Is it that you are a minger?

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 5 - 2010

Wondering whether you should be throwing out that favourite discontinued lippie lurking in the back of your drawer? Cosmetic guidelines have always been quite stringent with regards to shelf life…

Judy regretted not throwing that old cream foundation away…

Do you follow the guides?

Have a look… (red denotes how long it takes me to dump stuff)

  • Oil-Free Foundation: 1 year (if it looks/smells and feels ok, I’ll still use it)
  • Cream or Compact Foundation: 18 months (12 months… I have a “thing” about cream compacts)
  • Concealer: 12-18 months (if it looks/smells and feels like new, I’ll still use it unless it’s in a compact…)
  • Powder: 2 years (indefinitely)
  • Blush and Bronzer: 2 years (indefinitely)
  • Cream Blush: 12-18 months (12 months… it’s the whole compact thing again)
  • Powder Eye shadow: 2 years (indefinitely)
  • Cream Eye shadow: 12-18 months (compact? 12 months)
  • Eyeliner: 2 years (gels – till they inevitably dry out, pencils – indefinitely)
  • Liquid eyeliner: 3-6 months (um, till they run out?)
  • Mascara: 3 months (till they run out or become unworkable – yes, cardinal sin I know!)
  • Lipstick: 2 years (till they get that funky crayon smell)
  • Lip liner: 2 years (indefinitely)
  • Lip gloss: 18-24 months (yeah, probably no more than 2 years)
  • Nail Color: 1 year (till they become unworkable)

I think that a little common sense goes a very long way in situations like this.  If you live in a warmer climate, your cosmetics aren’t going to last as long.  If you buy mostly natural products containing less preservatives, you’re going to want to have a clear out more often.  If you share your cosmetics with your sister or best friend, then I’d be far more vigilant.  If anyone touches mine… they die.  I say trust your nose!

The oldest item in my collection is this 6 year old Bobbi Brown Palette:

My eyeliner obsession started with my Bobbi Brown Shimmering Eye Kohl palette which I bought back in 2004… I’ve dropped it twice (as you can tell – sob)

Tell me about your oldest cosmetic item? What is it and why do you still have it?

UD – Alice in Wonderland Updated Launch Date

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 5 - 2010

As previously reported on BritishBeautyBlogger, the Alice in Wonderland Palette will now be released online at on the 22nd February and will be available instore from the 28th February.

Get hunting for those free delivery codes!

Mavala Black Velvet from the Mystic Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 5 - 2010

This is another from Mavala’s recently released Mystic Collection that I was sent last month.

Mavala Black Velvet is a dark purple-black with a very subtle shimmer which unfortunately is more apparent in the bottle than on the nail.

There is a great swatch of it over at HeijastusPinta

I’m in two minds about this collection.  So far, I like how they look individually… but now my nails are getting a bit longer, I think they’re a touch vampy for me.  If you have short, well-groomed nails, this would be a great collection for you.

I have two more to show you and I’m gonna hurry them the hell up, because Spring is nearly upon us… and if you give a fig about staying on trend, you might not want to see them ’till next Winter!

You can buy Black Velvet online at Mistrys Pharmacy – £3.95 a bottle.

Glitterbomb NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 4 - 2010

A few of you eagle-eyed ladies spotted the manicure I was sporting in my NARS post!  *Looks at Kim, Danielle, Rae and Dee*

It’s the bomb! The Glitterbomb!  I originally had an Orly taupe shade on my nails that was looking a little tired… so I played at “How much glitter can I put on my nails in one go”.

The Miners Extreme Nail Colour is now discontinued I’m afraid, but it’s surely easily dupable?  I paid 99p for it a few months ago from their website. I think they may be sold at Claire’s (or at least they used to be).

I applied 2 coats of the Miners over my gnarly taupe polish and then finished off with a “top coat” of Inglot’s flakes.  A cheaper and more accessible version of the flakes would be GOSH Rainbow. (I can’t find it in my local Superdrug).


I don’t even bother with cotton pads for removal of these glitter-fests.  I just fill the lid of my nail polish remover with the solution and dip for about 3/4 mins per nail.  That dissolves enough polish for one firm swipe of a cotton pad to do the job.

Have you been indulging your inner 4yr old lately?  Is glitter even remotely on-trend?  Do we even care?

It’s not for your pancakes!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 4 - 2010

Every year I do it.  I forget Pancake Day, or to give it it’s biblical name… Jif Lemon Day. (Tuesday 16th February incase you were wondering)

Do you remember those Jif adverts when you were a kid?  They were proper public service announcements weren’t they?


They Say:

Lemslip shower butter cream (£2.50 for 100g) from Lush has been given a makeover.  Lush’s butter creams are now more solid, similar to our soap, so easier to use in the shower and needing less packaging.

Lemslip contains fresh lemon juice, lime oil and sweet orange oil.  This one will awaken the senses and effectively cleanse dull skin. Cocoa butter moisturises the skin, along with extra virgin coconut oil.

I Say:

I love lemon things… food-scented things in general if I’m honest.  Mint, Ginger, Bubblegum… all a big hit with me.  I think this is more for oily skins, thanks to the antibacterial properties of those citrus oils.  I haven’t tried these Shower Butter Creams, but I do like the LUSH Shower Jellies.

I don’t think you can put it on your pancakes though.

Have you tried this or the other Butter Creams?  I’m kind of a LUSH n00b!

NARS Orgasm Illuminator

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 3 - 2010

A.K.A… the one I’ve been waiting for!

This much anticipated release from NARS is another reason I was in London last Thursday.  I attended the presentation with VexintheCity and by the time 5.30 rolled around we were giddy with glee.

Elbowing each other outta the way to get up the stairs, we practically fell through the door looking every bit true Orgasm addicts.  Stop sniggering.

In it’s simple packaging… it looks kinda plain and… well, um… orange.  There I’ve said it.  It looks orange.  If you’re as pale as me, I know you’re gonna understand when I say that I may have physically recoiled from the tube.  Truth be known, my soul felt slightly crushed.  It looked *nothing* like I was expecting.  I mean, I don’t know just WHAT I was expecting… but it sure wasn’t a tube of ORANGE.

Anyway, here’s what Sephora (Oh! Sweet Sephora) has to say about it:

What it is:
A complexion enhancer that makes skin look instantly refreshed, radiant, and glowing.

What it does:
NARS Orgasm Illuminator lights your skin from within! Deceptively sheer and decidedly luminous, it magically transforms lackluster skin into a remember-me, luscious complexion. Flirt with foundation, go it alone, or go neck-and-neck with your décolleté. The effect is, well, orgasmic.

Whatever.  It’s still ORANGE.

And so I applied…

Woahhh Orange…

To be fair, I applied WAY TOO MUCH!  Seriously, this stuff spreads… you need the teeniest amount.

and then I blended…

and I blended some more…

You can see how far a little goes, right?

I haven’t sheered it out too much in the picture above so that you can still see the colour impression… I wouldn’t wear it this pigmented, although you could if you blended out the edges.

That’s more like it!!  Can you see the dewy faintly peach glow?

I want to suggest that the ladies (in my humble opinion) most likely to put Monsieur NARS on their Xmas card list for introducing this, will be darker-skinned.  Check out some swatches over at VexintheCity for an idea of how it looks on dark-skinned sisters.  On fair skin it’s beautiful… but it’s lacking the wow-factor that seems to magically appear on deeper tones.

Having said that, would I repurchase? Yes.

I think some people are expecting this to be the same as the blush, but in liquid form.  It isn’t.  It illuminates the skin with the teeniest hint of colour… and I think it will polarise opinion.  It’s subtlety will either be it’s strength or it’s weakness depending on what you want from it.

I slick a little of this ontop of my blush (not necessarily Orgasm!) for that extra bit of oomph… and it looks great down the centre of my nose.  Don’t laugh, it makes my nose look less um “fat”.  (Do you think it’ll work on my bum?)

It’s also fab for highlighting the cupids bow and although I know there are a 1001 illuminators out there that would do the job adequately, I’m back to stressing just how easy to use this is.

I suppose the nearest ‘dupe’ I have to this would be Illamasqua’s ‘Fondle’ Illuminator which I love, but find to be a little too glowy for daytime and if I don’t blend thoroughly, it leaves a hard edge.

I also own and adore NARS Albatross.  For me, Albatross is the best highlighter on the market.  Bar none.  Truthfully, it’s better than this for my skintone, but I wouldn’t dare try and apply it on the go.  Ladies who own it would agree with me that it needs a *very* light touch and more than a little patience to stop you looking like a disco ball.

NARS Orgasm Illuminator is foolproof.  It dries to a powder finish, leaving no horrible sticky residue and yet it doesn’t dry too quickly.  You can blend until you’ve got it *just* how you want it.  Im a dunce and I could apply this in the dark without screwing it up.  I’m honestly not sure how the formula manages to combine powder-finish with such blendability.

If you want the beautiful Orgasm flush, go for the blush.  If you want a subtle grown-up glow that you can add to your foundation without looking ridiculous, go for the illuminator.  Personally, I want both… he’s not daft that Monsieur. NARS.

NARS Orgasm Illuminator will be available from 18th February as a Space NK exclusive (boo!), before being rolled out across all NARS Counters on the 1st March – priced at £21.

UK Ladies…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 3 - 2010

Your prizes are finally on their way!

International ladies, my post office ran out of customs forms, so yours will be in the post tomorrow!

Sorry for being so tardy with these everyone.  Life has a pesky habit of getting in the way!

NARS Spring 2010 Collection – Swatches & Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 3 - 2010

Whilst in London last week, I had the opportunity to check out the NARS Spring 2010 Collection and hear a little more about it’s inception and application on the runways at New York Fashion Week last year.

It’s the first time I’ve ever analysed a collection like this… and honestly, I feel a little “hell, what do I know about ‘collections’ and ‘runways’ and excuse me while I kick off my Mum’s stilletos and get back in my sandbox”.

If I shrug off those insecurities, I’m left realising that I was handing over my debit card at the NARS counter in Liberty less than 20 minutes after being given this bag of samples… and really, what other qualifications does one need?

Let’s start with the actual collection.  Swatches, thoughts and all.

I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of the Catherine Deneuve-inspired promo shot for the collection…

…it just doesn’t ‘speak’ to me.  Infact, before being invited to sample the collection, I’d dismissed it based on this promo.  With that in mind, things didn’t get off to a good start.

First up are two new lipglosses. Ophelia (£17) (Strawberry Nectar) and Easy Lover (£17) (Sheer Hot Pink).

In the tube, Easy Lover is WOW!  It’s a true hot pink that makes you want to grab at it and play (and I did!).  On the lips, I’m disappointed.  It is so sheer, and whilst sheer lipglosses have many uses, I just feel cheated after seeing how it looks in the tube.  Worn alone, it adds no pigment at all to my lips.

Ophelia is more pleasing, I’m loving this over the top of a nude lipstick.  Again, it’s fairly sheer… but as it promises less in the tube, it doesn’t disappoint me in the same way Easy Lover does.

Swatches of both…

Next up is the single lipstick in the collection: Cruising (£17)

When I first saw Cruising in the tube, I can’t say I was too excited by it.  Infact, I don’t think it particularly registered until I got home and attempted a FOTD with the collection.  You know, I own over 48 lipsticks… and this has jumped straight into my top five.

Nude lipsticks are difficult to get right.  Choosing the correct one for your skintone is an unenviable task, so I’m not gonna start shouting that everyone needs to own this lipstick.  I really want to tell you to go and TRY it though.  It is *so* completely unassuming in the tube, I would have passed this by time and time again.

On my dry lips, It’s truly moisturising, glideing on with ease but crucially it stays on.  It gives my lips enough colour so as not to look dead but keeps the focus on the rest of my face whilst giving an overall polished finish to my makeup.  And that to me is what a true nude lipstick should do.  I love this, perhaps too much.

Bains Douches Glitter Pencil (£18.50), the eyeliner in the collection named after the legendary Parisien nightclub is a vivid matte blue infused with silver glitter.  Thankfully, the glitter particles are not particularly chunky and don’t irritate my eyes.  I’m not sensitive to eye irritation though, so you may want to give this a miss if you think it could cause problems for you.  Not only that, but I do have to point out… My God it’s expensive!

I adore the colour, but my first thoughts were that it sits oddly with the rest of the collection.  Until I tried it on the lower lashline with the Kuala Lumpur Eyeshadow Duo on my lids.  POP!  I’m very pleased to add this to my collection… it will see me right through ’till Winter and the sparkle is subtle enough to wear during the day.  I’ve surprised myself liking this so much and I’ll attempt an EOTD with this soon.  It applies beautifully, without need for ‘warming up’ and the glitter gives a lovely wide-awake look when applied along my lower lashline.

Camargue (£23) is a cream eyeshadow duo described as a Golden Moss/Sienna pairing.  It’s a slightly muddy looking combination, but I think it would be amazing on warm medium skintones.

As with all NARS Cream Shadows that I’ve tried, this really needs setting with powder if your lids are at all oily or you’ll be picking it out of your crease in a matter of minutes.  The NARS MUA I was talking to in Liberty recommended the golden half of the Alhambra Duo (which I bought) over the top of the Sienna half of Camargue.  He was right – it’s a beautiful pairing.

Camargue swatches, they look particularly warm against my cool skin tone:

Kuala Lumpur Eyeshadow Duo (£23) is one of the more talked about pieces in the collection:

It’s a beautifully pigmented combination of Rose Gold / Boysenberry.  Yeah, I’m not really sure what a Boysenberry is either… Google Images was my friend.

In the pan, I thought it would be a touch too warm for me, but it works.

The only thing I’d be wary of is that the right hand side of the duo contains enough red to give you that “I’ve been crying for 7hrs” look.  If you usually struggle with these shades, I’d steer clear.  Thankfully, I look neither suicidal nor ill wearing this duo and the right hand side is amazing applied wet as a liner.


Purple Rain (£13).  I’ve been hugely excited about this polish ever since I saw nail swatches on Scrangie’s blog.  I tried, but failed miserably at capturing how it truly looks in the bottle… the polish is practically dancing in there.  I can’t wait to do a NOTD with it.

The final item in the collection is D. Gorgeous (£16), a dusty lilac single eyeshadow.  Here’s a stock image:

D. Gorgeous (love the name!) is a matte shadow which got a lot of love at New York Fashion Week, especially applied under the lower lashline.  Uneducated pleb that I am, I keep looking at the images thinking… “Tsk, that makes her look like SO tired”.  I didn’t have this in my goody bag so can’t offer an alternative (more educated) view!

So, that’s my run-down of what NARS has to offer us this Spring.

The single thing that strikes me is that I’m favouring the pieces that on first look, didn’t draw me in.  The slightly brown-looking lipstick, a bright blue eyeliner and an “I’ve been sobbing” eyeshadow duo… whoulda thunk it.  Not me.

If you’re not sure the NARS Spring 2010 collection is for you, go have a play.  It’s left me pleasantly surprised.

I’ll leave you with a FOTD:


~ NARS Kuala Lumpur Eyeshadow Duo on the lidand blended underneath the lashline.
~ NARS Camargue Cream Duo blended up above the crease (washed out in this image sadly)


~ NARS Crazed Blush
~ NARS Orgasm Illuminator (applied over blush, bridge of nose, cupids bow) – review coming later today!


~ NARS Cruising Lipstick
~ NARS Ophelia Lip Gloss

All items from this collection are available at NARS counters nationwide and online.

What say you? Is anything from the NARS Spring 2010 Collection capturing your attention?

January Essentials – Hei Poa Monoi Beauty Oil Frangipani

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 2 - 2010

Thinking it would be a great space-saving idea to pack a couple of dresses and woollen tights for London means that I’m more than over winter now.  Move along, make some room for Spring please.

With this in mind, I’m thinking warmth.  I’m channeling sunshine, balmy evenings and cloudless days.  And nothing evokes warm sub-tropical feelings better than the sweet scent of Frangipani.  Discovering the Hei Poa Monoi Beauty Oil whilst browsing Zuneta, has left me in a “I must have this immediately” frame of mind.  Oh, you know the one!  Yeah you do….

It’s a multi-use product.  I like those, I have so much crap variety of products in my bathroom, that I’m in dire need of a bit of space-saving.  You can use the Hei Poa Monoi Beauty Oil on your hair or your skin.  I’ve never really had a great relationship with hair oils (hello greasies!) but my skin drinks body oils up like my Nan in a Guiness factory.

Produced in Tahiti and priced at £9, Hei Poa beauty oils are completely natural, containing no preservatives or colourants.  They promise to leave skin and hair delicately scented and nourished. Yes Please!

Hei Poa products can be purchsed from Zuneta, I’m off to check out what else I feel like being tempted by on this miserable Tuesday afternoon!

Shades by Barielle – Spring 2010 Wildflower Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 2 - 2010

Spring is coming, can you feel it?  The evenings are just starting to get the teeniest bit lighter and I for one, am pretty darn excited about it.

Beauty-wise though… Spring, for me, is the dullest season collection-wise.  I don’t really ‘dig’ pastels… they wash me out.  I have to wait nearly a whole year for my favourite to come round again – A/W FTW!

My Spring blues were lifted somewhat though when I saw this post on Cosmetic Candy.

To put it simply, Barielle’s Spring 2010 Wildflower Collection looks hawt.

Comprised of 6 shades, it’s screams: “Hey, I’m doing Spring… but I’m doing it my way!”

The stand-out shades for me are A Bouquet For Eva, June Bug and Daring Dahlia.

Myrza’s Meadow captures my imagination, but I can’t imagine it looking good on my skintone.

Here’s how Barielle describe them:

A Bouquet for Eva – A cool Caribbean blue
June Bug – A teal with fuchsia glitter
Blossom – An opaque peach
Daring Dahlia – A deep fuchsia with a hint of silver metallic
Snap Dragon – A metallic sea foam green
Myrza’s Meadow – A light lime green with silver glitter

Barielle Shade’s polishes are available to buy from the Barielle UK Website and are priced at £8.00ea.  No sign of the Spring Wildflower Collection yet though… Hurry up Barielle, it’ll be Summer soon!

Any of them on your radar?

IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 2)

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2010

Following on from Part 1, some more pictures from London IMATS 2010!

Click to see more IMATS London Photos!

IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 1)

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2010

The day started well.  I slipped on a patch of ice outside Ally Pally and landed on my bum.  In front of people. Elegant-looking people.

My bag (containing my camera and lens) fell to the concrete and my fat bottom did the best iPhone-crushing impression it could muster.  Thankfully no phones or DSLRs were harmed in the making of this blush-inducing moment.

As intended… myself and some of my fellow IMATS London comrades were at the front of the queue ready for when the doors opened.  It was an EARLY start (you may have read my bleary-eyed tweets) but looking at the queues later on that morning, I’m so glad we made the effort.  Plus, it meant we made our purchases at the OCC, MUFE and Crown Brush stands before the crowds were 4 deep!

On with the show…

Click to see more IMATS London Photos!


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