Help Help! I have triangle hair!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 1 - 2010

Dudes… seriously, I’m in trouble.  I’m going up to the in-laws in about 4 days and I look like an idiot.

Some of you may have heard my constant occasional bitching on twitter about my hairdresser’s phobia of thinning shears.  I plead with her every time to thin out my layers… and everytime she makes this big show of taking her scissors and half heartedly snipping at the ends.

And everytime I walk away looking like this..

…and worse still, I tip the bitch!

Desperate times call for desperate measures and I bought a pair of these from Boots:

How in the name of God do I use ’em?  Blade down spikey bits on top and try not to go all out Edward Scissorhands on my head right?  I think I’m less likely to get carried away if I use ’em on dry hair too…

Anyone used thinning scissors on themselves? Any tips or IN THE NAME OF GOD, DON’T DO IT!’s for me?

I am seriously gonna look for a new hairdresser, but a half decent one is freakin expensive in this pony-loving, barbour wearing, land-rover driving county I call home and I refuse to pay over £25 to have less than a cm chopped off the ends.

An Introduction to Beauty Blog Link Love

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 1 - 2010

Beauty Blog Link Love (or BBLL for short) is officially on-air today with this Link Love post. We’re a new community of — obviously — beauty bloggers, and we’re committed to bringing you the best and brightest stars of the beauty blog world twice each month! Don’t worry; this won’t affect the posts on any of the blogs that you’re reading, but what it will do is form a casual, contract-free environment for bloggers to share posts that they’re proud of, which means that you’ll get easy access to the best reading material possible.

Today we’d just like to introduce all of our lovely members so far, so stick with us! If you’re interested in joining BBLL as well, you can find out more here.  Now, onto the bloggers:

~ Adina, the voice behind KraseyBeauty, a blog for all things beautiful in New York City
~ Amy, the beauty addict & product junkie who posts a collection of swatches and reviews onYoetke Beauty Blog
~ Arianne, who loves all things beautiful (from makeup to geekery that may sometimes involve kitties) is the gorgeous gal-with-brains behind Glitter Geek
~ BeautyjunkieLondon, a London-based beauty obsessive who has found an outlet for all things wonderfully girly and shallow
~ Caz, a UK beauty blogger and newly found Lush addict at thisiscaz
~ Eve, who writes xLovelyMakeupx and loves anything fashion and makeup
~ The Jeweled Thumb, of the eponymous blog
~ Kelly, the Jellyminx Thinks blogger
~ LiAnn, of Sparklecrack Central, who is hooked on makeup though she didn’t wear it regularly until she was nearly 40
~ Lipglossiping, a girl with too many lipsticks. And a blog about them.
~ Lisa Kate of Sparkle is my Crack! who happens to be obsessed with glitter, guinea pigs and winking cupcake tattoos!
~ Louise, the blogger behind Get Lippie
~ Maggie, who writes The Polka-Dotted Apple
~ Sara, a Bay Area beauty blogger who documents her cosmetic obsession at The Makeup
~ Sarah, the shopaholic behind the reviews, hauls and hair drama at I Heart Cosmetics
~ Stephanie, the makeup artist from LA blogging about makeup and fashion at Aquahearts Makeup Obsession
~ Vex, with Vex in the City
~ And, finally, the editor of BBLL (Rae,) who also writes theNotice: a beauty blog, which she fills with reviews, swatches, FOTDS, and a side of snark.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading, and we at BBLL hope that you can find some new favourite blogs out of this Link Love post. We’ll see you in two weeks with links to specific posts that we think you’ll love — until then, stay beautiful! xoxo

Welcome 2010!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 1 - 2010

Happy New Year everyone, lets hope it’s the best yet!

Inglot Freedom Eyeshadow Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 31 - 2009

When I was in London earlier in the month I headed over to the huge Westfield to throw myself on the makeup.

I was itching to check out the Inglot store that I remembered hearing about on some forums when Westfield first opened.  And here it is! (please excuse the mobile phone pics)

Check out the range of eyeshadows:

and nail polishes:

Not forgetting the lipsticks…

It’s like an explosion in a Skittles factory no?


Anyway… after that colour overload, I proceeded to choose myself a trio of eyeshadows to fill a small Pro Freedom Palette.  I went for the safe option (I know, boring!)

But aren’t they beautiful?

They’re ultra pigmented… incredibly smooth and I’ve embarked on a full-on love affair with them.

I can’t remember exactly how much I paid (argh! – can anyone help me out?)  I think it was around £14 for all 3 inc. the palette.

It’s called the Freedom System and you choose which shades you want the SA to put in.

The way I understood it is this…

You can choose from a Large Pro Palette (which hold the square shaped shadows, blushes and face powders – you can see the square shadows in my picture above).


You can choose from a Small Pro Palette which will hold the smaller eyeshadows (like mine), lipsticks and concealers etc…

Once you’ve chosen small or large… you can choose how many pans you want the palette to hold (I’m not sure of all the available choices).

You can also purchase items individually if you wish.

Hope that makes sense?!

The small shadows (to my eye) are the same size as MAC 26mm pans, but you get 1.8g of product in each pan compared to MAC’s 1.5g.

The range of colours is mind boggling, each with different finishes… I love me a bit of shimmer though!

I also bought a couple of lipsticks and will be back shortly with a post on those.

Have you tried Inglot? What say you?

If there’s one thing getting me all hot under the collar…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 30 - 2009

…it’s the thought of the BIG Makeup Show coming to town in a month’s time!

IMATS stands for the International Make-Up Artist Trade Show and is produced by Make-Up Artist magazine.  It is held annually across 3 continents and 5 cities.

IMATS will be on at Alexandra Palace on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st January 2010.

Some of the exhibitors I’m particularly excited to visit include:

Crown Brush, Eve Pearl, OCC, Embryolisse, Paris Berlin (love their liquid eyeliner), Yaby (dinky little shadows!) and PAM (who will be selling MUFE) oh no… now I’ve looked again, there’s more (like Fero Beauty for their Mavalas)… sigh… too many amazing exhibitors and a wishlist a mile long right?

There will also be some fab speakers on the day(s) including Terry Barber (M.A.C.’s director of make-up art for the U.K. and Europe) and Eve Pearl (an innovator of high-definition beauty and the Salmon Concealer®).

I’ve booked my hotel for Friday night, so I can get in when the doors open on Saturday morning – keen much?

Will you be going? You can purchase tickets from the Makeup Mag website here

Dior Style Liner Xmas 09 Sparkling Purple

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 29 - 2009

As part of my Dior haul, I also purchased the Dior Sparkling Liner in the Xmas ’09 LE Shade Sparkling Purple.

I actually had no intentions to pick this up until I swatched it on the stand… oh my.

It’s a beautifully iridescent purple liner with a brush that ensures a precision fine line.  It’s massively pigmented and perfect for winter.

Look at that… it just glows and reminds me of stained glass.  I’ve been pairing this up with grey shadows on my lids and have worn it once or twice on it’s own with lots of black mascara.

I’m so pleased I picked it up!

I think I paid around £20.  Do you wear coloured liners?  Any preferences or tips on shade selection for a chick with grey/green eyes?

Calling all Beauty Bloggers (who um… update)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 29 - 2009

Are you addicted to blogging your buys/looks/finds and thoughts?  Wanna link up with fellow addicts?

Go submit an application to join Beauty Blog Link Love right away and never be short of regularly updated blogs to read EVER again!

If you have any questions, leave ’em on the BBLL Blog or on here and I’ll wave them under Rae’s nose.

‘appy Tuesday to you x

Dr Hauschka Rose Day Cream

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 28 - 2009

The lovely VexintheCity got me lemming this cream just over a month ago when she nonchalantly tweeted that it was time to repurchase for the winter.  Repurchase?!  That’s a word I rarely hear in the beauty community and so it was that my interest was piqued!

When I was in London at the beginning of December I headed to The Garden Pharmacy on Long Acre to check out the Art Deco they stock there, but it wasn’t long before my attention was diverted when I saw the Dr. Hauschka display on the shelves nearby.

Dropping the Art Deco like a hot potato (such is the fickle nature of makeup shopping) I made a beeline for the Dr. Hauschka display and started rummaging amongst the plain-looking boxes to find what I was looking for:

It’s a thick, silky-feeling cream which as the name would suggest… is rose scented.  I don’t find the scent too overpowering, but then, I do like rose-scented things.

You get 30ml of product for a £20 price tag.  Yes, it’s expensive and I balked at the price.

I suffer every winter from dry patches on my face.  My skin doesn’t seem to be au fait with THE RULES.  It’s supposed to know to be oily on the nose and dry on the cheeks… such is the bane of typical combination skin.  My skin SCOFFS at THE RULES.   Crusty and flaky down the sides of the nose and on the chin/top lip line with a great big pimple on the cheek.

It dispenses easily out of the tube, thankfully at £20 a pop it doesn’t pour out too much product when you squeeze the tube.  As you can see from the following picture it spreads itself quite thinly too, so you really only need a small amount of product to get a great amount of coverage.

It has an impressive list of ingredients which (if interested) you can find here.

So how did I find it? Will I be repurchasing?

I loved it.

I’ve tried many ‘thick’ creams in the winter to combat the flaky bits that make foundation look horrific about 20secs after applying and I’ve tried many creamier foundations in an attempt to stave off that crusty, dry, clumpy effect I get over the dry patches.  Nothing worked until I picked up a tube of Dr. Hauschka’s Rose Day Cream.

I was wary about slathering it on my nose… It *is* thick and heavy feeling and I was concerned that my makeup would slide right off, but it sinks in nicely in about 3 minutes.

The singular reason why I will be repurchasing next winter is this…

It’s an instant cure.  I don’t have to apply this a couple of times a day to see the effect a few days down the line (hello Eucerin) – I simply slap a bit of this on and the dryness is gone.  A gentle rub with a dry flannel to exfoliate and remove any dead skin flakes and they’re not coming back for the day once this has sunk in.  And that’s what I want.  I have cuticles like cactus spikes because I’m not hugely dedicated to the cause of massaging cuticle butter into them 5 times a day.  Ooooh I’m gonna try this on my nails too, that was an instant brainwave right there… you’re watching genius as it happens people!

Anyway, I’m really happy with it.  I’m still gonna shriek at the numbers that pop up on the till next November, but when I think of all the money I’ve spent on rich day creams and foundations in an attempt to battle winter skin problems.  For me, it’s completely worth it.

You can find Dr. Hauschka’s Rose Day Cream online on their website where you can even purchase a sample size (although £3.50 p&p charges may make this seem less tempting).

Products I’m loving – December 2009

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 27 - 2009

Shampoo: Mark Hill Gorgeous Brunette Shine Reflective Shampoo
Conditioner: Mark Hill Gorgeous Brunette Shine Reflective Conditioner
Styling products: Kevin Murphy Damage Manager
Shower Gel: Dove Go Fresh Energise Body Wash
Body moisturiser: The Sanctuary Body Moisture Spray
Deodorant: Some Dove Roll on
Fake Tan: Xen Tan Transform LUXE Gradual Tan (review coming soon!)
Cleanser: Rediscovering the awesome gentleness of Cetaphil whilst my skin is dry
Exfoliator: Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub & Nirvana Spa Salt Scrub
Primer: None, none, none…. annoyed at the non-effectiveness of all primers I’ve tried
Foundation brush: Pout Airbrush & Rediscovering my Body Shop Foundation Brush
Concealer: Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit (amazing for those under eye circles!)
Powder: ELF HD Powder (love it, love it, love it!)
Blusher: NARS Orgasm (boring, I know!)
Bronzer: Illamasqua Powder Blusher in Rumour
Highlighter: NARS Albatross
Eyeshadow base: ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
Eyeshadows: The She Space Mineral Pigments
Eyeliner: Gosh Velvet Touch on the lower waterline and Shu Uemura Painting Liner on the lashline
Curler: ELF Eyelash Curler *blush*
Mascara: Embarrassed to admit I’m revisiting Bourjois 1001 Cils, I think an updated eat my words review may be in order.
Lipstick: MAC Speed Dial and NYX Paris
Lipgloss: MAC Dazzleglass Date Night
Nail Colour: Too many to mention, notable favs: Asda Indigo Dazzle, OPI Shim-mery Chic, Barielle Polished Princess

Go on… slap me! (gently)

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 27 - 2009

I’m a terrible blogger… I’m being eaten up with guilt, and it’s got nothing to do with that little shopping trip I took to John Lewis beauty hall just before Christmas…

You’ve been leaving me some lovely comments and I’ve been devouring them all like me a fat kid with chocolate cake… and that’s where it’s ended, with me sitting greedily in the corner wiping the crumbs from my mouth and then running away as fast as my trotters can carry me to lie in wait for the next slice (enough with the cake analogy already) round of lovely comments.

I plan to put this right straight away, so if you have left me any questions or comments that you were hoping for a reply to, check back over the next few days while I revisit all your lovely thoughts and add my nonsense in to the mix.

NOTD Christmas Manicure with Barielle Decadence

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 26 - 2009

First of all, look how indecently sunny it was on Christmas morning!  After a week of snow and ice, I appear to have woken up in Barbados.  Typical.

Barielle Decadence is the final polish that I was sent by the company.  I wasn’t actually going to show you this one, ‘cos it’s a proper bright jeweled green and I thought that my skintone would do it absolutely no favours.  However, I was looking for something Christmassy and this caught my eye.

Application (as with all the Barielles I’ve tried) was a dream.  It’s a 2 coater and practically applied itself thanks to a smooth formula.  I can’t quite tell if it’s a metallic or a shimmer… I think I’m gonna call it a bit of both.

Check out my glitter tips!  Does this constitute ‘nail art’, have I dabbled for the first time without really meaning to?

Lipglossiping’s Christmas Message.

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 25 - 2009

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and robes*


I’m taking a short break to recharge my batteries and won’t be around so much until the New Year, but I’m hoping my trusty post scheduler holds out for a few updates here and there.

Looking back on the year, it’s been an epic one.

I became a Mother, a makeup connoisseur, a blogger… I learnt how to articulate a review (ish), I developed an expensive shopping habit and discovered how not to remove false nails.  I love that you guys walked with me on my journey through those life changing events… hell, you were even there when I discovered Twitter 😉

Have a wonderful Christmas, thanks for making this year so enjoyable – I’ve loved getting to know you all and have had more fun than I ever imagined possible at that start of this journey.  I hope that next year is as good as this one.  I hope to meet more of you lovely people… both in “real life” and through the written word.

I hope that Christmas brings you everything your hearts desire.  Both superficially and in a more grounded, important non-makeupy way as-well!

Have a good one…

…and try not to eat too many of these:

sprouts... check (blergh)!

Charlotte (Lipglossiping) xxx


FOTD - Kryolan Palette (again)

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Revlon Colorburst Lipsticks soon to hit the UK

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Strictly Fab-u-lous - Take 2!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

It's National Kissing Day... C'mere gorgeous!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Eyeko Military Polish - NOTD

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Illamasqua Magnetism Lipstick

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Freebie Alert: Want a beauty treat from Tesco?

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Jo Malone: Wild Bluebell, quintessential English eccentricity

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Blogging at Carmine

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Vaseline Creme Brulee Giveaway Winners…

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Dear Obesity...

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Look, I even scheduled it for 3pm! (edit: although for some reason it posted it at 6am LOL) Sorry, I couldn’t resist! *dons crown and …


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