IMATS London – Enkore Makeup hits the Main Stage

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 14 - 2010

Sunday morning at IMATS promises to be a belter.

Koren from Enkore Makeup will be in attendance, offering a class on the “Wonders of Pigments”.

The blurb from the schedule reads:

Learn the advantages of carrying pure oxidized pigments and minimizing the amount of products in your pro kit. This class will show you how to quick-mix custom-blend foundations, using minerals for airbrush application, and how to custom-blend concealer, lipgloss/color, mascara, liner, and nail polish in seconds. A quick application technique with these custom blends will also be demonstrated.

As one of the most subscribed-to beauty gurus on You Tube, Koren knows his pigments from his primers and his reputation practically guarantees a great class.

Catch Koren at IMATS London on Sunday 31st January at 10.30am on the Main Stage.

More NYX Eye Shadows – Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 13 - 2010

My latest NYX eye shadow acquisitions for your viewing pleasure!

Sparkle Cedar is a weird one, it really is as ‘gritty’ as it appears in the photo.  It’s the only disappointment in the bunch though.

These are such great value for money, but I’m a bit NYX’ed out now and can’t decide if I want any more…  Have you made any NYX purchases recently?  Re-inspire me to buy some more!

Why I don’t read beauty magazines…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 13 - 2010

That is all.

January Essentials – Bargain Brushes at Boots

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2010

Ruby & Millie make some decent brushes at reasonable prices, and this one is my favourite.  It’s great for gel eyeliners and brow powders… firm but supple.

The Ruby & Millie I-Define brush is priced at £6.00 in Boots, but is currently available for a recession-busting £1.00 with a No7/Ruby & Millie till spit*.

I’ve bought a couple since the offer’s been on and plan on getting some more of the Boots No7 Eyeshadow brushes which I enjoy using alongside my MAC 239.

The Boots No7 Eyeshadow brush is priced at £5.75 rendering it a 75p super-bargain with a till spit.  Only larger stores appear to carry these brushes though.  You can usually find them on the bottom shelf of the No7 stand (rather than amongst the general makeup brushes) housed in cardboard boxes.

*till spit = a voucher automatically printed by the till when you spend over £5 in a transaction.  I’m a geek and purposefully split my transactions into roughly £5 amounts to maximize my till spits *blush*

Till spits are valid until the 31st January, so get shopping!

Have you tried either of these brushes?  Do you recommend any other ’till spit’ bargains?

Big EGO Hair Straighteners Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2010

EGO Professional are a haircare company that manufacturer a number of styling tools including: 2 types of straighteners, curling tongs and a hairdryer.  I had the opportunity to try a set of their hair straighteners for potential review, and I have been putting them to the test throughout December.

Back in November, I tried the Cloud 9 straighteners, and whilst I was very pleased with their performance at lower temperatures… I was concerned that they tugged a little more than I had expected.

I was curious to see how these EGO Professional Hair Straighteners compared as they are both marketed as salon quality irons, both with a RRP of over £100.

The packaging is simple, a blackened red box housed in a plain white cardboard sleeve, it simply doesn’t have the ‘kerb’ appeal that the Cloud 9’s had with all that sleek black and turquoise.

A few things about these irons from the “blurb”:

Take statement styling to a whole new level with Ego 1″ irons. Featuring fully adjustable heat settings, a polished exterior and ribbed outer body, these fabulous irons utilise heat boost technology to deliver a consistent, optimum temperature in seconds. Whether you want to simply straighten or create amazing waves and curls, all the inspiration you need is now in your hands.

Let’s take a closer look at the irons…

I was a little confused by all that ribbing.  I’m used to sleek smooth barrels for optimum curling, and I even commented to their PR that I didn’t understand how the ribbing could help create curls at all.  Reflecting on my comment… I think that I was hoping that it might lay a foundation and soften the negative review I was sure would transpire after attempting curling.

As you can see, the ribbing covers the whole of the barrel from the tip to the base of the ceramic plates.

The controls are very simple, comprising of two features.  An on/off switch and a dial which controls the temperature of the irons.  Disappointingly simple really when compared to the Cloud 9’s flash LED enhanced interface.  It took a little more “peering” to ensure that I had selected my desired temperature setting.  Not generally a problem, but in the dark winter I did have to angle the straighteners towards the window to get the light to fall on them so I could tell how hot I’d set them.  I’m being finickity, but it made me appreciate that sleek interface of those Cloud 9s. 1-0 to the Cloud 9s.

Back to the design of the Big Ego Hair Straighteners, I captured some close ups of various aspects of the tools…

The barrel is a matte red, unisex in appearance and not smooth or at all ‘silky’ to the touch.

The Big EGO Hair Straighteners boast ceramic 1″ plates, overall build quality is very solid and not at all flimsy to the touch.  They heat up in a matter of seconds, easily as fast as the Cloud 9’s leaving me barely enough time to spritz my hair with my chosen heat defence spray!

The power cord (at 10ft) is more than long enough to allow for a great reach and the swivel connector ensures that you can use them without having to contort your arms into weird and wonderful positions.

Slightly more important than the swivel connector though, is the glide.  Oh god, do they glide? Swish! Straight down the hair shaft without a single pull or tug… Ah-mazing.  I’ve tried with dry hair and damp hair and I simply cannot make these babies give my hair a yank.  Smooth as silk.  1-1, that’s a tie folks!

But how does they perform?

Here’s the obligatory ‘before’…

Same as my C9 trial, I went to bed with wet hair… woke up like an explosion in a mattress factory.

And after…

Hello sleek bob!!  (please ignore the weirdness that is the layers my hairdresser has cut into the back of my head – yet another reason to ditch her).

This is at 150 degrees (or as close as I could tell on the dial).  I wanted to use the same temperature for comparison purposes.  I was able to achieve this finish in around 13 minutes, which is longer than the Cloud 9s but to be honest, I *think* the time difference was at least partly down to me being more cack-handed on the test than the fault of the straighteners.  Out of fairness though, I’m gonna have to give the Cloud 9’s a point for speed.  2-1 to the Clouds.

The final thing I wanted to try was curling, I actually curled one side with my Cloud 9s and the other with the Big EGO hair straighteners, and instantly… I preferred the C9s.  I found the Big EGOs awkward to use with the ridges on the barrel.  I actually gave up halfway through after getting annoyed with them.

And then I tried a couple of weeks later…

Oh my word.  I don’t know what ‘clicked’… but my hair seemed to find a natural path through the channels in the ribbing, the strands wound round the barrel with ease and I was left with defined but smooth waves, kinda like my before picture but tamed.  Whilst the C9s curl admirably, these seemed to leave my waves with greater definition.  And I’m (rightly or wrongly) putting that down to those funny grooves.

2-2 – feel the tension!

Both straighteners leave my hair feeling soft, shiny and smooth.  My hair hair feels almost ‘conditioned’ once straightened and I’ve not noticed any damaging effects from regular use (although I always ensure I use heat defence spray, and mostly use the irons at 200 degrees or below).

One last thing…


The Cloud 9’s retail for around £129, the Big EGO’s around £109.

3-2 to the Big EGOs.

Two very good pro styling tools, both with great capabilities… but that glide… those waves…

The Big EGO Hair Straighteners are where I’d put my money.

You can purchase the Big EGO Hair Straighteners online and Feel Unique are currently offering them for £99.99 delivered – bargain!

January Essentials – Philip Kingsley Elasticizer

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2010

In this god-forsaken current climate that we’re all (not) enjoying, my hair is taking a bit of a beating.  Moving from centrally heated houses to the Arctic outdoors and back again is doing absolutely nothing to improve the state of my locks which are looking and feeling dry and lifeless.

Enter the iconic British product that is Philip Kingsley’s Elasticizer…

They say:

This great, highly concentrated product is designed to smooth your hair, leaving it incredibly smooth and supple.

It’s super moisturising and highly concentrated, smoothing each strand to incredible silkiness. Its elasticising effect improves suppleness, stretchability, strength and shine whilst leaving your hair softer, less brittle, beautifully manageable and lustrous.

I say, yes please!

Any product that promises to make my hair look glossier than the latest British Vogue is a must-try in my books.

Available from BeautyBay and priced at £19.49 for 150ml

Keeping the faith…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2010

…if you had any to begin with.

So, Proctor & Gamble endured a wrist slap recently with their Olay Definity Eye Illuminator advert catching the attention of the Advertising Standards Agency in the UK.

The advert features the iconic Twiggy, now in her 60s…

It contained a testimonial from Twiggy stating: “Olay is my secret to brighter-looking eyes”.

Proctor & Gamble had already withdrawn the ad before it came under scrutiny, stating that they’d reviewed the post-production techniques that had been used in the creation of the ad and had found the “minor retouching” around the model’s eyes to be inconsistent with their policies which led them to replace the original ad.

I do hope the digital artist got bitch slapped by P&G, I mean seriously… that’s not even good retouching.  If you’re gonna exagerrate the effectiveness of your product, fine… but at least stay within some realms of reality.

Olay Definity’s latest Anti-Aging Night Cream Ad…

Wait!  There’s too much character in that face, back to the graphics tablet retoucher man and erase those wrinkles, pores… infact, remove all skin texture completely while you’re at it! *whip crack*

On the whole, I don’t have a problem with digital retouching. I feel that I’m enlightened enough to appreciate that a retouched image represents a distorted reality and I don’t mind looking at idealised photographs appreciating society’s desire for aesthetics.  I mean, let’s face it… Twiggy (as beautiful as she is) in her natural state is gonna sell as many eye-brightening products as I am diet pills – she’s 60 years old for chrissakes.  I don’t feel conned by a little airbrushing… but where’s the god-damn subtlety gone?

Just because we’re all used to seeing these altered images, ain’t no reason for you to get all complacent about it Mr. Digital Artist…

Use it to make models/celebrities look their best, not to transform them into freakish parodies of the media’s eternal quest for unattainable cartoonish perfection.

Ahhh… the lovely Demi, looking younger than Leila.

Hahhhahahaa!  Dude, Digital Retouching for Dummies… a book with your name on it.

As an advertising tool, I dig it… but 2009 saw it getting kinda out of control and almost self-referential in it’s absurdness.

What are your thoughts on airbrushing? Against it? A necessary evil?

OPI – Alice In Wonderland Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2010

I’ve just ordered OPI’s ‘Absolutely Alice’ from the upcoming Alice in Wonderland collection (already available in the US – I think us UK folks get it at the end of Jan).  I love my blues, and this glitter bomb of a shade caught my eye last month.

I was tempted by Mad as a Hatter aswell but I wanted to get my hands on some Orly shades so cooled my heels for now incase I’m like SO OVER glitter in a few weeks time.

I’ll put my hands up and say that on the whole, I’m kinda disappointed by this collection.  The Alice in Wonderland theme surely opened up an amazing prospect for some off the wall shades and this feels a little like an opportunity missed you know?  I mean.. 4 colours, and 2 of them are reds.

Any of these caught your eye?

Waitrose Essentials Range – Cleansing Wipes

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2010

Do you have any SUPER budget items that you enjoy using?

Waitrose sent me a few items from their newly extended “Essentials” range and I’ve been enjoying using their goodies.  One of my favs are the new 3in1 facial cleansing wipes.  They’re soft, nicely fragranced and do a good job at removing makeup in a rush.

Unlike other wipes I’ve tried, these also feel quite moisturising on my skin without leaving that tacky, sticky feeling behind – and all this for £1.45!

The “Essentials” range also includes hand wash, bath foam. bath crème, shower gel, soap bars, shampoo and conditioner.  Most products are priced at 99p.

My inner bargainista has been satisfied with this find!

You can pick these up in your local Waitrose or online.

BBLL – Saturday 8th January 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2010

~ theNotice is hosting a New Year’s giveaway with lots of discontinued or hard-to-find items, and everyone has three chances to win!

~ Priminition, an expose on primers – over at Jeweled Thumb

~ A go-to neutral purple-beige look from Maggie at The Polka-Dotted Apple!

~ Krasey Beauty warms it up for winter with a golden makeup look using Chanel’s Spring 2010 collection.

~ This week at I Heart Cosmetics, Sarah has been loving Mac’s warm and cozy collection

~ Vex in the City explains why Dr Hauschka Rose Day Cream is all she needs to beat her winter blues.

~ Amy over at Yoetke Beauty Blog is taking L’Oreal’s 4-Week Lashboost Challenge

~ Arianne can’t stop raving about her holy grail foundation (OMG!) on Glitter Geek.

~ Lisa Kate has some Sparkle Approved Mineral Makeup Companies to share with you!

~ LiAnn asks what beauty products you tried that made you say “meh”.

~ Retrodiva wants to know what your signature fragrance is!

~ Jellyminx Thinks swatches Sleek Eyeshadow palettes

~ Hot Beauty Health share some sexy haircolor ideas to start the new year off fresh!

~ Over at Lipglossiping this week, Charlotte contemplates life with triangle hair

~ This week at Get Lippie, Louise tries out a Scarlet Johanssen-style makeover

Breaking News! – Illamasqua’s Alex Box at IMATS London!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2010

Renowned makeup artist Alex Box of Illamasqua fame is the latest fabulous addition to the IMATS London guest speaker line up!

She will be speaking at the event on Saturday 30th January and as someone who’s been lucky enough to hear this amazing lady talk about her craft before… I urge you not to miss it!

More details will be appearing on the IMATS London website very soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Have you booked your tickets yet? Not long to go now!


Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2010

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks.

Here’s what I had to drive through to get here… that was fun.

It may look like nothing thanks to Mr. L’s rubbish iPhone picture-taking abilities, but bear in mind… this is the M1, the major artery connecting North to South and I spent the majority of the time on it clenching my bum cheeks.  That’s one semi-clear lane people, of a 3 lane motorway… and this photo was taken while it was still good… I ended up following the tracks of a HGV that was up ahead.  Anyway, my bum cheeks… they’re still recovering as I type.

I understand that this white stuff has headed down South to my turf now too!  It’s also having the unfortunate effect of playing havoc with my mother-in-law’s TalkTalk internet connection which at best, is um intermittent.

I have posts scheduled, but I’m unable to approve comments as often as I’d like, let alone reply to them!  If you’ve been kind enough to comment, please don’t think I’m being rude not replying.

Are you sick of the white stuff too?  I wanna go shopping!


Go on... slap me! (gently)

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Deal Alert: Beautique choose their winner and a DISCOUNT code!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

NOTD - Jessica Nails Black Ice

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Color Club – Uptown Girl NOTD

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

I'm back for a second round at Zuneta!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Butter London Stardust Overcoat NOTD

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Jean Paul Gaultier's NAUGHTY Christmas Advent Calendar

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

MAC In The Groove Haul Pics & Swatches

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Fake Bake launch new range at New Look

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Hello? Is this thing on?

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Dear Obesity...

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks. Here’s what I had to …


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