The Lipstick League – week of 27.5.13

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 1 - 2013

Question of the Week – Are there any beauty products that receive a lot of hype but don’t work for YOU?

lipstickleague - final

Answer – YES! I’m just about to blog about one in particular… keep your eyes peeled for Monday’s post.

Pink Sith – Afraid of commitment? The Perlier 8-piece Mini Shower Cream and Body Balm Set will help you decide on just the right scent for your luxury bath & body needs.

Prime Beauty – discovers three little innocent looking glosses that have a power she can’t resist from Votre Vu!

Phyrra – asks, wondering how you can carry your camera in style? Phyrra shows you the Kelly Moore B Hobo bag – the best handbag for beauty and fashion bloggers!

Vampy Varnish – ready to create your Bronzing Wardrobe? Check out all eight of the Too Faced Bronzers and see which ones might suit you best!

we heart this – asks “wanna win a $150 Shopbop gift card courtesy of Nivea? Answer: Duh!

Beauty Junkies Unite – Every day is a summer holiday with these gorgeous new nail lacquers from the new butter LONDON Summer Holiday Collection!

Clumps of Mascara – adores Josie Maran and is happy to see that she’s added some shimmer to her products. Look at thaaaat!

Gouldylox Reviews – I’m wondering, where do you prefer to shop for makeup, Ulta or Sephora? Tell me, please!

Lipglossiping – favours the florals this week with a look at four of her favourite violet-noted fragrances.

My Beauty Bunny – Need to get your skin into summer shape? We’ve got a set of Nourish Organic Body Washes to Giveaway in four delicious scents; Almond Vanilla, Fresh Fig, Lavender Mint and Wild Berries.

Nouveau Cheap – puts the newest jumbo eye pencils from CoverGirl to the test. Come find out if the Flamed Out Shadow Pencils are worth your hard-earned pennies…

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Pink Sith – Another Canadian blogger has captured my heart! This time it’s Sheila from the *Maddy Loves blog. She caught my attention with information and pictures of the Chanel Fall 2013 collection and kept my attention with her great selection of reviews.

Starting out? Build your stash without splashing the cash!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 31 - 2013

Are you developing a love for makeup? Perhaps you’re taking the first steps into building a portfolio of colours and textures that you love but you’re apprehensive about wasting a ton of money? Let me help your build your stash without splashing (too much) cash!

It can be hard to find a secure footing amongst the myriad of beauty products at your disposal. A full spectrum of shades, although useful… can be intimidating to anyone new to the world of beauty.

I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of makeup that I’ve passed on to friends and family over the years, I must have wasted hundreds upon hundreds of pounds in the never-ending quest of finding my happy-ever-after products. I’m not there yet, but I can advise you against a number of pitfalls that you might encounter along the way.

Grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let me guide you through the trials and tribulations of feeding your makeup addiction.

Do your research

Believe it or not, when I started building my makeup arsenal, beauty blogs simply didn’t exist (quelle horreur!) I had to rely on magazines telling me that Maybelline Great Lash would do epic things for my lashes… can you even imagine?!

Needless to say, when it comes to trends and aspirational imagery, mags are hard to beat… but when it comes to how products work on real skin, blogs and forums are the way forward. Do your research.

Nowadays, there are a billion (and one) beauty blogs at your disposal and most are getting pretty savvy with their search engine optimization. A simple query into Google should throw up some useful results about most products but don’t forget to dig deep.

build your stash

explore all search options

Once Google has returned your standard search results, expand on this by searching “discussions”, “blogs”, and “images” to ensure that you get the full lowdown on the product you’re interested in purchasing.

It doesn’t take long to do some sleuthing on a product before purchasing and I rarely regret a purchase that I’ve checked out online beforehand. Infact, almost all of my regretful purchases come from that impulsive urge that grabs at my purse at won’t let go!

Take a look at what you already own

You might expect me to tell you not to purchase shades that you already own. Nuh uh, not me. I’m one of many “queens of taupe” in the blogging world, which basically means… me and taupe, we got a ‘thang’ going on.

Do I regret owning 30 subtle variations of the same shade? Do I hell, I love each and every one of them. It’s those hot pinks I like looking at but never wearing that need trimming from my collection.

build your stash

taupe, beautiful taupe

The thing is, we’re creatures of habit us humans. We know what we like and generally, we stick to it. Why fight it? If you know that you love green eyeshadow and wear the shade daily, stock up in different textures. Buy what you will use the most and don’t be ashamed to do so.

Just be mindful of becoming an obsessive hoarder… you don’t want your cat to dig your dead body out of your collection of purple eyeshadows one day. Not cool.

When trying something new, go cheap

There are so many wonderful sources of cheap makeup online nowadays, you simply don’t need to rush to your local NARS counter to make that initial purchase.

If you’re wanting to dabble in red lips… don’t start off with MAC’s Ruby Woo. Yeah, yeah it’s an iconic shade that every red-lip lover must own before they can even call themselves a makeup fan. Pfft. You won’t be saying that if it turns out you look like Ronald McDonald on acid with anything bolder than “subtle rose” on your lips will you?

For me, as much as I feel like I surely need to own the classic MAC Vegas Volt… I really, really, don’t. You know how I know this? Every. coral. lipstick. ever.

build your stash

ELF Studio Matte Lip Color in Coral

If you find yourself hankering after a high-end, uber lustworthy piece of makeup, do the sensible thing and search for dupes first.

Ok, this advice isn’t so pertinent if you know that the broad shade range is a good match for your skin-tone (coral is so unkind to me!) but still, you hear what I’m saying. Once you’ve got that dupe down, head for the cheapie sites. Cheap Smells, Fragrance Direct, ELFCosmetics, you know the score… then once you’ve filled your basket with the shades you’ve been desperate to try? Who’s gonna bat an eyelid if you add one or two extras to broaden your makeup-loving horizons.

Ace your face

Ask yourself this simple question: What is it that you actually need?

Grab an empty makeup bag and plan your face from base to finish. Where are the holes in your collection? Which aspects of your finished look are letting you down?

This is a question that you can ask yourself regardless of how developed your stash is. For me, I still need to pay attention to priming my face instead of blaming an unsatisfactory outcome on a rogue foundation.

I know, that if I put more effort into providing my base products with some solid groundwork, I can improve their performance by 50% easily. Be realistic.

build your stash

Lanolips, I’m not worthy!

Are you blaming your dehydrated lips on your latest lipstick purchase? Perhaps instead, you should blame them on your lips! I could never wear a matte lipstick before I discovered Lanolips.

Nowadays I fully take it for granted that I can wear whatever the hell I want on my lips so long as I prepare them adequately and keep them nourished with the proper products.

I think that it’s often a lot easier to lay the blame for a disappointment on the cosmetic than it is on your own beauty routine. Be honest with yourself and make resolving any underlying issues with your skincare a priority. In the end, your bank balance will thank you for it.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

I’ve said this so many times before, but if you’re shopping a counter… please don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. I know, you know, we all know that the beauty hall can be a scary place but it’s the job of sales assistants across the world to assist you in your purchases.

Sure, they’re there to make sure you purchase as much as your bank manager can handle before going into a meltdown but more often than not, they also have some nifty tools at their disposal to genuinely give you the best advice possible.

build your stash

an Elemis Facial Assessment

One of the most useful things I’ve ever done was have a skin assessment at an Elemis counter. With the help of some high-tech machinery and a knowledgeable sales assistant, I learnt more about my skin in 20-minutes that I’d managed to self-deduce in a decade. It really changed how I viewed my skin, and cemented an action plan that I still work from to this day.

How much did it cost me? Nothing, apart from the obligatory guilt-purchase from using up the SA’s time (about £14).

The same goes for less high-tech offerings such as a professional eye for a foundation colour-match.

Sure, there are numpty sales assistants out there who’ll swear blind that your NW15 skin looks great in shade TANGO but shop around carefully and you’ll get some great advice from some properly trained and truly talented makeup artists. Not only that but you’ll pay a 10th of the cost for the privilege were you to hire the exact same people to do your special occasion makeup.


I hope this helps you explore some nifty ways on how to build your stash of makeup without bankrupting yourself in the process.

Please do share any tips that you have, I’d love to read them!

Bank Holiday chats and a current wish-list…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 28 - 2013

Did you have a nice weekend?  It’s been a bank holiday in the UK, which coincided with the last few days before my husband returns the in-laws back to their home in the North East after a fortnight’s holiday with us.  Let me tell you, as much fun as it’s been, I can’t wait to get my own bed back.  Two weeks and one day on a blow up mattress has done nothing for my beauty sleep!

Anyway, hasn’t the weather been kind to us this weekend?  Friday’s utter shitness aside, we’ve been blessed with three whole days of glorious sunshine and somewhat balmy temperatures (at least, down here in the South)… so we took advantage of this rare occasion by hitting up some of Hampshire/Dorset’s best locations.


Sadly, I didn’t get to do any shopping this weekend, not unless ice-cream counts as a legitimate “haul” (rum n’ raisin ftw) and so instead, I had much fun compiling a little wishlist of stuff that has been making me swoon recently.


L’Occitane Vetyver Eau de Toilette (

Vichy Idealia BB Cream (

No7 Intelligent Colour Bronzer (

The Body Shop Coconut Body Butter (

Boots 17 Lip Crayon (

The L’Occitane Vetyver is top of the list because it’s such a wonderful, almost summery take on the kind of scent I usually wrap myself up in when the weather gets cooler.  You know how it is, you just don’t want to let go of those fragrant notes that see you through the cold months… I don’t care that the mercury might finally be rising, give me my vetiver damnit!

Vichy does BB cream… well, who wouldn’t want to give it a go?  Apparently it contains “pink pigments” to ward off the traditional BB Cream grey cast.  Either way, it’s cheaper than RRP over at Escentual.

You know, except for Guerlain’s beautifully-crafted compacts, I’m still mostly just frightened of bronzing products but I’m tempted by No7’s summer offering which promises a super-blendable mousse.  At the moment, I’m still hung up on my bronzing translucents but this is certainly swaying me!

Ahh, The Body Shop’s Coconut Body Butter is celebrating 21 years!  The original, and in my opinion, still the best (Sweet Lemon runs it a close second mind!)  So tropical, it’s one of those products that really makes the whole bathroom routine thing less of a chore and more of a joy.

Finally, Seventeen have just released a bunch of lip crayons to compete with those famous department store counterparts *cough* Clinique *cough*.  Lip crayons are still enjoying their “moment” aren’t they? And providing these pack enough pigment, I’m jumping all over ’em!

What’s been on your Bank Holiday wishlist, and did you indulge?

The Lipstick League – Week of 20.5.13

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 25 - 2013

Question of the Week – Before we officially head into Summer 2013, tell us: What was your favorite new beauty product of Spring 2013, and why?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: – CLARINS 4EVER.  Seriously, the only Spring releases that even remotely tempted me from my pennies.  Oh, and China Glaze’s Hologlams.

Nouveau Cheap – The semi-annual CVS Beauty Clearance Sale is officially underway, with many cosmetics reduced to 50% or 75% off. Here’s how you can maximize your savings.

Pink Sith – takes you on a fragrant journey through India, which just so happens to be the name of Lise Watier’s latest fragrance!

Prime Beauty – is channeling her “New York State of Mind” with the new NARS Hearts New York Limited Edition Gift Set!

Phyrra – brings you the Best in Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands! She includes MAC dupes & companies that ship Worldwide!

Vampy Varnish – loves the new bareMinerals Marvelous Moxie Lipsticks and thinks you will find some shades you like as well!

we heart this – is proud to be one of the new Eucerin brand ambassadors, and they’re giving away fab products and a $100 Visa gift card to share the joy!

Beauty Junkies Unite – Finally, a U.S. BB cream that I just love! Check out the review & swatches of the brand new Kiehl’s Skin Tone Correcting & Beautifying BB Cream with SPF 50.

Clumps of Mascara – is a fan of Laura Gellar. If you are too then you are going to loooove a chance to win this giveaway.

EauMG – reviews her favorite fruity perfume, Neela Vermeire Creations Bombay Bling. It captures the colors and vibrancy of Bollywood and puts it in scent form!

Gouldylox Reviews – Ever heard of a self-tanning body wash? Me either. It’s definitely different…

Lipglossiping – will always appreciate lovely candles and tasty fried breakfasts. But both at the same time? Bacon-scented candles? Hmmm…

My Beauty Bunny – Want super soft, smooth skin? Whip up this DIY Blueberry Mask for an antioxidant-rich, low-cost and yummy smelling treat for the face!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Nouveau Cheap – Gradient nails can be challenging to execute, but this lovely, 70s-inspired look by Sarah at Chalkboard Nails only requires two colors–even I may be able to pull this one off!


What was your favorite new beauty product of Spring 2013?

Four the love of violets!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 24 - 2013

I’ve long held the opinion that I wasn’t a great fan of floral fragrances… at least, that’s what I’ve always thought until I recently took another look at the perfumes I’ve gathered over the years.  You know, for someone who proclaims such nonsense, I own far too many rose, violet, and iris-based scents… and of the three, I think it’s the violet ones that I’m drawn to the most.

I thought that today, I’d share with you some of my favourite violet-based fragrances.  There are actually two missing from the list (PR Ultraviolet & Yardley(!) April Violets) because they’re still boxed up at my Mum’s house and writing this has now made me desperate to raid her garage for my long-lost loves!

violet fragrances

The first thing I should say is that I don’t own any pure-violet fragrances, not the posh ones anyway and I’m still no fragrance expert but hopefully I’ve sniffed my way through enough perfume departments to form a coherent opinion!

My favourite thing about this note in particular is just how fickle it is, sometimes seeming greener than a freshly-mowed lawn and at other times, more powdery than your grandma’s old compacts.  It’s a chameleon of a note, beautifully suited to this changeable Spring season.

It’s also a note that pairs wonderfully with others, and infact (in my opinion) works far better when working as a flanker, as part of a well-structured accord rather than singing a solo chorus.

The first perfume in my list of four, is a great example of precisely, this.

Armani Prive Cuir Amethyste (£145, is not an easily-tamed fragrance.  For a scent that calls into play such a beautiful floral note, it’s a growling animal of contradictions.  From the opening headiness of the sticky, woody violet to the dirty leather, well-worn and battered into a masculine suppleness that shouldn’t work on female skin, but does.

The tenacity and indeed, audacity of this scent appeals to me for its unique take on the genre.  It’s an over the top indulgence complete with powdery nostalgia that makes me feel all the more a “lady”.  Albeit, a slightly sleazy one.

violet fragrances

In stark contrast, YSL’s Paris Premieres Roses 2013* (£25.50, is a recent re-issue that puts the violet firmly in the back seat.  That’s not to say you won’t find it there because it’s confidently lurking, flanking the rose and smoothing the petals until they reach a state of velvety creaminess within the heart of the scent.

It’s the epitome of fragrant youthfulness without the pink-pepper, juicy-fruit explosion up your nostrils.  A refreshing and commendable take with mass-market appeal in an often tired genre.

violet fragrances

For a greener, fresher take on the wonderful floral, look no further than Balenciaga Paris EDP* (£44, for a new opinion.  You can see that I’m running low on my bottle and it’s not hard to understand why.  Paris is a perfect rendition of how Spring should be, with a clean opening that descends into a softer, sweeter heart and powdery base.  All the while, remaining light, airy and a little bit watery but never so sheer as to be unappreciated.

Floral-chypres can often be difficult to stomach for those under the age of 25, but Balenciaga’s Paris bucks this trend and delivers a grown-up yet flirty scent that takes you on a true violet journey from the sharp leaf, all the way to the sweetshop!

violet fragrances

My final pick of the bunch (gettit?) is for Tom Ford’s Violet Blonde (£45, which I picked up not long after its release in 2011.  I immediately fell for its well-projected, prickly opening that blends a green violet with pink pepper before developing into a richly sueded base.

Despite being a wonderful choice for a sharply-dressed young professional woman (you know the type), I don’t mind admitting that my husband wears this with great skill.  His skin chemistry thrusts forward the spice and musk and conjures up something more masculine and vintage-feeling, tempered beautifully by the violet.

Do you like violet-based fragrances?  Please share your favourite!

* press sample

A little beauty haul!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 23 - 2013

I don’t mind admitting that it’s been a while since I hauled anything more interesting than standard repurchases and top-ups of my routine staples.  I used to be a complete brand flirt, hopping from product to product and whilst I’m not beyond those days… not at all, I do garner more comfort from sticking to the tried and tested than ever I would have in the past.

I’m either becoming less adventurous in my old age or perhaps just a bit more sensible now that I have more “grown-up person” type bills to meet each month.

A little beauty haul!

Websites like Cheap Smells and Fragrance Direct always make a good job of parting me from my pennies.  You know when you just want one thing but then you look at the postage and think… “well, I might aswell make it worth it” before adding another 593494390 products to your basket?  Yeah, that.

Well, I was after a new foundation… not because I needed one… heck, I could paint the Eiffel Tower a pleasant shade of “vanilla” with the amount of unfinished foundations in my stash.  No, it was simply because one of you lovely lot suggested that I might like Elizabeth Arden’s Ceramide Ultra Lift & Firm Makeup.  You bloody big enablers, pack it in… that’s supposed to be my job.  Anyway, I spied it on Fragrance Direct at a ridiculous price of £8.99 (RRP £31) and I couldn’t resist it.

Then the whole internal postage conversation kicked in and I added a couple of bright Rimmel Kate lipsticks in #6 and #13 to my order to ensure that my makeup-receiving-grin would be even wider when I met the postman at the door.

(while I’m on the subject of FD, you should probably know that they’re selling some great OPI shades from circa Spring 2012 for £3.99 a-piece at the moment, you’re welcome)

A little beauty haul!

Last weekend, I decided that I needed a muted lipstick, and I was so thoroughly sick of reading all that hype about the Rimmel Apocalips that I caved.  I bought Celestial, but I don’t like it – what a bloody waste of anticipation!  I’ll properly review it later if you can even be arsed to suffer another post about them.

A little beauty haul!

My final purchase of the weekend came in the form of this lovely little tin of Herbacin Wuta Kamille Glycerine Handcream.  I bought the tin because it was cuter but John Lewis (where I picked this up) also sell a 100ml tube which is infinitely more practical.  I wouldn’t call it deeply nourishing but it’s easily absorbed and smells beautiful.

What have you been buying this week?

Yankee Candle celebrates a social media milestone!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 22 - 2013

A ride on the bullet train, a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, and a tour of the ancient city of Petra (whilst whistling the Indiana Jones theme in my head) are all up there at the top of my bucket list.

Want to know what else would make the grade? A browse around the Yankee Candle factory in Massachusetts. Can you imagine? It would be like the best. school. trip. ever.

The Yankee Candle Village is a veritable mecca for candle fans across the world, housing every scent your nose could desire and a huge range of accessories and decorations to go with them. Well, one very lucky US-residing Yankee Candle Facebook fan is going to win a trip to the home of the company in New England for some extra-special VIP treatment!

If you’re eligible, do hop on over to the brand’s Facebook page before the competition closes this Friday and hit the Like button for your chance to scoop the prize!

Yankee Candle celebrates a social media milestone!

In addition to this, the brand are also celebrating this impressive social media milestone with the launch of a limited edition candle.

The much-loved Vanilla Cupcake has had a bit of a makeover to proudly announce “1 Million Fans & Glowing!” and with its rich, buttery scent… everyone but the most hardened of gourmand-haters will salivate at the creamy aroma it emits.

Yankee Candle celebrates a social media milestone!

The limited-edition commemorative candle is priced at £19.99/$27.99 and is available to buy via the brand’s facebook page or online at

UK readers can also enter to win a similar prize by entering via the web form online at

What’s your favourite Yankee Candle scent?

A Tuesday FOTD with Vitage Colour Minerals

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 21 - 2013

You’d be forgiven for not having heard of Vitage and their range of Colour Mineral makeup… a small, British brand who only appeared on my radar when I received a set of samples through the post a little while ago myself.

At first glance, I’m not gonna sugar-coat it… this range looks uninspiring.  Housed in the kind of packaging that is incredibly easy to forget.  Not that this is an entirely fair conclusion to reach… because, you know, I don’t actually know how much thought has been put into the packaging but c’mon, look at it… hardly exciting stuff is it?


However, if my Mum taught me anything, it’s not to judge a book by its cover (much) and housed within this little selection of beauty goodies, lie a couple of lovely products.  Let me give you a quick rundown, and by “quick”, I mean “really rambly”, of course.

First things first, who are the brand behind the products?

Vitage are a British brand, better known for their premium skincare which has been packed with scientifically-proven ingredients and vitamins and is suitable for a wide spectrum of skin concerns.  The range includes cleansers, serums, moisturisers, sun protection, and lotions for both the body and the face.  This latest update to the brand introduces a line of colour mineral cosmetics which includes: foundations, eyeshadows, tools, primers, blushers and eyeliners.

The Vitage Natural Daily Perfector (£25)* is a primer product with a mousse-like texture that has been enriched with antioxidant-rich Brazilian Green Tea.  It delivers little in the way of pigment but much in the way of pore-filling, skin-smoothing wonderment.



Promising to be suitable for even the palest of skintones, it isn’t.  Frankly it annoys me that it dare even suggest that it is.  I’m pale but I’m not super-pale and this is too orange-toned and dark for my skintone.  It gives me a faint unnatural looking hue that no pale, English-rose complexion should suffer.  If this came in a transparent variety… I’d buy it in a heartbeat for its skin-resurfacing prowess but it doesn’t, and so I won’t.


The Vitage Natural Foundation (£24)* looks like your standard mineral powder foundation in clumsy pot packaging.  Again, the lightest shade is not quite right on my skintone, and seeing as the brand only offer four shades… there’s a fair chance you may not find a perfect fit either.  And it’s a shame, because the pigment on offer from this pot is pretty impressive… a single swatch with my finger below demonstrates the kind of coverage this product packs.

Although it’s officially described as “sheer”, I find it builds coverage quickly without looking powdery, a sure sign that you’re looking at a well-crafted product that has been milled to deliver the softest, creamiest texture that a powder could offer.


For its price, the Vitage High Definition Brush (£21)*, I’m simply not sold on… there is nothing about this brush that would make me urge you to go and spend your pennies on it.  It’s solidly built, well-cut, and soft on the face… but so are a million others, at a cheaper price than this one.  Stick to Real Techniques.


Now, I don’t know if the PR knew how to sucker-punch me with a beautiful taupe… but well, they got me good.  The Vitage Natural Eye Colour in Velvet Storm (£14)* is a beaut.  Easily worth £14 of anyone’s money for neutral-toned or fellow taupe-addicts like me.  Again, the quality shines through and this product delivers a creamy, well-pigmented and smooth application.  Staying power is perfectly acceptable once paired with an eyeshadow primer.


But who cares about all that when it comes to simply “oohing” over a pretty plum-taupe?  Not me, that’s for sure…. look at her, go on… look!  She has that ghostly sheen thing going on that reminds me of my Kjaer Weis eyeshadow in Wisdom.  Just luverly.  If it had been pressed, I’d have probably fainted from taupe-love.


The final product to show you is the Vitage Natural Lip Lustre in Fuchsia Glaze (£14)*, and although I’m impressed by a non-sticky texture and fair-to-good lasting power, I’m still kinda mehh-ing all over this one, again… particularly for the price.



I’d describe it as a gloss/liquid lipstick hybrid which leans more to the gloss side of things.  The pigment is buildable but the texture suffers as a result if you start applying multiple coats which is sacrilege because for me, the beauty of this product lies in its ability to deliver a realistic and super lightweight natural flush in a single coat.  I’m not one for natural flushes, but don’t mind applauding a nice “gloss” texture when I feel one.

Overall, my feelings on the Vitage range of colour minerals are mixed, a couple of the products made me raise an eyebrow upon reading their price tags (and I think the plain packaging does nothing to persuade me that they’re worth a premium mark-up) but it’s also quite easy to take it for granted that these are products are produced by a company that specialises in premium skincare, and as a result, has injected some high-tech ingredients into this cosmetic range…

I’ll leave you with a FOTD which uses the products discussed above.  It’s a natural display, not exactly ground-breaking but easy to wear and suitable for most modern women looking for a polished look.  Please excuse the grey hairs, my face is the only part of me showing any “polish” at the moment!


The entire range of Vitage Colour Minerals is available to buy online from with prices starting from £14.00

* press samples

Leila turns 4…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 20 - 2013

In what has become a bit of a blog tradition, please excuse me as I take a moment again this year to pen a letter to Leila in honour of her birthday.  Sorry for the self-indulgence, it’s long and not terribly interesting.

Where did the last 12 months go bub-a-lubs?  It seems like only yesterday we were Thomas-the-Tanking it up for your third birthday and here we are now, tidying the remnants of your Alice in Wonderland extraordinaire!  So much has happened this past year as you’ve taken some serious steps towards becoming a proper kid, no longer a sproglet but a bonafide little girl with the sass to back it up.  As I sit here trying to recall the moments and peculiarities that have made this past year such a joy to share with you, I’m overtaken by the realisation at just how much you’ve had to adapt in this time.

In 2012, we moved from Nanny and Pop’s house to our new flat… a monumental occasion that you would have done absolutely anything to reverse.  “Do you like your new flat?” we’d ask, ever more hopeful each time…

“No”.  Would come the reply.  “Can we go back to Pop’s now?”

Each Thursday night, when I take you for your sleepover with Nanny and Pop, it’s a grand reunion with more melodrama than a night at the TV Soap Awards.  “But I’ll miss you Mummy!” you say with all the sincerity of a politician.  Sometimes, you even phone me an hour later just to remind me that you’re still missing me.  “Would you like me to come and pick you up?” I offer.  “Oh no! I’mokMum, seeyoutomorrow!” you say faster than Usain Bolt on speed.  *Click* goes the phone.  You big spoofer.


As if that weren’t change enough… last September, you started pre-school and things didn’t run smoothly.  Your usual, cheerful little self turned upside down and inside out as you struggled to cope with such a huge watershed in your life.  Not used to the company of so many other children, you rejected the noise and clamor of the environment you’d been thrust into… that is, until you actually stepped through the door.  And so this continued for months, dismayed by the thought of returning to nursery while at home… but not wanting to leave it whilst there.  Apparently, this is pretty common for children who haven’t been brought up with other children around them.  Knowing this didn’t help ease the transition at the time though.

But now, as you turn four… you’re desperate not to have to leave pre-school this Summer.  You know that “big” school is around the corner and I can see the cogs turning as you think about what this means for your future.  The thought of leaving your beloved “teacher” Susan behind at nursery is too much to contemplate, even though you seem to be the only child there who likes the rather prickly, older lady (and I can’t help but love you even more for that).  I’ve heard that you and her sing show-tunes together while you do all the jobs that the other kids don’t have the patience for.  Susan tells me that you are a methodical child who completes her tasks with care and precision, I secretly think that this may be code for OCD but either way, you’re definitely your father’s daughter when it comes to your perfectionist tendencies.  God help me.

Talking about your inherited personality traits… today, I watched you dance around on a makeshift stage that you’d conjured up from a set of paving stones and I wondered where you could have possibly come from.  Unlike both me and your dad, you love nothing more than to perform.  I always roll my eyes and say “trust me to have gotten the jazz-hands kid”, feeling terribly disloyal all the while.  Because you see, it’s not a fair description of your passion for a performance.  You’re a storyteller my little girl, and a good one at that.  You’re actually a bit of a shocking dancer, with the grace of a thousand, heavily sedated elephants but what you lack in finesse, you make up for in your sheer determination to put on a good show.


But perhaps, out of all the things that have happened this year, the most groundbreaking has been your discovery of The Princess.  You told me yesterday to save a birthday cupcake for your “prince”.  When I asked if you meant Daddy, you couldn’t have looked more horrified (poor Daddy).  I don’t know much about this mystery prince of yours but apparently he has red hair and a kind heart.  He sounds alright to me, just make sure you leave it until your 32nd birthday before introducing him to Dad.  And how could I forget Galahad, your imaginary steed who accompanies us wherever we go, helping you ride safely over kerbstones whilst avoiding the cracks in the pavement.  You don’t know it yet, but you’re going on a pony-trek as your birthday surprise next week.  I can’t even wait to see your face.

Other memorable milestones of your third full year included a trip to Disnleyland Paris (where you met the beautiful Snow White), a Christmas spent with your family from Australia, a bout of chickenpox (and croup), a couple of day-trips to Chessington (you’re a daredevil rollercoaster rider), and a summer holiday in the exotic climes of Liverpool & Manchester where you could barely contain your excitement at the trams, no really.

You still only really like chicken nuggets and IKEA meatballs.  Sometimes tomato soup and always, always cheese.  Like a little mouse, I know your Pop sometimes sneaks you a slice to eat in bed after you’ve brushed your teeth on a Thursday.  Co-conspirators.  I pray you are gifted with many more years to bask in your Grandparent’s adoration for you.  You refuse to get your hair cut.  After watching Tangled, you’re convinced that, like Rapunzel’s, your hair will turn brown if it meets with a pair of scissors and I haven’t got the heart to tell you that your blonde locks are already looking darker than they were six months ago.

You’re still fascinated by people’s earlobes.  You reach up to play with mine at least 10 times a day, a comfort thing I’m sure.  I shall be one of those old ladies with ear lobes that reach their shoulders and I shall blame you for it.

The final thing I want to remind you of in years to come is your solemn promise to never grow too old for a cwtch.  Right now, as I write this after putting you to bed, you love me to the moon and back… although sometimes you only love me “zero” and I have to tickle it out of you until your arms are outstretched in demonstration of how big your love is.  You’ve taken to calling me “Mama” and although it sounds so frightfully middle-class, it melts me every time.  I’m sure you know this.  You’re not daft my girl.

Happy birthday my dearest darling duck, you’re such a plonker and I love you more than “baninna” ice-cream.

The Lipstick League – week of 13.5.13

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 19 - 2013

We’d also like to take a moment to congratulate our very own Phyrra for five years of beauty blogging! To commemorate the event, she’s hosting a mega-givewaway here that you don’t want to miss.

Question of the Week – Tell us about a funny makeup/beauty mistake you have made…or care to admit to?

lipstickleague - final

Answer – My teenage years were pretty much dedicated to making beauty mistakes.  Powder compacts that were a full shade (or more) too pale for my complexion teamed with thickly-rimmed kohl eyes that went alllllll the way around.  Hai Panda.

My Beauty Bunny – has a fabulous guest post from the Lipstick League’s Clumps of Mascara sharing the 5 Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands for Women of Color. Trust us, ladies of every complexion will love these colorful choices!

Nouveau Cheap – the best multi-tasker to come out this year is also limited edition. Here’s why you need the new Milani Shadow Eyez in Almond Cream (but hurry before it’s gone).

Prime Beauty – takes a look at the Lancôme Summer 2013 Color Design Eye Show Palette. The colors are so summery you’ll want to dive right in, PLUS she has a Lancôme giveaway to give your skin a luminous summer glow!

Phyrra – shows off the new Makeup Geek Pigments! Which shade will you fall for?

we heart this – presents a drugstore eyelid primer that’s WAY better than pulling a rabbit out of hat! It’s L’Oreal Magic De-Crease.

Beauty Junkies Unite – Take off for your summer vacation early with the review & swatches for the brand new Essie Resort Collection for 2013. These new nail hues are bright & fun!

Clumps of Mascara – adores the brand Simple and their awesome skincare products. Got sensitive skin? You HAVE to try this drugstore brand out.

EauMG – Here’s a video review of one of Victoria’s favorite classic perfumes for spring/summer, Chanel Cristalle.

Gouldylox Reviews – Did a temporary color stain your hair? If you aren’t up for the pastel trend, here’s how to remove the unwanted color.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by My Beauty Bunny – Did your spring cleaning include a thorough washing of your makeup tools? If not, Kristie of Blushing Basics has the details on tackling this important task: How To Clean & Sanitize your Makeup & Makeup Brushes.


C’mon, spill the beans… tell us about a funny makeup/beauty mistake you have made…or care to admit to?

The Lipstick League – week of 6.5.13

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2013

Question of the Week – When it comes to grooming the brows, what’s your preference? Wax, tweeze or thread?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: –  Threading all the way!  Once I’d finally put the tweezers down and made friends with my local threading lady, my barely-there brows began to thrive and I now sport an impressive pair of forehead-warmers! There’s also nothing quite like the beautifully sharp, clean finish that newly threaded brows displays.

Lipglossiping – isn’t entirely convinced by Clinique’s latest foray into the world of nail polish. Click through for the full story!

My Beauty Bunny – You may be up to your ears in beauty products, but what about your furry best friend? We’ve got a look at Pet Head, an edgy fashion-forward line of pet products.

Nouveau Cheap – What do you do when your favorite drugstore eyebrow pencil keeps getting harder and harder to find? If you’re me, you find a wonderful (and affordable) Japanese beauty product to take its place!

Pink Sith – tells you about the time she was arrested by the Fashion Police, but got released on her own recognizance thanks to her Stars Makeup Haven lip gloss in Jezebel.

Prime Beauty – gets the perfect bronze goddess look with the new Buxom Hot Escapes Bronzers--they even smell like the beach!

Phyrra – shares expert tips on How to Care for Natural Locks Hair!

Vampy Varnish – May is skin cancer awareness month so here is some info about prevention, risks, being pale and her favorite sunscreens!

we heart this – MAC Temperature Rising Nail Lacquers are a gorgeous glitter explosion on their own (Scorching Haute and Tropical) but wait until you see them mixed…

Beauty Junkies Unite – If you like lipsticks with insane color payoff, that still feel great on your lips—don’t pass up these new lippies from BUXOM, the Full Bodied Lipsticks!

Clumps of Mascara – is in love with these new Clinique nail polishes. They totally knocked them out of the park!

EauMG – reviews a new French perfume that should inspire a spicy limoncello cocktail, Olfactive Studio Still Life.

Gouldylox ReviewsNatalie Maines may not be a style maven, but her latest look requires chutzpah. Like it or lump it?

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Lipglossiping – The lovely Meg from Lips So Facto shares her top tips on how to DIY your own relaxing bath soak, a must-read for stressed-out sisters everywhere!

Going dotty for Lancôme’s Jenny Packham gift with purchase!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2013

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 months?  Add it to the charity shop bag.  Easy!

Unless you’re a bit of a recovering packrat like me.  Since moving into the flat I’ve forced myself to pare down the amount of hoarding I like to usually do and I’m a far more organised lady than I ever used to be.  That being said, I’m still far better at the shopping side of things than I am at the minimizing and Lancôme’s latest collaboration with British designer Jenny Packham has got my fingers itching to reach for my purse.

Lancôme's Jenny Packham gift with purchase

The 2013 limited edition Jenny Packham for Lancôme cosmetics bag has been inspired by an iconic polka dot print from the Jenny Packham SS13 collection, straight from the catwalk into your handbag.  The bag – which is available in either pink or white – contains a selection of luxury travel-sized Lancôme products including: 1 x Galatéis Douceur 50ml, 1 x Tonique Douceur 50ml, 1 x Bi-Facil 30ml, 1 x Hypnôse Mascara 2ml, and 1 x L’Absolu Rouge 1.65ml.

Not only is the design eye-catching and effortlessly chic, it should also be pretty good at disguising mascara splodges, genius!  Of the design, Jenny had this to say:

I am delighted to be collaborating with Lancôme once again. For 2013, I wanted to create a design that is fresh and stylish, with references straight from the catwalk. With its bold print and gold accessories, it has a very modern feel.

The Jenny Packham for Lancôme cosmetics bag is available exclusively at Harvey Nichols from 18th May 2013, and nationwide from 1st June.  To qualify for this GWP, simply purchase two Lancôme products (one to be skincare) from your nearest Lancôme counter while stocks last.


Glitter Gal Holographic Giveaway!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Clarins Spring 2012: Colour Breeze Face & Blush Powder

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Clarisonic Deep Pore Brush Head

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Blog-a-lot Blogging Tips 001: Wordpress Editorial Calendar

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

NEW for Spring: Nars Pure Matte Lipstick in Madere

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Precision Nails R01 Glam Metal NOTD

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum Trial – Results

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Zoya Spring 2012: Lotus NOTD

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Fuss-free foundation with Kiehl's Ultra Facial Tinted Moisturizer

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Bag a Blistex Lip Brilliance on Facebook

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Hello? Is this thing on?

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Dear Obesity...

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 …


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