What Father Christmas got me!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 4 - 2013

How do people get back into the swing of things after a break? Before Christmas, I went to a log cabin in the wilds of the New Forest (about as wild as one of those carousels with teacups) and had NO INTERNET. Yet, I still managed to blog daily via a non-3G connection on my phone doing the classic standing on a chair and holding the phone at a 37 degree angle until I saw a bar (“I’ve got a signal!! I’ve got a signal!!”) thing…

Fast forward three weeks: introduce a bottle of vodka, GTA IV and the leftovers from the Celebrations tin and it takes me all the effort in the world just to get a wash.

What I’m trying to say is, I’m feeling delicate. And a bit slow. And this is my rubbish excuse for only now posting about my Christmas pressies when the rest of the blogosphere are planning their Valentine’s gift guides, the bastards.

Anyway, I must have been a very good girl this year because Father Christmas was extremely kind to me. Not as kind as he was to my husband who got a 46″ telly, a graphics tablet, AND a book about space. Sexual favours I expect… but regardless of my husband’s devious ways of ensuring that old St. Nick favours his stocking, I did very well indeed. Wanna nosey?

What Father Christmas got me!

Mr L got me this beautiful silver necklace from Etsy, it’s so delicate and perfect <3 – who knew he was capable of such good taste anyway?! I don’t usually wear much jewellery – I still haven’t even taken my wedding band to be resized – but I’ve barely taken this off since I unwrapped it on Christmas morning.

What Father Christmas got me!

He also bought me a Heart Rate Monitor for running… in theory, this should help me work out my perfect pace for burning calories vs. being able to actually prolong the workout! When I was running last year, I had a habit of starting off too hard and fast and exhausting myself well before 5k, hopefully this will help me find a suitable pace.

He also got me a running buff, kind of like a neck/throat/mouth warmer… my asthma hates this cold weather for any kind of exercise and last year, I was running with a fleece scarf tucked around my gob – I looked like a uncoordinated ninja!

To rebel against all this fitness malarky, I also got a beautiful red lipstick from Estee Lauder, you can be sure of a FOTD soon!

What Father Christmas got me!

This one’s a bit cheaty because these sandals were a bit of a present to me… from me! I’d been craving them since I saw them in Selfridges early last Summer, I even instagrammed them! I eventually spotted them at the KG outlet in Gunwharf Quay while I was having a bit of a shop with HelenJNT, and snapped them up for a bargain price. Now I’ve just got to wait for the sun to come out!

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I told you I was a spoilt girl, I got a new phone! Usually, I’m about 2 years behind everyone else when it comes to phones… but we justified the splurge on the fact that if Mr. L is going to port his games onto iPhone, he totally needs an iPhone5 in the house so that he can bug test. I’m giving him my iPhone4 and he’ll retire his HTC. It’s actually killing him a little… he is not much of an Apple fan… poor love. WHATEVER!!! I’VE GOT AN IPHONE5! MOAR INSTAGRAM.

I’m currently baby-ing it and being laughed at because I’m refusing to remove the plastic covers until my screen protectors get here!

Leila got me (thanks Mr. L!) a beautiful candle which she found in T.K. Maxx, it couldn’t actually be more perfect – it’s rich, woody, and a little bit masculine (just how I like ’em!) It’s both warming and calming with the tiniest hint at incense… honestly, the girl couldn’t have chosen better.

My last gift (which you may have spotted at the back there), is a new lens for my camera! Woohoo! It’s the Canon 40mm 2.8 pancake lens, so it’s really slimline and will be great for taking out and about with me. It’s a beaut and very reasonably priced!

What Father Christmas got me!

I also got a cake pop maker (yeahhh!), a cook-book, a lovely scarf, some socks (essential) and some money. I don’t think there’s any way that I can be possibly be well-behaved enough to beat this haul next Christmas, I’m a very lucky girl.

What did you get for Christmas? Tell me!

Weight Watchers and Me. New year, new belly (a smaller one please!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 2 - 2013

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of weight.  You’ll also know that I’ve lapsed over the past year, 2012 was all about some big life changes and although I sustained my loss for the first quarter… I slid like an eel on a bobsled for the remaining months, losing motivation and dwelling on thoughts of failure.

Whilst I couldn’t start the year with a bigger cliche than this, there’s something about a new year that makes it easier to hike up the optimism and truly believe in your own abilities to achieve something.  January 1st 2013 is my rock bottom with regards to weight loss… and the only way is up.  Or should I say down?!


The photo on the left, not one I’m hugely proud of.  The photo on the right is me close to the lowest weight I’ve been since I was about 10 years old… I want that shape back, I want a wiggle in my walk again!

So, where does Weight Watchers come into this?  Well… when I finished the Cambridge Diet, I used it to maintain and begin losing again but cancelled my subscription over the Summer when I didn’t have an internet connection.  I signed back up again in November but didn’t actually follow the plan.  Turns out that you don’t lose weight just by being a member…

My subscription from November is still active, so I’m hitting it hard.   I weighed myself this morning, I’m 13st 10lbs – that’s 6st away from my heaviest and 2st away from my lightest.  I’m still in a good position to regain control – and that’s all I want, not to let food control me as it did for so many years.

For complete disclosure, you should know that I’ve become a Weight Watchers Blog Ambassador which means that I’ll have a shiny badge in my sidebar and if I refer more people to the program than anyone else, they’ll make me a crown out of chocolate digestives (or something).  They’ve also given me three months free online access (which I’m not using because I can’t work out how to “append” it to my current membership rather than sign up again), they’ll also be sending me some of their own-brand goodies to try and setting me weekly blog challenges.  I’m not being paid for any posts or mentions about Weight Watchers.

I’ll be instagramming my dinners and any related photos with the #wwfooddiary tag which I’ll also share on Twitter.  I’ll probably post some recipes that I’ve enjoyed and any treats that I’ve discovered that allow me guilt-free scoffing.  My first challenge is this week, so I’ll be blogging that very shortly.  If you want to join in (not necessarily with the WW program), I’m part of a merry band of rubbish (and not so rubbish) dieters on Twitter, we’re awesome and you can find us here.

To anyone else being a MASSIVE cliche this week, I salute you. xxx

Happy New Year

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 31 - 2012

Dear friends,

I wish you all the best that 2013 has to offer and I want to thank you for reading my words over the last twelve months, I really hope that you’ve enjoyed my efforts at entertainment.

I’m not sure what the next year will hold for lipglossiping.com (more makeup than you can shake an eyeliner brush at is my guess) but whatever I blog, I sincerely hope that you’ll be with me every step of the way – you enrich this experience and make it so very enjoyable for me.

Have a good one x

Wotcha! Christmas 2012! (photo heavy)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 30 - 2012

Did you have a good Christmas?  Did Father Christmas prove that you’d been a good girl this year?

I won’t apologise for my absense because it’s been a lovely – if unintended – break from the blog.  I couldn’t believe that it had been over a week since my last post when I checked last night and I got the immediate guilts before breaking into another packet of dry roasted peanuts (diet starts next week, thank god), reaching for the orange juice (and the vodka) and settling down to a late-night blast of GTA IV with my husband.  You see, before L came along – we loved nothing more than playing video games late into the night and it’s something that we don’t do anymore… until this Christmas.  Cue lots of bleary-eyed mornings with Leila jumping on the bed and us begging her for five-more-minutes.  Kids are the toughest nuts to crack, the gestapo wouldn’t have broken her resolve, so we’ll need to get back into our normal routines again very soon before we die of sleep deprivation!

But, it has been nice… and I can’t wait for next Christmas… (don’t shoot me!)

I said goodbye to my sister and her family a couple of days ago when they flew back to Australia, it always rips my heart out a little… she emigrated when I was 8, you’d think I’d be used to it by now, but I always get a bit melancholy over a sister/sister relationship that we’ve never been able to cultivate due to the distance (and the fact that I’m rubbish on the phone!)  Anyone else have a similar bittersweet Christmas experience when it comes to relatives?

Anyway, Christmas is all about kids and I hope that I managed to make Leila’s magical.  As a three year old, I feel that this is the first Christmas that she’s really understood and I’ve layed it on as thick as I could.  The best Christmas gift I can give her is that unadulterated Chrimbo excitement that will hopefully follow her into her adult years so that she can pass it on to her children one day.  Having said that, she did have a plate of cocktail sausages for her Christmas dinner, so it might not be quite as fully traditional as I’d hoped!

Here’s some photos from our first family Christmas in our new home together, the first I’d had away from my Mum and Dad in 31 years!

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Christmas nails with Butter London Knees Up and The Full Monty

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Slightly healthy mincemeat and apple pies (but only ‘cos I didn’t make enough pastry for lids!)

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Our first family Christmas tree!

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Our 2nd Christmas tree (a mini 3ft one for the sitting room)

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Our poundshop angel bought in panic when Leila decided life couldn’t continue without a tree angel after we’d bought a star *sigh*

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Our mini tree – the only one we could squeeze in the sitting room!

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Decs and cards!

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Reindeer in the New Forest

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Leila visiting a winter wonderland in the New Forest

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She wasn’t too keen on Father Christmas, cool threads though!

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It’s not Christmas without a dirty chicken tikka kebab…

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… and a few episodes of The Avengers! (especially “Too Many Christmas Trees”)

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Our bargain Christmas lamp from Tesco!

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Packing up the Christmas Eve box full of excitement-making goodies

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Christmas Pyjamas at my Mum and Dad’s house!

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Someone is excited!

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Don’t tell anyone, but we ran out of Mince Pies!  Father Christmas got the “pick” of the Celebrations box though…

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Nearly there!

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We might be family, but all niceties are off when it comes to bowling.


My Christmas ballerina.

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Christmas Dinner and Crackers!

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Leila’s new coat! (and Calamity Jane outfit + Christmas Jumper!)

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Christmas Dinner (pyrex jug for gravy = classy bird)

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onion rings = even classier bird, what?!?!

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Baileys in a Guinness glass…  I’ll just stop pretending now shall I?

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…and he did!

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No chimney here, thank God for magic keys!

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Merry Christmas from us xxx

Christmas Gift Guide-a-palooza: Doing it for the kids!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 21 - 2012

What with Christmas supposedly being for kids and all… I thought I’d better give them at least some kind of nod in this year’s gift guides. I mean, it’s not like they don’t get enough stuff bought for them ALL YEAR ROUND is it?!

I have been having a huge clear out of Leila’s toys in advance of the 25th December, and she won’t let me actually get rid of anything – we’re currently playing the game of moving things from one pile to the next as she pretends to fall in love (all over again) with the left leg that fell off her Poundland dolly I bought to keep her quiet at a wedding two years ago. I am losing the both the battle and the war.

Which is why, I’m very pleased to announce, that my kids/teens gift guide contains products that are either actually incredibly useful… or at least, completely use-upable.


01:  Oral-B PC600 Limited Edition Pink Power Toothbrush (£24.95)*

Since when has a toothbrush been anything other than indispensable?  We’re talking about kids/teens though…  so what do we do?  Give it a 3D cleaning, oscillating action with a two minute timer and it gets better.  Make it pulse at 7,600 rotations and 20,000 pulsations per minute and it’s looking quite tempting.  Paint it pink and put it in the half price sale at Superdrug?  SOLD.

02:  Paul Mitchell Kids Duo Gift Set Holiday 2012 (£15.75)

Kids have stupid hair don’t they?  If you’re not trying to flatten it down with a bit o’ spit – then you’re trying to stop it from soaking up the contents of the soup bowl.  Paul Mitchell have released this very cute kids duo containing: Baby Don’t Cry Shampoo 300ml and Taming Spray 250ml to make our lives easier when it comes to bath-time.  Even more importantly, check out the free rubber duck!

03:  Mason Pearson Bristle/Nylon Handy Brush (£47.50)

I was bought my MP brush when I was 2 years old, and I bought Leila’s MP brush when she was just over a year old.  You may have already read about my love affair with Mason Pearson brushes… but all I can say is that mine is still in daily service (despite how mangled it looks!) and Leila won’t be parted from hers either.  Escentual.com carry a really good range but my one tip would be to buy the nylon/bristle mix – the bristle is great for toddlers but at the price you pay for MP brushes, you really don’t want them to grow out of their brush too quickly.

04:  Benefit POREfect Radiance Skincare and Primer set (£6.34)*

What teenage girl wouldn’t like to open their stocking on Christmas morning and see a Benefit set looking back at them?  The Benefit POREfect Radiance Skincare and Primer Set is currently on offer on the Benefit website, although I don’t expect it to remain in stock for long!  Featuring, three skin-perfecting products including: The POREfessional (deluxe mini), It’s Potent! Eye Cream (deluxe mini), and Triple Performing Facial Emulsion SPF 15++ (deluxe mini). Grab it quick at this price!

05:  Soap and Glory Bubble Time (£18.00)

Leaving things to the last minute is hellish, so while you’ve still got time – set an alarm and head down to your nearest Boots store.  Talking of alarms, the Soap and Glory Bubble Time duo features a rather cool, retro-styled alarm clock!  But if your teenage daughter is all about the relaxation, she’ll be pleased to hear that the set also contains the brand’s Rich & Foamous Super Creamy Body Wash & Smoothie Star Deep Moisture Body Milk.  Bliss!

06:  LUSH Magic Wand Bubble Bar (£4.95)

When you swish upon a star, you’re guaranteed a bath-full of bubbles!  These reusable bubble bars are probably my favourite things of all time from the British brand.  They offer really great value you for money as your little Miss will get around 6/7 baths (or more) from each product.  Leila made her Easter carrot one last around 2 months!  Still missing that special stocking stuffer for your little princess?  At under £5, you just won’t beat this gift!

07:  Kaloo Lilirose Maxi Fluffy Set (£14.35)

Whilst you may not agree with scenting babies (they do smell rather lovely all by themselves), I’ve always scented Leila’s clothes in her drawers… I used to store my LUSH goodies in amongst her baby-grows and every so often, I give her cupboards a quick spritz of Kaloo Lilirose which is a very pretty, and importantly, delicate scent that’s completely hypoallergenic and alcohol-free.  It stops her from going gooey eyed over my perfumes and we enjoy a shared love of smelling “pretty”.  A perfect gift for little ladies, complete with fluffy soft toy.

08:  Weleda Mini Calendula Baby Starter Gift Kit (£12.99)

The Weleda Calendula range is a wonderful gift for new mothers and their tiny tots, the set features a comprehensive range of minis from the lineup including: 1 x 20ml Calendula Shampoo & Body Wash, 1 x 10ml Calendula Face Cream, 1 x 10ml Calendula Oil, 1 x 10ml Calendula Nappy Change Cream, and 1 x 10ml Calendula Baby Lotion.  If you’re not a fan of the high-street brands for baby-care, do check out this range – I still use the Weather Protection cream on both mine and Leila’s skin in this weather.


Phew, that’s the lot!  My 2012 Christmas Gift Guides are done-didded!  I hope you’ve been inspired or helped with the daunting task of buying a gift for that difficult someone! 

Or perhaps you’ve just enjoyed reading about some new ranges or products that you’ve never encountered before.  Have a wonderful Christmas, can you believe that the sales start in approximately 3 days?  Blimey.

* press sample

Hark the Hairold Angels Sing! LUSH brings (happy happy) joy to my bathroom!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 21 - 2012

Hair perfume. Hair what?! Hair perfume!

I’m sure you’re familliar with the idea of spraying your perfume onto your hair for a scent that follows you around like a haunting?

Well, this inventive conditioner from LUSH works on the same premise and uses your hair as the carrier for its wonderful scent.  And wonderful it is, a positively uplifting blend of neroli, rose, grapefruit, rosewood, orange flower absolute and benzoin that works really well now, but will work even better in Summer’s warmth.

LUSH Happy Happy Joy Joy

It’s not cheap… priced at £18 for 250g (which is about the size of a standard bottle of conditioner) but I fear that once you try it, you might be as hooked as I am. Unfortunately, it will be a habit that is ultimately too expensive for me to maintain – for one reason, and one reason only.  I have to wash my hair daily/once every 2 days at the least, I literally dream of being one of those women who wash and straighten their hair only once a week.  DREAM.  If you’re one, please tell me your secrets!

So, you see… I would need to purchase this fairly often… and I just can’t justify it.

LUSH Happy Happy Joy Joy

Conditioning properties? Well, it’s neither here nor there, it does the job – though not as well as some of my intensive conditioners… mind, this isn’t supposed to be an intensive conditioner – just an incredibly well-scented one.

I have found a cheeky solution though via the LUSH reviews on their website… the consistency of the conditioner is rather thin and after using my regular conditioner, I have been using just a little of the LUSH Happy Happy Joy Joy as a leave-in conditioner on the ends (I KNOW I PROBABLY SHOULDN’T!)  but my hair doesn’t seem to have suffered as a result and I get to use far less product.  If you hair is very fine, you may find that it weighs your locks down too much to do this.

Try and get a sample instore and see how it works for you.

LUSH Happy Happy Joy Joy Conditioning Hair Perfume is available to buy instore and online at lush.co.uk, priced from £9.00

* press sample

Christmas Gift Guide-a-palooza: Cosmetic Cravings…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 20 - 2012

Ahhh, it’s time for the pretties. As much as haircare, skincare, mancare, and all that other “care” is great… it’s these lovelies that rock my Christmas stocking. There’s nothing *quite* like un petit cadeau of cosmetics to put a smile on your face is there?

Even more enticingly, you can go a tiny bit wild with your choice without rocking the boat too much – introduce a friend to a red lipstick this year, go on – she’ll love you for it. And if not? Screw her… keep it for yourself.

Christmas Gift Guide-a-palooza: Cosmetic Cravings...

01:  Urban Decay Smoked 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil Set (£26.00)*

Smoke out any look with the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil Set and give your gift receiver a full choice of shades for every look.  There’s nothing too eccentric here, and all pencils will work brilliantly for neutral or smokey eye looks.  It’s a workhorse gift that she’ll never get tired of using.

02:  Bare Minerals Fired Up Face Palette (£36.00)

The most beautiful, plummy winter palette I’ve laid eyes on this year – isn’t she stunning?  Featuring four BareMinerals READY eyeshadows, one blush, a mini eye primer, mini eyeliner, and a mini lipgloss.  It’s a full-face palette that doesn’t mix up the creams and the powders (pet hate).  I only have one more thing to say: cute bag much?

03:  Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro (£25.00)

I have literally, been on tenterhooks waiting for the UK release of these since I heard about them last June.  Who doesn’t love the convenience of a great liquid lipstick?  And when it comes to gifting, you don’t get much more luxe than an Armani liquid lipstick.  I’ll admit that I haven’t swatched these myself yet, but if you’re looking for a tip – I’d bet on #504 being the one that will take you into Spring with a smile on the receiver’s face.

04:  Aerin Holiday Style Palette (£45.00)

Sold out from most retailers, the Aerin Holiday Style Palette contains some beautiful, soft, shimmering neutrals that seem to straddle the Winter/Spring divide with elegance.  This seven-colour palette from Estee Lauder’s granddaughter contains six eyeshadows and a highlighter to inject some luminosity in these days were there is none.  A real “girl” palette from a grown-up brand.

05:  Smashbox Studio Pop Palette (£36.00)

If you know someone who suffers from the age-old dilemma of always wearing the same look, day in, day out – treat them to the gift of variety with the Smashbox Studio Pop Palette.  Featuring 16 Photo Op Eyeshadows in a wide range of shades and four of the brand’s famous cream eyeliners, they’ll be spoilt for choice!

06:  NARS Andy Warhol Edie Set (£54.00)

Oh NARS, every year… at some point, you undo me.  My pennies sadly didn’t stretch to this wonderful Andy Warhol Edie Gift Set inspired by the inimitable Edie Sedgwick but for £54, you actually get quite a lot of bang for your buck here.  The set includes: Film Star Pure Matte Lipstick—60s nude pink, Edie Eyeshadow—cream with a little bit of shimmer, Carpates Eyeliner Stylo—black, and a mini Blush Duo in Deep Throat and Amour—flirty, sheer peach and peachy pink. Everything you need to create the “Edie” look.

07:  Illamasqua Lip Palette (£34.00)

Featuring four of Illamasqua’s best-selling lip shades in: Fable, Plunge, Over and Corrupt – this lip palette would be all you need to take on your summer holidays next year wouldn’t it?  That, and some fake tan of course!  A great gift for anyone even mildly obsessed with lip products.  Use the palette to mix and match your own new shade or stick to the tried and tested formulas for a perfect pout.

08:  ELF Small Stipple Brush (£3.75)*

Following on from the release of their larger stippling brush, ELF have unveiled a mini-counterpart!  This smaller brush is perfect for applying cream blusher to the apples of the cheeks, blending foundation around the nose area or smoothing out concealer to ensure a flawless finish.  For the price?  It makes an unbeatable stocking-filler.


Are you all prepared for Christmas?  One last gift guide coming up tomorrow – hope that you’ve been inspired my lovelies!

* press sample

China Glaze Igniting Love NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 20 - 2012

Awesome, red nail polishes rock my world – especially when they’re squishy jelly-cremes like this one.  China Glaze’s Igniting Love is on the warm side of neutral with those retro-leanings that can make or break a red – in this case, the shade has a strange combination of tomato-tones with a hint of pink, I think my photo picks this up quite well and it ensures that Igniting Love works really beautifully (if I do say so myself!) with my cool skintone.


The formula on this one was great, it applied smoothly and two coats was the perfect amount for an opaque finish.  The photo above shows the polish without a top-coat (hence the small amount of nail ridge that you can see on my middle finger), and although this polish doesn’t *need* a top coat per se, it really sings if you treat it to one.

China Glaze Igniting Love* is a perfect example of a super-bright red polish, the kind that will stop traffic.  Especially if you hold a stop sign in your hand whilst wearing it.  Um.

Available online, priced  from £6.95 at BeautyBay.com and www.thebeautypartnership.co.uk

* press sample

Christmas Gift Guide-a-palooza: Hair, there, and everywhere! (groan)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 19 - 2012


01: Instyler Rotating Iron in Purple 32mm (£99.99)

A revolving barrel and brush combo that promises to both smooth the hair and add shine as you pull the brush from root to tip. Potentially, the perfect solution for those who want both volume and smoothness.

02: Tangle Teezer Aqua Splash (£13.99)

The latest addition to the Tangle Teezer family which has been specifically designed for use in the shower. A hollow structure, “drying” feet, and the patented detangling design make this a great tool for combing through conditioning treatments.

03: Philip Kingsley Take Comfort Jet Set (£17.00)

Not a great choice for the secret Santas out there but if you know someone with a problem scalp, this is a great kit for providing a targeted solution. The kit contains three hard-working treatment-based formulas to soothe the itch and rebalance the scalp.

04: Charles Worthington Salon at Home Secrets Collection: Moisture Seal Overnight Hair Healer (£14.99)*

We all like to see results and Charles Worthington’s Salon at Home Secrets Collection promises tangible results after one application. The Overnight Hair Healer is a deeply moisturising treatment to help replenish, restore and nourish dry hair. Particularly good for coloured locks.

05: Percy & Reed Quintessential Quick Fix Travel Pack (£17.96)

Following on with the quick-fix theme, the Percy & Reed Quintessential Quick Fix Travel Pack offers a selection of travel-sized goodies to perk up your tresses without the palaver of changing your entire hair routine. Available online at Beauty Bay.

06: CHI Touch Screen Dryer (£150.00)

Know a gadget girl? if you thought that touch-screens were purely for smart phones, think again. Head to Urban Retreat’s Beautique for a gander at CHI’s Touch Screen dryer which offers a wealth of settings and configurations to ensure that you get the exact drying power and temperature that you need for your style.

07: Orgnx Brazilian Keratin Range (from £9.95)*

For barnets that are shamefully wilder than their owner’s, take comfort from the Orgnx Brazilian Keratin Line which promises to tame frizzy hair and leave it looking silky-smooth thanks to a blend of complex oils and proteins. The range includes shampoo, conditioner, serum and a 14-day treatment.

08: Stone Bridge Octopus Large Hair Claw (£16.50)

Every girl needs a great hair claw in her life, it’s the most reliable of hair tools that requires no fussing or coaxing to achieve a perfect updo in seconds. The Octopus Large Hair Claw promises to grip every strand with a uniquely clever design that’s both elegant and effective.

Tomorrow’s penultimate gift guide indulges in some of the most tantalising cosmetic cravings around…

* press sample

Red Lip Series: Guerlain Rouge G L’extrait in Orgueil

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 19 - 2012

There’s nothing like an impulse purchase to get your blood pumping. And this was nothing like an impulse purchase.

I umm’ed and ahh’ed over the Guerlain Rouge G L’Extrait(s) for a good few weeks before taking the plunge. As much as I adore a wonderful red lipstick, I wanted something a bit different to the usual red.

Once I saw a swatch of Orgueil worn by the beautiful Christine from Temptalia, I knew that I’d found my next prey!

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Guerlain Rouge G L'Extrait Orgueil_02

The packaging is as beautiful as you’d expect from something in the Guerlain Rouge G range. Sleekly-housed in a heavyweight silver case that works in a similar way to the Rouge G lipstick range, the mirror serves a genuinely useful purpose when it comes to applying product on the go.

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Guerlain Rouge G L'Extrait Orgueil_04

The formula is light and the pigment rich. It’s a fairly traditional liquid lipstick with a velvety texture and a softly matte finish once dry.

Longevity is good and transfer fairly minimal, especially if blotted softly a few minutes after applying. I was able to wear this through multiple drinks, and only needed to reapply a little in the centre if the lips after a meal.

As the day wore on, it began to feel slightly less comfortable so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this for those with extremely dry lips – but you probably know to steer clear of liquid lipstick formulas anyway…

Guerlain Rouge G L'Extrait Orgueil_05

The colour is beautiful. It’s rich, sumptuous, and velveteen with a luxurious depth. Vampy without crossing the line into gothic. A winter must-have.

Guerlains Rouge G L’Extrait in Orgueil is available to buy on counter (or cheaper online) at Escentual.com, priced at £26.55

Christmas Gift Guide-a-palooza: It’s not the size that matters…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 18 - 2012

They say that a little of what you fancy does you good, and there’s something rather lovely about a beautifully presented selection of mini treats.

Choosing a set of miniatures is a great way of exploring a new brand, getting a feel for the different formulas and scents before splashing big bucks on full-size versions. There’s definitely something to be said for a decent miniature set.

Here are the minis that have caught my eye this festive period…


1: Thierry Mugler Miniatures Gift Set (£31.00)*

Change up your signature scent with this wonderful coffret of four iconic Thierry Mugler masterpieces. The set includes: Angel Eau de Parfum (5ml), Womanity Eau de Parfum (5ml), Angel Eau de Toilette (3ml), and Alien Eau de Parfum (6ml). Each fragrance is individually boxed inside, making it perfect for stocking fillers too!

2: Espa Little Box of Calm (£12.50)

The ultimate in mini relaxation from Espa’s hard-working bath and body oil duo. Featuring a blend of myrrh, frankincense, ylang ylang, and sandalwood to revive and unwind. A perfect gift to treat overworked Mums!

3: Dr Hauschka Mini Rose Trio Gift Set (£8.95)

Come up smelling of roses with this stocking-filler from natural skincare brand Dr. Hauschka. This mini trio of antioxidant-packed goodies promises to be suitable for all skin types, leaving your skin feeling pampered. Perfect for a post-Xmas skin pick me up!

4: Bodhi Assemblage Bath & Shower Gift Set (£40.00)

Perfect for the gym bunnies in your life, the Assemblage Bath & Shower Gift Set is the ultimate shower treat for post-workout relaxation. The set includes seven 50ml shower gels from Bodhi’s indulgent range of botanical body care.

5: REN Moroccan Rose Otto Mini Gift Set (£16.20)

A great opportunity to gift the cult classic Moroccan Rose Otto to a special someone. The heavenly-scented set contains: Moroccan Rose Otto Body Wash, Moroccan Rose Otto Bath Oil, and Moroccan Rose Otto Body Cream – all in generous 50ml sizes.

6: Benefit Sexy Little Stowaways Gift Set (£25.00)*

If you’re buying for the girl who has everything, why not buy her a little bit of everything! Benefit’s Sexy Little Stowaways is a comprehensive selection of the brand’s best selling products. From lips to cheeks, eyes to skin – this set will make sure it’s got you covered.

7: Cowshed Limited Edition Mini Candle Collection (£16.50)

Know a wild cow? How about a knackered one… be honest, we all know a couple of moody moos don’t we? This lovely limited edition trio of candles from Cowshed contains a scent to suit all variety of bovine moods… just don’t let on that your recipient inspired you quite so literally!

8: Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint Minis (£15.00)

Introduce a friend to this luxury cosmetics line via their extremely good value-for-money set of Luminizing Moisture Tint Minis. An all-in-one skin solution that promises to moisturise, even, brighten, and protect all skintones. All for just £15 at Cult Beauty? It’s a mini miracle!

Hair today, gone tomorrow… but at least tomorrow’s gift guide will ensure Christmas disappears with a shiny swish!

* press sample

Face Lace Limited Edition Christmas Offerings and Giveaway!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 18 - 2012

The wonderfully inventive Face Lace have created two special sparkly and incredibly festive Christmas editions that are just perfect for your New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Would you like to win a full set?

Of course you would… be the belle of the ball all year round!

Not sure how to wear them? Check out this post for some inspiration.
To win a set of these beautiful, limited edition Face Laces, simply leave a comment and tell me your plans for New Years Eve!

I plan on getting a takeaway, a nice bottle of wine, and challenging my husband to some old-skool Grand Theft Auto!


This competition is open worldwide, one winner will be chosen at random and will receive the Face Laces pictured above / One entry per email address / Competition closes 26th December 2012 / Lipglossiping.com is the sole promoter and no personal details will be stored / If the winner fails to claim their prize within 5 days, I reserve the right to choose another winner.


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