Guest Blog: Thierry Mugler Angel Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2014

I was pretty darn thrilled when one of my long-time readers offered up her services for a guest post.  You see, Lisa Wordbird has a bit of a way with… um, well… words and I remembering thoroughly enjoying her thoughts on that Brad Pitt/Chanel advert and clever musings on how brands should embrace their more “human” qualities.

Anyway, Lisa offered to team up with her friend Samantha from, and together, they have delivered a brilliant conversational rally (in the wonderful FaceGoop style) on the marmite fragrance that is: Thierry Mugler’s Angel.

Take it away ladies…


Hello IScentYouADay, it’s Wordbird here.  How nice is it that Lipglossiping is prepared to give us a guest slot on her blog?  I bet she’s busy with that gorgeous baby of hers.  So let’s sneak in quietly so we don’t wake him up.

WB: I have been thinking about perfume and Thierry Mugler.  You know how all his perfumes are MAHOOSIVE?  Do you think that’s anything to do with his bodybuilding?  Do you think that his perfumes are swollen as if they were on steroids?  It might explain a lot.  Especially about Angel.

ISYAD: Angel is not only on steroids but it wears Brut for Men and covers itself in chocolate in the hope of landing a date.  If it was a man it would have a very hairy chest and a medallion.  It even has power over yours truly, because I am strangely fascinated by it.  Can I tell you a secret?  We’re quite safe here on the Internet, right?  Here goes then: sometimes I sit at home in the evening and wear Angel and sniff and sniff and sniff.  It’s like my nemesis but it keeps my attention like that snake off the Jungle Book.

WB: Well that’s quite an admission, but we’re all friends here.  I get absolutely the same thing from Angel: Chocolate Brut.  (Actually, I wonder what the Angel Man perfume A*Men smells like? Double Chocolate Brut?)  It is too scary for me even to approach, so – coward that I am – I spray it on my adorable 9 year old daughter and on her it smells divine.  There are theories about why this happens.  Apparently the moistness of your skin is important.  I’m all dried up and bitter, I mean flaky (actually that’s not much better, is it?) while my darling daughter is practically perfect in every way, so that might explain something.  Since you have a secret Angel habit, try moisturising one arm and see if it makes a difference.

ISYAD: Oh yes I remember how your girl got caught in the crossfire of one of our perfume testathons, not that she minded: having you as a Mum she sees this as normal.  Can I just say that she is the luckiest nine year old I know thanks to her access to the kind of perfume collection that would make a grown woman work out when you are away and break into your bedroom?  Just add your holidays to my Google Calendar and I will um… make sure nobody does that.

Back to Angel – I could try moisturising my skin before wearing scent and in fact I do this on my neck and chest as it gets the biggest blast of scent and sun throughout the year, but my arms?  I usually forget.  Incidentally, my sister in law, who I am always giving samples to, came over the other day smelling lovely. I asked her what it was, not recognising it at all.  It was a warm floral with a hint of the Oriental. I was amazed to hear it was Angel.  She had really taken a shine to it and I didn’t even recognise it on her. Go figure.


Thank you so much ladies, I do hope you’ll do some more fragrant musings for us in the future?!  And for the record, I’m also far too parched and barren to have any love for Thierry Mugler Angel.  Indeed, it’s the only fragrance I’ve ever found that has the magical ability to involuntarily turn my lips inside out in an expression of utter distaste.  Shudder.

How about you?  Do you take delight in the marmite love-it-or-hate-it fragrance that is, Angel?

Lipstick League – Week of 16.6.2014

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2014

Question of the Week: What are your favorite types of facial cleansers? (Gel, self-foaming, cream, oil, cloths, etc.)

lipstickleague - final

Answer: Cream cleansers ftw.  Applied liberally and massaged onto dry skin before removing with a thick, hot, flannel!  If I’m washing my face in the shower though, I won’t be parted from my LUSH Let The Good Times Roll exfoliating cleanser. It’s only June but I’m almost 100% certain that come December, it’ll still be my “find” of the year.

EauMG – Keep cool this summer with EauMG’s refreshing mint perfume guide.

Gouldylox Reviews – Summer is all about the flawless face that looks like you didn’t try to hard. Get effortlessly gorgeous with this new foundation from It Cosmetics!

My Beauty Bunny – Brow obsessed? You will be after trying Chella Skin Care’s Eyebrow Color Pencils! These no-fuss, self-sharpening and easy to use pencils help frame your face and come in a great range of shades.

Nouveau Cheap – A $10 alternative to Giorgio Armani Blushing Fabric Second Skin Blushes? Meet the new L’Oreal Visible Lift Blur Blush in Soft Berry.

Prime Beauty – just may have found the Holy Grail foundation for over 40 women. If you’re looking for a full coverage foundation that doesn’t look or feel like a mask, BECCA’s Ultimate Full Coverage Complexion Créme is your answer!

Phyrra – Want to fake flawless skin? Phyrra shows you how to perfect your complexion!

we heart this – Hey you blush addicts, have you checked out The Cheek Glow duos from Kevyn Aucoin? Umm, you might want to…

Clumps of Mascara – Psst…hey! Have you heard the news? Urban Decay’s Perversion mascara is coming and I’ve got the review for you right hereeeee.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by EauMG – Barbara Herman, blogger of Yesterday’s Perfumes and author of the delightful perfume book “Scent and Subversion” (Dita von Teese is a big fan of this book), is trying to create a vintage-inspired perfume with perfumer superstar Antoine Lie (Versace Crystal Noir, Tom Ford Cafe Rose…) Read more about it here.

Oh, Hi! *looks at feet*

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 18 - 2014

Jesus Christ, one of you could have tidied up around here for me, no?

I mean… I abandon my blog for the longest time ever and when I come back, I’ve got an astronomical electricity bill because one of you forgot to turn the kitchen light off and mouldy custard slices in the fridge because you selfishly forgot to eat them.  No wonder I don’t wanna come back, look at the state of this place, there’s even a fucking tumbleweed blowing through the bedroom… *make readers aware of double-entendre just in case*.

But, I really do want to come back… it’s just.  You know, I can’t remember how.

Blogging is one of the most “creative” *slaps self* forms of writing around, especially when you’ve limited yourself to a narrow stream of talking shit about makeup for over 5 years.  If I’m not blogging and at least being a little bit silly and fun about it at the same time, I’m just robotically reviewing and while that’s useful, at least for anyone who Googles the product, it feels a little bit soulless for me.  It’s like that little girl (who had that little curl)… when it’s good, it’s very very good… but when it’s bad… there’s just no point in doing it.

So, yeah.  Having a baby.  It was awesome!  Better than last time, sorry Leila, but it was… no one was screaming “THIS ISN’T GOING TO HAPPEN ON MY WATCH!”, for one.  They also didn’t run my bed into the reception desk mid-contraction this time, you know what?  I didn’t even swear!


Having said that, recovery has been the biggest bitch since Cindy Beale.  I don’t know if it’s the two-kid thing (which is a nightmare btw, thanks for warning me) or just because it’s been pretty warm this past month but I’m plagued with a c-section incision that just. won’t. close.  Also, c-sections… how insane are they?!  I was completely knocked out last time around so had no idea what went on!  Poor Paul’s face went every different colour known to man and there is simply no mystery left in a relationship when your partner gets *that* close to your innards.  Still, he finally got to see his baby being born, pass me a tissue!

Talking of the baby.  Joe is nice.  I mean, he’s a bit like a Tasmanian Devil (they’re all just little animals to begin with aren’t they?), and he eats constantly… far more than he should too.  Already taking after his Mum.

But, but… he smells all milky and babyish and is a bit squidgy now his knees aren’t so wrinkly.  Unlike Leila, he seems more wiry in build?  Leila was a chunk of beautiful bubs from the moment she came out and even though she was an oz lighter than Joe at 7lbs 6oz, she has always been this solid, little thing.  Joe is definitely stronger and um, bendier!  He also has these incredibly long monkey arms, that one day, I pray he’ll grow into.

He’s also 6 weeks old today, so I need to man-up and stop telling people that I only had a baby a few weeks ago.  I think I’ve probably milked it enough for now.

Anyway, if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you’ll have been subjected to a torrent of baby Joe photos… but this here is my (neglected) blog, so… have another, just for luck.

baby joe

As for the blog… well, I can finally log back into the dashboard (thanks Mr. L) and TalkTalk flicked the “turn the internet back on” switch for my phone line, so you can expect a couple of *brilliant* guest posts that were kindly written for me while I was otherwise occupied, and with a good kick up the arse, some new posts from me.  I warn you, there may be a couple of NOTDs first, you know… just to ease me back into the hardcore beauty blogging 😉

Love and baby sick and stuff x

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Leila. Today, you are FIVE!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2014

I usually have a little more time to myself while writing my annual birthday letter to you beautiful, but just last week… we welcomed your baby brother into the world.  I keep looking at you, wondering what you’re thinking about this latest installment into our family but you know, if you don’t end up being Daddy’s chief game designer, I’m sure you’d make a great poker player.  When I think of you, the phrase “still waters run deep” springs to mind.  It’s not that you’re not vocal… it’s just that you’re always, always thinking, far more deeply and analytically than any child I’ve known.

For a Mum, this is something that I both cherish and despise.  Shouldn’t you just be living in the moment, shouldn’t I be the one doing all this deep-thinking for you?  The truth is, you love nothing more.  If you’re not applying this analysis to your own thoughts and feelings, you’re asking me and Daddy to quiz you on the Universe.  You want to know where you came from (not like that) and why you’re here.  You want to know all about Earth’s gravity and just how big is the Sun anyway?  But despite your adoration for all things planetary, you know for sure that you never want to be an astronaut.  Far too scary.  Clever girl, we don’t want you to be an astronaut either.

We’ve bought you a telescope for your birthday.  You may only be able to see into next door’s garden with it but all the same, I know you’ll cherish it for the way you’ll feel as though you’ve been given a key to another portal.  Let alone the opportunity to stay up a bit later for some moon-gazing.  You have a glow in the dark solar system hanging from your ceiling and your favourite planet, despite its rugged and inhospitable surface is Mercury.  I think that Venus, with its poisonous clouds, makes you feel a little in awe of just how incredible it is up there.


This is the year in which you started infant school, and after the tribulations of starting nursery, both Daddy and I were terrified.  Not about how you’d fit into an academic environment and the stresses of a work-load, but fearful of how you’d socialise with your friends.  Let’s face it… you still struggle to mount a climbing frame with any kind of grace at all, the monkey-bars don’t even stand a chance.  This makes you a little sad.  I know that for once, you’d love to be able to catch your best friend Issy whilst playing tag… but just like your Mum before you, we simply weren’t built for speed my love.  Unlike your Mum, however, just recently… we’ve noticed that you seem to have been blessed with a generous side-order of humour… comical timing and a quick wit that endears you to both adults and children alike.  This is something that, if we’re honest, has caught us by surprise… our little girl is a funny one!  Please stay self-confident enough to know that the things you have to say are worth the smile of others.

School is going really well, you’re almost up to box 6 for reading.  You love a bit of maths (though hate being wrong) and we often catch you belting out school assembly songs about all the different year groups and classes.  You’re not top of the class but slightly better than average and you know what?  That’s a very comfortable place to be in life.  One of my favourite things about your school life is the way you come home with a newly-learned word that simply must be slotted into our every conversation… “Hey Mum, let’s collaborate!”

Just recently, you’ve developed the kind of sass that makes me both roar with laughter and hold my head in my hands as I catch glimpses of the future teenager you’ll become.  From your street-dancing (single person grinding) in Asda to your desperate desire to have the last word, you’re finding your own way.  For now, I can hold my own but I know that a time will come when I need to allow you the occasional victory if I don’t want you to experience too many of those teenage feelings of resentment.  Give me a few more years of reminding you who the Mummy is though, eh?


When you see us looking at houses to buy, you worry that we’re going to move too far away for you to have your weekly sleepover at Nanny and Pop’s house.  We do our very best to reassure you that this will never happen and it’s true.  Our initial desire to roam further afield in the quest for a more affordable home has been quelled by the simple knowledge that such a move would break your heart.  So important are your Nanny and Pop to you, we understand and realise that they’re more like second-parents than grandparents.  You are so very lucky to be so very loved.

Hot on Nanny and Pop’s heels is your infatuation for your cousins.  If you’re not making cards and notes for Mummy and Daddy, you’re inventing ways to express your adoration for the cousins you get to see frequently: Mildred, Ava, Eli, and Ola.  From simple scraps of paper to sophisticated Cool Cardz, from Post-It Notes to hand-crafted greeting’s cards… our flat is awash with your arty creations.  Only around 10% of these find their way to their intended targets once life has gotten in the way… but still, they keep coming.  “I love you!”, “Thanks for being my friend!”.  They love you too stinky-bum.

Your brother is wakimg up and so I must find a way to close this letter to you.  I just want to thank you for being so bloody brilliant, so genuinely reasonable, and so infinitely enchanting.

Leila Jean (beauty queen), Happy 5th Birthday big girl.  We love you to Pluto and back.


Previous “Birthday” Letters: Four, Three, Two, Four Months

The Lipstick League – Week of 28.04.14

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 4 - 2014

Question of the Week: What’s the last lip product you applied?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: As I’m scheduling this post a couple of days in advance, I’m sitting here wearing the delicious RMK W Crayon & Gloss Lips that was such an unexpected and happy discovery.  And each time I pass the mirror, I swear it’s looking better the longer it wears!

Pink Sith – wonders if you can smell that? What is it? It’s Spring, and she has 8 great recommendations for a Spring fragrance.

Prime Beauty – checks out the new Japonesque Color Cosmetics line. Does it live up to the fantastic reputation of the brush line? Find out!

Phyrra – shares her favorite coral and peach lip products! Find a new favorite to love.

we heart this – shows you the trippy packaging and gorgeous shades of the MAC Proenza Schouler collection (repeat after us: pro-EN-za SKOOL-er.)

Clumps of Mascara – adores butter LONDON. But how awesome (or not so awesome) are their products outside of nail polishes?

EauMG – have you tried the newest addition to the Thierry Mugler fragrance family? The new Alien has had a makeover and she’s looking great!

Gouldylox Reviews – I don’t think of myself as a warm or a cool person normally, but this warm Monarch palette from Kat Von D is one of my new favorites!

Lipglossiping – celebrates the discovery of a fabulous mineral foundation for those of us with a deathly-pale complexion!

My Beauty Bunny – Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies! My Beauty Bunny celebrated its 5 year anniversary with a day at the park with the Bunny World Foundation, and oh yea, lots of cute, fuzzy bunnies!

Nouveau Cheap – The new Wet n Wild Summer 2014 Limited Edition Bronzer & Blushes have landed and boy are they adorable!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Pink Sith – Obsessed with high end makeup? Want lots of pictures and swatches? Yeah, you needs you some Ommorphia Beauty Bar! Eugenia, who writes the blog from Montreal, Quebec, always tempts me with products to lust after. For example, this week she is enticing me with YSL Baby Doll Kiss & Blush! Check it out…but keep your wallet out of sight!

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Food Friday: Summer grilling with the Tefal Optigrill

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 2 - 2014

After spotting the Actifry cauliflower “rice” recipe that I blogged about a few weeks ago, Tefal got in touch to ask if I’d be interesting in trying their latest kitchen innovation, the Tefal Optigrill.  I’m sure you’ve seen the TV ads for the grilling machine recently, it’s somewhat similar in appearance to the iconic George Foreman-style grills in as much as it allows you to move the grill out of the oven and onto your kitchen counter.

The major differences are found in the machine’s objectives.  While the George Foreman has traditionally focused on being a “health” machine, the Tefal Optigrill concentrates its motives on “perfecting” the art of home-grilling with clever technology that allows the user to customise their grilling preferences and make light work of family cooking.

At home, I do try to grill a lot of food… it’s healthier and less messy than frying but there’s definitely an art-form to the technique and one that I don’t always get right.  I’m forever setting the smoke alarm off, not necessarily because I’ve burnt the food but because excess fat spits onto the heating elements!  And then there’s the skills needed to grill food well.  I don’t mind admitting that pork often emerges from my grill a little dry and I don’t even bother attempting some fussier foods such as chicken and fish, I just use the oven instead.

I suppose what I’m saying is that I find working with a conventional grill a bit hit-and-miss.  When you get it right, the results are amazing… belly pork crisped to perfection under a hot grill cannot be beaten.  But when I get it wrong, I’m either left with a kitchen full of smoke or a disappointingly uneven result.  Because of this, I only ever fry steak.  If I’m going to spend £8 or £9 on a couple of pieces of high-quality meat, I’m loathe to roll the dice on my cooking abilities to get it right.

And this is where the Tefal Optigrill promises to excel.  Great results, first time… all of the time.

But does it?  Let me throw some photos of recent meals into the mix and let you be the judge!


garlic & herb stuffed boneless chicken thighs (still juicy!)


lamb & mint quarter pounders cooked from frozen


lamb leg steaks, tender and not overcooked

Over the past few weeks, I’ve tried many different things with my new countertop grilling machine.  From lamb to pork, steak to chicken and even a bit of cheese.  The results have been mostly brilliant.  My only disappointment has arisen when cooking something that requires the technique to really crisp the fat.  In this case, the Optigrill produced a massively underwhelming and somewhat flacid pork belly.  I was gutted!  I guess belly pork really does need the kind of heat that requires me to flap a tea-towel around infront of the smoke alarm as the fat spits and crackles under a conventional grill.

Everything else that I’ve thrown at the machine has been cooked marvellously.  And not only that but with minimum fuss, mess, and indeed thought because the clever device will actually tell you – through a series of flashing lights and beeps – when your food is ready.  Not only when it is cooked, but also at what stage of “readiness” it currently sits at.

If you like your lamb a little pink… turn off the Optigrill and remove your meat at the “orange for medium” stage.  If you like your steak to be well-cooked, you’d want to remove your food from the grill when greeted with the “red for well-done” light.  There’s definitely a learning curve to the machine, especially if you’re simultaneously preparing a timing-is-critical side-dish and you’re not quite sure how long the Optigrill will actually take to cook your food!  But this is something that is easily surmountable with a little practice, once you’ve cooked a favourite dish… you’ll know for next time.

Unlike the George Foreman’s seemingly default setting of “squeeze all fat out of food until it no longer has any taste or texture”, the Tefal Optigrill does a great job of getting super-hot in the pre-heating stage, allowing the machine to effectively seal in a lot of the flavour before it actually starts cooking your meal.  You will still see excess fat and/or water drip into the tray underneath but it certainly doesn’t make a habit of drying out your food.


halloumi slices on a beef tomato and pesto open sandwich

I’ve stopped using any oil at all on the plates prior to cooking, I seem to get an equally good result whether I use oil or not… so why add the extra calories?  I was also pleased to discover that both the upper and lower grill plates can be removed completely for easy cleaning and I recommend giving them a quick wipe with a piece of kitchen towel prior to washing up/putting in the dishwasher.

I’ve found that I’ve been able to work the Optigrill quickly into my routine, which is always the key as to whether or not it will end up stuffed in the back of my cupboard once the novelty has worn off.  Ultimately, a kitchen “gadget” has to be usable in multiple and varied situations… it needs to be versatile.  Whether I’m cooking lamb leg steaks to go with a full roast dinner (sticking the roasties and yorkshire puds in the Actifry means that I don’t even have to turn my oven on!), grilling halloumi to go with a posh Summer salad, or chucking frozen burgers onto the machine for a quick weekday evening meal, the machine hasn’t left me disappointed.

So far, the Tefal Optigrill has more than earned its keep on my kitchen counter.

The Tefal Optigrill is available to buy online from,, and (where it is currently 10% off) priced from £135.00

* press sample

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Big Lip Love! RMK W Crayon & Gloss Lips in 01 Cherry Red

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 1 - 2014

Do you ever make snap judgements about products only to be proven very, very wrong?  I don’t mind admitting that I do… and in this case, I got one hell of a shock when the product put me firmly in my place.

The RMK W Crayon & Gloss Lips is a new release from the Japanese beauty brand and features a duo crayon/gloss system designed to impart big colour and shine.  When it comes to lips, I don’t tend to expect much in the way of pigment from Asian brands… my past purchases have taught me that it’s all about the sheer juiciness and moisturising formulas.

Generalising much, I know… but this is just what I have come to expect.

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01

ignore the foundation, that’s coming in a later review!

The crayon end of the wand did two things to surprise me.

First of all, it dragged… it dragged across my lips like a dog not wanting to be taken for a walk.  It feels hard, a little waxy and not what I was expecting.  To be fair, this did mean that I could achieve a great, sharp line around the edge of my lips but I wasn’t impressed.

The firm texture meant that it took a fair amount of “colouring in” before my entire lip area had been filled and I couldn’t smoosh my lips together to spread the pigment, the formula just wasn’t creamy enough.  This does mean that it is however, extremely long-lasting.

The second surprise came from the amount of pigment the crayon imparted.  We’re talking serious colour.  Bold, opaque and a little startling.  In other words, fabulous.

So there I am… crayon on, thoughts a little jumbled at this point.

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01 3

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01 2

Ahh, the gloss end of the equation.  I hate gloss.  You know I hate gloss, we all know that yes… Lip”gloss”iping hates gloss.

Prior to actually trying the W Crayon & Gloss Lips out in person, I did toy with the idea that I’d probably just wear the crayon alone… but once it’s applied, it needs something more.  It just looks unfinished with the crayon worn alone on the lips.

And so I dived into the gloss section of the tube, pulling out the silicone spatula-esque applicator and layering a coat of the glitter-filled semi-transparent gloop across my lips.

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01 Swatch


“It looks nice!”

Really nice!

The truth is that I just didn’t expect it to look like the perfect combination between pigmented AND juicy.  It didn’t expect it to plump and fill my lips to the point where I found it tricky to resist snogging myself in the mirror.

The gloss is completely non-sticky (trust me, I’m a massive fusspot) and refreshingly light on the lips.  It doesn’t try to migrate or pool unattractively, waiting for me to open my mouth and share strings of globby gloss with the world.  It just sits gently across the surface, sparkling away and making the crayon underneath feel far more comfortable than it did prior to the partnership.

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01 FOTD

RMK W Crayon and Gloss Lips 01 Lips

Transfer is a bitch, so be aware… although my teeth were unaffected, my glass and cup both took a shocking hit.  Having said that, there’s so much pigment in the product that the transfer had no impact on how it looked on my lips.

After around 45-minutes, the shine gradually dissipates and it (to my eye) looks even better.  It loses the screamy “look at me” shine but retains the juiciness, appearing much like a well-formulated creamy lipstick.  Roll forward a couple of hours and you can just start to feel a little dryness creeping through from the crayon.  As your lips press together, there’s more texture and at this point, it would be a good idea to give your pout a quick blot with tissue or reapply another layer of gloss.

It’s not completely low-maintenance but for such a bold shade, that undercoat of crayon sticks like you-know-what to the proverbial blanket, making touch-ups with the gloss a lot less hassle than re-lining your lips or dealing with an ugly ring of colour around the lip-line.

Well, there you have it.  Massive, big and completely unexpected love from me for this unassuming tube of lip colour.

RMK W Crayon & Gloss Lips in 01 Cherry Red is priced at £22 and available in 5 limited-edition, seasonal shades.  You can find them online in the UK from, and instore at Selfridges!

* press sample

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Jo Malone are Calm & Collected with a limited edition makeover!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 30 - 2014

Employing the talents of young London artists: Calm & Collected, the Jo Malone company have collaborated with the studio to create some one-off, striking visual designs for some of their best-loved fragrances.  This #beautyproject is part of a greater store-wide campaign, exclusive to Selfridges in a mission to celebrate all definitions of beauty.

The limited edition screen-printed designs will adorn the bottles of the following five fragrances: Earl Grey & Cucumber, English Pear & Freesia, Lime Basil & Mandarin, Peony & Blush Suede and Pomegranate Noir.  Each design takes inspiration from the ingredients found within, playfully creating a strong and unmistakable graphic impression across the line.


But it’s not just the bottles themselves that have received a makeover.  Jo Malone’s iconic black & cream packaging has also undergone a transformation with the added opportunity to personalise your own Jo Malone box!

The creative team behind Calm & Collected will infact be producing these boxes live at the brand’s boutiques in Selfridges London, Birmingham, and Manchester throughout select dates in May.  Customers will be able to choose their own box colours and include personalisation.  For dates and to choose which event you’d like to attend, head on over to the Jo Malone Facebook page for more information.

The limited edition Calm & Collected bottles are available in 30ml (£41) and 100ml (£82) sizes and will be available exclusively from Selfridges and while stocks last.

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Butter London Marbs NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 29 - 2014

You’d be easily forgiven if you thought that Butter London Marbs had been released alongside one of the brand’s Winter collections… after all, we’re pretty used to seeing golden metallics shine at Christmas.  But no, in their usual “sod what the rest of the industry are doing” kinda way, Butter London saw fit to release this golden wonder last Summer and it just about works.

Although obviously a rather brash yellow-gold in hue, there’s a certain amount of bronziness to it that makes you appreciate how well it would work with a sunkissed tan.  Something my milk-bottle skin is sadly, unlikely to realise this Summer.


The finish is in fact, startlingly bright with an incredible metallic foil that gives an almost reflective-like quality to the finished product.  I’d generally expect anything so full of shine to be unforgiving over nail ridges but this one manages to disguise the various bumps and peels across my nail beds.

Summer, winter… whatever the season, Marbs is probably the best gold polish I own, especially when it comes to delivering a fully opaque finish in a quick and simple two coats.

Butter London Marbs is priced at £11.95 and available to buy online from

* press sample

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I know it’s old hat and not terribly cool but I can’t help it, I’m still a big fan of mineral foundation.  Party like it’s 2006 and all that.  You see, the thing is… me and minerals, we shouldn’t get along.  On paper, we’re a match made in hell thanks to my permanently dehydrated complexion and amazing ability to develop flakies quicker than I can say B.B. Cream.  In theory, I should be reaching for the richer cream fondations,and avoiding powders as though my life depended on it.

Except, that with a little bit of care and some post-application hydration, my skin just adores minerals.  Especially in the warmer weather.

I’m going to tell you about the one I’m wearing at the moment.  It was on my lust-list for many years and I finally succumbed to the wantsies when I saw Sirvinya had it down in her blog sale list.

Meow Cosmetics are an indie mineral makeup company from the U.S. who have been operating online for many years now and were one of the first I discovered back when I was a regular user of indie brands.  Their catalogue of products is so vast, I don’t mind admitting that I find it bewildering.  Choosing the correct foundation shade for your skintone is quite a task in itself, admittedly made easier by some great, indepth instructions on the site.

If you think I’m exagerrating, I’m not.  Meow Cosmetics offer a staggering choice of 86 shades.  In three different formulations.  That’s 258 possible combinations of foundation.  Bejesus.

Meow Cosmetics Purrrfect Puss Minerals Foundation in Chausie Frisky

Here’s mine.  It’s the Purrfect Puss formulation which is described as a light-medium formulation with buildable coverage.  It features the brand’s original matte formula but with enough of a sheen to look fresh rather than dull.  The brand boast that their formulation doesn’t need “buffing” in the same way that traditional minerals do… and I find this to be true, a brush-on formula that can be layered nicely without the risk of micro-exfoliating my dry skin and causing further problems.

The shade that I have here is Frisky Chausie.  Two words.  The first “Frisky” relates to the depth of shade (ultra light to dark) and the second “Chausie” is the undertone.  In this case, Frisky = Light and Chausie = Cool Pink.  Making a great match for anyone who is a little pinker than a MAC NW15-20, like me.

Super pale girls will be delighted to hear that there are even two shades lighter than “Frisky” in each undertone!

Meow Cosmetics Purrrfect Puss Minerals Foundation in Chausie Frisky  1

The powder is finely milled, velvet-textured and easy to apply.  I tap a little into the lid and give it a swirl with a dome-topped synthetic brush.  Although a popular choice for many mineral makeup fans, I rarely use a flat-topped kabuki as I just don’t appreciate the fuller coverage, preferring instead to build it as I go… focusing multiple sweeps around the side of the nose and other places where my redness is more pronounced.

I always finish my mineral foundation application with a spritz of hydrating toner, something like the Balance Me Skin Bright Hydrating Mist.  If your skin is less dehydrated than mine, you’ll be fine with a light spritz from a can of Avene water or similar.  I just find that this finishing touch ensures that the product melts into the skin and ensures that it doesn’t look remotely “powdery”.

I’ve included a swatch shot and a before/after below so that you can see how great the colour match is for my complexion.  If you struggle to find a foundation that matches well with your skintone, you should give this range a try – sample baggie sizes are also available should you need to order a small selection to find your perfect match.

Meow Cosmetics Purrrfect Puss Minerals Foundation in Chausie Frisky Swatch


Meow Cosmetics Mineral Foundation in Frisky Chausie is available to buy online in three different sizes with prices ranging from $1 to $23.45

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The Lipstick League – Week of 21.4.14

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 26 - 2014

Question of the Week: If you could splurge on one luxury beauty treatment (think facial, salon visit, massage etc.), what would it be?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: Right now? A massage. Especially if it focused on my legs, feet, and calf muscles.  They’re restless as hell when I’m trying to fall asleep and then I wake up with cramps!  I’m not hugely keen on facials, they’re ok… but I just don’t feel any long term benefits like I do with a bloody good massage.

Nouveau Cheap – Mint green, gray and blue lipsticks? Don’t say no until you see my swatches of the brand new NYX Macaron Lippies (you might just change your mind!).

Pink Sith – Explains how the NARS Contour Blush in Olympia makes her feel more like a supermodel than a Sith!

Prime Beauty – has found a way to keep her colored tresses looking bright and shiny and she’s sharing her favorite hair color preserving products with you!

Phyrra – brings you the Best Vegan Foundations!

we heart this – check out our current crushes, including a lipstick inspired by Marie Antoinette and the court of Versailles.

Chalkboard Nails shows you how to turn your nails into jewels with a step-by-step nail art tutorial!

EauMG – here’s a perfume that smells so good that it made Victoria forget that the packaging looks like it is meant to be sold to six year old girls…

Gouldylox Reviews – A beauty blogger talking about shoes? These are so good you need to grab at least one pair. Plus, I’ve got a giveaway!

Lipglossiping – enjoys watching the rainbows flicker across her nails with the addition of A-England’s Ascalon nail polish to her collection

My Beauty Bunny – shares her newest obsession – City Lips Sangria lip plumper!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Nouveau Cheap – What do you get when you combine beautiful photography and Japanese beauty products? Allow me to introduce you one of my blog obsessions: The Beauty Maniac in Tokyo, written by the lovely Nicole. Click here to marvel at things like Japanese Peel-Off Lipstains and many more treasures from the East (and West).


How about you?  If you could splurge on one luxury beauty treatment (think facial, salon visit, massage etc.), what would it be?

if you liked this post, please don’t forget to check out my subscriber options, here

Butter London Champers NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 25 - 2014

As much as I admire a pretty metallic nail polish, they can be the devil for revealing flaws across the nail bed.  Champers from Butter London is no exception and it rudely broadcast my peeling index nail (on the other hand) to all and sundry.

When a polish leaves you feeling so exposed, it can be hard to muster much love for it but despite this, Champers has something very special working for it in its favour.

It’s simply a bloody beautiful shade that would suit every skintone.

Butter London Champers

It’s described as a rose-gold metallic shimmer…. and in my opinion, pushes the description boundaries a little with the “rose gold”.  I don’t think it’s quite warm enough to qualify and has a subtle silver flash that contradicts the overall impression… of course, this is great if you struggle with warmer tones against your skin but I just wouldn’t quite put this one into the obvious rose gold category.

Especially not when you compare it to something like Butter London’s incredibly beautiful pink/gold combo that is Rosie Lee for example.

Application was good and the polish needed a maximum of three coats to achieve full opacity and removal was generously easy considering the micro particles of shimmer that run through the shade.

Butter London Champers is priced at £11.95 and available to buy online from

* press sample

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