NOTD – Dior Vernis Silver Purple Holiday 2009

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 13 - 2009


A beautiful gun-metal silver/grey metallic with more than a hint of purple.

Applies beautifully with absolutely no brush marks.  Needs a top coat to achieve a great glossy finish, wear has been very good.

It’s a fabulously winter-y shade and my first Dior Polish, I’m very impressed with the quality!

What are some of your fav Dior polishes?

Advent Giveaway – Day 13

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 13 - 2009


The Body Shop Bath Lily & Soap (soap is behind the lily in the pic)

The Body Shop Oil in Cassis Rose

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 13th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

Dior Smoky Crystal Palette Holiday 2009

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 12 - 2009

So, you’ve seen the FOTD but not the palette… I got that ordering all arse about face didn’t I?  Although, you couldn’t actually see the shadows in the FOTD anywayyyy… but I digress…


Here she is!


I’m not a fan of these silly velvet pouches… I dunno why, but to me… they cheapen the product.  Makes me think of a tacky ornament that you pick up in the pound shop at Christmas for an Aunty that you don’t like very much.  Yeah, I don’t know how the hell I got from Dior to pound shop tat in one fell swoop either.


The casing on the other hand is pure luxe.  Love that midnight blue… just beautiful!


It’s a very cool toned palette, which suits me perfectly!  I’m loving the combination of totally wearable shades… gawjus!



As you can see from the swatches… this is one heavily pigmented palette.  The shade difference between the silvery taupes are perfect and the purple is a fabulous nod to the festive season.  The finishes are all metallic/shimmer and blend like buttah.

The palette is LE but there was still plenty of stock in the Boots I bought this from last week.  I paid £36 (well, I didn’t ‘cos I used my Advantage Card… but, I woulda done if…. oh you know what I mean!).

Do you like? Is it a bit cool toned for you?

Advent Giveaway – Day 12

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 12 - 2009


Barry M Nail Paint and Eye Pencil in Festive Green!

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 12th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

And my Aussie Competition Winner is…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2009


Congratulations Yinnie!  You’ve won yourself a £50 Red Letter Day gift card!!!

PinkySpanish kindly agreed to judge my competition and she chose Yinnie’s entry as the winner.  Here’s what she had to say about it…

This was more difficult than I thought!  I am going to go with 4.  She had the most creative idea, the execution wasn’t perfect, but she showed the most outside the box concept and I like that!

Thanks to all fab entrants for taking part!  I really appreciated your participation!

Yinnie, could you please email me your details so that I can pass them on to Aussie by Sunday.

Aussie Event – Girls Night Out – 3/12/2009

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2009

The third and final event for us lucky Aussie Angels (can I just keep calling myself that forever?) went off with a bang last Thursday night.

We were invited up to London to sample the capital’s nightlife.  Mahiki played host for the evening and the venue didn’t disappoint.  A tiki-esque hideout in the heart of Mayfair, Mahiki ticks all the right boxes.

My friend Vicky and I jumped on the train congratulating each other on how lightly we’d managed to pack for a night away… infact we were congratulating each other so vigorously talking so much that we very nearly got left on the platform.

Arriving in London with little time to spare, we headed straight for the Hilton at Kensington Olympia where Aussie had generously put us up for the night.  I managed to check us in without getting escorted off the premises for being a pair of scruffy oiks and we settled into our room to get ready for the festivities ahead!

Despite best intentions, we still managed to be late.  Vicky has always been the laid back one in our friendship.  Me? Well I was running round in full-on mentalist mode, arms in the air like a certain white rabbit out of Alice in Wonderland with echoes of “late, late! we’re going to be late!” reverberating around the room.

“Relax”. says Vicky, “You are so uncool”.  Like I need telling.

I felt a 100x better when we got on the tube at Olympia and met up with Hayles and Zoe who were also staying at the hotel and heading to the Aussie event.  If you can’t avoid being late… find as many people as possible who are also late and hide behind them.  It’s a philosophy I’m proud to call my own.

We were greeted at the club by a photographer (who I somehow managed to resist asking nerdy camera questions, I was *sorely* tempted to ask for some flash bouncing tips) and the lovely Emma from 1000heads.

We were lead downstairs into the cavernous depths of Mahiki and emerged blinking into a Polynesian paradise!  I was given a little black box which when opened revealed some lovely makeup goodies, the inimitable Aussie 3 Minute Miracle and a handbag hanger (I’m a little uncultured and had to be told what the hell it was before I embarrassed everybody by trying to pick my nose with it or something.)


Then it was Mojito time!! Followed by Pina Colada time!! Washed down with a couple of Mahiki Mai Tais and topped off with a Tiki Dick’s Super Space Martini.  By this time I’d forgotten how to pronounce my own name let alone the names of the cocktails.  Needless to say, they were very yummy and each one more enticing than the last.


Highlights of the evening? Semi-naked waiter – oh so tacky, and I’m absolutely not going to admit to perving.  (why have you put him down as a highlight then huh?)  Close-up magician – superbly charming and very talented, too much fun!  And treasure chests filled with an intoxicating mix of champagne, rum and a brandy and peach liqueur.



It was brilliant to be able to catch up with old friends and meet some friendly new faces too!


Alas, all good things must come to an end and as the night drew to a close the exertions of the day were catching up with me.  I bid my friends (new and old) adieu and headed back to the hotel.

Waking up the next morning I wasn’t sure which hurt more, my head or my neck (crick)… here have a photo.  If nothing else, it’s an advertisement for teetotalness.


The rest of the next day was spent shopping and mooching around town.  But I’ll tell you more about that in another post!

Credit for some of the photos goes to Sam and Zoe – I can’t seem to get mine off Vicky’s mobile – argh!

Quick Discount Round Up

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2009

My mind is awash with the current beauty discounts and codes.

Here are the one’s I know of, all in one place, not pretty… but tidy.


MAC – Free Shipping (ends midnight this Saturday) – FREESHIP09

HQHAIR – 25% off – SAVE25

HQHAIR – Free Shipping (expires today) – FSXMAS

ZUNETA – Free Shipping (’till 12pm Monday 14th) – FREESHIP

THE BODY SHOP – Upto 30% off by visiting: PasstheXmasParcel

SECRET SALES – 15% off – PR3S3NT (expires today) – psst.. have you seen the Nails Inc sale on there?!


Advent Giveaway – Day 11

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2009


The Body Shop – Cucumber Cleanser & Toner

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 11th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

NOTD – Barielle Polished Princess

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 10 - 2009

Yah, that’s me… Polished Princess…


Is it a bit bogey?

It doesn’t make me feel very princessy… although as greens go, it’s not too bad on my skintone.  Not like OPI Sit Under The Apple Tree which still makes me feel nauseous when I think of how bad it looked.

I didn’t hide my nails whilst wearing this, which can only mean good things!

It applied as beautifully as the other Barielle’s I have been sent to try.  I really think this one would *sing* against a more olive complexion.  But I’d definitely wear it again, it also has a Christmassy vibe going on…  I have a red nail art pen…. I’m sorely tempted to get “creative”

25% off at HQ Hair!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 10 - 2009

If you can find anything in stock, *grumble grumble* HQHair have released an altogether fabulous (and very festive) 25% off code!

You know what that means don’t you?  25 freakin percent off NARS!!!  That’s unheard of!!

Quick, RUN to HQ Hair and pile as much NARS (as you can find in stock *cough*) in your basket, checkout… then come back and tell me what you bought.


Wait!!  They’ve also reduced BECCA and Malin+Goetz stuff to half price…. get in!

Oh, you’ll be wanting the code won’t you?


Advent Giveaway – Day 10

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 10 - 2009


Revlon Fantasy Lengths in Chic

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 10th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2009

fairy lights... check!

Getting in the holiday spirit…

*shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*


Revlon Colorburst Lipsticks soon to hit the UK

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

NOTD(s) - Courtesy of George @ Asda

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Superdrug Lula Bloom Body Butter

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Do you know how to check if your cosmetics have expired? You do now!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

The Lipstick League – week of 11.07.11

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Smoky Blue FOTD

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

China Glaze Prismatic Collection

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

The Lipstick League - Week of 25.4.11

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Kryolan Supra Color Revisited...

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Food Friday: Luxury Bread & Butter Pudding with Cherries

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Hello? Is this thing on?

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Dear Obesity...

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Getting in the holiday spirit… *shhsh, it’s supposed to be wordless. Ok, sorry*


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