week while in the shower in the morning, and my beloved Elemis Tri Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask (£38.25), once a week as a Sunday night (treat)ment.  For moisturising, I got so pissed off at throwing money at products that I’m really happy to have stripped back the fuss and found it beneficial.  I’m using Olay Beauty Fluid Sensitive (£3.99) and it’s doing a grand job without bells and whistles.


Another cruel blow from the last 9-months was that nothing actually changed.  With Leila, my greasy roots disappeared and I was able to get away with washing my hair only twice a week!  This time, nada.  The only noticeable difference was how much greyer I’ve become in the 5-years between kiddos.  Thanks for that!


I avoided dyeing my hair completely for the first 3-months of pregnancy and have since cut-down my habit to once every 8/9 weeks.  I use a semi-permanent dye… the same that I was using pre-pregnancy but I’ve gone another shade lighter as my hair seems especially prone to sucking up the dark colour at the moment.  I use the Superdrug Crème Sensations in Light Brown 6.0 (£3.59) which gives me a med/dark brown result and lasts really well over my greys.


I’ve been waiting for the onslaught of stretchmarks since I turned 30+ weeks but I haven’t seen any.  Well, not any new ones anyway… some of the faded ones from last time are looking a little more pronounced but I may have gotten away with developing any additional marks.

Having said that, I firmly believe that there is nothing you can apply topically to your tummy to avoid stretchmarks.  Nothing.  You’ll either get ’em or you won’t.  I haven’t paid any special attention to moisturising my body because I’m a lazy oik, so the only products that have been in contact with my baby bump are good old-fashioned Astral Cream (£3.99)* after showering and LUSH Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner (£15.95) as a once a week treat, a product that I still get evangelical about!


The only other pregnancy issue I’ve experienced with my body has been a big increase in the development of my existing skin tags!  I’m a skin-taggy person and have had a few removed over the years but in the past 9-months, my two remaining ones have literally tripled in size.  I’ve read that this is a common issue, brought about by the extra growth of cells within the superficial layers of skin.  This makes perfect sense to me… and may also explain why I’ve benefited so much from upping my exfoliation routine!  I’ll be getting them frozen off when bubs is out, for sure!

Other Preggo Issues

I was half-expecting my PCOS hair-growth to go ballistic during pregnancy… but this hasn’t happened (thank God!).  Neither have my moods been massively altered by the hormonal changes.  My diet has been affected by the return of “borderline” gestational diabetes and my greatest ally in reducing my refined carb-intake has been the humble loaf of Burgen Bread (the soya & linseed one) (£1.40) and an increase in side salads!  I have missed hot cross buns terribly this Easter but Lidl’s 81% Arriba Superieur Dark Chocolate (£0.99) has seen me through my darkest days!


My final issue has been achieving quality sleep.  I’ve really struggled with it on and off since week 32.  Mostly thanks to heartburn, so if the old wive’s tale is anything to go by… I will surely give birth to an ape.  I’m at the point now that regular over-the-counter remedies just aren’t helping.  I have a midwife appointment tomorrow but with only 2-weeks left, I don’t think she’ll be keen to put me on anything stronger.

So there we go, I’m sure I’ve missed some preggo-related stuffs but in all honesty, I’m bored of writing this mammoth post now and I desperately want to go and put the kettle on. 

All things being well, we’ll be meeting the newest addition to our family on the 7th May, that’s not long is it?  I still haven’t attached the crib to the bed yet but I have packed my makeup bag for the hospital. Priorities!

* press samples

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The Lipstick League – Week of 14.4.14

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 19 - 2014

Question of the Week: Do you have a “signature” scent? If so, what is it?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: In my husband’s eyes… my signature scent would be Dior’s Hypnotic Poison… but in mine, it’s the ultimately cooler and of course far less mainstream (*rolls eyes at self*) Miller Harris L’air de Rien!

My Beauty Bunny – Add a little more beauty to life with goodies found in the aisles of Target! Check out our review of the skin-saving It’s a Beautiful Life kit from Pacifica.

Nouveau Cheap – What if I told you that there’s an adorable little drugstore palette that can be used for face AND eyes (seriously, it works for both) with lovely, wearable shadows that resemble shades from higher-end brands? It’s true and it’s right here.

Prime Beauty – tests out her hypnotic powers with Lancome’s Hypnotic Eyes Collection. Are you getting sleepy yet?

we heart this – want to know the easiest way to tightline? Win this giveaway and you’ll find out soon enough!

Clumps of Mascara – loves COVERGIRL but this mascara is just, well..they should probably go back to the drawing board.

EauMG – From spring break to April showers, update your spring fragrance wardrobe with any of these perfumes featured in Victoria’s Spring 2014 Perfume Picks.

Gouldylox Reviews – It’s finally warm, so it’s time to switch up your colors! Makeup Wars tackled the fine art of choosing the best blush for spring and summer. Is your favorite on the list?

Lipglossiping – appreciates a pretty posey when she sees one and the new Clinique Cheek Pop blushers feature some of the prettiest around!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by My Beauty Bunny – Hollywood red carpet host Jessica Carroll has relaunched her fun fashion and beauty site DressJessXO. Not only is she sweet as pie, she always has amazing tips gleaned from celebs. Here, she shows us how to Rid Yourself of Dark Circles in just 3 steps!

A-England Ascalon NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 17 - 2014

I’m nothing if not eternally late to the party. Not in a fashionable manner you understand, more of an “everyone’s gone home now” kinda way.

Incase you hadn’t guessed, this is my first A-England polish purchase.  The reason that I didn’t jump on the wagon a couple of years ago was down to an honest fear of not being able to control my spends.  Infact, even now… hype long-gone, I can still feel the pull back to the website for more.  MOAR I tell you!



Ascalon is an understated holographic, understated in a prettily scattered way.  Infact, as a bonafide holo-whore… my favourite thing about this shade is more to do with the lilac duochrome that flashes across the nail bed and not the holographic effect at all.  Application was nice and smooth, happily complete in two coats.

These darker, cool-toned holos are my favourite… not particularly seasonal but so, so beautifully chic.  What’s your favourite A-England shade?

A-England Ascalon is priced at £9.00 and available to purchase online from

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Imperial Leather Foamburst Luxurious Body Wash #spon

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 16 - 2014

The only thing that doesn’t completely suck about shaving your legs is taking the opportunity to steal your partner’s/dad’s/brother’s shaving foam out of the bathroom cabinet.  The burst of turbo-charged gel that turns into a rich, creamy lather as you work the product over your skin… like voodoo before your very eyes.  Unfortunately, the novelty of it wears thin pretty quickly, especially when you realise that most men’s shaving products are scented like pine-fresh loo cleaner *quack quack*.

Well, stink no more and dispense of the razors because you can get all the creamy, luxurious lather without any of the fuss AND get a clean body to boot!

Imperial Leather Foamburst is a body wash unlike most.  A canned gel that transforms into a rich lather, developing extra creaminess as you work it over your skin, emulsifying with the water as you go.

Choosing your favourite fragrance is as simple as jumping in the shower.

Depending on whether you like your bathing experience to enliven your senses with a blast of citrus, or relax your emotions with a comforting cocoon of vanilla… you’ll find your perfect match from the total of seven NEW fragrances.  Each of these new fragrances have even been brought to life via the medium of video and seven brilliantly corny Imperial Leather Foamburst Genies!



You can choose between: Spicy Ginger and Orange, Sweet Vanilla and Cherry Blossom, Bracing Bergamot and Sea Minerals, Uplifting Lime and Grapefruit, Rebalancing Green Tea and Jasmine, Bewitching Blackberry and Wild Fig, or Moisturising Honey and Almond Milk.

My personal morning shower preferences always lean toward the citrus, which tempted me in the direction of Spicy Ginger and Orange, promising a great combination of freshness and warmth.

I couldn’t resist but check out the matching genie to my shower pick… what a bonafide mentalist he is!  (INTENSE).

The new Imperial Leather Foamburst Luxurious Body Wash range is priced from £2.99, with each can promising a value-for-money 40 washes.  You can find the new fragrances on shelves at your local supermarket.

* sponsored post

The Lipstick League – Week of 7.4.14

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 14 - 2014

Question of the Week: I own more of this brand than any other:

lipstickleague - final Asnwer: NARS. (probably).

Lipglossiping – counts down the days until she can welcome the summer with a punch of seasonal colour from Deborah Lippmann!

My Beauty Bunny – Feeling lucky? Go ahead and enter to win a shopping spree at Nurture My Body The Grand Prize winner will have $300 to spend on cruelty-free products!

Nouveau Cheap – Attention lip balm fans: have you seen the new Softlips CUBE yet? If not, you must click here!

Pink Sith – has made a confession. She is a Concealer Adulterer. Read all the sordid details about her affair with Joe Blasco Concealer and Neutralizer!

Prime Beauty – visits the French Riveria, indulges in chocolate and gets a tan with no burn all with the Too Faced Limited Edition Bonjour Bronzing Wardrobe, a must-have for pale girls!

Phyrra – shares her picks for the Top 10 Best Pink Lip Products!

we heart this – hearts Mad Men almost as much as beauty products! You too? Check out our Mad Men dictionary, then join us every Monday as we recap the final season.

Clumps of Mascara – is totally that girl that >wears lipstick when she works out. And red lipstick at that!

EauMG – There’s a new feature on EauMG, In the House. There are so many brands out there; it can be intimidating. In the House is a quick introduction to a featured indie/niche brands. Come check out the first installment!

Gouldylox Reviews – I’ve got new lippies and skincare and I am obsessed! Especially with this eye cream and face oil. If fine lines are your concern, I’ve got answers!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Lipglossiping – I do love a comprehensive brush review, and this post on Wayne Goss’ Foundation Brush from MyWomenStuff left me scrolling through the archives like a woman possessed!

Limited Edition products for Superdrug’s 50th Birthday!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 10 - 2014

Superdrug, in dog years… let’s be honest, you’re dead.

The big Five Oh.  1964-….

It’s not a number to be sniffed at, especially in the kind of financial times that have proven too much for even the greatest of high-street institutions *cough* Woolworths pick n’ mix *cough*.

You must be doing something right.  And infact, I know you are… because even with the ridiculous amount of shopping opportunities available to me when I wander through town, I always pop in for a look at your best budget beauty, your splendiforous own-brand hair colourants, and fridges that burst at the seams with Appletiser.  I hope I’ve still got half of what it takes to remain relevant when I reach my half-century!


In honour of this milestone, a host of the world’s favourite beauty brands have created some rather special limited-edition Superdrug products for the birthday celebrations.  You may be noticing a bit of a colour theme going on, I’ll give you a clue… it ain’t blue.

The products available range from fragrance to cosmetics, skin-care to everyday essentials and include favourites such as: Astral’s iconic multipurpose moisturiser (£3.89), Lipcote (£3.69), BarryM Nail Paint (£3.99), Cacharel Amor Amor (£35), and Cocoa Brown One Hour Dark Tan (£6.99).

Alongside this barrage of pink produce, the celebrations take a more comprehensive turn with lots of instore and online promotions, including some nifty 50% off deals, and various Facebook/Twitter promotions.

They’ve even released a video on YouTube to showcase the changing face of the must-have party look over the past half-century:

If you want to wish the brand a happy twoscore and ten, simply use the hashtag #superdrug50 on to join in the celebrations on Twitter. 

And don’t forget to check out the Superdrug website for a chance to win a hamper packed full of exclusive Superdrug 50th Birthday products!

Deborah Lippmann Creme Nail Colour in Daytripper NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 9 - 2014

Very, very tentatively am I moving into some proper Spring nail colours.  I know it’s like, April already and most of you are being all fashion-forward with your neons but me, well… I’m just a bit of a 21st century yokel.  You’ll have to let me bump along with the times at my own slow pace.

Deborah Lippmann’s Daytripper is the perfect example of my favourite. shade. ever. (other than taupe).  It’s what I like to call “Guava”, a softer version of coral… a version of coral that’s more forgiving to my pasty, pale pink skintone.  It doesn’t scream, it just siren-songs you into a gentle Summery submission.


Aside from the obvious fanaticism I have over the shade “guava”, this version of the shade on my fingertips sings even more temptingly thanks to it’s super-glassy finish.  That’s no top-coat on display there folks, this one is so shiny, you’ll have no need to carry a mirror around with you.  The above photo shows three coats because I hate a VNL (visible nail line).  If you don’t mind a little sheerness in your polish, this one has that pretty semi-translucent hard boiled sweet thing going on after two coats.  Me, I just like all out opacity.

Application is good, wear is good… and to be honest, so it should be from the premium brand.  I think I like their cremes even better than their notorious glitters!

Deborah Lippmann Daytripper retails at £16.00 for 15ml and is available to buy online from and (where shipping is also gratis).

* press sample

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Cauliflower “Rice” in the Tefal Actifry

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 8 - 2014

In a horrible twist of fate, I ending up buying my much-longed-for Tefal Actifry approximately one week before the price on Amazon finally dropped back down to its current reasonable level.  I’d been waiting since the start of January for the prices to return to some semblance of reality and three months later, they were still higher than they had been since last August.  Considering I’d spent just £90 on the damn thing when I’d bought one for my Mum and Dad pre-Christmas, I just couldn’t bring myself to spend over £130 on the exact same machine just a couple of months later.

And so, fate transpired that I ended up buying a second-hand model from Gumtree, £70.  It wasn’t the 1.2kg model that I’d been hankering after but the smaller 1kg.  I now hate my unfortunate timing and throw the damn thing dirty looks whenever I pass by the kitchen.  Having said that, I made some delicious cauliflower “rice” in it last weekend, a very useful low-carb alternative to the real thing!

Cauliflower Rice in the Tefal Actifry

Why the low-carb alternative?

Well, I’ve only got 4-weeks of pregnancy left and this time around, it’s been trying at times.  The initial sickness was something I’d managed to escape when I was carrying Leila but this time, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Throw in another run-in with the dreaded PCOS-induced gestational diabetes and I can’t say that I’ve enjoyed this pregnancy as much as my first.

Having said that, nothing will replace the feeling of those little bumps and knocks from the inside out… and enjoying the knowledge that there’s no bond in the world quite like that between an unborn baby and its Mum.  I will dearly miss that intimacy (my baby, all mine!) when he’s out.

So, back to the low carb thing…

As pregnancy progresses, the effects of borderline gestational diabetes tend to become more severe.  Back when I was 22-weeks my insulin deposits could easily cope with a handful of chips and a couple of spoonfuls of rice but now, as I enter my 35th week, I’m not so lucky.  Even the most unrefined of carbs can cause my blood sugars to spike to unhealthy levels.  Time to call on the cauliflower!

Cauliflower Rice in the Tefal Actifry (2)

The first thing you need to do is grate your cauliflower to produce a grain-like texture or alternatively blitz the florets (a handful at a time) in a food processor.

Once the cauliflower has been blitzed, dump it in the bowl of the Tefal Actifry and add a generous tablespoonful of oil.  If you want to add some extra flavour, feel free to experiment with a little spice.  For my Bratwurst & Cauliflower Rice mash-up, I concocted a moroccan-inspired combination that comprised:

1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp ground cloves

Turn on the Tefal Actifry and set the timer for around 25-minutes.  Do keep an eye on it though as you’ll need to re-incorporate any “rice” grains that rise up the side of the bowl as it cooks.  I just use a silicone spatula to push them back down.

Cauliflower Rice in the Tefal Actifry (3)

After 25-minutes, feel free to add some extras.  I threw in a handful of frozen peas, some pre-cooked Bratwurst, and a broken-up plain omelette that I’d cooked on the hob after frying the Bratwurst.  The last 10-minutes in the Actifry ensured that the flavours combined beautifully as the paddle turned and incorporated the spices and oils.

Cauliflower Rice in the Tefal Actifry (4)

Using the Tefal Actifry meant that the cauliflower took on a fried-rice texture and the spices delivered some real flavour to an otherwise bland, low-carb alternative.

The Tefal Actifry (1.2kg model) is currently available on for £109.99 which is the lowest it’s been since early December.  It’s even cheaper than the smaller 1kg model!  If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know I’ve been on Actifry “price-watch” all year.  I’m fuming!

Do you own a Tefal Actifry?  What’s your favourite thing to cook in it?

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Clinique Cheek Pops Review & Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 7 - 2014

When I first read about the innovative formulation of these delightful new blushers from Clinique, I was naturally a little sceptical.  I mean, most new releases nowadays claim to go beyond the realms of technology in a quest to deliver cosmetics that are like nothing you’ve ever used before.  That’s standard industry bullshit and we all know it.

The thing is though, I actually do believe that Estée Lauder Companies, Inc may indeed have robbed some faraway land of their makeup pixies…

First of all, Estee Lauder come out with the most brilliantly formulated lipsticks I’ve tried in a while, now swiftly followed by Clinique’s rather wondrous new Cheek Pops.  But what exactly is so marvellous about them?  Read on and I’ll tell you…





To begin with, they look bloody incredible, don’t they?  The fine detail in the gerbera daisy design is exquisite.  Completely frivolous and by-the-by, of course… but when has such kerb appeal ever been a bad thing?

The powder texture has an unusual quality… most definitely a powder in formula but in application?  Much more like a cream or gel finish.  It’s translucent and utterly buildable.  Pale girls rejoice, the Clinique team have created a wonderful balance between ethereal and pigmentation.

The depth of colour that you apply to your cheeks is very controllable.  I suffer from the horrors of one swipe with the brush often being too much once applied to my face, for these…. I can comfortably layer on a single swipe and then return to the pan for a second dusting over the apple of my cheek.  It’s a rare joy.


Even the swatches above show the rather lovely translucent nature of the pigmentation, they’re sheer but not lacking in oomph.  You can visually appreciate the quality and luminosity of the skin below the swatch which gives a far more natural and realistic blush effect once on the cheeks than most powder blushers can even dream of achieving.

The four shades available range from the candy-inspired to the more natural warmth.  My personal favourite is the cool-toned and punchy Plum Pop which carries a subtle river of silver iridescence.  Lasting power on these varies a little… the brighter shades generally offer a bit more of a stain-effect that is still present in the evening, while the more subtle and neutral Ginger Pop has disappeared from my cheeks by bedtime.

Clinique’s Cheek Pops are priced at £16.50 and available to purchase now on counter and online from

* press sample

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The Lipstick League – Week of 31/03/2014

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 7 - 2014

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so dry recently that I’ve been forced to grin and bear a little bit of nail rehab in the form of much cuticle-moisturising and TLC.  I’d like to say that it’s helping to solve the problem… but I fear that it might take nothing short of a blowtorch to fix my poorly talons.

Gouldylox Reviews – Don’t let your taxes stress you out. Figure out how to de-stress and enter to win $100 from

Lipglossiping – explores the promise that you can banish grey roots in minutes with the help of a Josh Wood Blending Wand. But do magic wands really exist?

My Beauty Bunny – Spring is here and if you want to smell like an expensive, exotic bouquet of flowers – we’ve got the perfect giveaway! Click here to enter to win a bottle of Journey by Harvey Prince Perfume.

Nouveau Cheap – Want a taste of Summer 2014? The new Maybelline Bleached Neons Collection for Summer 2014 has arrived (Color Tattoos, Color Elixirs, Master Glaze Blush Sticks and more).

Pink Sith – Did you know that 99.99% of the population suffers from Blush Color Blindness? See if you are part of the 0.01% by taking this simple test with the Lise Watier Imagine Blush for Spring!

Prime Beauty – is ditching her black, gray and brown winter wardrobe for the brights shades of summer. Bring On The Brights!

Phyrra – loves the new Too Faced A La Mode Eyes Palette! She shares 5 tutorials with it, plus a review.

we heart this – has got a MEGA giveaway for perfume lovers; win $308 in BPAL perfume oils!

EauMG – Whoo! We survived winter! Victoria does a quick re-cap of her most worn perfumes of Winter 13/14. Now bring on the spring perfumes!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Gouldylox Reviews I love blogs from other countries and Viola’s Killer Colours blog (Sweden) has been one of my favorite for years. I love her photos, her style and her writing. Sure, I can’t buy many of the products she writes about, but I definitely get some amazing ideas!


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Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

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Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

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Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

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Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Well, that went better than expected...

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette - The Swatches

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Baci False Eyelashes

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Win It! China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You Nail Polish

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Dear Obesity...

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Question of the Week: What color do you have on your nails right now? Answer: My nails are completely bare right now… they’ve gotten so …


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