A sneak peek at my fragrance collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 7 - 2012

Afternoon, remember me?  No, I don’t either…

I scrimped enough of Mr. L’s 3G (Ovivo has been a God send) to write a post, got all excited at the prospect, had a rummage through my tried and tested box and just simply couldn’t find the words.  I’ve got blog block.  This is not a good thing.  In three years of blogging, I’ve only gotten it once before and that was when L was a tiny baby and I hadn’t long been beauty blogging – sheer tiredness got me that time.  I think that sheer disorganisation is the culprit today.

I’m finding it quite difficult to adjust to my new surroundings and I’m blaming the Cancerian homebody in me.  You see, I’ve never moved house before (not since I’ve been old enough to know anything about it) and this is one of the most unsettling experiences I’ve ever had.  I like to have my “things” around me and my life is still split 50/50 between two homes.  Whine… whine… grumble etc. etc.  I should put a sock in it, I’ve been a bit of a whinger on Twitter and keep reminding myself that people move house every-freaking-day, so why am I acting like such a drama llama about it?  Well, the truth is… I’m kinda not.  Not in real life anyway, but once a blogger always a blogger and as soon as I get online, I just want to spill all my complaints onto my keyboard and out into the ether.  Sorry about that.

Moving on…

I moved some of my beauty stuff over yesterday and the first to come with me was my our beloved fragrance collection.

We weren’t sure how to store them.  Previously, all our bottles have been kept on the top shelf of a wardrobe which has satisfied the need to keep them away from light and heat but it’s always made me sad that I can’t SEE them.  We’ve bought a couple of chunky shelving units which will keep them out of any direct sunlight (away from the window) and this will have to do for now.  I don’t actually have the same kind of (reachable) wardrobe space any more.  I’d love to hear how you store your fragrances?

I’ve organised the storage into seasonal themes.  Bottom shelf is Spring/Summer, Middle shelf is Autumn, and top shelf is Winter.  I’ll rotate the positioning to ensure that the current season is within the easiest reach.  Of course, rules are made to be broken and I delved into the Winter shelf yesterday for a little hit of amber in the guise of Costume National’s Scent Intense!

A closer look…

What is your favourite fragrance at the moment and do you wear scent daily?

The Lipstick League – week of 7.30.12

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 7 - 2012

Question of the Week: – What are some of your favorite underrated beauty products (i.e., products not often mentioned in the beauty blogging community)?

Answer: It’s a mouthful but Olay’s Total Effects 7-in-1 Moisturiser & Sensitive Protection SPF15 is making my fussy skin really happy at the moment.  It’s been the only day moisturiser to satisfy a  phase of exagerrated inbalance where I’ve been enjoying a dry, flaky nose combined with super oily cheeks (isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?!).  Also love my Illamasqua brow cake, massive HG and doesn’t get enough blog love.

we heart this – enter our Le Métier de Beauté Best Friends Giveaway; $500 in products for you and your BFF!

Beauty Junkies Unite – Amber gives you a sneak peek of the Germany Collection for fall from OPI with swatches!

Clumps of Mascara – There are a gajillion beauty subscription boxes out there. Brittany breaks down the latest Glossybox to see if it’s really worth your pennies.

Gouldylox Reviews – Mark my words. Hot rollers are back. Find out why, here.

Lipglossiping – loses herself in a flurry of London fever with Jo Malone’s limited edition hand-sketched gift boxes!

Nouveau Cheap – channels her inner artist with the new Milani Limited Edition Color Play Felt-Tip Liquid Pens for Eyes, Face or Body.

Prime Beauty – is doing a happy dance now that the much sought after Chanel Fleur de Lotus Collection has made it’s way from Asia to the U.S.! This Nordstrom exclusive has a lot to love, but the star of the show is the lovely Fleur de Lotus Joues Contraste Blush!

Phyrra – shares a beautiful Smoky Pink and Teal Tutorial with Urban Decay and Makeup Geek.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by we heart this – we are constantly in awe of The Polish Perfectionist and her beautiful application. Check out this look she did with a shade called Never Nude (plus, how could we resist a Arrested Development reference?)

What are some of your favorite underrated beauty products

This no buy thing has been wearing thin from the beginning.  If I’m honest, I’ve amazed myself at my new-found ability to resist the urge to pick up shiny beauty products.  Each time I smugly congratulate myself, Mr. L reminds me that it’s not like I’m not buying anything at all, it’s just that I’ve temporarily swapped makeups for curtains and shit like hob covers.  He reckons that if I were actually not buying anything at all, I’d find it much harder.  I think he’s right, even though it hurts like hell to admit it.  I am so utterly bored of Ikea though.

Anyway, in the midst of this no buy – I lost my facial sunscreen.  I was pretty gutted about it too, thinking I’d only be able to afford to replace it with a thick, pasty varient until our bank balance was looking a little healthier.  Until I went to the 99p store that is….

Oh. my. goodness. what a treasure trove.  I emerged from that store with: 4 Bountys, 4 cans of Pepsi Max, 6 toilet rolls (I have no shame), a spaghetti holder, 2 kinder eggs, a tin of Ye Olde Oak Ham (don’t judge, we only got a cooker today), 160 tea bags and my new facial sunscreen.  All for a total of £7.92 – screw you Tesco.  Having said that, I might give the loo roll to Leila, she needs some new tracing paper.

My new sunscreen is by Coppertone, which I believe is a U.S. brand, though this one was obviously intended for the Asian market.

Packaged without fuss and small enough to tote around in my handbag, the UV Protect UV Cut Milk Mild is a real find for me and one that I’ll be returning to pick up a couple more bottles of before the stock runs out, probably never to be seen again.  I generally favour an SPF of around 30 for daily use and the Japanese PA++ rating is enough to satisfy my needs in this non-tropical climate.

The lotion is light-weight and will please oilier skintypes who want their sun protection to feel barely-there in this warmer weather.  A few minutes after applying, my skin feels dry again with no residue or tackiness left behind.  The milky formula also spreads extremely well with a thin, liquid texture.  Although it claims to be odourless, I think I detect a slight scent, not unpleasant… but not hugely endearing either, just a bit…. chemically.  Thankfully, this fades quickly after application.

The packaging prevents product wastage and everything about the design is built for convenience rather than style.  There’s not much more to say about it really, at 99p – it’s a no-brainer and I’m really pleased I lost my Biore now!  Stock probably varies across the branches but there were a few other Coppertone products instore earlier this week (including spray sunscreens) so it’s worth a look if you have the chain near you.

What sun protection are you using at the moment?

More London fever with limited edition boxes at Jo Malone

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 2 - 2012

It may have escaped your attention but everyone is going a little bit ga-ga for London at the moment, something to do with some sporting event or other…

Anyyyywayyyy, if you’re up for some celebratory patriotism but don’t wanna get all hot and sweaty about it, you should check out your local (London only) Jo Malone boutique, where the British brand have installed talented artists to pay tribute to the great city by customising gift boxes with hand-drawn sketches of various landmarks.

I received mine through the post a few weeks ago, complete with homage to Tower Bridge (that’s the one you American’s call London Bridge I believe!)

I know I shouldn’t, mustn’t even… but I can’t even begin to tell you how tempted I am to add a little stick man doing an olympic-style long jump across the gap.  Just me then…

It’s a cute and clever trick from the brand who have managed to make those signature cream n’ black boxes now even more collectible!  “OH GOD, Limited Edition – must. collect. them. all. etc, etc.”  Nice going!

You’ve got until August 12th to take advantage of the quirky offer and see your Jo Malone purchases adorned with a little historical scribbling.  Phone your nearest boutique for more details.

* press sample

The quickest of updates

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 27 - 2012

I’m updating this from my phone, the wordpress app is woefully lacking in both usability and functionality, so a quick textual update is the best I can manage.  We’ve moved in to the new place now and the carpets came up a treat with the Rug Doctor, so a big thank you to your lovely selves for saving me about £80 in carpet cleaning fees (that’s topped up my Boots fund!).  The neighbours are an odd bunch…. the ones below us are mega keen on Country and Western – I’m a bit of a closet fan myself, so was secretly pleased that they’d at least be playing stuff I’m happy to tap my feet along to…. until they had a full-on karaoke hoedown. FFS.

The other neighbour seems to have a bit of a voracious appetite, and we’re not talking KFC.  I’m just grateful that we have a one man in, one man out situation.

Other than that, we’re settling in pretty well – although it does look like someone’s walked through the door and vomited IKEA.  Gotta start somewhere no?

We’re due to get a phoneline connected on the 9th August, blog posts will be extremely few and far between until then but as soon as I’m a bit more settled, hopefully by the end of next week – I’ll be able to use my phone’s 3G connection to power my PC’s internet and I may well be able to get some updates done then – heaven knows I’m missing the crap out of blogging.

Much love, me x



Tesco – Christmas in July

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 16 - 2012

Tesco’s Xmas Press Day is one of my favourites and is the only one I’ll be managing to get to this year…. something which gives me ultimate sad-face.  You’ll see why if you read this post.  Nonetheless, if I was going to be able to attend just the one, Mr. T really knows how to drag the festive spirit out of me.

The beady-eyed amongst you would have spotted a wide range of Christmas beauty goodies on display (that’s if you managed to scroll past the Christmas dessert table).  Let’s face it, Christmas is still ages away, so I’m not going to go into major details but the standout selections at Tesco this Christmas include:

New range of hair styling tools called T-H-X (Total Hair Experts) offering: curling tong, hair dryer, styling wand, digital straightener, volumising hair dryer, hot air styler, wave tong, and more.

Some great-looking affordable gift sets from the Extracts range

A new Steam Cream tin for Christmas!

Very sparkly hair accessories

and my favourite…

Kings & Queens is coming to Tesco!

I got a bit excited about the last one, you know, what with K&Q being my favourite bodycare range, ever.  I usually buy it online… and was doing cartwheels at the thought of being able to pick up my favourite shower gels along with my shopping… until I found out that it’ll only be sold on Tesco Direct.  Pop goes that bubble.  Sigh.  Still, at least I can get it delivered to store for free.

Anything in the above Yuletide selection taking your fancy?


The Lipstick League 09/07/2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 16 - 2012

Question of the Week: – What product(s) do you use to clean your makeup brushes?

Answer:- Whatever’s nearest!  I usually blindly search the bathroom for something suitable.  Bleach isn’t suitable, FYI.  Mostly hand-wash, I’ve gotten away with it so far.

Prime Beauty – reviews the June GlossyBox and has one to giveaway too!

Phyrra – Phyrra feels a sin comin’ on. Oh wait! That’s just Sinful for Her by Tru Fragrance.

Vampy Varnish – Get your potty-mouth on with this new nail lacquer from Sheswai and it’s cruelty free!

we heart this – it may not be beauty, but we bet you feel beautiful (and clever) sporting this clutch purse that you made yourself. Oh, yes you did!

Beauty Junkies Unite – Amber shares 7 hot picks from the brand new Maybelline nail lacquer collection, Color Show!

Clumps of Mascara – already has a Clarisonic but she’s in looooove with these. How gorgeous and summery are these shades?

EauMG – Check one of Victoria’s favorite perfumes for the heat, L’Artisan Parfumeur Batucada.

Gouldylox Reviews – This BB Cream does a great job of staying in place all day, but has one other major drawback.

Lipglossiping – nags more of her readers to share their favourite red lipsticks in her regular Red Lipped Readers series.

Nouveau Cheap – A collection of jumbo eyeshadow pencils from the drugstore in rich, vibrant colors that don’t crease, smudge or smear even after eight hours? Oh yes, it’s true.

Pink Sith – managed to spend less than $20 on a full face of makeup? Check out the 79 cent blush/bronzer she picked up from Sally Girl Cosmetics.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Prime Beauty – I had the pleasure of meeting this sweet, gentle and discriminating blogger in person! Check out The Ultimate Makeup for info on makeup, fashion and all things pretty!

What do you use to clean your makeup brushes?

Laqa & Co Nail Polish Pen in Incestuous

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 13 - 2012

Su requested a swatch of the Laqa & Co Nail Polish Pen that I talked about yesterday, and I jumped at the chance of a quick and easy post so I could get to bed early (and carry on decorating bright and early tomorrow), forgive me for repeating myself!

Incestuous is one of those muted lavender shades that suit my skintone really nicely.  I know that some tones, especially olive skintones can struggle with muted purples which can sometimes make fingers appear lifeless but Incestuous (hate that name) offers enough saturation, I think, to avoid this phenomenon.

Application was basically pretty fun.  Except for the part when I realised that I would, in essence, be painting my nails with the wrong hand – with a pen.  Any ambidextrous readers out there?  Lucky.  I got my fingers in a proper muddle, made only more difficult by the fact that my nails on that hand were wet!  All in all though, the results were really good – the above image shows two coats (three on two of the fingers that I messed up).  Judging by the little window in the pen, it doesn’t seem to have consumed too much polish, but considering the pen only holds 5ml (the same as a Mavala) and costs £10.95 – this certainly isn’t the most economical way to paint your nails.

Having said that, it’s great for holidays and showing off your beauty gadgetry to anyone who gives a shit.  Which, let’s face it… is probably no-one.  You should probably just get this to amuse yourself/give as a present (the box and artwork is way cool/or for your holiday manicures.

Laqa & Co Nail Polish Pen in Incestuous is priced at £10.95 and available online from PowderRooms.

* press sample

China Glaze New Bohemian Luster Chromes for Autumn 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 13 - 2012

Due to launch this Autumn are six new “specialist” shades from China Glaze that promise to leave you mesmerized as the color shifts and moves across the nail, traveling with the light.

Woohoo for duochromes!

Recent duochrome launches have been a bit disappointing no?  I still smart from being underwhelmed by the much-hyped Models Own Beetlejuice collection which offered (to my eye), a disappointing effect on the nail compared to the bottle shots.  I’m gonna be a tough cookie on these if they fail to live up to those lovely stock images below.

  • Unpredictable – Multidimensional gorgeous green
  • Rare & Radiant – Extraordinarily rich gold
  • Swanky Silk – Brilliant beige with peach undertones
  • No Plain Jane – Lavish lavender-pink
  • Want My Bawdy – Sexy sapphire blue
  • Deviantly Daring – Adventurously bold peacock teal

It almost makes me excited for Autumn.  I said, almost.

July Product Loves (vol. 533493492)

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 12 - 2012

Or is it vol. 533493491?  With over 2250 posts under my belt, you can appreciate that I’ve loved and fell out of love with all manner of things, such is the fickle nature of beauty and such is the fickle nature of “ooh shiny”.  I’m always reticent to admit to Holy Grail products because I’m not really the kind of person to stick to one thing for life (except perhaps for Mr. L and Boost bars).  If I repurchase something, that’s pretty damn good going when there’s all manner of other lovely things that promise the earth and deliver about 2 continents worth instead.  As beauty lovers, we’ve grown to expect a certain amount of over-selling when it comes to product claims and I guess that’s why blogs are so useful, they simply provide the experiences of peers who generally have the same expectation levels as yourself.

With that in mind, these are the things that I’ve been currently loving long time.  Well, about two weeks – which, in the coquettish world of beauty, is literally, forever.

1). Calling all mermaids!  VOYA Ritzy Spritzy* hails from the salty depths, quite literally!  The hero ingredient to this refreshing toner is hand-harvested seaweed, packed with vitamins B1, B2 and B12 (sounds like Bananas in Pyjamas), plus polysaccharides and alginates, all of which combine to offer a tonic that delivers a moisturising, oil-free formula.  I’m an toner-nut and after using it continuously for a week in-place of my usual variety, this one is particularly efficient in cooling the skin, making it a great holiday choice for those jetting off to far-flung beaches. £23.00 from Look Fantastic.

2). Hello Glow! Hello indeed to this budget-friendly alternative to a particularly well-known Dermalogica favourite!  If you’re a Daily Microfoliant addict, you might want to give Hello Glow‘s Whitening Plus Facial Polish* a spin.  Released just last month, the powder formulation mixes with a little water to create a mildly exfoliating paste that leaves my skin feeling incredibly soft.  It contains a 100% natural blend of coconut milk powder, potato starch, milk, honey, rice and essential oils and is suitcase friendly too! £9.99 from RoseLinkUK.

3). It wouldn’t be Summer without a fresh, summer fragrance to distract myself from the necessity to build a replica Ark and Prada’s Infusion d’Iris offers maximum distraction.  A classic, green scent which despite the name offers a more sensual, woody edge than I’d expect.  The floral is clearly there, along with a burst of Italian-inspired citrus zings that never smell too sharp but it’s the drydrown that leaves my mouth watering in it’s pure cleanliness that leaves me feeling like I’ve just stepped from the shower (minus the cheap soap!).  A perfect balance of floral, fresh and woody that simply works very nicely on my skin.  From £40.00 at Debenhams.

4). From one classic to another, in the form of Trilogy’s Certified Organic Rosehip Oil, which I purchased as a little moisture-booster to my current skincare routine.  I use it while my skin is still wet from the shower (water really makes my skin feel tight), and massage it in to my elbows, knees, heels and any little eczema patches that have flared up overnight – what’s left on my hands after this, goes straight on my face.  In the winter, I may use it more often but a couple of times a week at the moment is enough to keep my skin supple and happy. £16.50 from Boots.

5).  Another one for the holiday bag is Laqa & Co’s Nail Pen in Incestuous*.  Hate the name, love the colour!  This muted lavender nail pen is one of those products that you think will never work.  Nail polish in a pen?!  But work it does… though I discovered that painting with your “wrong” hand is significantly more tricky than when using a regular polish brush – it’s just like writing or drawing with your weak hand!  The polish dispenses easily and is fluid enough to work with without too much fuss.  5ml for £11 makes it an expensive option, but it’s great for travel and is a real conversation starter as I discovered on the train the other day! £11 from PowderRooms.

6). There’s lots of classics on my list today and Olay’s Classic Care Nourishing Beauty Fluid (Sensitive) is perhaps the consummate defintion of the word.  My day moisturiser recently ran out, and being on a no-buy meant that I had more chance of a sunny day than guiltessly hot-footing it to the Elemis counter, so I settled for Asda instead and picked up this one to tide me over.  I actually meant to pick up this one but couldn’t find it on the shelves.  That being said, it’s doing a sterling job at leaving my skin feeling hydrated with a non-greasy finish.  I’m not sure I’ll repurchase, because I’ll hopefully be off my no-buy when this one runs out and I’ll try and pick up the one I meant to get next time.  Still, £4.69 from Boots – mustn’t grumble!

7). Can you tell I’m not going on holiday until September?  My goodness am I packing in these travel essentials this month!  The St. Tropez Bronzing Gel* is a great option for pasty legs that demand a streak-free finish!  Creams are all well and good but this dark gel will ensure you leave no patches un-tanned!  Combine it with an applicator mitt and really work the formula into your skin to ensure an even tan.  I like the gel formula because it looks a bit scarier, thus making me less complacent with my application – it’s all in the mind folks and this one just makes me work harder (in a good way!). £21.99 from Boots.

8). Last but by no means least!  Benadryl Allerfy Relief (Acrivastine) keeps both myself and Mr. L free from hayfever.  I’m fortunate to only suffer from mild symptoms but when the pollen count reaches the top of the charts, I reach for one of these and it knocks all symptoms on the head within half an hour.  I do sometimes have to take another tablet later in the day and they’re not the cheapest (I don’t think you can get generic versions) but they’re the best I’ve found for controlling the summer sniffles!  £3.80 from Tesco.

What are you loving so far this month?

* press sample

China Glaze Summer Neons Collection – Under The Boardwalk NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 11 - 2012

Some polishes make you gasp with their sheer beauty, others turn down your lips with an overriding “meh”.  China Glaze’s Under the Boardwalk has me scratching my head in total bewilderment.  How can a polish look so different in the bottle compared to how it applies on the nail?

Please excuse the mistreated cuticles (I need some marigolds), but what kind of messed-up voodoo is at play here?!  Is it purple or is it pink?  I even did an extra two coats (4 shown in the photo above) to make sure that the colour was fully fully opaque.

And then it got weirder when I read this about it on The PolishAholic.  Anyone else got a freaky one?

China Glaze Under the Boardwalk, you tricky, shape-shifting polish you.  I wouldn’t mind, but you’re not even a particularly fashincating colour!  Get over yourself.

China Glaze Under The Boardwalk is available to buy instore from Sallys or online at BeautyBay.com, priced from £6.95

* press sample

A little update…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 10 - 2012

If you’re here for a beauty review today, I’m afraid you’re gonna be a bit disappointed. As I write this, it’s 01:39am and I promised my husband that I wouldn’t be late to bed tonight. I didn’t even have my fingers crossed when I made that promise but still, time has once again, caught up with me.

Time is a particularly precious commodity at the moment and I can only see it getting more stretched over the next month or so. You see, at the ripe old age of 30 – I’ve finally flown the nest. As a family, we’ve very comfortably shared living space with my Mum and Dad for the last ten years. I know it’s a bit taboo and even a bit “weird”… but it’s a situation that has been more harmonious than most would imagine (sometimes!)

Yesterday we signed the tenancy agreement on a new flat and to say I’m bricking it, is an understatement. I wish I still had the bravado that doing this kind of thing when you’re young(er) supplies but alas, I’m just a big wimp if I’m honest.

top floor – if it ever stops raining, we might enjoy the balcony

 Now that the excitement of having a place to call our own has died down a little, I’m overwhelmed. There’s a lot to be done and the previous tenants have left the flat with filthy carpets, about a billion broken “little” things, and a slightly funny smell. Aside from the cupboards, the kitchen is completely empty and all the windows are naked. I had NO IDEA that curtain poles were so expensive!  We’re starting from scratch with nothing more than our clothes and computers to call our own (oh, and makeup – I have some of that too).  Hold me, I’m scared!

If you have any tips on reviving a plush-but-horribly-mistreated carpet, I’m all ears!  Is it worth getting it cleaned professionally?

I sound like a huge moaner. (I am). I’m not – I’m tremendously keen to live out my long-held fantasies of playing house but I’m not afraid to admit that I just have no idea where to start.

And so I apologise, because where there should have been a fantabulous post on beauty this afternoon – all I can really do is stare blankly at the IKEA homepage and wonder what the hell we’ve got ourselves into.

Thanks for listening, I needed that.  I promise to man-up ASAP.


The Body Shop launches a charity single with Teenage Cancer Trust

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Awesome Sauce...

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Spring into Pink with Nicki Minaj for OPI's Pink Friday

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Avon Luxe Lace Christmas Collection - Lace Hues Palette

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DHC Deep Cleansing Oil vs. Shiseido Perfect Oil

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Guess where I spent yesterday evening?

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Oh! You Pretty Things: IMAN Cosmetics

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The August Countdown – Top 3 Blushes

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CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

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CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

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Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

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Hello? Is this thing on?

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Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

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Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

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Dear Obesity...

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Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

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