FOTD – Spring Brights!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 2 - 2013

I don’t do pastels, I blend into the background enough without them thankyouverymuch.  I need some contrast in my life, and eyeliner… all of the eyeliner.  I don’t think I like this look but I do like my hair very muchly.  So much infact, that I sort of, kind of, want a loose perm.  But that’s exactly the kind of thing you want just before you get one and then regret it forever.

I’ll have to think on this more seriously.

FOTD - Spring Brights!

Ok, so the look is possibly a bit eighties, and not in a cool way.  As a nineties child, it’s pretty hard to think that anything about the eighties can really be considered cool when you were there first hand with the Speak and Spell to prove it.

My problem is that I struggle to think about a makeup look in its entirety, I just wake up and think “I want to wear BLUE EYELINER today (ooh, aren’t I bold!)”.  And then, 20 minutes later, my husband is rushing me out the door and I’m stood there… lip-less thinking “QUICK! What goes with blue, what goes with blue?!?!!”


And I grab the pinkest lipstick and blush that I can find.

Oh well, at least my skin looks good.

What was the last bold look you attempted?  Did it work out?


** edited to add list of products used

Face: Embryolisse Lait Creme Scintillant (the one with subtle gold sparkles), Ginvera BB Cream, Givenchy Mister Bright, My Face Paradisio Pink Blush

Eyes: Illamasqua Gaze Brow Powder, Yaby PP066 eyeshadow (worn as blue liner), Kiss Me Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner, Guerlain Maxi Lash Mascara

Lips: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Addis Ababa


Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2013

If I had a penny for every attempt I’ve ever made at making my beauty collection look both pretty and organised, I’d have at least eight pence.  I’ve given up trying because the two aspects of beauty storage appear to be mutually exclusive and I prefer knowing where everything is as opposed to getting stabby every morning while I look for an eyeliner.

Having said that, I know that many of you adore the pretty things in life and in all honesty, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything more pretty than this…

makeup storage dotcomgiftshop

OK, so it’s a cake stand (a very lovely cake stand) but can’t you just see it filled with bathroom beauties/nail polishes and the like?  It measures 43cm tall and contains three generously proportioned-yet-space saving baskets.  If I’m honest, the styling totally doesn’t fit with my decor even though I’m hugely tempted to get it as a fruit bowl.

And the best bit?  It’s currently only £8.95 (reduced from £23.95!) in the sale at DotComGiftShop.

Oh… go on then!

B. stands for beautiful but it reveals an ugly truth…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2013


It’s been brought to my attention by BeautyPulseLondon that the new B. range at Superdrug offers no base products for darker-skintones.  When Natalie first relayed her disappointment, I thought she must have been mistaken – I haven’t seen the products in person myself and simply assumed that a brand who openly boasts…

We’re here to give every woman the knowledge and tools to feel her most beautiful every day*.

Would never make such a ridiculous oversight.

Despite offering an impressive range of no less than five foundation products, the colour swatch shown above (taken directly from their website, HTML Code: #DCB18E) is as dark as it gets from an extremely limited five shade range.

Think on this….

It’s 2013, you’re a dark-skinned woman living in a multi-cultural society that likes to pat itself on the back for its tolerance of diversity and celebration of multi-ethnicity AND YET… AND. YET.  You can’t buy a foundation from one of the biggest and newest cosmetic lines at one of the UK’s largest high street beauty retailers?

Just how long is this bullshit going to continue?

* taken from their about page here

Lipstick Queen Bright Rose Sinner

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2013

Do you know what I like in a lipstick?  90% pigment.  Precisely what you get from the lipstick that I’m showing you today.

In the Lipstick Queen core lineup, the brand delivers two major formulations, Saint and Sinner.  Saint offers wearable shades, optimum moisture and 10% pigment.  Sinner presents all colour no filler, a formula that grabs you by the balls and says, “Hey, if you don’t wear me… you ain’t got none.” Oh, and 90% pigment.

You see, it’s not that I don’t like sheer lipsticks, it’s just that if I go to the trouble of wearing one, I do like to be able to see it from 400 paces.

Lipstick Queen Bright Rose Sinner

Housed in devilish red and black card-backed packaging, the lipstick appears quite unassuming in the tube.  Sure the colour is there but we all know that appearances can be deceptive and that it’s hit or miss as to whether what you see in the bullet translates to the lips.

The Lipstick Queen Sinner line endows a what-you-see-is-what-you- get philosophy… take Bright Rose* for example….

Lipstick Queen Bright Rose Sinner

and on the lips…

Lipstick Queen Bright Rose Sinner

No shimmer, no gloss, just pure almost-matte colour that belies its creamy formula. The beauty of this formula is that you don’t need to grind the bullet into your lips or apply coat after coat to achieve head-turning pigmentation, it’s just there from the start. Sure, it’s not the most moisturising lipstick in the world but I certainly wouldn’t class it as a lip-cracker, I own (literally) a hundred lipsticks that are less comfortable to wear, it’s just not hydrating than this one.

Longevity is good, around 4/5 hours before it needs a little touch up, sooner if you eat… fade can be a little unflattering, as with most bright lipsticks and is worth keeping in mind.  A beautiful lipstick from an inspiring lipstick designer.

Lipstick Queen Sinner in Bright Rose is available instore and online at SpaceNK, £18.00

* press sample

New skincare & makeup range B. launch at Superdrug

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2013

In recent years, Superdrug have been ahead of the game with some great budget beauty launches. From MUA Cosmetics to FashionistA, Look Beauty to Accessorize, there’s always something new to check out with the confidence that our wallets won’t suffer too heavily as a result.

The latest beauty launch at Superdrug is from a brand simply titled B., a name which I’m certain will ensure a total nightmare when it comes to searching the web for products and reviews.

The range is comprehensive and includes face products, nail polish, and skincare.  Don’t be fooled into thinking this is just a tween brand either… a quick look at some of the skincare products tells me that they’re casting a much, much wider net over their potential audience with products ranging from B. Quick 4-in-1 Cleansing Wipes to B. Flawless Targeted Wrinkle Filler which you choose according to your “skin phase”.

New skincare & makeup range B. launch at Superdrug

A small selection of the colour cosmetics currently available from B.

When it comes to colour, the brand are set to make an impact on our cosmetic bags.  Not afraid to keep up with the competition, the brand will be offering their own BB Cream, Colour Corrector, Pure Micellar Water, Gel Eyeliner, and a full range of foundation and primers.  Each store will have a trained point of sale personnel to advise consumers on making their choices from this new brand and I for one, cannot wait to see the feedback on this new high street addition.

Have you spotted anything from the new range that takes your fancy?

The new range lands instore at Superdrug from the 1st of February, is available to buy online now (and is also available to view online at

China Glaze Avant Garden Collection (and a link to Hologlam swatches!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 30 - 2013

Spring is sprung, the grass is ris. I wonders where the birdies is?

China Glaze have released their latest 12-piece Avant Garden Spring 2013 collection, comprising of two halves.  One, distinctly pastel and the other… an altogether brighter affair.

China Glaze Avant Garden Collection

Pastel Petals

The Pastel Petals (shown above) feature six soft shades including:

Life is Rosy: blushed mauve
Pink-ie Promise: iridescent baby pink
Tart-y for the Party: light lavender creme
Fade Into Hue: periwinkle creme
Keep Calm, Paint On: sea foam green
Dandy Lyin’ Around: shimmery vanilla icing

China Glaze Avant Garden Collection

Blooming Brights

The other half of the collection is comprised of six brighter shades, known as the Blooming Brights and includes:

Budding Romance: moss green
Sunday Funday: bright blue
Fancy Pants: indigo with pink and purple shimmer
Snap My Dragon: bright red with pink shimmer
Passion for Petals: bright salmon-pink
Mimosas Before Manis: coral with a light wash of shimmer

Are any of these pretties calling to you?  I’m tempted by Fade Into Hue (can’t get enough periwinkle!) and Tart-y for the Party but I can’t say the bottle shots are knocking my socks off.  So, their Tranzitions collection was a disaster (trust me, I have a sample that I can’t even bring myself to assault your eyes with) and their Spring collection is uninspiring… you know what’s next though don’t you?

OMG HOLOGLAM *runs around, multiple flails* (and they’ve been swatched already!)

Roll the hell on Summer 2013!

If lady luck has been bypassing you on her mission to make everyone feel more blessed, take refuge in the beauty department at Liberty tomorrow where you’re guaranteed to prosper.  The iconic London department store is launching an exclusive Liberty Beauty Lottery extravaganza, and for once in our lives, we’re all winners.

Every customer who spends over £65 will be given an exclusive Beauty Lottery Scratch Card which will reveal an instant (sur)prize…

Say goodbye to gambling, everyone's a winner with the Liberty Beauty Lottery.

Infact, there are over 3,000 full-sized products to give away and scratch cards will continue to be issued until the last free product has left the store, clutched tightly in the hands of its “lucky” recipient.

Prizes include: Molecule 01 100ml, Diptyque Philosykos 50ml, Dr Sebagh Serum Repair, Frederic Malle Candle, Egyptian Magic cream, Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser, Kiehl’s Crème de Corps 125ml, Margaret Dabbs manicure, NARS Laguna The Multiple, ESPA Hydrating Cleansing Milk, Bobbi Brown long wear gel liner, Chantecaille Le Stylo, Magnesium Flakes, Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel, Aromatherapy Associates Enrich Body Serum, Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil 150ml, ReVive Microdermabrasion Renewal System, Liberty Rose Shower Gel, Liberty Print large washbag and Cowshed Grumpy Cow Body Lotion.

This is one streak of good fortune you won’t want to leave to chance.  Starts tomorrow at Liberty!

Red Lip Series: Clarins Rouge Eclat #107 Red Wine

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 30 - 2013

Not another wine lipstick I hear you say!

Well sorry chaps, my infatuation is far from over.  Not only that but today brings another Clarins offering, similar but (at the same time) quite, quite different from the Clarins Rouge Prodige that I showed you last week.

Unlike the Rouge Prodige, the colour of this one when applied is as you would expect from looking at the bullet, there are no shade surprises here.  The new range of Rouge Eclat lipsticks offer what Clarins claim to be their first age-defying formula that boosts collagen and protects against dehydration.

From reading the blurb, you’d expect to find a super-glossy lipstick with a slippery formula and incredibly light texture, not so.  I found this Rouge Eclat to offer more substance, a firm texture and a pigmented finish.  There’s enough slip to keep it feeling comfortable but no more than is strictly necessary.  Something which affords the lipstick greater longevity, in other words… you’re not sacrificing a long-lasting lipstick for greater hydration.

Red Lip Series: Clarins Rouge Eclat #107 Red Wine

The packaging is frankly, a bit of a disappointment. It reminds me of Bourjois Sweet Kiss in terms of styling but without the nifty opening mechanism.  Basically, it’s not up to Clarins’ usual luxe standards, too much acrylic and not enough gold.  When you do something so well Clarins, keep doing it!

The scent is the same across the line of lippies, quite pronounced… fruity, I’ve always called it fig… Clarins call it blackberry & liquorice(!) so never trust a fragrance review from me ever again.

Red Lip Series: Clarins Rouge Eclat #107 Red Wine

#107 Red Wine* leans to the cooler side of the spectrum with a distinctly mauve edge, it’s quite a vampy choice for Spring but looks beautiful when patted onto the lips more lightly than in the swatch above.

Overall, the Rouge Eclat lineup fills a niche within the brand’s current range but I was less impressed with the packaging and I wasn’t entirely sold on this shade.  Emma from Escentual has done some great arm swatches of the range and I have to say, #05 Pink Berry and #08 Coral Pink look like cracking shades for Spring.

Clarins Rouge Eclat #107 Red Wine is available to buy on counter, priced at £18.50 and online from, priced at £14.80

* press sample

Guerlain Cils d’Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 29 - 2013

Lash lines.  Is it just me, or are they getting a little bit silly?  I’m all for a bit o’ flutter but what is with the false lash ALL OF THE TIME trend that I’m seeing everywhere?  It genuinely catches me by surprise when I’m in the supermarket, rooting around for my loyalty card, only to look up at and be greeted by a pair of ridicu-lashes courtesy of the cashier.  Nothing else, just lashes… the face is completely obscured by a pair that look like they’ve come straight out of Priscilla’s desert.

It’s about finding balance.  Sure, I don’t want “au naturel” lashes, if I did… I’d go and buy Maybelline Great Lash and maybe after seven coats I’d have something that resembled me not wearing any mascara.  I want volume, definition and a bit of lengthening.  Curl is always an added bonus.

Guerlain Cils d'Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara

Guerlain Cils d’Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara

Guerlain have released a new mascara: Cils d’Enfer… or “lashes from hell” as the literal translation suggests.  Not quite sure where they’re going with that one but thankfully Cils d’Enfer* produces rather lovely, non-hellish lashes.  The packaging is interesting, when I first picked it up, I expected it to feel much weightier… it looks chunkier than it is.  Perhaps I’m so used to my gorgeous Guerlain lipsticks that I expected something similar in feel.

Guerlain Cils d'Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara

A standard-looking brush with fibre bristles

The brush is your standard old-skool bristle affair, the brand have focused the majority of effort into perfecting the formula of this mascara, the press release states:

The secret is in the combined action of three remarkable polymers.  The first one wraps the lashes in extremely adherent oils, coating and thickening the lashes.  The second one, made with supple waxes, acts like a conditioner, softening the lashes so you can sculpt them into just the right shape and style.  The last one forms a thin film, coating the lashes to trap the wax and set the amazing curve.

Guerlain Cils d'Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara

Va Va Voom lashes (on the right obv!)

The formula glides through my lashes nicely and does indeed coat them evenly with the minimum of effort on my part.  The above photo shows one coat, I did go back in for more but you need to be careful about clumping as this one definitely leans more toward the dramatic rather than the natural look.  I think that with the aid of a metal lash comb, you could achieve some serious party lashes from this product.  For me?  One coat is plenty.

I appreciate the inky black pigment and the fact that it doesn’t leave little splodges attached to the tips of my lashes.  It also dries rapidly, ensuring that only the most of violent of mid-application sneezes will catch me out.  I don’t have terribly watery eyes but didn’t experience any longevity issues, transfer or flaking… and you would think not, Guerlain’s Cils d’Enfer is priced at £22.00 – a premium price, for a premium product.

Guerlain Cils d’Enfer is available on counter now in two shades, 01 Noir and 02 Violet.

* press sample

Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s day, it’s an event that’s pretty much unmissable in terms of marketing and hype.  A walk down the high street from mid-January is all you need to be reminded of how much of a little shit Cupid actually is.  He’s not the most endearing figure from Roman mythology is he?  I mean… for one thing, what’s with the nappies?  Does falling in love make you incontinent?  I know it certainly makes some people sprout a load of crap… but that’s from their mouths.

When I was little, my Dad would send me a Valentine’s card each year… but I became pretty high-maintenance about the effort he had to put into deceiving me that my card had actually come from a secret admirer.  It’s no surprise he stopped sending me them when I reached my tween years and discovered that my solitary valentine’s card had been postmarked from his workplace for the last few years.  Having your card sent from a category B men’s lifer prison is enough to make you not want to take it into school to show your friends.

As for now, we don’t really do Valentine’s day.  That is to say… I tell my husband that I think it’s a load of old crap because he does lovely things for me throughout the year.  Then my husband doesn’t do anything for Valentine’s day and I don’t talk to him for the rest of February because he didn’t buy me anything.  It works for us.

Here are some bits and bobs that have been catching my eye in the run up to V-day.  I suggest printing them off and drawing a massive red circle around anything you want (preferably in your partner’s blood) before leaving it taped to the front door (both sides).  Taking such precaution may ensure that you at least end up with some flowers from the local Esso garage.


01: Ladyshape Intimate Shaping Tool, for err… shaping your “lady”.  The only reason I’d do this would be to see the look of confused WTFery from my husband.  We’ve been together for 12 years, he would not be expecting this.  He would point, I would laugh, we’d all have a nice cup of tea and I’d spend the next seven days scratching. (£12.99,

02: Avon Perfect Kiss Lipstick*.  Currently on sale, this well-received range of full-cover lipsticks from Avon offers the full rainbow of Valentine’s appropriate lip shades.  From Berry Smooch to Lovey Dovey Pink, Naughty Nude to Red Embrace, even the shade names are getting in on the act!  (£4.99,

03: Be Mine Lip Balm Trio.  You don’t usually get much change from a fiver nowadays when picking up gifts but this little trio of lip-smoothing balms should get your pout ready for some kissing action.  (£3.00,

04: Saving those pennies from my last selection will ensure that you have plenty left to pick up the ultimate Valentine’s gift.  You can’t beat the iconic Swizzel’s-Matlow Giant Love Hearts when it comes to romancing your beau… apart from maybe a sunrise jaunt in a hot air balloon over Paris, complete with Krug Grand Cuvée but who’s got time for that?!  Seriously though, nothing leaves behind a sweeter taste than saying I Love You with 30g of sugar per roll.  Yum.  (£0.35, everywhere!)

05: Fluttering lashes go hand-in-hand with hearts that are all of a flutter no?  What greater excuse do you need to customise your next purchase of YSL’s best-selling False Lash Effect mascara with a Swarovski crystal heart.  Still not convinced you need this extra sparkle in your life?  How about when I tell you that you can get this bespoke addition for no extra cost… available from February.  (£23.50, selected YSL counters at Selfridges, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Fenwicks, Brown Thomas and Fraser’s)

06: Ahh la rose.  The quintessential flower of love.  The problem with a dozen roses is that it’s not long before the flower’s fresh scent changes from ravishing to rancid once the petals begin to droop.  Prolong the good-feeling with this beautiful limited edition candle from Diptyque.  The Rose Duet, so-called because of its marriage of two wonderful fragrances in one candle (Rose and Baies) will ensure that the scent continues to linger perhaps even longer than the relationship (harsh!) (£42.00, instore and online at

07: Looking a lot like a pencil tips/gold-dipped Madonna boob hybrids, these From Dusk Til Dawn massage bars* from LUSH offer a convenient excuse for a foot rub.  Or a back rub.  Or a bum rub.  Whatever floats your boat.  They smell delicious in a just-stepped-out-of-the-orange-grove kind of way and leave behind a subtle sheen on the skin.  They melt beautifully and I don’t mind admitting that I prefer to use these solo while I’m still warm from the shower, as Charlie from LadyoftheLane advised me, they’re brilliant for dry shins! (£4.95,

08: M&S have released a few makeup cuties just in time for Valentine’s Day.  The Limited Collection Multi Blush* features a variety of pink-hued blush hearts compressed into a single pan to deliver a rose-tinted flush to cheeks.  Sparkle, flush and glow get it (ho ho ho) from your nearest store.  (£6.00,


Will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day?  And how much of a diva-strop do you throw if you get nowt?

* press sample

Jimmy Choo FLASH, launches nationwide today.

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 28 - 2013

After enjoying a fortnight-long exclusive at Debenhams, the latest fragrant release from Jimmy Choo, FLASH launches nationwide today.  The story behind the scent supposedly begins with the thrill and anticipation of getting ready for a big night out, a strange premise for a fragrance but something that is undoubtedly relatable for many young women.

Jimmy Choo’s creative directors Sandra Choi and Simon Holloway explain the vision:

“FLASH is about the cool rush of excitement and the sense of power a woman feels when dressed in a pair of sexy shoes.  Its character, which is both heady and effervescent, captures this perfectly”.

Well, I don’t know about all that, but then again… I’m not really a “shoe” girl… handbags? maybe… lipstick? definitely.


I do know that I love a sexy bottle when I see one, and this is indeed a sexy bottle, though I do wish for a little more weight to the lid.  The styling is supposed to be reminiscent of a paparazzi flash bulb/chandelier… but I’m wondering if the designers have ever seen an off-camera flash bulb?  If mine looked as sexy as this bottle, I’d taking pictures of it rather than with it.  Nevertheless, the fragrance is undoubtedly dressed in a tactile, display-friendly way.

As for the juice inside, described by the press release as a “solar floral”, which I think is supposed to describe an amped-up floral, injected with lights, excitement, effervescence and ultimately action.  For which, I can translate…. pepper.  Lots of pink pepper, the note that says “I may be a perfume for girls but check me out ‘cos I’m not too girly” which is no bad thing seeing as I prefer perfumes that aren’t actually for girls but this note does indeed add a hit of spiciness to the florals, albeit in the girliest of androgynous ways possible.

The white flowers keep the scent smelling incredibly clean from start to finish, injecting the whole affair with plenty of airiness making this a perfectly-timed release for Spring.  The effervescence in the opening moments reminds me somewhat of a subtle juniper with its crisp freshness albeit without the gin (this makes sense in my head).  I’m guessing that the pink pepper is doing something naughty with the strawberry (which I strangely can’t smell!) and that this is what is evoking an instant impression of juniper.

As the fragrance dries down, it becomes smoother and more sensual but without becoming creamy or sweet.  The woody notes soften the edges and give the florals a base in which to plant their roots without losing any of their femininity.

Jimmy Choo’s FLASH is a nicely done perfume that offers no real surprises but remains true to itself from start to finish.  What my nose smells (and my brain interprets) doesn’t really gel with the marketing or the whole “getting ready for a night out” vision, I get no high-octane, adrenalin-pumping, hedonism as the blurb suggests.  Instead, what I take away from Christine Nagel’s creation is a far more sophisticated (read: classy), wearable, and ultimately likeable concoction.  Oh, and did I mention the rather impressive staying power?

I absolutely recommend giving this one a passing-sniff, I think it will prove very popular.

Jimmy Choo FLASH is available on counters nationwide, priced from £36.00 for 40ml. 

* press sample

Weight Watchers, a typical Weight Watchery Day!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 28 - 2013

Of course, every day is a Weight Watchery day (except for those days when I fall headfirst into a takeaway pizza and tell no-one about it but we’ll ignore those), however I was recently challenged to share my typical day and the kind of obstacles I might encounter along the way, tempting me into the path of calorific catastrophe.

I’m quite lucky in so far as, I work from home.  I don’t have to pass a thousand Starbucks on my way in to work.  Krispy Kreme and Cornish Pasty Co. stands are figments of my dreams rather than daily obstacles that need to be dodged.  Thank god, I can only imagine how unhealthy I would be if I had to run the typical commuter gauntlet on a daily basis.  That being said, my life is not devoid of temptation… my mother is a one-woman army of home-cooking that needs “testing” within twenty seconds of stepping foot inside her home.  And my husband?  Well, his name is Paul and he’s addicted to Haribo.

I’m allowed 29 points a day on the Weight Watchers plan.  That’s plenty enough to create a filling meal plan but you do need to be creative.  If you think that genuine hunger (and I mistake thirst for hunger many, many times throughout the day) will be a problem for you, you need to get clever about planning your meals, and this takes both dedication and time.

Pulling some images from my instagram, where you can keep up with 90% of my eats (I’m sorry), here’s what a typical day looks like for me food-wise.


My biggest struggle is this little meal that you’re supposed to eat upon waking, in order to break the fast of the night.  I hate breakfast.  I’m never hungry in the mornings and if anything, I always feel that eating breakfast makes me desperate for moar food as the morning progresses.  The key to a successful breakfast for me is finding something that is going to sustain me because once that fast is broken, there ain’t no going back.

Porridge with dried fruit and agave syrup, a banana, and a cup of tea (7 Propoints)

You can forget your miniscule portions of packet cereal, have you seen how much 30g actually is? I could snort that amount quicker than it takes me to pour it out of the packet.  Porridge is where it’s at on a cold morning… the only problem is making it edible.  I always make mine with water, in the microwave… adding a splash of milk at the end.  I bulk it up with some dried or frozen fruit (added before cooking) and a drizzle of agave syrup or a tsp of demerera sugar.  I also allow myself 50g dry weight.  That’s more than most plans allow but if I don’t fill myself up, I start to think about lunchtime far too early!

If I’m not eating porridge for breakfast, then you’ll usually find me chomping on a Weight Watcher’s branded bagel (they’re smaller, hence I eat less) with low-fat cream cheese and smoked salmon, or the same topping… but on an English muffin, or a Warburton’s Thin (as shown below).


Warburton’s Thin with butter, low fat cream cheese, and smoked salmon (and lots and lots of black pepper! 7 Propoints)

I’m a bit too lazy for cooked breakfasts to be honest.


Weight Watchers Beef Lasagne (7 Propoints)

I’ve stopped having these (or any calorie-controlled ready meal) for dinner because they don’t fill me up enough without a mountain of bread/salad to go alongside.  Instead, a ready meal (doesn’t have to be WW branded, Tesco do some good ones with the Propoints displayed on them) makes for a perfect lunchtime meal that doesn’t distract me too much from working.  The downside to working from home, as you can imagine, are the numerous distractions and one of my worst habits is leaving the computer to go and fix myself some lunch… before returning three hours later.  Slinging one of these in the microwave removes the temptation to do the washing up or throw a load of washing in the machine, convenience… can be good!

Alternatively, I’m not that great with my lunchtimes yet.  My next mission is to make myself some batches of soup but my freezer is too full at the moment to store them!  Other lunches include this sort of thing, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not the most inspiring meal on a plate:


Random medley of scrounged food (6 Propoints)


Dinner is what it’s all about.  I grew up in a family where both parents worked, dinnertime (never “teatime” in our house) was the only point in the day where we’d all see one another.  We also usually had it quite late in the evening, around 7-7.30pm and nearly always consisted of a one-pot affair.  Chilli con carne, spaghetti bolognese, curry… the sort of food that could feed an indiscriminate number of children, one of us would always bring a “hanger-on” home with us!

Nowadays, I try to have my main meal earlier in the day, sometimes I swap lunch for dinner (and have it at 4pm with a snack in the evening).  If you follow my instagram feed, you may have noticed that one of my favourite meals is…


…sausages! Sausages (Tesco Light Choice Cumberland), green beans, yorkshire pudding, butternut squash and gravy (10 Propoints)

Or sometimes, I like to save up my points and be a bit naughtier…


Rump steak (cooked in garlic butter), fried onion, egg-white coated chips, oven-baked mushroom, and salad (11 Propoints)

I usually try and hold off having a pudding for at least an hour after my evening meal.  I eat my food far too quickly… and often don’t feel full until a good twenty minutes after I’ve put my knife and fork down.  Leaving a delay between dinner and pud ensures that I actually enjoy my dessert and that I’m not just eating it for “eatings” sake.  As for what I have… I won’t put pictures in because it’s nothing amazing but I’ll alternate between: Meringue nest with grapes/pineapple and WW greek yogurt (2 Propoints), slow cooker rice pudding with jam (4 Propoints a portion), or a big bowl of sorbet (2 Propoints).  As the Summer nears, I’ll be stocking up on Solero Exotic Explosions (3 Propoints each), and Mini Milks (1 Propoint).

Now… as for obstacles, like I say… I don’t have too many… but we did go to the cinema a couple of weeks ago for Mr. L’s birthday and I couldn’t have done without smuggling in a couple of packets of these from Boots:


Boots Shapers Maple Popcorn (2 Propoints) – you can see how big the bag is compared to the size of my thumb, it’s very generous!

And as for missing a coffee treat when we’re out shopping… well, I don’t.  I just ask for a tall skinny caramel macchiato w/sugar-free syrup (I always emphasise SF syrup) for 3 Propoints, instead of something like the equivalently sized tall signature hot chocolate which I believe is a whopping 11 Propoints.  Yeah, take a look at the steak picture again, that’s 11 Propoints too!

Alternatively, if you’re at home… you could treat yourself to something like this…


I bought my syrup just before Christmas and next time would go for a sugar-free Davinci or Sweetbird coffee syrup.  Either way: kettle, coffee syrup, favourite instant blend and a dash of milk and you can make your own ghetto Starbucks.  Kinda.

Hope this post has given you some ideas about the sort of food I eat on the plan.  Our environment is geared up to feeding us convenience at a high cost in calories.  Waking up to this fact and being vigilant (though not militantly so!) about it is the key to finding a balance that works for you.  There’s no real restrictions other than an initial daily point guide and subsequently what you impose upon yourself with this plan but you do quickly find yourself realising that an 11 point hot chocolate is not the best way to “spend” your daily allowance.

The plan works for me, it’s not actually rocket science… it’s just a simplified method (once you get the hang of it) for calculating your food’s nutritional values, opening up your eyes to the healthy and filling options that will keep you sustained for longer (i.e. low GI), and encouraging ways to help you make the right choices over the wrong ones.

If you have any questions or tips on foods you think I might enjoy discovering, please let me know in the comments!

* I am a Weight Watchers blog ambassador and my links to their website are affiliated.  I have received no payment for this post.


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